Drops in the ears with a perforated eardrum. Otitis with perforation of the eardrum. What ear drops help with perforated eardrum. Drops for perforation of the eardrum. How to put drops in your ears correctly

Some ear drops for a damaged eardrum can cause severe pain and do not help improve the condition at all. This is why self-medication is so dangerous. Moreover, perforation usually occurs when otitis has already started or the eardrum is damaged as a result of careless actions (trauma). Therefore, you need to choose medications in this situation very carefully, and better yet, only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Causes and Effects

Treatment of the ear largely depends on the reasons that caused the perforation of the eardrum. When it is damaged, several problems arise simultaneously: hearing sharply deteriorates, the gates to infection open, and liquid discharge appears.

Effective drops in the ear for perforation of the eardrum should act simultaneously in several directions: relieve inflammation, heal wounds and prevent the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

The most common causes of rupture are the following:

  • Barotrauma or a sharp change in atmospheric pressure, during which the membrane instantly ruptures and fluid leaks out of the inner ear.
  • Acoustic trauma - the same thing happens due to exposure to a strong sound wave.
  • Mechanical injury - can occur even when carelessly cleaning the ears with sharp objects, but more often the eardrum is pierced when the temporal bone is fractured.
  • Advanced otitis media, in which pus has accumulated in the ear, creating pressure on the eardrum, causing severe pain and leading to perforation.

Only a doctor can diagnose a ruptured eardrum after a thorough examination using an otoscope. He also prescribes treatment, which usually includes not only drops and oral administration of anti-inflammatory drugs, but also physiotherapeutic procedures.

Ear drops

Ear drops for perforated eardrums are the best way to quickly relieve pain, as they act directly on the source of inflammation. The most effective drugs are:

It is very important that drops for perforation of the eardrum are used until it is completely restored. And only a doctor can determine this moment.

Unfortunately, many patients stop taking the prescribed drug on their own as soon as the pain and unpleasant symptoms disappear. But if the eardrum has not healed completely, then there is a high risk that the disease will flare up with renewed vigor soon after stopping the drug, and possibly lead to such serious complications as sepsis and hearing loss.

Perforation of the eardrum means a violation of the impermeability of the elastic membrane separating the outer and middle ear (membrana tympani), which ensures the perception and amplification of external sound waves.

Damage to this most important part of the sound-conducting apparatus, accompanied by loss of its integrity, is also called a rupture, although it may simply be a small through hole. However, this does not change the essence of the pathology.

Causes of eardrum perforation

In otolaryngology, depending on the cause of the damage, it is customary to distinguish between perforations of the tympanic septum of an inflammatory and traumatic nature.

Traumatic perforation of the eardrum occurs when it is accidentally mechanically damaged during the process of cleansing the ear canal using matches with cotton wool (or cotton swabs) or when trying to scratch an itchy ear with improvised objects. Careless medical manipulations can have the same consequences. Often, perforation of the eardrum in a child occurs when a foreign body is removed from the ear.

When the external air pressure on the membrane sharply increases, it bends strongly towards the middle ear cavity and, unable to withstand compression, bursts. This can happen during air travel - when the plane is gaining altitude during takeoff or descending before landing. You can damage the membrane as a result of barotrauma by jumping into water or plunging deeply into it (during scuba diving, in violation of safety precautions for diving and caisson work), receiving a blow to the ear that increases compression on the membrane (for example, in boxing such an injury is caused by a blow with an open glove along the auricle).

In the case of a short-term vibroacoustic impact on the membrane of sounds with a volume of over 100-120 dB (gunshot, explosion, etc.), acoustic perforation occurs. Post-traumatic perforation of the tympanic membrane is often observed with fractures of the base of the skull or temporal bone.

The cause of inflammatory perforation of the tympal membrane is acute purulent otitis media. The main causative factor for perforation of the eardrum in a child with otitis is the accumulation of purulent exudate in the tympanic cavity. On the one hand, this causes necrosis of the tissue of the membrane itself, and, on the other, a large volume of purulent mass accumulated in the cavity, pressing on the membrane, leads to its breakthrough. Until now, a rupture of the eardrum with suppuration is considered as the second stage of acute purulent inflammation of the middle ear.

As otiatrists note, chronic purulent inflammation of the middle ear is almost universally accompanied by persistent perforation of the eardrum: in the center of the eardrum (mesotympanic), in its upper part (epitympanic) or in both parts at once (epimesotympanic).

And dry perforation of the eardrum - with a significant decrease in hearing acuity - is detected after acute catarrhal otitis or chronic purulent inflammation of the middle ear, as well as as a consequence of cicatricial (adhesive) otitis.

Symptoms of eardrum perforation

Experts identify such typical signs of a traumatic membrane rupture as: acute pain in the ear, bloody discharge from the ear canal, tinnitus (tinnitus), dizziness, severe hearing loss (partial hearing loss).

Clinical practice shows that the location of membrane damage determines the degree of hearing impairment and its pathogenesis. So, when perforation affects the edges of the eardrum, a person experiences conductive hearing impairment - a decrease in auditory conductivity due to poor propagation of sound waves. In cases of acoustic injuries to the eardrum, irreversible sensorineural hearing loss associated with functional disorders of the receptor apparatus of the auditory analyzer located in the inner ear cannot be excluded.

When listing the main symptoms of perforation of the eardrum of inflammatory etiology, doctors name: discharge of watery exudate from the ear, otorrhea (discharge of pus from the ear), rapid decrease in pain, tinnitus and steadily progressive hearing loss.

In case of traumatic brain injury, a symptom of membrane destruction is auricular liquorrhea - leakage of cerebrospinal fluid from the ear canal.

Diagnosis of eardrum perforation

Otolaryngologists diagnose perforation of the eardrum using an external examination of the ear and otoscopy; detailed examination of the eardrum under a microscope (otomicroscopy).

To determine the degree of hearing loss, its acuity is measured - audiometry (tone and speech). The study can be carried out using a hardware method (audimeter) or using tuning forks and whispers of varying volumes according to special tables.

If there is a need to find out what condition the hearing analyzer is in, specialized clinics resort to digital impedance measurements (performed on computer audiological equipment). Impedance testing allows you to simultaneously study the mobility of the eardrum (tympanometry) and determine the level of sound conduction to the auditory ossicles located in the middle ear cavity.

Treatment of eardrum perforation

Treatment of perforation of the eardrum has some peculiarities, since, according to otiatrists, most often the healing of a rupture or hole in the eardrum occurs by itself - through scarring. On average, this process lasts one and a half to two months.

And the main thing that therapeutic efforts are aimed at is to prevent the development of an inflammatory process in the middle ear, which can become infected after the impermeability of the eardrum is broken.

Patients with this problem need to protect the damaged ear from water, and doctors recommend that the hygiene of the ear canal be carried out very carefully: using a sterile cotton swab, slightly moistened with medical alcohol, and then closing the passage with a dry sterile swab.

But with the development of purulent otitis media, antibacterial drops must be used for perforation of the eardrum, which are used in the treatment of all purulent inflammatory diseases of the ears: Normax, Tsipromed, Otofa.

When the eardrum is perforated, Otof drops containing the powerful antibiotic rifamycin should be instilled into the ear: adults - 4-5 drops (in each ear), children - 3 drops; It should be instilled three times a day (for children - twice a day). Tsipromed ear drops based on ciprofloxacin are used for purulent otitis with perforation, 5 drops (three times a day), but they cannot be used before the age of 15 and during pregnancy. Normax drops contain the antibiotic norfloxacin and have the same contraindications as Tsipromed.

It should be emphasized that these drugs do not produce ototoxic effects, that is, they do not damage the innervation of the ear. But ear drops such as Polydexa, Sofradex, Garazon, Otinum, Otizol, Anauran, containing ototoxic antibiotics, are strictly prohibited for use in case of perforation of the eardrum.

If a small hole still does not heal, then it can be closed with a paper plaster, having previously treated the edges of the hole with a means that stimulates healing. And when the membrane rupture is large and does not heal itself for more than two months, an operation can be performed to treat the perforation of the eardrum - tympanoplasty (or myringoplasty), which restores the integrity of the membrane by grafting a skin flap.

In case of dry perforation of the eardrum, therapy is carried out by regular blowing of the ear - in order to restore pressure in the middle ear and improve hearing - in combination with physiotherapeutic procedures (pneumomassage of the eardrum, electrophoresis, UHF, quartz).

Prevention of eardrum perforation

The main direction of prevention is the immediate and correct treatment of inflammatory diseases of the ear, in particular otitis media. And for children - and all the runny noses. And you need to clean your ears correctly: do not use cotton swabs, but wash them with warm water and baby soap. The resulting wax plug can be driven even deeper into the ear on your own, so going to the clinic will be both easier and safer (where the plugs are washed out using the proven method).

The outer and middle parts of the ear are separated by the eardrum. Even atmospheric pressure or too loud a sound can damage this delicate membrane. Damage in the form of a tear or hole is called perforation. It is caused by several reasons. Can a perforated eardrum be treated conservatively or is surgery necessary? Is self-healing possible?

The middle ear is connected to the nose by a Eustachian tube, which equalizes air pressure. If the ear is hit with a flat open hand. As a result of entering incandescent lamp or acid. Middle ear infections can cause pain, hearing loss, and spontaneous rupture of the eardrum, leading to perforation.

It may also prevent the development of cholesteatoma, which causes chronic infection and destruction of ear structures. If the perforation is very small, the otolaryngologist may want to watch it for a while to make sure it closes spontaneously. Using a microscope, your doctor may touch the edges of the piercing with medication to stimulate growth and then place a thin piece of paper over it. There are many surgical techniques, but they all basically place tissue through a perforation to allow it to heal.

  1. How to recognize perforation?
  2. Diagnostics

Why does the eardrum rupture?

Perforation of the eardrum is a complication after suffering diseases of the middle ear; there are a number of ailments that provoke perforation:

  1. Spicy medium. An inflammatory process in the middle ear with the accumulation of pus develops after acute respiratory viral infection against the background of reduced immunity. The membrane softens and thins under pressure from pus. The tympanic cavity becomes infected, resulting in disease.
  2. Medium with chronic suppuration. Consequence of incompletely cured acute otitis media. Has two forms. Mesotympanitis is an inflammation of the auditory tube, infecting the mucous layer and forming a through hole in the membrane. Epitympanitis is an inflammation of the supratympanic space (attic), characterized by damage to the bone and mucous tissue of the tympanic cavity, rupture occurs in the upper parts of the membrane.
  3. Impact of atmospheric pressure. Usually occurs when a plane is taking off or landing. Possible when a person sneezes with his nose closed or dives too quickly. The difference between pressure in the ear and in the atmosphere can cause pathology of the eardrum, including partial or complete rupture.
  4. Mechanical damage to the membrane. Occurs when trying to free the ear from a foreign body or carelessly cleaning the hearing organs with sharp objects - a hairpin, toothpick, match.
  5. Thermal damage. Occurs when exposed to hot substances at home or at work.
  6. Foreign objects. Children are more often exposed to such troubles. Adults can introduce foreign matter by using an item not intended for ear cleaning.
  7. Acoustic (noise) shock. The membrane can burst when the pressure of the external environment thickens, resulting from an unexpected roar or crack.
  8. Cranio-cerebral is another cause of pathology of the eardrum. Occurs when injury affects the tympanic ring.

Find out more about the causes of eardrum perforation and treatment:

Surgery is usually very successful, permanently closing the perforation and improving hearing. Your doctor will advise you on the best treatment for your ear piercing. This is a specialty that deals with the medical and surgical treatment of the ears, nose, throat, and structures associated with the head and neck. Specialties include restorative and cosmetic surgery, benign and malignant head and neck tumor surgery, treatment of patients with hearing loss and balance, endoscopic examination of the air and digestive tract, and treatment of allergic, sinus, laryngeal, thyroid and esophageal disorders.

How to recognize perforation?

The following symptoms of perforation lead the patient to a specialist:

  1. Pain. Most often, the reason becomes. The injury causes severe pain.
  2. Purulent and mucous discharge. They say that the cause of perforation was an inflammatory process.
  3. Bloody and bloody discharge. A sign that the membrane has burst due to mechanical damage.
  4. Decreased hearing, feeling of ear fullness. The reason is excessive accumulation of fluid in the middle ear.
  5. , ringing, buzzing in the ears. Characteristic of acoustic perforation, as well as a complication after otitis media.
  6. and disorientation. They can be caused by otitis media, noise, and traumatic brain injury. These signs occur due to deep trauma.
  7. Increased. Usually caused by suppuration in otitis media.
  8. The escape of air from the ear when a person blows their nose or sneezes. Evidence that the eardrum has been completely ruptured.


It is one that persists beyond the expected time for symptoms to resolve. It begins after the 9th week of illness. It is characterized by extensive fibrosis. Proliferation of the mucous membrane and increased formation of glands. Chronic otitis media is most often caused by aerobic microorganisms, followed by a frequency of mixed flora and a smaller percentage of anaerobes. There is also a fungal epidemic. The most common microorganisms are gram-negative bacilli, in descending order.

Periods without infection: Hearing loss. they learn without otorrhea. For otoscopy with a microscope: eardrum with central or intermediate perforation, dry or moist mucous membrane. Periods with active infection. To otoscopy with a microscope: tympanic perforation of the mucous membrane of the thickened capsule and hyperimeca and produces mucopulent secretion. Sometimes granulating tissue or a polyp is visible through the perforation.

Perforation of the eardrum is diagnosed and treatment is prescribed in several stages:

  1. Anamnesis collection - personal data, medical history, life history, family history, allergies. The otolaryngologist should especially carefully inquire about the presence of lingering ailments of the ear and nose, and collect information about surgical interventions on the ENT organs.
  2. Examination of the ear externally and examination of the site of pathological changes by palpation. The situation in the ear concha, the presence of postoperative scars, swelling, pain, enlarged lymph nodes and other changes are determined.
  3. Otoscopy is an examination of the eardrum and external auditory canal. It is carried out with the help of an otolaryngologist - an ear specula, an otoscope, a frontal reflector. The method allows you to diagnose the degree of membrane damage.
  4. Diagnostics by laboratory method. A study of exudate for bacteriology and a blood test to diagnose the inflammatory process. Helps select an effective antibiotic.
  5. CT scan. Visualizes the condition of the middle and inner ear in the best possible way.
  6. Audiometry. It is carried out to determine hearing acuity using an audiometer. The measurement results give an idea of ​​the degree of hearing loss.

Therapeutic treatments

First aid consists of transporting the patient to a medical facility. Before this, you should not apply ice to your ear, rinse it, or remove blood clots. The maximum assistance that should be provided to the patient is to put dry cotton wool in the ear or bandage it. Diclofenac or paracetamol - help with unbearable pain.

Culture of visual secretion and antibiograms. Computed tomographyResonance. Epidural, subdural or cerebral abscess Otogenic malignant lateral sinus thrombophlebitis. Tympanoplasty Simple mastoidectomy Radical mastoidectomy Radical modified mastoidectomy Treatment of complications.

Currently, in ENT practice, ruptures of the tympanic membrane (tympanic membrane) are diagnosed quite often. Among the victims are both adults and children. There are a number of factors leading to damage, some of which are in no way dependent on the patient. This type of injury causes severe hearing loss.

In their experience, the authors indicate that dilatation is a maintenance procedure and is not a definitive treatment. In turn, the reconstruction offers a safe route and immediate potential for decanting the patient, observing a change in behavior towards the last scenario. Airway reconstruction has become more effective, tolerable, and with low morbidity and mortality.

Effect of acid and pepsin on wound healing: a simulated reflux model. Gastroesophageal reflux is a common pathology that is present in 7% to 36% of the population, affecting both the digestive and extravascular pathways. Within the last group there is a gullet effect. There are many studies in animal models that evaluate the effect of reflux in the subpharynx, but the effect of reflux on vocal cord repair is poorly understood.

Note:The function of the eardrum, a thin leathery membrane separating the middle ear and the ear canal, is to transmit air vibrations to the auditory ossicles.

Causes of pathology

The main causes of membrane rupture include:

Purpose: To evaluate the effect of acid and pepsin on the restoration of previously damaged vocal cords. Method: We conducted a prospective randomized study in an animal model of reflux. In 42 previously anesthetized mice, the epithelial lining of one of the vocal cords was cut off and a probe was placed near the posterior commissure.

Results. In telescopic evaluation, scar formation and granulation tissue formation were statistically higher in the reflux group. Histologically, the strings of both groups were found to be completely epithelialized after 4 weeks of gestation. Both the density of collagen fibers applied to the lamina impregnation and the number of fibroblasts were statistically higher in the reflux group.

  • local inflammatory process;
  • exposure to pressure (barotrauma);
  • loud noise;
  • mechanical injury (including during hygiene procedures);
  • foreign bodies entering the ear canal;
  • thermal effects;
  • chemical damage;
  • (TBI, accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the temporal bone).

Conclusion: According to this study, repair of pharyngeal damage is highly dependent on acid and pepsin, so antireflux therapy may be useful in reducing pharyngeal damage after surgery. Nasal polyposis is a common disorder of unclear etiology in which multiple causative factors have been studied, including the expression of growth factors.

Method: We conducted a prospective study in which inferior turbine nasal mucosa was obtained from 20 patients with rhinoplasty and polyps from 20 patients with chronic polypoid rhinosinusitis. These tissues were studied using immunohistochemistry, reverse polymerase chain reaction, and Western blot.

Many patients do not rush to see an ENT doctor after noticing the first signs (of inflammation of the middle ear), but self-medicate using dubious “folk recipes”. When suppuration develops, purulent exudate accumulates and puts pressure on the membrane. If the problem is not corrected in a timely manner, then a significant volume of pathological discharge may well lead to membrane rupture. In addition, the membrane is capable of undergoing gradual purulent melting.

Hospital Freddie Martel Vera Clinico P Universidad Católica. Pads for hearing loss associated with otitis media with effect in children. The Cochrane Corner is a new section of this journal dedicated to current systemic reviews of otolaryngology and head and neck surgery and commentary on its findings.

All randomized controlled trials that assessed the comparative criteria described above and the use of standard ventilation tubes with a tube duration of 6 to 12 months were included in this review. Treatment with ventilation tubes improved hearing levels, especially during the first 6 months.

A significant pressure drop is observed during rapid immersion in water, sneezing with a pinched nose, and also in an airplane during the first seconds of ascent.. A great danger to the eardrum is a sharp, intense noise and an explosion occurring nearby - in such cases, both a strong air flow and a pressure difference simultaneously affect the membrane. When quickly ascending from depth, divers often suffer from damage to the tympanic membrane (the so-called “reverse rupture”). This is one of the symptoms of decompression sickness, accompanied by the appearance of blood from the ears.

A common cause of perforation or rupture of the membrane is self-inflicted trauma by the patient during cleaning of the ear canal with inappropriate objects - knitting needles, toothpicks, pins, etc. The mucous membrane of the middle ear is often damaged in parallel, which leads to secondary bacterial complications due to infection.

Note:Many people injure the membrane and mucous membrane of the ear canal while trying to get rid of wax plugs at home. Remember that extracting it using improvised means is not only ineffective, but also very dangerous.

A small, hard foreign body with sharp edges may accidentally end up on a harmless hygiene item (a cotton swab). During rotational movements, the membrane is often injured.

Important:Young children left without adult supervision may insert a pencil or other hard object into their ear while playing, which can damage the eardrum.

Rupture of the membrane due to thermal effects is possible in persons working in hot shops (for example, at metallurgical enterprises).

Damage to the tympanic membrane is often diagnosed in severe TBI associated with a fracture of the temporal bone.

A blow to the ear with an open palm or even a kiss on the ear can cause injury.

Symptoms of a ruptured eardrum

Leading symptoms of rupture:

  • intense pain;
  • noticeable impairment of auditory perception acuity;
  • sensation;
  • a feeling of “stuffiness” in the damaged ear.

At the time of injury, the patient feels severe pain. The intensity of the pain syndrome is so great that a person’s vision may darken, and even develop short-term pain.

The pain gradually decreases, but other clinical signs develop that clearly indicate membrane damage. The victim clearly feels that his hearing has become much worse than before the injury. At the same time, tinnitus increases, and this process is completely impossible to control.

Important:some patients complain that when they blow their nose, they feel air coming out of the ear on the side of the injury; this phenomenon is due to the fact that the internal structures of the hearing organ have temporarily lost their protection.

Problems with the vestibular system (for example, instability in an upright position or unsteadiness of gait) are noted if the auditory ossicles are affected.

If the damage to the integrity of the eardrum was caused by an explosion that occurred nearby, then the injury in most cases is accompanied by bleeding from one or both ears. It clearly indicates serious tissue damage (including blood vessels).

Possible consequences of a ruptured eardrum

Among the complications of a ruptured eardrum is infectious inflammation of the inner ear, which is left without a natural barrier to pathogenic microflora. Infectious complications include:

  • labyrinthitis;
  • neuritis of the auditory nerve.

The inflammatory process affecting the tissues of the inner ear (labyrinthitis) is accompanied and pronounced. Damage to the auditory nerve results in intense pain.

If all possible measures are not taken in a timely manner to eliminate the infectious process, it spreads to the brain tissue and leads to the development of or, and this already poses a serious threat to the life of the victim.

With significant damage, when in some cases even surgical intervention is required, there is a risk that the acuity of auditory perception in the damaged ear will not be restored 100%.


If you have signs that suggest a violation of the integrity of the eardrum, you should immediately contact the nearest emergency room or an otolaryngologist at your local clinic.

General examination, palpation and questioning of the patient usually do not allow an objective assessment of the severity of the injury. The victim may be in a state of shock, which greatly complicates the collection of anamnesis.

To conduct an internal examination, a special medical instrument is used - an otoscope. With its help, the degree of damage to the membrane and the presence of pus in the damaged area are revealed. At the same time, audiometry is performed - tests to determine the degree of hearing loss on the damaged side.

For subsequent laboratory tests, fluid leaking from the ear is collected. Its analysis is necessary to identify the possible presence of pathogenic microflora that can cause further complications.

Tests will also be needed to determine the presence of vestibular disorders.

In case of TBI, an X-ray examination is required to identify fractures of the skull bones (in particular, the temporal bone).

Only a comprehensive examination makes it possible to verify the diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

Treatment for a ruptured eardrum

Depending on the nature and severity of the damage, as well as the presence of complications, conservative (drug) therapy or surgical intervention is used.

Conservative therapy

In most cases, a damaged eardrum can heal on its own. With a small rupture area, regeneration proceeds quite quickly. The patient is strongly advised to remain in bed or semi-bed rest, and in no case resort to any independent manipulation of the ear canals.

For a minor tear, the ENT doctor applies a sterile paper bandage-patch. It is replaced every 3-4 days.

In most cases, 3 to 5 procedures (dressings) are required. The main goal of such conservative treatment is to prevent infection and accelerate reparative processes.

If, during the initial visual examination, dirt or blood clots are found in the ear, they are removed with a sterile cotton swab. Then the affected area is washed with an antiseptic (usually a solution of medical alcohol). Cauterization with chromic acid and silver nitrate is often required. They are not poured into the ear canal - only careful external treatment is carried out. At the end of the manipulations, a tight swab made of sterile cotton wool is inserted into the ear canal (it is also subject to periodic replacement).

To prevent infectious complications, the otolaryngologist will prescribe special ear drops, which contain an antibacterial component () and an anti-inflammatory drug.

Effective drops:

Surgical intervention

Indications for surgery are a large area of ​​tympanic membrane rupture or ineffectiveness of pharmacotherapy.

Surgical intervention (myringoplasty) is carried out exclusively under. Even a patient with a very high pain threshold cannot tolerate pain, which persists even with very high-quality local anesthesia.

During the operation, a small incision is made behind the ear, from which an autoplant is taken - a fragment of one's own tissue to replace the defect. The flap is fixed to the damaged membrane using an endoscopic instrument. For suturing, a material is used that undergoes biodegradation over time, i.e., dissolves on its own (in about 2 weeks). After completing the manipulations, the ear canal is tamponed with a turunda containing an antibiotic solution.

In the postoperative period, the patient is prohibited from inhaling deeply and exhaling through the nose to avoid displacement of the autoplant.

To speed up the process of tissue repair, it is advisable to consume more ascorbic acid. a lot in citrus fruits and decoctions etc.

Prognosis and prevention

If a rupture of the eardrum is diagnosed in time, and treatment is carried out adequately and in full, then in most cases a complete recovery occurs and hearing is completely restored.

Most ear pathologies are treated locally with special drops, but not all medications can be used when the patient has an emergency. There are certain limitations that must be taken into account. So, what ear drops can be used to cure a perforated eardrum? What medications do specialists most often prefer? This will be discussed further.

Types of drugs

Local medications are selected by a specialist based on what caused the membrane rupture. Ear drops are:

What medications are allowed for perforation?

Not all ear drops for perforation of the eardrum are approved for use. The composition of many of them is quite aggressive and can harm the delicate structure of the inner ear and middle cavity.

In order to correctly determine which drops can be used for perforation of the eardrum, a person should first of all contact an ENT specialist. The doctor will definitely prescribe effective medications that will soon successfully cope with absolutely all existing problems in the hearing organ, without harming the functionality of the affected ear.

Currently, there is no universal remedy on the pharmaceutical market for the treatment of ears due to membrane rupture. Patients may have to use several medications at once, each of which will fight a particular problem. Next, we will consider in detail the list of drugs that are used in the treatment of such a problem as perforation of the eardrums.

List of drugs

A doctor may prescribe the following ear drops to a patient for a perforated eardrum:

Ear drops "Tsipromed" for perforation of the eardrum

A medicine called “Tsipromed” is quite widespread on the market today. In the treatment of ear pathologies, as a rule, a 0.3% solution is used. The main component is ciprofloxacin. It is recommended to instill these drops into the ears three times daily if perforation of the membrane occurs. Dosage is chosen individually, and usually it does not exceed five drops for each procedure performed.

The drug in question is first kept for some time at room temperature, after which it is instilled into the ears using a pipette, directing the substance to the wall of the ear canal.

The presented product is also used to soak a cotton swab. Such a tampon should be placed in the sore ear. Change it to fresh one up to four times a day. This therapy relieves painful symptoms within forty-eight hours.

What other drops can be used for perforation of the eardrum?

Uniflox drops

To relieve pain from perforation, doctors often prescribe ear drops called Uniflox. This remedy is based on an antibiotic, which is known medically as ofloxacin. It is quite highly efficient. As a rule, therapy lasts about nine days, taking into account the fact that the drug is promptly instilled into the sore ear, ten drops every eight to twelve hours.


Doctors often prescribe medications based on the well-known antibiotic norfloxacin, and as an example it is worth citing a medication called Normax. The course of treatment with ear drops for perforation of the eardrum is selected individually, but the drug is instilled daily up to 6 times, 2-3 drops of the drug.

Each of these drugs has many contraindications, which must be taken into account. Only an experienced specialist can do this.

When considering the features of using ear drops for perforation of the eardrum, it is necessary to pay attention to what recommendations are given for their use.

Main features of use in treatment

Drops for perforation of the eardrum should be used according to the scheme prescribed by the treating specialist. In particular, these recommendations relate to the use of antibacterial drugs. It is necessary to instill medications into the ears strictly in accordance with the dosages and intervals specified by the doctor. You should also follow the following recommendations:


Thus, if you follow the above-described recommendations of specialists, you can achieve effective and rapid restoration of the damaged eardrum. The main thing that should always be kept in mind, regardless of the complexity of the disease, is that any treatment must be agreed upon with a qualified specialist.

Some ear drops for a damaged eardrum can cause severe pain and do not help improve the condition at all. This is why self-medication is so dangerous. Moreover, perforation usually occurs when otitis has already started or the eardrum is damaged as a result of careless actions (trauma). Therefore, you need to choose medications in this situation very carefully, and better yet, only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Causes and Effects

Treatment of the ear largely depends on the reasons that caused the perforation of the eardrum. When it is damaged, several problems arise simultaneously: hearing sharply deteriorates, the gates to infection open, and liquid discharge appears.

Effective drops in the ear for perforation of the eardrum should act simultaneously in several directions: relieve inflammation, heal wounds and prevent the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

The most common causes of rupture are the following:

  • Barotrauma or a sharp change in atmospheric pressure, during which the membrane instantly ruptures and fluid leaks out of the inner ear.
  • Acoustic trauma - the same thing happens due to exposure to a strong sound wave.
  • Mechanical injury - can occur even when carelessly cleaning the ears with sharp objects, but more often the eardrum is pierced when the temporal bone is fractured.
  • Advanced otitis media, in which pus has accumulated in the ear, creating pressure on the eardrum, causing severe pain and leading to perforation.

Only a doctor can diagnose a ruptured eardrum after a thorough examination using an otoscope. He also prescribes treatment, which usually includes not only drops and oral administration of anti-inflammatory drugs, but also physiotherapeutic procedures.

Ear drops

Ear drops for perforated eardrums are the best way to quickly relieve pain, as they act directly on the source of inflammation. The most effective drugs are:

It is very important that drops for perforation of the eardrum are used until it is completely restored. And only a doctor can determine this moment.

Unfortunately, many patients stop taking the prescribed drug on their own as soon as the pain and unpleasant symptoms disappear. But if the eardrum has not healed completely, then there is a high risk that the disease will flare up with renewed vigor soon after stopping the drug, and possibly lead to such serious complications as sepsis and hearing loss.