If blood vessels burst in the legs. What to do if a blood vessel bursts on your leg. Hemorrhage into the vitreous body of the eye

Rumyantseva Anna Grigorievna

Reading time: 8 minutes


Broken blood vessel in the eye causes hemorrhage, which can look quite scary.

In some cases pathology may be accompanied by impaired visual acuity.

Below we will describe in detail what to do to provide first aid and treat a burst vessel in the eye.

Symptoms of the problem may differ depending on the location of the damage. Contrary to general opinion, hemorrhage is not always accompanied by redness of the mucosa.

Subconjunctival hemorrhage

Pay attention! In this case, the following symptoms indicate a problem:

  • sensation of a foreign object in the eye;
  • expressed discomfort when blinking;
  • education red spot of irregular shape on the white of the sclera.

This pathology does not cause visual acuity impairment or pain. Usually the redness disappears within 7-14 days, however, in some cases it can last up to a month.

Hemorrhage into the anterior ocular chamber

This form of hemorrhage is accompanied by the following symptoms:

In this case, consultation with an ophthalmologist and the prescription of special medications are required.

Retinal hemorrhage

In this case, patients may experience the following symptoms:

  • blurred vision;
  • spots before eyes;
  • limitation of eye mobility.

Keep this in mind! The disease begins with the appearance of a dark spot in front of the eyes, which gradually increases, impairing visual acuity.

If the vascular damage is global in nature, vision may disappear completely, and a visible protrusion of the eyeball is observed.

Hemorrhage into the orbit

In this case, the problem is accompanied by the following symptoms:

In this case, reddening of the proteins is usually not observed. Only an ophthalmologist can diagnose the problem after conducting a series of studies.

Hemorrhage into the vitreous body of the eye

Vitreous hemorrhage is accompanied by:

  • sudden loss of vision. In some cases, the patient may complain of the presence of a veil before the eyes, and sometimes vision is completely lost;
  • change in light perception. The patient begins to see objects as if in reddish shades.

Symptoms hemorrhages most often observed in only one eye.

For your information! In rare cases, the problem affects both eyes at once, for example, as a result of traumatic brain injury or external damage.

This condition requires immediate medical intervention.


In the photo you can clearly see what the eye looks like when the blood vessels in it have burst. Given in varying degrees:

Causes of rupture of blood vessels in the eye

There are many reasons that can provoke rupture of the ocular vessels. Generally they can be divided into two large groups- external causes and internal disorders in the body.

Internal disturbances in the functioning of the body

These include:

External factors

Among the external factors we can highlight:

  • eye strain;
  • lack of sleep or severe stress;
  • vigorous physical activity, such as lifting weights;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • rubbing the eyes with your hands.

What to do and how to provide help when a vessel bursts?

Remember! The first step towards successful therapy is to visit an ophthalmologist to identify the root cause of the disease.

Until this moment You can apply a cooling compress to the eye. After making a diagnosis, the specialist selects the most effective treatment and a combination of the best drugs.

Drug treatment

If hemorrhage is provoked by external factors and not accompanied by pain, in this case There is no need to take medications.

To speed up the healing process, you can drip the following drops:

  • Vizin - the drug helps eliminate dryness and discomfort. During the day, drops are used up to 3-5 times;
  • Hyphenosis - drops have a positive effect on the sclera of the eye, relieve dryness and irritation;
  • Taufon - the product accelerates the natural process of regeneration of eye tissue;
  • Emoxipine is a drug intended specifically for the treatment of intraocular hemorrhages.
    The drug is used in a course, which, depending on the severity of the damage, can be extended to 30 days.

Important! If the hemorrhage is caused by internal diseases, then eliminating the symptom without the risk of relapse is possible only after eliminating the underlying disease.

In this case, the patient requires help not only from an ophthalmologist, but also from other specialists.

What to use from folk methods?

Traditional methods can eliminate pain and speed up the process of tissue regeneration. The most effective recipes include:

What not to do?

Be careful! If you have a burst blood vessel, you should never:

Try to give your eyes some rest. Rest as much as possible with your eyes closed and stop watching TV and computer for a while.

When is urgent medical attention required?

Urgent medical attention is required if:

  • hemorrhage accompanied by severe pain;
  • vision deterioration occurred or its complete loss;
  • swelling has formed on the mucous membrane of the eye;
  • You cannot fully rotate your eyeball;
  • hemorrhage affected most of the eye.

Cause of frequent hemorrhages: what to do in this case?

Attention! The reason for frequent hemorrhages lies in serious internal disorders. These can be problems with blood vessels and the circulatory system, as well as infectious diseases.

In this case, to find out the cause, you will need to undergo a number of mandatory studies and tests.

Disease prevention

To prevent the problem from developing it is necessary:

General principles of treatment

We must remember! Despite the fact that full treatment can be prescribed exclusively by an ophthalmologist, general principles for treating the disease can be identified:

If your condition does not improve, and accompanying symptoms are added to the hemorrhage, consult a doctor immediately.

Useful video

From this video you will learn why blood vessels burst in the eyes:

Broken vessel in the eye may indicate a wide range of diseases.

Despite the fact that most often the problem occurs against the background of injury, this situation requires mandatory consultation with a specialist. Remember, self-medication can lead to complications.

For a long time, many people may not even be aware of the problems that exist in the body, but have not yet manifested themselves sufficiently. For example, the most common situation is the appearance on the lower extremities of a peculiar pattern in the form of a vascular network. Vessels in the legs burst more often in women, although a similar phenomenon also occurs in the stronger sex. But men usually simply do not attach importance to unpleasant spots, while for women they turn into a real aesthetic problem.

You need to perceive the situation correctly

It is known that before taking on a solution to a problem, it is necessary to understand it. In most cases, the culprit for the appearance of bruises and spider veins is varicose veins. For a long time it can proceed hidden and not cause much discomfort. A person begins to worry only when bruises appear on his legs. This sign means that the vessel has burst in this particular place. Vascular injury can occur anywhere in the lower extremity.

Important point! The regular appearance of hematomas (bruises) should be a serious argument for visiting a medical facility. You especially shouldn’t put off visiting a doctor when such symptoms are accompanied by pain and swelling in the affected area.

Under what conditions does vascular damage occur?

The skin is nourished by small vessels - capillaries, and larger veins and arteries are located in the tissues. The cause of any type of hemorrhage in most cases is injury, which can develop through one of the following mechanisms:

  • direct rupture of the vessel;
  • coagulopathy (blood clotting disorder);
  • thrombocytopenia (deficiency of platelets in the blood);
  • increased permeability of vessel walls.

When the integrity of the vessel is broken, blood enters the subcutaneous space. It actively permeates soft tissues, causing bruises to form on the skin.

Why do blood vessels get damaged?

Endogenous factors

There are quite a few reasons for the fragility of blood vessels, so in medicine they are usually divided into external and internal factors. Among the endogenous reasons:

  • high levels of insulin, which often causes almost black hematomas;
  • low hemoglobin;
  • leukemia, as well as other oncological pathologies;
  • gynecological diseases in women;
  • HIV – infection;
  • autoimmune conditions (lupus erythematosus);
  • hypertension and VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia);
  • coronary disorders;
  • some types of vitamin deficiencies (PP, B 12, folic acid and C);
  • taking antiplatelet drugs (blood thinning drugs);
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • obesity at any stage (excess weight is an additional load on the blood vessels);
  • metabolic disorders caused by poor nutrition;
  • inflammatory processes (meningitis, sepsis, tonsillitis);
  • allergic manifestations;
  • side effects from drug treatment (chemotherapy drugs, hypothiazide, sulfonamides and others).

Exogenous factors

In addition to internal conditions, there are also external reasons that can also have a negative impact on the structure of blood vessels. Among the exogenous provocateurs:

  • prolonged exposure to ultraviolet and other types of radiation;
  • various injuries (bruises, frostbite, burns);
  • excessive physical activity;
  • stressful conditions;
  • cosmetic procedures (peeling);
  • physical inactivity (sedentary lifestyle)
  • Smoking negatively affects the functioning of the entire circulatory system, and the habit is especially harmful for the strength of the vascular walls.

Good to know! The natural aging process often leads to fragility of blood vessels, then hematomas appear on the arms, legs and other parts of the body.

During pregnancy

A separate case is the period of pregnancy in women. The body of the expectant mother experiences enormous stress: organs and systems are rebuilt, hormonal levels change. It is during this period that varicose veins are most often first detected in women.

They play a huge role here associated factors:

  • hemorrhagic diathesis, in which the smallest vessels burst;
  • hereditary thrombophilia - a phenomenon accompanied by the appearance of hematomas for no apparent reason;
  • some types of anemia can cause vascular damage;
  • liver failure;
  • taking certain medications.

Useful information! Women carrying children must adhere to a diet, eat well and wear special underwear. These simple measures will help strengthen blood vessels and prevent further development of varicose veins.

Characteristic symptoms

When a vessel is damaged, a hematoma forms almost immediately. A bruise can range in size from a few millimeters to tens of centimeters. In other cases, the spots occupy an impressive area, sometimes they merge, forming one huge hematoma. The formation can persist for several weeks, gradually changing color, and then disappearing without a trace.

Based on the type of hemorrhage, you can determine which vessel’s integrity is compromised:

  1. Telangiectasia is a network of dilated small capillaries. Such vessels usually do not burst. This phenomenon is in the nature of a pronounced cosmetic defect. Most often, telangiectasias appear against the background of existing varicose veins.
  2. Purpura is the accumulation of some blood under the skin. The formation has the appearance of a smooth, shiny spot.
  3. Ecchymosis is a large bruise caused by trauma.
  4. Petechiae are a pattern in the form of pinpoint hemorrhages, which are formed by burst capillaries on the surface of the skin.

Important point! If the hemorrhage is not the result of an injury, you should immediately visit a doctor.

Features of the flow

A specialist in the size and nature of the pattern will be able to determine which vessel is damaged: the larger the area of ​​hemorrhage and the more distinct the pattern, the larger the burst vessel. The cause can also be established immediately, or at least assumed. Thus, a bruise at the site of the injury always causes pain upon palpation. As noted above, burst capillaries often appear on the skin surface in the form of a mesh pattern. Such meshes are often shown in photos of popular cosmetology websites.

Such designs have completely different shapes: they often resemble stars, tree branches, or intricate patterns. When large arteries and veins are damaged, a huge hematoma is formed. If the integrity of the internal vessels is compromised, then large blood loss cannot be ruled out, which is a threat to human life. As a rule, hemorrhage is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • pain at the site of vessel damage;
  • general weakness;
  • chills;
  • pale skin;

In medical practice, there are cases when a hematoma bursts and its contents flow out. If the capillaries are damaged, this phenomenon can be easily stopped and does not require serious measures. But, if even a small vein bursts, you cannot do without emergency measures in such a situation, because severe bleeding can result in death.

Useful advice! The capabilities of modern medicine make it possible to accurately determine the cause of fragile blood vessels at the initial stage of the disease, which helps to promptly block the further development of the pathological process.

How to determine the nature of the lesion

Before planning treatment measures, it is necessary to accurately determine the type of hemorrhage. There are several simple tests that will help quickly identify the cause of damage.

  1. Pinch method. In the subclavian area, you need to use your fingers to gather a small area of ​​skin into a fold, then lightly squeeze it and turn it. In the absence of vascular pathologies, a bruise does not form at the site of manipulation. If after the test a hematoma remains, it means the vessels are fragile.
  2. Hammer method. If after lightly tapping the chest with a percussion hammer a bruise appears, it can be judged that the blood vessels at the site of impact have burst.
  3. Tourniquet method. Testing is carried out using a rubber band or a tonometer cuff. The device must be placed on the middle of the shoulder and tightened. High fragility of blood vessels will be indicated by traces of pinpoint hemorrhages that appear after a five-minute test.

Conclusion. If the result of all three tests is positive, a person must undergo a full range of diagnostic procedures, because at any moment his capillaries or larger vessels may burst.

Important! The frequent appearance of petechiae, purpura, and bruises on the body should be regarded as a serious problem.

Urgent Care

In some situations, a burst vessel on the leg requires emergency measures. First aid can be provided by the victim himself or any third party. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. A tight bandage should be applied to the area where a large hematoma has formed under the skin.
  2. The victim must take a horizontal position. At the same time, his injured limb is raised above the level of his head and fixed.
  3. Cold is applied to the site of the hemorrhage for a quarter of an hour.
  4. If the bleeding cannot be stopped using the listed methods, you must definitely call an ambulance.

Special instructions! The following symptoms cannot be avoided without qualified medical care:

  • if a node has formed at the site of damage to the vessel, or the skin has become very dark;
  • when hemorrhage is accompanied by swelling of the leg;
  • with intense nasal and intestinal bleeding and damage to the vessels of the urethra.


If blood vessels are damaged on the legs, arms, or anywhere on the body in general, it is necessary to consult a doctor to determine the optimal treatment option. Typically, in order to identify factors contributing to the violation of the integrity of blood vessels, laboratory blood tests are performed to determine coagulability, platelet count and prothrombin time. In special cases, doctors use a bone marrow biopsy to confirm the diagnosis.

After a thorough diagnosis, the specialist will be able to determine the true cause that provoked the subcutaneous hemorrhage. Often, to clarify the diagnosis, there is a need to consult a rheumatologist, hematologist, or other specialized specialists.

Treatment of pathology

All therapeutic measures are aimed at eliminating the causes of vascular fragility. Moreover, this applies to the entire vascular system of the body, since a vessel can burst not only on the leg, but even on the finger, thigh and anywhere else. Taking into account all the research data, the patient’s condition and his own observations, the doctor chooses a technique appropriate for the given disease. In medical practice, both medicinal methods and instrumental techniques are actively used.

Drug therapy

The peculiarity of this method is that all treatment is aimed at eliminating the causes associated with vascular fragility.

  1. Patients diagnosed with atherosclerosis are prescribed drugs that lower cholesterol levels (statitis).
  2. For vitamin deficiencies, a vitamin complex and a prescribed diet are prescribed.
  3. If the appearance of hematomas on the patient’s leg is combined with edema, then the treatment course is based on phleboprotectors and phlebotonics (medicines that reduce pressure in the bloodstream of the legs and improve blood flow).

To prevent blood from accumulating inside, a number of additional drugs can be prescribed in combination with medications:

  • aminocaproic acid;
  • vitamin K;
  • effective hemostatic drugs (hemostatics);
  • fresh frozen plasma.

It all depends on the severity of each specific clinical case.

Important! If the bleeding is caused by taking medications, you should stop taking them.

Instrumental treatment methods

In aggravated situations, doctors often use modern and quite effective methods of hardware therapy:

  1. Microsclerotherapy involves the subcutaneous administration of sclerosant drugs that can block bleeding.
  2. Laser treatment consists of removing diseased vessels using electric current and laser.
  3. Photocoagulation - this method is based on a special hardware technology for cauterizing a damaged vessel, which helps stop bleeding.
  4. Doctors resort to a surgical method to solve the problem if a patient has a large vein burst under the knee, and the listed methods do not bring the desired result. It involves ligating the burst vessel or removing it completely.

Important! Under no circumstances should you self-administer medications, because self-medication can only make the situation worse.

Good to know! The issues of prescribing treatment and preventing consequences in case of damage to the vessels of the lower extremities are decided by a phlebologist or traumatologist after identifying the causes of the pathology and a detailed examination of the patient.


Proper nutrition is one of the important components of comprehensive treatment. To keep the blood vessels strong and not burst, you need to adjust the diet according to the diagram below.

Preventive set of measures

Many of the reasons that lead to fragility of blood vessels can be easily eliminated if you eat right and follow a number of recommendations.

  1. It is necessary to control the water balance. If a person drinks less than 2 liters of plain water per day, fluid deficiency can increase the risk of vascular damage.
  2. It is advisable to regularly do special exercises to strengthen the blood vessels in the legs. Cycling is very beneficial in this regard.
  3. Uncomfortable shoes can also cause problems. You need to purchase models that do not restrict your feet and toes. If you have varicose veins, it is better to avoid high heels.
  4. Water procedures perfectly strengthen vascular walls.
  5. Systematic exercise and long walks also ensure the strength of veins and arteries.
  6. Systematic monitoring of blood pressure levels will help timely take adequate measures to reduce blood pressure.
  7. Massage is an excellent preventative against varicose veins. You can do this useful procedure yourself or hire a specialist.
  8. Cooled foot baths will help relieve fatigue after a working day and improve blood flow in the legs.

Burst of blood vessels in the legs is often due to avoidable reasons. After all, for the health and elasticity of blood vessels, not much is required: eat right and follow basic rules. It is enough to take proper care of your blood vessels and dedicate just a few minutes daily to caring for them in order to maintain the health of your legs.

A person never goes through his life without injuries. Bruises, abrasions, and bruises are a natural manifestation of the body to various kinds of external influences. But now we are talking not only about burst blood vessels on the body, but also about bruises on the hands. Mostly, this type of injury occurs in women. They are more susceptible to hormonal changes and microtraumas to the skin of their hands than men. This is what causes this problem.

Most girls are very sensitive to their hands and their appearance, so it is necessary to understand why the blood vessels on the fingers burst and how to deal with it.

Before you understand why blood vessels in a finger burst, you need to understand what the vessels are.

The circulatory system is very strong, and when it is healthy, not every blow or bruise can lead to a hematoma, rupture of capillary walls or a bruise.

Otherwise, the frequent appearance of such signs indicates disorders in the body, as well as weakness of the walls of blood vessels, you need to consult a specialist.

The causes of a burst blood vessel on a finger (see photo below) are very diverse.

  1. The most common cause of burst capillaries is trauma and bruises. The impact causes rupture of the vessel wall and internal hemorrhage. In this case, there is no reason to worry, and the bruise will go away on its own.
  2. Pathology of the thyroid gland also affects the fragility of the circulatory system.
  3. Diabetes mellitus.
  4. Kidney pathologies.
  5. Stress.
  6. Burns, frostbite, frequent visits to the solarium.
  7. Peeling with rough washcloths and gloves can also lead to the destruction of capillary walls from frequent friction.
  8. Vegetovascular diseases.
  9. Hypertension.
  10. Strong physical activity leads to increased pressure, which causes the capillary wall to rupture. In this case, you need to slow down your training pace.
  11. Allergy to household chemicals. If you washed the dishes with a new product, and a blood vessel burst on your finger and a bruise appears, what should you do? It is necessary to take an antiallergic drug and change the detergent.
  12. Excess weight leads to additional stress on the circulatory system, which can cause varicose veins of the lower veins, vascular nodules with bruising and other internal injuries to the veins.
  13. A sedentary lifestyle leads to blood stagnation, which leads to blood clots.
  14. Fragility of the walls of the circulatory system as a whole. This disease manifests itself mainly in older people, due to the development of atherosclerotic plaques. These bodies accumulate in the vessels, which interferes with their patency.
  15. Lack of vitamins B, B5, C, P, PP, Rutin and others also negatively affects the strength of capillary walls.
  16. Sedentary lifestyle.
  17. Hormonal imbalance in women.
  18. Complications after an illness and reduced immunity can also lead to a blood vessel bursting on a finger and a bruise appearing. What to do in this case? We'll tell you a little later.

Symptoms: what does a burst vessel look like?

In the meantime, it’s worth looking at what symptoms accompany capillary rupture.

Usually, everyone knows what a bruise and hematoma look like - extensive internal hemorrhage caused by rupture of capillaries.

A burst vessel, like the appearance of red dots on the body, is not a rare phenomenon.

When a blood vessel bursts on a finger, a blue spot is visible to the naked eye, the touch of which is painful.

To identify the fragility and fragility of capillary walls, several methods are used:

  1. Pinch method- select an area of ​​skin that has the lowest pain threshold, pinch this fold with your fingers and move it several times. In such places, accidental injuries are excluded, and if a bruise occurs at the site of the pinches, then the fragility of the blood vessels is confirmed.
  2. Tourniquet method- this tourniquet is used to tighten the arm above the elbow joint, and if after removal a bruise forms under the site of the constriction, then problems with the blood vessels are confirmed.

How to find out what exactly is the reason

If a vein in your arm bursts, what should you do? This question is asked by everyone who has encountered this problem. Only a specialist can answer this, who has the necessary set of knowledge, as well as equipment with which you will be given an accurate diagnosis.

Also, this doctor will tell you what is important to do in such a situation. He will tell you whether a vein in the arm can burst and what will happen if the vein in the arm bursts. After a complete diagnosis, you will be prescribed a specific course of treatment.

Treatment options

If a vein on a finger bursts, the vessels on the fingers burst, the reasons for which are already known, that is, there are a number of therapies that help with this disease, and also act as an additional prevention against blood stagnation.

What to do if blood vessels in your hands burst? In order to relieve pain from this disease, the injured area must be lubricated with Troxevasin. This drug increases the tone of blood vessels, strengthens their walls, penetrating into the very epicenter of the rupture, and alleviates pain in the area of ​​bruising.

Now let's figure it out general treatment package if a vein in your arm bursts (look at the photo), what to do in this case:

  • at the very beginning of treatment, it is necessary to generally strengthen the walls of blood vessels using various medicines. They help restore the elasticity of blood vessels, which prevents their fragility and further ruptures;
  • very helpful physical activity, which contribute to additional circulation of blood throughout the body, which helps to develop and strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and also has a positive effect on overall well-being;
  • if you have a strong immune system, then you can resort to the method hardening. Once a week, douse yourself alternately with cold and hot water - this will give your circulatory system a great shake-up, which will have a positive effect on blood flow. However, this method of strengthening blood vessels should be discarded by those who have abnormal fragility of blood vessels. This procedure can only provoke further hemorrhages;
  • if you smoke, then it is necessary quit a bad habit, or reduce your daily nicotine consumption to the maximum;
  • change of diet, the inclusion of healthy products in it also has a beneficial effect on solving this problem. This way you solve the problem from the inside every day.


If a vein in the hand bursts and capillaries on the fingers burst, the reasons for which are stated, then they usually resort to the following drug treatment. An effective remedy for maintaining and, as well as in case of burst vessels in the arms and legs, is. It is also effective in resolving bruises and small capillary hemorrhages.

And the usual one will help prevent blood clots. It is only important to take it carefully; blood clotting when taking this drug is greatly reduced.

Folk remedies

In order to ensure that your blood vessels are always normal and that unexpected hemorrhages do not occur, it is necessary to provide them with maximum vitamin support. For good blood circulation, its renewal and other necessary functions, it is important to eat foods such as:

Important In addition, check the patency of the veins with a specialist at least once a year in order to exclude the possibility of diseases of the circulatory system. If blood vessels regularly burst in the legs and arms, this is abnormal.


If a blood vessel in a finger bursts for the first time, they do not need to be examined - there is no strong cause for concern. You should consult a doctor when this problem occurs very often.

In this case, only a specialist can find out why the blood vessels on the fingers burst. In order to avoid the possibility of this disease, it is necessary to check your blood vessels from time to time. This is especially true for people of retirement age.

Under the influence of various negative factors, the walls of the capillaries become weak and because of this, the vessels in the legs burst. A deviation develops due to a blood clotting disorder or insufficient supply of nutrients to the body. Timely diagnosis will help to apply rational and correct therapy. You should remember about the prevention of pathology, which will help reduce the possibility of disease.

Reasons why blood vessels in the legs may burst

The reasons for the mechanism of hemorrhage are as follows:

  • capillary rupture;
  • insufficient platelet count;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • decrease in the strength of the vascular walls of capillaries.

Studies confirmed by , have established that the reasons why blood vessels burst on the legs and bruises appear:

  • Wrong diet. Statistics show the negative impact of a protein diet, which causes aging and sagging capillary walls.
  • The influence of stress, lack of oxygen and vitamin deficiency.
  • Passive lifestyle. It is necessary to maintain normal physical shape, and at the same time muscle fibers and blood vessels.
  • Damage to soft tissues.
  • Drinking drinks containing alcohol, as well as tobacco addiction.
  • Pregnancy, mostly multiple pregnancies.
  • Chronic pathologies (hypertension, obesity and diabetes mellitus).
  • Allergen influence.
  • Varicose veins.
  • Side effects after taking medications. More often, the pathology is provoked by anticoagulants, hypotazide and sulfonamides, drugs for chemotherapy.
  • Aging of vein walls.
  • Thrombocytopathy.
  • Exposure to abundant solar radiation.

Symptoms of pathology

A sign of developing pathology may be periodic dizziness.

Bursted vessels are not immediately visible, so you should know the symptoms of vascular pathology. Before red spots form, signs of vein disease may include:

  • short-lived dizziness that occurs suddenly;
  • the temperature of the extremities is lower than the body even outside of winter;
  • a sudden change in posture or body position leads to darkening of the eyes;
  • a network of damaged capillaries is observed on the surface of the skin;
  • In case of a bruise or mild injuries, bruises form, occupying a large area on the skin.

The manifestation of such signs means that it is necessary to urgently consult a phlebologist. He will conduct a thorough diagnosis and prescribe appropriate therapy. This will help prevent subsequent hemorrhage in the capillaries.

Diagnosis of the disease

If the patient has symptoms of pathology, or a blood vessel has burst on a finger or in other areas, you need to contact your doctor, who will conduct an examination and determine the cause of the disease. If the capillary damage is not associated with bruises, then the patient is referred for further examination. This will help establish the presence of the disease in the patient’s body, as well as prescribe treatment. If capillaries burst, the following diagnostic research methods are prescribed:

The problem can be identified using a CT scan.

  • general blood test;
  • MRI and CT;
  • selection of biological material from bone marrow;
  • blood clotting studies;
  • X-ray.

What to do: treatment of the disease?

Therapy, if a vessel in the leg has burst or capillaries have burst in other places, is carried out only with the permission of the doctor. Self-medication will not give positive dynamics and will worsen the patient’s situation. It is worth remembering that traditional methods will have a good effect only in combination with other means. There are the following main types of vascular treatment:

  • use of medications;
  • surgical intervention;
  • folk remedies.


Weak blood vessels are treated depending on the cause of the disease. The duration of therapy is determined by the phlebologist. Systematic therapy includes the following drugs:

Vasoket may be included in the pathology treatment regimen.
  • "Troxevasin";
  • "Phlebodia";
  • "Ascorutin";
  • "Aspirin Cardio";
  • "Venoruton";
  • "Detralex";
  • "Courantil".

If bruises form when the capillaries burst, then medications with a resolving effect are prescribed:

  • "Troxevasin";
  • heparin ointment;
  • "Lioton";
  • ointments based on badyagi.

Surgical correction

After small blood vessels on the feet or hands burst, bruises form. Clots negatively affect health and can form blood clots, causing thrombophlebitis. In this case, surgery is performed without incisions. Such procedures include:

  • Sclerotherapy. Includes about 10 injections. The point is to remove diseased capillaries and introduce a sclerosant that will resolve the clots.
  • Laser therapy. The beam is directed to the diseased area, and the affected veins become a tourniquet. The hemorrhage will disappear in 2-3 months. The remaining blood is absorbed into healthy vessels.
  • Elos coagulation is a procedure carried out in beauty salons. The technique is done using light energy and bipolar current.