Why do capillaries burst. Small blood vessels in the legs

A vessel in the eye may burst when exposed various factors. These include stroke and, as a result, eye injury, physical exertion, infections, as well as more serious causes.

A person, looking at himself in the mirror, sees that one of his eyes has turned red. The cause of this redness is usually a broken vessel or capillary.

The most basic sign of a burst vessel is the appearance of a bright red spot on the squirrel.

It is important to understand that such a hemorrhage does not provoke any changes in vision, there is no discharge from the eyes, and there is no severe pain either.

The vessels in the eye burst, is it dangerous?

The capillary may burst as a result different reasons. Some of them may not be dangerous, but there are others that require immediate treatment. Let's take a look at both cases.

Non-dangerous reasons

If a vessel or capillary bursts in the eye, this is not necessarily a symptom of a dangerous disease.

Non-hazardous factors include the following:

  • muscle tension, as a result of strong physical activity;
  • prolonged eye strain (continuous reading, computer work);
  • hysterical crying in children;
  • severe vomiting;
  • coughing;
  • taking blood thinners such as aspirin
  • wearing contact lenses;
  • low humidity in the room;
  • bad sleep;
  • overwork;
  • natural factors ( jumps temperatures, wind, sand and dust);

All this can cause damage to blood vessels and capillaries in the eyes. But they are not dangerous for the eyes, so you do not need to immediately run to the hospital, you just need to rest.

However, sometimes a burst vessel can be a harbinger of a disease, let's look at the cases in which burst capillaries in the eyes are dangerous.

Dangerous reasons

Below is a list of diseases that can cause a vessel or capillary to burst:

  1. Injuries to the eye and head often provoke an increase intracranial pressure why delicate vessels suffer eyeball. If you hit your eye hard, then.
  2. Hypertension. During an attack of hypertension, intraocular pressure rises, the vessels and capillaries of the eyes receive excessive load, as a result of which they can burst;
  3. Allergy attacks cause profuse lacrimation and damage to the capillaries.
  4. Diabetes mellitus manifests itself in the form of dryness and itching of the skin, as a result of which the mucous membrane of the eye is irritated and the capillaries burst;
  5. A foreign body in the eye mechanically damages the walls of the vessels of the eye;
  6. Ophthalmic diseases are a group of pathologies that can damage the vessels and capillaries of the eye, causing hemorrhage. These include conjunctivitis, blepharitis, keratitis, etc.;
  7. Damage to blood vessels that can affect the integrity of the capillary wall and can lead to hemorrhage in the eye (vasculitis, arthritis);
  8. Sjögren's syndrome - affects the lacrimal glands, which stop producing fluid. The eyes "dry up" and the superficial capillaries are damaged. Treatment consists of moisturizing the eyes;
  9. The cause of broken capillaries can be hyperthermia (increased body temperature), as a result of the body's fight against infection (ARVI, influenza).

How to understand that a vessel has really burst in the eye?

The most obvious manifestation of a burst vessel is redness of the eye. However, this is not the only way understand that a vessel or capillary has burst in you, since this phenomenon can occur in any part of the eye, including those hidden in the skull. Below are the main places in the eye where blood vessels can burst.

eye diagram

  1. Sclera and conjunctiva. If blood seeps into the sclera, then the white of the eye reddens locally or all. With a hemorrhage in the conjunctiva, blood appears on the lower or upper eyelid. In both cases, redness is immediately visible, because these sections are on the surface. If the vessel burst in the sclera or conjunctiva, you feel dryness in the eyes, you are afraid of light, and blurred vision is also present.
  2. vitreous body. Usually hemorrhage in vitreous body occurs due to a serious injury to the eye or head, while vision is severely affected. Only capillaries can burst, but vascular ruptures are also possible. After injuries, you need to go to the ophthalmologist so that he can prescribe proper treatment.
  3. Eye socket. Penetration of blood into the orbit also occurs due to trauma. Blood enters the eye tissue, which causes exophthalmos (bulging eyes). In addition, a sick person cannot move his eye, he is worried strong pain and double vision.
  4. Anterior chamber of the eye. Blood can enter here with glaucoma or an eye injury. Hemorrhage into the anterior chamber (or scientifically hyphema) can spread to 1/3 or ½ of the eye, in rare cases blood can fill the entire eye and cause temporary blindness. Usually in this case, the blood resolves itself, in 7-10 days. However, you need to see a doctor.
  5. Retina. If blood enters the retina, visual acuity decreases, visual fields may fall out, flies flash before the eyes, and in some cases blindness occurs. Retinal hemorrhage can occur when diabetes, glaucoma, an attack of hypertension.

Broken blood vessel in child's eye

Parents should be aware that capillaries in the eye can burst in a newborn. It happens in 20% of babies born naturally and in 40% of those born with the use of labor induction.

Important! A broken vessel in a child does not need treatment. This injury resolves on its own in about two weeks.

Emergency conditions

Some situations in which hemorrhage occurs require emergency care, because the consequences of waiting too long can be catastrophic. So, in what cases do you need to urgently call ambulance:

  • blow or injury to the eye;
  • blood vessels burst in the eye for no apparent reason;
  • capillaries burst often;
  • in addition to bursting vessels, the gums also bleed.

In addition, the following conditions require immediate medical attention:

Hypertensive crisis

When a person suddenly becomes weak, complains about headache, dizziness, pain in the heart, and you noticed a burst vessel in his eye, you need to immediately call an ambulance!

Next, you need to seat or lay the patient (depending on the condition). We give a medicine that lowers blood pressure, it is advisable to find out from this person what drugs he usually takes. If he cannot speak, we give him any antihypertensive drugs that you have on hand this moment(captopril, dopegid, nifedipine). The main thing is to observe the dosage and not shove the pills thoughtlessly. If you do not know or are afraid, it is better to wait for the ambulance to arrive.

These are the things you can do before the ambulance arrives.


Many people are treated with anticoagulants (blood thinners). They are prescribed for the prevention of arrhythmias, thrombosis and other heart diseases. These include: heparin, dicoumarin, warfarin.
If you are taking one of these medicines and notice red eyes, bleeding gums, or a hemorrhagic rash on your body, you should contact your doctor to adjust the dose of the prescribed drug. This must be done urgently, because of the high risk of quickly bleeding out from a minor injury.

Glaucoma attack

Glaucoma - a strong increase intraocular pressure that needs urgent treatment.
Acute glaucoma is usually triggered by severe stress. The attack itself begins unexpectedly. The patient's vision is clouded, there is severe pain in the eyes, which gradually spreads throughout the head. There may be a negative reaction to light (photophobia), problems from the cardiovascular system.
If not accepted Urgent measures, this attack can lead to permanent loss of vision.
Emergency: call an ambulance immediately! Give the patient a diuretic (diuretic), drip anesthetic drops into the eyes with a hypotensive effect.

Symptoms of glaucoma


How to treat broken capillaries? Let's look at all the most basic methods.

These funds are used to provide first aid for a broken vessel. The main task is to compress the damaged capillary to reduce the volume of blood in it. This will take away the redness.

Here is a list of the most common vasoconstrictor drops:

  1. Vizin - this drug not only relieve redness, but also moisturize the eyes. It is enough to instill 1-2 drops twice a day.
  2. Defislez - an artificial tear, relieves dryness and irritation of the conjunctiva, eliminates the feeling of discomfort in the eyes.
  3. Taufon - these drops narrow the vessels very well, relieve eye fatigue, and have a quick healing effect. Bury 1-2 drops 3 times a day.
  4. Emoksipin - perfectly copes with microtraumas, quickly dissolves blood, strengthens capillaries. Instill 1-2 drops of the drug into the damaged eye three times a day.

Important! You can only use eye drops if you are sure that you or your child do not have diseases that can cause a rupture of the vessel (as mentioned above). Also, eye drops can be used if you have already consulted a doctor and these drugs have been prescribed to you.

When to See a Doctor

If you first encountered the problem of a burst vessel, then you need to contact an ophthalmologist. In order for the doctor to be able to quickly determine what is the cause of the hemorrhage and prescribe the correct treatment, you need to fully describe the problem, paying attention to the causes.

Tell your doctor:

  • when it all started;
  • what caused the rupture of blood vessels;
  • what medications you were taking before the redness was discovered.
  • do you have any family hereditary diseases(do not forget to tell about them, even if up to this point they did not manifest themselves in any way).

It is important to remember that with bursting vessels you cannot self-medicate, since such attempts can lead to serious consequences especially if the disease is infectious.

Treatment of burst vessels with folk remedies

When you already know why the vessels or capillaries have burst in you or your child and the appropriate treatment has been prescribed, you can try to eliminate the redness with improvised means.

  • The simplest and safe way treatment of damaged vessels - cold. You can apply wipes moistened with cold water or a piece of ice.

    Important! Water should be boiled or filtered. Cold eliminates the cause of redness - vasodilation. It does not cure the underlying problem, but it helps temporarily remove redness.

  • Many cope with this problem with the help of cucumber and potato compresses. Cucumber and potato help to relax and moisturize the eyes.
  • There are also herbs that help to cope with the cause of redness. These include chamomile, mint and parsley. It is necessary to brew a decoction of the selected herb, moisten gauze or a cotton pad and make compresses.

Remember, all this can be done at home, but it will not help cure the underlying problem. If you do not know what caused the vessel in your or your child's eye to burst, then you need to see a doctor.


So what should be done to avoid this problem?

  1. Humidify indoor air. Now there is a large selection of air humidifiers for every taste, they do their job perfectly. The eyes will no longer suffer from dryness.
  2. Don't sit too close to a computer or TV.
  3. Do not touch your eyes with dirty hands.
  4. Read in normal lighting and do not bring the book too close to your eyes.
  5. Wear in windy and sunny weather Sunglasses, they will protect your eyesight from harmful ultraviolet radiation, dust and wind.
  6. Take a break from work every 25-30 minutes and do simple exercises for the eyes.
  7. Do not eat a lot of salty and do not drink drinks that lead to an increase in blood pressure.
  8. There is healthy food, vegetables and fruits, especially rich in vitamin A. It improves vision. There are whole vitamin complexes, the intake of which has a beneficial effect on vision.
  9. Correct use of lenses: do not wear them for too long, especially do not sleep in them. Drip moisturizing drops in time, because the lenses often cause dryness and burning in the eyes.
  10. Avoid allergens that can cause you to bleed profusely, or take anti-allergic medications on time.

The situation when a vessel on the leg burst is more familiar to women, although men also face it. Hemorrhage under the skin leads to the fact that it appears vascular network or blue spots worsening appearance limbs. Some people are concerned only with the aesthetic side of the problem, for others, damage to the veins causes severe discomfort. In this case, it can become life-threatening and requires immediate assistance to the victim.

Why are blood vessels damaged?

The blood vessels in the legs supply them with oxygen and nutrients. They can burst like small capillaries penetrating the layers of the skin, as well as large veins and arteries located in soft tissues limbs. Most often this happens as a result of an injury.

If any item is damaged circulatory system blood clotting is disturbed in it due to a decrease in the number of platelets, the permeability of the vessel wall increases, and it breaks. In this case, the blood permeates the tissues and enters the space under the skin, which leads to the formation of a hematoma on it. In areas with broken capillaries on the legs appear spider veins. If the veins are damaged, large bruises appear on the skin.

In addition to injuries, there are many other reasons why elastic tubular formations can burst in a person. These factors are internal (endogenous) and external (exogenous).

Endogenous factors

The main and most common endogenous cause vascular injury is varicose veins veins. This pathology is asymptomatic at first, but, as it develops, it manifests itself with edema, heaviness in the legs, spider veins and a network of broken capillaries, and later with hematomas.

To others internal reasons relate:

  • heredity;
  • obesity causing heavy load on the vessels of the limbs;
  • metabolic disorders due to malnutrition;
  • low level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • leukemia, or leukemia;
  • high insulin levels;
  • vegetovascular dystonia (VVD);
  • HIV infection;
  • inflammatory processes in the body: sepsis (), tonsillitis, meningitis (inflammation soft shells brain);
  • beriberi (lack of vitamins C, PP, B12 and folic acid);
  • lupus erythematosus and other autoimmune diseases;
  • some gynecological pathologies;
  • violation of coronary circulation;
  • pregnancy;
  • hormonal disruptions.

Sometimes vascular damage occurs after long-term use medical preparations containing sulfonamides, antiplatelet agents, blood thinners, hypothiazides, and after undergoing a course of chemotherapy. Fragility of capillaries may be the result of an allergic reaction.

Exogenous factors

In addition to injuries different nature(burns, bruises and frostbite), to exogenous factors that worsen the condition of blood vessels and cause damage to them include:

  • sedentary image life (physical inactivity);
  • smoking;
  • strong physical activity;
  • nervous exhaustion and stress.

The prerequisites for the emergence of the problem are: the abuse of solarium, peeling, frequent sunbathing.

Characteristic manifestations

The main symptom that quickly occurs after the violation of the integrity of the vessel is bruising (hematoma). Its size can be from 1-2 mm to 50 or more centimeters. It depends on which tubular formation (large or small) is damaged. In case of severe injuries (accidents, falls), several veins or their sections may burst, then most of the limb is covered with bruises. Separate bruises merge into one hematoma.

Education at first has a red-violet color, then it becomes brown, yellow-green. Painful to the touch hematoma keeps on the leg from 8-10 days to 3-4 weeks. Gradually, the bruise turns yellow, turns pale, and then disappears without a trace.

There are several types of hemorrhages, which can be used to judge which vessels have burst. For example, when deep veins are injured, ecchymosis appears - extensive bruising. When superficial tubular formations are damaged, accumulations of blood (spots) called purpura form under the skin. The skin over them has a smooth, shiny surface.

If the capillaries burst, a pattern appears under the skin, formed by pinpoint hemorrhages - petechiae.

Some people confuse them with telangiectasias - networks of enlarged, but retained their integrity, small vessels that appear with varicose veins.

Another sign of vascular damage is pain, sharp when damaged, and later aching when touching a bruise or when walking. With bursting large veins, the victim loses the ability to walk for several days.

With severe bleeding skin a person becomes pale, dizzy, chills and severe weakness appear.

What to do if the vessel on the leg burst

If without visible reasons vessels on the legs burst, i.e. injuries are not due to injuries, the victims need to see a doctor, because. These hemorrhages are indicative of different pathologies in organism.

V medical institution doctors will conduct a series of examinations, establish the cause of the damage and prescribe suitable for the patient treatment.

Urgent care

In cases where a person's vein bursts, he should be given emergency care. To do this, the victim must lie on his back and raise the limb above the level of the head. People who are nearby should fix the limb in this position and put a tight bandage on it. Ice or a cold object is applied to the damaged area for 15 minutes. If after these measures the bleeding does not stop, the victim should call an ambulance.

Medical therapy

To treat a burst vein in the leg, the doctor prescribes coagulants (Thrombin) and aggregants (Calcium gluconate, Etamzilat), which are hemostatic drugs, to the patient. To relieve edema, normalize blood outflow and eliminate hematomas, he prescribes phlebotonics (Venarus, Phlebodia, Detralex).

And it is possible to prevent their fragility in the future with the help of angioprotectors (Troxevasin, Rutin, Aescusan), applied topically and orally, and vitamin complexes. Patients with atherosclerosis and obesity are prescribed statins, which lower blood cholesterol levels.

Instrumental methods of treatment

In severe cases, the problem is eliminated by instrumental methods. These include:

  • Photocoagulation (cauterization of a damaged vein).
  • Microsclerotherapy (blocking bleeding with sclerosant preparations injected under the skin).
  • Laser treatment (removal of injured vessels by laser and electric current).

If the patient has a rupture of a large tube under the knee, it is tied up or surgically removed.

Folk remedies

The problem of bursting veins and capillaries helps to solve the means traditional medicine which can be used after consulting a doctor.

A good remedy that strengthens blood vessels is an infusion of yarrow leaves, plantain, horse chestnut flowers and chamomile, raspberry roots. To prepare the infusion, all components are taken in equal proportions to make 4 tbsp. raw materials. The mixture is poured into 1 liter of water and brought to a boil, removed from heat. Infuse the remedy for 12 hours, then filter and take 100 ml twice a day.

People are helped by an infusion of 4 lemons and 4 heads of garlic. The products are crushed and pour 3 liters of boiling water. After 3 days, the remedy is consumed in 1 tsp. three times a day. Store it in the refrigerator.


Proper nutrition helps strengthen veins and capillaries. The diet involves the rejection of fatty, salty, smoked and spicy foods. It is forbidden to drink alcohol confectionery, marinades, cocoa. The diet should include fresh vegetables and greens, nuts, fruits, lean fish, veal, cottage cheese, kefir, rosehip drink, green tea.

Preventive complex of measures

To avoid such a phenomenon as a bursting vessel on the leg, you should adhere to preventive measures:

  • Wear comfortable shoes without high heels.
  • Move more and walk more.
  • Swim, ride a bike.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day.

Cooling baths in the evenings, massage, sports exercises will be useful for the legs.

Vessels burst on the hands: possible reasons, treatment of fragility and fragility of capillaries

Brittleness and fragility blood vessels due to loss of elasticity of the vascular wall. In patients, blood vessels in the arms burst due to minor injuries or spontaneously. Clinically, this is manifested by the formation of hematomas (bruises), bruises. blood as a result traumatic injury upper limb penetrates the skin and accumulates there.

At healthy people the walls of blood vessels are strong and elastic, they are able to withstand transient pressure. When a certain force is applied, the vessels on the hands burst, and bruises appear. If hematomas occur for no reason, it is worth considering and consulting with a specialist.

Bursting blood vessels in the hands indicate disorders in the body that require proper treatment. Patients complain that capillaries periodically appear on the fingers. After some time, they burst, and a hematoma forms under the skin. Similar phenomena are accompanied by severe pain and require treatment for medical care to a phlebologist.

Older people are more likely to rupture blood vessels in their arms than younger people. This is due to the deposition of salts and lipids on the walls of blood vessels, deterioration of blood supply due to. Blood vessels in older people wear out, become fragile and brittle.


Vessels can burst on the hands without clear reason. To understand why this is happening it is necessary to examine the patient and analyze the results. Formation of bruises and hemorrhages - pathological process due to the influence of certain factors. If you do not pay attention to them, unpleasant consequences can develop.

The main causes of bruising on the hands include external and internal factors.

Endogenous (internal) etiological factors pathologies:

If the vessel on the finger burst or appeared spider veins on the forearm, do not wait to continue. These phenomena are quite enough for a visit to a specialist.

Exogenous factors:

  1. Traumatic injury.
  2. Peeling, solarium and some other cosmetic manipulations.
  3. Physical inactivity.
  4. horse racing atmospheric pressure air and temperature fluctuations.
  5. Burns or frostbite.
  6. The negative impact of direct sunlight.
  7. Long-term use of antidepressants, analgesics, anti-inflammatory or anti-asthma drugs.
  8. Stress and strong feelings.
  9. Physical overstrain and heavy strength training.
  10. Chemicals, substandard household chemicals: detergents, liquid soap, shower gel, hand cream.


The fragility and fragility of blood vessels is clinically manifested by the formation or appearance.

In warm weather, patients with increased fragility of blood vessels freeze and turn blue extremities. Spider veins appear on the skin, caused by deformation of the capillary walls. Such patients do not tolerate heat well, suffer from frequent and unreasonable dizziness, darkening of the eyes with a sharp rise, and aching joints. They are motion sick in transport, meteosensitivity develops, pressure jumps are observed, tachycardia appears, short-term fainting is possible.

Such symptoms indicate weakness and fragility of blood vessels, as well as an existing circulatory disorder.


To determine the patient's increased fragility of blood vessels and find out the cause of this pathology, several diagnostic tests are performed.

For persons with increased fragility of blood vessels, therapists recommend consulting narrow specialists, donating urine and blood for a general clinical analysis, blood for a coagulogram, undergoing electrocardiography, capillaroscopy.

Capillaroscopy- a non-invasive method for studying soft tissue capillaries, which allows to determine the state of microcirculation in humans. Using a stereomicroscope, you can examine each specific capillary individually or the entire capillary network on this area. When damaged vascular walls and violation of the integrity of the capillaries, erythrocytes go into the interstitial space. When several small point hemorrhages merge, large foci are formed. Another microscopic sign increased fragility vessels is a change in the shape of the capillary loop.


The main reason for the appearance of burst vessels on the hands is the fragility and fragility of the vascular walls. Treatment of this problem begins after a comprehensive examination by specialists in related specialties.

The diet of persons whose blood vessels burst on their hands should consist of foods enriched with vitamins and angioprotective substances. Patients are advised to include chicken or rabbit meat, veal, beef, fish in their daily menu. low-fat varieties, vegetables and fruits, cereals and pasta, nuts, beans, dairy products. They are forbidden fried foods, baking, smoked meats and marinades, spices. Salty and sweet foods should be consumed in limited quantities. Coffee, carbonated and alcoholic drinks are strictly prohibited.

  1. If the vessel burst due to injury, this is not a reason for taking emergency measures. A small hematoma will go away on its own.
  2. Impact chemical substances leads to rapid aging skin of the hands and damage to the capillaries on the hands. To prevent this from happening, protective gloves must be used.
  3. To strengthen blood vessels, it is useful to do exercises that activate activity. venous system, conduct a massage that improves blood circulation, harden the body, stop smoking.

Medical therapy

Among instrumental methods treatments are the most effective.

How can you help if the vessel in the eye has burst. What to do at home? Most often, a burst vessel in the eye does not cause any discomfort and does not affect visual abilities. However, it attracts attention, which, from an aesthetic point of view, is not very pleasant. Unfortunately, it is impossible to get rid of hemorrhage, since it is not independent disease. But you can make it easier general state and accelerate the resorption of the hematoma. The choice of a suitable method for this directly depends on the cause of the capillary damage.

A capillary burst in the eye: what to do if the reason is external factors? With careful monitoring of the condition of the eyes, already in the first days it becomes clear whether it is necessary to see a doctor or not. If the vessel burst, and pain and there are no other health complaints, then, most likely, this phenomenon was provoked not by a disease, but by external causes.

These include:

  • lack of sleep;
  • fatigue and excess physical activity;
  • stress;
  • long stay at the TV screen or at the computer.

It is clear that the elimination of these factors will not solve the problem completely, but it will help to get rid of it faster and prevent recurrence.

Therefore, first of all, it is worth getting enough sleep and minimizing physical and visual stress (the same measures apply to cases of hematoma in the morning after drinking alcohol).

And if you avoid working at the monitor, there is no way, then you definitely need to take breaks for rest.

When there is complete confidence that the hemorrhage is provoked by the above reasons, the following can be used at home folk remedies:

  1. Cool boiled water or tea (black and green) to wash the eye, where the capillary burst, relieve fatigue, reduce inflammation and, accordingly, redness. You can simply apply cotton pads soaked in black tea or used tea bags in a cup to your eyes for 2-3 minutes (up to three times a day).
  2. Make compresses with cold and hot water. It is recommended to apply a gauze or cotton swab to the eye, moistened alternately in one or the other container. Contrasting temperatures have an anti-inflammatory effect and give the eyes a fresh, rested look. But we must remember that too long contact of the organs of vision with cold is dangerous, because its duration should not exceed 10 minutes.

If the reason why the vessel burst is not completely clear, you should not self-medicate.

A vessel in the eye regularly bursts: what to do?

A visit to the ophthalmologist should not be neglected if the hematoma does not go away after two weeks, if its appearance is accompanied by symptoms of some kind of disease, possibly not an eye disease (hypertension, beriberi, etc.). The doctor will necessary research, find out the cause and prescribe treatment depending on it.

If it is not possible to immediately seek medical help, you can take your temperature and pressure yourself, assess the symptoms and, depending on the results, use one of the following recommendations:

  • If the capillary in the eye burst against the background high blood pressure, it means that chronic illness poorly controlled or ineffective means for its treatment. As emergency measure you can use a stabilizing drug. But you still have to go to the doctor, because next time the vessel may burst not in the eye, but in the brain, causing more serious consequences.

  • If the capillary is damaged, and at the same time the person experiences itching and burning in the eye, there is a painful reaction to bright light, tearing and discomfort, then, most likely, we are talking about conjunctivitis. The fact that a vessel in the eye has burst usually indicates the infectious nature of the disease and speaks of its severe course, so a visit to the ophthalmologist is also a must. However, it is advisable to do so in as soon as possible without waiting for complications and infection of the second eye. And to alleviate the symptoms, you can use antiseptics and eye drops.
  • Sometimes the capillary bursts due to the effects of allergies. If you suspect this reason accept antihistamines and remedies for itching and irritation.

All this should be done with caution and only if there is clear signs any accompanying illness.

TO folk methods treatment in such cases should not be treated in any case, since some prescriptions can provoke the spread of infection and the occurrence of serious inflammatory processes.

It is forbidden to use and vasoconstrictor drugs.

What to do if the hemorrhage is accompanied by dry mucosa?

The vessel sometimes bursts against the background of excessive dryness of the eyes. In such situations, in addition to getting rid of the cause of the hemorrhage, it is necessary to take measures to moisten the mucosa.

Preparations that are suitable for this are available in the form of drops.

  1. "Vizin". It is prescribed in cases where a broken capillary forms a small hematoma. Reduces general redness.
  2. "Defislez". It can be used as directed by an ophthalmologist, even in cases of conjunctivitis and microtrauma. Drops eliminate dryness and irritation in gases, which often happens when a vessel is damaged.
  3. "Taufon". Accelerates recovery processes, helps in those cases. When the capillary bursts from overwork of the organs of vision.
  4. "Emoxipin". Suitable for long term use.

The listed funds are among the safest, so they can be used even when the vessel is damaged in the eye of a child and in preventive purposes. Of course, they will not remove the hematoma, but they will relieve redness, burning and discomfort.

But it must be remembered that if ophthalmic disease or neoplasms, you can use any drug only after consulting a doctor.

Preventive measures

Even in the absence of chronic diseases, a capillary burst in the eye indicates that you need to pay attention to your health, find out the possible causes of a hematoma and take care of prevention.

Since it is impossible to get rid of the consequences of hemorrhage in the eyes as soon as possible, it is better to take measures in advance so that the capillary does not burst again:

  • Review your diet. Daily menu must necessarily include dishes enriched with vitamins C, A and P, and containing rutin. These components strengthen the walls of blood vessels and increase their elasticity. They are present in sufficient quantities in foods such as bell pepper, broccoli, lettuce, citrus fruits and berries (especially blueberries). They are useful in almost any form (fresh, frozen, boiled, etc.). But from drinking coffee and alcoholic beverages better to refuse.
  • If it is not possible to enrich the diet with sufficient essential trace elements, you can use special vitamin complexes from a pharmacy. The necessary components contain tools such as "Optiv", "Vial", etc.
  • Establish a daily routine, devoting enough time to sleep and rest; spend less time in front of the TV and computer, minimize eye strain and take more breaks during work.
  • Avoid drying out the mucosa. To do this, it is recommended to rinse the eyes with cool clean water. And if it is not possible to do this regularly, you can use moisturizing drops. In cold and windy weather, it is better to protect your eyes, for example, with sunglasses.

Capillaries are the thinnest vessels human body, which are the most vulnerable element of the circulatory system. The appearance of an unaesthetic capillary network on the legs in most cases is associated with impaired functioning of the vessels located in the upper layers of the epidermis. Capillaries begin to burst by the age of 30 - this is due to hormonal imbalances, the presence of diseases of the deep venous vessels and even ordinary chronic osteochondrosis. In this case, a capillary network can occur both on the legs and on the face, arms, and back. contributes to its development and excess weight: an increase in adipose tissue leads to blockage of the capillaries through which other tissues and organs receive nutrition.

This disease occurs not only in women, but also in men, who suffer from it less often and more often at a later age.

In addition, it leads to blockage and rupture of capillaries. malnutrition, unbalanced diet, insufficient water intake and vitamin deficiency. Those who lead a sedentary or sedentary lifestyle also suffer from bursting capillaries, as a result of which muscles and veins weaken, blood circulation deteriorates, and the walls of blood vessels lose elasticity and become thinner. To avoid this, you need to regularly do physical exercise for legs, walk more, eat right, maintain optimal water balance in the body and take vitamins that strengthen capillaries. Can also be lubricated capillary network gels or ointments based on rutin.

To get rid of hematomas resulting from broken capillaries, you should do cold foot baths and lotions based on horse chestnut, willow, oak bark, sage or chamomile. It is strongly not recommended to cross your legs while sitting. At the same time, it is necessary to keep your posture and walk around every half an hour with sedentary work. It is also necessary to fulfill simple gymnastics- lie on the floor, put a hard roller under your head, simultaneously raise your arms and legs, and “vibrate” them for several minutes. This will improve stagnant blood circulation in the limbs, which will accelerate its movement through the vessels.

Charging to strengthen capillaries is recommended to be performed in the morning - for cheerfulness, and before bedtime - for relaxation.

Also, with bursting capillaries, you must always wear a special compression stockings, which allows the vessels to maintain their elasticity and withstand daily stress. If none of the above methods helps, you can resort to sclerotherapy - the removal of broken capillaries. This procedure is low-traumatic, maintains a long-term effect and does not deliver discomfort. Optionally, you can use ultrasound scanning or foam technology that allows varicose veins without surgical intervention. Also popular is the treatment with a special laser that narrows the capillaries through intact skin.