See with the Third Eye. Types of Vision. Opening the third eye - how and why to open the third eye How the third eye works

The third eye, or Ajna chakra, is the home of the “sixth sense.” It is associated with wisdom, intelligence and intuition. It is believed that in this area there is a connection between the physical and spiritual nature of a person.

Third eye on the psychic level

Symbolizes an enlightened state of consciousness, the ability to see the world more clearly and distinctly and understand its essence.

Many people mistakenly believe that opening their Third Eye can give them magical powers. This is wrong.

Discovering Ajna can help you better control your mind and emotions, as well as develop your intuition.

Third eye and physical body

At the physical level, the Ajna chakra is responsible for the pineal gland, the functions of which have not yet been fully described. It is known for sure that the pineal gland produces melatonin, which regulates circadian rhythms in humans.

In addition, there is evidence that the pineal gland influences the functioning of the hypothalamic-pituitary system, which actually controls the entire functioning of the body.

Physical signs that the Third Eye is not open enough include:

  • frequent headaches;
  • chronic runny nose;
  • constant feeling of fatigue;
  • problems with focus and concentration;
  • depression;
  • panic attacks, phobias and chronic anxiety.

Is it possible to open the Third Eye on your own?

Can. You just need to take the following into account.

Firstly, Ajna cannot be opened in a day or two. Exercises will need to be done regularly. And perhaps for several years before they give their results.

Secondly, the independent opening of this chakra often leads to its hyperactivation, usually associated with the fact that it comes into a state of imbalance with other chakras. A person works only on the Third Eye and forgets that all other chakras must be at the same level of opening as Ajna for the system to work correctly.

Symptoms of hyperactivity of the Third Eye are similar to symptoms of its underdevelopment. They just appear much stronger. Delusions, hallucinations, and paranoid phenomena may even occur.

Therefore, it is necessary to think carefully several times before proceeding to open the Third Eye on your own.

Meditation "Clairvoyance"

This method is one of the most effective and at the same time simple. It is especially easy for those who can visualize well. If visualization is not your strong point, you will have to train a little longer.

  1. Find a comfortable position in a quiet place. Most people prefer to sit with their back straight during the exercise. But this is not at all necessary. You can also lie down. The main thing is that you feel comfortable. But not sleepy either.
  2. Close your eyes and take a few slow breaths. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Breathing must be deep.
  3. Draw the number “1” in your imagination. Its size and color can be any. Visual people with well-developed psychic energy may feel a slight tingling in the forehead at this moment. However, for most people this feeling will occur after a lot of training.
  4. After you have imagined the number “1” and were able to hold it in your imagination, move on to the numbers “2”, “3” and so on until “10”.

Clairvoyance meditation should be performed daily. As you become more comfortable with representing numbers, move on to other objects, such as colors, etc.

  1. For many people, the most difficult moment is to retain the image presented in their imagination. Their thoughts constantly jump to something else, to everyday affairs, etc. This is fine. If you get confused, don't worry. Just try to get your thoughts back on track. You'll learn it eventually.
  2. If you are not a visual person and the very idea of ​​something is very difficult for you, take a piece of paper and write numbers on it. They should be big and bright. Look at these numbers for a few seconds, and then close your eyes and try to keep what you see in front of your mind's eye.
  3. Some people find it easiest to visualize a burning candle. The color of which may change periodically. If you are attracted by candle flames, imagine them, not numbers.
  4. Initially, perform the exercise for no more than 2 minutes, gradually increasing the time.

Mantra Thoh

This is one of the most effective methods of opening the Third Eye. But it's complicated. Because in order to learn how to pronounce the Thoh mantra correctly, you will need to put in a lot of effort.

  1. Sit with your back straight.
  2. Inhale slowly through your nose and hold your breath for as long as you feel comfortable.
  3. Open your mouth slightly, creating a small gap between your upper and lower teeth. Place the tip of your tongue in the resulting space.
  4. Press your tongue slightly on your teeth. What you do should be similar to the correct pronunciation of the “thn” sound in the English word “the”.
  5. Once your tongue is in the correct position, allow the breath to flow freely and slowly through your mouth, saying T-H-H-O-H-H for one long breath. The tongue should vibrate between the teeth. You should feel the air passing over your teeth and tongue.

If you do everything correctly, you will feel pressure in your jaw and cheeks. And you will feel how it radiates to the third eye area.

The exercise must be performed five times in one “approach”.

Other Ways to Open the Third Eye

The methods listed below for activating the Ajna chakra are auxiliary. Without meditation and/or reciting mantras, they will not work.


Essential oils that help open the Ajna chakra include:

  • sandalwood;
  • myrrh;
  • roman or German chamomile;
  • grapefruit;
  • nutmeg.


Since the color of the Third Eye is indigo, which is a combination of blue and violet, eating violet-colored foods is believed to help keep the Ajna open.

Therefore, products such as:

  • black currant;
  • blueberry;
  • blackberry;
  • eggplant;
  • purple plums and prunes;
  • beet;
  • dark grapes.


There are several crystals and stones, including precious ones, that help open the Third Eye.

To open Ajna use:

  • purple amethyst;
  • dark green moldavite (restores the functioning of the entire chakra system);
  • which helps protect the chakra from negative energy;
  • blue tourmaline.

The stone must be charged before use. This procedure can be carried out in different ways. The simplest thing is to “buy” the stone in the moonlight.

Yoga Asanas

Several yoga poses can be used to open the Third Eye.

Virasana pose

Ardha Uttanasana pose

Balasana pose

Adho Mukha Svanasana pose

Salamba Sarvangasana pose

Dream recording

To open the Ajna chakra, it is critical not only to dream, but also to remember them. Therefore, keeping a dream journal is one of the methods for activating the Third Eye.

Normal physical sensations when the Ajna chakra opens

  1. One of the first symptoms is a headache and pressure in the center of the forehead, coming from inside. Some people may experience classic migraine attacks.
  2. After a headache, usually in the morning, a tingling and throbbing sensation appears in the forehead area. Sometimes goosebumps run across my forehead. These sensations can last all day. Be strong enough and unpleasant enough.
  3. At the moment of goose bumps, some people think that they hear sounds similar to a light crackling sound coming from their heads.

If the headaches are too severe and are accompanied by other symptoms, such as runny nose, depression, anxiety, frightening thoughts, etc., then the Ajna chakra has become too active for you and has gone out of its normal interaction with the other chakras. In this case, it is necessary to stop performing exercises to further activate it and move on to working with other energy centers.

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The existence of the third eye has been known for a very long time; manuscripts from the ancient Egyptian period provide direct evidence of this. The Egyptians drew this organ in such a way that in the central part of the picture there was a thalamus, which is responsible for processing information coming to the brain from the senses (excluding smell). Thus, the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt considered the third eye to be an organ responsible for spiritual vision and intuition. Unlike modern people, they thought that not only the pineal gland was responsible for its work, but a whole group of organs, the main role among which was assigned to the thalamus.

Where is the third eye in a person? The organ of clairvoyance is a complex system of channels that is located in the frontal region between the eyes. The principle of its operation is similar to a kaleidoscope, which contains 108 sections, which experts call mirrors. When a person turns the kaleidoscope, a certain picture (pattern) is created. It then rotates again and the next image becomes available. This is approximately how things are with clairvoyance; mirrors can turn in different ways, each time revealing new information to a person.

The sixth sense or third eye suggests perceiving information not as a physical, but as an energy-informational phenomenon. This means that human senses can perceive not only material reality, but also energetic reality. Both types of signals take the form of a chemical reaction or electrical impulses that are transmitted first to the thalamus and then to the central nervous system. The third eye itself adds to a person the ability to perceive information or energy directly, bypassing the senses.

Techniques for opening the third eye: online clairvoyance practice

How to open a person’s third eye, which is the main organ for clairvoyance. Esotericists, healers and yogis are confident that the organ of astral vision has a certain physical form and is an integral part of our anatomical body. The close proximity of the thalamus and pineal gland proves that human clairvoyance can work at maximum power if this skill is properly developed.

If a person believes in his supernatural abilities and is not subject to doubt, then his pineal gland functions freely, and the practitioner can receive information using the third eye. The idea that it is impossible or difficult to open clairvoyance and mistrust lead to the fact that the pineal gland is blocked and does not work at full capacity. Gradually it calcifies, and the substance that makes up the organ loses its ability to read information.

Exercise with a candle

  • Turn off the lights and electrical appliances in the room, place a lit candle in front of you.
  • Peer into the flame, trying to blink less often. Try to concentrate your vision on one object.
  • If you want to close your eyes, do so and open your eyes again.
  • Look at the colors that make up the light. You will be able to see bright yellow, red, blue, green, purple or any other tones.
  • Then close your eyes again and through your lowered eyelids try to see the flame imprinted on the retina.


When starting a meditative practice to open astral vision, you should completely relax:

  • Take a comfortable body position, close your eyes - you should be absolutely comfortable.
  • Try to completely relax your body and unfocus your mind, step away from any problems, feel every cell of your body. Allow thoughts to flow freely through your consciousness.
  • To help yourself relax, turn on suitable pleasant music or mantras.
  • The state should be similar to a lucid dream. Over time, you can learn to keep your eyes open while meditating.

The key point of this state is concentration on yourself. To develop clairvoyance, you should focus on your own gradual expansion. That is, first just concentrate on your body at a given moment in time. Before moving to the next level there will be a lot of practice aimed at expanding consciousness. Each meditation helps to develop an energy body that will lead to the opening of the third eye.

Independent work with intuition

Information comes to a person not only through the visual organs; it can also be perceived through sensations, through dreams or intuitively. What a person feels, his sensations and reactions are also information. The entire world around us is one huge source of information; you just need to use your sixth sense to learn to capture this flow, correctly obtain the necessary data, compare them and draw conclusions.

Express methods: how to open the third eye quickly, in 1 day, 60 seconds

The first way to open the third eye:

  • Stop your thoughts, close your eyes.
  • Concentrate your gaze on the point between the eyebrows (without opening your eyes).
  • After a couple of minutes, unfocus your gaze, continuing to look slightly above eye level.

The person should feel a slight pressure and then a tingling sensation between the eyebrows, but nothing will be visible except darkness. After a couple of months of daily practices to develop clairvoyance, strange images will begin to appear before your eyes. At first, the pictures obtained with the help of the third eye will be black and white, and later they will begin to become more and more realistic. After a year of training to open astral vision, the images that come will be similar to real life, and the person will be able to shape his own future.

Second method of opening astral vision:

  • Find a comfortable position, but keep your back straight. Relax, breathe deeply.
  • Close your eyes, looking at the top of the bridge of your nose. Try to find a state of inner harmony.
  • Imagine that there is a blue rotating ball in the area between your eyebrows. The direction of movement does not matter - choose it intuitively.
  • Take a deep breath, mentally imagining the ball beginning to absorb blue, glowing energy. This way you will tune in to the frequencies of the desired chakra.
  • Exhale slowly, imagining how the energy fills the ball and crystallizes in it.
  • Repeat inhalations and exhalations for 10-15 minutes. Don't be afraid if you feel some tension between your eyebrows. This is a normal phenomenon and confirms that the exercise is being performed correctly.

Ancient ways

There are many types of practices with which you can open your astral vision. Some of these methods are based on visualization techniques, others on the practice of pranayama (breathing techniques). The ancient traditions of qigong and yoga are based on the activation of ajna, which Boris Sakharov wrote about in his book. Another author specializing in eniology, Lobsang Rampa, describes the practice of discovering the mystical sense organ used in Tibetan monasteries. Let's look at some ways.

Breathing and concentration

The main point for every ancient technique for opening astral vision is human breathing. It is necessary to strive for smooth, concentrated, continuous breathing. This practice not only helps to open the sixth sense, but also brings healing to the internal organs. Experienced yogis advise concentrating attention on the third eye area, then breathing itself becomes continuous.

Remaining in this state, a person must completely relax the body. This condition stimulates the natural flow of blood to the head, so the person will feel a pulsation in the back of the head (chakra area). This will be followed by a feeling of tension under the earlobes and between the eyebrows. These three points create a triangle on which to focus your attention.

Ethereal Sight

This is the definition of the initial stage of opening astral vision. Those people who can see the ether, but do not know other techniques for astral information collection, can also perform this exercise, since it trains clairvoyance. It is worth practicing the technique in twilight:

  • Lie down and relax, clearing your mind of unnecessary thoughts.
  • Extend your hand in front of you, fingers slightly apart, and look through it for several minutes, trying to see the glow around your fingers.
  • Don't focus on a specific point, try to blink less often than usual. This is how you adjust the third eye, bringing it into focus. Some people are able to focus on just one finger, while others are able to see their entire hand at once.
  • The optimal distance from the face to the hand should be about 40 cm.
  • Such training helps to see the etheric energy (aura), after which clairvoyance should be further developed.

Crystal Sword

  • You need to sit comfortably, calm your breathing and close your eyes.
  • Imagine a crystal sword with a thin but strong blade and hilt.
  • Mentally fill the sword with energy, compacting it. A person must not only see the sword, but also feel its density as clearly as possible. Unlike the real thing, this crystal is supposed to be stronger than steel.
  • Rotate the sword in your imagination. There is no need to imagine your hands, just twist the weapon in different directions, wave it as if your hands are invisible.
  • Open your eyes and continue your meditation, you should see the sword in space with your inner vision.

Energizing the Pineal Gland

  • Turn off the light, light a candle and make yourself comfortable next to her.
  • Concentrate on the flame.
  • Imagine that a golden ray of energy flows from the light and enters your pituitary gland, cleansing everything in its path. This ray illuminates the invisible sensory organ - the third eye - with a strong golden light from the inside.
  • Meditate in this mode for at least 15 minutes.
  • This practice of opening the astral vision helps clear the energy channels of the soul and nourishes the pineal gland.

Boris Sakharov's technique - video

The author of this practice of opening the sixth sense studied with the famous yoga teacher Swami Shivanda. Boris Sakharov is a respected practitioner of Raja and Hatha Yoga, working to create an effective way to open astral vision (third eye) - the ajna chakra. In his book, the author describes how to activate an invisible sense organ and awaken the hidden power of a person. As a result of many years of practice and training, Sakharov developed a clear method for opening the third eye, which serves as an organ of intuition and clairvoyance. Check out this excerpt from his book:

Signs of an open eye

In people who have discovered astral vision, the organ is developed differently. Clear clairvoyance is not available to every yogi or deeply religious person - it depends on the degree of opening of the sixth sense. Tradition divides human abilities into four stages:

  • The first (lowest) - provides the opportunity to see people or objects surrounded by an aura that changes shape and color depending on the emotional state of the person.
  • On the second, clairvoyance shows events from an unusual perspective, for example, from the height of a bird’s flight. Often a person with an open third eye sees pictures that happened recently or are happening at the moment. At the second stage of opening the organ of clairvoyance, powerful thought forms sometimes become available to a person: religious or other symbols - the result of collective meditation of people. At first these visions are barely discernible, but with practice they become clearer.
  • Third, it gives a person with developed clairvoyance the opportunity to receive information that is not inferior in quality to those pictures that we see with ordinary vision. Such images are short-lived, but even a moment is enough to see important details.
  • The fourth is available only to a few. To achieve such a development of the sixth sense, a person must devote himself entirely to spiritual practices. With the help of astral vision, masters can see almost anything they want, regardless of time or space.

Meditation "Clairvoyance"

This method is one of the most effective and at the same time simple. It is especially easy for those who can visualize well. If visualization is not your strong point, you will have to train a little longer.

  1. Find a comfortable position in a quiet place. Most people prefer to sit with their back straight during the exercise. But this is not at all necessary. You can also lie down. The main thing is that you feel comfortable. But not sleepy either.
  2. Close your eyes and take a few slow breaths. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Breathing must be deep.
  3. Draw the number “1” in your imagination. Its size and color can be any. Visual people with well-developed psychic energy may feel a slight tingling in the forehead at this moment. However, for most people this feeling will occur after a lot of training.
  4. After you have imagined the number “1” and were able to hold it in your imagination, move on to the numbers “2”, “3” and so on until “10”.

Clairvoyance meditation should be performed daily. As you become more comfortable with representing numbers, move on to other objects, such as colors, etc.

  1. For many people, the most difficult moment is to retain the image presented in their imagination. Their thoughts constantly jump to something else, to everyday affairs, etc. This is fine. If you get confused, don't worry. Just try to get your thoughts back on track. You'll learn it eventually.
  2. If you are not a visual person and the very idea of ​​something is very difficult for you, take a piece of paper and write numbers on it. They should be big and bright. Look at these numbers for a few seconds, and then close your eyes and try to keep what you see in front of your mind's eye.
  3. Some people find it easiest to visualize a burning candle. The color of which may change periodically. If you are attracted by candle flames, imagine them, not numbers.
  4. Initially, perform the exercise for no more than 2 minutes, gradually increasing the time.

Mantra Thoh

This is one of the most effective methods of opening the Third Eye. But it's complicated. Because in order to learn how to pronounce the Thoh mantra correctly, you will need to put in a lot of effort.

  1. Sit with your back straight.
  2. Inhale slowly through your nose and hold your breath for as long as you feel comfortable.
  3. Open your mouth slightly, creating a small gap between your upper and lower teeth. Place the tip of your tongue in the resulting space.
  4. Press your tongue slightly on your teeth. What you do should be similar to the correct pronunciation of the “thn” sound in the English word “the”.
  5. Once your tongue is in the correct position, allow the breath to flow freely and slowly through your mouth, saying T-H-H-O-H-H for one long breath. The tongue should vibrate between the teeth. You should feel the air passing over your teeth and tongue.

If you do everything correctly, you will feel pressure in your jaw and cheeks. And you will feel how it radiates to the third eye area.

This is how it should sound ideally.

  1. The exercise must be performed five times in one “approach”.

Other Ways to Open the Third Eye

The methods listed below for activating the Ajna chakra are auxiliary. Without meditation and/or reciting mantras, they will not work.


Essential oils that help open the Ajna chakra include:

  • sandalwood;
  • myrrh;
  • roman or German chamomile;
  • grapefruit;
  • nutmeg.


Since the color of the Third Eye is indigo, which is a combination of blue and violet, eating violet-colored foods is believed to help keep the Ajna open.

Therefore, products such as:

  • black currant;
  • blueberry;
  • blackberry;
  • eggplant;
  • purple plums and prunes;
  • beet;
  • dark grapes.


There are several crystals and stones, including precious ones, that help open the Third Eye.

To open Ajna use:

  • purple amethyst;
  • dark green moldavite (restores the functioning of the entire chakra system);
  • violet fluorite;
  • black obsidian, the magical properties of which help protect the chakra from negative energy;
  • blue tourmaline.

The stone must be charged before use. This procedure can be carried out in different ways. The simplest thing is to “buy” the stone in the moonlight.

Yoga Asanas

Several yoga poses can be used to open the Third Eye.

Virasana pose

Ardha Uttanasana pose

Balasana pose

Adho Mukha Svanasana pose

Salamba Sarvangasana pose

Dream recording

To open the Ajna chakra, it is critical not only to dream, but also to remember them. Therefore, keeping a dream journal is one of the methods for activating the Third Eye.

How to open the third eye? Incredibly effective technique!

How to develop psychic abilities? Their manifestation is closely related to the sixth chakra of a person. Opening the third eye: a technique that is amazing in its effectiveness!

What capabilities does the third eye have?

The third eye¹ is the mystical eye of a person, capable of contemplating internal psychic energies, subtle worlds and awakening superpowers. It is located in the sixth chakra in the area between the eyebrows; Every person has a third eye!

For most people, this mysterious eye is dormant; if it does, people often attribute unexpected thoughts, manifestations of intuition or empathy to a random coincidence.

In ancient times, the third eye was open for all people, it was a birthright! It allowed you to control reality and demonstrate various extrasensory abilities, such as telepathy, clairvoyance, telekinesis and many others. Even the name of the sixth Ajna chakra in Sanskrit translation means “order”: it was enough to give a clear command, and the trained consciousness changed reality!

To open the third eye, you need special exercises based on concentration².

This article describes a simple and incredibly effective meditation on light stimulation of the third eye. It will allow you to open your third eye; and you can awaken your superpowers!

Huge opportunities will open up:

  • travel through subtle worlds and communicate with different entities;
  • develop clairvoyance and gain knowledge from the information field of the Universe;
  • make your thoughts stronger and easily shape reality;
  • learn to communicate mentally and implant thoughts into other people.

All this will become possible for you!

Opening the Third Eye with Light: A Simple Technique!

This meditation must be performed for 30 days every day, in the evening, after sunset every day. The only requirement is regularity!

This is where the whole secret lies. As they say: “Rome was not built in a day,” so mastering psychic abilities requires patience and practice. Therefore, you will need to make your intention firm and bring the matter to fruition!

1. The practitioner takes an ordinary candle and places it in front of him at arm's length, slightly below eye level.

2. A person sits in a yoga or Turkish pose and straightens his back. Closes his eyes and takes several slow, deep breaths, focusing on his breathing.

This will free you from current thoughts and focus your attention on meditation.

This look is the secret of practice! It is necessary to look intently at the flame, but to cover with your vision the whole picture that the eyes can give.

Stopping blinking allows you to expand the boundaries of what is visible, to go beyond the usual boundaries. Not blinking won't be easy at first, but with practice you'll learn to keep your gaze on for long enough.

If your eyes become tired during practice, you can squint them slightly to moisten the surface of the eyeball with liquid, and then open them again.

There is no need to close them! But if this suddenly happens, don’t worry and keep watching.

4. The practitioner performs this exercise for 30 days, adding a minute of concentration every day. On the first day it will be 1 minute, on the last - the concentration time will reach 30 minutes of close contemplation.

5. When the time of contemplation is over, the person closes his eyes and relaxes. At this time, he looks at the imprint of the flame on the retina. Over time, it will disappear, but throughout its “existence” it is necessary to observe it.

When contemplating the imprint of the flame, the practitioner rolls his eyes closed and tries to “drag” the residual glow to the area between the eyebrows. It is there that this light should dissipate.

It may be difficult in the beginning, but with practice it will not be difficult.

6. As soon as the imprint of the flame disappears, you can open your eyes and return to your business.

This exercise will open the third eye, improve vision and the functioning of the pituitary gland: a special organ of the brain responsible for concentration and paranormal perception.

Activation of the pineal gland (epiphysis) will lead to the release of the hormone of youth - melatonin, as a result of which a person will gain the ability to maintain his youth for many years. Intuition, clairvoyance and many other superpowers develop.

After activating your third eye, you may want to develop psychic abilities³ that will begin to manifest in you. On our website you can find a lot of materials on this topic!

Did you know that you have an innate gift that can make you a fortune? To learn about this gift, get your free brief diagnosis. To do this, simply go to

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Ajna chakra (third eye) is the brow chakra, where the three main nadis (sushumna, ida and pingala) converge, the abode of the “subtle, discerning mind” (Wikipedia).

² Techniques for developing concentration

³ Find out techniques for developing your superpowers in the article: “How to develop psychic abilities? 3 amazingly effective techniques!”

People who dream of becoming psychics and perceiving the world not only with their usual senses often wonder how to open the third eye. Esotericists are convinced that everyone has it, but it is in an inactive state. There are special exercises that will help open the third eye.

How to open the third eye and why it is needed

Opening the third eye is available to every person without exception. Everyone has this invisible organ, but in most people it is in an inactive state, that is, the third eye is initially closed.

There are many exercise options to help activate the Ajna Chakra, or third eye. They are used by yogis, esotericists, almost regardless of the direction of practice, and also, if you believe the legends, even Tibetan monks.

The development of the third eye does not in any way affect the state of the psyche. This is a gradual process, don't expect instant success. Some people are convinced that working with this invisible organ risks treatment in a mental hospital. This is wrong. The practitioner of such exercises will gradually gain new opportunities, having time to get used to them.

With the help of the third eye, you can learn to see the world in a special, even supernatural way. It will become an additional sense organ, capable of even replacing the usual five that most people use. With the help of the third eye, you can perceive energy-informational phenomena that are inaccessible to ordinary senses.

The question of how to develop the third eye is often asked by people who dream of becoming psychics. The exercises below will be the first steps towards a career as a renowned clairvoyant. However, if your thoughts are only about how to open your third eye quickly, you will have to forget about such a dream. Working with the ajna chakra is not a matter of minutes. You will have to devote a lot of time to training, but the result is worth it. You don't think that learning to use a hidden sense organ should be easier than, for example, learning a foreign language?

Another important point is faith in the success of your actions. Even if the results are not immediately noticeable, as most often happens, nothing will happen without faith in your abilities. It is known that the third eye is easily blocked by mistrust and thoughts about the impossibility of its development.

Opening the third eye with a candle

This method of activating the third eye requires only a candle. It is used in the dark, and there is no mysticism here - darkness is required. It is advisable to turn off electrical appliances, especially those equipped with LEDs - this will distract you from performing the exercise with a candle.

So, position yourself so that you are comfortable, place a candle in front of you and light it. You need to peer into its flame, concentrating your vision only on it. Try to blink as little as possible without being too distracted by it. Try to consider all the colors that make up the candle flame. After a while, many people begin to see shades unusual for candle fire - purple or green, for example.

Once you have managed to see all the colors of the candle flame, close your eyes. The flame will be imprinted on your retina, and you will see it even with your eyes closed. Try to look at it as well as you looked at a real candle flame a few seconds ago. This is a good answer to the question of how to open the third eye on your own without paid courses, in familiar home conditions.

How to open your third eye on your own during meditation

Meditation to open the third eye can be accompanied by pleasant meditative music or mantras. For example, the mantra of intuition is a good idea - it is associated with the opening of the third eye and the development of dormant capabilities in every person. Suitable musical accompaniment for meditation will help you get into the right frame of mind.
You should be comfortable during meditation. Take the most comfortable position lying or sitting. Try several options - sitting cross-legged, lying on your back, sitting on a chair in a normal position. There is one condition - you must be relaxed in the position chosen for meditation, but your back must be straight.

Stop the internal dialogue. Try not to think about anything, do not talk mentally to yourself. Achieve complete inner silence and maximum concentration on your body or breathing. From time to time, refer to the third eye point. Try to feel pressure, vibration or heat. These feelings will mean that you are doing everything right.

How to develop the third eye - blue ball method

This exercise for opening the third eye is a type of meditation. Sit or lie down comfortably and achieve inner silence. You can include suitable mantras or chants that will distract you from extraneous thoughts and put you in the right mood. Relax, breathe evenly and calmly. Eyes must be closed.

Direct your inner gaze to the area between the eyebrows, where the so-called third eye area, or ajna chakra, is located. When you're ready, imagine a blue ball in that area. It should rotate. You can choose the speed and direction of rotation intuitively; it may be different during different sessions of this exercise.

As you inhale, imagine how the blue ball attracts pure blue energy from the environment into itself. This flow shines and leaves no doubt about the positivity of its direction. There is no need to be afraid that in this way you will “pick up” the negative - this is only possible if the stream turns out to be dirty in appearance, dark and unpleasant.
As you exhale, imagine how the sparkling energy received from the surrounding world is absorbed by the ball and remains in it, compacting the ball itself. A feeling of tension, pressure and even some pain in the area between the eyebrows is a normal reaction to exercises to open the third eye; there is no need to be afraid of them. They mean you are doing everything right. The optimal time to perform this meditation exercise is about 10-15 minutes.

In general, exercises to open the third eye are necessary for people who wish to gain spiritual integrity. There is no need to give up what is given to a person by nature, because every person has a third eye, it’s just that most people prefer not to work with it because of distrust of everything that has to do with mysticism. Developing inner vision and working with the ajna chakra provides many opportunities that you will learn to use over time.

Book: A Guide to Opening the Third Eye

So how is it arranged?

this cunning clairvoyance system?

The human energy body has the Ajna chakra, which has the structure of a sort of natural catcher of electromagnetic, mental, high-frequency waves.

The mystically famous sixth chakra. Through the spiraling rotation of energy, Ajna directs a stream of high-frequency waves into the third eye of a person. The third eye is a system of energy channels that perceive the received energy information.

Ajna is responsible for transforming energy information into a more accessible form for the individual’s consciousness.

We can see an object, that is, perceive and identify it. Much depends on a person’s consciousness. So, for example, two clairvoyants may have two different interpretations of what they saw with the help of clairvoyance, an object or a phenomenon.

In nature, of course, the energy pattern of the object they are looking at has the same structure, but why then do clairvoyants interpret what they see differently?

The problem lies in labeling, that is, one’s own interpretations of the individual. If we want to have functional clairvoyance that we could use to, say, study a natural phenomenon, we simply need to come to a common agreement.

This can only be accomplished by leaving the consciousness free from its own interpretations, that is, open.

Ajna is connected with the pituitary gland and the pineal gland, and, in addition, with the human spinal cord. To obtain complete clairvoyance, you need to connect the sixth chakra with the seventh Sahasrara center or, even more simply, the crown chakra.

In the energy body, between all the chakras there are channels that connect all the chakras into a single system. But the problem for the whole of humanity is that the chakras are blocked and naturally no energy circulates freely in the human energy system.

And this is fraught not only with persistently unrevealing clairvoyance, but also with various diseases of the physical level. Since the chakras are connected through the meridians and the etheric body, with the human physical body, it is reasonable to open and activate the chakra system before any energy practice, and especially to open clairvoyance. By increasing the energy level, all human abilities, including pure perception without interference in consciousness, are significantly increased.

By synchronizing the seventh chakra, we can directly impact the pineal gland.

This was known many centuries ago, but the third eye was mystified at all times, and no one got any better from it. Many, many people wandered from century to century in a shroud of fog, and as a result, humanity, uninitiated in the truth, began to distrust clairvoyance, this natural ability of each of us.

I invite every person to try and evaluate from their own experience the universality of the system for opening the third eye. Without preconceptions, without hoaxes, relying only on the natural flow of energy through the channels.

Full-fledged clairvoyance can be developed over several months of persistent training (if you have never seen an aura) to activate the pituitary gland and launch the chain of clairvoyance through debugging the connection of the energy communication pathways between the ajna and pineal glands. The pineal gland has a connection with the human chakra system and therefore the opening of the chakras significantly speeds up the process of developing clairvoyance.

The third eye is a complex system of energy channels; knowledge of the natural pathways of energy flow is necessary for the opening process to proceed steadily and lead to a full ability to perceive energies. So, for example, if we just look at the yantra, we will not achieve anything, because the yantra is just one of the secondary tools used to open the third eye. With the help of yantra or irrational figures (more often they give a positive result), you can achieve synchronization of the left and right hemispheres of the brain. But primary focusing of the Third Eye and preliminary cleaning of energy channels and filling the pineal gland with energy are also necessary. All this information is in complex No. 1 for the discovery of clairvoyance.

Complexes for opening clairvoyance provide a natural opening of the third eye, based on knowledge of the basic principles of human energy. If you direct your energy along a certain ring, clairvoyance as a result will inevitably come in its entirety.

On the page How to open the third eye, a brief description is given of how to correctly use this system to open the third eye.

Some people do not begin to see with the help of the third eye due to the fact that they have not eliminated the so-called plug; you can read more about this on the corresponding page.

For high-quality and reliable clairvoyance, you need a greater amount of energy than the average person has. What to do for those who have insufficient it, you can use Third Eye Activation to accelerate your energetic growth.

Many people view aura vision with some degree of skepticism, so I offer my system for opening clairvoyance especially for such people. Try it with all your persistence and sincerity, you will be surprised at the results. Perceiving astral energies is a very simple thing, you just need to approach it from the right position. Working with your own energy is not something mystically vague, but a very concrete opportunity to master your natural potential, which is what I sincerely wish for everyone.

A person's aura is a direct indicator of his mental health. You can tell a lot about a person by their aura. The easiest way to see the bioenergetic shell can be found on the aura page. This method will allow absolutely everyone to be convinced of the true existence of the aura.

The color of the aura indicates the emotional state of your interlocutor. Choosing a loved one based on the color of their aura is an everyday reality of our days. The aura - color meanings page will help you draw accurate conclusions about the intentions of your friend.

Yantrovision is one of the stages of full-fledged clairvoyance. Knowledge of yantras is necessary for a clairvoyant who works in the field of practical magic, or whose profession involves knowledge of the energetic structure of the world.

Clairvoyance can be used effectively when working with Reiki, this will make you an excellent healer, capable of miracles of healing. Clairvoyance greatly facilitates working with a person’s aura, and also facilitates the process of removing deep karmic crystallizations of energy structures. And seeing spiritual guides and subtle plane healers assisting a Reiki master will fill your life with exciting awe and deep inner joy.

Astral paws and clairvoyance. Playing with other people? How to play and not get too carried away. Getting to know the astral paws.

Vision of energies. Effects. Clairvoyance and the versatility of using the ability to see energy. Is it worth working in a magic salon?

In the Workshop chapter, in the Superpowers section, descriptions are given of the main keys to unlocking a person’s natural potential.

In the chapter dedicated to the workshop, in the section sanctifying siddhis, there are simple exercises for pumping energy.

When you open your third eye, you will be able to observe the work of Crystals and easily Program them with your consciousness. If you need energetic healing or correction of a situation through the Akashic Records, you can turn to the Healing chapter.

Many people today want to open their third eye, and the main driving force is not simple curiosity, but an urgent need to expand the boundaries of the cognizable. The complete opening of the third eye is not a quick process, especially if a person has never before seen even the shell of the aura closest to the physical body. In this case, it will take months of hard work, but if you are serious and feel that opening your third eye is really necessary for you, be persistent and patient, and the result will not be slow to appear.

The organ of clairvoyance is a rather complex system of channels. The easiest way to explain the principle of its operation is to use the example of a kaleidoscope. It consists of many sections, seers call these sections mirrors because, in essence, they are mirrors. There are one hundred and eight sections or mirrors in total. When you turn the kaleidoscope, a certain pattern is formed, and you look at the image that appears. Then you turn your kaleidoscope again and see a completely different pattern, and so on. With clairvoyance the situation is the same; a system of mirrors can rotate in any way, revealing something new to you.

The secret of the yantra is to make the right hemisphere of the brain work. As you know, in order to quickly reveal any psychic ability, it is necessary to activate both hemispheres of the brain, left and right.

The left is responsible for logic, the right for emotions, three-dimensional perception. When both hemispheres begin to work synchronously, it results in holographic perception, which is of great benefit for clairvoyance. Therefore, it is advisable to work with the yantra, but expecting that your third eye will open just because you look at the yantra will not be entirely true. This is just the first stage, in fact it is the zero from which the movement will begin.

You can use not the yantra itself, but any object consisting of complex lines. For example, irrational figures that are given in complex No. 1 - Opening of the third eye.

When you look at such an image, the left and right hemispheres begin to work together, because the left hemisphere is not able to identify the object in its entirety, in its entirety. Look at such figures for fifteen to twenty minutes.

You can use this method to remember a dream that you forgot. After ten to fifteen minutes, the dream is usually remembered by itself, without any effort. It is important to simply look at the figures, turning off the worries and thoughts of the day.

Consciousness should be clear, just look at the figures and that’s it.

Complex No. 1 includes all the necessary techniques aimed at preparing the third eye for vision. This is an absolutely necessary stage, so you should not ignore it, giving preference to the second complex; you should always start gradually so that in the future there will be no problems with vision control.

The most common mistake in discovering abilities is excessive haste. It is necessary for the technique to be assimilated by the energy body, so that a skill appears that you can turn to at any time.

The second most common mistake is feeling like you've already achieved everything. Usually, from the very first lessons, people succeed in something; they begin to see astral colors. Inspired, a person expects further “miracles”, but nothing happens, then he becomes disappointed and gives up everything. This mistake is the most typical of the modern mind; we are used to getting everything at once and as quickly as possible. This belief does not apply to the process of completely opening the third eye.

The organ of clairvoyance is the same muscle as the others, it’s just that it is located not in the physical, but in the energy body. Any muscle needs to be trained, any ability can be revealed if you know how to do it.

Third eye- the sixth energy center in the human body. This is chakra Ajna.

Everyone has a third eye, invisible to physical vision. There are no exceptions.

The picture of the world becomes more complete, expanded, and clear when the perception of the subtle plane is connected to your innate gift of seeing the physical world.

What can I say! World fully transforms with you!

If you want to learn how to overcome space and time with your inner gaze in all directions of each of the many facets of reality, take on board technology, data in this article.

Third Eye - Ajna Chakra

Having a third eye can be a revelation for you. Unexpected. You are able to acquire the ability to foresee or foresee without even setting such a goal - easily, quickly, simply.

Those who are given this ability from birth are called clairvoyants. But every person at any age can reveal the gift of seeing clearly.

It may happen that you have to go a long way in self-development in order to open your third eye. It's always unique the path of special practices, training, self-discipline.

But for such a lofty goal as opening the third eye, it’s worth working on yourself. Perhaps this work will take very little time and effort from you.

So, the opening of the third eye is the disclosure of the ability to clairvoyance. But be prepared for the fact that it may not only be clear to you vision, and also:

  • clairaudience,
  • clairsentience,
  • clairtouch,
  • clairsmell.

The usual picture of the world can be revealed not only through visual images. These could be:

  • additional sounds, noises, speech of higher energy entities,
  • emerging emotions, feelings,
  • sensations in the body as clues, the ability to physically sense the invisible,
  • the appearance of odors as if out of nowhere,
  • special dreams.

This will be your personal, unique skill. More precisely, it already you have. You have to open the third eye - it will manifest itself.

The yoga tradition suggests that opening the third eye is impossible without harmonizing all five previous energy centers in the human body:

  • Muladharas,
  • Swadhistans,
  • Manipurs,
  • Vishuddhi.

It is better to open each of them in order, do it gradually. This is how development occurs naturally, harmoniously, holistically, and environmentally friendly for a person, his environment and the Universe.

When the lower chakras are open and balanced, they begin to open the third eye - Ajna.

Ajna is located in the zone on the forehead between the eyebrows.

Minimum knowledge about Ajna, necessary for everyone who aims to open the third eye:

  • Wisdom
  • Sensuality
  • Inspiration
  • Mind's eye
  • Organization
  • Focus

Clairvoyance is the ability to know:

  • past
  • present
  • future
Paranormal abilities
  • Contact with the Superconscious
  • The ability to penetrate any body by force of will
Energy color Blue, blue-violet, indigo
Mantra AUM
Feeling Coldness in the palms
Ruling planet Saturn or Moon (differently in several sources)
Energy type Female (maternal)
Physical dysfunction Diseases of the eyes, nose, ears, brain
The effect of working on yourself
  • Psychic Power
  • Getting rid of shortcomings (vices, sins)
  • Filling the aura with calmness
  • The ability to calm others with your mere presence
  • Liberation from selfish desires and motives
  • Liberation from negative karmic burdens

Top 5 techniques for opening the third eye


This is the most simple technique. It can be practiced wherever, whenever, as much as you like. Its essence is to concentrate your attention at the point between the eyebrows, slightly deep in the forehead (2-3 cm further into the head).

Correct execution of the technique gives pleasant pressure in the third eye area. This feeling needs to be intensified, and then mentally transfer your vision there. Mentally aim at the fact that you are looking from this area of ​​your forehead, and not with your eyes.

“All-Seeing Eye” Technique

A slightly more complex technique. It requires time, a place, a calm environment.

In the palm of your hand left Using your hands, draw a symbol for the human eye - a circle with another circle inside (see figure). The color, size of the image, what you draw it with does not matter.

Sit in meditative pose. Fix the palm of your left hand so that the drawn eye is at the level of yours. The palm should be straightened and the fingers pressed.

Keep your eyes open, but don't strain your eyes. Make sure your facial muscles are relaxed. Tuck your tongue towards the upper palate, as if gluing it at the base of the teeth.

WITH exhale imagine that the energy from your third eye is directed to the center of your palm, to the drawn eye.

Co inhale imagine how in response energy comes from the drawn eye to your Ajna.

After completing the practice, close your eyes, relax and recreate the visual image of the eye in your mind.

Practice with a candle

This exercise helps restore vision. If yours is not perfect, you will notice significant improvements fairly quickly if you exercise regularly.

Only suitable for performing this technique dark Times of Day. You will also need a candle.

Seclude yourself in the room, turn off all the lights completely, light a candle.

Place the candle at a distance 20 cm from the eyes at their level.

Approximately two minutes look at the candle flame. It is very important that the look should be relaxed and calm. Don't tense up.

Next step: without turning your head, look up. In your peripheral vision you will continue to see the candle flame. Look up approximately one minute.

Return your gaze and concentrate on the candle again. Look straight at her yet two minutes. Then move your gaze in the same way right and then to the left.

“Breath of Fire” Technique

A very pleasant technique that requires a calm environment around.

Seclude yourself, light a candle. Place it at eye level at a distance 1-2 m from you. Imagine that the candle flame and the third eye are connected energy channel:

  • a ray of fire,
  • channel of light,
  • golden ray.

Choose the image that you like best.

Slowly deep inhale. At the same time, imagine how the golden energy of fire from the candle moves through the channel connecting you to the third eye, and then goes down the spine.

When she gets to coccyx, the inhalation should stop. Delay breathing and then start slowly exhale. At the same time, imagine how the same golden fiery energy moves back into the candle flame.

After exhaling completely again detain breath.

Start repeating the fire breathing cycle with a new breath and so on.

Visualization of Sri Yantra

Sri Yantra - graphic image Universe. This is not just a picture, but energy in a conditionally dormant state that you are able to awaken (see figure).

Like any visualization technique, it is suitable for those who have a well-developed imagination. The opposite is also true: this technique will develop not only intuition, but also creative thinking and the ability to see in images.

Print on a piece of paper or open the image to the full width of your computer monitor screen Sri Yantra.

The practice is to focus on center images. You look at the center of the Sri Yantra relaxed, calmly, without straining your eyes, while at the same time you catch its lateral parts with your vision. It is very important to breathe slowly and evenly.

Wish to awaken the energy of the Sri Yantra. Ask your Higher Self to combine this universal energy with yours.

You can say so: “Above Me, I ask you, please unite my energy with the energy of the Sri Yantra!”

The last stage of practice is to close your eyes and imagine the Sri Yantra around you.

Attention! She must be three-dimensional. That is, the triangles shown in the picture turn into pyramids in your mind, squares into cubes, circles into balls.

Eat weight other new ways to discover the gift of clairvoyance. This can be done affordably, quickly, and with high quality using the method of V. Nagorny.

The "" technique is based on performing several secret sacred movements and pronouncing a mantra.

5-7 minutes a day for 7-10 days and you see clearly! Many people can open their third eye using the “Revelation of Clairvoyance” method in 1-2 lessons! Hurry up and move on - open new facets of yourself and reality!

Many people want to open their third eye. Should I or should I not? First you need to answer the question, do you believe that you have a third eye? Yes, but doesn't work? And if there is no third eye, then how can it work? Now I’ll check if you really have a third eye.

Please raise your hand, those who have never seen a single color dream in their lives? One, two, three, four, five...

Do you see black and white dreams?

Raise your hand, who has never had a dream in their life?

The third eye is the “ability” that shows us pictures in the mind. And these pictures do not come through our normal vision. And that's why in a dream, when your normal eyes are closed, these pictures appear. These pictures can come from several directions. One of them is our own mind. We generate, create these pictures. And this is also related to our memory. What we saw in the daytime, at night in a dream we begin to analyze and these pictures appear. The mind creates images. There are other senses besides sight. These senses also work during sleep and images come through them. These senses can also operate beyond time and space. You can also see the past and the future.

Time and space concept

Our ordinary mind is controlled by time and space. And when we see something, we know that there is a control called time. Every day morning comes, every day the sun moves from east to west, and we always follow this order, it controls us.

Our ordinary eyes see light from the sun. If we were not so attached to vision, if we had a different perception, then we would not perceive sunlight, and if we did not take into account the rotation of the earth and the sun, then we would have would be a different concept of time. Our normal eyes are sensitive to sunlight. If there is no light, then nothing can be seen.

The third eye is different. The third eye is sensitive to more vibrations. Light is also vibration. Everything is essentially vibration. This is why this concept of time does not apply to the third eye.

If you have very clear and colorful dreams, this indicates that you definitely have the ability to see with your third eye. Of course, for a number of reasons, you may not have colorful dreams. Also, if in meditation you see multi-colored light and also colored images, this indicates the presence of a third eye.

What factors are necessary for the third eye to work?

I'm not 100% sure of this information, but a number of studies tell us that the function of the pineal gland is to transform various information into images. In this picture you can see the eye and here is the area that transforms what we see and other other vibrations into images. In the Egyptian pyramids you can see sculptures like this, describing the third eye.

When we meditate we can feel this area. When, during practice, energy rises from the lower tantian to the upper tantian, vibration may occur in the pineal gland area, and we can also see multi-colored light. This is interesting, and we are wondering how we can make this area of ​​the brain work.

The ancient masters gave us certain instructions. For example, Dr. Bien Chue, who meditated deeply for a month, described in his books that a lot of saliva formed in his mouth. If you meditate correctly, a lot of saliva actually forms in your mouth. And if you produce this saliva, then the third eye will open. This tells us that the activation of the third eye is associated with meditation. If you meditate deeply while practicing qigong, saliva begins to form and certain substances are released that help activate the third eye. And one more thing. If we feel energetic and our mind is quiet, then seeing is easy. If we are tired, it is difficult to see. From this point of view, one also needs to increase Qi.

How to determine the level of vision?

There is also my experience. During the ceremony of acceptance as a personal disciple of Zhong Yuan Qigong, I usually check whether the person’s third eye is working or not. When I touch this point and try to open the channel, I can see the pineal gland. If there are already a lot of red areas, then when I open this channel, the pineal gland immediately begins to perceive light.

  • If this pineal gland I see is more than half red, if the surface is half red, then the person can definitely see multi-colored light.
  • If there are no red areas in this area of ​​the pineal gland, then such a person has a reduced ability to see images.
  • And if it is 80% red, then such a person can see multi-colored light, lightning and can diagnose diseases in other people. After training, he will be able to diagnose easily.
  • If the entire pineal gland is red on the surface, such a person can see other worlds during meditation.

And my own experience says that this is probably really the organ that transforms various information into images.

In both Chinese and Indian culture, the third eye was drawn in the area between the eyebrows, and it was also painted on the hand or on another part of the body.

But in any case, we always feel that the picture is in our mind. Our eyes see only reflected light and this is how they receive images. But when we activate our third eye then we see a picture in our mind, i.e. no matter where she is, how far or close something is, you seem to see her in front of you and at the same time in your mind. We call this function the eye of the mind and use it for diagnostics.

Our ordinary eyes have only one function, the third eye has many. We can see moving pictures, just like watching a movie or it's like flying and seeing some pictures. You can look from the inside to the outside, from the outside to the inside. No directions. There are different levels of the third eye. Depending on what level you are, you can see internal organs, other worlds, the past and future, you can reach the state of omniscience (Buddha's eye).

After we activate the third eye, we must further learn how to use it. Otherwise, we see a lot of things but don't understand how to use this feature. Like, for example, we see colored dreams, this indicates that we have a third eye. But we don't know exactly how to use it for diagnosis.

When practicing qigong, three things are needed to develop the third eye:

  1. First you need to activate it, for this you need to increase your energy.
  2. Second, we need to determine what we are going to see and train our vision.
  3. Third, learn to correctly interpret what you see.

The third eye is associated with wisdom. When we have the ability to see, we receive more information and, as a result, we can make better decisions.

Third Eye Activation Method

First, let's practice qigong to strengthen the function of the third eye.

Follow me.


Now we will open a Mingtang point here.

Visualize this point and there is a red ball in it.

Feel the red ball there.

When energy accumulates there, we begin to feel strong pressure. Relax, look at the ball there, feel the ball, feel the pressure. When you relax well, you feel that the pressure is getting stronger and stronger. Many qigong practitioners of course already use the third eye, especially those who have studied Chinese Image Medicine.

The third eye is connected to several areas.

  • The first is the Mingtang point.
  • The second is the channel from the Mingtang point to the pineal gland.
  • And the third is the pineal gland itself.

In general, one of the goals of the practice is to make this area work. This entire area, not just the pineal gland. And when we, while practicing qigong, visualize the lower Tan Tian, ​​the middle one, the Bai Hui area, then the visualization itself is a way to activate the pineal gland. And many people have already experienced that in the process of practicing Qi transformation, more light appears in the head. And when we visualize the lower or middle Tan Tien, the pineal gland is also activated. Now it will specifically activate the pineal gland.

We specifically visualize this area and during visualization you may feel some movement inside.

If we place our mind in this area, without moving it, observing the pineal gland area, then in this way we activate it. If we do this for longer, many red areas appear on the surface of the pineal gland. Let us repeat, if there are few red spots, then it is difficult to see and then it takes more time to activate this area.

Based on materials from the Zhong Yuan Qigong retreat in Moscow. May 2018.

Before starting this practice, please read the treatise Opening the Third Eye. It is recommended to read all descriptions of techniques many times to fully understand them and re-read them again from time to time as you progress through practice. I intentionally wrote everything down very briefly and clearly, so that your consciousness would be maximally protected from different interpretations of what was written. The result of correctly completing this practice can include both the very minimum - for example: vision of the aura and the movement of energies in space, and the initial maximum - vision of the spiritual worlds and Beings of higher dimensions.

Description of techniques
Practices for Opening the Third Eye


  1. In the evening (necessarily in the evening or better just before bedtime) look at the candle flame (10-30 cm away from the eyes) for 5 to 10 minutes, without blinking if possible. Also try to see a glow around the candle flame (which will increase in size as the Third Eye opens). The room must be dark.
  2. Then close your eyes and only after that (this is important) blow out the candle. Relax. After this, look at the colors that will change before your eyes (with your eyes closed). Yellow, red, blue, green...
  3. Watch until the colors disappear. Sometimes the picture may get confused or “float” to the side when your concentration decreases or distracting thoughts appear. At this moment, you just need to relax even more and concentrate on the colors in front of your mind's eye.


  • To stop the “running” of your closed eyes, you can apply your fingertips to your eyelids. You need to feel the moment when the eyeballs stop, relax, and nothing else interferes with concentration on the colors of the flame.

All Seeing Eye

In the center of the left palm, draw an eye (iris and pupil; you can draw with a pen or felt-tip pen, the color and size of the eye image is whatever you like).

  1. Sitting in Padmasana (or any pose in which you meditate), fix the position of your left hand so that the palm with the image is at eye level.
  2. The palm is straightened, the fingers are pressed one to the other. You should look without blinking at the image of the eye; closely, but without straining your vision.
  3. The facial muscles are relaxed, the tongue lightly touches the upper palate at the base of the upper teeth. During exhalation, energy from the Third Eye is sent to the center of the palm, into the image of the eye.
  4. When inhaling, you should imagine how energy is emitted from the image of the eye and enters the Third Eye.
  5. At the end of the session, you should calmly close your eyes, without straining your eyelids, and reveal a visual image of the eye.

OM sign

Every evening you need to look at the OM sign located below. The look is calm and absent-minded. It is as if you are looking through this sign with your physical eyes (as if you are “turning off” them to allow the vision of the Third Eye to prevail). Try not to blink. Concentrate on the area between the eyebrows, a little deeper. After ten minutes have elapsed, close your eyes and try to see the OM sign in the area between the eyebrows (in front of your mind's eye). Be relaxed and don't be distracted by extraneous thoughts.


  • If your monitor is larger than 15 inches and you want to place the OM Sign on the entire screen, you can open the animation. To view in this case, a Flash player is required.

Sri Yantra

Place the Sri Yantra in front of you at a convenient distance for you (this can be a sheet of paper glued to the wall with an image of the Sri Yantra printed on it, or an image on the monitor; the central red triangle must be positioned at an angle downwards).

  1. Focus your attention on the center of the Sri Yantra and try to cover all its parts with your peripheral vision. Look calmly, without tension, breathing slowly and evenly.
  2. Continuing to look at the Sri Yantra, realize that in front of you is a graphic image of the Universe, which contains all its Energy in a “sleeping” state, which is awakened by your desire-intention to awaken it. Keep this desire in your mind.
  3. Next, still continuing to look at the Sri Yantra, ask the Higher Self to unite the Energy contained in the Sri Yantra with your Energy (This could roughly sound like this: “The Higher Self, I ask You: unite my Energy with the Energy of the Sri Yantra”). At this moment, be absolutely open and relaxed.
  4. After this, close your eyes and try to imagine the Sri Yantra around you in volume (three-dimensional). In this representation, let the triangles be pyramids, the circles be balls, and the square be cubes.


  • Don't try to imagine everything specifically. In the performance, trust the sensations and visions that will arise.
  • You can also download the Sri Yantra drawing in poster format and better quality.

Vision of the etheric body

  1. Place your palm at a comfortable distance from your eyes. Behind your palm, you need to hold a white sheet of paper with your other hand at a distance of 5-10 cm from your palm.
  2. With an absent-minded gaze, look at the outline of your palm.
  3. After some time (from 1 to 2 minutes) you will see a glow emanating from the palm along the entire contour. This glow is the etheric body. Continuing this practice, tune the Third Eye to see the astral body.


  • Observation by illuminating the hand from different angles can help in seeing the etheric body. The best option is when the light from the sun falls on your hand (for example, from the window).
  • Also always remember that the eyes should be as relaxed as possible, like the eyes of a sleeping person.

Concentration on the Third Eye

  1. This technique is convenient to practice throughout the day. For example, when you are just walking down the street or riding in public transport to work.
  2. In order to practice this technique, concentrate in the area between the eyebrows and slightly deeper (radius 2 - 3 cm).
  3. Concentrate whenever possible. There should be some pleasant pressure in the area between the eyebrows.
  4. Increase that pressure. Try to feel as if you are looking from the center of your head through the area between the eyebrows.

Volumetric vision

  1. Practice consists of developing the ability to see what is depicted in special stereo pictures and then further developing this ability in the form of a simple training outlined on this page.
  2. Do not despair if you do not immediately see what is shown in the stereo pictures. Try to see again and again, every other day or every other week. Every person is capable of seeing this, and failure can only lie in the wrong viewing technique.
  3. Also, when you “suddenly” see what was hidden from you in the image, you will be able to remotely imagine and understand what the essence of clairvoyance looks like - you just need to look differently, you need to change the usual way of seeing.

Corpuscles of Light

  1. Go to the window during daylight hours, preferably during the day. Move the tulle, curtains or blinds away from the window. The window must be free and you must stand very close to the glass (50-100 cm). Look at the sky (eyes open), but do not raise your head too much. The line of sight is about 45 degrees relative to the ground. Concentrate on the area behind the eyes (1-2 cm).
  2. Pay attention to any luminous points or moving stripes in front of your eyes. Concentrate on this vision.
  3. When your concentration intensifies, you will see the movement of bright dots and stripes in front of your mind's eye. Do not be alarmed if at some point you do not see anything other than this representation of particles of Light - at the first desire you can return to normal vision again.

Do this exercise at home or just while walking down the street, but before that, thoroughly study it at home.

Energy of Light

  1. This technique is described on this page and it is very important, as it quickly and significantly develops the pineal and pituitary glands, which are also one of the components of the general process called clairvoyance.
  2. Before using this technique, consult your doctor about your health and its compatibility with this technique.

Candle flame

  1. Look at the candle flame with a calm and relaxed gaze for 5-10 minutes.
  2. Then close your eyes, blow out the candle, open your eyes again and turn on the light.
  3. Take a white sheet of paper (you need to put it near you in advance) and look at it with a calm, absent-minded gaze.
  4. You will see a colored dot that will change its colors: red, green, blue, etc. Concentrate on this point.
  5. At this time (with a frequency of 3-4 seconds) you need to do special blinks as follows: You close your eyes tightly for 0.5-1 seconds. (at this time the dot will be visible brighter) and then again, opening your eyes, continue to look at the colored dot on a white sheet of paper. And so on for as long as this point is visible.
  6. Achieve a distinct and clear vision of the colored candle flame.

Inner view

  1. The apartment should be as dark as possible.
  2. Place the Double Pyramid (it is written about what a Double Pyramid is and how to make it) on the top of your head (the base is parallel to the floor, one of the corners “looks” at the tip of the nose).
  3. Relax and don't think about anything. Keep your eyes closed (and wear a blindfold if possible).


  • This technique can be performed without the Double Pyramid. But the pyramid significantly enhances the energy in the Third Eye - therefore its use is recommended.

Candle aura

  1. This exercise must be done in the evening.
  2. Light a candle and turn off the light.
  3. Place the candle approximately 15-20 cm from the eyes, at eye level.
  4. Look with a calm and relaxed look at the glow from the candle for 1-2 minutes.
  5. Next, without turning your head, squint your eyes upward so that you continue to see the glow of the candle with your peripheral vision (You should notice that with your peripheral vision, the vision of the candle’s aura improves significantly). Watch this way for 30-60 seconds.
  6. Then return your eyes to their original position and look straight again, trying to pay attention to the fact that the diameter of the candle’s aura has increased and become more saturated (1-2 minutes).
  7. Next, everything needs to be repeated exactly, but with eye movements to the right and then to the left. Those. you need to squint your eyes to the left and look with peripheral vision at the glow of the candle, and then squint to the right.


  • Achieve a vision of the glow from the candle as large as possible with your peripheral vision while looking at an angle to the candle.
  • You should also notice how you see more glow from the candle when you lower your eyes and look directly at the glow from the candle.
  • When you look at an angle to the candle, you can also notice that the glow differs in saturation or color from when you look straight.

Agni breath

  1. There is a candle in front of you (1-2 meters away, flame at eye level).
  2. Connect the ajna chakra with the candle flame with a beam (or just a channel).
  3. Taking a slow deep breath, imagine that the fire energy (golden) from the candle flame begins to move along a ray (or channel) into your body, reaches the ajna chakra, then goes through the sushumna channel (middle channel, spine), and then at the peak of inhalation it stops at the tailbone area. Take a short break in your breathing.
  4. Start exhaling slowly. As you exhale, imagine how golden-colored energy (or the color of fire) begins to move along the Sushumna channel, reaches the Ajna chakra, and travels along a ray (or channel) to the candle flame.
  5. A short pause to exhale.
  6. And then all over again.


  • Energy can simply be thought of as a flame. It is as if you are inhaling the energy of a candle flame with your Third Eye.

Vision of a double

  1. Enter a room (for example, the kitchen) and turn on the light (if it is not light enough).
  2. Stand in the center of the room. Relax (especially your facial muscles). Unfocus your eyes. There is silence in the mind, no thoughts.
  3. Look at everything in your field of vision at once (including your peripheral vision). You can only do this if you don't look at anything in particular, i.e. subject to defocused gaze.
  4. At the same time, try to “feel” the room and the objects in it.
  5. Turn 180 degrees and do the same.
  6. Next, go to a completely different room (if you have only one room, it could be a bathroom or a balcony).
  7. Take a comfortable position (for example, sitting in a chair). Close your eyes (you can wear a blindfold). Relax as much as possible. The room should be dark.
  8. Next, feel that your presence in the center of the room that you just left continues (this is so, because the energetic presence always continues for some time, despite the fact that the physical body has already left this place).
  9. Use this presence. Feel again everything that you felt and try to see everything the same as you saw while standing in the center of this room. Return maximum sensations (first in one position, then in a 180-degree turn). Try to feel like you are in another room, as if you were still standing there.


  1. Stand near the mirror (eye distance from the glass is 20-30 cm). And start looking exactly at the area between the eyebrows, slightly (2-3 cm) deep, as if you were looking at a sphere with a diameter of 2-3 cm located behind the forehead bone.
  2. Concentrate on this area and don't be distracted by anything else.
  3. During this gaze, you will also see your physical eyes with peripheral vision - distribute 30% of the concentration between two eyes.
  4. If you wear glasses, you need to take them off.

Ajna Channel

  1. You need to make the following device: roll a sheet of white paper so that you get a hollow cylinder (tube) and glue the ends of the sheet so that it does not unfold (diameter about 5 cm).
  2. Next, you need to attach (glue) an elastic band (or bandage) to one of the ends of the tube, which will hold the tube in the following position: one end of it should be pressed to the forehead in the area between the eyebrows (and slightly above), its other end should be directed to the side from the forehead, the axis of the tube is perpendicular to the plane of the forehead.
  3. The design is put on the head as follows: an elastic band (or bandage) is placed around the head (like the edges of a hat), while the tube occupies the above position (like a unicorn horn).

Description of meditation

  1. The above structure is fixed on your head and you sit quietly, concentrating on the white paper cylinder along its entire length at the same time.

Vision in the dark

  1. The apartment should be as dark as possible. Relax and don't think about anything. Keep your eyes closed at all times (and wear a blindfold if possible).
  2. Start looking forward (with your eyes closed). Just peer into the darkness that will be in front of you, as if you were in a deep forest at night and trying to make out the contours of the trees or the path leading home. Look literally, as you would with your eyes open.
  3. Next, place your right hand in front of you, feel its presence (remember how it looks when you looked at it with your physical eyes). Concentrate on it, on its entire volume, and try to see it, as if your eyes are an X-ray passing through matter.
  4. After that, start moving it slowly - to the left, then to the right - without interrupting your concentration on it and your desire to see it.

Finishing the invisible in the mind

  1. When looking at objects, try to “complete” their invisible parts. For example, you look at a bedside table, and naturally with physical vision it is not possible to see the two back legs, the back wall, the various partitions inside, etc. The point of the exercise is to switch to a three-dimensional vision of objects and the space around you.
  2. A car drives by - complete the invisible two wheels, doors and other details, right down to the insides. When she leaves your field of vision, still continue to “look” at her and follow her with your mental gaze, continuing to see her in volume.
  3. When you walk down the street, try to keep in mind all the details of the street (in the volume and around you) - houses, cars, streets, alleys, passing people (keep all this in mind at the same time).
  4. Also, when looking at a person, try to see him in volume (with internal organs, etc.). At first it does not have to correspond exactly to the unique and familiar reality that we know. You can look through the medical encyclopedia before doing this.
  5. When you hear any sound, try to create (draw) in your imagination what (or that) gave rise to this sound. For example, you hear a car passing by - draw it in your imagination, and, if possible, look at it.
  6. Also do the following exercise with a clock: look at a clock with a second hand (3-5 minutes). Then close your eyes and continue to “watch” the second hand with your eyes closed (“watch” as it continues to move). Achieve a result when, after 5 minutes, what you see with your eyes closed coincides with the actual course of the arrow.
  7. From time to time, try to walk around the apartment with your eyes closed (blindfolded). Very slowly at first, with good concentration before each step and action. Do some usual actions, for example: turn on the TV, open the cabinet door using the handle (before doing this, focusing well on where this handle is located), etc. When walking with your eyes closed, try not just to walk as usual, as you usually walk with your eyes closed - namely, try to see, but using (and maximally activating) for this all other available methods of orientation in space.
  8. Also do a very good exercise for developing inner vision at a distance. It is as follows. For example, you were in some room (for example, a bedroom) for some time and left it to the bathroom. Your energetic presence will still continue for some time in the bedroom - use it this way: while continuing to be in the bathroom, keep in mind the feeling that you are still in the bedroom, feel it, try to “see” as many objects as possible in her, etc. This exercise can become a daily practice, for example, it is very good to do it immediately after waking up (when your energetic presence in bed is very strong). You go to the bathroom (for example, brush your teeth...) and at the same time continue to feel your presence in bed.

Vision of Energy

These dynamic meditation exercises are designed to develop the ability of the Third Eye to see energy in space, its movement (movement) and colors. These exercises should be approached after mastering the above techniques with a candle.

Description of meditation

  1. Light a candle (it is better to use a thin wax candle in this meditation).
  2. Hold the candle away from you - near your shoulder. You can touch the fist in which the candle is clamped to your right shoulder. The candle flame is approximately at eye level.
  3. Next, relax and try not to think about anything. Relax your eyes and look into infinity in front of you (during the entire exercise, try to blink and move your eyes as little as possible).
  4. As soon as you feel that the fifth point has been completed well enough, begin to slowly (but not too slowly - the movement is smooth, like the smooth fall of a light feather) move the candle in a circle around the head in front of the eyes to the left shoulder.
  5. Stop near your left shoulder.
  6. Observe in front of you the beautiful long strip left by the candle flame.
  7. When the strip disappears, start moving the candle from the left shoulder to the right and then repeat everything again.
  8. Make such movements a pleasant number of times (for example, 10 times to the left and 10 times to the right).
  9. Having completed the above exercise, move on to the next one.
  10. The next exercise is similar to the previous one, only you need to move the candle in a straight line.
  11. From the position where the candle is near your left shoulder, begin to straighten your right arm and move the candle forward away from you and to the right. After the arm is fully straightened in front of you, observe the beautiful stripe left by the candle flame.
  12. Do these movements with your right hand a pleasant number of times (for example, 10 times). Then change hands and repeat these movements with the other hand.
  13. Finally, make random movements with the candles. For example: from the lower right corner to the upper left, from the lower left to the upper right, etc.
  14. While observing the stripes left by the candle flame, think that you are observing stripes of energy that are right in front of you.

Description of meditation

  1. The exercise should be done in complete darkness or with minimal lighting, preferably in the evening (any time after sunset).
  2. Take any comfortable sitting position (for example, on a chair, in Turkish, lotus position, etc.) so that there is free space in front of you. For example, if you sit near the wall in your room, then in front of you there will be a dark space of about 2-3 meters.
  3. Light a candle and place the candle flame as close to your eyes as possible (for example, 5-10 cm).
  4. Look at the candle for about 5 minutes.
  5. Try to blink less and not move your eyes. The eyes are relaxed, the look is calm.
  6. After this, put out the candle and, without closing your eyes, look into the space in front of you, observing the colored spot in front of you.
  7. At this moment, think that you are observing a colored clot of energy that is located right in front of you at a distance of 1-3 meters.


  • Don't let your mind jump to the conclusion that it's all just the optical ability of the eyes - don't think about How You see, concentrate on What You see (and be sure to think that you see This in front of you in the form of real existing objects).
  • Once again, I want to point out the importance of the fact that you need to concentrate on the images appearing after the candle as on real existing objects that are in front of you in space, otherwise these exercises will not have the desired effect.

Right hemisphere of the brain

These exercises will allow you to focus on right-sided thinking and shift your consciousness towards intuitive perception.

Description of the first meditation

  1. Take a sheet of paper and a pen (you can use a pencil or something else that is convenient).
  2. Hold the pen in your left hand (i.e., not in your right hand, as usual, but in your left, like a mirror image).
  3. Start writing numbers in their mirror image from the right edge of the sheet.
  4. Start with 1, 2, 3... etc. Write up to 100 on the first day (more is possible). The next day, continue like this: 101, 102, 103... etc. And so on until you write up to 1000 (more is possible).
  5. Don't forget that you are writing in a mirror image. Those. for example, you write the number 395. Usually you write the number 3 first, then 9, then 5 (from left to right). You first need to write the number 5, then 9, and only after that the number 3 (from right to left), and this rule applies to all numbers ().


  • Try to keep the numbers looking neat both in their writing and in their even position on the sheet.
  • If the described method of writing numbers turns out to be too complicated, then use the writing scheme presented.
  • This exercise is recommended only for right-handed people. For those who have been left-hand dominant since birth, this exercise does not need to be done.

Description of the second meditation

  1. You need to take any meditation position (for example, sitting on a chair, cross-legged, etc.) and relax.
  2. Imagine inside the skull - in the area between the eyebrows there is a blue ball, in the area behind the right ear there is a red ball, in the area behind the left ear there is a white ball. Imagine the balls approximately in these places. The diameter of the balls is within 2-3 cm. (You can view this diagram)
  3. Concentrate on the blue ball for 1-2 seconds. then the same amount on the red ball and the same amount on the white ball. Then again on blue, red... etc. Do this for about 10 minutes, gradually increasing the time of concentration on one ball to about 0.5 seconds (i.e., accelerating the pace).
  4. In the end, many will have a good feel for the areas where these balls are located.
  5. Finally, concentrate only on the red ball and keep the concentration on it for a pleasant time (for example 1-2 minutes).


  • You can imagine simply areas instead of balls (i.e., simply moving your concentration from one specified area to another without defining it as a ball).
  • While practicing these techniques (which can take 3-5 days), I also recommend reading poetry (even if you don't like or understand poetry), listening to any classical music (even if it seems boring), and drawing something ( even if absolutely nothing works out and crooked and unsuccessful drawings come out).

Animation techniques

These techniques also have a positive effect and development. In addition, many people like them for their ease of use and pleasant visual effects.


  1. If you wear glasses, then techniques that require you to look at images are best performed with glasses (unless specifically stated).
  2. Don't strain your eyes in none of the techniques I give. Remember that the only gaze that is required is the gaze of a person dozing, as if you are daydreaming about something in reality (imagine a schoolchild who is daydreaming about something in a math lesson, his eyes are open, his body is in the classroom, but he himself is somewhere... then somewhere else, his mind is in the distant land of imagination...)

It is advisable to view it every day. Be relaxed. Do not tense your facial muscles and mainly always control the relaxation of the Third Eye area.