The script for the theatrical production “The Tale of Proper Nutrition. A fairy tale about healthy eating for children and their parents

It is a well-known fact that for food to be beneficial, it must be balanced, healthy and eaten with pleasure! When it comes to children, healthy food is an especially pressing issue. All parents know about the benefits and harms of foods allergic reactions, but not every mother really responsibly chooses products for her child.

It should be noted that in our city there is a rather strict and rational approach to nutrition in children's institutions. Appropriate standards have been established for it. Coming to kindergarten, each parent can see the menu and nutritional standards, and taste qualities It's better to ask the children. Of course, not all dishes are to my liking. About porridge, jelly (and who knows what else), a child may say “ugh”. This is understandable; it is impossible to satisfy all the preferences of children. A lot depends on how the child in the family eats. Do they feed him with a spoon or pamper him with his favorite chocolates instead of a full meal? You see less and less a mother who bought kefir, fermented baked milk for her child - why, when to eat yogurt, etc. And especially mothers who would make compote from dried fruits - why, when there are juices, forfeits and Coca-Cola.

And when a child comes to kindergarten, problems begin - I don’t drink this kind of compote, I don’t eat this kind of fish, I don’t like cutlets. And I'll have the sausage!

And kindergartens, in turn, want to provide for the child nutritious food– natural, correct. Therefore, children’s diet includes cottage cheese, fish, meat, cabbage, liver, and just kefir with fermented baked milk.

When serving food to children, we try to tell them about the benefits of this product. Most often, children, looking at each other, happily eat soup, casseroles and omelettes. Remember your childhood - such soufflés and casseroles are not always prepared at home. The child must receive sufficient amounts nutrients, which will provide its needs for energy and basic components (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, trace elements, vitamins).

Food should be varied, balanced and contain the required ratio of nutritional components. Nutrition should proactively accompany all processes of growth and development of the child’s body, in other words, while growing up, the child should not experience a lack of food and nutrients. The kindergarten menu, according to established standards, has a carefully calculated energy value.

First of all in kindergarten the baby will receive breakfast - sometimes it is milk porridge, a sandwich with butter and cheese, tea or cocoa.

A little later, according to the schedule, a second breakfast follows, for which they usually give either fruit juice, or fruit or rosehip infusion.

Lunch is the most important meal, which consists of a full first meal, a second meal with a side dish, a vegetable salad, and, of course, jelly or compote as a third.

After sleep, children usually have an afternoon snack - most often in the garden they serve dishes made from cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk or yogurt for an afternoon snack.

In our preschool institution Children are fed fully and efficiently, and most importantly, tasty, and the diet of children in kindergarten is quite varied.

The organization of nutrition in kindergarten must be combined with proper nutrition of the child in the family. We need to strive. To homemade food supplemented the kindergarten diet.

To this end, we used some tricks! We “launched” the child-parent project “Kids are Strong.”

Parents were invited to cook their favorite, tasty, and most importantly with their child on weekends. healthy dish! Capture the cooking process with a photo and bring it to the garden along with the recipe. In addition, the result or conclusion of this project is a joint parent-child composition of a fairy tale about unhealthy and healthy food. To be honest, some parents are wondering! But they did a great job with this task!

Tale of a frog.

from the Ilin family

Once upon a time there lived a little princess named Ulyana. A frog lived in her tummy, she croaked and complained that she was sick. And Ulyana had a stomach ache all the time. One day, Ulyana’s mother even had to call a doctor. The doctor explained to Ulyana’s and mom’s mother that all illnesses are due to the fact that Ulyana doesn’t eat. healthy food(sweets, buns, sausages and drinks Fanta and Coco-Cola).

Princess Ulyana no longer wanted to be sick and listen to the complaints of the frog, which settled in her tummy and began to eat only healthy food(cottage cheese, porridge, soup, salad and fruit).

The Tale of the Cat King Bruce.

From the Burlak family

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a cat king named Bruce. He was a very angry king and grumpy. And he was unhappy because something was constantly hurting him. Doctors came to him from different countries peace, but all their efforts were in vain. No one could cure Bruce. Bruce became angrier and angrier every day.

Behind this for a long time observed one small and kind wizard. He took pity on the king and decided to help him.

And then one day, when the king was walking through his garden, the little wizard called out to him and said: “Greetings to you, King Bruce, I have heard a lot about your sufferings and illnesses and, it seems, I know what causes all your troubles. Let me show you one day from your life.

The king's day began with breakfast. They brought him a lot of sweets (sweets, chewing gum and cakes, and he washed it all down with soda). The king ate too much and immediately developed a toothache.

“Before I sit down at the table, I will think about what to eat.”

No single food provides all the nutrients you need to maintain good health. Some foods give the body energy to move, think well, and not get tired. Others help build the body and make it stronger. And, thirdly, they contain many vitamins and minerals, which help the body grow and develop.

If you are worried about pallor -

You don't have enough iron.

Rye, parsley and mushrooms

They will help you stay in shape.

If there is a problem with your skin,

Folic acid will help

Eat eggs, kidneys, cheese-

Invite your friends to a feast.

Strawberries, beets, liver

It will cure you of diseases.

Lettuce, spinach and avacado

We will be glad to live again!

If your hair is not smooth,

And strand doesn’t make friends with strand,

Vitamin P(pe)

You are missing here.

Oil, fish and nuts

Include it in your diet as soon as possible.

Milk, beans, rowan

Essential for hair.

Word "v i t a m i n " invented by the American scientist Casimir Funk. He discovered a substance (“amine”) contained in the shell of rice grains that is vital what people need. Connecting the Latin word vita(“life”) with “amine”, we get the word “vitamin”.

Vitamin A - This is a growth vitamin. It also helps your eyes maintain vision. You can find the vitamin in milk, carrots and green onions.

For four thousand years, one vegetable rich in vitamins, irreplaceable even today, has been eaten - carrots. In the old days, it was considered a delicacy of gnomes - fairy-tale forest people.

There was a belief: if you take a bowl of steamed carrots to the forest in the evening, in the morning you will find an ingot of gold in that place. At night, the gnomes will eat carrots and pay generously for their favorite food. Trusting people carried bowls of carrots into the forest, but, alas, they did not find gold.

Carrots contain a lot of useful elements. This is carotene, vitamins A, B, C, D. Since ancient times they knew about healing properties. It was used to treat diseases of the nasopharynx, heart, and liver. The juice strengthens resistance to the flu, treats throat, bronchitis, cleanses the blood, improves digestion.

Vitamin B present in different products: in the oatmeal you eat for breakfast, in black bread, in peanuts, and in bran.
And one more secret:
It boosts your immunity.

Vitamin C found in fruits and vegetables. They contain fiber and juices that are necessary for the body, especially a growing one like yours. Vegetables are healthy and tasty food. They can be eaten both boiled and raw. Cheerful red radishes and young green onions, cabbage, sorrel, zucchini, tomato, cucumber, pumpkin - everything is pleasing to the eye and good for health.
Cabbage - very ancient plant, and from it came many other edible plants. Many thousands of years ago, cabbage was a useless plant that grew along the sea coasts of Europe. She had bright yellow flowers and wrinkled leaves. More than one hundred and fifty varieties of cultivated plants originated from this wild ancestor. Most famous regular cabbage, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli and kohlrabi.

In Russian villages they fed on white cabbage for almost a whole year. Everything in cabbage is edible. It is very healthy to eat cabbage raw, in the form of a salad. Cabbage has an excellent taste and is also rich in valuable vitamins. It contains a lot of vitamin C. Raw or sauerkraut stimulates the appetite. A cabbage leaf can be used to treat your head.

Vitamin D – saves your teeth. A person's teeth become soft and brittle if there is not enough of this vitamin. It can be found in milk, fish, cottage cheese.

Now let's see which foods are beneficial and which are harmful to our body.

Porridge – the most suitable dish for breakfast. It contains a lot of nutrients and is easily absorbed by the body. Most useful buckwheat porridge. Next, porridge made from oats and rice. A semolina porridge- most high-calorie product. Porridge should be eaten before a test, competition or work.

But guys, you should know and remember foods that cause more harm to our body than they do good - chips, crackers, kirieshki, lemonade, Pepsi, Coca-Cola, etc.

"Nutrition traffic light"

There's a green light on

We get tomatoes and cabbage for lunch,

Onions and peppers are the most delicious.

Fresh fish and meat. And sunflower oil.

Fruits, berries, salad -

Everything is useful for the guys.

Yellow light means products

but not vegetables and fruits.

Cheese, sour cream and cottage cheese,

glazed cheese,

brought from afar

three cans of milk -

this is all very useful

eat every other day in turns .

Anyone who wants to become fat

Must chew all day:

Buns, cake, candy, sugar,

Meat fried in oil

There are cookies, chocolate,

Drink Fanta and lemonade,

The red light will spot accurately -

You eat this very rarely.

I want to wish you good health and learn to always follow the rules of healthy eating. In addition to proper nutrition, a person should always have good mood, kindness in the soul and the desire to do something good.

This page contains truly magical therapeutic tales for children from two years old who do not eat well.

Why magical? Firstly, because they help, in a playful way, to unobtrusively imagine yourself in the place of another child and experience a variety of events with him. Where else, if not from a fairy tale, can a child learn what happens to those who are naughty at the table, refuse soup or healthy porridge, does not want to eat himself with a spoon. And secondly, because they were written by magical mothers who love their children very much and want them to grow up healthy, strong and eat well.

Working with fairy tales is very simple: read with your child, discuss, sketch the brightest moments, write a sequel, etc. (You can read more about simple and effective fairy tale therapy techniques here:,). There is only one condition, do not call the hero of the fairy tale after your child, it must be another child! This is a different baby - a capricious, reluctant one, but your baby is good, he “winds everything up”.

About Katyushina Kaprizka (Olga Bykova)

In one city there lived a girl. Such a small Girl, with a snub nose, radiant eyes and thin pigtails. The girl's name was Katyusha. The girl's mother and father went to work, and she stayed at home with her grandmother.

Everything would be fine, but Katyusha didn’t like porridge. She didn’t really like to eat at all, but she simply couldn’t stand porridge. Grandmother persuaded her this way and that. She explained how useful porridge is for small children, sang songs to her, told her fairy tales, even danced and showed her magic tricks. Nothing helped. Our Katyusha first asked to add butter, then sugar, then salt, and then flatly refused to eat “this disgusting thing.”

And at this time, a small, harmful Capriciousness escaped from one absent-minded wizard and set off around the world in search of shelter, until the wizard had enough and returned her back to the dark chest.

Capriciousness was sneaking around the city when she suddenly heard loud scream girls: “I don’t want to! I won’t eat this porridge of yours!” Capriciousness looked into open window, and saw Katyusha eating.

“Wonderful!” - thought Kaprizka and jumped straight into Katyusha’s wide open mouth.

No one, of course, noticed anything, but from that day on Katyusha became completely unbearable. She even refused to eat delicious cutlets, prepared by grandma, even fluffy golden brown pancakes with strawberry jam! And Kaprizka grew and grew every day. Katyusha, on the contrary, became thinner and more transparent. Moreover, Kaprizka gradually began to stick her nose out and offend Katyusha’s relatives.

And one day my grandmother suddenly said: “I won’t clean the house anymore, and I won’t cook anymore either, no one wants to eat it anyway!” And she sat down on the balcony and began to knit a long, very long striped sock.

And my mother said: “I don’t want to go to the store anymore to buy food, clothes and toys!” She lay down on the sofa and began to read a thick book.

And dad said: “I don’t want to go to work anymore!” He placed chess on the board and began an endless game with himself.

And among all this disgrace sat a satisfied Capriciousness, admiring what she had done. And Katyusha went to the mirror and looked at herself. She did not see her radiant eyes - they went out and acquired gray circles. The nose drooped, and the pigtails bristled in different sides like branches of a Christmas tree. Katyusha felt sorry for herself and began to cry. And she was also so ashamed that she had offended her grandmother.

It’s not even clear where such a little girl came from so many tears! The tears flowed and flowed. They turned into a river! And these tears were such sincere tears of repentance that they simply washed the unwary Capriciousness out into the street, straight into the hands of the wizard looking for her.

And Katyusha suddenly realized how hungry she was. She went to the kitchen, took a saucepan with the rest of the porridge from the refrigerator and ate it all, even without butter, sugar and salt. Having cried and eaten, she fell asleep right there at the table. And I didn’t hear how dad carried her to the crib and, kissing her on the cheek, ran to work. Mom kissed her daughter on the other cheek, salty from tears, and also left. And grandma, having thrown her striped sock somewhere, was rattling pots and pans in the kitchen, intending to prepare a delicious dinner for the whole family!

A Tale of Healthy Vegetables (Maria Shkurina)

One summer Seryozha was visiting his grandmother in the village. It’s good in the village - the sun, the river, clean air. You can play outside with the kids from morning until dark! Only Seryozha and his grandmother often quarreled. And why? The grandmother prepared delicious lunches of fruits and vegetables for her grandson, but the boy did not want to eat them. “I don’t like this. I won't do that. I don’t eat this red stuff! Take away that little green thing!” - this is what the grandmother heard every time she persuaded the boy to sit at the table. Grandma was upset, and Seryozha himself felt unpleasant about offending her, but he couldn’t help himself.

One morning, before breakfast, a boy went out into the yard to say hello to the sun. Suddenly Seryozha heard someone’s voices from the direction of his grandmother’s vegetable beds. He looked around, there was no one. I came closer to the beds and my mouth gaped in surprise. It was the vegetables in the beds talking to each other. They didn’t just talk, they argued.

I'm the most important! - declared the potato. – I fill you up better than any vegetable, giving you strength for the whole day!
- No, I’m the most important! – the orange carrot did not agree. – Do you know how much vitamin beta-carotene is in me? It is very good for the eyes. Whoever eats a lot of it will see well until old age.
Seryozha listens to the carrot, and nods his head. This turns out to be why grandma sees so well and doesn’t wear glasses even when she sews or knits. She probably loves carrots.
“You’re not the only one, my friend, rich in beta-carotene,” answered the pumpkin. “And I have a lot of it.” Like others useful vitamins! I help a person fight autumn diseases when it is damp and windy outside. I also have vitamin C!
- Oh, if we are talking about vitamin C, then you should contact me! – the fleshy sweet red pepper laughed. - I have so much of it! More than lemons and oranges! It helps with colds and strengthens the body.
- And I’m generally one of the most healthy vegetables! – the curly broccoli cabbage smiled, straightening its green leaves. - And what is there in me! Whether you cook me or eat me raw, they’re full of vitamins! And the taste! Do you know what kind of soup I make?
“Well, well, friends, don’t get excited,” said the bow in a bass voice. – Haven’t you heard the saying “The bow cures seven diseases”? This is about me. This means that I can cure a person of many diseases. And in general they add me to all dishes. They don't taste as good without me.
Then the vegetables suddenly noticed that they were being watched and immediately fell silent, as if they had not just been arguing with each other.

What miracles! – Seryozha whispered, and then his grandmother called him to breakfast.

The boy realized that he was terribly hungry and ran to wash his hands. Along the way, he remembered what his grandmother had prepared for breakfast today. And when I remembered that she was talking about pumpkin porridge, I was happy. Now he will always eat grandma’s soups, porridge and salads and will become strong, agile and healthy.

The Tale of the Sad Plate (Maria Shkurina)

Once upon a time there lived a girl, Katya. good girl There was Katya: kind, polite, caring. Only Katya didn’t like to eat. And what her mother didn’t cook for her: soups, porridge, cutlets with pasta - but Katya had one answer to everything: “I don’t want to, I won’t.”

Once the grandmother gave the girl a new plate. Beautiful, pink. He says: “Here, Katenka, a new plate for you, it’s not an ordinary one. Loves it when kids eat well.” Katya thanked her grandmother for the gift, but she didn’t eat any better.

Once Katya’s mother put it on a new plate mashed potatoes with a chicken cutlet, and she left the kitchen to run errands. Katya sits in front of a plate, does not eat, but only spreads mashed potatoes on it with a fork. Suddenly the girl hears someone crying. Katya looked around, but couldn’t understand anything. She was even a little scared, and then she grew bolder and asked:

Who's crying?
- This is me, a plate. I'm crying.
- Why are you crying? - asks the girl.
“I’m upset that you don’t eat well and never see my smile,” the plate answers.
- Can you smile? – Katya was surprised.
- Of course I can. “You’ll eat all the food until the day and you’ll see for yourself,” answered the plate.

The girl immediately took up her fork and ate the entire cutlet and mashed potatoes. And as soon as the bottom of the plate became empty, Katya saw that she was really smiling and was no longer crying.

Since then, Katya always ate what her mother cooked, and the plate always smiled gratefully at her for it.

A fairy tale about a boy Sasha who ate poorly (Ekaterina Kubasova)

Sasha did not eat well. He only loved candy and other sweets. But his mother also forced him to eat porridge, borscht, soup, pasta, salads and much more. “I don’t want to, I won’t eat!” Sasha repeated. Mom said that she would give everything to the dog and cat, but that didn’t help. Then mom promised not to let Sasha go outside, not to let him watch cartoons, not to play, not to read books to him and not to give him candy if he didn’t eat.

Sasha was offended. “When I leave my mother for good, then no one will force me to eat.” And he left. He got dressed, put a bun, an apple, and candy in his pocket and went wherever his eyes were looking. He walked for a long time and met a dog. The dog sat on the road and whined. Sasha asked:

Why are you crying?
“I’m hungry,” said the dog. “I haven’t eaten anything for a long time and have become completely weak.” To be strong, you need to eat well.
Sasha was good boy. He took pity on the dog and gave her his bun.

He went further. He sees a bunny lying under a bush and crying.
“Why are you crying?” asked Sasha.
- I want to eat. If I don't eat, my legs will become completely weak, and I won't be able to outrun either the fox or the wolf. Sasha also took pity on the bunny and gave him his apple.

Then he looked around. His house was not visible, because Sasha had gone very far away. He thought: “I’m tired, my legs hurt, I want to eat. I, too, became weak, like a dog and a bunny, from hunger.” He took a candy out of his pocket and ate it, but it didn’t increase his strength. “What’s the use of it?” sweets? - thought Sasha, - now I should eat porridge, or borscht, or noodles with a cutlet, at least drink a glass of milk! And Sasha decided to return home. Who will feed him, except his mother?!

He quickly ran back. Although Sasha was tired, he gathered all his strength and ran to his house. His mother opened the door for him.
“Mom, quickly give me something to eat,” Sasha asked right from the doorway. -I'm hungry like a dog, I'm hungry like a bunny, I'm so weak.
“What will you eat?” Mom asked.
-I’ll eat everything now. I want to be strong, healthy, strong, I want to grow big. Now Sasha began to eat well both at home and in kindergarten. I even asked for more. He didn't want to be weak and remain small!

The tale of how Kiryusha saved his mother (Katya Sim)

One morning Kiryusha woke up, stretched, threw back the blanket and ran to look for his mother. Not in the kitchen, not in the living room either... Where did she go? Maybe I went to see my neighbor for a minute? Kiryusha waited and waited, but still no mother. The boy became worried and began to cry. And then he suddenly sees his favorite teddy bear crawling out from under the pillow.

Why are you crying, Kiryusha? - asked Mishutka.
- I lost my mother! I looked for her everywhere, but she was nowhere to be found! – the boy said bitterly.
- Don't cry, please. I will help your trouble. I know who stole your mom! It was the evil sorceress Zlyuka-Byaka who took her to her kingdom. She didn’t like that your mother takes care of you, plays with you, puts you to bed, walks, cooks for you, kisses, hugs you. Zlyuka-Byaka got angry and stole your mother.
- So what should we do now? – asked Kiryusha. - Little bear, do you know where the kingdom of the evil witch is?
- I know and I’ll show you the way there, just stop crying! - answered the plush friend.

And suddenly, everything around began to spin, and the Little Bear and the boy found themselves on the edge of the forest.
“Let’s go,” said Mishutka. Do you see the path there? If we follow it, then it will lead us right to the kingdom of Zlyuki-Byaki,” and they, holding hands, ran together along the forest path.
They run and run and see that a forest mountain stands in their way, which is impossible to get around.
“We’ll have to climb this mountain,” the teddy bear said to Kiryusha.
“Oh,” the boy groaned. “For some reason my legs aren’t moving at all,” and tears rolled out of my eyes again!
“And this is all because you didn’t want to eat porridge,” answered Mishutka. - Look how quickly I can climb this mountain now. I eat porridge every day!
And before the boy even had time to blink his eyes, the Little Bear was already at the top of the mountain.

What should I do? – thought the boy. “He looked around and suddenly saw a table standing nearby, and on it a plate with aromatic porridge.
“Help yourself,” the squirrels giggled, hanging from the tree branches! - We heard that you are going to save your mother! That's why our mother cooked delicious porridge especially for you. Don't be shy!
Kiryusha ate porridge and immediately felt strength appear in his legs and throughout his body. He thanked the cheerful squirrels and quickly ran to catch up with the Little Bear.
- Well, finally you overcame the mountain! - Mishutka said affectionately. “Now we need to move on.” The sun is already setting, and we have only walked half the way.

They descended from the other side of the mountain and again found themselves on the path.
“Do you see the towers in the distance?” Little Bear asked Kiryusha. That's where the evil witch lives.
“No, I don’t see anything,” the boy answered in surprise and spread his arms.
- Aaaah, I got it! You don’t see because you refused to eat carrots. “And it contains a lot of vitamin A, which is very good for the eyes,” said the smart Mishutka. “Wait, now I’ll call the Rabbit, he lives right here.” He definitely has a carrot for you!
The rabbit came running to the call, listened to Kiryusha and treated him to a carrot.
“Thank you,” the boy thanked the Rabbit and ate the carrot with pleasure, because he really wanted to save his mother.

And they, together with the Little Bear, ran even faster along the path.
When they approached the Zlyuki-Byaki castle, it was completely, completely dark.
“It’s good that night has already come,” said teddy bear. - The witch is already asleep. And you will sneak into her domain, find your mother and save her.
- How will I get there? Look how tall the door is! And I don't have the key! – the boy answered bitterly.
“No problem,” came a voice from above. “I’ll now fly to the witch’s bedroom and quietly remove the key from her neck.” And I saw your mother. The evil one hid her in a high tower. I'll show you. Kiryusha looked up, and it turned out that the Titmouse bird was talking to him.

Kiryusha was delighted with such help, waved his hand to Titmouse and began to wait for the key. Soon the Titmouse bird flew in, gave the boy the key and began to wait for him to open the door to the kingdom. Kirill took the key, but couldn’t reach the keyhole.
- This is all because you didn’t eat potatoes at all! It has a lot of protein, which helps you grow big and strong. “Now I’ll treat you to it,” the Titmouse sang. – Try it, it’s very tasty!
The boy ate a potato and suddenly began to grow. He grew up and reached the keyhole. He opened the door and quickly ran after Titmouse.

So they got to high tower. Kirill ran up the stairs, opened the heavy door and saw his mother. And his mother was so happy about her son! She hugged, kissed and suddenly, everything started spinning again, spinning and we found ourselves? Teddy bear, Kiryusha and his mother in their apartment. And then dad came!

Since then, Kiryusha ate everything his mother cooked. Let Zlyuka-Byaka know that Kirill will now be big and strong, and he will always have enough strength to come to his mother’s aid. After all, it is unknown what trials may await him again!

How Ilyusha fed his tummy (Tatyana Kholkina)

Once upon a time there was a boy. His name was Ilyusha. And he was the same age as you.

Ilyusha ate candy before dinner, and then his mother called him to the table. She poured him soup, and Ilyusha became capricious:
- I'm not hungry, I already had candy for lunch!
“But you’ve been walking around, running around, you need to eat well,” his mother convinces him.
- Don't want! - Ilyusha is capricious.

He grabbed a spoon and began putting soup into his mouth. The mouth immediately became happy, chews and treats the neck. And the neck sends soup into your tummy. Ilyusha ate the whole bowl of soup and asked:
- Well, tummy, are you full?
Not yet, - the tummy screams. - I want the second one! Ilyusha ate the potatoes too.
- Well, are you full now?
-And the compote? - asks the tummy. Ilyusha asked his mother for compote.
- Well, are you full?
And my tummy doesn’t even have the strength to answer - it’s so full. It can only gurgle.
- Bul-bull. Thank you, Ilyusha,” the tummy gurgled. - Now I'm full. And thanks to mom for the delicious soup!

Ilyusha says to his mother:
- Mom, my tummy thanked you!
- Please, my dears! - Mom smiled contentedly.

Why you need to eat (Irina Gurina)

Once upon a time there lived a girl, Nastenka. She really didn't like to eat.
“Look how delicious the porridge is,” her grandmother told her. - Eat at least a spoonful. Just try it - you will definitely like it.
But Nastenka only pressed her lips tightly and shook her head.

“Eat the cottage cheese,” grandfather persuaded Nastenka. - It is very tasty and healthy.
But she didn’t want to eat the cottage cheese either.

“Look how delicious the soup is,” my mother said. - Look how handsome he is! There's a red carrot green peas, white potatoes!
- I won’t! – Nastenka shouted and ran away from the kitchen.

Day after day passed. One day Nastenka went for a walk with her friends. They decided to go down the hill. And a high ladder led up the hill. The girlfriends top-top-top and climbed to the very top, and Nastenka stands below and gets upset:
- Look how big and strong you all are! Why am I so small? I can’t climb the steps, I can’t hold on to the railing, I can’t go down the slide!
- It’s true! - the girlfriends were surprised. - Why are you so small?
“I don’t know,” Nastenka was upset and went home. She comes into the house, undresses, and tears just keep falling: drip and drip, drip and drip. Suddenly she hears a whisper.

Nastenka went into her room. There is no one, it's quiet. I went to see my grandparents. It's also empty. She looked into her parents' room - and there was no one there.
“I don’t understand anything,” the girl shrugged. - Who is whispering?
She tiptoed towards the kitchen. She opened the door slightly - the whisper became louder. The chair is empty, the corners are empty. There is only a bowl of soup on the table.
“Oh,” Nastenka was surprised, “it’s the vegetables talking!”
“I’m the most important one here,” the carrot was angry. - I have vitamin A - this is the most main vitamin. It helps children grow. And the one who eats vitamin A sees well, almost like an eagle. You can't live without me!
- No, we! No, we are in charge! - the peas were jumping. - Green peas also contain vitamin A. And there are more of us, which means we are more important! And in general, we also have vitamin B!
“I also have vitamin B. I’m not bragging,” the meat grumbled. - I generally have a lot of all sorts of vitamins that are needed for my heart to function well and for my teeth and gums to be healthy.
“And I have vitamin C,” the potato jumped. - He is more important than everyone else. Whoever eats vitamin C does not catch a cold!
Then they all shouted in unison and almost came to blows. A large tablespoon, quietly dozing next to the plate, rose, slapped the broth and said:
- Stop arguing! When Nastya hears that the soup is magical and that those who eat well, grow quickly and don’t get sick, will be happy and eat you all along with their vitamins!

And I heard, I heard! - Nastenka shouted, running into the kitchen. - I really want to grow up and ride down the hill with everyone else! She took a spoon and ate the soup.
Since then, Nastenka ate well every day. Soon she grew up and even became taller than her friends!

A fairy tale for children who do not eat well (Maria Mitlina)

A fairy tale for the girl Vika, whose spoon is heavy,
and for the boy Yegor, who does not know how to behave at the table, and for all the other children. Pedagogical.

Once upon a time there lived a girl Masha. Masha really didn’t like eating porridge. And soup. And cutlets. Herself. And when Masha’s mother fed her, Masha ate everything. So what, you might think, it was probably a very little girl. Of course, if Masha were very little, then it would not be surprising that her mother fed her with a spoon. But our Masha was not small at all, but already quite big. She was three and a half years old, almost four.

And then one fine morning, when mom, as usual, was sitting at the table with Masha and persuading her to eat a spoonful of very tasty and sweet semolina porridge for her beloved dad, Masha suddenly turned into a very small girl.
- Oh! - Mom said in surprise. - Masha, how little you have become! Just a baby. Now, in order to feed you, I will have to get your old highchair. And mom reached into the closet for Masha’s high chair. When mom opened the cabinet doors, on the very top shelf Masha saw a box of chocolates that mom had hidden from Masha.

Mashenka wanted to ask her mother for candy, but she couldn’t, she had forgotten how to speak! Instead of words, some incomprehensible sounds are obtained: me-me-me and dyad-dya-dya. Mom looks at Masha, but cannot make out what her beloved daughter is saying.
- Mashenka, do you want to eat? Now, now I’ll find your chair, and we’ll finish the porridge.
And Masha again:
- Yes! Dia!
- Yes? Yes! Yes! - Mom is happy. How smart you are, Masha, so little, but you understand everything and listen to your mother. Yes, now we’ll eat porridge. And here is the chair!
Masha burst into tears, she felt so sad that her mother did not understand her and did not give her candy. And mom continues:
- Well, why are you crying, little one, just be patient a little! You see, I’ve already got your chair, so sit down!
- Not! Not! - Masha shouts. – I don’t want to be little! - She’s the one who’s grown big again.
“Mom,” says Masha, “now I’ll eat it myself!” I'm already big.
Mom was delighted and gave Masha a spoon:
- Hold it, daughter, eat it!

Masha took the spoon, twirled it in her hands, twirled it. This spoon is big and shiny. Masha looks at the spoon, looks and says:
- Mom, how can I eat porridge with this spoon? She's heavy!
The spoon heard that Masha didn’t want to eat with it and... she was offended!
Mom says to Masha:
- Let's look for another spoon for you, a light one.
And as soon as they turned away, the spoon jumped off the table and ran away! Mom went to the drawer where all the cutlery was, opened it, and it was empty! Not a single spoon, not a single fork! They were also offended by Masha because she didn’t want to eat them, and they also ran away.
“Oh,” says Masha, “how am I going to finish the porridge?” I'll have to eat it with my hands. Masha began to eat porridge with her hands.

The porridge is sticky, Masha’s hands are dirty, but what should I do? There are no spoons. Masha eats and eats... and feels that her nose is itching and has begun to grow... And her hands are turning into small hooves. Masha realized that if she didn’t stop eating with her hands, she would turn into a piglet. Masha went before it was too late and washed her hands. Sits at the table and thinks:
“No, I won’t eat with my tongue either, otherwise I’ll suddenly turn into a cat. Or into a dog."

Mom says:
- We, my daughter, will have to go to the store and buy new spoons and forks.
Mother and daughter got dressed and went to the “Tableware” store, where they sell dishes: plates, mugs, pots and forks with spoons. They go into a store and ask the seller:
- Do you have any spoons?
“Of course,” the seller answers, “there is.” Here we have them, look. They approached the shelf with cutlery, that is, spoons and forks, but it was empty! The spoons and forks were afraid that Masha would take them and everyone ran away.
“It’s strange,” the seller was surprised. – Where have all the spoons and forks gone?
He began to look on other shelves. I searched the entire store and found nothing. Mom and Masha had to go home and go to bed hungry.
They lie in their cribs, and Masha says to her mother:
- Mommy, if the spoons come back, I will never say that they are heavy again, I will eat myself.

In the morning Masha woke up, looked, again all the spoons were in their place, in the drawer. And forks too. They heard what Masha told her mother before going to bed, took pity on her and decided to return back.
Masha was happy! I woke up my mother and showed her that all the spoons were back. Mom was also very happy and began to cook porridge for breakfast. She cooked delicious-delicious porridge- Herculean - and calls Masha to have breakfast.
Masha sat down at the table, took a spoon in her hands, ate one spoonful of porridge, sat, twirled the spoon, looked out the window. Instead of eating porridge, he thinks about how bright the sun is outside and how nice it is to walk there now. Mom says:
- Eat, Masha!
“I eat, I eat,” Masha answers.
And she herself builds a tower on the table from a mug and a plate.
- Masha, eat! - Mom is angry.
- I'm eating! - Masha answers.
And he puts another small spoon in his mouth. Suddenly Masha heard that in another room, where the TV was on, cartoons were starting. Masha got up from the table and ran to watch cartoons.
Mom screams:
- Masha, sit down at the table and finish your porridge!
And Masha answers her mother:
- Now, mommy, I’ll just look for a minute and then I’ll come.

The porridge got offended by Masha, and while Masha was watching cartoons, she ran away from the plate. The cartoons are over, Masha comes into the kitchen, looks, but there is no porridge in the plate!
- Mom, where is my porridge? - she asks her mother.
“I don’t know, daughter,” mother answers.
They began to look for porridge, there was no porridge anywhere - neither on the table, nor under the table, nor in the pan.
“Well, okay,” thought Masha, “just think, I didn’t eat the porridge.” These are not candies, but just porridge. And she ran off to play and watch TV.
And mom sighed and began to cook soup. For lunch.
Mom made soup and called Masha for dinner. Masha came and sat down at the table. I took the spoon in my hands and there was soup. She ate the spoon and sat there, looking out the window and dangling her legs under the table.
Mom says:
- Eat, Masha!
“I eat, I eat,” Masha answers.
And she knocks on the plate with a spoon.
- Masha, eat! - Mom is angry again.
- I'm eating! - Masha answers.
And suddenly the slipper fell off her foot while she was swinging her feet. Masha crawled under the table to pick up her slippers, but she took the soup and ran away from the plate in the car. Masha and her mother searched and searched for soup, but didn’t find it. Masha was left without lunch. But she was not upset, but ran off to play with the dolls. And mom just sighed sadly.

And so Masha didn’t eat anything for three whole days - she would sit down at the table, and when she turned away from the plate, the food immediately ran away from her. Masha woke up three days later and realized that she was sick. Her stomach hurts very much. And she can't get out of bed. Masha was scared, she wanted to call her mother, but she couldn’t even shout, she barely whispered:
- Mommy…
But mom heard and ran to Masha.
- Daughter, what’s wrong with you?
But Masha cannot answer anything. She lies there, she can’t even raise her arm, she has no strength left at all.
Mom got scared and started calling an ambulance.

An uncle doctor in a white coat arrived, went into Masha’s room, looked at her and said:
- So. Everything is clear. Your girl needs to be fed urgently. Do you have any food?
Mom nodded her head:
- Of course there is, I just cooked porridge. For breakfast. Only doctor, for some reason all the food runs away from my daughter.
“Food runs away,” the doctor answers, “from the one who is distracted at the table all the time.” Bring the porridge, we will insert a tube into your girl and feed her through the tube so that the porridge does not have time to escape.
And he took out such a long tube through which the porridge would fall directly into the stomach.
Masha was scared. She whispered barely audibly:
– I don’t need a probe! I'll eat myself.
Masha gathered her last strength, sat down and ate all the porridge that her mother brought. And she felt that she could not only sit, but she could also stand up, and again she could run and play. And Masha’s stomach immediately stopped hurting. Masha shouts joyfully:
- Hurray, mommy! Give me more supplements soon!
Masha’s mother put supplements in and Masha quickly ate all the supplements without being distracted.

And from then on Masha began to eat very well. Herself. And she stopped indulging at the table, because she knows that if you are distracted at the table, the food can run away. And without food you can get very sick.

And when Masha grew up a little, her mother taught her to cook - porridge, soup, and even cutlets! And now mom and Masha make breakfast, lunch, and dinner together. And dad and mom praise Masha and eat with pleasure everything that Mashenka cooks. Masha now knows how nice it is when others eat what you cook with pleasure. And I realized how hurtful and sad and painful it was for mom when Masha didn’t want to eat her food.
And dad (but this is a secret) says that Masha’s food tastes even better than mom’s.

Extracurricular activities within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard

"Ethics: the ABC of Good"

Teacher: Kazakova E.S.

Topic: Fairy tale in our lives. For a healthy lifestyle. A good story about health.

Goal: formation of needs for a healthy lifestyle, through role-playing game.

develop ideas junior schoolchildren O proper nutrition, its significance for health;

develop motivation healthy image life;

develop communication skills, promote the development of interaction between adult family members and children.

Equipment: TV, computer, poster with vegetables, a full lunch (fruit, loaf, oatmeal cookies, milk, porridge)

Today we will talk about healthy eating and its importance for our health. Slide 1, Slide 2, “A man is what he eats,” said the ancient sage. And this truth has happily survived to our time. And if an adult body can cope with the lack of some vitamins for some time, then such “hunger” is contraindicated for a child. After all, all the child’s organs and systems are not yet fully formed; they need an uninterrupted “supply” useful substances For proper development. Especially during school years, when the brain seriously needs its daily bread.

3 slide. Today we will tell you " Good fairy tale about health" based on the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood". But we will refer to our time.

Who knows the fairy tale about Little Red Riding Hood? (Charles Perrault)

Why does she have this? unusual name?

Once upon a time there was a girl. Her name was Little Red Riding Hood.

Little Red Riding Hood and her mother lived in the city amid car noise, factory smoke and eternal bustle. Mom worked late, and the girl was alone most of the day. After school, she had a quick snack. She didn’t want to heat the first one, so dry sandwiches helped out.

Day after day time passed. Little Red Riding Hood turned 10 years old. The mother looks at her daughter and doesn’t know whether to rejoice at her or shed tears. My daughter became emaciated, pale, and began to get sick often. Mom thought and thought and decided summer holidays send my daughter to the village to visit her grandmother. She will definitely help her.

Ended academic year and Little Red Riding Hood went to her grandmother in the village of Pokhlebkino. “It was so beautiful all around,” the girl thought, standing on a country road. On one side of the road there were endless fields, and on the other, a forest. A lake was visible nearby. And what a smell it was! It smelled of blooming May herbs and flowers, birds sang around, beetles buzzed overhead, I wanted to sing and laugh.

Here is grandma's house. Marfa Vasilievna hurried to meet the guest.

“My granddaughter,” said the grandmother and, kissing her beloved granddaughter, handed her bread and salt on a beautiful towel.

Granny, why is this? - asked Little Red Riding Hood.

According to ancient Russian custom, dear guests are greeted with bread and salt. Moreover, she baked it herself. And the healthiest bread I have is bran. Taste it, granddaughter, and let’s go home.

The hut was light and cozy. It also smelled wonderful.

Grandma, where is this from? pleasant smell?

This is all my assistant stove doing magic.

And indeed, a delicious smell came from the stove.

Granny, will you give me a try?” the granddaughter clapped her hands.

Not only try, but you will eat at my place and delicious food and useful.

Grandma, it doesn't happen like that. My mother often advises me to eat healthy things, but they don’t taste good,” the girl frowned.

It's not tasty there: with dyes and preservatives. And I have everything natural whatever Mother Nature throws out, that’s what we cook from. I will treat you every day, and you take note and remember. And in a month, your other illness will disappear. You will return home healthy and strong.

Grandma and how is your Buryonka doing?

Okay honey, now you can taste her milk. And for milk - oatmeal cookies. Only wash your hands before eating don't forget.

Granny, do children really need milk?

How about . Milk is a source of protein and calcium. For children's growth the body needs proteins. Therefore, to grow up healthy, you need to drink milk, eat meat, fish, buckwheat, nuts.

And children need calcium for teeth growth. I'll cook you breakfast milk porridge with fruit.

Grandma, you know everything in the world!

More children's body needed vitamins. And my vitamins grow in the garden beds.

You have a lot of grass there!

This is a granddaughter, not grass, but your health grows in the beds. Dill, parsley, lettuce, sorrel, onion- there is a lot of greenery in this vitamins and minerals.

Let's go to the table and try my food.

Marfa Andreevna’s table, as always, is filled with dishes: a salad of vegetables with herbs, green cabbage soup, baked chicken and boiled potatoes with dill.

Granny, why so much, I’ll burst.

What are you talking about, baby? This is what I chose. Eat a little of everything and you will be full and taste the treat. Remember You can't overeat!

Working with students: -What should you do before eating?

Who loves milk? How is it useful? What is calcium needed for? Protein? What should you eat for breakfast? What do you eat for breakfast? Summary of the benefits of protein and calcium (pictures on the board)

What did the grandmother treat her granddaughter for lunch? Why should you eat salad and lots of greens? What vitamins do you know? What is a must-have for lunch? Why? How did your grandmother cook? I baked it in the oven. Who will go to your grandmother in the village during the holidays?

I hope that we did not travel in vain, that each of you learned a lot of interesting things, that you will all strive to become healthy, strong and beautiful,

. Summary of the lesson.

What nutrition rules do you know?

What are the nutritional benefits of vegetables and fruits?

Do you want to be healthy?

Security Question : - Put only healthy products in my cart.

When a child is capricious and does not eat all the healthy and wholesome food that you have carefully prepared for him, is capricious at the table and turns meals into “quiet horror”... What then should you do? Read short educational stories about food.

You will be helped by certified child nutrition specialist Alena Pavlenko and the magical cat Mister Bamka - a specialist in children's whims and healthy nutrition No. 1 in the world! (at least that's what he says about himself)

If your child does not want to eat healthy food, if your child refuses some specific products, if you think that your children should learn to behave correctly at the table, do not lecture them. Read useful stories about food and eating habits!

Children's fairy tales and stories are a wonderful way to deal with difficult situations, in which almost all beginning eaters find themselves. Instructive stories about Bamka and the girl Sasha are your secret weapon and lifesaver in such moments!

Below you will find a list of all available today cautionary tales project “Useful tales about food from Bamka.” This list is constantly updated, and each new fairy tale helps to deal with another question from the world baby food, which thousands of caring parents face every day.

USEFUL TALES ABOUT FOOD. WHO CAN THEY BE USEFUL? Bamka and I are confident: both for children and parents! Do you know why?

Dewdrop examined the pantry and frowned.

People left for a couple of days and the flower fairy was left alone, the whole house was at her disposal. She flew up to the mirror in the children's room.

The thought that she would not be able to fly, which was her favorite pastime, terrified our little heroine. It's time to act!