Body temperature during physical activity. Temperature after training Temperature after training the next day

Under conditions of physical activity, core temperature rises and mean skin temperature decreases due to work-induced sweat production and evaporation (Figure 24.3). During operation at submaximal load, the degree of increase in internal temperature is almost independent of ambient temperature V

within a wide range (15-35°C) while sweating occurs (M. Zigrt et al., 1972). Dehydration leads to elevation internal temperature and thereby limits performance.

Rectal temperature during marathon running, as has been established, it can reach 39-40°C, and in some cases - almost 41°C (M.V. Magop et al., 1977).


Biological rhythms- periodically repeating changes in the nature and intensity of biological processes and phenomena in living organisms.

The biological rhythms of physiological functions are so precise that they are often called the “biological clock.” There is reason to believe that the time counting mechanism is contained in every molecule human body, including in DNA molecules that store genetic information. The cellular biological clock is called .” They are considered “small”, in contrast to the “large” ones, which are believed to be located in the brain and synchronize all physiological processes in the body.


Rhythms set by internal “clocks” or pacemakers are called endogenous, unlike exogenous, which are regulated by external factors. Most biological rhythms are mixed, that is, partly endogenous and partly exogenous.

In many cases the main thing external factor The photoperiod, i.e., the length of daylight hours, regulates rhythmic activity. This is the only factor that can be a reliable indication of time and is used to set the "clock".

The exact nature of the clock is unknown, but there is no doubt that there is a physiological mechanism at work that may involve both neural and endocrine components.

Most rhythms are formed during the process of individual development (ontogenesis). Thus, daily fluctuations in activity vary

personal functions in a child are observed before birth; they can be registered already in the second half of pregnancy.

Biological rhythms are realized in close interaction with the environment and reflect the peculiarities of the organism’s adaptation to the cyclically changing factors of this environment. The rotation of the Earth around the Sun (with a period of about a year), the rotation of the Earth around its axis (with a period of about 24 hours), the rotation of the Moon around the Earth (with a period of about 28 days) lead to fluctuations in illumination, temperature, humidity, electromagnetic field strength, etc. etc., serve as a kind of indicators, or sensors, of time for the “biological clock”.

Biological rhythms have large differences in frequency or period. There is a group of so-called high-frequency biological rhythms, the oscillation periods of which range from a fraction of a second to half an hour. Examples include fluctuations in the bioelectrical activity of the brain, heart, muscles, and other organs and tissues. By recording them using special equipment, they obtain valuable information about the physiological mechanisms of the activity of these organs, which is also used for diagnosing diseases (electroencephalography, electromyography, electrocardiography, etc.). The rhythm of breathing can also be included in this group.

Biological rhythms with a period of 20-28 hours are called circus dians(circadian, or circadian), for example, periodic fluctuations throughout the day in body temperature, pulse rate, blood pressure, human performance, etc.

There is also a group of low frequency biological rhythms; These are peri-weekly, peri-monthly, seasonal, peri-annual, perennial rhythms.

The identification of each of them is based on clearly recorded vibrations of any functional indicator. For example, the circadian biological rhythm corresponds to the level of excretion in the urine of some physiologically active substances, about a month - menstrual cycle in women, seasonal biological rhythms - changes in sleep duration, muscle strength, morbidity, etc.

The most studied is the circadian biological rhythm, one of the most important in the human body, acting as a conductor of numerous internal rhythms.

Circadian rhythms are highly sensitive to the effects of various negative factors, and disruption of the coordinated operation of the system that generates these rhythms serves as one of the first symptomatic

The main reason for daily fluctuations in physiological functions in the human body is periodic changes in excitability nervous system, inhibiting or stimulating metabolism. As a result of changes in metabolism, changes in various physiological functions occur (Fig. 25.1). For example, the respiratory rate is higher during the day than at night. At night, the function of the digestive apparatus is reduced.

It has been established that the daily dynamics of body temperature has a wave-like character. At about 6 p.m., the temperature reaches its maximum, and by midnight it decreases: its minimum value is between 1 a.m. and 5 a.m. The change in body temperature during the day does not depend on whether a person is sleeping or engaged in intensive work.

Body temperature determines the speed of biological reactions; during the day, metabolism is most intense. Sleep and awakening are closely related to the circadian rhythm. A decrease in body temperature serves as a kind of internal signal for rest to sleep. Throughout the day it changes with an amplitude of up to 1.3°C.

By measuring body temperature under the tongue (with a regular medical thermometer) every 2-3 hours for several days, you can quite accurately determine the most appropriate moment for going to bed, and use temperature peaks to determine periods of maximum performance. During the day, the heart rate (HR) increases, higher blood pressure(BP), more often breathing. Day after day, by the time of awakening, as if anticipating the increasing need of the body, the content of adrenaline in the blood increases - a substance that increases heart rate, increases blood pressure, and activates the work of the whole organism; By this time, biological stimulants accumulate in the blood. A decrease in the concentration of these substances in the evening - an indispensable condition good sleep. It is not for nothing that sleep disturbances are always accompanied by excitement and anxiety: in these conditions, the concentration of adrenaline and other biologically active substances in the blood increases, the body long time is in a state of "combat readiness". Subject to biological rhythms, each physiological indicator can significantly change its level during the day.

Biological rhythms are the basis for the rational regulation of human life, since high performance and wellness can be achieved only if the rhythm of life corresponds to the rhythm of physiological functions inherent in the body. In this regard, it is necessary to wisely organize the regime of work (training) and rest, as well as food intake. Deviation from correct mode nutrition can lead to a significant increase in weight, which in turn, disrupting the vital rhythms of the body, causes changes in metabolism. For example, if you eat food with a total calorie content of 2000 kcal only in the morning, weight decreases; if the same food is taken in the evening, it increases. In order to maintain the body weight achieved by the age of 20-25, food should be

A person tolerates acclimatization more easily if he takes (3-5 times a day) hot meals and adaptogens, vitamin complexes, and gradually increases physical activity as he adapts to them (Fig. 25.3).

If these conditions are not met, so-called desynchronosis (a kind of pathological condition) may occur.

The phenomenon of desynchronosis is also observed in athletes, especially those training in hot and humid climates or mid-mountain regions. Therefore, an athlete flying to international competitions must be well prepared. Today there is the whole system activities aimed at maintaining habitual biorhythms.

For the human biological clock, the correct movement is important not only in the daily rhythm, but also in the so-called low-frequency rhythms, for example, in the periweekly rhythm.

It has now been established that the weekly rhythm is artificially developed: no convincing data have been found on the existence of innate seven-day rhythms in humans. Obviously, this is an evolutionarily fixed habit. The seven-day week became the basis of rhythm and rest back in ancient Babylon. Over thousands of years, a weekly social rhythm has developed: people are more productive in the middle of the week than at the beginning or end of it.

Biological clock a person is reflected not only by daily natural rhythms, but also by longer duration, for example seasonal. They manifest themselves in an increase in metabolism in the spring and a decrease in it in the fall and winter, an increase in the percentage of hemoglobin in the blood and a change in excitability respiratory center in spring and summer.

The state of the body in summer and winter time to some extent corresponds to his condition day and night. Thus, in winter, compared to summer, the blood sugar level decreased (a similar phenomenon occurs at night), and the amount of ATP and cholesterol increased.

I would be happy if it were pregnancy. But, frankly speaking, the situation has been repeated more than once or twice, this kind of garbage has been going on for more than a month, which is why I fell into frustration.

I won't go to a therapist. After asking one and a half questions, they immediately force me to take pills, but I don’t take them at all. And in general - how many times have I gone to doctors in my life, so many times I have been left in a semi-invalid state. Well, what the heck - I treat myself more effectively, if only I could understand what kind of garbage this is and what system is glitching (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

I’ve had 37.5 for three years now – the doctors said it’s normal. This is the normal temperature.
Normal temperature is considered to be from 35.5 to 37.5, as they explained to me. In children, 37.5 also does not require any intervention.

In fact, the normal temperature is considered to be 36.6.

My friend had this and had a fever. No symptoms, just fever and weakness. She was examined, of course, and the doctors strained her with tests. Then a disease in the female part was discovered.

In children, 37.5 also does not require any intervention.

Probably any mother will say that the child does not feel well at this temperature.
From the age of 38, a doctor makes house calls without fail.

3 years ago I noticed after severe cold that doesn't fall. It was stressful at first, but then I got used to it.
I was also scared, I went to all sorts of examinations (I did everything, I did everything), only they sucked out a lot of money for everything (in paid ones). Until I found a normal doctor, who explained that if there are no other symptoms of the disease, nothing needs to be done and that there are many such people and that a temperature of up to 37.5 is considered normal.

"normal" doctor


"normal" doctor
I just didn’t want to admit that I didn’t know what was wrong
So I came up with an excuse that said “everything is fine, the temperature is normal”

I may not be very knowledgeable about all the medical stuff. But all the tests were excellent, even cancer cells checked (I think that's what it's called).

The jester knows. I don't think this is a normal temperature. In my opinion, 99% of people feel unwell with this. Maybe someone doesn’t care, but someone does broken glass walks - doesn’t care either. And someone dives a hundred meters into the depths, where the rest of us are in hellish pain eardrums- and nothing.

By the way, I know the opposite option - a girl a couple of years younger than me, who has never had a fever in her entire life. He gets sick, coughs, sneezes like everyone else. But - always 36.6. Something doesn't work in protective system body.
But here I have a false alarm for some reason))

Well, how can the inflammatory process go on for 10-12 hours - and then disappear without a trace? (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)

what does 10-12 hours mean?

then under load it activates again

Soooo. Logical version. It never occurred to me. Perhaps this is true. Absolutely nothing hurts, really (pah-pah-pah) and there are not even any wounds. Maybe the brain is inflamed from reading the Wec in the evening? (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)

inflammation is not necessarily a consequence of purulent wounds)))
any infection causes inflammation
in general, it could be anything: from banal sinusitis to joe bone sarcoma)))
and pregnancy, by and large, too - is accompanied by an inflammatory process
there even Dr. House called the fetus a tumor in some season))))

I could be wrong
but it seems like an inflammatory process
indicates increased amount leukocytes in the blood
I need to check with someone who doesn’t understand medicine from TV series)))

Scram with your Houses and sarcomas))

I have a different idea. Every time you arrive from the mountains, a day or two of sausage and temperature is the norm. Readaptation to lowland conditions is underway. It's not just me, it's like this for almost everyone, known fact. It is connected with the fact that during acclimatization in the mountains, body temperature drops by half a degree and the pulse becomes slower. Accordingly, when descending, the temperature increases. This is not associated with any inflammatory processes or leukocytes. Rather, with atmospheric pressure and oxygen concentration in respiratory tract. And also with high solar activity at an altitude of more than 2000 m.


the inflammatory process can go on for weeks and months
and if the temperature drops, this does not mean that the inflammatory process is over
just went into a hidden, latent phase
then under load it activates again

This is true.

For several years the temperature remained at 37.0-37.3. I felt terrible. The doctors found nothing, nodded at chronic tonsillitis, laryngitis and so on.
Then a specific disease was revealed.
After treatment with hormones, the temperature returned relatively to normal. But after physical activity, after stress, it rises again.

By the way, there is such a type of allergy - an allergy to physical activity.
Maybe the body understands that it can’t handle four hours of riding and carrying heavy weights?

I don’t want to croak, but... Mountains are a strain on joints, ligaments, muscles and everything in general. Accordingly, most likely there really is something in the body that is under-treated or weakly ill. Well, as a result increased load on the diseased area causes an aggravation and reaction of the body. Listen to your body, maybe you will feel a signal somewhere specifically... But in general, you have to hope that it’s all from lack of sleep)


I wrote in the main post that for me this is not a load at all, just a warm-up. I spend 10-15 days three or four times a year in the mountains, where the daily load is 10 times greater than here. Overexertion can be such that you can’t even eat for a couple of hours until you recover. And nothing - I never remember that there were any sores after that. I rested, had tea, soup, cognac for bedtime, slept and then off we went)

That’s why I’m offended by my body - it’s not supposed to be sick right now. Just think - let's run to fresh air. They never even knocked out their breathing hole. What kind of whims suddenly out of the blue?

There was such a thought. All previously injured parts were palpated and checked - everything was fine, no sensations. The muscles also don’t hurt one bit - i.e. the load volume does not exceed normal. Everything is fine. The devil knows what's wrong with him...

In short, I thought about it and decided to run up the hill again tomorrow, but in the morning I would drink ascorbic acid and magnesium vitamins. If it helps, then everything is in order, it’s just that the frequent climate makes itself felt. And if not, then you need to look for the source of leukocytes)

Wow... Then the thought ceases to be clear and goes into the realm of assumptions. Maybe when the load increases, the body thinks that it has already been taken to the mountains? And, having discovered that it is not, he is offended and, in retaliation, arranges for me to be re-acclimated? (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
By the way, at the end of the third season, House and Cuddy are flying from a pandemic conference
and on their plane one dude develops strange symptoms reminiscent of bacterial meningitis
and in the end it turns out that fever, rash and nausea, convulsions
this is a consequence decompression sickness -
The guy was diving the day before the flight, surfaced too quickly and got decompression sickness
and low pressure in an airplane flying at an altitude of several thousand meters above sea level
almost sent him to the next world

there is a temperature - it means there is an inflammatory process
maybe in a latent form, but there is such a process

not true. There are people whose fever is normal.
There are few of them, but they exist.
Those. for example, for them 37.0 is the same normal temperature as for the others 36.6.

Muscular activity, more than an increase in any other physiological function, is accompanied by the breakdown and resynthesis of ATP - this is one of the main sources of contraction energy in muscle cell. But it is spent on external work small part potential energy of macroergs, the rest is released in the form of heat - from 80 to 90% - and is “washed out” from muscle cells by venous blood. Consequently, with all types of muscle activity, the load on the thermoregulatory apparatus sharply increases. If he were unable to cope with the release of more heat than at rest, then the human body temperature would increase by about 6°C in an hour of hard work.

Increased heat transfer in humans is ensured during work due to convection and radiation, due to an increase in temperature skin and increased exchange of the skin layer of air due to body movement. But the main and most effective way of heat transfer is the activation of sweating.

The mechanism of polypnea in humans at rest plays a certain, but very minor role. Rapid breathing increases heat transfer from the surface of the respiratory tract by warming and humidifying the inhaled air. At a comfortable ambient temperature, no more than 10% is lost due to this mechanism, and this figure practically does not change compared to the general level of heat generation during muscular work.

As a result sharp increase heat generation in working muscles, after a few minutes the temperature of the skin above them increases, not only due to the direct transfer of heat along the gradient from the inside to the outside, but also due to increased blood flow through the skin. Activation sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system and the release of catecholamines during work lead to tachycardia and a sharp increase in MVB with narrowing of the vascular bed in the internal organs and its expansion in the skin.

Increased activation of the sweating apparatus is accompanied by the release of bradykinin by sweat gland cells, which has a vasodilatory effect on nearby muscles and counteracts the systemic vasoconstrictor effect of adrenaline.

Competitive relationships may arise between the needs for increased blood supply to muscles and skin. When working in a heating microclimate, blood flow through the skin can reach 20% of the IOC. Such a large volume of blood flow does not serve any other needs of the body, except for purely thermoregulatory ones, since its own needs skin tissue in oxygen and nutrients are very small. This is one example of the fact that, having emerged at the last stage of mammalian evolution, the function of thermoregulation occupies one of the highest places in the hierarchy of physiological regulations.

Measuring body temperature while working under any conditions usually reveals an increase in core temperature from a few tenths to two or more degrees. During the first studies, it was assumed that this increase was explained by an imbalance between heat transfer and heat generation due to the functional insufficiency of the physical thermoregulation apparatus. However, in the course of further experiments it was established that an increase in body temperature during muscle activity is physiologically regulated and is not a consequence of a functional failure of the thermoregulatory apparatus. In this case, a functional restructuring of heat exchange centers occurs.

When working at moderate power, after an initial rise, body temperature stabilizes at a new level, the degree of increase is directly proportional to the power of the work performed. The severity of such a regulated rise in body temperature does not depend on temperature fluctuations external environment.

An increase in body temperature is beneficial during work: the excitability, conductivity, and lability of nerve centers increase, the viscosity of muscles decreases, and the conditions for the separation of oxygen from hemoglobin in the blood flowing through them improve. A slight increase in temperature can be noted even in the pre-start state and without warming up (it occurs conditionally).

Along with the regulated rise during muscle work, an additional, forced rise in body temperature can also be observed. It occurs at excessively high temperature and air humidity, with excessive isolation of the worker. This progressive increase can lead to heat stroke.

IN vegetative systems when performing physical work is carried out the whole complex thermoregulatory reactions. The frequency and depth of breathing increase, due to which pulmonary ventilation increases. This increases the value respiratory system in the heat exchange of breath with the environment. Rapid breathing becomes more important when working in low temperatures.

At an ambient temperature of about 40°C, a person’s resting pulse increases by an average of 30 beats/min compared to comfort conditions. But when performing work of moderate intensity under the same conditions, heart rate increases by only 15 beats/min compared to the same work in comfortable conditions. Thus, the work of the heart turns out to be comparatively more economical when performing physical activity than at rest.

Regarding the size vascular tone, then during physical work there is a competitive relationship not only between the blood supply to the muscles and skin, but also between both of them and the internal organs. The vasoconstrictor influences of the sympathetic department of the autonomic nervous system during operation are especially clearly manifested in the area gastrointestinal tract. The result of decreased blood flow is a decrease in juice secretion and a slowdown in digestive activity during intense muscular work.

It should be noted that a person can begin to do even hard work with normal temperature body, and only gradually, much slower than pulmonary ventilation, does the core temperature reach values ​​corresponding to the level of general metabolism. Thus, an increase in body core temperature is a necessary condition not to start work, but to continue it for a more or less long time. Perhaps, therefore, the main adaptive significance of this reaction is the restoration of performance during the muscular activity itself.

The influence of temperature and humidity on sports (physical) performance

Meaning different paths the body's transfer of heat to the environment is not the same under conditions of rest and during muscular activity and varies depending on physical factors external environment.

Under conditions of increasing air temperature and humidity, increased heat transfer occurs in two main ways: increased skin blood flow, which increases the transfer of heat from the core to the surface of the body and ensures the supply of sweat glands with water, and increased sweating and evaporation.

Skin blood flow in an adult under comfortable environmental conditions is about 0.16 l/sq.m at rest. m/min, and during operation in conditions of very high external temperatures it can reach 2.6 l/sq. m./min. This means that up to 20% of cardiac output can be directed into the cutaneous vasculature to prevent the body from overheating. Load power has virtually no effect on skin temperature.

Skin temperature is linearly related to the amount of skin blood flow. Increased blood flow in the skin increases its temperature, and if the temperature environment lower than the skin temperature, heat loss by conduction, convection and radiation increases. Additional movement air during work helps reduce hyperthermia. An increase in skin temperature also reduces the effect of external radiation on the body.

The rate of sweating and sweating depends on a number of factors, the main ones being the rate of energy production and the physical conditions of the environment. In this case, the rate of sweating depends on both the temperature of the core and the temperature of the body shell.

During intense sports activities, the rate of sweating is high. It is also necessary to take into account that, other things being equal, an increase in air speed accelerates the process of sweat evaporation. High air humidity, even at a relatively low temperature, makes it difficult for sweat to evaporate. This leads to a decrease in the rate of sweating and an additional increase in body temperature.

One of the most severe consequences increased sweating during muscular work performed in conditions elevated temperature air, is a violation of the water-salt balance of the body due to the development of acute dehydration. Dehydration is accompanied by a decrease in blood plasma volume, hemoconcentration, and a decrease in the volume of intercellular and intracellular fluid. With working dehydration, a decrease in physical performance is especially noticeable. It should be noted that significant working dehydration develops only with long-term (more than 30 minutes) and fairly intense exercise. During hard but short-term work, even under conditions of elevated temperature and air humidity, any significant dehydration does not have time to develop.

Continuous or repeated exposure to conditions of elevated temperature and humidity causes gradual adaptation to these specific environmental conditions, resulting in a state of thermal adaptation, the effect of which lasts for several weeks. Thermal adaptation is caused by a set of specific physiological changes, the main of which are increased sweating, a decrease in the temperature of the core and shell of the body at rest, their change in the process of muscle work, as well as a decrease in heart rate at rest and during exercise in conditions of elevated temperature. A decrease in heart rate is accompanied by an increase in systolic volume (via an increase in venous return). During the period of thermal adaptation, there is also an increase in BCC at rest, a decrease in the tonic activity of the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system, and an increase in the mechanical intensity of the physical work performed.

Training and competitive loads in sports that require endurance cause a significant increase in core temperature - up to 40°C even in neutral environmental conditions. Systematic training sessions aimed at endurance training lead to improved thermoregulation: heat production decreases, the ability to heat loss improves due to increased heat generation. Accordingly, athletes, while working at normal or high air temperatures, have lower internal and skin temperatures than untrained people performing the same volume of workload. The salt content in the sweat of athletes is also lower.

During training in neutral conditions, the blood volume increases, the reactions of blood flow redistribution are improved with its decrease in the vessels of the skin. Therefore, well-trained endurance athletes tend to be better able to at least handle varying power levels of work in hot conditions. At the same time, on its own sports training under neutral environmental conditions cannot completely replace specific thermal adaptation.

As the external temperature decreases, the difference between it and the body surface temperature increases, which leads to increased heat loss. The main mechanisms of protecting the body from heat loss in cold conditions are the narrowing of peripheral vessels and increased heat production.

As a result of the narrowing of skin vessels, the convection transfer of heat from the core of the body to its surface decreases. Vasoconstriction can increase the insulating capacity of the body membrane by 6 times. However, this may lead to a gradual decrease in skin temperature. The most pronounced vasoconstriction is observed in the extremities; the temperature of the tissues of the distal parts of the extremities can decrease to ambient temperature.

In addition to cutaneous vasoconstriction important role The fact that in cold conditions the blood flows mainly through the deep veins plays a role in reducing the internal conductivity of the internal conductivity of heat in the body. Heat exchange occurs between the arteries and veins: returning to the core of the body venous blood heated by the arterial.

Another important mechanism of adaptation to cold conditions is increased heat production due to cold shivering and due to an increase in the level of metabolic processes. When working in cold conditions, the body's thermal insulation is significantly reduced and heat loss (conduction and convection) increases. Accordingly, to maintain heat balance, greater heat generation is required than under resting conditions.

Increased energy expenditure (higher rate of oxygen consumption) when working at relatively low power in cold conditions is associated with cold shivering, which disappears with increasing loads to significant ones, and thereby the regulation of working body temperature is stabilized.

Hypothermia leads to a decrease in BMD, which is based on a decrease in cardiac output due to a decrease in maximum heart rate. A person’s endurance decreases, and the results of exercises that require great dynamic strength also decrease.

Despite the fact that in many sports training sessions and competitions take place in conditions low temperatures, problems of thermoregulation arise mainly only at the beginning of exposure to the cold or when performing repeated exercise with alternating periods of high activity and rest. In exceptional cases, the amount of heat lost may exceed that produced during muscle activity.

Long-term living in cold conditions to some extent increases a person’s ability to withstand cold, i.e. maintain the required core temperature at low temperature environment. Acclimatization is based on two main mechanisms. Firstly, this is a reduction in heat loss, and secondly, an increase in heat exchange. In people acclimatized to cold, vasoconstriction of the skin is reduced, which prevents cold damage to the peripheral parts of the body and allows coordinated movements of the limbs in low temperatures.

During the process of cold acclimatization, body heat production increases, endocrine and intracellular metabolic changes occur. However, many researchers have not found human acclimatization to cold, especially with regard to muscle activity in cold conditions. However, physically fit people tolerate cold conditions better than untrained people. Physical training produces effects similar in some respects to cold acclimatization: trained individuals respond to cold exposure with a greater increase in heat production and a smaller decrease in skin temperature than untrained individuals.

0 16045 1 year ago

Training for our body is a lot of stress, which the body is used to dealing with using typical means. That's why if you get too much heavy load during the training process, you can easily get a number of very unpleasant symptoms: be it nausea or even fever after exercise. Why does it occur, how to deal with it and most importantly, how to avoid it unpleasant consequences?

Why does it happen?

For many, it will be interesting to know not only why the temperature rises after exercise, but also how to avoid the harmful consequences of this protective reaction of the body. To do this, it is important to understand the general biochemical processes that occur in our body when receiving heavy loads. The body is a very lazy and closed system that strives to be in constant balance. Any movement and lifting of weights is a serious stress for him, which he can deal with in two ways:

  1. Adaptation. The body launches, which allow you to build up muscle mass, and, therefore, becomes stronger, faster, more resilient. Adaptation starts when the stress for the body is not very great and it is able to cope with it using internal resources.
  2. Optimization. The body launches processes that, in its opinion, can help avoid such stress in the future. Optimization is triggered if the load is excessive and the body is not able to adapt to it at the current level.

An increase in temperature is a consequence of the launch of short-term optimization processes, which can then turn into adaptation processes. An increase in temperature can be caused by:

  1. Initially, feeling unwell before training.
  2. caused by cardio exercise.
  3. Stressful loads on the verge of overtraining.
  4. The release of heat as a means of thermoregulation followed by sweating.
  5. Taking third-party medications that affect the body’s thermoregulation.


Stress is the main factor why a temperature of 38 occurs, it can start to shiver right during training and other unpleasant factors, including nausea. Defensive reaction against stress is the main regulator of the body's optimization resources. Any serious training load causes:

  • Micro-fractures in muscle tissue;
  • Sharp depletion of stocks in the depot;
  • Formation of lactic acid.

And, of course, we must not forget about such an important factor as liver overload during training. Any of these factors is inflammatory for our body. In the process of micro-tears, the body is forced to fill the damaged areas with red blood cells, and drive lactic acid through the entire bloodstream system, causing intoxication. As a consequence, to combat these negative factors, the body increases body temperature, up to critical levels above 37 and 38 degrees.

Heat release

To others important factor, which can cause the body to overheat directly during exercise, are the processes of energy release. The fact is that the body cannot use glycogen in pure form. To do this, he needs to break it down into glucose. Glucose is subsequently broken down into energy itself. The efficiency of our body is not ideal, as is the rate of breakdown of glucose. Therefore, the excess energy received as a result of its emergency release naturally turns into heat.

Acceleration of metabolism

Can the temperature rise after training without overtraining and stressful situations? Yes, and this is the third main factor why it is rising. During the training process, our heart in order to ensure normal functioning throughout the body, accelerates 2-3 times relative to the resting state. All this leads to the fact that blood begins to circulate faster throughout the body and all processes also occur faster. As a result, the selection more thermal energy and temperature increase right during training.

Is it possible to train with a fever?

It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally. If the temperature is a consequence of the factors described above, then care must be taken to ensure that it does not rise further. To do this, first of all, it is necessary to reduce the intensity of the workout, and then, if the temperature does not subside, stop it completely until full recovery.

If a rise in temperature occurs during running and other cardio exercises, then all you need to do is drink as much fluid as possible. If the temperature does not subside the next day, then any physical activity should be avoided until complete recovery.

How to avoid?

Universal advice on how to avoid fever cannot be given in view of the fact that the causes and reaction of the body to various stresses in different people different. However, there are a number simple recommendations which will help prevent temperature increases.

  1. Drink more fluids. Water has a high heat capacity, therefore, it can quickly cool our body through sweat.
  2. Keep a training diary. It helps you control your results and, accordingly, avoid overtraining.
  3. In the summer, try to train outdoors or in an air-conditioned room.
  4. Do not come to training if you feel unwell.

Fighting overheating of the body

Overheating of the body is quite serious problem, and to avoid harmful consequences, you can use one of the proposed methods.

Method/means Operating principle Health safety Impact on the result
Warm tea with lemon Lemon is a powerful adaptogen, vitamin C has a preventive and healing effect on the body. The acid in it helps reduce the effects of lactic acid on the body. In addition, the caffeine in tea helps optimize the body's resources to combat stress. Completely safe. If you have caffeine intolerance, you can simply drink hot water with lemon. Vitamin C has a beneficial effect on adaptation processes and can increase the effectiveness of subsequent training.
Rubbing with vinegar Emergency remedy. Acetic acid affects adrenaline receptors, in addition, it affects the sweat glands, which physically helps reduce temperature. Mild intoxication is possible from vinegar getting into circulatory system through the pores. No effect.
Cool shower Physical cooling of the body helps reduce the factor inflammatory processes and physically reduce the temperature. No effect. Reduces the effect of lactic acid on the body's recovery.
Cool water Water has a high heat capacity, which allows it to physically lower the temperature. Possibility of catching a cold. Helps replenish, increasing performance during the workout itself.
Paracetamol A powerful analgesic that lowers temperature by briefly increasing it sharply. The mechanism of action is not fully understood. Helps reduce severe fever down to 39 degrees. Causes weakness and drowsiness. Serious liver toxicity. Negatively affects the training process, due to severe intoxication and a blow to the liver. Recommended only in extremely urgent cases.
Ibuprofen A weak analgesic with a powerful anti-inflammatory effect that helps reduce low fever. It has virtually no effect on performance and does not cause drowsiness. Mild intoxication, which will not cause harm if consumed once. Virtually no effect.
Aspirin A non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that has a powerful antipyretic effect. Thins the blood. Not recommended for people with cardiovascular problems. It is not recommended to exercise after taking aspirin, as the thinning effect on the circulatory system increases the load on the heart and can lead to unpleasant consequences.

To summarize

When answering the question whether there can be a temperature after training, you need to understand that the temperature itself is not a problem - it is only a symptom of one of the reasons described above why it may increase. First of all, you need to measure the temperature itself, understand how intensely you trained, and did you come to the training session healthy to begin with?

If the reason is overtraining, then appropriate conclusions need to be drawn from this. If this normal reaction for cardio exercise, it is enough to drink more fluid during the workout itself.

Mikhail asks:

Good afternoon, I am 22 years old, height 182, weight 76, physical training good, I’ve been doing sports all my life, not a professional.
After a winter of stagnation at school and work, I started going to gym with a friend (3 times a week). After the 5th lesson, in which I did squats with a barbell (50x12, 70x10, 85x8, 100x6) and pull-ups (4x12), in the evening and night the temperature began to appear (37.5 - 38.2). There are no symptoms of acute respiratory infections or flu. No nausea, normal stool. Blood pressure is always 120/80, pulse is slightly higher than normal. Food and sleep are fine, I have eliminated exercise. In a word, I feel great, I don’t feel any signs of illness at all, except that closer to night, when I get over 38, I feel a slight weakness and heaviness in my head.
I take pentaflucin once a day before bed, my temperature goes down, I sleep like a baby, but overall the situation has been going on for almost 2 weeks.
What to do about it, how to deal with it? Thanks in advance for your answer.

First of all, you need to pass general analysis blood and urine, to exclude hidden inflammatory processes in the body, which may be accompanied by an increase in body temperature. With the test results, you will need to undergo an examination by a therapist. Read more about the various pathological conditions, accompanied by an increase in body temperature, methods of their diagnosis and treatment, you can read in our thematic section with the same name: High temperature.

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