How to teach a child to pronounce sounds at home? Exercises for training complex sounds. How to teach a child to say the letters zh, t, g, s, sh, l at home

Most children speak correctly by the age of 5-7 years. However, there are times when children come to school with not yet clear speech. Usually children distort hissing sounds and the sound “r”. Pronunciation deficiencies sometimes become persistent and difficult to correct. Therefore, monitor your children’s speech from the very beginning. early childhood, do not allow your child to go to school with incorrect pronunciation. This is especially important, since pronunciation deficiencies are sometimes the reason for children’s academic failure.

Often, pronunciation deficiencies appear as a result of improper upbringing. In some families, adults babble and lisp when talking to the baby. By doing this, they reinforce the child’s incorrect pronunciation.

Always speak to your child calmly, in clear, competent language. Monitor your children’s speech and promptly stop any noticeable pronunciation deficiencies, since correcting them later, when they take root, will be much more difficult. Special attention Speech development should be given attention to in preschool age, when the process is most intense, and speech is very flexible and pliable.

Some parents think that colloquial speech develops independently, without the help of adults. This is not true at all. Non-interference in the process of child speech formation sometimes leads to delays general development. Use all kinds of nursery rhymes, songs, and jokes to teach your child how to pronounce sounds correctly. The example of older children has a great influence on the development of speech in children. But simple imitation of correct speech is not enough for all children, and children still often pronounce individual sounds incorrectly. Pay special attention to these guys.

Children with pronunciation deficiencies are embarrassed to speak, avoid words with sounds that are difficult for them, become irritable and are reluctant to go to school. The children develop a feeling of inferiority, fear of “corrections” and ridicule. Therefore, create in the family the right attitude towards a child who has speech impediments, do not allow them to laugh at him or imitate him. Help calmly, without hesitation, overcome shortcomings, let the child feel and realize the importance of correct pronunciation and the need to eliminate burr or lisp, get him interested in this work.

If a child pronounces some sounds incorrectly by the age of 5-6 years, contact a speech therapist who will help correct the pronunciation. If this is not possible, work with the child yourself.

There are a lot of techniques for establishing correct pronunciation. Let's list some of them.

In all cases of correcting pronunciation, first try to obtain the sound directly by imitation. Invite your child to say the sound, showing it to himself first. Then get the child to repeat everything after you. Conduct sound production classes in front of a mirror: the child will not only see his articulation, but also compare it with yours.

Keep in mind that it is not always possible to get the right sound in the first lessons. This work requires patience and great perseverance. When pronouncing the sound “sh,” the lips are rounded and slightly pushed forward, the teeth are slightly open, the tip of the tongue is raised up and forms a gap with the palate in the front part. The sound is pronounced without a voice. The exhaled air stream is warm.

If the child does not burr, then you can easily teach him to pronounce the sound “sh”. Invite your child to pronounce “r” first loudly, then in a whisper, while slightly moving the tongue with a spatula (or the handle of a spoon) from the alveoli to the front of the palate - you will get the sound “sh”.

The sound “zh” is placed in the same way. Only it is pronounced with the participation of the voice, which is easy to feel by placing your hand on the larynx.

The sound "r" is placed as follows: Invite your child to pronounce the sound “d” slowly at first, and then faster. At the moment you say “dddddddd...” place it under your tongue. index finger child and quickly move it to the right and left. This produces vibration at the tip of the tongue and the correct sound of “r”.

When pronouncing the sound “s”, the lips are slightly stretched, as with a slight smile, the teeth are slightly open (1-1-1.5 mm) and slightly exposed, the tip of the tongue touches lower teeth; A groove is formed in the middle of the tongue through which exhaled air flows. When pronouncing the sound “s”, the exhaled stream of air is cold. This can be easily checked by substituting back side hands to mouth.

The sound “z” is pronounced in the same way as “s”, only with the participation of the voice. (Compare “sh” and “zh.”) The vibration of the larynx can be easily felt by placing your hand on it.

Before you start making the sound “l”, teach your child to pronounce the sound “s” clearly and abruptly. First, get him to quickly stick his wide tongue out between his lips and move it back. Do this exercise many times. This produces the sounds “bl-bl-bl-bl-bl...”. Then go to next appointment- insert a wide tongue between the teeth, lightly biting the tip of the tongue and “llllllll...y”, “llllllll...s.” This is how the correct pronunciation of “l” is gradually developed.

After you have achieved the correct pronunciation of a sound, consolidate this sound in your speech. For example, when reinforcing the sound “sh”, invite the child to pronounce “sh-sh-sh-sh” for a long time and clearly, imitating a steam locomotive; the sound “zh” is fixed when imitating the buzzing of a bee “zh-zh-zh-zh”, the sound “r” when imitating the roar of a motor “r-r-r”. Then proceed to pronouncing direct (“sha”, “sho”, “shu”, “shy”, “ra”, “ro”, “ru”, “ry”) and reverse ones; (“ash”, “osh”, “ush”, “ysh”, “ar”, “or”, “ur”, “yr”) syllables. Select a number of words, sentences, poems for exercises in which the sound being reinforced is often found and, on the contrary, there is no one that the child does not yet have.

For example, to reinforce the sound “sh”, learn the following poem:

“Dear bear,
Nice bear,
Clumsy and funny -
The bear is made entirely of plush,
Stuffed with lush cotton wool.”

To reinforce the sound “r”:

Early, early we get up
We call the watchman loudly:
"Watchman, watchman, hurry up
Go out and feed the animals."

To reinforce the sound “s”:

“It’s dark in the forest, everyone has been sleeping for a long time.
One owl doesn’t sleep, it sits on a branch.”

Very often, children experience difficulties not only in pronouncing sounds, but also in distinguishing and recognizing them. This will subsequently make it more difficult for children to learn to read and write. Therefore, with the older guys preschool age(6-7 years) spend various exercises. When the child learns to correctly pronounce, for example, the sound “s,” ask him to select pictures depicting objects whose names contain this sound (sleigh, dog, beads, mustache, nose, etc.), and pronounce the names of the pictures. Then instruct him to come up with words with this sound himself. Such exercises will help consolidate the sound in speech.

It largely depends on the parents to ensure that a 7-year-old child comes to school with completely clear pronunciation. Endurance and patience, long, painstaking work will bear fruit - children with clear, correct speech will develop correctly and successfully master knowledge.

- N. Cheveleva, speech therapist

How to teach a child to speak? Will mom be able to cope with this task herself, without the help of a specialist? Yes, he can. We have collected 10 rules, following which you will help your baby start speaking early, build up his vocabulary, and make your child’s speech as clear and correct as possible.

When my daughter was born, I received a second degree in speech therapy. Working with my daughter and using communication techniques with children with speech impairments, we achieved very good results. My child’s speech has become clear and rich, and my daughter speaks with pleasure and a lot. These rules are suitable for children with normal speech development, and for children experiencing any difficulties.

1. In the first months after birth, the baby spends all his time with his mother; he needs her for full development. The mother leans over to the baby, looks into the baby’s face, coos affectionately with him, intuitively choosing the right way communication.

It is important that the mother constantly talks to the child and sings to him: Ah-ah-ah! Ooo! So that the baby can see the mother’s face and see her articulation.

2. Talk to your child about everything, comment on all your actions:“Mom took the bottle. Mom poured milk into the bottle. Mom gave the bottle to Masha. Mashenka, here!” You know what you are doing, you perform this operation automatically, and the child has not encountered these actions in past life experience. It is necessary to tell the baby about everything that the mother does.

3. Talk to your child so that he sees your face, your articulation, your facial expressions. Don't throw away words on the run. The child begins to speak, imitating an adult, and we must help him. Pronounce words clearly, emphasize stressed vowels. For example, when showing a picture of a cow, say loudly, opening your mouth wide: “This is KA-ROO-WA. (We write Korova, but pronounce Karova, this is what you should say to a child). The cow says: MOOO!” Pull your lips forward, and the child will soon understand how the sound U is formed.

4. When the baby gets older (from about 1 year 4 months - 1 year 8 months) and begins to speak on his own, start talking to him in your normal voice, while clearly pronouncing sounds. Only When naming new or difficult to pronounce words, look the child in the face and exaggerately articulate, i.e. pronounce each sound louder, more clearly than usual. This will help your child understand how to pronounce a difficult word.

5. Do not replace difficult words simple. If there is an octopus in the book, call it that. Do not generalize in one word, for example, “hat” a cap, a scarf, a Panama hat, a hat, a helmet. The child will sooner or later learn that these are different hats, each with its own name. If you immediately call a bun, muffin, cookie, shortbread, manna, sour cream, etc. by their proper names, then the baby will begin to distinguish them.

6. Don't forget about verbs! Mothers, as a rule, comment on everything that the child sees, using only the names of objects: This is a pussy, a dog. Look what a machine! Rain, clouds, sunshine! As a result, the child does not accumulate a verbal vocabulary. And if a child with normal speech development accumulates this verbal dictionary over time, then a child with some kind of speech underdevelopment will need the help of a specialist.

Talk to a small child simple sentences: The car is moving (rushing, standing still). The sun is shining (rose, hid, smiles, looks at us). The pussy sits (stands, lies, sleeps, washes itself, eats, plays, meows, runs, jumps, catches the mouse).

Also accumulate attributes of objects when you walk or look at pictures with your child. The sun is radiant (beautiful, yellow, kind, warm, affectionate, summer).

7. Use contrasts. The bunny jumps and the bird flies. The sun is bright, joyful, and the cloud is dark, gloomy, sad. The elephant is big and the mouse is small.

By enriching the vocabulary in this way, you will not only increase its volume, but also systematize it, “sort it into shelves” in the child’s head. When the time comes, it will be easier for the baby to “get it” and find the right word.

8. Read fiction from birth- poems, fairy tales. It is important that fiction is age-appropriate. Works must be illustrated. U small child thinking is visual, there are few images in his head, therefore, when reading a fairy tale or poem, be sure to look for the characters in the pictures together, look at them, discuss what they are like, and give an assessment. Reading fiction- enriches the vocabulary. In everyday life, we use simple verbs and a small number of attributes of objects, while writers and poets use more colorful epithets.

9. Play with words, syllables, sounds. You don’t need to devote special time to this kind of games; you can play on public transport, sitting in line at the clinic. Play syllables with your little one. You say to him: “Ta-ta-ta,” he says to you: “Tut-tu-tu,” you say to him: “Ma-ma-ma,” he says to you: “Pa-pa-pa,” etc. As a rule, children willingly join in such games, but interest is enough for 5-10 minutes. And we don’t need any more! And we practiced clarity of pronunciation and did gymnastics for the tongue and lips.

From about two years of age (or earlier if the child already speaks well), play with words. For example, what is soft (bread, pillow, clothes, grass, tummy, cat, etc.), green, edible? Call out the words one by one, help the baby if he finds it difficult. Children love the game: “What is this?” Point to any objects, ask and answer the question “What is this?” This game can be played for a very long time, especially on the street.

10. Develop fine motor skills. The hand, according to experts, is the second organ of speech; it should not be ignored. When the baby is very small, massage his fingers with your hands or with “hedgehog balls” (pimply balls), play melodious games with him (“Magpie”, “Ladushki”). In the future, introduce your child to different toys or objects - soft, rubber, plastic, wooden, rough, prickly, smooth, pimply. The baby will explore these objects with his own hands.

Starting from about a year (and earlier), give your child cereals, pasta, beans, and sand. Model from plasticine (salt dough), assemble mosaics, design, draw.

Talk more, joke, encourage any speech activity of the child and soon you will get the most interesting interlocutor for yourself!

Incorrect pronunciation of the C sound is one of the most frequent violations in children during the preschool period. This could be replacing the sound S with Ш (dog - “shabaka”), distorted pronunciation (interdental, predental), etc. You should pay attention to this problem in a timely manner and provide the child with qualified assistance in staging and automation of sound S. Of course, it is best to seek advice from experienced ones. However, parents can and should work with their children at home. If your baby has difficulty pronouncing the sound C correctly, in our article you can get detailed advice on how to pronounce the sound C.

Articulatory gymnastics to prepare the speech apparatus for the correct pronunciation of the sound C, the formation of phonemic perception of the sound C

Exercise “Smile”. The lips are closed, alternately stretched in a smile and return to their original position.

Exercise "Fence". Smile so that your upper and lower teeth are visible. Hold this position for 5 seconds.

Exercise "Swing". Smile, open your mouth wide, lift the tip of your tongue up behind the alveoli, and then lower it behind your lower front teeth. Perform the exercise at least 5 – 10 times. During the exercise, only the tongue should move, lower jaw and the lips should be kept motionless.

Exercise “Brushing your teeth.” Smile, open your mouth wide and use the tip of your tongue to make circular movements along your teeth (under your lips).

Exercise “Ride on a hill.” Smile, open your mouth wide, lower the tip of your tongue behind the front incisors, raise the back of your tongue high up. Hold the articulation organs in this position for 5-10 seconds.

Isolated pronunciation of the sound C

The sound C will be correct if the lips are stretched in a smile, the teeth are closed, the tip of the tongue rests on the lower front teeth, the air stream goes along the middle of the tongue, as a result of which you can feel a sharp cold stream on the back surface palm raised to mouth. If your child has difficulty imitating your actions and still raises his tongue, use a spatula to hold the tip of the tongue down behind the lower front teeth.

Improving the pronunciation of the sound C in different positions in syllables and words

If the child pronounces the isolated sound correctly, you should move on to consolidating it in syllables and words. Initially, the direct position is used, when a consonant is followed by a vowel sound. Invite your child to repeat the following sequences of syllables: so, sa, sy, su, sa-sa-sa, so-so-so, su-su-su, sy-sy-sy, sa-so-sy, etc. When the baby learns to pronounce the sound C in syllables well, move on to words. Invite your child to repeat the words after you, name what is drawn in the picture, what surrounds him, etc. Examples of words in which the sound C is in a direct position: juice, Sonya, garden, sugar, drying, cheese, etc.

The next stage of work is in intervocalic and reverse positions, in a combination of consonants on the material of syllables and words: asa, oso, usu, ysy, aso, osu, braid, wasp, wheel, as, os, us, ys, kvass, class, ear , pineapple, sva, svo, sla, slu, smy, smu, cook, your own, smog, chair, table, dreams, tablecloth, bench, etc.

Automation of the sound C in different positions in phrases and coherent speech

In order for the child not to think about how to correctly pronounce the sound C, but to feel confident, we gradually give him tasks that allow, on the one hand, to improve this sound, and, on the other hand, to develop the grammatical structure of the language and coherent speech. For this purpose, you can offer your child the following exercises: complete or make sentences based on the picture; choose words with the studied sound C for adjectives; come up with words in which the sound C is in different positions (in the middle, at the beginning, at the end of the word); come up with sentences that contain words with the sound C; retell a story you heard; come up with a story from a set of words; learn a poem, etc.

Quite often, parents complain that children encounter problems pronouncing sounds that are difficult for them. As a rule, the greatest difficulty for them is hissing sounds; in particular, parents’ questions are related to how to teach a child to correctly pronounce the letters “s”, “k” and others. You need to pay attention to developing this skill in childhood.

The sound C is problematic in pronunciation

Despite the fact that most parents seek speech therapy help most often when the child is already 5 years old, most pediatricians agree that work on sound pronunciation should begin much earlier.

This won't allow correct pronunciation sound to gain a foothold. To carry out such activities it is not at all necessary to have special skills - it is enough to learn only a few simple techniques.

Tips for pronouncing the C sound

How to properly conduct speech therapy sessions with a child? Tips and tricks for parents

How to teach a child to say hissing letters, including the letter s? Render simple speech therapy assistance Any parent can do this for a child. However, the success of the events will largely depend on how correctly they are carried out.

If the child does not have complex speech disorders and can pronounce most sounds, home correctional exercises with a parent will be quite enough to bring sound pronunciation back to normal. In this case correct positioning sound will be achieved through automation of pronunciation.

Speech therapy classes we need to start sooner

Exercises to develop sound pronunciation skills are useful not only for children who have certain speech problems, but also for completely healthy ones, due to the fact that they perfectly develop the articulatory apparatus, making it more mobile and flexible.

In the event that a child has more serious problems with sound pronunciation, but in speech he admits large number grammatical errors, solve the problem on our own still quite risky. And, than before parents turn to a speech therapist for help in solving the problem, the more benefit it will bring to the child. And the easier it will be to teach him how to pronounce sounds and speak correctly.

How is work on sound pronunciation organized?

  • First you need to find out which organs of speech are involved in the pronunciation of sounds, causing problems at the child. You will need to work on them first of all with the help of articulatory gymnastics for one or another letter.
  • Stage of direct sound production.
  • The stage of sound amplification and its learning in special speech therapy poems, texts, songs, etc.

Phonetic exercises for the sound C

Let's take a closer look at how to teach a child to pronounce the letter s easily and fluently.

Articulation gymnastics and its features

As a rule, difficulties in pronouncing the sound “s” are associated with insufficient mobility of the organs of the articulatory apparatus. This must be done with the help of specially organized gymnastics. What is the best way to conduct classes?

Articulation exercise in front of a mirror
  1. A strict sequence of exercises and regularity are the main principles that ensure the effectiveness of exercises for the speech organs. It is best to use ready-made sets of exercises that teach you to pronounce certain sounds. They are selected taking into account the age and other characteristics of the child.
  2. In order for the child to participate more willingly in the lesson, it is best to teach him to speak in game form, supplementing with interesting riddles for him on the desired letter, songs, nursery rhymes and jokes
  3. Do not overload your child with exercises. It is better to do no more than 2-3 in one lesson, but with multiple repetitions - this makes it easier to teach the child new things.
  4. New exercises starting with the letter “c” can be introduced only after the child has already thoroughly mastered all the previous ones and copes with them without much effort.
  5. In order for the child to have the opportunity to see and correctly understand the technique of the exercises proposed to him and pronounce sounds, it is best to use a mirror for practice.
  6. When performing exercises, it is important to monitor the symmetry of the child’s face, the accuracy and smoothness of movements, and the correct pace. Without this, the effectiveness of the exercises will be minimized.

Lessons on pronunciation of the sound C

Useful advice: Before you begin articulatory gymnastics, you need to do several exercises in order to “warm up” the speech organs: a simple smile, stretching the lips with a tube or ring, lifting the tongue will prepare them well for the exercises, and will improve the results of your student.

After this, you can begin the articulatory gymnastics itself (in this case, we will consider the complex of Fomicheva M.V.). Such exercises should teach a child correct sound pronunciation.

List of exercises for whistling sounds

"Put the ball into the goal"

The exercise teaches the child to direct a stream of air and pronounce hissing sounds. An improvised “gate” made of cubes is installed on the table. The child’s task is to push a cotton ball (“ball”) into them, stretching his lips forward and directing a stream of air towards it. It is important that the child does not puff out his cheeks, and that the action is performed in one step.

The exercise allows you to relax your tongue and also form a directed air flow. The child puts his tongue on lower lip and, holding his mouth slightly open, says “five-five-five.” It is important that the lip on which the tongue rests does not tuck, and that the air stream flows as smoothly as possible, without interruptions.

Naughty tongue - game description

Wide tongue

The wide edge of the tongue is placed on the lower lip and held in this position for up to 5-10 seconds. The organs of the articulatory apparatus should be as relaxed as possible, and the smile should be free of tension.

Advice for parents: Be patient and try to treat these activities as fun games.

Remember that your baby is improving, this is something new for him, something he is doing for the first time in his life. Try to understand that for him this involves serious effort, and the more interesting this activity is for him, the greater your chances of a quick result.

Poems and riddles starting with the letter C for repetition

Articulatory gymnastics exercises that teach how to pronounce sounds are quite complex and unusual for a child. That is why you should not expect him to complete them the first time and completely without errors. In order to teach a child to speak correctly, you need to think through a lesson-game plan. And if he fails, you shouldn’t scold him - it’s better to support him and offer to try again. Over time, the child will learn both the letter and its corresponding sound.

Growing up, our children increasingly replenish their vocabulary. Their need to talk is growing every day. Unfortunately, most babies have problems pronouncing certain sounds. Is it possible to teach a baby to pronounce sounds correctly at home or will the help of a speech therapist be needed to eliminate speech defects?

What causes incorrect pronunciation?

The most common mistake adults make when communicating with their child is imitating his speech. We lisp with the little man, often distorting the words. It turns out that our speech drops to the level of a baby. Instead of speaking with young children as best we can, pronouncing all sounds and letters clearly, we deliberately make our speech unclear.

Since the child does not hear the correct speech from you, he will not be able to remember it and repeat it. Therefore, in order for your baby to learn to speak correctly, your speech must be clear and intelligible.

The reason for the incorrect reproduction of individual sounds may be a structural feature of the speech apparatus

  • The ligament under the tongue is shorter than it should be, making it difficult to move.
  • Normal speech is hampered by the size of the tongue (too small or, on the contrary, too large).
  • Very thin or, conversely, plump lips, which makes their articulation difficult.
  • Deviations in the structure of the teeth or jaw.
  • Defect hearing aid, which does not allow you to hear some sounds and, therefore, pronounce them correctly.

Parents can easily correct some speech defects on their own. The baby experiences the main difficulties when pronouncing hissing sounds - Zh, Ch, Sh, Shch, the letters P, as well as Z, G, K, L, S and C.

How to help your child pronounce hissing sounds?

Teaching a child to pronounce the letters Zh, Ch, Sh, and Sh is a little easier than, for example, the letter R. Most often, children have a problem with the pronunciation of hissing Zh and Sh. At the same time, the sound Sh is not as annoying to the ear as the incorrectly pronounced Zh .

Usually the problem with hissing occurs because the baby is unable to relax the tongue and stretch it so that the edges touch the upper lateral teeth.

Therefore, the baby needs to be taught a few simple exercises.

  1. Let's relax the tongue . Place your tongue on your lower teeth, like a pancake, and tap it with your upper teeth, saying “Ta-ta-ta.” After this, the tongue should lie relaxed. Then you have to spank him upper lip and say “Pa-pa-pa.”
  2. Lifting the tip of the tongue upward . To complete the task, you need chewing candy or gum (it will be a good motivation for your child). You need him to open his mouth 2-3 cm, spread his tongue over his lower lip, sticking out its tip. Place a piece of candy on it and ask your child to stick it to the roof of his mouth behind his upper teeth. Make sure your baby only uses his tongue and not his jaw.
  3. Blow air through the middle of the tongue . Place a small piece of cotton wool on the table. Let the baby smile and position the tongue as in the previous task. The baby’s task is to blow the cotton wool to the other end of the table without puffing out his cheeks. At the same time, he must pronounce something like the letter F.
  4. Blowing cotton from your nose . The child opens his mouth slightly, places his tongue so that there is a groove in the middle of it, and the edges almost meet. We place a piece of cotton wool on the nose. The baby should take a deep breath of air through his nose and exhale sharply through his mouth. The cotton wool should fly up.
  5. We pronounce the sounds Zh and Sh . Ask the baby to pronounce the syllable SA, the tongue should be behind the teeth at this time. Then you need to move the tongue deeper into your mouth. As we move towards the alveoli, the sound from S turns into Sh. To get the sound Zh, we repeat the exercises, first pronouncing the syllable ZA.
  6. More words with Zh and Sh . Remember or come up with rhymes or tongue twisters where the letters Zh and Sh are often found in words. Repeat them with your child several times.
  7. We pronounce the letter H . If your baby has increased tongue tone, it will be more difficult for him to cope with the exercise at first. The sound CH consists of TH and Sh. First, the tongue should hit the alveoli, pronouncing TH, and then relax, passing the sound Sh through the slit. These two sounds, first slowly and then faster, should merge into one Ch. After several trainings, the baby will succeed !

Practice your pronunciation with different short rhymes. For example:

  • There were jackdaws visiting the wolf cubs,
  • There were wolf cubs visiting the jackdaw cubs,
  • Now the wolf cubs are making noise like jackdaws,
  • And like wolf cubs, the jackdaw cubs are silent.

Learning to pronounce the letter R

The baby begins to pronounce the letter R well only at the age of 5-6 years. If your baby has not yet reached this age, do not panic ahead of time.

There are usually some problems associated with the letter P

  • The little man cannot make a growling sound at all , it simply falls out of his words. This happens when the letter P is located between vowels. For example, a garage sounds like “ha - already.”
  • The baby replaces the sound R with L, Y or Y . It turns out that instead of a rose - “vine”, red - “yzhy”, magpie - “jay”.
  • The baby pronounces the sound R, but not the way it should sound in Russian . It either vibrates, like the British, or grates, which is typical for the French.

You can correct deficiencies in pronouncing the letter P by doing some exercises. It’s better to perform them while sitting and keeping your back straight. In this case, the child must see himself in the mirror.

This way he can see how well he completes the task.

  • Sail . The child needs to open his mouth wide and lift the tip of his tongue behind his upper teeth. Bottom part Bend the tongue slightly forward and press the edges upward against the molars. You need to repeat this 3 times in a row for 10 seconds.
  • horse . You need to press your tongue tightly against the roof of your mouth and then quickly release it. This will produce a sound reminiscent of the clopping of hooves. Repeat the task at least 10-15 times.
  • Turkey . Draw an angry turkey with the baby. The child should throw the tongue out of the mouth, pushing it between the teeth. In this case, you need to pronounce sounds similar to “bl-bl”. The task is performed at a slow pace, gradually speeding it up.
  • Let's bite our tongue . Stick the end of your tongue out and open your mouth in a smile. Then slowly bite your tongue with your teeth.
  • Brushing our teeth . The baby needs to smile broadly and move the tip of his tongue along the inner wall upper teeth without moving the lower jaw.
  • Who has it longer? Invite your baby to compare who has the longest tongue. Will he be able to reach his chin or the tip of his nose?
  • Woodpecker . You need to open your mouth wide and tap your tongue hard on the inside of the gums near the upper teeth. At this time you need to say “d-d-d.”

To prevent your child from getting tired from numerous exercises, take breaks and invite him to roar like a lion. To consolidate the emerging successes, you can additionally learn tongue twisters and words that contain the letter R with your child.

Pronouncing the letters Z, S and C correctly

When a child does not pronounce the letter S, at the same time he cannot pronounce the other whistling letters and syllables - Z, Ts, Zь, Сь. The reason for this is an underdeveloped articulatory apparatus.

Special exercises will also help correct the situation.

  1. Get the ball into the goal . The purpose of this task is to learn how to release a long, directed stream of air. Make gates on the table using blocks or other toys. Roll a loose cotton ball. The kid must, with his lips folded into a tube, blow on the ball and drive it into the gate. While performing the exercise, you should not puff out your cheeks, and the blown air should flow in one long stream, without interruption.
  2. Song of the tongue . With your mouth slightly open, you need to place your tongue on your lower lip. Then you need to spank with your sponges - “five-five-five” (the tongue sings). The air comes out in a smooth stream without interruption. Then, opening your mouth wide, hold the soft tongue on your lower lip so that it does not curl up. It is necessary that the edges of the tongue touch the corners of the mouth.
  3. Pancake . It is important to teach your baby to relax his tongue. To do this, he must smile and place the leading edge of his tongue on his lower lip. The smile should not be tense, and the tongue should only hang slightly from the sponge.
  4. Brushing our teeth . The exercise is similar to the task for the letter P, only we will brush the lower teeth rather than the upper ones.

The letter Z is paired with the letter C, so its production is done in the same way as the sound C.

The sound T consists of two sounds - T and S, which quickly move from one to another. It is important to teach your baby to separate one sound from another. Ask your baby to say first the long sound “shhhhh”, and then the short “shhhh, tshh, tshh” sound. As a result, the baby will make the sound C.

What about K and G?

The sounds K, G and X belong to the back of the tongue, which implies a high rise of the tongue when pronouncing them. When a child does not pronounce these letters, most often his tongue is simply lazy (with the exception of congenital pathologies which only doctors can correct). To make your tongue work, you need to do exercises.

Slide downhill . Place a cotton ball on your baby's palm. The baby should open his mouth slightly, hold the root of his tongue in a raised position, and lower its tip. Then you need to quickly exhale so as to blow the cotton wool from your palm. The sound will be K.

spoon . Ask your baby to say “ta-ta-ta” slowly. Take a teaspoon and gently move your tongue away by pressing on the front of the back of it. Instead of “ta”, the baby will first get “cha”, and then “kya”. Continuing to press on the tongue, catch the moment when the baby produces a clean “ka.” He needs to remember what position his tongue was in at that moment. Don't worry if it doesn't work out right away.

Regardless of the exercises you do with your child to pronounce which letter, after class, repeat with him as many words, rhymes or songs with this letter as possible.