Mild pain in the ears. What is possible and what is not. If your ear hurts, can you treat yourself with boric alcohol or a strong salt solution?

Aching pain in the ear can be caused by pathologies in any part of the ear system: external, middle, internal. A person often cannot understand where exactly the ear ache is. It seems that the pain is external, but in fact the pain is located in the middle ear or in the auditory tube. In order to properly begin treatment and relieve the patient of tiring, nerve-wracking aching ear pain, you need to consult a specialist. After all, in fact, the ear can ache completely various reasons.

One of the main reasons for the appearance aching pain Doctors consider otitis to be inflammation of any part of the ear area. Otitis can be acute or chronic. In the first form, the pain may be slightly stronger than in chronic forms. But the first initial stage of otitis is treated much faster and does not leave complications or any unpleasant effects. If ignored severe pain, then in the chronic form of otitis the pain is often moderate, that is, aching. Inflammation can develop both in the outer ear - when an infection occurs, and in the middle ear - when the infection spreads to the middle ear. Rarely, but still, otitis of the inner ear occurs when the organs that are responsible for transmitting sound to the cerebral cortex are affected. These diseases require urgent hospitalization.

The causes of any otitis may be associated with:

  • untreated forms of colds;
  • in the ear area;
  • wrong for colds;
  • infection in the outer ear due to improper ear hygiene;
  • the presence of any infectious disease in the human body, etc.

Otitis – serious illness, And the only way To avoid hearing loss and other complications - timely, as quickly as possible, contact an otolaryngologist.

Another disease that can cause aching pain in the ear is perforation (rupture) eardrum. This organ is located on the border of the outer and middle ear and performs sound conduction and protective functions. If it breaks, pain begins and hearing decreases. This pathology can be caused by:

  • getting a small object into the ear;
  • improper cleaning of ears with cotton swabs;
  • low-skilled actions of doctors during diagnostics with a probe;
  • during an inflammatory process or;
  • with a loud sound;
  • when diving sharply to depth, etc.
  • Many causes are mechanical and associated with injuries and bruises.

Aching pain in the ear or both ears can appear when general or local intoxication of the body occurs. Local is the entry of chemical reagents into the ear area. General is poisoning of the body with chemicals, alcohol, tobacco, etc. Often intoxication occurs as a result of prolonged treatment and frequent use of medications. Sometimes the same poisoning can occur due to chaotic use of potent drugs. That's why chemical causes The occurrence of aching ear pain may be associated with:

  • with the presence of serious illnesses;
  • transferred operations;
  • injuries of various types;
  • working in hazardous industries;
  • bad habits, etc.

Aching pain in the ears can occur due to water getting into them. Doctors call this cause “swimmer’s ears.” A person often swims, dives, dives to depth. In addition to changes in external pressure, water periodically enters the ear area. If the entire system is working normally and the ear organs are healthy, then the water that gets into the outer ear will quickly come back out. But if there are disturbances in the organs of the ears, then the water remains in the auditory tube, and if the eardrum ruptures, it enters the middle ear. The inflammatory process begins.

Often, aching pain in the ear can be a consequence of diseases of the nervous system and cardiovascular system. So, for example, circulatory disorders in the body do not allow the ear canals, nerves, roots, bones, cartilage and other organs to receive the required amount of oxygen and beneficial microelements. Blood does not reach all channels and pipes well and does not proper nutrition ear system.

Reduced immunity of the body also contributes to the occurrence of aching ear pain. When the body’s ability to overcome viruses, bacteria, fungi, and microbes is poor, they quickly spread to different organs and systems. Low immunity does not interfere with their development and transition to neighboring tissues and organs. Also when bad work The immune system is also revived by staphylococci, streptococci, Escherichia coli and tuberculosis bacilli. These microelements are present in the microflora of everyone healthy person. And when unfavorable factors, in particular, a decrease in immunity, I begin to become more active and destroy healthy cells of the body, causing and various pathologies ear system.

Only a doctor after diagnosis can determine the cause of your nagging pain in the ear area.

Associated symptoms

At various diseases ear aching pain is complemented by other symptoms. More often:

  • decreased perception of sound;
  • pain in different parts of the head;
  • feeling of heaviness in the ear and temporal areas;
  • speech disorders, etc.

With unilateral pathology, this symptomatology concerns the pathology of one ear, with bilateral pathology - both.

The number of symptoms increases depending on the stage of the disease; the higher the degree of development of any disease, the more extensive the symptoms. Thus, additional symptoms may accompany severe hearing loss:

  • loss of coordination;
  • pressure surges;
  • vomit;
  • temperature, etc.

It must be taken into account that the symptoms, even with the same diagnosis, different people manifests itself in different ways. If a person increased threshold sensitivity, then the pain will be more severe, and the symptoms will be more pronounced. With nervous disorders, ear pain may appear, accompanied by increased fatigue, excitability, insomnia, and so on. There is a group of patients who have symptoms even with acute forms the disease is practically not expressed. They do not know about the existence of pathology of the ear system. This is why otolaryngologists advise undergoing preventive examinations ears, even if nothing bothers you yet.

Identifying the disease at the initial stage means it is easy to cope with it.


When a patient comes to the doctor with a nagging ear pain, the doctor must conduct an extensive diagnosis. After all, such a symptom is a sign of many diseases, and not necessarily the ears. The doctor will begin with a detailed conversation with you. A history of the disease will help the specialist understand the main reasons that could cause this pain. After an external examination, the ENT specialist will move on to examining the ears: otoscopy, endoscopy, and a light beam. Will conduct tests on auditory perception speech. If necessary, will prescribe:

  • Ultrasound, x-ray;
  • tomography;
  • computer research, etc.

To make an accurate diagnosis, the doctor will need to exclude concomitant diseases, identify the entire spectrum of diseases that exist in the patient’s body. For this purpose, an MRI may be prescribed and specialists of related specialties may be involved. Play a major role in making a diagnosis laboratory tests: tests of blood, urine, contents of the auricle.

Once the diagnosis is made, the doctor prescribes treatment.

Treatment of aching pain with medications

Treatment will depend entirely on:

  • causes of the symptom;
  • from the main causative agent of the disease;
  • forms of the disease;
  • type of disease;
  • stage or degree of development of pathology;
  • the presence or absence of other diseases;
  • personal intolerance to drugs and components;
  • patient's age;
  • general condition his health;
  • features of physiology, etc.

The doctor must take everything into account so that the treatment is effective and does not cause complications or addiction.

At inflammatory in nature disease, the doctor may prescribe: general and local antibiotics. Antibiotic therapy can be:

  • external;
  • intramuscular;
  • by intravenous drip – droppers;
  • tableted.

Doses and duration of antibiotic use are prescribed individually.

Drops in the ears are prescribed - Otipax, Kantibiotic, Otinum, etc. Drugs that strengthen the immune system, antihistamines, antibacterial, vitamins of various groups. In combination with medications, in particular, for some forms of otitis, it is advisable to prescribe physical treatment.

If the organs of the ear system are damaged and the pain is caused, for example, by a ruptured eardrum, the doctor prescribes vasoconstrictor drugs to stop the increase in membrane rupture. At minor violations the doctor prescribes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which accelerate the restoration of membrane tissue. For large gaps, operations will be indicated: myringoplasty - replacement of membrane tissue, ossiculoplasty - replacement of other organs of the ear system with implants. With these types of treatment, it is possible to use materials both from the patient himself (skin) and artificial ones made from titanium, Teflon, plastifor, etc.

If aching pain in the ear is caused by a runny nose, the doctor will prescribe mucolytic drugs that are good at removing mucus and phlegm from the body. This is especially true when ear diseases are purulent in nature.

Traditional treatment for aching pain

Treatment with medicinal herbs can become part of a treatment complex for aching ear pain. IN in rare cases the doctor will advise using folk remedies as monotherapy - the only thing necessary. Still in the foreground drug treatment. But for a number of pathologies of the ear system, it is effectively supplemented with herbal teas, decoctions, infusions, lotions, compresses, baths, etc. And only a doctor will advise which plant or collection of plants should be brewed and used internally or externally. You should not resort to treatment with your “favorite” herbs on your own. The treatment complex must be completely built by the doctor. Perhaps this is contraindicated for your ear pathology. Consult your doctor before starting treatment, even with seemingly harmless traditional medicine recipes.

Every person, at least once in his life, has encountered such a problem as ear pain. Complain about discomfort both very young children and the elderly can affect their hearing organs; they are not immune from inflammation and painful sensations in the ears of teenagers and middle-aged people. Of course, for everyone, these painful sensations have their own character and strength: for some, there is just a slight tingling in the ear and these symptoms go away on their own after some time, for others, the pain becomes so severe that it seems as if the head is being squeezed into the ear. in a vice. Ear pain may be accompanied by high temperature and temporary hearing loss, some ear diseases and do not pass without consequences at all, leading to serious complications.

Why does ear pain occur? What can even a slight tingling in the ear signal? What dangers do hearing diseases pose and what are the symptoms of the most common ear diseases? Everyone should know the answers to these questions, because by the strength, nature and location of painful sensations in the ear, one can almost certainly determine the cause of the pain (every disease, as is known, has its own symptoms). The main reasons why your ear may hurt are: purulent inflammation or injury.

Pain in the ears can be pressing, aching, or shooting. If it is localized specifically in the area of ​​the auricle and the outer part of the ear canal (and also painful sensations are detected when pressing the tragus) - these symptoms indicate otitis externa(ear inflammation). Shooting pain, the location of which is difficult to determine (it hurts somewhere deep and sudden attacks), and a high temperature appears - the cause of all this torment is probably otitis media.

Otitis externa, in turn, can be limited or developed. Limited occurs due to inflammation of the sebaceous gland sac. Most often, the cause of this inflammation is a mechanical factor, for example, improper manipulation of ear sticks. Limited external otitis may also occur against the background of certain diseases - gout, diabetes, hypovitaminosis. Advanced otitis media occurs due to exposure to various bacteria V subcutaneous layer, for example, fungus.

Otitis media can be chronic, acute, purulent or catarrhal. The severity of the inflammatory process depends primarily on the state of the immune system. The cause of infection in the ear is usually a cough and runny nose (especially when sneezing or not blowing your nose correctly).

Also, one of the reasons for ear pain can be perichondritis. This is an infection of the skin or the protective cartilage that gives shape to the ear.

There is also such a disease as swimmer's ear. In this case, swelling of the skin layer occurs. This disease occurs due to extreme humidity and heat. It’s not for nothing that it’s called that, because swimmers who are often in contact with water for a long time suffer from this disease more often than others.

Ear pain can also occur due to pressure - the air flow in the Eustachian tube is blocked. The cause of pressure in the ears can be, for example, sinusitis or even allergic rhinitis.

Often ear pain occurs due to acute mastoiditis - inflammation of the cavity temporal bone, which is located behind the auricle.

In addition, painful sensations in the ear do not always indicate an inflammatory process directly in it, because the pain can also be of a reflex nature. For example, it can “give” into the ear due to sinusitis or tonsillitis. Often, toothache or inflammation of the tonsils can be mistaken for ear pain. In some cases, ear pain occurs due to neuralgia, dermatitis and many other diseases, especially in acute forms.

In any case, the information provided above should never be used to make a diagnosis yourself. All these examples were given so that you realize how serious the diseases that are signaled by ear pain. If it appears, you should immediately consult a doctor. The specialist who deals with this problem is an otolaryngologist. Only he can give you the correct diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment.

Human ears are one of the most important sense organs through which an individual’s understanding and assessment of himself and the world around him is formed.

Their purpose is to perceive sound vibrations. Auditory sensations for a person are as important as vision, the ability to taste food and smell around.

Ear pain is one of the most unpleasant. After all, it seems to be drilling into the head and, it seems, is about to reach the brain. It usually occurs at night or in the morning, and then bothers you all day long. It is impossible to endure such sensations for a long time, so you cannot do without the help of a specialist. The doctor, having carried out his medical procedures, will determine the cause of the pain and will definitely prescribe necessary procedures and medicines.

Why does my ear hurt? Reasons

When your ear hurts, it is unlikely that you will be able to ignore it and do your usual activities. There may be many reasons that provoked such unpleasant and painful sensations, but there are several main ones. In most cases, the culprit of the problems is colds, the treatment of which has not received due attention. And, as a result, complications and ailments of other organs, in particular the ears.

The causes of pain are the following:

  • Otitis- inflammatory process in the ear. The causative agents of the disease are pathogenic bacteria, which are activated during viral or bacterial catarrh of the nose. A person coughs, sneezes, blows his nose, and microorganisms penetrate through the auditory tube into the ear.

    Depending on what part of the hearing organ is localized pathological process, otitis media happens:

    • outer;
    • average;
    • labyrinthitis (inflammation of the inner ear).

    Otitis media affects children more often. Most children under three years of age have at least one episode of middle ear disease.

    The disease can occur in acute and chronic form; it can also be catarrhal and purulent.

    With otitis media, the pain in the ear is severe, and it is often impossible to relieve it with any painkillers. In addition, the body temperature rises and pus may flow from the ear canal.

    In case of otitis media, you should immediately consult a doctor, because different types diseases are treated differently.

  • Sinusitis– development of the inflammatory process in the mucous membrane paranasal sinuses nose It can be caused by both viruses and bacteria. It occurs as a complication of acute rhinitis, influenza, and other infectious diseases. It can also be the result of injuries to the facial area. Unpleasant sensations in the sinuses are complemented by dull ache in the ear.
  • Mastoiditis. This inflammatory process covers the mastoid process of the temporal bone. The disease appears after acute otitis media and is its complication. Pain in the ear is throbbing. Possible leakage of pus. The auricle is protruding, the area behind the ear is swollen and reddened.

    The disease is very dangerous because it develops purulent process can cause meningitis due to the anatomical proximity of the meninges.

  • Otomycosis. The disease is characterized by the development of a fungal infection on the walls of the outer or middle ear. At first, the disease manifests itself quite modestly: there is a slight tingling in the ear canal, and the skin is a little itchy. But then the pain intensifies, noise and discharge of gray, dirty black or yellowish color appear. There is no way to do it without the help of a doctor. Examination of the ear and examination of the discharge under a microscope help to recognize the disease.
  • Tonsillitis- inflammation palatine tonsils, the cause of which is a bacterial or viral infection. Along with the throat, the ear, which is closely connected with the nasopharynx, also hurts. It is through this that the infection enters the ear canal. Painful inflammation affects both the throat and ear.
  • Caries- a disease related to teeth. Its course is characterized by the destruction of enamel and bone substance (dentin).

    Pain in the affected tooth caused by acute caries often radiates to the auricle. Only a dentist can relieve these aching and throbbing sensations.

  • Lymphadenitis- damage to the lymph nodes. The condition is serious and often causes ear pain. She appears out of defeat maxillary lymph node and is especially felt when swallowing saliva and chewing food. In addition to painful sensations, hearing impairment, tinnitus, and ringing are observed. As a rule, such illnesses require hospital treatment.

Ear pain can be caused by other reasons:

  • Entry of a foreign body into the ear canal. Removing it yourself is very dangerous. This foreign object may penetrate too deeply into the ear. Removing it is risky: the eardrum is at risk of damage.
  • Rupture (perforation) of the eardrum. This pathological condition appears due to traumas suffered or inflammatory processes.
  • Presence of sulfur plug. It not only impairs hearing, but is often accompanied by pain in the ear canal.
  • Pinched nerves. This condition is accompanied by pain in the ear, which can be described as pulling and throbbing. They often intensify as soon as you turn your head sharply or simply smile.

Ear pain: what to do? First aid

When the cause of painful sensations is a cold, then ordinary nasal drops can help out. By cleaning the nasal passage with them, you can feel relief in the ear. In addition, the pharmacy sells special drops that also help relieve pain.

If your body temperature is normal, you can prepare warm salt compress. When you apply it to your ear, you immediately feel relief. To make such a compress, you need to heat the salt and wrap it in a towel or put it in a fabric bag. But such a procedure will help only at the very beginning of the disease.

Relieves pain well boric alcohol. You need to moisten a cotton wool in it and insert it into your ear. But here you need to be careful. If there is individual intolerance, then this method cannot be used.

To relieve pain caused by wax plugs, you can drop drops into your ear. hydrogen peroxide. It will help the wax move away from the walls of the ear canal, and it will be cleaned with a cotton swab.

No way the ear cannot be warmed if there are purulent discharge and throbbing pain in the head. You should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Ear pain caused by damaged teeth can only be cured by a dentist. Caries does not go away on its own, especially if it is so deep that the nerve is exposed. You can only dull the painful sensations for a short time with the help of painkillers and rinses. You need to dissolve a teaspoon of soda and a pinch of salt in a glass of warm water, add two or three drops of iodine. Rinse the aching tooth with this remedy every hour or two.

Warming the jaw is contraindicated, as this may cause swelling. To avoid spreading the infection, you should not touch the sore spot with your hands, pick your tooth, or rub your gums. Even if the pain has subsided, you should definitely see a dentist. After all, the next time a tooth becomes inflamed, not only the ear, but also other organs (stomach, kidneys, heart) may become ill. Advanced caries is a constant source of infection, and you should not delay its elimination.

When the cause of pain is a pinched nerve, the painful sensations appear suddenly and have an attack. different character. They occur when brushing your teeth, eating, or even a gust of wind. This pain, like an electric shock, pierces the ear, facial spasms and redness may appear.

Home remedies are useless here, you need medical assistance. The specialist usually prescribes antispasmodics which should reduce pain. They are sometimes prescribed along with anticonvulsants.

You can achieve a positive effect by taking tricyclic antidepressants. But they must be used with caution, since these medications have many contraindications. It won't hurt to drink sedatives such as valerian, motherwort, lemon balm. B vitamins will help strengthen the nervous system.

In order not to worsen the situation, you need to temporarily abandon strong tea, coffee, hot and spicy dishes. To prevent pain of this origin, it is important not to freeze and always dress for the weather.

A very sharp and powerful sound can rupture the eardrum. If fluid begins to flow from your ear, you need to cover it with sterile cotton wool and be sure to consult a doctor. Just in case, you need to take an antibiotic. He won't interfere.

There are, at first glance, funny situations when an insect flies into your ear. However, the situation is serious, the ear canal must be emptied immediately. To do this, pour vegetable oil or warm water into the ear. The insect should float out. If this does not happen, we go in search of a doctor.

How to get rid of ear pain at home: folk remedies

When the pain occurs at night or away from home and there is no way to get to a specialist, you need to try to help yourself.

Folk remedies will come to the rescue.

  • If the ear pain is stabbing and shooting, and its cause is a cold, vegetable oil will help. You need to warm it up, put it in a pipette and add two or three drops. Then tie your head with a warm scarf.
  • An onion compress will reduce pain. The middle head needs to be cut so that it turns out to be a paste. Then place it in a gauze or fabric bag. Apply the compress to the sore ear and tie it with something warm. After about twenty minutes the pain should subside.
  • Prepare golden mustache tincture. Pour four tablespoons of crushed plant into 2/3 cup of vodka. Place in a dark and cool room for a week. To reduce pain, soak in herbal tincture cotton wool and insert it into the ear. Store the product in the refrigerator, otherwise it will become unusable.
  • In inflammatory processes, a warm infusion of chamomile often helps. You can wash your sore ear with it. To prepare the infusion, you will need a teaspoon of herbs per glass of boiling water. The product is used in strained form.
  • Melissa will help reduce pain. But the preparation takes a long time. For a whole week you need to infuse lemon balm herb in vodka in a ratio of 1:10. Then strain and store away from light. The infusion helps quite well: the pain subsides almost immediately after introducing a few drops into the ear.
  • You can cope with unpleasant sensations, as well as suppuration and microbes, with the help of garlic. You need to prepare an oily remedy, which is infused for eight hours and instilled into the sore ear. Finely chop two cloves of garlic and add three tablespoons vegetable oil. Boil and, after the product has infused, strain through a layer of gauze.
  • Propolis helps with many diseases. Mix one part of its 10% extract with two parts olive oil, shake well. Soak a cotton swab with the resulting product and place it in the ear for a couple of hours. You need to do this at least twice a day, and total quantity procedures – fifteen. For prevention, such manipulations can be repeated after two weeks.
  • A few drops of almond oil placed in the ear daily can help relieve pain. After the procedure, the ear canal should be closed with a small cotton swab.
  • Peel the beets, grate them and squeeze out the juice. Then heat it and instill it, just like almond oil.
  • Lemon also helps a sore ear. A small and unpeeled slice of it should be eaten daily. Lemon that is too sour is sprinkled with sugar or honey.
  • You can stock up on juniper tincture in advance. You need to fill a hundred-gram container halfway with its fruits and fill it with vodka. Leave in a dark room for about three weeks, shake occasionally. Instill three drops of the tincture at night. It is preheated.

No matter how much a person trusts traditional methods, using only them is unsafe not only for health, but also for life. Tinctures, decoctions, and self-prepared ointments can only be an addition to the main therapy prescribed by the doctor.

Self-treatment of painful sensations in the ear can lead to hearing loss, burns, cosmetic defects and development serious complications. The pain will pass for a while, but the reasons for its appearance will not go away. Therefore, in order not only to stop the unpleasant sensations, but to prevent them from reoccurring, you need to consult a specialist. It’s not worth the risk, especially since the treatment of most ear diseases produced in outpatient setting. But complications can lead to a hospital bed in a hospital.

Ear pain is a common symptom that can bother both children and adults. It may be caused by the following reasons:
  • inflammatory diseases of the ears (otitis) and neighboring organs;
  • damage to the nervous system and auditory nerve;
  • pathologies of neighboring organs (neck, ENT organs, blood vessels, brain, etc.);
  • tumor processes.
At various pathologies pain in the ear has a different character: it can be stabbing, shooting, pressing, pulsating. It is often accompanied by others symptoms. The patient must tell the doctor about all this at the doctor’s appointment in order for it to be established correct diagnosis and effective treatment was prescribed.

Possible causes of ear pain in healthy people

Ear pain is not always a symptom of illness. Sometimes it can occur in a healthy person as a result of the following reasons:
1. Many people often experience ear pain after walking in windy weather. If the auricle is exposed to strong gusts of wind, a so-called painful bruise is formed: the skin of the ear in the affected area acquires a bluish tint and becomes painful. This condition goes away on its own without treatment after some time.
2. A common cause of ear pain is the so-called swimmer's ear. If water constantly gets into the external auditory canal, it contributes to softening of the skin and the formation of edema. If this condition occurs over a long period of time, it can lead to the development of otitis externa.
3. Sometimes pain, fullness and tinnitus can be symptoms of excess earwax production. Piling up in large quantities, it clogs the ear canal and leads to unpleasant sensations.
4. Pain and dryness in the ears, on the contrary, indicate a lack of sulfur.

Ear pain due to inflammatory diseases

Otitis externa

Otitis externa is an inflammatory disease that affects the auricle and external auditory canal. With this pathology, ear pain is the leading symptom. The following clinical picture is typical for external otitis:
  • Painful sensations can be expressed in to varying degrees: sometimes they are minor, and sometimes there is very severe pain in the ear, which interferes with sleep, work and other activities.
  • Typically, the pain lasts for several days and then begins to subside on its own.
  • The pain is accompanied by temporary hearing loss.
  • Other unpleasant sensations occur in the ears: a feeling of congestion, noise, itching, ringing.
  • Since otitis externa is inflammatory disease, with it, ear pain is often combined with an increase in body temperature.
  • Redness of the skin in the ear area.
  • The pain intensifies if you easily pull the patient's ear, or press on certain parts of the auricle.
The diagnosis of external otitis is established after examining the patient by an ENT doctor. Treatment is prescribed in the form of ear drops, antibiotics, and painkillers.

Acute pain in the ear due to inflammatory lesions of the skin of the auricle, and in the area of ​​the external auditory opening
These conditions can be classified as types of otitis externa:
1. Perichondritis- inflammation of the skin that covers the cartilage of the auricle. In this case, there is pain, itching and other unpleasant sensations, redness of the skin.
2. A furuncle of the ear is a purulent-inflammatory formation, which is commonly known as a boil. A cone-shaped elevation appears on the skin of the ear, very painful to the touch, and in its center there is a purulent-necrotic “head”. There is swelling and redness of the skin around it. The boil is accompanied by acute pain in the ear and a feeling of discomfort, but in no case is it recommended to squeeze it out yourself, as this can lead to the spread of infection into the cranial cavity.

Otitis media

Otitis media is an inflammatory disease of the middle ear, which is separated from the outer eardrum. Consequently, this pathology is more serious than otitis externa, although it is not always possible to distinguish them from each other.

The main reasons for the development of otitis media:
1. Penetration of infection into the tympanic cavity.
2. Injuries.

Otitis media is almost always accompanied by severe pain in the ear. It intensifies significantly during chewing and swallowing, as a result of which the patient may refuse to eat. Also a significant gain pain syndrome noted when pressing on the auricle and pulling the ear. To reduce pain, the patient lies on the side corresponding to the sore ear. In children, this symptom is even more pronounced.

In addition, with otitis media the following symptoms are present:

  • Temporary hearing loss, and if the eardrum is destroyed by an infectious process, complete deafness may develop in one ear.
  • Increased body temperature, general malaise.
  • Unpleasant sensations in the ear, as with otitis externa: ringing, noise, congestion.
  • Severe pain in the ear with otitis media can last for quite a long time, and in the absence of adequate treatment, the disease can develop into chronic form, and lead to serious complications.
The diagnosis of otitis media is made by an otolaryngologist. If you experience severe ear pain or other symptoms, you should immediately visit a doctor. Treatment includes the use of ear drops and the prescription of antibacterial drugs.

Internal otitis

Inflammatory damage to the inner ear is perhaps the most serious type of otitis media, which can lead to complete loss hearing and other severe impairments. ENT doctors often call this disease labyrinthitis, since the bony labyrinth - the cochlea and semicircular canals - is affected. Here are the hearing receptors, as well as the organ of balance - the vestibular apparatus.

The leading symptoms of internal otitis are pain and tinnitus, hearing loss, dizziness. They usually occur 1-2 weeks after the patient has had bacterial infection. This time is enough for pathogens to enter the inner ear through the bloodstream and cause an inflammatory process in it.

In addition to pain and tinnitus, internal otitis is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • severe attacks of dizziness, accompanied by nausea and vomiting - the picture strongly resembles seasickness;
  • impaired sense of balance, unsteady gait;
  • twitching eyeballs– nystagmus;
  • fever is a symptom characteristic of any inflammatory process;
  • if the disease progresses to purulent form, then it leads to complete loss of hearing in the affected ear, and persistent disturbances in the organ of balance.
To identify the causes of pain and tinnitus with internal otitis, the patient is examined by an ENT doctor. These are used additional methods diagnostics such as computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. Antibiotics and other drugs are prescribed for treatment. Sometimes, in severe cases, there is a need to hospitalize the patient.

Help for ear pain caused by otitis media

If you experience ear pain and other symptoms of otitis media, it is better to immediately contact an otolaryngologist. Before visiting a doctor, help with ear pain may include the following:
  • put drops into your nose to make breathing easier;
  • drip three drops of a 1% dioxidine solution into the affected ear;
  • Take a one-time antipyretic.

Acute pain in the ears due to injury

Pain is the leading symptom of ear injuries. The most common traumatic injuries occur:
1. Bruises of the auricle and skin around the ear from impacts and falls. A bruise often forms at the site of injury. If there is severe pain in the ear, and blood or clear fluid is discharged from it, a suspicion of a fracture of the base of the skull arises. The victim must be taken to the hospital immediately.
2. Barotraumasharp increase pressure inside the tympanic cavity. For example, this can occur during loud, sharp sounds (a shot from a gun), or pressure changes in an airplane. There is pain and congestion, and tinnitus. These symptoms usually go away on their own. Sometimes the patient is only bothered by congestion in the ear, without pain. If you experience severe pain and prolonged hearing loss, you should see an ENT doctor.
3. Foreign body in the ear. Often found in children. Once in the ear canal, small foreign bodies lead to swelling of the skin - as a result, they are fixed inside like an anchor, and they become very difficult to remove. Pain and itching in the ear, decreased hearing (due to blockage of the passage) are noted. You should not try to remove a foreign body from the ear yourself, as careless actions can damage the eardrum. You should contact an ENT doctor.
4. Burns and frostbite of the auricle, skin in the ear area. They manifest themselves in the form of acute pain in the ear of varying severity and hearing impairment. The affected skin has a characteristic appearance.
5. Eardrum ruptures most often occur as a result of foreign bodies getting into the ears, and cleaning the ears with sharp objects that are not intended for this. At the time of injury there is a strong feeling sharp pain in the ear, sensation of noise. Sometimes the victim loses consciousness. Hearing loss occurs. If the damage was minor, and subsequently there was no infection, then spontaneous healing occurs - hearing is restored. In other cases, surgery may be required.

How to relieve pain after injury?

If the pain in the ear is caused by a bruise, then on the first day after the injury, local cold can be applied. Subsequently, on the 3rd day, thermal procedures are used: a warming compress, iodine nets, etc. If the injury was severe enough, then you must immediately go to the emergency room.

For an ear burn, first aid depends on the degree of damage:

  • For a first-degree burn (if there is only redness), you need to lubricate the skin in the affected area with an alcohol solution; As a rule, ear pain and other symptoms go away fairly quickly.
  • If there is a second degree burn (blisters on the skin), then you need to rinse the affected area with cold water, apply a clean bandage and immediately go to the emergency room.
  • If there is a more severe burn, then you need to go to the emergency room as soon as possible.
  • If you suspect a ruptured eardrum, cover your ear with a cotton swab and immediately go to the hospital.
For frostbite, first aid is standard: the victim is brought into the room, the skin is rubbed with alcohol. If blisters or areas of blackening appear on the skin, or there is severe, prolonged pain in the ears, you should immediately seek medical help.

Under no circumstances should you remove a foreign body from the ear yourself. Only an ENT doctor can do this correctly.

Noise and ringing in the ear without pain: Meniere's disease

Sometimes unpleasant sensations in the ear, such as noise and ringing, occur in isolation and are not accompanied by pain.

Often noise and ringing in both ears without pain are symptoms of increased blood and intracranial pressure, a disorder cerebral circulation, hypotension.

And if these symptoms persist in one ear, you may have Meniere’s disease, a pathology that occurs as a result of impaired blood flow in the small arteries that carry blood to the inner ear, and increased fluid pressure in the cochlea and bone labyrinth. These disorders usually develop between the ages of 25 and 40.

Most often, noise and congestion in the ear with Meniere's disease are combined with the following symptoms:

  • the lesion affects only the right or left ear; the bilateral nature of the disease is extremely rare;
  • dizziness, loss of balance;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • an attack can last from several hours to a day;
  • usually after an attack there is a decrease in hearing, which progresses with each new time.
If left untreated, Meniere's disease can lead to complete deafness over time. A person who experiences ringing and noise in the ears without pain, and other symptoms, should consult an ENT doctor. Medications and physical therapy are prescribed.


The Eustachian tube is a thin canal that connects the pharynx and the tympanic cavity (middle ear). In acute respiratory diseases, an infection can enter it, leading to the development of eustachitis. With this pathology, ear pain can have varying intensity. Sometimes it is very strong, and in some cases it is completely absent. With eustachitis, the following symptoms occur:
  • congestion in the ears;
  • the patient hears a crackling noise;
  • your own voice is heard very loudly, while in general your hearing is impaired, the speech of others is poorly perceived;
  • it’s as if liquid is overflowing in the ear: if water got into your ears while swimming, then you are familiar with this unpleasant sensation.
If untreated, eustachitis often becomes chronic, and subsequently causes frequent purulent otitis media, again and again leading to acute severe pain in the ear. Diagnosis and treatment of pathology are carried out by an ENT doctor. Provided drug therapy with the use of antibacterial drugs.

Pain in the ear due to pathologies of neighboring organs and formations

Arthrosis of the temporomandibular joint

If a patient is bothered by shooting pains in the ear on the right or left (sometimes on both sides) in the morning, most likely, arthrosis of the temporomandibular joint is occurring - a degenerative disease that affects articular cartilage.

Unlike acute otitis, in which ear pain lasts for a short time and then goes away, arthrosis of the temporomandibular joint usually has a long, persistent course.

In addition to shooting pain in the ears in the morning when waking up, this disease has the following symptoms:

  • pain in the ears and in the joint itself can bother you constantly throughout the day, while it is more aching in nature and is moderate;
  • movements of the lower jaw become difficult;
  • There is a crunching sensation in the mouth when opening and closing the mouth. temporal region;
  • at long term arthrosis disrupts the normal closure of the jaws, the patient's bite is disturbed, which sometimes, in especially severe cases, can lead to disorders of chewing and articulation.
Arthrosis of the temporomandibular joint is not an infectious or inflammatory disease, so there are no signs of an inflammatory process. Patients suffering from this pathology never have a high body temperature.

Often, patients themselves associate shooting pains in the ear caused by arthrosis of the temporomandibular joint with manifestations of otitis media. An accurate diagnosis can be established only after examination by an ENT doctor and radiography. Treatment of the disease is usually long-term and involves the use of medications and physiotherapy.

Arthritis of the temporomandibular joint

Arthritis of the temporomandibular joint is a disease that most often has an inflammatory nature and symptoms reminiscent of arthrosis or acute otitis media. Arthritis of the temporomandibular joint is characterized by the following manifestations:
  • pain in the ear on the affected side can have varying degrees of severity: from mild discomfort to very severe, painful;
  • hearing loss is often observed, sometimes even to the point of complete loss;
  • Stiffness in the lower jaw in the morning is very typical: the patient can hardly open his mouth at all;
  • During movements in the lower jaw, the patient feels noise of a different nature: clicking, crunching, rustling.
If it develops purulent arthritis, it may be accompanied by intense ear pain, hearing loss and a feeling of fullness in the ears. In the area of ​​the temporomandibular joint, there is redness and swelling of the skin. Body temperature rises.

The cause of ear pain due to arthritis of the temporomandibular joint is diagnosed at an appointment with an ENT doctor. Treatment measures can include a special bandage, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs. If the purulent process is severe, surgical intervention may be required.


Located behind the auricle on the skull bony prominence, which is called the mastoid process. In different people, it can either be filled with bone substance or contain a cavity inside. If pathogenic microorganisms enter them through the bloodstream, or an injury occurs, an inflammatory process may develop in the mastoid process– mastoiditis.

The main symptom of mastoiditis is throbbing pain in the ear and behind the auricle. In addition, other symptoms are often present:

  • swelling behind the ear, redness of the skin may occur;
  • thick discharge from the ears;
  • weakness, increased body temperature, fever;
  • hearing loss, up to its complete loss.
To ensure that mastoiditis, the symptom of which in this case is throbbing pain behind the ear, does not give complications and does not become chronic, a prescription is required proper treatment. If the symptoms described above appear, you should immediately contact an otolaryngologist.

Mumps (inflammation of the salivary gland)

The salivary gland is located under the skin in front of the ear. Purulent mumps is caused by staphylococci or streptococci, and enters the gland in one of three ways:
  • with blood flow;
  • with lymph flow;
  • from a diseased tooth.
The disease is characterized sharp pain in the ear area. It is accompanied by other symptoms such as:
  • increase in body temperature, feverish state, general weakness and malaise;
  • pain in the ear area may be preceded by headache, feeling overwhelmed;
  • pain may occur or intensify during swallowing or chewing;
  • anterior to the auricle under the skin there is a painful swelling, the palpation of which leads to an even greater increase in pain;
  • If you examine the oral cavity, then at the site of the opening of the salivary gland duct you can see redness and the release of droplets of pus.
If the described symptoms appear, as well as acute pain in front of the right or left ear, you should consult a dentist or surgeon. Depending on the stage of mumps, antibiotic therapy or surgical treatment may be used.

Inflammation of the lymph node (lymphadenitis)

In the area of ​​the auricle, under the skin, there are parotid lymph nodes. When they are inflamed, the patient may experience ear pain. More often, lymphadenitis develops as a result of infection entering the lymph node from a diseased tooth, or from other foci of infection in the body, through the blood or lymph flow.
In addition to ear pain, other symptoms of lymphadenitis are characteristic of an inflammatory disease:
  • in the area of ​​the affected lymph node under the skin there is painful swelling and redness;
  • the patient’s body temperature rises and fever may develop;
  • general weakness, malaise, fatigue, as with a respiratory infection;
  • sometimes, as a result of swelling and pain, chewing is difficult, congestion, tinnitus, and hearing impairment occur.
The diagnosis and treatment of ear pain due to lymphadenitis is carried out by an ENT doctor and surgeon. Appointed antibacterial therapy. If a purulent process is detected, surgical treatment is performed.

Ear pain when swallowing

Most often, pain when swallowing in the ear is a symptom of acute otitis media. If we talk about diseases of neighboring organs, then this symptom is characteristic of the following pathologies:
1. Malignant tumors of the larynx and oral cavity. In this case, pain in the ear when swallowing can have varying intensity and bothers the patient for a long time. At the same time, there may be a sore throat, general fatigue and apathy, weight loss, and enlarged lymph nodes in the neck.

You should also contact an ENT specialist if throbbing pain in the ear and behind the ear is caused by mastoiditis, that is, it is constantly present, combined with swelling and redness behind the ear, thick discharge from the ears, weakness, elevated body temperature, hearing loss.

If otitis is caused by a boil in the area of ​​the auricle or perichondritis (inflammation of the skin covering the cartilage of the auricle), you can contact not only an otolaryngologist, but also surgeon (make an appointment).

When ear pain occurs as a result of barotrauma (for example, there was deafening by a sharp and loud sound, pressure drop on an airplane) and is combined with noise and congestion in the ears, you need to contact an otolaryngologist.

When ear pain occurs as a result of a bruise, blow, foreign body getting stuck in the ear, as well as due to a rupture of the eardrum (for example, when cleaning the ear with a pin), it is advisable to consult an otolaryngologist (ENT), but you can also go to see a surgeon.

In case of burns and frostbite of the auricle, you should first contact combustiologist (specialist in burns and frostbite) (make an appointment) and be sure to consult an otolaryngologist. If it is impossible to get to a combustiologist for any reason, then they turn to a surgeon and an otolaryngologist at the same time.

If ear pain occurs in attacks that last several hours and go away on their own, leaving hearing impairment, while pain during an attack is combined with ringing, tinnitus, dizziness, imbalance, nausea and vomiting, Meniere's disease can be suspected, and such In this case, you should contact an otolaryngologist (ENT).

If the pain in the ear has varying intensity and character (shooting, pulling, etc.), combined with various sounds (crunching, noise, clicking, etc.) when moving lower jaw(opening, closing the mouth, chewing, etc.), and sometimes with temperature, redness and swelling in the temporal region, then arthritis or arthrosis of the temporomandibular joint is suspected. In this case, you need to contact an otolaryngologist, orthopedic dentist (make an appointment) or traumatologist (make an appointment). In their absence, you can contact rheumatologist (make an appointment) or a surgeon.

If there is acute and severe pain in the ear area, which intensifies when swallowing and chewing, is combined with elevated body temperature, weakness, malaise, headache, painful swelling in front of the auricle, then mumps is suspected, and in this case it is necessary to contact infectious disease doctor (make an appointment), dentist or surgeon.

When ear pain develops in combination with congestion, tinnitus, hearing loss, painful red swelling in the area of ​​the enlarged lymph node, elevated body temperature, general malaise, weakness, difficulty chewing - lymphadenitis is suspected, and in this case it is necessary to contact otolaryngologist or surgeon.

If pain in the ear occurs when swallowing, appears against the background of existing mumps, sinusitis (sinusitis, sinusitis, ethmoiditis), pharyngitis (pain and sore throat), tonsillitis (sore throat), colds, that is, combined with pain and sore throat, runny nose , cough, fever and other symptoms respiratory diseases(ARVI), you should contact an otolaryngologist or therapist (make an appointment).

If ear pain is combined with a painful, red, swollen, bulging formation on the neck, high body temperature, then an abscess (ulcer) of the neck is suspected, and in this case you should consult a surgeon.

If ear pain is combined with headache (especially severe in the temples and back of the head), noise and ringing in the ears, hearing loss, nausea and vomiting without relief, and worsens with loud sounds and bright light, then an increase in intracranial pressure. In this case, you must contact Cardiologist (make an appointment) or neurologist (make an appointment), and in their absence, you can go to see a therapist.

When pain in the ear is combined with throbbing, aching or shooting pain in the tooth, which is either constantly present or provoked by cold and hot food, very sweet, sour or salty foods, tightly closed jaws, sometimes combined with elevated temperature and swelling in the area of ​​the diseased tooth – caries or pulpitis is suspected. In this case, it is necessary to contact the dentist (make an appointment).

If pain in the ear is felt when swallowing, and does not go away for a long time, is combined with pain in the throat, apathy, increased fatigue, weight loss and enlarged lymph nodes in the neck, then a malignant neoplasm of the larynx or oral cavity is suspected. In this case, you should contact oncologist (make an appointment).

What tests can a doctor order for ear pain?

Since ear pain is caused by a wide range of various diseases, it is obvious that various examinations and tests are prescribed and used to diagnose them. Moreover, in each case, all theoretically applicable instrumental examinations and tests, and from this large list only those that allow confirming the suspected disease are selected, painful in the ear. The choice of specific tests and examinations in each case is carried out depending on the accompanying symptoms, which make it possible to make a preliminary clinical diagnosis and then confirm it with research.

When pain in the ear is caused by otitis or eustachitis, that is, it is felt constantly, intensifies when pressing or pulling on the ear, sometimes when swallowing or chewing, is combined with high body temperature, a feeling of stuffiness, and sometimes deafness in the ear, noise, ringing, itching in the ears, sometimes with a feeling of excessive volume of one’s own voice, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, the doctor prescribes the following tests and examinations:

  • General blood test;
  • Bacteriological culture of discharge from the ear to identify the pathogenic causative agent of the inflammatory process;
  • Audiometry (sign up);
  • Otoscopy (sign up);
  • Determination of patency of the Eustachian tube;
  • Acoustic impedance measurement;
  • Ear manometry;
  • X-ray (sign up) temporal bone;
  • Computer or Magnetic resonance imaging (sign up);
  • Electronystagmography.
For external otitis, the doctor prescribes only otoscopy and general analysis blood, since other studies are not needed to make a diagnosis. If otitis media is suspected, a general blood test is always prescribed and bacteriological culture discharge from the ear (if any), and an otoscopy (examination of the ear by a doctor) is also performed. In case of severe or prolonged chronic course For otitis media, an x-ray of the temporal bone is prescribed to determine the condition and extent of bone damage. And if otitis of the inner ear (labyrinthitis) is suspected, the doctor prescribes a general blood test, x-ray of the temporal region, audiometry (determining hearing) and electronystagmography. If there is a suspicion of brain tumors or a stroke, then an additional tomography is prescribed. If eustachitis is suspected, a general blood test, otoscopy (or microotoscopy), audiometry, hearing testing with a tuning fork, determination of tube patency, manometry and acoustic impedance testing are prescribed.

When there is constant throbbing pain in the ear and behind the ear, combined with the presence of a red swelling behind the ear, thick discharge from the ear canal, general weakness, high temperature and obvious deterioration in hearing, mastoiditis is suspected, and the doctor prescribes the following tests and examinations:

  • Audiometry;
  • Bacteriological culture of ear discharge;
  • Computed tomography;
  • X-ray examination of the temporal bone.
Otoscopy, bacteriological culture of ear discharge and x-ray of the temporal bone are mandatory, since these studies are usually sufficient to make a diagnosis in the vast majority of cases. Computed tomography may be prescribed instead of x-rays if technically possible, or complement x-rays if diagnostic difficulties arise. Audiometry is usually performed to assess how much hearing loss a patient has. If the hearing loss is slightly reduced, then audiometry may not be prescribed.

When otitis is provoked by a boil or perichondritis, the doctor can only prescribe a general blood and urine test to assess the general condition of the body. Any specialized instrumental studies is not necessary to make a diagnosis - after all, everything characteristic features visible to the eye.

If ear pain is caused by barotrauma (pressure drop on an airplane, a sharp and loud sound), the doctor prescribes only otoscopy (examination of the ear with a special device). And if, during otoscopy, pus or other signs of infection of the ear structures are detected, the doctor additionally takes a smear and prescribes a bacteriological culture of the discharge in order to determine the microbe that has become the causative agent of the infectious-inflammatory process.

If the pain in the ear is caused by a bruise, a blow, a foreign body hitting and getting stuck, as well as a rupture of the eardrum (for example, when accidentally poking the ear with a pen, etc.), the doctor prescribes the following examinations:

  • Otoscopy (or microotoscopy);
  • Examination with a button probe to determine the degree of damage to the bone and cartilaginous walls of the ear canal;
  • X-ray of the skull (sign up);
  • Computed or magnetic resonance imaging;
  • Audiometry;
  • Hearing measurement with a tuning fork;
  • Acoustic impedance measurement;
  • Electronystagmography;
  • Vestibulometry;
  • Stabilography.
When ear pain is associated with a stuck foreign body, the doctor prescribes only otoscopy. In all other cases, if an injury to the outer ear is suspected, the doctor prescribes an otoscopy and examination of the integrity of the bone and cartilaginous walls of the ear canal with a probe. However, a button probe examination may be replaced by a skull x-ray. If a middle ear injury is suspected, then otoscopy, skull x-ray, audiometry, hearing measurement with a tuning fork and acoustic impedance measurement (detects damage) are prescribed. auditory ossicles). If an injury to the inner ear is suspected, an x-ray of the skull is required (if technically possible, it is replaced computed tomography), otoscopy, Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain (sign up). If the patient’s condition is satisfactory, then electronystagmography, audiometry, vestibulometry, stabilography are additionally prescribed to assess performance disorders vestibular apparatus and degree of hearing loss.

If ear pain is caused by a burn or frostbite, the doctor prescribes only various tests blood (general, biochemical) and urine (general, Nechiporenko sample (sign up), Zimnitsky (sign up) etc.) during the period of therapy, which are necessary to monitor the general condition of the body. No special studies are carried out to confirm the diagnosis, since it is obvious.

When ear pain appears in the form of periodic attacks that last for several hours and go away on their own, combined with dizziness, loss of balance, nausea, vomiting, ringing and tinnitus, Meniere's disease is suspected, and the doctor prescribes the following tests and examinations:

  • Audiometry;
  • Study with a tuning fork;
  • Acoustic impedance measurement;
  • Electrocochleography;
  • Otoacoustic emissions;
  • Promontorial test;
  • Otoscopy;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain;
  • Vestibulometry;
  • Indirect otolitometry;
  • Stabilography;
  • Electronystagmography.
Diagnosis is usually made based on characteristic clinical symptoms, but an otoscopy is required to exclude inflammatory and other changes in the structures of the ear, as well as magnetic resonance imaging of the brain to exclude a tumor of the auditory nerve. After this, to determine the degree of hearing loss, audiometry, tuning fork testing, acoustic impedance testing, electrocochleography, otoacoustic emission, and promontorial test are performed. To assess the degree of vestibular disorders, vestibulometry, indirect otolitometry, stabilography and electronystagmography are prescribed and performed.

When pain in the ear is of a different nature and is necessarily combined with various sounds (crunching, noise, clicking, etc.) when moving the lower jaw (opening, closing the mouth, chewing, etc.), and sometimes with temperature, redness and swelling in the temporal region, the doctor suspects arthritis or arthrosis of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and prescribes the following examinations and tests:

  • General blood test;
  • Blood test for rheumatic factor and C-reactive protein;
  • X-ray of the joint (sign up) or, better yet, a magnifying X-ray;
  • Computed tomography of the joint;
  • Arthrography;
  • Ultrasound of the joint (sign up);
  • Joint puncture with collection of synovial fluid and subsequent cytological and microbiological analysis;
  • Scintigraphy of the joint and surrounding tissues;
  • Orthopantogram of the jaw;
  • Electromyography;
  • Rheography;
  • Arthrophonography;
  • Axiography;
  • Gnathography.
First of all, an X-ray or magnifying X-ray of the joint is prescribed. If there are signs of arthritis on the x-ray, then tomography, arthrography, ultrasound and scintigraphy of the joint, as well as cytological and microbiological analysis of the synovial fluid, can be additionally prescribed and performed. Ultrasound is usually performed when a joint effusion is suspected, and scintigraphy is needed to evaluate the bone response to inflammation. Arthrography and tomography are usually prescribed only when the diagnosis of arthritis is questionable based solely on X-ray data.

If there are no signs of arthrosis on the X-ray, a tomography is necessarily prescribed. If the X-ray shows signs of arthrosis, then tomography is not prescribed. Next, to assess the condition of the joint and the severity of pathological changes in it, arthrography and orthopantogram are prescribed. To study the activity of the masticatory and temporal muscles, electromyography is prescribed. And to assess the functions of the joint, rheography, arthrophonography, gnathography and axiography are prescribed and performed.

A general blood test is prescribed to assess the activity of the inflammatory process, and blood tests for rheumatic factor and C-reactive protein are always performed in order to understand whether the joint disease is caused by a systemic rheumatic process.

When there is acute pain in the ear area, aggravated by swallowing and chewing, combined with high fever, weakness, malaise, headache, swelling in front of the auricle, the doctor suspects mumps and prescribes the following tests and examinations:

  • General blood test;
  • Alpha-amylase activity in the blood;
  • The presence of antibodies to the mumps virus (IgG, IgM) in the blood using ELISA.
A general blood test is usually prescribed to assess the general condition of the body. And other specified tests are rarely prescribed in practice, since the diagnosis of mumps is based on clinical picture, and instrumental and laboratory diagnostics are actually not needed.

If ear pain is combined with congestion, tinnitus, hearing loss, painful red swelling in the area of ​​the enlarged lymph node, elevated body temperature, general malaise, weakness, difficulty chewing, the doctor suspects lymphadenitis and prescribes the following tests and examinations to confirm it :

  • General blood test;
  • Ultrasound of affected lymph nodes (sign up) and fabrics;
  • Computer or magnetic resonance imaging of the affected nodes;
  • Dopplerography (sign up) nearby lymphatic vessels;
  • X-ray contrast lymphography;
  • Biopsy (sign up) inflamed lymph node.
First of all, a general blood test and ultrasound of the lymph nodes are usually prescribed, since these examinations make it possible to understand whether the inflammation is caused by other, more serious diseases. If there are no such suspicions, no other examinations are carried out. But if the doctors suspected more serious illness, all other above-mentioned studies are prescribed.

When pain in the ear is felt when swallowing, appears against the background of existing mumps, sinusitis (sinusitis, sinusitis, ethmoiditis), pharyngitis (pain and sore throat), tonsillitis (sore throat), colds, the doctor prescribes a general blood test, a general urine test and an examination throat, sinuses and ear with the eye, as well as otoscopy. Other examinations and tests, as a rule, are not prescribed, since the diagnosis in this case is obvious, and otoscopy makes it possible to identify or exclude an inflammatory process in the ear itself.

When ear pain is combined with a painful, red, swollen lump on the neck, and high fever, the doctor suspects an abscess. In this case, only a general blood test can be prescribed to assess the condition of the body, and a coagulogram to assess the blood coagulation system before the operation to open the abscess.

When ear pain is combined with headache, noise and ringing in the ears, hearing loss, nausea and vomiting without relief, and worsens with bright lights and loud sounds, increased intracranial pressure is suspected and the following examinations and tests are prescribed:

  • General blood test;
  • Biochemical blood test (cholesterol, triglycerides, high and low density lipoproteins, creatinine);
  • Fundus examination (make an appointment);
  • Electroencephalography (sign up);
  • Echoencephalography (sign up);
  • Rheoencephalography (sign up);
  • Tomography (computer or magnetic resonance imaging).
First of all, to diagnose increased intracranial pressure, an examination of the fundus of the eye is prescribed, since only this method allows one to accurately identify this pathological condition. All other above methods only allow us to identify the possible cause of increased intracranial pressure. Therefore, if the results of a fundus examination do not reveal signs of increased intracranial pressure, other examinations are not prescribed. If any are identified, then all the specified examinations are carried out.

If pain in the ear is combined with tooth pain of a pulsating, aching or shooting nature, which, in turn, is either constantly present or is provoked by cold, hot, sour, sweet or salty foods, as well as by tightly closing the jaw, caries or pulpitis is suspected. In such a situation, the oral cavity is examined by a dentist, who, based on this, identifies caries. If the dentist suspects pulpitis, he prescribes x-ray tooth (sign up). No other examinations are prescribed for this form of ear pain.

If ear pain is felt when swallowing, is present for a long period of time, is combined with a sore throat, severe fatigue, lethargy, weight loss and enlarged lymph nodes in the neck, it is suspected malignant tumor larynx or oral cavity. In this case, the doctor prescribes a wide range of different examinations - tomography, x-rays, examination with instruments, biopsy of suspicious areas, etc. The specific list of examinations is determined by the doctor in each case individually.


First aid for ear pain various states we have already discussed above. If this symptom occurs for no apparent reason, you must perform the following actions:
1. Visit a doctor immediately or, if the pain in the ear is very severe and is accompanied by a disorder general well-being- Call an ambulance.
2. Make an alcohol compress on the ear:
  • the first layer is gauze soaked in alcohol, with a cutout for the auricle;
  • the second layer is cellophane, also with a cutout;
  • tie the third layer – insulation – with a warm scarf.
3. You can try treating ear pain by taking pain relievers.
4. You can also use ear drops, for example, Otipax.

It is worth remembering that correct and effective treatment of the causes of ear pain can only be carried out by a professional ENT doctor. Therefore, after first aid has been provided, you should seek help from a medical facility as soon as possible.

Folk remedies for ear pain

For ear pain caused by otitis media and inflammatory pathologies of neighboring organs, some folk remedies can help:
1. Instill 2-3 drops of warm nut or almond oil into the ear where pain is noted.
2. Rinsing the ears with chamomile infusion (1 teaspoon of dry plant material per glass hot water– leave, let cool).
3. Compress made from beets boiled in honey.
4. For otitis media that occurs as a complication of a respiratory infection, placing a tampon with onion or garlic in the external auditory canal is effective.
5. Instillation of lemon balm infusion (1 teaspoon per glass of boiling water, cool); can also be consumed as tea.
6. Drops made from honey and alcohol tincture propolis in a 1:1 ratio. Place 2-3 drops into the affected ear once a day, at night.

If folk remedies do not help with ear pain, then you should not wait for complications: it is better to immediately consult a doctor about prescribing treatment.

Painful sensations inside the ear quite often accompany colds and head injuries, for example, with a concussion. The pain is sometimes so severe that it deprives a person not only of sleep, but also of everyday peace. Without proper treatment, the pain is unlikely to stop, which in turn can lead to complications.

Pain inside the ear

The auditory canal is a whole multicomponent system. If at least one of the components malfunctions, symptoms appear indicating the appearance of damage, inflammation, or bruise.

Ear and jaw hurt

This symptom is very common with lymphadenitis. The cause is inflammation of the parotid or submandibular lymph node. The pain can radiate to the temple and even the collarbone. The reason may also be toothache caused by caries or growth of wisdom teeth. Also, pain radiating to the ear and jaw at the same time may appear due to inflammation of the ternary nerve.

Ear pain and tumors

If, in addition to pain in the ear, swelling is also observed, this may indicate. It occurs most often after a cold on the legs. A lump that appears near the ear, the size of which ranges from 3 to 15 mm, may indicate inflammation of the lymph node.

Ear pain and discharge


Therapy is carried out only after diagnosis by a doctor. Drug treatment is prescribed. The doctor can also supplement it with some folk remedies, which can serve as prophylaxis and additional method maintaining the body.


A variety of medications can be prescribed, depending on the symptoms tormenting the patient. Among them:

  • . Necessary to eliminate obsessive pain syndrome.
  • . Necessary and integral means in the fight not only against otitis, but also other ear diseases, as well as lymphadenitis.
  • . Prescribed to patients suffering from inflammation and elevated body temperature.
  • Enzymes. These drugs are administered through eustachian tube. Special nasal drops may be prescribed.

Surgical methods are used only in cases where drug treatment does not give the desired result.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies for ear pain will, at best, not give results; at worst, they will lead to aggravation of the disease. It is worth carefully using the already familiar methods of treating the disease, heating and instilling a solution of hydrogen peroxide.

To any of traditional methods you need to obtain a doctor’s permission and use any of them only after an accurate diagnosis has been established.

What is possible and what is not

This question is quite ambiguous. If you have ear pain, you can do whatever a competent doctor prescribes. And there are several “don’ts”:

  • Do not apply heat to the ear if pain occurs. It is possible only if the doctor announced the diagnosis and recommended this procedure.
  • You cannot supplement a doctor’s prescription with others, auxiliary components at your own request.
  • You should not leave treatment before completing the full course of therapy.

Learn more about treating ear pain in our video:


Prevention of ear pain includes a simple guide, following which you will not return to the original problem for a long time:

  • timely prevention of colds;
  • hardening;
  • proper nutrition;
  • warm clothes in the cold season;
  • prevention of dental diseases;
  • visit a doctor in a timely manner when the first symptoms of ear pain appear.

If you have an ear pain, do not try to deal with it yourself if it does not go away within 24 hours. Operational assistance and correctly prescribed treatment will eliminate the unpleasant symptom from the very beginning.