How to go to the dentist. Why and when should you come to see a therapist? How to come to your appointment

come or come

In Russian, the word “come” is written with the letter “y” - come .

Confusion in the spelling of this word arises because there are forms of " go», « I'm coming», « will come».

In addition, there used to be a norm for writing “to come,” which is mentioned in the explanatory dictionary edited by Ushakov. In some literary works of the last century, the spelling “to come” is also found. However, this way of writing is outdated, as is similar pronunciation.

Today we speak and write this word without the letter “d” - “ come».

Word writing rule

Spelling of the infinitive " come"is based on the morphological principle, that is, it depends on the composition of the word. Thinking about the question of how to “ come" or " come", you should carefully consider the structure of the word. It consists of the prefix at-, root – th– and verb suffix – you. (Wed: u-y-ti, for-y-ti, you-y-ti, re-y-ti etc.)

According to the rules of the Russian language, after the vowel sound of the prefix, the root sound “i” turns into a short “y”. It was this sound that remained from the previous root -id- (the word looked like “pri-id-ti”). Since the language strives for euphony and brevity, the sound [d] gradually merged with the suffixal sound [t]. Therefore, they began to write and say “ come».


  • The director first apologized to his subordinates for not being able to come earlier, and only then began the performance.
  • Opportunity come Veronica, under this innocent pretext, attracted him so much that he forgot about his previous plans for the evening.
  • Before come To this conclusion, the investigator looked at the photographs for a long time and checked every detail on them.

Let’s do it like with carts in a hypermarket) I paid 10 rubles - I signed up, went to an appointment, they returned it to your virtual account))) As security on electronic trading platforms)
You can also send SMS messages the day before, like in private medical centers, with a reminder to make an appointment.

Ten rubles - nothing! For a thousand, they’ll definitely come to the clinic. And SMS - at the expense of the person who signed up or through targeted funding from the government of St. Petersburg.

Oh, of course, they also came up with a reminder, so let the chief doctor sit and call everyone. Well, of course, the doctors themselves won’t start calling, everything will fall on the middle staff again. They will also probably come up with calling all the disabled people, so that they don’t forget to re-register the MSEC. For some reason, no one forgets to go to a sanatorium at the expense of taxpayers. How, for example, can you find out whether the patient signed up himself or whether the doctor registered him using a stat coupon, so that there would be “fewer” patients in the queue.??? It’s very easy to take stat coupons and sign up for your primary care there is a queue especially for the very morning or evening. It seems that the queue is “clogged”, but in fact you didn’t sign up yourself, but they signed you up via the Internet using your statistical coupon. When will the medical staff be paid EXACTLY for each appearance. in state clinics. as in private, then everything will change.

Indeed, such a problem exists. Some people take numbers or sign up via the Internet and don’t show up, and then they demand that they be re-booked and don’t show up again. Others won’t get in because the coupons have all been taken away. People don't value what they have at all. Not to mention the fact that even liquid soap is flushed in toilets and toilet paper should be hung up at least every 5 minutes. It is necessary to increase the responsibility of patients, there is no other way out. A person should value his health and what the state is still doing to preserve it. There are a lot of advisers - call, send SMS! And at whose expense? Who will do this and when? The average clinic has 800-1000 visits per day - how many additional staff and time are needed to remind everyone? Have you seen the compulsory medical insurance tariffs? Are such expenses included? Even for shoe covers, costs amount to millions, which are also not included in the tariffs. A person can cancel an entry made via the Internet himself even now, it’s simple, but no one can cancel it. No one cares that the institution has a plan, a budget, that everything is bought for real money at market prices, and for them - for the patients, and not at some tariffs. Here I see only two options - either like with a cart in a supermarket, or the next appearance with a fine. In the end, a patient’s no-show means lost profit for the institution and a waste of time for another patient who could take this coupon and come.

A paid visit to the doctor, even at today’s compulsory medical insurance rates, is 400 rubles.
Then you contact the insurance company, present a receipt and receive compensation.

As a result, all practices will acquire a license, hire nursing staff and get rid of the entire superstructure of their work, which takes up at least 80% of the funds they earn: the chief medical officer, dozens of medical directors, brassiere, personnel department, economic planning department, plumbers and electricians, etc. .

Queues to see specialists will disappear, patients' responsibility will increase, and those doctors who work and have a “full appointment” will begin to earn money, and not those close to the administration. Healthy competition will appear between doctors, stimulating them to increase the level of their knowledge and the quality of work - because income will depend on this

But is the “power vertical”, which now feeds on the labor of doctors and is not responsible for anything, capable of just giving it away?!

Just keep in mind that these 400 rubles include most of the radiation and functional and laboratory examination methods that the doctor will prescribe. An initial appointment without examination in some private clinics operating according to the real laws of the market can reach up to 2,500 rubles. Some doctors will not acquire any license - read the regulations, licensing requirements, etc. etc. and then you will understand why you need “a bra, a personnel department, an economic planning department, plumbers and electricians, etc.”

Personally, I had a private consulting license right out of residency.
They didn’t want to give money to Grivtsov - they imposed a paid commission to test my knowledge and something else. But in the end, they gave me 3 minimum wages. The law clearly states the conditions when an application can be refused and the deadline for consideration of an application.
The taxation system for doctors may differ little from that of lawyers or small entrepreneurs today.

But, Alexey, I don’t understand why, despite the fact that doctors earn money for medical institutions, a plumber in a number of medical institutions earns more than a doctor.

It’s not true, even economists earn less than a doctor there, all other things being equal, not to mention plumbers.

All these punishments (refusal to register, requirement to pay for services free of charge for the patient) are contrary to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, because they limit the availability of medical care.

And when a person makes an appointment and does not show up, he limits the availability of medical care for others. Doesn't this contradict your constitution? There is no talk of any restrictions here, there are simply rules everywhere and they must be followed. Maybe I want to go to the clinic at 2 am, but it’s not open - does this also limit accessibility? I might want to walk along the roadway as I please and drive in oncoming traffic, but I can’t - does this not limit my right to freedom of movement? I might want to pray on the subway - does this limit my right to freedom of religion? The Constitution defines fundamental rights and postulates, the specific implementation of which is already described in the underlying documents.

Doesn't contradict. When I make an appointment with a doctor (in a private, commercial clinic), they call me the day before or on the day of the appointment and remind me about the appointment, asking: “Will you come?”
That’s why, one wonders, private commercial clinics can call a patient, but public ones cannot? And this is a very simple way to significantly reduce the number of cases of no-show appointments.

Because in private clinics there are usually up to 100 visits a day, there are special employees who deal with this, all patients leave mobile phone numbers and, of course, this procedure is included in the cost of services.
In public clinics there are 1000-1200 visits per day, there are no full-time positions such as administrators, staffing with paramedical personnel is no more than 25% - in the registries, sometimes 1-2 windows can only work, because there are no more employees and the vacancy of a medical registrar is extremely unpopular. Many patients only give home phone numbers that cannot be reached; there are many elderly patients who do not remember where and when they signed up and may not have a telephone at all. And of course, such expenses are not included in the already ridiculous tariffs, and there are no other sources of financing. If you take a calculator and calculate that 1 call takes 2 minutes, it turns out that one employee needs to spend 33 hours without a break to call 1000 people.
Well, at least for this.

Yeah, yeah. Now re-read your message and think about how glad it is to fine patients for problems in clinics. Perhaps we should start with the chief doctors?

I’m telling you - they’re not mortgaged!!! Raise compulsory medical insurance contributions and compulsory medical insurance tariffs, include information there, change the staffing table and then please - they will call you.

City clinics would have sorted themselves out first, treated their “head and discipline” :). Some healthcare facilities themselves do not want to communicate.... :)))), which has been proven in practice. In your modern medicine, classmates send classmates with three letters :).
There are standards, but according to these standards you cannot get to the doctor.... If the clinic poses the question like this, then it will be a war, not a failure to help people. This is not what the clinic is doing.
If the clinic really wants order, then they need to make a proposal to the Administration so that patients call back if they don’t show up. But now such is life... the human factor..., so patients may not call and they cannot be punished for this. But speaking in fact, the activities of health care facilities (wrong actions or inactions) are currently more unprofitable than the patients combined. And we agree with Misha that it is necessary to deal with some of the chief doctors of the public sector, who cannot correctly connect two words when addressing them - either in insanity, or complete immaturity.

How will they deal with those doctors who do not work at the appointed time? Don’t there be cases when you arrive on time to see a doctor, but he’s not working?? Who is responsible for this and with what?? Speaking of cases, apparently you need to go to a clinic or hospital with video recorders in order to capture everything “how it happened” because then they will ask “do you have evidence”? But what does the law say about this (video recording) and is the camera worth the money?
Have you ever come across such therapists in the clinic after communicating with whom it’s already bad (what do you think people get money for?)? Of course, not everyone is like that, there are attentive, kind, caring people; just communicating with them is already a treatment, and you leave the office feeling positive.

Isn’t the doctor a human being? Is he a robot? Can't suddenly get sick or get injured? Or should he be a psychic and predict such events in advance? That, for example, on such and such a day in such and such a month he will break his leg. And call all patients in advance. If the injury happened on the way to work, you won’t be able to call everyone in advance. The first patients, alas, will come to a closed door. But this is not the doctor’s fault. This is force majeure. No doctor can just not come to work, and I think you can’t either.

More about recording and so on. The doctor gave a referral for a study and went to the office to sign up for this study. I came, and almost right out of the gate, “it will cost 4000 rubles (anesthesia), there is one without anesthesia, but it’s painful...” I told her, “oh, then I’ll think about it...” that is, I refused. Do you know 4000 rubles for someone, someone bathes in black caviar, and someone... Then the doctor will probably say, “I gave you a referral for...”, then they will probably say to me, “Why didn’t you take advantage of....? " As I understand it, it’s painful for free, but why is it necessary?? And for anesthesia, while finances sing romances. If I bend over backwards (the process will apparently develop with a minus sign), then they will probably take me by ambulance and give me anesthesia?

Polyclinics are almost right out of the gate... you just entered the doctor’s office, didn’t even have time to sit on the chair, and they say to you - why did you come? Nothing to do? Prevention? No, my friend, come to me when the roast rooster crows :), and do some prevention yourself :). And the most amazing thing is that these bastards say this to their colleagues when they find themselves as a patient :).
True, it seems that in Germany, if you don’t come for preventive care once a year, you will receive medical care for money, but Russian doctors in clinics have gone to hell with their preventive care :)

Do you think that everyone has a mobile phone and willingly leaves all their numbers? Believe me, there are still people without a phone at all.

And there are such vile patients who leave a fake number. You call, and a complete stranger answers you, not even familiar with the patient. Or the patient’s phone has a block for numbers not from the subscriber’s address book. I've encountered this more than once. How to contact the patient in this case? Should I come home to him? What if the address is also fake? I think that not making a recording if you can’t come to an appointment is absolutely uncivilized. You deprive others of the opportunity to come during the free time. Personally, I always make a recording if I can’t make it. The receptionist always sincerely thanks you for this. And for some reason I always get through, and the portal works. Make a recording on the Internet -30 sec.

During this year, we missed an appointment 7 times, and these were force majeure circumstances - illness, it was not possible to take time off from work, etc. In my opinion, the doctor appointment program itself makes it difficult to get medical care. services. For example, a child needs to undergo tests and have an ultrasound of internal organs; it is clear that in the case of observation (medical examination, monitoring of chronic processes) it is important to take all this in a healthy state. Registration is open only for the next week, or even two. During this time, of course, you can get sick and in general a thousand changes in circumstances can occur. Further, for working parents - there is time, they let you go from work - great, run to the doctor. And if the record is at the end of the month, and there is an emergency, a check or something else, the record is burned. This is all from practice. Further, to punish, with a ruble, to prohibit making appointments with doctors, this is all, of course, nice, but I would like to remind such enterprising comrades that we are talking about life and health, and refusing to make an appointment with a doctor is tantamount to causing damage to health, and there is an article there, equally as well as according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, our medicine is free (no matter how the clinics try to insist otherwise (by the way, paying patients do not need to make an appointment - all tests can be carried out on the day of treatment, or they offer to cure a tooth for a fee in one visit, and for free in three, It’s precisely these things that you should pay attention to, because this is akin to extortion (creating difficult conditions - lack of registration, etc., difficulties in its implementation for free categories of patients, IMHO the opportunity to visit a SPECIALIST doctor should be returned on a live basis). queues

What is the fault of the doctor sitting at the reception waiting for a patient who forgot/didn’t ask for time off/couldn’t/didn’t want to? The doctor is required to report on the patients actually admitted, and the money is paid according to the number of statistical coupons submitted. The bosses don’t care why 12 of the 20 you signed up came to you. If you didn’t do it enough, we’ll punish you with a ruble. We won’t pay 0.25 or 0.5 part-time, we won’t give a bonus.
Should nurses be responsible for calling patients? Sorry, but the average medical staff has no less work than a doctor.
And one more thing: there are studies for which the patient must come prepared. Try to come on a first-come, first-served basis, for example, for an ultrasound or endoscopic examination. It is unlikely that everything will go well.
And lastly: is it really so difficult for advanced Internet and telephone users to contact the registry and cancel an appointment? Just think about the fact that the number you borrowed so much could be very useful to someone. And someone paid for it with their health or their lives. These are not empty words. This is a medical experience...

I missed my appointment three times this year. Once she got sick herself, another time her mother got sick, the third time she was called to work. Once I managed to cancel an appointment - I simply canceled the ticket in the electronic record. And it didn’t work twice - the portal didn’t work, and we couldn’t get through to the help desk. I don't have time to endlessly dial a number and listen to short beeps.

If a doctor comes to work but no patients show up, it is not the doctor’s fault.
They have no right to reduce salaries for this; the salaries of Russian doctors are already low.
Only redneck managers can withdraw wages if patients do not show up. Another thing is that if a doctor is a bastard and makes sure that patients no longer come to him, then such bastard doctors should be punished with rubles, up to and including dismissal. In general, payment to a doctor should be made according to the principle: salary plus interest for patient care (time for an initial appointment is at least 30 minutes). Doctors will be interested in this. But depriving a doctor of money because, through no fault of his own, the patient did not come is obscurantism. The patient comes when he is sick or needs prevention of a health condition.

Alexey, September 8, 2016 10:30

If it was about life and health, believe me, you would have come anyway, and not re-recorded several times. By the way, the excuse for work costs nothing at all. Are you sick? - take sick leave. Prevention? - read the labor code, the employer is obliged to let you go. Do you work in gray? - well then it’s your personal choice.
Live queues are still in my memory; they happened not so long ago. There were constant crowds at the offices at the start of the appointment, swearing, fights, even the doctors themselves were not allowed into the office :-) to work.

Nothing is free. If you don't pay anything, it doesn't mean that no one pays at all. Read first

And made your first appointment? Congratulations - but this is just the beginning of preparing for your visit to the gynecologist. Dmitry Lubnin will tell you what to take with you to your appointment and how to behave correctly with a doctor who for some reason behaves incorrectly.

Consulting a gynecologist in the process of planning a pregnancy is an obvious and main point of the plan, so you should also prepare for it carefully and responsibly.

Since we are now looking at preparing for pregnancy for a couple who has not yet had serious medical problems, it is important to realize that you are planning a pregnancy, and not a flight into space. Therefore, here is a list of necessary recommendations that will allow you to feel confident at an appointment with most types of gynecologists.

  1. Doctor from the doorstep in a hurry is quicker to see you and asks very superficial questions about your medical and life history. Clarify how long the appointment will last, and, as a last resort, offer to reschedule the appointment to a time when the doctor is freer - this often helps the doctor stop rushing or actually reschedule the appointment for another day.
    Remember, it is important that the initial consultation is calm and thoughtful.
  2. The doctor prescribes it immediately a lot of tests and examinations (beyond the scope of those described here), without motivating them in any way or with the note “just in case, you don’t want to miss anything.” Ask to limit the examination to the necessary minimum, to specifically justify the need for each additional analysis based on the abnormality identified in you, or the fact of your life history, or illnesses of relatives. Excessive examination is inappropriate and does not affect the diagnostic process.
  3. Doctor enough categorical in conclusions about possible difficulties with pregnancy if you are accidentally diagnosed with gynecological diseases. It is important to treat this information only as “information”, a first opinion on the problem and not immediately agree to the proposed treatment, much less surgery. We must listen carefully to the argument after the visit plan two things- studying the problem in the English-speaking part of the Internet and then searching for a specialist in this problem to get a second opinion.
  4. There are too many doctors- a rather controversial point, but here a lot depends on the personality of the patient herself. If the doctor presents pregnancy to you as a big thorny path, on which you will face thorough examinations of the mother and fetus, close monitoring of all processes and correction of emerging deviations, it’s up to you to decide. For some, this approach is what they need, but be prepared to register at the clinic, donate a liter of blood for tests and live in slight excitement between visits to the clinic to discuss the results of the latest studies. Well, and almost mandatory hospitalization for conservation.
    If you are a busy woman who realizes that pregnancy is not a disease, and you have “a lot of things to do” besides what you need to do before giving birth, this approach may seem unacceptable to you. It will be difficult to come to an agreement with a doctor who is accustomed to overprotectiveness, so it is best to choose another doctor.
  5. Doctor is rude, does not answer questions, seems to be dissatisfied with the very fact of your visit, scares you with various consequences - not the best doctor for managing a pregnancy. Pregnancy should proceed against the background of a woman’s exclusively positive emotions, and visits to the doctor should not cause her stress and tears. Find an opportunity to change doctors.

I have described to you in some detail one side of the barricade - doctors, but on the other side there are patients who, for their own benefit, can help the doctor in conducting an appointment and significantly increase his effectiveness.

Gynecologist appointment, preparation: 7 steps

I often encounter a situation where a patient perceives a visit to a doctor as a trip to a massage or a spa, limiting herself only to the fact of coming. That is, the main thing is that I came to the doctor, and let him figure out what’s wrong with me, that’s why he’s a doctor.

This approach is completely unproductive. If your goal is to solve your problem, and not to tick the “consultation with a gynecologist” box, you need to prepare for the appointment. Some doctors may, seeing the patient’s passivity, without going into details, immediately offer many unnecessary examinations and even serious invasive methods of research and treatment.

Here's what you need to remember, and it's best to write it down before visiting the doctor.

  1. At what age did you start menstruating? Not “like everyone else,” since for everyone it starts from 9 to 16 years old. I need to remember or check with my mother.
  2. How is your period going?- how many days and what is the interval between them (from start to start), for example, 5 days after 28 days.
    Obviously, you have a program on your phone or keep a calendar, but by trying to find out this information directly at the appointment, you are wasting time that could be used discussing important issues with the doctor.
    If yours changed (was or became irregular), try to remember exactly how and when it happened and depict it in the form of a diagram. Also note whether you had weight changes (gain or sudden weight loss), stress, illness, or other serious external factors before you started having problems with your cycle.
  3. How do you protect yourself? It’s not worth calling the “coitus interruptus” method the word “in any way,” as this will raise a logical question from the doctor: “If you don’t use any protection, why don’t you get pregnant?” - and he will begin to suspect. If you are taking contraceptives, remember their name and the period of time for which you use them.
  4. How many pregnancies have you had in total and how they ended - options:
    • , childbirth by section - the health of the child, the presence of abnormalities, congenital defects, genetic diseases;
    • abortion - medical or surgical, were there any complications;
    • miscarriage - at what period;
    • frozen pregnancy - at what stage;
    • ectopic pregnancy - which side, whether the tube was removed.
  5. What gynecological diseases did you have? This is a rather important question, despite the fact that you came to the gynecologist. It is important to remember or ask your parents all your illnesses, surgeries and injuries. Such information will help the doctor determine the need for additional examination before or will make it possible to correctly determine the cause of the disease or condition.
    These are not idle questions, but important clinical information. I place such emphasis on this because I regularly encounter a situation where a patient at the beginning of a consultation says that she “wasn’t sick with anything, except maybe a cold,” and by the end she remembers that she has undergone two operations, peritonitis, and also has a heart defect.
  6. Presence of drug allergies- another important question that patients often do not take seriously. We must immediately make a reservation that nausea or stool upset are not allergic reactions. As a rule, we are talking about skin rashes or anaphylactic shock. Again, you should seek the help of your parents if you yourself do not remember what medications you had an allergic reaction to, or look at hospital records where this is noted.
    There should not be a frivolous attitude to this point, since a significant number of accidents in medicine, including deaths, occur due to an acutely developed allergic reaction.
  7. Bring all medical documentation to your appointment, which you find, print out the test results that the laboratory sent to you by email. The doctor needs all this information to get a correct picture of your health. In words and from memory, you may incorrectly indicate the name of operations, test results, or, as this often happens, you may not even know what was removed from you and what it turned out to be as a result of the study.

What happens if you just show up for an appointment?

Of course, you can do none of the above and, as I said above, simply limit yourself to making an appointment with a doctor, arrive a little late, and immediately tell the doctor that “I’m very worried, I don’t like gynecologists and I wouldn’t see these doctors at all.” . Halfway through the appointment, remember the first day of her last menstruation and what she was sick with, look for a letter from the laboratory in the mail and show the doctor the analysis form on her phone, cry, sincerely feeling sorry for herself, and assure the doctor that now she will calm down and continue communicating.

In this situation, the quality of consultation drops significantly. There is very little time left for a constructive conversation; emotions do not allow you to ask all the questions you are interested in and understand what the doctor is explaining.

It is in your interests to take everything from this appointment, and not spoil the mood for yourself and the doctor. A doctor is a professional and a personality, so do not try to test this personality to the limit so that the professional inside him is not distracted from his work.

And most importantly, the doctor, even in a private clinic, for whose appointment money was paid, is not a service staff who now must endure all the emotions and whims of the patient. You pay a good professional only for providing medical services, nothing more.

Next time we will tell you what an ideal appointment with a gynecologist to prepare for pregnancy looks like and which tests and examinations are required and which are not.

When we visit a doctor, we often expect help from him. Compassion, attention, correct diagnosis and treatment. And most importantly, we expect that we will get better.

But doctors are people, not all-knowing gods, so they ask patients to follow simple rules to ensure that their visit to the doctor is as effective as possible.

  1. On the day of your visit or the day before, you MUST take a shower, just wash yourself with a washcloth! Shave areas that are usually shaved. Wear clean clothes and linen. Yes, you need to wash your hair too. And brush your teeth.
  2. Collect your extracts, tests and other medical information in a separate folder. documentation. No need to crumple them, mess with them and shove them in your pocket. Just put it in a file. And make photocopies of each document; the doctor will need them for an outpatient card.
  3. Take with you or write down those medications (name, dose and how many times a day you took them) that you take regularly or took the day before due to illness.
  4. Don't forget your passport, insurance policy and directions.
  5. Think about all your chronic illnesses.
  6. Remember the cases of serious illnesses and the names of the operations that you performed. If you don’t know the names, then at least what they were made about. The names “female style”, “stomach cut”, etc. are not suitable.
  7. Think about what medications you were allergic to

A note on the sick leave about failure to appear for a doctor’s appointment

Hello! I had the following unpleasant situation: I am on sick leave, I was supposed to come to see a doctor on April 12, but I mixed up the dates and came on April 20. They made a note on my sick leave that I didn’t see a doctor during the period from the 12th to the 20th, and they extended the sick leave further. Will my work pay me for such sick leave and can I be fired, for example, for absenteeism due to this period when I did not go to the doctor?

In your case, because Your sick leave is not closed, this period (from April 12 to April 20) is a period of incapacity for work, and your job is retained. But on the basis of Federal Law No. 255-FZ of December 29, 2006 “On compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity,” the failure of the insured person to appear without good reason at the appointed time for a medical examination or for a medical and social examination is grounds for reducing the amount of temporary disability benefits (Article 8 of the said Federal Law).

If there are grounds for reducing the temporary disability benefit, the benefit is paid to the insured person in an amount not exceeding the minimum wage for a full calendar month from the day the violation was committed. Therefore, from April 12, disability benefits will be paid based on the minimum wage.

In your case, it is important whether you had a good reason to miss a visit to the doctor or not. The list of valid reasons includes (based on ORDER OF THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE RUSSIA dated January 31, 2007 No. 74):

1. Force majeure, that is, extraordinary, unpreventable circumstances (earthquake, hurricane, flood, fire, etc.).
2. Long-term temporary disability of the insured person due to illness or injury lasting more than six months.
3. Moving to a place of residence in another locality, change of place of stay.
4. Forced absenteeism due to illegal dismissal or suspension from work.
5. Damage to health or death of a close relative.
6. Other reasons recognized as valid in court when insured persons apply to court.

If there was a good reason, then you need to provide an explanatory note and documents confirming this good reason. Then the employer will not reduce the amount of benefits.

If following one after another sick leave certificates confirm one period of incapacity for work, then the benefit limited to the minimum wage will be calculated until the day the last sick leave is closed. If each of the sick leave certificates confirms a separate period of incapacity for work, then the benefit, limited by the minimum wage, is calculated until the day the sick leave certificate is closed, in which the violation of the regime is noted.