Ginkgo biloba - benefits and applications. Ginko biloba is an ancient plant with unique medicinal properties.

Ginkgo biloba

This tall plant is a “living fossil” from Southeast China, because. appeared on Earth about 200,000,000 years ago. It is a contemporary of dinosaurs, which is why it is also called the “dinosaur tree.” In the Mesozoic era, these plants were widespread on the planet, especially in the northern hemisphere, in a temperate climate zone with a high degree of humidity, including many ginkgo plants in the territory of what is now Siberia. Surviving one species out of fifty after ice age just on Far East, Ginkgo biloba has survived to our time.

Ginkgo is a tall tree, sometimes reaching 30 meters in height and 3 meters in diameter. Young trees have a pyramidal crown; with age the crown becomes more spreading. Distant relatives of ginkgo among gymnosperms are the well-known spruce and pine trees. But no modern representative of this species has leaves similar to those of ginkgo. They are a wide wedge-shaped plate, pierced by veins branched in two. This pattern of leaves is more reminiscent of the leaves of ancient ferns. Every year, in late autumn, ginkgo trees shed their leaves, which shortly before acquire a beautiful golden yellow color.

Ginkgo biloba begins to produce pollen and seeds only at 25-30 years of age, and before that it is almost impossible to determine which specimen is male or female, because his women's and male organs are formed on different trees.

IN natural conditions Ginkgo biloba is now preserved only in a tiny area in Eastern China, where it forms forests along with coniferous and broad-leaved species.

In China, Japan, and Korea, ginkgo biloba has been known for a long time. This plant is mentioned in Chinese books dating back to the 7th and 8th centuries. It is revered as a sacred tree of temples and is considered a symbol of perseverance and longevity. During leaf fall, the Japanese worship this tree and reverently pick up fallen leaves. Among Japanese youth, they are a necessary attribute of fortune telling.

This plant, mysterious to Europeans, was discovered by science in Japan. In 1690, the doctor of the Dutch embassy in Nagasaki, E. Kaempfer, became interested in a tree with unusual original two-lobed leaves, reminiscent of a traditional Japanese fan. Its fruits, the size of apricots, made bad smell rancid oil. The seeds of this plant were sold in Japanese shops and were readily used in national cuisine. Their pulp was boiled and eaten.

Ginkgo is a very durable plant. In China, Japan and Korea, there are many ginkgo trees that are over 1000 years old. At favorable conditions Ginkgo trees can serve many generations of people. These trees are picturesque and attractive. They turned out to be resistant to industrial air smoke, as well as to fungal and viral diseases, are rarely attacked by insects. Ginkgo takes root well and is undemanding to soil.

Leading modern medicinal plant experts call it the “tree of youth.” In fact, when it seems to us that we want to prolong life, we actually want to prolong youth. Who wants to see their old age or the old age of their loved ones crazy, helpless, unconscious? Now this is explained by Alzheimer's disease, which can last for years and leads first to complete helplessness and then to death.

Scientists have found that ginkgo biloba extract slows down the fall mental abilities on early stages Alzheimer's disease, improving memory and clarity of thoughts, helps prolong the “youth of the brain”, because prevents the development of the disease.

Ginkgo biloba helps prolong the youth of the body and slows down the aging process.

Food supplements and medicinal preparations based on the extract of the leaves of the “elder tree” ginkgo biloba are very popular all over the world. Russia is located in close proximity to raw material markets, but despite all this, these drugs were not produced here, and the main producers were the USA, Germany, and France.

Despite the fact that the leaves of the plant in traditional oriental medicine have been used for hundreds of years; modern herbal remedies, based on a detailed study of the chemical composition and spectrum of pharmacological activity of ginkgo biloba leaf extract, were created only in the early 60s.

Currently, ginkgo biloba leaf extract is a widely used product that has been used by more than 20 million people worldwide. Hundreds of research papers over the past 50 years have been devoted to the beneficial properties of this plant. The world's leading companies producing herbal health compositions use this plant.

Thus, in 1994, ginkgo biloba products were recognized as the most popular in Germany, and in France they were among the top five pharmaceuticals. In the United States, ginkgo preparations are among the top five best-selling drugs. Marketing research has established that they were chosen primarily by businessmen, lawyers, and people with great intellectual overload. The continued high demand for ginkgo - drugs reflects it high efficiency.


The fact is that Ginkgo biloba is the only plant known to science that contains specific substances - ginkgolides and bilobides, which increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, have vasodilating properties, suppress inflammatory reactions by inhibiting platelet activating factor (PAF), thereby preventing their aggregation and improving blood circulation in the vascular bed. Increased level FAT is observed in such serious illnesses, such as asthma, myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis, cardiac arrhythmia, etc.

In addition, the plant contains flavone glycosides (proaptocyanoids, quercetin, kaempferol, isorhamnetin), having a powerful antioxidant effect, prevents damage to the phospholipid cell membrane, and also calcium, phosphorus, thymine, potassium salts, phytosterol, asparagine, margenine - more than 40 ingredients in total.


Ginkgo biloba has wide range actions due to the influence of this drug on metabolic processes in cells:

Normalizes metabolic processes, incl. neuron metabolism (reception and transmission of nerve impulses)
- reduces blood cholesterol levels;
- improves blood circulation when functional disorder blood vessels of the brain, increases cerebral blood flow in the arterial, capillary and venous beds;
- increases the elasticity and strength of the walls of blood vessels, capillary walls, preventing their fragility;
- has vasodilating effect;
- normalizes blood pressure;
- has an antihypoxic effect on tissues, increases the consumption of oxygen and glucose by the brain,
- prevents lipid peroxidation, binds free radicals,
- has a pronounced anti-edematous effect on brain tissue, as well as peripheral tissues.

As an example, we can cite data on the positive effect of the ginkgo drug in dystonic cerebral venous disorders. IN initial stage this disease is characterized by difficulty in the venous outflow of blood from the cranial cavity and is accompanied by typical symptoms. With progression venous insufficiency venous stagnation of blood occurs in the brain with changes functional state cortex (which is clinically defined as discircular venous encephalopathy).

Symptoms: constant or periodic headaches, more often in the morning, worsening in a horizontal position and when working with the head tilted to the side, as well as a feeling of heaviness and “pressure” in the head. They are accompanied by: dizziness, memory impairment, sleep disturbance, lethargy.

Also present characteristic changes on EEG, REG, Echo EG.

The ginkgo drug was used in a group of patients with such cerebral venous discirculations and vegetative-vascular dystonia aged 25-55 years ( average age- 38.3 years).

After a 30-day course, all patients noted a significant improvement in well-being, the disappearance or significant reduction of headaches, normalization of sleep, and increased performance.

The positive effect was confirmed by research data indicating stabilization of the functional state of the brain, improvement of cerebral hemodynamics and indicators of cortical functions.

A number of studies have examined the effect of ginkgo biloba extract on sensorimotor disorders (hearing and vision impairment, tinnitus, headache, dizziness). Under the influence of ginkgo extract, vision improvement occurred in 62% of patients, dizziness and tinnitus decreased in more than 70% of patients, and headaches significantly weakened in 80% of patients.

Due to the peculiarities of its chemical composition, dietary supplements with ginkgo are recommended for:

Cordially- vascular diseases,
- cerebrovascular insufficiency,
- multiple sclerosis,
- early stages of Alzheimer's disease,
- age-related disorders mental abilities,
- poor blood supply to the extremities,
- varicose veins veins,
- thrombophlebitis,
- intermittent claudication syndrome,
- asthma,
- chronic bronchitis,
- allergies,
- sensation of ringing in the ears,
- vascular diseases of the ear, hearing loss,
- deafness,
- dizziness,
- migraine,
- toxic shock,
- hemorrhoids,
- impotence,
- diabetes
- chilliness of fingers and toes.

The use of this product will reduce the likelihood of heart attacks and strokes, help eliminate the consequences of a stroke, improve vision, normalize blood pressure, slow down the aging process of the brain, alleviate depression, and reduce the risk of tumor diseases.

Dietary supplement with ginkgo is a powerful stimulant of mental potential, attention and memory.


As a result of the studies, it was noted that the effect of taking ginkgo preparations occurred on average 7-10 days from the start of use, a pronounced effect developed with a monthly course, and obtaining a more sustainable effect requires a long course - at least a three-month course.

Ideally, older and older people old age It is recommended to take ginkgo for the rest of your life.

In general, it can and should be taken at any age. For example, during the exam period, ginkgo biloba is a powerful memory stimulant, reduces absent-mindedness, helps concentrate thinking and safe voltage all mental powers.

Ginkgo biloba is an excellent preventive drug for those who, counting on their middle age, for example, believe: “I am practically healthy and therefore I must take care of maintaining my health.”

Nowadays, many people hear about drugs that have a positive effect on the brain. They are called nootropics and their main purpose is increase human productivity.

Most of these drugs are man-made laboratory conditions, however today we will talk about natural nootropic – gingko biloba.

What is Gingko biloba and what does it consist of?

Gingko – trees cultivated in China. Such trees can live for more than a millennium. They are very resilient and can withstand various adversities, including human pollution. It is from the leaves of these trees that the medicine Ginkgo biloba is obtained. Most reviews for this plant are positive. The effect of this drug is indicated by its influence on metabolic processes in the body, blood properties and circulation, as well as on the vasomotor reactions of large blood vessels. Its properties include improving cerebral circulation and supplying the brain with oxygen and glucose. It dilates blood vessels, prevents platelet aggregation, and normalizes the body's metabolism.

The active ingredients in medicines that use ginkgo biloba are flavone glycosides and terpenoids.


The composition of medicinal preparations based on it includes: dry extract of ginkgo biloba leaves and Excipients(glycine, vitamins, etc.). It follows from this that it is almost completely natural product. In addition, the composition of medicines with Ginkgo biloba may include various micro- and macroelements, for example, calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, titanium, iron, and the like. They also like to add various herbs to medicines based on it: pollen, dried onions, green tea.

Release form

Medicines based on ginkgo biloba are available in the form of tablets, capsules or tinctures. The medicine is practically never found as ampoules. The concentration in most cases is 40 mg or 38 mg.


First of all, the effect of ginkgo biloba is expressed in positive impact on cells and protecting them from radicals.

Free radicals are molecules that are missing one electron, which is why they try to get it by taking it from other cells and damaging molecular structure healthy cells. Thus, they can destroy healthy cells.

Over time, more and more free radicals accumulate in the body. They can be called the main cause of aging. Gingko biloba destroys and removes free radicals from the body. Thanks to this, healthy cells remain safe and return to the structure of a younger body.

Another effect of Ginkgo biloba on the body is the supply of oxygen to the brain. This is done by dilating blood vessels and increasing the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels. Thanks to this, the blood is saturated with oxygen better than without the drug. The more oxygen enters the brain, the better it begins to work. Increasing mental activity, working memory capacity and intelligence increase. Thanks to this effect, medicines based on the leaves of this tree are prescribed for Alzheimer's disease, which is becoming more common.

Among other things, Ginkgo eliminates cholesterol plaques that interfere with the body's normal metabolism. Eliminating them reduces the risk of diseases such as thrombosis, heart attacks and other heart diseases.

The components of the drug have the following effects: antioxidant, vasodilating, anti-ischemic, diuretic, neuroprotective, decongestant, regulating.

The drug has a vasoactive effect, which is based on a decrease in phosphodiesterase activity. As a result, cyclic guanosine monophosphate accumulates in cells located on the smooth layer of blood vessels, which, in turn, reduces the concentration of calcium ions in the cytoplasm. This leads to a decrease contractile activity cells.

The active components of the drug improve cerebral and renal blood flow. The antiplatelet effect of the dietary supplement is to inhibit the activity of platelet activating factor. The antioxidant effect of the medicine works due to the different modes of action of the active components of the plant extract. Flavonoid glycosides reduce the concentration of radicals, with a missing electron, have P-vitamin activity, due to the action of copper, iron and similar metal ions on it, which may have variable valence.

Ginkgo biloba: indications for use

Ginkgo biloba has many beneficial properties, but it will be most effective for the following diseases:

It can also be used to prevent the above diseases. Since the product is of natural origin, you should be afraid negative consequences not worth it. You just need to use it correctly medicinal product And read the indications and contraindications in the instructions.


Despite the safety of the drug do not neglect caution. A lot of people have left reviews saying that this product is not completely safe. Before using the medicine, be sure to familiarize yourself with a small list of contraindications:

  • intolerance to substances contained in the drug;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding;
  • ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • heart attack;
  • reduced arterial pressure;
  • circulatory disorders in the brain.

Use Ginkgo biloba during pregnancy and breastfeeding not recommended due to the fact that no studies have been conducted and it is not known how the child’s body will react. You can also add an allergy to biloba to the contraindications, but it happens that after taking it, the body becomes hypersensitive, which most often ends after two days of taking it. Among other things, the drug is not recommended for use by people under 18 years of age. IN special cases The doctor can still prescribe medicine for people under the age of majority. It is also not prohibited to use gingko biloba herbs externally. When using ginkgo biloba side effects almost never occur.

Mode of application

The amount of use of the drug depends on the form of release. If the doctor prescribes a medicine in capsules with a concentration 40 mg, then you need to apply it per day 1-2 pieces twice a day. The duration of the course should not exceed three months. If necessary, after three months you can take a break and then repeat the course.

The drug is conditionally safe, but even plain water can be harmful if used incorrectly, so before treatment, be sure to consult your doctor so that he can prescribe the correct course of treatment. This will not only be the safest option, but also the most effective.

If the doctor has prescribed gingko biloba extract, then you need to take the drug after diluting it in water. You can take no more than 20 drops of medicine per day. The course of treatment varies from three to four months. Before starting a new course, you need to take a break of 20-40 days. The instructions for use suggest that you need to dissolve the gingko biloba tincture in 100 ml 15-20 drops per day.

The results of taking it appear within a few days. These include a reduction in headaches, improved mental performance and faster recovery.


Such an effective medicine simply could not help but have analogues, which include:

  • Bilobil;
  • Ginkum;
  • Ginos;
  • Tanakan;
  • Memery;

These drugs contain the same active substance, which helps with the same diseases and can be used if original drug have allergies.

Ginkgo Biloba: prices

In the form of gingko biloba tablets, you can buy it at a price of 170 rubles per pack (40 pieces with a concentration of 40 mg). It can be bought in capsules at a price of 130 rubles per pack containing 40 pieces, the concentration of which is 40 mg. Gingko tree leaves can be bought from 200 rubles apiece.

The benefits of Ginkgo Biloba are difficult to overestimate. Its properties began to be studied quite recently, and in the future, without a doubt, many more aspects of the use of this unique plant will be discovered.


The huge ginkgo tree with fan-shaped bilobed leaves is one of the most ancient plant species. Its ancestors existed on Earth 300 million years ago. It is not surprising that in Asia, in its homeland, it has always been considered a symbol of hope, longevity, fertility, vitality and invincibility.

Gingko - or actually gingkyo (an error in translation from Japanese) - has almost as many names as there are shades of leaves in nature: silver apricot, temple tree, duck foot tree, elephant ear tree, and so on. The names reflect both the shape and color of the leaves, as well as historical moments: for example, the French paid 40 thalers for the first trees purchased.

Ginkgo biloba: harmony and strength

This ancient tree is the last of its kind - all its relatives went extinct thousands of years ago. Their peculiarity: they shed leaves in the fall, like deciduous trees, but they have branches without leaves, with big amount small growths that resemble needles coniferous trees. Therefore, ginkgo is more reminiscent of a coniferous tree than a deciduous tree.

Ginkgo is a dioecious plant: in nature there are male and female trees that are pollinated by air currents. Interestingly, ginkgo takes about 20–30 years to become sexually mature. Another feature: ginkgo is extremely insensitive to external irritants - even at a young age the tree tolerates well winter frosts, is not afraid of exhaust fumes, road salt, pests, climate extremes and other influences. It's no wonder it has been around for so long, and each specimen can live up to a hundred years. In Asia, gingko is considered a symbol of harmony and strength. Because of him amazing properties and history called it the “tree of the millennium.”

Health and beauty thanks to Ginkgo

In Asia, primarily in China, the “miracle tree” has long been used to maintain beauty and as a medicinal plant - the seeds or fruits, as well as leaves and bark are eaten for asthma, bronchitis, circulatory disorders, skin diseases, urinary incontinence and anxiety states. However, they are especially effective for poor concentration and memory disorders.

The preparations use extracts of dried ginkgo leaves, which are obtained in a long process consisting of more than 20 stages. Particularly effective are the flavonoids and terpenoids contained in the leaves, which are found only in this plant in a special form of ginkolides and bilobalides.

Why do plant leaves go through so many stages during processing?

There are two reasons: the valuable ingredients of the leaves are difficult to dissolve in water and therefore cannot be fully used by the body. Moreover, consuming the leaves may even be harmful because natural ginkgo also contains substances causing allergies. Therefore, gingko preparations add the desired ingredients and remove the unwanted substances.

Ginkgo works! Indeed?

The areas of its application are considered, first of all, to be age-related diseases associated with circulatory disorders and brain performance. Thus, gingko is intended to fight senile dementia by improving or slowing down the process. It is intended for the prevention of migraines, slowing down the progression multiple sclerosis, reduction premenstrual symptoms in women and improved hearing. Gingko can reduce visual limitations in glaucoma.

Effect of ginkgo extract:

  • blood thinning;
  • improving blood circulation in small vessels(microcirculation) and therefore an increase in oxygen content and nutrients in gray cells of the brain;
  • interception of harmful aggressive molecules that attack cells;
  • protection nerve cells, counteracting their destruction and increasing the effectiveness of their action.

In recent decades, numerous studies have been conducted on the effectiveness of ginkgo. Euphoria regarding the “miracle drug” was quite high for many years, followed by disappointment: several recent clinical trials showed questionable results previously proven positive effects.

Indications for use

There are the following indications for the use of drugs with dinosaur tree extract:

  • senile dementia;
  • encephalopathy;
  • neurosensory disorders;
  • memory problems;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • neuropsychic weakness;
  • hair loss.

Additional benefits of drugs with ginkgo biloba include vasoregulatory effects. Medicines with an extract of a relict plant are often prescribed for systemic diseases, which occur with serious circulatory disorders. Diabetes mellitus may be an indication for use.

A tincture prepared from ginkgo biloba leaves has irreplaceable beneficial properties.

This drug has an excellent effect on the body and has different indications:

  • multiple sclerosis;
  • migraine;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • impotence;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • deafness.

The tincture is suitable for people of different ages, and after just a week of regular use it has a positive effect.

In order to prepare the tincture yourself, you need to take vodka (10 parts) and pour in the leaves of the plant (1 part). Then leave to infuse for 14 days, and after the tincture is ready, strain and pour into another container. You need to take 10-15 drops ready-made product, diluted in 100 g of ordinary still water. It helps strengthen the body, increase immunity and prevent various diseases (cardiovascular pathologies).

Excellent medicinal properties has tea with a plant extract that helps prevent the development of heart attack, stroke and sharpen mental reactions.

Indications for use of tea with dinosaur tree extract:

  • protecting cells from toxic substances;
  • improving the functioning of all organs and systems;
  • hair strengthening;
  • increased blood flow to the brain.

Tea helps to obtain a general strengthening effect, thereby replenishing the lack of vital energy.

Contraindications and side effects

Preparations with ginkgo biloba extract are classified as highly safe. However, taking generic drugs and dietary supplements with insufficiently purified raw materials can cause the development of hemorrhagic complications. They may be caused high concentration ginkgo acids. Even strictly dosed intake of tablets and capsules based on ginkgo biloba can pose a certain threat. IN in rare cases may be observed:

  • Gastrointestinal disorders;
  • Decreased appetite;
  • Skin rashes;
  • Noise in ears;
  • Excessive salivation;
  • Vomiting, nausea;
  • Dizziness and headache.
  • People suffering from epilepsy may experience epileptic seizures while taking ginkgo.

Interaction with other drugs

If among other components of the drug there is heptaminol hydrochloride, then it is possible sharp increase pressure, tachyarrhythmia and increased heart rate.

Concomitant use of ginkgo and efavirenz may result in a decrease in plasma concentrations of the latter.

Like any medicine, ginkgo biloba preparations may have contraindications for use. Therefore, they are not recommended for use without consulting a doctor.

Main contraindications

  • Pregnancy (possible hemorrhage in fetal tissue);
  • Gastritis and peptic ulcer during the period of exacerbation;
  • Age 12-18 years (depending on the drug);
  • Acute cerebrovascular accidents;
  • Myocardial infarction;
  • Tendency to bleed (cases documented heavy bleeding in persons who simultaneously took drugs to reduce blood clotting and dietary supplements with ginkgo biloba);
  • Individual hypersensitivity to drug components (lactose, dyes, etc.).

Also, ginkgo preparations are not prescribed before operations, because they tend to increase bleeding. You should also not take several dietary supplements containing extract or crushed ginkgo leaves at the same time. Side effects caused by overdose are the most common.

It is dangerous to use ginkgo together with certain medications, such as blood thinners, for this reason you should never take ginkgo preparations without consulting your doctor!

Instructions for use of Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo Biloba is available in the form of tablets, powder, liquid, soft gel, but most often the drug is used in capsule form.

The dosage regimen and duration of treatment are determined by the doctor on an individual basis.

When treating chronic long-term conditions, it is possible to use 6 capsules per day.

Ginkgo Biloba should be swallowed whole with plenty of water.

Ginkgo biloba- this tree, which, according to the research of modern scientists, grew on our planet even before the Ice Age, has been preserved in its original form to this day. It is known as Ginkgo biloba. Its natural habitat is China, Japan, Korea, and now the plant is also grown in Europe.

The unique properties of this plant are associated with a large number of elements included in its chemical composition. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that some substances beneficial to humans can be found exclusively in this ancient plant. While science has recognized healing properties only leaves.

The phenomenon is biological active substances lies in the cumulative effect, a natural harmonious combination. The substances complement each other’s action so completely that there is absolutely no need artificial administration There are some additional additives in preparations based on Ginkgo Biloba. And the fact that the plant is truly a complete medicinal product is evidenced by the presence of more than forty studied bioactive substances in its composition.


IN chemical composition leaves of the plant isolated various flavonoids, biflavonoids, nonacosan, sterols, various amino acids, essential oils, a complex of vitamins, a complex of macroelements and microelements and many more biologically active substances.

This entire complex, balanced by substances selected by nature, has a truly comprehensive healing and preventive effect on the human body.

Experience of use and research have shown that preparations based on Ginkgo Biloba have a powerful healing effect to the following body systems:

Circulatory system- strengthen the walls of blood vessels, their elasticity, expand the lumen, and help normalize blood flow in the vessels. They thin the blood and reduce the likelihood of blood clots forming in the vessels. This leads to a reduction in the risk of strokes, heart attacks, various hemorrhages, including eye hemorrhages, blood circulation in the extremities and cerebral circulation improves. Medicinal and prophylactic drugs Based on the plant, they act on blood microcirculation, metabolism of body cells and the functioning of blood vessels, all this leads to an improvement in the overall blood supply to the body. This process, in turn, reduces the development of atherosclerosis, and hearing and vision improve. Used in the treatment of multiple sclerosis. There is experience in complex use with other drugs in the treatment of cataracts. Reduce dizziness, tinnitus, arrhythmia, lower blood pressure. Excellent rates of treatment for headaches associated with vegetative-vascular dystonia, as well as in the treatment of migraine.

Excretory system– the drugs have a pronounced diuretic property and are effective in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

Endocrine system– drugs can improve the functioning of the endocrine glands (in particular the pancreas).

The immune system– have an anti-inflammatory effect, increase immunity, suppress viral activity in the body (influenza, parainfluenza, herpetic infections), increase the bioenergetic potential of the body.

Nervous system– increase the conductivity of nerve impulses, act as an antidepressant, help support the functions of thinking, attention, and memory. Helps relieve feelings of fear, sleep disorders, chronic fatigue, have a calming effect. They have a positive effect in restoring speech dysfunction.

Reproductive system– used to treat sexual dysfunction in men, alleviate vascular crises during menopause in women.

Integumentary system– used for healing wounds, burns, eczema, ulcers. Allows you to slow down age-related changes skin, maintains its tone and healthy appearance. Effectively restore blood microcirculation in the tissues of the extremities during diabetes mellitus, Raynaud's disease. Used in anti-cellulite courses and correction programs excess weight. There are products aimed at hair care.

Respiratory system– modern medicine has proven the effectiveness of using Ginkgo Biloba extract in the treatment of the lungs, bronchi, especially bronchial asthma, thanks to its antispastic properties.

In addition to the above properties, you need to point out such properties as: antihypoxic, antitoxic, antihistamine. Reduces alcohol and nicotine addiction. Reduces tissue swelling. Reduces cholesterol levels. Used as an anthelmintic. There are studies on the effectiveness of the plant extract in suppressing the growth of cancer cells. And it still won't be full list all the beneficial properties and indications for use of this truly medicinal plant. The vast thousand-year experience of using it as a medicinal raw material has long proven the unique properties of this relic.

Application in cosmetology

Cosmetics enriched with Ginkgo Biloba extract are aimed at providing a regenerating effect on skin cells, reducing the severity of venous network on the skin. good prophylactic from the appearance of wrinkles. Antihistamine properties help relieve itchy skin and irritation, healing properties relieve flaking. The oil, based on the plant, is used as an excellent remedy for combating hair loss, improving its health and strengthening.

Instructions for use

Most often when mentioning Ginkgo Biloba, we're talking about about leaves. But centuries-old traditions of using this plant describe the use of not only leaves, but also seeds, fruits, and tree roots.

IN modern medicine, most often you can find preparations with the extract in the form of tablets, capsules, but alcohol tinctures, solutions, oils, gels are also known, dry leaves are consumed in the form of tea.

Ginkgo Biloba capsules are taken 1 capsule at a time, once or twice a day. You can take the product with food or on an empty stomach.

When taking 1 capsule per day, give preference to taking it in the morning. This way your body can get more nutrients.

Capsules should be stored in a cool, dry place and away from children.


The main contraindications to drugs based on Ginkgo Biloba: pregnancy, lactation, childhood(up to 16 years old). Limitations are associated with insufficient study of the effectiveness and safety of use in these groups. Eat direct contraindication for persons with individual intolerance any components of the drug. There are also restrictions for diseases in acute stage exacerbations: myocardial infarction, gastric ulcer, gastritis and some others.

Hi all! For a long time we have been asked to analyze nootropics, which were created not by man in some laboratory, but by nature around us. Natural nootropics, natural substances that can help us make our head work even better. Just imagine how many different plants there are around us? One of them is Ginkgo, from its leaves they get something that affects the brain.
Ginkgo trees can survive more than one! millennium, they have long been cultivated in China, they are planted in Asian religious places (monasteries and temples). It is also known that Ginkgo trees are extremely resilient trees; they can withstand the elements and human pollution. This reason + the beauty of trees allows them to be planted along the streets of various cities.
In 1945, when the United States dropped nuclear bombs on Japan, an interesting incident was recorded. Approximately 1.5 km from the explosion site nuclear bomb in Hiroshima, all living things were destroyed, but 6 Ginkgo trees survived. They were charred, and yet, after a while they bloomed again. The Phoenix Tree has attracted the attention of many pharmaceutical companies. And today, dietary supplements based on the Ginkgo tree are among the most widespread and popular in Europe. But we are not interested in the trees themselves; we don’t have to go and gnaw the bark.) That’s all beneficial features found in Ginkgo leaves.

How does Ginkgo Biloba work?

In any Ginkgo-based medicine active ingredients are: flavone glycosides and terpenoids.
1. Flavone glycosides. Don't miss the logical chain :
A. Glycosides are compounds commonly found in plants. Glycosides are antibiotics, some vitamins, coenzymes ().
B. Flavone glycosides are glycosides that, for the most part, have P-vitamin activity.

More about Vitamin P:
- antioxidant (cleanses free radicals, protects against oncological diseases),
- strengthens blood vessels, improves blood circulation.

  1. Terpenoids include Ginkgolides and Bilobalides . What is characteristic of these components:
    - neuroprotective effect, protection brain neurons,
    - vasodilating effect

– increasing the elasticity of blood vessels
More interesting information o Bilobalides, they are a negative allosteric modulator of GABA. That is, Bilobalides “inhibit” the work of the main “inhibitory” neurotransmitter, but do not confuse this with stimulation.

As can be seen from points 1 and 2, the main principle of Ginkgo Biloba is its effect on the blood and blood vessels, and as a result, good blood circulation in the brain and the delivery of glucose, as the main fuel of the brain.

When flavone glycosides and terpenoids work together, there is a synergistic effect. Its result is Monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibition . This is a rather complex topic that will have a separate story.

In short, MAO inhibitors are many antidepressants. There are neurons, between them there is a synoptic gap, this is the place where neurotransmitters fly. One neuron produced neurotransmitters and sent them to the synoptic cleft, and from there they are absorbed by the 2nd neuron, and some part returns back to the 1st. MAO inhibitors do not allow neurotransmitters to return back!

MAO inhibitors should not be taken with substances that seriously increase levels of certain neurotransmitters. Otherwise, you can get a condition similar to a drug overdose (convulsions, vomiting, delirium).

Ginkgo Biloba course

It must be said right away that this supplement has a lot of contraindications, we won’t list them all, the main ones are gastrointestinal diseases and heart problems, the rest can be found on the Internet.
Regarding side effects, then here they are quite standard for nootropics) Rash, allergies, you won’t hear anything new here. However, there is a rather dangerous effect that is not directly a side effect - blood clotting.

When taking Ginkgo Biloba, be prepared for your blood to become thinner. Basically, special harm no from this. But if you cut your finger, you will fill everything around with blood) Remember, when you scratch until you bleed, the blood flows quickly at first, then slower, then dries up in dark red lumps. With Ginkgo this will happen more slowly. This means that if your lifestyle is at least partially related to bleeding, think carefully about using it.
The course is long - 3 months. There are many contradictions with the duration of the course; somewhere it says “at least 3 months”, somewhere 8 weeks. Dosage 120-160 mg/day. Divide into 3-4 doses. A repeat course is possible after 1.5-2 months.

Effects of Ginkgo Biloba

Good blood circulation, as if you had just taken a walk in nature. Clear head, good concentration. Activity, mobility. Anemia of the legs/arms, which occurs in the morning when you rest your arm or leg, disappears.

It feels like there is more blood in your body, which helps if you jump out of bed or sofa quickly, and there is less blurring in your eyes and less dizziness.
In sports, this additive can serve for pumping, through better blood circulation Lactic acid is washed out better.

Help Ginkgo

It has already been said that Ginkgo Biloba acts as an MAO Inhibitor, and therefore no serious stimulants/sedatives. Ginkgo will partially enhance their effect. Don’t be under the illusion that “it will be even cooler this way,” the effects can be unpredictable.
Pay attention to neutral nootropics, such as glycine or.


1. Ginkgo Biloba is an herbal supplement that has nootropic properties.
2. Effects: lightness, efficiency, good blood supply.
3. Familiarize yourself with contraindications and side effects. Ginkgo should be taken for 3 months, 120-160 mg/day.
4. Take without strong stimulants/sedatives, you can add neuropeptide nootropics.
5. Pay attention to dry Ginkgo leaves, they can be brewed with tea. This will be more convenient for some.
Good luck!