Icon of the all-seeing eye how to relate. Sacred examples of Christian iconography: the icon “The All-Seeing Eye. All-Seeing Eye of God meaning

Not very traditional in style and composition, icons that are the result of folk religious reflection are today of great interest to both collectors of antique religious paintings and museums that use them as exhibits in permanent and non-permanent exhibitions. Such icons become topics of scientific papers and popular in discussions at various forums and conferences. One of these images (namely the “All-Seeing Eye” icon) will become the topic for this article.

Origin of the icon

This image is an amazing example of how folk art in the field of religion has become an example of such a serious discussion and a product in demand in the cult. The All-Seeing Eye icon appeared for the first time in the Vladimir lands from the brush of local craftsmen. Accordingly, the first and earliest examples are in the traditions of Vladimir icon painting. This is really a very simple and at the same time beautiful composition. Its complexity lies in the symbolism it carries, since, firstly, it is somewhat at odds with the concept of canonical iconography in the area concerning the method of presenting symbolic keys. And secondly, being a relatively new product (the image first appeared about three hundred years ago, that is, during the decline of the traditions of Russian icon painting), the “All-Seeing Eye” icon contains the conceptual meaning of the author, which from the outside can be interpreted ambiguously.

Performance traditions

The traditional image we are talking about is executed in ocher tones traditional for the Vladimir school. The composition of the icon is unusual, which testifies to the author’s desire to convey all the power and depth of the image through external simplicity.

The All-Seeing Eye icon is one of the most mysterious images full of mysteries. On this basis, as one would expect, a lot of conjectures and various kinds of assumptions are born, from quite convincing versions to phantasmagoric hypotheses that can compete in their sharpness with the best examples of conspiracy theories. However, the image really attracts attention and forces you to immerse yourself in it, concentrating on the hidden meanings. His mysticism and mystery ensured his popularity among believers, even despite the rejection of a significant part of the clergy.

Description of the icon

The main image consists of circles inscribed within each other according to a special pattern. The central place is given to the sphere, in the space of which four eyes, a nose and a mouth are depicted. Of the anthropomorphic figures, at least three are present on the icon - the Savior in the tradition of the Savior Emmanuel, the Mother of God - something between the image of Oranta and the Intercession, as well as the figure of God the Father, the Lord of Hosts, who, by the way, generally cannot be depicted. All of them are located in different circles, so that the “All-Seeing Eye” Icon, the meaning of which in general boils down to the concept of omniscience, omniscience and foresight of God, acquires a unique volume and certain theological accents.

Admirers of the image insist that when contemplating it for a long time, a dome effect appears, changing consciousness to some extent and opening the door to the spiritual world for the worshiper. In addition, if you peer at the icon with a calm mind in even lighting, the effect of rotation of the spheres will soon arise. The “All-Seeing Eye” icon also acquires its meaning due to the general consistency of all its elements - their coloristic and compositional harmony. She inspires the person looking at her that God constantly sees through every person, knows all his thoughts, feelings, words and deeds, both good and bad. The four eyes that never fall asleep symbolize this constant silent observation, encouraging the believer to practice continually walking in God's presence.

History of the image

If you delve into the history of the image in more detail, you will find out that it first appeared in the 18th century, believed to be under the influence of Western art. Initially, if historical evidence does not lie, it was applied under the dome of the temple. Actually, the composition that we see on the icon is a representation of the architecture of the cross-domed church from the point of view of observing it from the lower center under the dome as if the view was directed upward. A little later, the samples of icons that circulated became so popular that the icon of the “All-Seeing Eye” of God in the house became quite commonplace.

Modern distribution

Once popular, today this type of iconography is extremely rare. Such icons are extremely difficult to find in churches and even to buy in a church shop. This situation is aggravated by the fact that many clergy consider this image not entirely canonical and warn their flock against becoming carried away by it.

Icon “All-Seeing Eye”: where to hang it in the house

Nevertheless, in the era of rapid technological progress and universal accessibility of the Internet, nothing is impossible. You can easily buy such an icon on the Internet. It can be relatively cheap, printed on paper, or expensive, painted by a real master of icon painting. There is, however, one question that concerns those who already have the All-Seeing Eye icon.

Where should I hang this image? Because for some reason not everyone can put it on a par with the usual icons, either due to its unusualness, or due to some special expectation. The answer will be the simplest - you should hang this icon where it will be visible to you and thus be able to have the desired effect - to remind you of the omnipresence of God and his omniscience. If you are going to contemplate it for long periods of time, then it is better to arrange the image so that it is convenient for you to work with it.

The All-Seeing Eye icon is rare and unusual. It depicts a composition that gives a symbolic idea of ​​the Christian universe. This image stands out for its complex iconographic type, since there are many symbols in the composition, each with its own specific meaning. The white icon of God “The All-Seeing Eye” is used because it has enormous power. This image is not popular and not many churches have it in their collection.

How does the All-Seeing Eye icon help?

The meaning of the image largely depends on the details of the image, so let’s look at this in more detail. In the center of the composition is Jesus Christ, who shows a blessing gesture with his hands. It is enclosed in a circle, from which rays extend in different directions, symbolizing the blessed light. Then comes the next circle, which contains people's faces. This symbol is intended to talk about the relationships that connect the human world and the Higher powers. In the third circle is the Virgin Mary, who raises her hands up in prayer. She is the main intercessor of people before God. The most important circle in the “All-Seeing Eye” icon is the fourth circle, which has a special meaning, because it is crowned by God, who sends blessings to all people. Another element worth noting is the starry sky, symbolizing the Kingdom of Heaven.

Interestingly, there are no specific prayers that are customary to offer in front of the All-Seeing Eye icon, and there are also no restrictions on petitions, since God is omnipotent and any sincere words will be heard and understood by Him. Before this image, a person can ask for help in different areas. People all over the world are asking for health, wealth, love, etc. The most important thing is to sincerely turn to God, diligently reading prayers. Many people are interested in what the All-Seeing Eye icon protects from and whether it can be kept at home.

Ritual using the All-Seeing Eye icon

As already mentioned, this image can be used in magical rituals. In ancient times, people used it to create a lamp of life. It made it possible to find out what was happening to a person who was on the road or far away. To make it, you need to take Epiphany water and drop the blood of a loved one into it, which you need to take from the finger of your left hand. The container with the liquid must be transparent and tightly closed. A prayer to God must be read over it. Place the vessel behind the All-Seeing Eye icon. After some time, you can look at the state of the water to find out what happens to the person who left. If everything is good, then the liquid is light, and if not, then it is dark.

The icon of the All-Seeing Eye of God, found in some churches, is considered complex in its symbolism. The Church prohibits depicting the Lord God on icons, and that is why the author of this image chose to depict Him in the form of signs and symbols, which is somewhat different from ordinary icon painting. Despite this, the icon is an important relic, worth knowing and honoring.

History of the image

This painting, a striking example of the possible popularization of folk art in religion, has been actively and furiously discussed throughout its entire existence at all kinds of theological meetings and sessions. Despite the ambiguity of the icon, it has become extremely popular among the Orthodox people.

It first appeared in the Vladimir land, where it was created by the hands of local craftsmen in the style and traditions of Vladimir icon painting, at least the initial samples.

It is executed in ocher tones, which is typical for that area. The main distinguishing feature is its simplicity and at the same time beauty of the composition. But the whole complexity lies in the multitude of symbols contained in it. After all, it not only differs in its concept from the usual canonical iconography, but also in the way it presents all the keys that reveal the meaning.

Read about other icons of the Lord:

  • "Savior not made by hands"

In addition, this is a fairly young image, whose age barely reaches 300 years, i.e. is a remake. Its creation occurred at the decline of traditional Russian icon painting, which may be why “The All-Seeing Eye” contains an ambiguous, at first glance, conceptual author’s meaning.

Interesting! A significant part of the clergy is usually skeptical about the icon, but its mysticism has not prevented its popularity from growing among believers.

Icon “The All-Seeing Eye of God”

Meaning and compositional features

The image is a composition rarely found in icon painting. Its meaning is the image of the Lord as light for the entire Universe, and His knowledge of man is equated to the eye, hence the name - “All-Seeing Eye”.

Throughout the existence of icons, quite a lot of lists have already been created, so on some boards the compositional paintings may differ from the original, which is discussed below.

The compositional image is assembled from many smallest symbols in order to generally give a single idea of ​​the light of all existence - the Lord God. It is He (by symbol) who is located in the center of the board.

The board is divided into 4 circles, each of which contains several important elements:

  1. The first central circle is where the image of Christ is located, from whom blessing and salvation come to every suffering sinner. Around Him there is an inscription: “My eyes are faithful to plant lands with me.” 4 rays emanate from it, which begin in the circle and end outside it. They denote the light that comes to the world from Christ and the Lord. At the ends of these rays, already at the edges of the entire image, there are images of the evangelists or their symbolic image;
  2. The second one is larger in diameter than the first one and contains a human face, which consists of only 4 eyes, a nose and a mouth. There is also an inscription in Old Church Slavonic, which means “My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God My Savior.” This circle reflects the relationship between the Divine Principle and the world of people, the mediator between which is the praying Mother of God, drawn between the 2nd and 3rd circles;
  3. The third circle is marked by the inscription: “Isaiah’s coal revealed the sun from the Virgin’s womb, shining in the darkness and giving enlightenment to the lost.” It is crossed by several dense rays coming from the first circle, From Christ. from the center of the main thing - the Sun of Truth - Jesus Christ;
  4. The most important and last, truncated at the bottom, is the fourth circle - it symbolically depicts God the Father, blessing all humanity. The figure of the Lord has raised blessing hands, and its bottom is hidden in a halo. Along the edges of Him there is an inscription: “God from heaven grant me His radiance.” The background for Him is the clear starry sky, where, according to Scripture, the Kingdom of Heaven is located. God the Father is always depicted surrounded by three seraphim or four angels with scrolls. The Holy Spirit flies from the Lord to the Mother of God in the form of a dove.

The meaning of this image lies in the depiction and interpretation of all the important symbols of Christianity, which help a person stay on the righteous path and not stray from it. Strive for the light that comes from the Lord.

Important! Lik sets the priorities of Christianity and helps the believer create the correct hierarchy in his head - the Lord is above everything and the beginning of everything, salvation comes from Christ, and the Holy Spirit and the Mother of God help people interact correctly with them.

Who does the image help and from what?

Why and why to pray to the “All-Seeing Eye” icon?

This is a universal image that has no limits in requests, because a person cannot limit the Lord, from Whom and by Whom everything is created. The Lord is omnipotent: he saves a person from failures, bestows health and vigor, and sends spiritual joy.

That is why in front of this image you can pray and ask for everything - the Heavenly Father hears all prayers.

The icon protects and helps:

  • from negative influence and the evil eye;
  • helps to reveal the hidden abilities of a person and help his spirit rise above hardships and sorrows in search of God;
  • heals blindness and helps cope with vision problems;
  • patronizes the clergy;
  • protects ordinary people from sorrows and hardships, regardless of work, age, gender or nationality;
  • keeps a person from sin;
  • helps to cope with sinful thoughts;
  • helps a sinner to strengthen his faith;
  • gives parents wisdom for raising children;
  • helps to make the right decisions in both spiritual and carnal life.

It is worth remembering that the Lord is not a magic wand and does not fulfill all our desires. He is a sovereign God and only His will is important for every person. Everything that He sends into life is good for man.

Important! Icons are not a magical artifact of wish fulfillment. They only help a person tune in to the right mood and clear his consciousness so that the prayer is sincere and fervent.

Heavenly Father wants every person to first repent and change his heart. To come to God only for material blessings is to offend His person and disregard His will.

Prayers that are filled with reproaches and demands will most likely remain unanswered, since the Heavenly Father cannot go against His own laws, so if a person violates Divine laws and commandments, how can he count on Divine support?

It is worth reflecting on your heart before coming to the image of the “All-Seeing Eye”.

Icon on gesso “The All-Seeing Eye of God”

Where to place the icon and how to pray

This image can rarely be found in the temple, because due to its ambiguity and non-canonical nature, not all clergy want to place it.

Nevertheless, initially the icon acted as a decoration for walls, domes, and simply as a temple painting. It can still be seen in such places in churches of the 18th and 19th centuries, but in more modern churches there is no longer such painting. Over time, it began to appear as a full-fledged image on the iconostasis in churches and homes.

Advice! The image can be purchased for a personal iconostasis either from collectors (meaning an older image) or in an icon store.

You can purchase such an icon only if your conscience and spirit do not condemn. For many believers, its controversial nature and the fact that the clergy does not have a single answer raises doubts and reflections. In this case, you should not purchase a board. Otherwise, after purchasing, you need to place it correctly among other images.

You can place a lamp on an open shelf and light it during prayer, on Sundays. The central place in the iconostasis should be occupied by the images of the Savior (Christ Pantocrator) and the Mother of God (optional). They should also be the largest in size. On the sides you can already place the remaining icons that the owners choose. These are images of saints, church holidays, Angels. The iconostasis should be located in such a way that nothing distracts from prayer.

Among other icons, the “All-Seeing Eye” should also be placed. It should be clarified that no special prayers have been written for her, but this does not mean that a person cannot pray to her in his own ordinary words and sincerely tell God about all the problems that tormented him and the passions that overcome him.

As a prayer, you can read before it “Our Father”, the canon of repentance, an akathist to Jesus the Sweetest. Readings of glorifying and penitential psalms are perfect as prayers. You can ask God the Father for mercy, for a blessing to study the Scriptures, for having a kind and loving heart, for all spiritual problems.

Important! The icon should not be used for magical rituals, since the Church prohibits contacting sorcerers, grandmothers and witches. This in itself is considered a great sin, and using an icon for this significantly aggravates a person’s guilt.

Pray to the image of the “All-Seeing Eye” at home, asking the Heavenly Father for mercy.

Watch a video about non-canonical icons

Many Christian icons carry a deep meaning, when every detail of the image and the entire composition as a whole are filled with hidden symbols, references, and allusions. They allow you to dive deeper into the shown face or scene from Holy Scripture and comprehend their meaning. This is exactly the relic that will be discussed in our article - from here you will find out what this shrine represents, what it protects from, and where it is best placed.

“All-Seeing Eye”: the meaning of the symbol

This image is inspired by a quote from the Bible:“Behold, the eye of the Lord is upon those who fear Him and trust in His mercy...” (Psalm, Psalm of David 33:18), which glorifies the ever-vigilant, all-knowing Jesus Christ, who reigns over believers like a source of light. In addition, he demonstrates the structure of the Christian universe: God the Father, who stands at the beginning of all things, God the Son, who is the focus of truth, and the Mother of God, the merciful guardian of the human race. Paintings with such a plot are found in Old Believer and Orthodox churches from the 18th-19th centuries. (one of the most famous is on the vault of the Church of St. Demetrius in Bitola, Macedonia). Later they began to be made in the form of household heirlooms.

The design of such shrines is extremely multifaceted, therefore, to find out everything about the icon, you will have to work hard. In the center is Savior Emmanuel - the young Son of God, blessing people. Sometimes in His left hand they write the Gospel, where in Church Slavonic script it is written “Come to Me, all you who need” (Matthew 11-12) or “My eyes are on the faithful, plant lands with you.” From the circle in which Jesus Christ is depicted, 4 rays of triangular cross-section diverge diagonally. They can touch the outer halo or cross its limits, ending with the so-called tetramorph (from the Greek “τετρά-μορφος” - “four-shaped”) - miniature faces of the apostles Matthew, Mark, John and Luke. As a rule, the Savior’s disciples appear in allegorical images of an angel, a lion, a calf and an eagle, indicated by the corresponding title captions.

In the next circle, painted scarlet, you can see the eyes, nose and lips, embodying the constant presence of the Creator in the lives of Christians, His care and love for every sinner. It was because of them that it got its name. This part is framed by the inscription: “Isaiah manifests the coal, the sun from the Virgin’s womb will shine in the darkness of the lost and prudent.” The Virgin Mary hovers above her in the form of Oranta with her hands raised in prayer.

After this there is a green (sometimes dark red) ring dotted with stars. It personifies the Lord's grace, which descended on believers after the great sacrifice of Jesus Christ, hope for salvation and eternal life. The words from the Gospel of Luke, written on the rim, also remind us of this: “My soul magnifies the Lord; and My spirit rejoiced in God My Savior, for He looked upon the humility of His Servant.”

The outer circle, dark blue or scarlet, is filled with six-winged seraphim. It depicts the abode of saints and righteous people, eternally praising the Creator. The meaning of the symbol in Orthodoxy is emphasized by the words: “Heaven grants the kingdom of Thy eyes to the faithful lands, and a host of cherubs surround them, praising God. Heaven gives glory to God."

The angels look with joy and trepidation at Hosts, captured in a halo truncated at the bottom. The Lord stretched out his arms, overshadowing with his intercession all who admire the relic. Sometimes His face is decorated with clouds and rainbows, and a snow-white dove is painted on the Creator’s chest - the emblem of the Holy Spirit who appeared to the Mother of God. This part of the composition is also framed by light ribbons with the text: “Holy, holy, holy, Lord of hosts, heaven and earth are filled with your glory” and “Glory to God in the Highest, on earth peace.”

A complex drawing is not perceived immediately - it must be examined gradually, covering ever wider circles with your gaze. However, the perspective created in this way makes the meaning of the icon even more expressive - Jesus Christ seems to enlighten the whole world, silently promising to remain guarding Christians until the end of time. The Savior, who decides the destinies of people and nations, contemplates the actions of each person and judges them fairly.

Interestingly, the sign of the All-Seeing Eye is found not only on Christian shrines. In particular, the eye inscribed in an equilateral triangle (radiant delta) serves as the coat of arms of the Freemasons. It is interpreted as the hidden truth, wisdom and conscience, the root cause of all things and victory over evil, and also personifies the Great Architect of the Universe - the supreme essence that created the world. A similar emblem existed in ancient Egyptian cults - there it embodied vital energy, fertility and royal power.

Icon “All-Seeing Eye”: what it helps with, where to hang it

God is omnipotent - He is able to deliver from illnesses, hardships, temptations and sins, give joy and peace, prevent troubles and dangers, and suggest the right decision. However, at the same time, the Creator leaves man free will, the right to independently manage his life. Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin invisibly accompany Christians, but in order to receive their support and consolation, it is necessary to turn to them with sincere faith and hope. And the shrine, in front of which you pronounce the words of akathists and kontakions, becomes the material conductor of such prayer. Because of this, special traditions of venerating relics arose.

  • In what situations do they appeal to the image of the “All-Seeing Eye”? First of all, it protects against spiritual and physical temptations, allows you to clear your thoughts, find inner balance, calmness and virtue. They also fall to the icon before starting an important task in order to avoid mistakes, troubles and conflicts. It also helps to strengthen one’s faith, reject doubts and hesitations, settle hostilities between friends, relatives and colleagues, and find one’s path in life.
  • You can also buy it so that it will overshadow your loved ones with grace. Thus, this relic protects newborns and their mothers, admonishes older children, warns them against unkind acquaintances and envious people, indicates to young men and women who is worthy of becoming their partner, and makes it easier to raise a child. In addition, it is believed that the image reveals a person’s hidden talents and abilities, instilling perseverance and self-confidence.

There is no confirmed evidence of whether healings occurred at the shrine. However, it so happens that those who have vision problems - myopia or farsightedness, cataracts, myopia, glaucoma, conjunctivitis, progressive blindness - turn to her.

However, you should not expect that even the most fervent prayer will immediately bring you what you want. The Lord sends down to people only those trials that they are able to cope with, and only in order to teach a lesson. Therefore, you cannot appeal to God with reproaches and demands - your words must be filled with humility, because a Christian is not able to comprehend the highest providence. In addition, at the moment of performing the daily rule in front of the icon, one should renounce routine worries as much as possible, without being distracted by extraneous noises, conversations, music and other irritants. In this regard, you need to carefully consider the placement of icons in the house. It is best to place them on a south-eastern or eastern wall, protected from drafts and direct sunlight - this way you will protect the images from damage and fading.

In ancient times this place was called the red, or front corner. The images in special icon cases and the table standing under them were identified with the church altar (as opposed to the stove on the north side - the embodiment of paganism). There were windows on both sides - they provided good lighting during the day, and at night a lamp was lit in front of the holy faces. Containers with blessed water, pieces of Easter cake, willow branches and loud (Sretensky) candles were also kept there. Entering a dwelling, a person first crossed himself and bowed to the relics, and then greeted the owners. And only the most honored guests had the right to sit nearby!

In a modern home, icons are placed on a separate shelf, covered with a white cloth or paper napkin. There should not be any other objects near them, especially household appliances, secular books, paintings, photographs. Only bouquets of fresh or artificial flowers, as well as embroidered towels, are acceptable, but even with such decor it is better to observe moderation. There must be a free space of 1-1.5 m in front of the images, sufficient for kneeling prayer. In addition, since the house is considered a continuation of the temple, you can place one shrine (usually a personal one) in the room of each family member, as well as in the kitchen - words of gratitude are addressed to it before meals.

The “All-Seeing Eye” icon acts as a symbolic and allegorical composition based on the words of Holy Scripture, which speak about the vigilant all-seeing and omniscient Christ.

The initial appearance of the picture of the All-Seeing Eye, enclosed in the figure of a triangle, appears from the end of the eighteenth - the first part of the nineteenth century. In later versions of Christian iconography (mostly among the Old Believers) you can find the face of the “All-Seeing Eye of God.” In this material I will tell you the history of the appearance of the icon, as well as its sacred symbolic meaning.

The symbol of the All-Seeing Eye is depicted as enclosed in an isosceles triangle, from which bright rays diverge to the sides. The eye personifies the enlightenment of consciousness, understanding of higher matters, as well as close and eternal observation of a person by higher entities.

If we consider the Eye from the perspective of Freemasonry, then it is a point that does not have a specific size, but is located everywhere in space. For adherents of Masonic teaching, this symbol is perceived as the attention of a Higher Power to everything in general and individually to each of the adherents of the secret organization.

Masonic symbolism is very multifaceted; it consists of many symbols, among which the eye is the holy Absolute, the perfect structure of all things. And the rays that diverge in different directions are associated with fog, hiding the earth from the sight of the Almighty.

There are several interpretations of this symbol:

  • personifies the Sun, the Higher Mind, cosmic harmony;
  • symbolizes the ability to clairvoyance, the ability to see what ordinary people are not able to see;
  • the embodiment of all solar deities who have life-giving solar energy;
  • perception of the Almighty as a source of light for the human soul.

History of the icon

This sacred image is a clear example of the likely popularization of folk art in religious life throughout its existence. Although the icon of the All-Seeing Eye is a rather ambiguous symbol, it nevertheless enjoys enormous popularity among Orthodox people.

Initially, the painting originated in the Vladimir land, where it was created by the hands of local craftsmen in the style and tradition of Vladimir icon painting (at least these were the first variations of the icon).

The range of execution is ocher tones, typical of that region. And the main distinctive feature of the icon is its simplicity with the simultaneous attractiveness of the composition. The difficulty of perception lies in the large number of different symbols depicted on the face. The icon of the All-Seeing Eye of God has a different concept from traditional canonical iconography, but it also presents all the keys in a different way and reveals their sacred meaning.

In addition, she appears in a rather young image, whose age does not exceed three hundred years - that is, she is a remake. The creation of the icon coincides with the decline of traditional Russian icon painting, probably for this reason “The All-Seeing Eye” is filled with such an ambiguous, at first glance, conceptual author’s idea.

As you probably already understood, the All-Seeing Eye is by no means just a Christian symbol. The eye, depicted drawn in an equilateral triangle (radiant delta) represents the coat of arms of the Freemasons. He is associated with hidden truth, wisdom and conscience, the root cause of everything in our world, triumph over evil forces, and also acts as the personification of the Great Architect of the Universe - that supreme essence that created our Galaxy.

Also, a similar symbol can be found in the origins of ancient Egyptian culture. Among the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt, the All-Seeing Eye was personified with vital energy, fertility and royal power.

Interesting fact! As a rule, the clergy expresses a rather skeptical attitude towards this image because of its mysticism, which, however, has not in any way reduced the popularity of the icon among Orthodox believers.

What does the All-Seeing Eye icon mean?

The image of such a shrine is multifaceted, so if you want to get as much information about the icon as possible, be patient.

In the central part we can see the face of the Savior Emmanuel - the young Son of God, blessing people. In some cases, in his left hand he holds the Gospel, in which the phrase is written in Church Slavonic script: “Come to me, all who need me.”

From the circle in which it is depicted, four rays of triangular cross-section extend diagonally. They can touch the outer halo or go beyond its boundaries and end with a tetramorph (small faces of the Apostles Matthew, Mark, John and Luke). In most cases, the followers of Christ are depicted in the form of allegorical images, such as an angel, a lion, a calf and an eagle and are designated using appropriate captions.

The next circle (scarlet) is an image of the eyes, nose and mouth - a symbol of the constant presence of the Creator in the lives of Orthodox laity, and also his sincere desire and desire to take care of every sinner. It was this circle that determined the icon’s name. Above this part there is an inscription: “Isaiah manifests the coal, the sun from the Virgin’s womb will shine in the darkness of the lost and prudent.” And above is the face of the Holy Virgin Mary, who has taken upon herself the hypostasis of Oranta, who is praying.

Behind this circle we can observe the presence of a green (in some cases dark red) ring, dotted with a large number of stars. The ring represents the grace of God that descended on believers after Jesus sacrificed himself. A reminder of this is the statement from the Gospel of Luke, which is inscribed on the rim: “My soul magnifies the Lord; and My spirit rejoiced in God My Savior, for He looked upon the humility of His Servant.”

The outer ring (dark blue or scarlet) depicts seraphs with six wings. This is a symbol of the monastery where saints and righteous people praising the Creator found eternal peace.

Angelic beings with a great sense of joy and trepidation look at Hosts, who is depicted in a halo below. The Creator himself is depicted with outstretched arms, as if he is trying to hug and press to his chest everyone who pays attention to the relic. In some versions of the icon, the image of the Creator is decorated with clouds and a rainbow, and on his chest is depicted a snow-white dove - acting as an emblem of the Holy Spirit visiting the Virgin Mary.

Of course, the perception of such a complex picture is not given immediately - you need to study it gradually and in very detail, concentrating on each of the depicted symbols. But due to the created unusual presentation of the icon, it acquires even more important meaning - the Savior seems to enlighten our entire Earth, vowing to protect and protect Orthodox people for as long as necessary.

However, he also carefully monitors the actions of all people and exercises fair judgment towards them.

In what cases do you turn to this icon?

So, the most interesting question is when should you read prayers in front of the icon of the “All-Seeing Eye”?

This image is completely universal, having no limits in requests, since man does not have the ability to impose restrictions on God, who created and controls everything on our planet. God has limitless power: he is able to eliminate failures from a person’s life, give him health, vigor, and also help him fulfill his innermost desires.

As a result, in front of this icon you can read absolutely any prayers and petitions that trouble your soul.

The All-Seeing Eye icon will help in a number of situations:

  • will protect from adverse influences, the evil eye;
  • will contribute to the discovery and manifestation of the hidden capabilities and talents of the individual;
  • heals blindness, normalizes vision;
  • will protect you from various sorrows, worries and pathologies;
  • will help a person refrain from committing sins;
  • will slow down sinful thoughts in the brain;
  • for sinful people - helps strengthen their faith;
  • With the help of this, parents become wiser in raising their children;
  • and the icon will also contribute to making the right decisions, both spiritual and carnal.

But do not forget that God is not Santa Claus or a magic wand; he will not fulfill absolutely all your whims and caprices. And icons do not belong to magical objects, like a genie’s lamp. They are only designed to set a person on the right wavelength and contribute to the purification of consciousness, which adds greater sincerity to prayers.

As mentioned above, the described image is rarely found in the church, which is influenced by its ambiguity and non-canonical nature, as a result of which the icon is not in demand among the majority of clergy.

Despite this, initially the face of the “All-Seeing Eye” was used as a decorative element, which was used to decorate walls, domes, and was also used as a temple painting. To this day, it can be observed in such places in churches dating back to the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, but more modern churches no longer use such painting. Over time, this face began to appear as a full-fledged image on iconostases in churches and homes.

Please pay attention to the fact that the acquisition of such an icon is allowed only in situations where both body and soul sincerely desire it. Most believers are in doubt about this issue; in addition, the highest clergy also cannot unambiguously answer the question: “When is it permissible to purchase an icon?”

When the purchase has already been made, you need to worry about the correct placement of the icon among other images.

In ancient times, all icons were traditionally placed in a special “red corner”, which was located on the eastern side of the house, always in a well-lit place. At this point in time, such an angle no longer exists, but it is still recommended to place icons along the eastern walls in those areas where there is sufficiently good lighting. Of course, this is done only when possible.

Try to keep icons as far as possible from equipment (TVs, radios, computers), as well as bookshelves. On the shelf with icons there should be only icons; refuse to place any foreign objects on it (paintings, decorative elements, shelves with books, and so on). It is possible to decorate this place with flowers or handmade towels.

On open shelves it is allowed to place lamps in which candles are lit during prayers. The images of Jesus Christ and the Mother of God should be located in the central place in the iconostasis. It is important that they are large enough. And on the sides it is possible to place other icons at the request of the owners (images of saints, angelic beings, and so on).

A prerequisite for the iconostasis is that nothing should distract you from your prayers.

Along with other images, place the icon of the “All-Seeing Eye”. It should be immediately noted that there are no special prayers for it, but this does not mean at all that you cannot express your sincere prayer using ordinary words coming from your heart and soul. Just talk to the Almighty, tell him about your problems that torment you and ask him to help you. If your request is sincere, it will certainly be heard.

Now you know the meaning of the All-Seeing Eye icon, as well as what it helps with. To conclude the topic, we recommend that you watch this interesting video material:

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card: