Folk remedies for sweating will always help. Treatment of hyperhidrosis at home: basic folk methods

It is human nature to sweat. This is how nature intended - to cool the body by releasing moisture from the skin when it is very hot or when physical activity especially “warms up” the body.

In Central Asia, in fifty-degree heat, people have long been saved from overheating by thick quilted robes and hot tea. Paradox? Not at all! How stronger man sweats, the more effectively the body “cools”.

Many “break out in a sweat” with sudden strong emotions– excitement, fear, joy. In these cases, it is released into the blood powerful charge adrenaline, and the body rushes to get rid of the “excess”, removing the aggressive hormone through the skin along with sweat.

Sweat excessively fat people. In fact, sometimes “carrying” up to 50-60 kilograms of excess weight is like constantly carrying a large bag of sand in your hands. So the body protects itself from overload and stress by cooling itself through the sweating system.

Rational, isn't it? But there’s just one thing nature didn’t provide for: the smell of sweat – that’s phi! And wet circles on clothes under the armpits - phew! And yellowish stains from sweat on clothes are a dubious “decoration”.

That’s why antiperspirants have been in the top ten most advertised products in the media for many years, along with women’s hygiene products protection, toothpaste and all sorts of health elixirs.

However, you can mask the smell of sweat, but you cannot stop sweating of your own free will.

To reduce sweating and sweat odor as much as possible, it is not enough to hygiene procedures. Use the folk remedy against sweat that is most suitable for you - and you will have one less problem.

Folk remedies for sweating for internal use

  1. Herb tea from a mixture linden color, lemon balm, St. John's wort and marsh cudweed, brew and infuse in any way known to you. Use with lemon. At increased nervousness, which makes you sweat every now and then, add it to tea alcohol tincture valerian – 20 drops per cup. Or immediately prepare a drink with the “participation” of dry valerian root.
  2. Dry collection chamomile, peony evasive, lemon balm and sage will be a good basis for a soothing drink: brew the herbs along with a pinch of green tea, drink as much as you want throughout the day. Select the proportion of herbs yourself, but keep in mind that peony has a weak, but still hypnotic effect, so there should not be a lot of it in your tea.
  3. « Compote"made from dried rose hips with the addition of honey - a general tonic and mild sedative. There is no need to boil the rosehip, just brew it dried berries in a thermos and wait half an hour - the drink is ready to drink.
  1. Works well against increased sweating burnet grass medicinal. Brew dry raw materials with boiling water and leave for an hour. Use the infusion for lotions and rubdowns.
  2. Horsetailreliable assistant in the fight against sweating and sweat odor. With a decoction of this herb you can take warm baths, and also apply compresses to the “dampest” places.
  3. Potato or corn starch on the hottest days it will “save” obese people from skin irritation then under the armpits, under the breasts, between the buttocks and on inside hips Starch is used as a powder for “wet” areas.
  4. Helps combat sweating and skin irritation caused by excessive sweat baths with a decoction of oak bark.
  5. Sweating of the palms and armpits can be reduced by rubbing the problem areas decoction of string half and half with lemon juice.
  6. Apple vinegar It works as an excellent antiperspirant if you wipe the sweatiest areas with it at night.
  7. For excessive sweating, it is better to use tar soap– it dries the skin, reduces irritation, and prevents increased secretion of diaphoretic glands.
  8. Rinse for armpits chamomile decoction half and half with baking soda - good remedy to combat sweating, especially if, after rinsing, wipe the problem area with a slice of lemon.

Applying folk remedies against sweating, remember: if increased sweating is the result of diseases endocrine system, then it will not be possible to achieve the desired result. In these cases, folk remedies should be used in parallel with traditional treatment prescribed by an endocrinologist.

Sweating is a natural process that restores temperature balance in the body. During intense physical activity and summer heat, skin receptors begin to work harder. Protruding beads of sweat on the skin help a heated body cool down, saving it from overheating. The same thing happens during stress, when the level of adrenaline in the blood rises sharply. The body reacts quickly, getting rid of the aggressive hormone along with the protruding beads of sweat.

Excessive sweating: normal or abnormal?

Chemical composition of sweat - plain water, salt, low concentration metabolic products. The following factors are to blame for the appearance of an unpleasant odor:

Excessive sweating when following daily hygiene indicates hyperhidrosis, dysfunction of the sweat glands. The disease can be temporary or have the character of a permanent phenomenon. It can be general, when droplets of sweat cover the entire body, or local, if there is sweating of the legs, palms, feet, and armpits. Hyperhidrosis is not an anomaly, but a signal of a problem. Proper nutrition, hygiene, medicinal cosmetics will help get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

How to get rid of hyperhidrosis?

Cosmetic products, hygiene, and home treatments will help solve the problem. General recommendations the following:
Accept water procedures 2 times a day. Wash armpits, inguinal folds, skin under the mammary glands, feet with baby, lanolin, tar soap. Then, after drying with a towel, sprinkle with baby powder and powder. Can be prepared or ordered from a pharmacy next lineup. Take 25 g of talc, zinc, add 10 g boric acid, 5 g tannin. Mix the ingredients, use as powder or powder.
1. Antiperspirants will help get rid of sweat odor throughout the day. They are applied in the morning clean skin. This method is not a panacea, it is used as an aid.
2. When excessive sweating wear clothes, especially underwear, made from natural fibers. Artificial fabrics create Greenhouse effect With copious discharge sweat, allergies to the skin of the armpits.
3. If your feet sweat heavily, you should wear shoes made of genuine leather.

Folk remedies for sweat and odor can reduce sweating. They help the body locally, it improves general state. This allows you to find a solution, and not just “disguise” the symptoms. Folk remedies are used regularly, long time. The effect may not be immediate, but it will soon appear clearly and for a long time. How can you overcome hyperhidrosis?

For oral administration :

The diet should contain dishes rich in iron, phosphorus, calcium, and vitamins. This is lean meat, fish, seafood, fresh vegetables, fruits, juices. Eliminate ingredients with a strong, spicy odor from the diet. They may be the reason strong odor sweat.

Take equal amounts of sage, blueberry leaves, marsh cudweed, and clover. Pour 50 g of raw material into ½ liter of boiling water and leave for a couple of hours. Drink 100 ml half an hour before meals.

An infusion of inflorescences and leaves of medicinal hyssop regulates sweating. 20 g of herb pour 1 cup. boiling water, leave for half an hour. Take 100 g of the composition 3 times a day.

Sage, chamomile - folk restoratives. Brew 15 g of raw materials in 1 cup of boiling water. After half an hour, strain, drink 2 tbsp for 10-12 days. l. in 20 minutes before meals.

For armpit sweating

Solid deodorants and sprays clog skin pores. Homemade folk remedies for armpit sweat will help cope with the problem. For daily wiping, the following is suitable:

Tinctures made from horsetail, birch buds, and walnut leaves are effective folk remedies that will get rid of armpit odor. Take raw materials, vodka in a ratio of 1:10, leave for 2 weeks, wipe problem areas.

Brew 1 tsp in 250 ml of boiling water. oak bark, cool, add lemon juice. This is an effective, proven method without contraindications.

1 tbsp. Brew 300 ml of boiling water with mint. Use to wipe your armpits.

Grind fresh cucumber medium size, add 250 ml of boiling water, leave for 3-4 hours. Wipe the armpit area to get rid of the unpleasant odor.

Folk remedies for sweat - a solution of soda, boric acid. Dilute 1 of the components in a glass of water. Use for wiping and compresses. Used similarly tea mushroom(tincture) at least 4 weeks.

Steam 1-year-old pine branches in a water bath and use for rubbing, compresses, and baths. The folk remedy will increase tone and help get rid of sweating.

Excellent folk remedies for sweating are compresses. They are done in the morning and evening for about 10-12 days. Take Apple vinegar or sea salt about 1 tsp. for 200 ml of water. Apply the compress to the armpit area for 3-5 minutes, then wipe dry and apply talcum powder.

How to neutralize foot odor?

Folk remedies for sweaty feet allow you to get rid of discomfort and odor. They are used in the form of baths and rubs. The course of treatment is 20-30 days. Then take a week's break.

For 1.5 liters of water, take 15 g of willow bark, 35 g of oak bark, boil for 10-12 minutes. The decoction will cope with sweating and help get rid of foot odor.

Oil baths tea tree– a proven method to get rid of foot odor.

The peel of pomegranate and lemon will help reduce foot sweating. Pour 50 g of raw material into 700 ml of boiling water, boil for 7 minutes. In 20 minutes. add another liter of water, use daily for foot baths.

Apple cider vinegar solution sea ​​salt, soda - folk remedies long acting. You can wipe your feet with them before going to bed.

A folk remedy, hygiene, and care will help get rid of sweat, but if the general condition is alarming, you should seek help from a dermatologist. He will prescribe tests that can reveal the real reason hyperhidrosis.
Videos on the topic (from armpit odor +):

Excessive sweating and its accompanying bad smell cause a lot of discomfort and become a barrier in a person’s social and personal life. You can solve the problem of odor and sweat under the arms with the help of traditional treatment or folk remedies. Disguise with deodorants and antiperspirants.

Causes and effects of sweat and armpit odor

Sweat itself has no odor because it is a mixture of water and salt. The stench of the armpits is “due” to the activity of microorganisms that live in these areas of the body.

When the sweat glands are functioning in a balanced manner, it is enough to simply wash your armpits with soap and water at least 2 times a day. Additionally, you can use antiperspirants (block sweating) and deodorants (mask bad odors).


If excessive sweating is associated with internal failures, the root cause of the problem must be identified and eliminated. What can cause unpleasant odor and increased sweating in the armpits? Factors of primary axillary hyperhidrosis are disturbances in the functioning of the systems:

  • nervous;
  • endocrine;
  • cardiovascular.

Secondary – various vegetative-vascular and hormonal disruptions, including those associated with:

  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • physical and emotional overload;
  • overweight, unbalanced diet;
  • frequent and/or excessive use of alcohol, narcotic, psychotropic, nicotine-containing drugs.

Hyperhidrosis affects every 30 people out of 1000.


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A treasure trove of folk wisdom

For centuries, our ancestors noted the properties of various plants in order to then pass on to their descendants the wisdom of passing generations.

A lot of advice, recommendations and recipes regarding solving the problem of interest have survived to this day.

At the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th centuries. problem areas were wiped with coltsfoot and corn starch, while the grass was crushed in a mortar and steamed.

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Strong tea

  • The best caring and healing folk recipes for sweat and armpit odor are based on infusions from:
  • mint;
  • lemon balm;
  • sage;
  • oak bark;

chamomile flowers.

Kombucha has been used successfully. Listed medicinal herbs

are natural, natural antiseptics. They perfectly fight many types of bacteria and fungi that grow on the skin. Properly selected and brewed herbs help narrow pores and reduce sweat production. Treatment profuse sweating

and armpit odor using folk remedies should be carried out systematically. Single or irregular procedures will not bring any effect.

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The best folk remedy is oak bark

Concentrated decoction of oak bark is one of the most effective components for baths, compresses, lotions and masks to reduce sweating and sweat odor in the armpits, as well as in other parts of the body and face.

Dry crushed bark is sold in pharmacies. You can also prepare it yourself by collecting this medicinal raw material even before the first leaves appear on the tree, that is, in March - early April.

  • To prepare the decoction you need to pour 1 liter. boiling water 5 tablespoons of dry crushed main ingredient, and heat on water under a closed lid for a quarter of an hour. Then cover the container with the broth with a towel until the liquid cools completely, filter through gauze folded several times. The finished broth is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.
  • The product is used in several ways:

Carry out daily (can be several times a day) rinsing of the armpits. At the same time, masking and blocking cosmetic products are completely excluded.

For a month (with a break of 90 days), lotions are applied for half an hour.


The second most effective folk remedy for sweat and odor in the armpits. To prepare the infusion you will need 2 tbsp. crushed dried mint leaves (or lemon balm), steamed with 0.5 liters of boiling water. The infusion is left in a closed container for 12 hours, then filtered thoroughly.

Rub with the mixture twice a day for 1 month. The procedure can be repeated 2-3 times per session after each drying of the skin.

Horsetail and alcohol

A horsetail-based product is prepared with alcohol, so it is not recommended to use it immediately after depilation, so as not to provoke painful sensations and burning.

The components are mixed in a ratio of 1:10 or 1:5, depending on whether you use vodka or pure alcohol.

1 part of horsetail is poured with alcohol and infused for 14-21 days. The liquid is then diluted with water. Moisten a cotton pad with the infusion and wipe armpits no more than 30 days in a row, after which they take a break.

Before visiting the beach or solarium, apply this remedy not recommended to prevent the formation of age spots.

Sage and nettle

The fundamental difference between the decoction of these plants and others is that it is taken orally to normalize sweating. 500 ml of boiling water is steamed 1 tbsp. mixtures dried herbs. Insist and drink once every 3 days for a month.

Tea mushroom

You can reduce sweat production and remove a specific odor by wiping your armpits with an infusion of kombucha.

The effect will be obvious if you use the product infused for at least 4 weeks.

Radish juice and glycerin The components are mixed in equal proportions. Rub into cleansed skin problem area

Tea mushroom

in the morning and in the evening.

Is it possible for pregnant women to paint their nails with varnish?

The benefits and harms of sea bath salt are described in detail. Large-leaf black tea is infused for at least 20 minutes.

Moisten a cotton pad or napkin with the resulting chifir and wipe the armpits three times a day.

Baking soda For 1 tsp. This product requires 1 cup of boiling water and 2-3 drops of any essential oil

. Wipe with cooled liquid 2-3 times a day.

  1. You can reduce sweat and stench if you follow some simple rules:
  2. Clothes should be dry and made from natural fabrics.
  3. Spicy, fatty, smoked, and strong-smelling foods should be excluded from the diet. During the hot season, you should minimize the consumption of hot drinks.
  4. Use antiperspirants and deodorants that contain zinc.
  5. Drink a complex of vitamins, including phosphorus and iron.

The “aroma” emitted depends on the quality of the food, age and genetic characteristics, health status and even the mood of the person.

Moisten a cotton pad or napkin with the resulting chifir and wipe the armpits three times a day.


Video interview with a doctor, where the topic of treating sweating is raised traditional methods

Sweating is an absolutely natural function of the body, necessary to maintain optimal body temperature and remove metabolic products. However, the development of hyperhidrosis indicates the presence of health problems and internal disruptions in the life support systems.

In any case, it is necessary to carry out comprehensive examination body in order to identify the root cause of the disease and get rid of it through drug therapy. As caregivers and therapists folk recipes effectively use decoctions for sweat and armpit odor medicinal plants, baking soda, tea.

Burnet for the treatment of excessive sweating

Despite the fact that many still attribute increased sweating to minor deviations in the functioning of the body, hyperhidrosis is a serious pathology, which leads to the appearance of increased sweating. In this article I will talk about the treatment of hyperhidrosis with traditional methods.

As is known, that is, it spreads only to certain parts of the body (armpits, feet, head, palms, etc.), and general, manifesting itself simultaneously on the entire surface of the body. The causes of increased sweating can be very different: from stressful situation to the structural features of the body.

Hyperhidrosis can also be a consequence of an even more serious disease. In this case, it is necessary to eradicate not the effect, but the cause, that is, the disease that led to an increase in the level of sweating. Before starting treatment excessive sweating, you need to find out which treatment method is right for you. Therefore, examination by a specialist will not only not be superfluous, but even necessary.

There are many in various ways, with which you can reduce the level of sweating or get rid of it for a while without resorting to surgical procedures.

Body hygiene for hyperhidrosis

People suffering from heavy sweating, it is usually recommended to pay Special attention body hygiene. To reduce the level of sweating you need to take daily cold and hot shower, wipe off and douse yourself cold water. This will tighten the pores and cool the body, which will temporarily reduce sweat production.

By maintaining body hygiene, you keep your skin in normal condition and for some time relieve yourself from the inconvenience caused by increased work secretions. In addition, a contrast shower has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system, failures in which can also cause hyperhidrosis.

If for some reason you cannot shower every day, be sure to wash the areas where you sweat. If even this is not observed, irritation, pustules or fungal diseases. In addition, even the very proliferation of bacteria that feed on sweat leads to an unpleasant odor.

A good way to normalize the functioning of the vital nerve is to take a bath with a decoction oak bark or pine needles within 15 minutes.


To strengthen nervous system, such sedatives as infusion of motherwort, valerian, Belloid, Bellataminal, Bellaspon, etc. are also suitable. They should be taken for three weeks, 2-3 times a day.

External remedies against hyperhidrosis

For wiping areas with increased sweating Suitable decoctions of alder cones, oak or willow bark, rhizomes of snakeweed, as well as infusions horsetail, mint and St. John's wort.

You can also make your own special lotion. If you suffer from excessive sweating around the face, make a mixture of lavender and lemon water.

Use it daily to wipe your face. 2% resocinic alcohol will also work.

Armpit hyperhidrosis

Boric lotion is made from table vinegar, 4% aqueous solution boric acid and perfume to give pleasant aroma. All ingredients must be mixed in equal proportions.

Hyperhidrosis of the feet

With hyperhidrosis of the feet, it is also necessary to follow the rules of hygiene. You should wash your feet at least 2 times a day. After this, dry them with a towel and powder with baby powder or talcum powder. Then wipe your feet with a decoction of oak bark.

There are other treatments for foot hyperhidrosis. For example, especially effective method is Teymurov's pasta. Before applying it, be sure to wash your feet.

The paste is rubbed into the feet for 1-3 minutes. The course of treatment is 3-4 days.

Contrasting foot baths can also help. Feet are alternately immersed in baths of hot and cold water. For achievement positive result It is recommended to carry out this procedure for 10 days.

Also treat your feet with a solution of boric or salicylic alcohol. After this, treat them with a mixture of powder and boric acid.

Hyperhidrosis of the palms

To reduce, use tannin and zinc oxide powders. 2% solution salicylic acid or resorcinol and special lotions are also suitable for preventing the reduction of sweating of the palms.

In order for the solution to be completely absorbed, it should be rubbed in before bed, and in the morning, wipe the skin with plain water. Because of frequent use folk remedies can dry out the skin. In this case, stop the procedures for a while until she returns to normal. normal condition. Until this moment, lubricate the skin with nourishing cream.

Other traditional methods of treating hyperhidrosis

It should be remembered that treatment of hyperhidrosis with traditional methods is not a panacea and does not guarantee complete relief from excessive sweating. Before starting self-medication, it is necessary to establish the cause of this disease, because if it is based on even more serious illness, you need to start treatment with her. If you do not pay attention to this, self-medication can only lead to complications of the disease. In this case, you need to urgently consult a specialist, undergo an examination and then follow the doctor’s instructions.

Take a closer look: since ancient times, everything we need has been given to us by Mother Nature!

He will tell you how to reduce sweating of your palms using the gifts of nature. short video. Let's look at the recipe!

Sweating is not a pleasant phenomenon, and increased sweating, especially if it attracts the attention of others, can cause complexes. This disease is called hyperhidrosis, and it affects both sexes. Surely, among your friends there are those from whom an unpleasant smell of sweat constantly emanates. And this can be the case with the cleanest people who change their clothes, shower twice a day and use antiperspirants. What's the matter, why are people susceptible to this disease?

The disease hyperhidrosis and its manifestations

This disease is explained hard work sweat glands. It can manifest itself as profuse sweating in certain parts of the body, as well as throughout skin. Many diseases can be associated with such active elimination of fluid, unless, of course, it is sports training, in which an abundance of sweat is the norm.

  • Primary hyperhidrosis. Local sweating usually occurs in such parts of the body as the face, armpits, feet, and palms. In cases of activation of the glands, it is here that increased sweating is visible and noticeable first.
  • The secondary manifestation has both local and general type. It is directly related to chronic infections, colds, oncology. The release of fluid through the pores may result side effect from the harmful effects of certain medications on the body.

The first variant of hyperhidrosis is easy to identify, since it is visible when initial manifestations. Sweat is especially noticeable in the armpits, palms and soles of the feet. Characteristic Strong smell you can feel it after the first minutes. Through research, it was found that women have a stronger and more frequent manifestation of this disease.

The first symptoms occur when a person is at a young age from 13 to 25 years. It happens that the disease disappears suddenly, just as it began. But waiting sometimes turns into constancy and acquires chronic symptoms. There are many causes of hyperhidrosis and its manifestations:

  • A large number of merocrine glands on the palms, back, and other places.
  • A stronger response of the glands to stimulating actions of the body: stress, nervous reactions, physical loads that provoke the release of sweat, but in excess quantities.
  • Some foods and dishes can also cause a reaction in the form of sweat, these are spicy foods and dishes using them, chocolate products, coffee, etc.
  • Lewandowski's disease.

The second option for increased sweating is most likely associated with serious illnesses. It may already be a manifestation of painful conditions, and hyperhidrosis is associated with the following negative pathologies:

  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Thyrotoxicosis.
  • Hypoglycemia.
  • Climate syndrome.
  • Acromegaly.
  • Pheochromocytomas.
  • Carcinoid syndrome.
  • Malaria and tuberculosis, septicemia, and other infectious diseases.
  • Neurological diseases: stroke, Parkinson's disease, tabes dorsalis, neurosyphilis.
  • Tumor diseases.

Active and excessive sweating, can be like separate disease, and as a consequence serious problem. It is for this reason that you should not put off visiting a medical specialist.

Self-medication is strictly prohibited until you confirm laboratory research that you are healthy.

In this case, treatment of hyperhidrosis using folk remedies, as well as physical methods, you will be served effectively and quite quick ways, getting rid of an unpleasant illness.

Ways to combat excessive sweating

There are quite a few ways to combat hyperhidrosis, and each is good in its own way. But without the advice and help of a specialist, it is better not to do this, since some methods are not suitable for everyone.

After examination for various diseases, your doctor will decide which of the many methods is right for you. There are several most popular:

  • A conservative method in which ointments, gels, and tablets are used.
  • More modern methods, using laser, iontophoresis, endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy.
  • The most affordable and accessible, but no less effective traditional medical practice.
  • Physical methods.

Recommendations for getting rid of “sweating” using physical methods

Such methods are completely harmless and have side effects. They are suitable for people of any age. Here are some of the most effective ways:

  • Taking a contrast shower.

This method, carried out due to temperature changes, significantly reduces sweating and has a fairly strong effect on the sweat glands. Pay more attention to those parts of the body where the most active fluid secretion is observed. These are the armpits, back, forehead, groin area, feet. Do not bring yourself to self-torture, and make the difference in temperatures gradually. This procedure cannot be adopted with acute diseases various types of colds.

Excessive sweating may disappear after a few days, but the procedures must be done for no less than 10 days. If you quit early, you will not get rid of the problem, it will come back with new strength. Taking such a healing shower is useful and necessary, not only when problems arise, but constantly, every day, because it beneficial features known only from the positive side.

  • Method of rubbing.

This procedure is also carried out during a 10-day course. For it you will need simple remedies in the form of a hard washcloth and a warm shower. You should rub the body thoroughly in particularly sweaty areas until the skin turns red. Then take a shower and dry your body well. After the skin is completely dry, sprinkle problem areas with talcum powder. Sweating will go away in five to six days.

Traditional methods of treating excessive sweating

Not all herbs may be suitable for you, some can cause certain kinds of reactions, so mindlessly drinking various herbs is quite frivolous. Only after the advice of a doctor, start treatment with folk remedies.


Oak bark with its extracts eliminates active sweating by regulating the activity of the sweat glands. You can prepare a paste and apply it before bed, leaving it in problem areas for half an hour. It is made from three tablespoons and two tablespoons of honey. spoons of ground oak bark. The armpits should be thoroughly shaved before application and should be treated for two weeks.

Sage infusion

Brew a handful of sage in a thermos, and in a day it will be ready. You should take half a glass twice a day. Treatment should be two weeks.

Chamomile decoction

Collect in summer medicinal chamomile, and pour a liter of water into five tablespoons of dry or fresh inflorescences, boil, reducing the heat to low. Now let it sit for two hours. Wet your armpits and areas of heavy sweating several times a day. You can use napkins soaked in the broth and apply them to the skin and leave for 30 minutes.

Calendula tincture

Pour dried flowers (3 tablespoons) with a glass of alcohol or vodka. Leave for 10 days, shaking occasionally. Wipe with a cotton pad or napkins. Compresses before bed should be done by diluting the tincture at the rate of 200 g warm water And

one teaspoon strong solution. Continue the procedures daily for a month.

Horsetail infusion

The recipe is quite simple, and making it will not be difficult; you need the ingredients in the form of horsetail, alcohol and vodka, in proportions of 1:5:10. Before use as a lubricant, dilute twice.

Medications for hyperhidrosis

Let's talk about medicines, in cases with increased sweating. Doctors believe that there are three main stages of this disease, and in the first two, acceptance medications not required. These are the stages:

  1. A mild stage during which deodorants and antiperspirants are used.
  2. Moderate, in which an obsessive odor, stains and stains on clothes indicate the need for drug therapy.
  3. A severe degree is determined by wet clothes and changing them more than once a day. In this case, the patient’s psyche noticeably suffers and help individual approach necessary.

To treat the first stage, it is enough to prescribe tinctures of valerian, peony, and motherwort. In the second stage, stronger natural, non-addictive tablets may be recommended, belladonna or belladonna.

  • Preparations in the form of tablets: Bellaspona, Belloida, Bellantaminal. All of them help to cope with dystonia, irritation and disorders.
  • Treatment in the form of tranquilizer tablets helps to correct emotionality and stress, and therefore reduce sweating. They reduce anxiety, fear and are taken strictly under the supervision of a doctor. When using Phenazepam, Oxazepam, Diazepam, addiction may occur.
  • During menopause they are prescribed hormonal drugs, relieving hyperhidrosis during menopause. They are prescribed strictly individually, after undergoing a medical examination.
  • The effect of herbal medicines is harmless, they relieve the increase in sweating and have a minimum of contraindications. The action of Clymandion, Feminal, Estrovel significantly reduces hyperhidrosis.
  • To eliminate hot flashes or heavy sweating, sometimes you cannot do without prescribing sedatives, antidepressants, vegetative stabilizers, vitamin complexes and other drugs.

Potent tranquilizers, hormonal drugs, should not be taken during pregnancy if the patient has muscle weakness, or the patient experiences severe depression.

Experience in treating this disease has shown that only a comprehensive method can combat the disease, while it is difficult to achieve effectiveness using one or another method alone.

As you can see, a person has a sufficient number of reasons for increased sweat production, but it is worth remembering that all of them are the result of an unhealthy state of the body. In order to eliminate these reasons, you should follow the “golden” rules:

  • Pass the full examination body.
  • Follow strictly the recommendations of your doctor.
  • If you have excess weight, start immediately working towards losing it.
  • Start eating healthy healthy food, and drink more water.
  • Drink herbal teas, helping to cope with the disease.
  • Study physical activity, those that your health condition allows.
  • visit more often fresh air and in the lap of nature.
  • Always have good mood and increase your vitality.

In the video below, “Folk remedies against excessive sweating of the armpits. Tips and tricks" you can learn more about the fight against sweating: