Yellow-green discharge from a dog. Purulent discharge from the dog's urethra

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Vaginal discharge in a dog is a sign of liquid substance(except urine) on the labia of the vulva (external genitalia). The discharge may be clear or watery (serous), bloody, cloudy and gray, yellow/green (purulent) or dark green/black/brown (postpartum). A dog's white discharge may or may not have an odor. When there is discharge, the dog constantly licks the causative area.
In some cases, vaginal discharge, depending on appearance and cause, is considered normal occurrence. However, the presence of discharge may also be a symptom of a urinary or reproductive tract disorder.

When your dog constant discharge and you don’t know what to do and are looking for advice on the Internet on forums, we recommend not to self-medicate and experiment on your beloved dog, because the consequences of your experiment may disappoint you and your family.

Call us at any number from the contacts section and receive free consultation or arrange a doctor’s home call at the nearest time convenient for you.

Causes of discharge in dogs
Vaginal discharge is normal immediately after birth period. Over the next few days, the discharge appears dark green until discharge brown. In such cases, discharge may persist for up to 3 weeks.

In addition to vaginal discharge, what other symptoms can be observed in a dog?

  • Any type of vaginal discharge other than normal urine flow;
  • Excessive attraction of males;
  • Excessive licking of the vagina;
  • Dog throughout long term rubs her butt on the floor;
  • Increased urination and/or difficulty urinating;
  • Difficulty with bowel movements;
  • Lethargy, fever, increased thirst.

What diagnostics are needed?
It is important to obtain a complete medical history and conduct a thorough medical examination.
Additional studies may include:

What treatment is prescribed for discharge from the loop (vagina) in dogs?
No treatment required vaginal discharge in dogs that are considered normal. Additionally, vaginitis, which sometimes occurs in young puppies, often resolves spontaneously after the dog has been spayed or gone through her first heat.
Other causes of vaginal discharge in dogs require specific treatment depending on the reason. Examples of such therapy may be:

  • Surgical removal of the infected uterus, foreign body or uterine or vaginal tumors;
  • Surgical correction of any birth defects ureter, vaginal or rectal walls;
  • Prescription of antibiotics for the treatment of urinary tract infections, bacterial vaginitis, consequences of injury;
  • Corrective therapy for any bleeding disorder;
  • Chemotherapy for selected tumors of the vagina or external genitalia, such as sexually transmitted diseases (lymphosarcoma, transitional cell carcinoma).

How to treat at home if a dog has discharge from a loop? Home care
Administer all prescribed medications as directed by your veterinarian. Observe your pet. If clinical signs does not improve or worsens, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Purulent discharge in dogs they are more common in males than from the loop in females. Externally, they can be light or cloudy (from white to greenish), sometimes mixed with blood. They can often be noticed due to the fact that the dog frequently licks the genitals.

Causes of purulent discharge in dogs

There may be several reasons why a dog has purulent discharge from the genitals. Most often, this is a sign of balanoposthitis - inflammation of the preputial sac. Diseases may also be the cause prostate gland, stones in urinary tract.

To accurately detect the cause of purulent discharge, you need to contact a veterinarian. You can first examine the animal yourself. To do this, you need to lay the dog on its side, lift hind paw. You will need the help of another person, because next you need to fix the penis behind the thickening and push the skin away with your other hand. If the penis is unnaturally red, has blisters, or is painful, there is a problem.

How to treat purulent discharge in a dog?

If the doctor determines that the dog's purulent discharge comes from urethra associated with balanoposthitis, treatment will be local. If there are follicles (vesicles), they are cauterized or removed. Further treatment is prescribed based on the results of cytological and other studies.

In the case when the discharge comes directly from the urethra, an ultrasound examination and urine analysis are performed.

Sometimes the discharge may be associated with venereal sarcoma. In this case, ulcerated and bleeding formations may also form on the mucous membrane of the genital organs. Oncological problems are treated with chemotherapy drugs. And unlike balanoposthitis, this disease is contagious and is transmitted by contact.

Discharge from the genitals is a common problem in male dogs. The nature of the discharge can be light, cloudy (from white to yellow-green), and also mixed with blood. Basically, they can only be seen in males; they are practically never found in males. You may notice both the discharge itself and the fact that the male often licks the penis area.

Why is this happening?

The cause of discharge from the preputial sac is most often inflammation in it (balanoposthitis), but they can also occur with other diseases. There may be several reasons for discharge from the genitourinary opening (inflammation in the urethra or in bladder, prostate diseases, the presence of stones in the urinary tract, etc.). Therefore, in all cases of detection of discharge from the urethra, it is necessary to consult a doctor to accurately determine the cause. Inflammatory diseases preputial sac are often found in young male dogs during puberty.

What needs to be done?

If you notice discharge from the penis, the first thing you need to do is examine it. To do this correctly, you need to put the dog on its side (it’s good if someone helps you), raise the upper hind leg, fix the penis behind the thickening (bulbs) with one hand, and carefully push back the skin (prepuce) with the other. Carefully examine the penis itself (you should be alerted by redness, soreness, the presence of bubbles (follicles) in the area of ​​the base of the penis, the presence of any formations on it). Inspect the opening of the urethra to make sure there is no discharge from it.

When should you see a doctor?

  • if the discharge is heavy or bloody
  • if the discharge comes directly from the urethra
  • if the examination of the penis cannot be carried out by yourself or this causes obvious painful sensations animal
  • if you find any formations on the penis or severe redness on it

ATTENTION!! If, in addition to discharge, you notice any problems with urination in an animal (difficulty, pain, lack of urination), you should contact a doctor URGENTLY!

...and when you can handle it yourself:

If during the examination you did not find the above signs and the general condition of your pet is normal, you can try to deal with it yourself. Most often, this is a common inflammation; in order to cure it, it is necessary to wash the preputial sac 2-3 times a day. To do this, you will need a syringe or a regular 10-20 ml syringe without a needle. The following solutions can be used: chlorhexidine, miramistin, dioxidine. Lay the dog on its side in the same way as when examining the penis, pull the prepuce up a little, insert the tip of the syringe with the solution into the opening of the prepuce and introduce the solution without effort, while lightly squeezing the prepuce with your fingers, then simply let the solution drain into the tray.

You can repeat this manipulation several times. Usually, after 5-7 days of such procedures, the symptoms disappear. If this does not happen, it is better to consult a doctor.

What will the doctor do?

At the clinic, the doctor will conduct an examination and, depending on the expected diagnosis, may prescribe additional research.
In most cases, for balanoposthitis, only local treatment, with the follicular form of balanoposthitis (when blisters form on the mucous membrane of the penis), cauterization or removal of the follicles is performed, this painless procedure and she doesn't demand special training animal. If any formations are detected in the area of ​​the penis or prepuce, additional cytological studies are carried out. Further treatment depends on the results of the studies.

It is worth mentioning such a disease as venereal sarcoma. With this disease, ulcerated, bleeding formations can form on the mucous membrane of the genital organs. This disease is oncological and, as a rule, responds well to chemotherapy drugs. This disease can be contagious to other dogs and transmitted through contact.

If the discharge comes directly from the urethra, then further diagnostic and therapeutic measures will probably include an ultrasound perhaps X-ray examination, urine analysis. Treatment will depend on the disease identified.
Although balanoposthitis is not a contagious disease, if you have a breeding cable and you notice this problem in him, then 5-7 days before mating you need to treat the preputial sac as recommended above. If the discharge does not go away, be sure to show your dog to a doctor.
For people, these diseases do not pose any danger, but it is still worth observing personal hygiene measures. If your pet has discharge from the prepuce, and you have small children in the house, then it is worth treating the floors with any household disinfectant.

Childbirth in dogs is a natural process and most often it occurs without complications. But in some cases, something can go wrong. The condition of the animal can be determined by discharge from the genitals, which can be normal or pathological. Every owner of a pregnant bitch needs to be able to recognize the discharge in dogs after giving birth in order to provide her with timely assistance if necessary.

During the period of bearing puppies, significant changes occur in the body of the expectant mother. Not only does her belly become rounder, but her blood composition also changes and hormonal background. But the main processes still take place in the uterus, where embryo development occurs. After the birth of puppies, this organ should recover quickly, which is the norm.

Bloody, dark brown, greenish

Discharge in bitches immediately after giving birth is a completely natural phenomenon, indicating the cleansing of the uterus. If in the first 2-3 days after the birth of puppies, the dog’s discharge from the genital tract is red-brown in color and has a consistency ranging from thick to mucous, and then gradually lightens and becomes completely transparent or slightly pinkish, then there is no need to worry about anything. At this time, bitches are allowed to have low fever and physiological diarrhea. Also, dogs that have given birth may experience the following discharges:

  • greenish with inclusions (this is the amniotic fluid remaining in the uterus and pieces of the placenta);
  • mucous dark brown, almost black discharge (they get this color from coagulated blood flowing from the smallest vessels upon expulsion of the placenta).

Such discharges are also considered normal, but only on condition that they are not profuse and do not have unpleasant putrid smell and are not accompanied by febrile temperature (above 39.5-41°C).

How long does the discharge last?

Duration postpartum discharge depends on the number of puppies and the size of the mother, and is always individual for each bitch, but they should not last more than 4 weeks.

Pathological discharge after childbirth

Convert close attention The condition of the pet should be assessed if she has discharge from the genital tract:

  • a large amount of watery mucus mixed with blood or thick green or red-brown mucus;
  • purulent or bloody-purulent discharge with a sharp putrid odor;
  • fresh blood with clots;
  • dirty-brown, unpleasant-smelling liquid mucus.

On pathological condition The dog’s body after whelping is indicated by other symptoms: depressed state, loss of appetite, fever, rapid heavy breathing. At the same time, most bitches continue to feed the puppies and care for them, which further aggravates their condition.

What pathologies cause unnatural discharge?

In the first case, the cause of watery mucus is hypotension or uterine atony. This disease is most often observed in dogs during difficult births, large quantities born puppies, retention of placenta, and also caused by damage to the uterus or its cervix during treatment obstetric care. Predisposing factors for the development of this disease are poor feeding of the pet, its obesity or, conversely, exhaustion, deficiency or lack of exercise.

Bloody discharge is a symptom of necrosis of the uterine wall in the part where the placenta joins it. This is a condition of acute sepsis, which is accompanied by rupture of the uterine wall, effusion into abdominal cavity its contents and rapidly developing peritonitis. Necrosis can be caused by a dead puppy remaining in the uterus after birth.

Fresh blood emerging from the dog's genital tract is a sign postpartum hemorrhage. It occurs due to rupture of the walls of the uterus or vagina or accompanies disturbances in the normal restoration (involution) of these organs.

Another disease that can develop in bitches after giving birth is acute metritis. This pathology is manifested by an inflammatory process in the uterus as a result of infection birth canal pathogenic bacteria during the whelping process or after it. Metritis is also caused by retention of the membrane, placenta or fetus for more than one day, transfer of pathogens through the bloodstream from the genitourinary organs or intestines, as well as infection during unqualified obstetric care through poorly sterilized instruments or hands. If this disease develops, the bitch will have a discharge of dirty brown mucus with a repulsive odor.

If the dog is not given timely help, it will soon begin purulent inflammation, then decomposition of uterine tissue and intoxication of the body. In severe cases, metritis may result uterine bleeding, seriously threatening the life of the animal. It can be identified by scarlet discharge.

Treatment of postpartum complications in dogs

Treatment for complications that may occur in bitches depends on the type of disease. For uterine atony, the animal is prescribed medications that cause forced contractions of the uterus (Oxytocin) and antibiotics to destroy the bacterial infection. Additionally, the dog is given a massage to mechanically stimulate the activity of the damaged organ. Necrosis is treated only surgically in veterinary clinics, and the sooner the operation is performed, the better.

Treatment for postpartum hemorrhage in bitches can be done pharmacologically and surgically. The choice of one or another treatment method depends on the intensity of metrorrhagia. Conservative therapy consists of ligating vessels in case of perineal rupture or vaginal injuries, and in case of uterine rupture - in the use of hemostatic drugs and uterine contracting drugs, as well as antibiotics. For example, in this case injections are used:

  • 0.1% adrenaline solution;
  • 2-5% solution of stipticine intravenously;
  • 10% solution calcium chloride orally or intravenously.

The dose is calculated depending on the weight of the animal. If the bleeding is severe, urgently take the dog to the veterinary clinic, where it may undergo partial or partial surgery. complete removal uterus. After this, at home, the bitch is applied to the sacrum and lower back. cold compress and give her complete peace.

In case of acute metritis, saline solution is prescribed to restore water and electrolyte balance and an antibiotic to prevent the development of sepsis. If this treatment is not successful, and a fetus or a piece of placenta remains in the uterus, then the dog will be sterilized. Puppies that are nursed by a bitch are taken from her, as the infection can be transmitted to them through milk.

Prevention of postpartum complications

In order for your dog to give birth as easily as possible, you need to start caring for her even before this crucial moment. The animal is well fed, but not overfed, preferably natural food so that it doesn't get fat. Walk at least twice a day, and wash their paws after returning home warm water and gently massage your stomach. Keep the litter clean and change it more often than usual.

Important! The place where the animal usually lies should not be in a draft or in a cold corner of the room. Colds often contribute to the development postpartum complications.

During whelping, if everything goes smoothly, the dog is not disturbed, but only monitored the progress of the process. Immediately after the end of childbirth, the bitch is washed, dried with a clean towel and given slightly salted water. The placenta and bedding are removed and subsequently changed daily. In the first days after whelping, the animal is not disturbed unnecessarily, and even more so, strangers are not allowed near it, so as not to irritate it.

After walks, the dog’s genitals and nipples are also washed, but this is done only in case of severe contamination. If they are relatively clean, then they allow the pet to take care of itself.

In cases where the bitch develops any pathological discharge, immediately consult a doctor in order to begin treatment for postpartum complications as early as possible.

Health reproductive organs dogs are one of the important aspects calm and happy life both the dog itself and its owner. Diseases associated with the genital organs of an animal negatively affect both the reproductive function and the overall health of your pet’s entire body.
The first thing the dog owner pays attention to is the discharge from the loop.

Discharge from a loop in a dog can be a consequence of both normal physiological processes, and a sign of a dangerous pathology.

TO physiological(normal) include transparent discharge from a dog's loop. In consistency, they can be slightly mucous, sometimes mixed with blood, without any sharp unpleasant odor. They occur during estrus, immediately before childbirth and a few days after labor.

TO pathological The discharges include the so-called opaque (purulent). Sometimes owners notice white discharge from the dog's loop. But it's not always color pathological discharge namely white, more often they have a yellowish, greenish, brown or even reddish tint (i.e. mixed with blood) and a strong unpleasant odor.

Physiological processes in which discharge is normal

Estrus (estrus)- stage of the reproductive cycle. This natural process, which indicates that the female has reached puberty.

The timing of puberty often depends on the size of the breed. In miniature (small) dogs, the first heat begins earlier, in large dogs - a little later. The first heat occurs at 6-12 months, sometimes at 1.5 years. If the dog does not have it by the age of 2, then some kind of pathology is possible, and a doctor’s consultation is required. On average, the duration of estrus is 20-22 days. The exact cycle will be established in the female only after several heats. Dogs usually go into heat twice a year, and in some animals - once a year. If it occurs more often, there may be a risk hormonal disorders and also requires a consultation with a specialist.

The dog's reproductive cycle consists of 4 stages:

  1. Proestrus (precursor) lasts approximately 7-10 days.

At this time, the first signs of estrus in the dog appear: blood flow to the genitals increases, the loop swells, and the first bloody discharge appears. But the dog is not ready for mating, since ovulation has not yet occurred. And her behavior is already changing. During this period, dogs can use panties for estrus.

  1. Estrus (actually estrus), sexual hunting.

During this period, ovulation occurs. Changes cellular composition discharge, and to determine the dog’s readiness for mating, in veterinary clinic a smear is performed to determine readiness (i.e., 7-10 days after the first signs of estrus). The discharge itself at this time different breeds dogs can also be different. In some individuals they may be practically absent, in others they become light pink. During the period of estrus, the bitch begins to allow male dogs to approach her: she raises her pelvis, tightens the loop, retracts her tail and freezes.

  1. Metaestrus (end of estrus).

The reddish, light pink discharge disappears, the loop decreases in size. The female stops allowing male dogs to approach her. If pregnancy does not occur, the body returns to its normal state over time.

But in dogs it still persists increased level progesterone, and sometimes, regardless of whether fertilization has occurred or not, some bitches develop false pregnancy, which most often goes away on its own and without consequences. But if suddenly there is thickening of the mammary glands and refusal to eat, you should consult a doctor. Drugs are prescribed to stop lactation and eliminate the symptoms of false pregnancy.

  1. Anestrus (sexual rest) - period of absence of estrus.

The average duration is 100-150 days.

If estrus is too long (protracted), short, frequent or rare, you should consult a doctor.

Discharge that appears immediately before childbirth (it lasts 3-4 days or a little more) and after labor is also considered normal.

Discharge from a loop in a pregnant dog is a pathology!

That is, any discharge during pregnancy is considered abnormal and can be dangerous. Of course, very slight discharge is present during pregnancy, but it is so small that the owner should not notice it. If there is visible discharge, you need to consult a doctor and undergo an ultrasound. This will help you monitor the course of your pregnancy and find out the approximate number of fetuses.

24-48 hours before birth, sticky and thick discharge of a whitish or grayish color appears. They indicate that the so-called “plug” has come out and birth process started. If you notice that your dog's discharge before giving birth has a strong putrid odor and dark color(green, yellow, brown), if the animal’s body temperature has increased (after all, the temperature normally decreases before giving birth), the female should be immediately taken to the veterinarian and an ultrasound scan performed.

After childbirth, the discharge in the first 2-3 days has a brownish color, then it gradually lightens and becomes transparent or with a slight pink tint. The duration of discharge varies from dog to dog. It depends on the size of the dog itself and the number of puppies. Usually by the end of a maximum of 2 weeks postpartum period The discharge becomes scarcer and stops. That is, the involution of the uterus has occurred - its return to its prenatal size.

Subinvolution of the uterus is also possible - disruption or slowing of the reverse development of the uterus to normal (prenatal) sizes. It is rare and most often occurs in young dogs. Accompanied by prolonged (more than 3-4 weeks) sticky discharge, sometimes mixed with blood. This condition can lead to the development of endometritis (inflammation of the lining of the uterus), and with the addition bacterial infection and transition to more dangerous process- pyometra (purulent inflammation of the uterus). For any similar symptoms you need to consult a doctor.

On the 3-4th day after birth, it is recommended to perform an ultrasound of the uterus, since there is a great danger that the closing cervix may not allow large particles of tissue to pass through (for example, the placenta or placenta, perhaps even an unborn puppy). In this case, additional therapy and dynamic ultrasound are required.

Pathological processes in which the discharge is abnormal

Vaginitis, pyometra, endometritis, tumor processes in the genital tract - this is far from full list everyone possible diseases, which pose a danger to the health of the pet and are accompanied by unpleasant discharge And pungent odor. Only a specialist can accurately diagnose the disease and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Vaginitis- inflammation of the vaginal mucosa. With this pathology, minor discharge is observed, the animal licks itself a little more, so most often the owner is not always able to recognize the disease in a timely manner. It is for this reason that vaginitis is often confused with normal estrus. The progression of this pathology entails complications that can seriously deteriorate the dog’s health.

There is also a more rare vaginitis - juvenile. Puppyhood or prepuberty to puberty. This vaginitis is characterized by inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, occurring due to endocrine disorders. This is a disease of young females before the onset of puberty, which is manifested by transparent mucous discharge from the vagina, often with a whitish tint or a thick yellow-green secretion, the abundance of which may vary in different dogs. Vaginal discharge may be accompanied by itching, and dogs may lick the genital area vigorously. Very rarely the disease leads to mild violation general condition, sometimes with an increase in temperature. To establish accurate diagnosis Cytology of a vaginal smear is required, since it has a characteristic picture for this pathology. According to the results of cytology, in the case of a bacterial infection, additional antibiotic therapy is required.

Endometritis also characterize inflammatory processes uterine mucosa. The disease occurs in acute or chronic form. Inflammation of the endometrial walls in bitches initial stage doesn't have bright severe symptoms or heavy discharge and is associated with a violation hormonal balance. As a result, the mucous membrane of the uterus thickens, and increased accumulation of secretions occurs. The secret is favorable environment for infection, so the discharge turns purulent. At chronic endometritis the only symptom there may be an inability of the bitch to become pregnant or bear offspring. Most often, no discharge is observed. The general condition of the dog is quite good.

Pyometra- this is a purulent inflammation of the uterus in bitches. Characterized by the accumulation of purulent contents in the body and horns of the uterus in large quantities. Has this disease two forms: open and closed. The open version is easier for the dog, since the pus comes out through the open lumen in the cervix. When the pyometra is closed, pus gradually accumulates in the uterus, which leads to intoxication of the body, uterine rupture and death of the pet. But you need to understand that open form can easily go closed. The animal may experience a deterioration in its general condition, fever, vomiting, refusal to eat, etc. The disease can lead to fatal outcome. The diagnosis is made based on the collected medical history, general analysis blood, ultrasound and vaginal smear cytology. Most often, treatment is surgical, but feeling good dogs and not so much bad tests drug therapy is possible.

Tumor processes in the genital tract- also a common pathology that leads to the appearance of discharge and deterioration of your dog’s condition.

There are tumors of the ovaries, less often of the uterus, there is also venereal sarcoma, which affects the mucous membrane of the genital organs.

Venereal sarcoma(transmissible sarcoma, i.e. sexually transmitted) - malignant neoplasm, affecting the mucous membranes of the genital organs in dogs. It occurs in females and males used for breeding, or most often in street animals. Owners notice drops of blood coming from the external genitalia, which are often mistaken for estrus. Tumor by appearance reminds" cauliflower"and is localized mainly in the mucous membrane of the genital organs, but mechanically can be transferred to the mucous membranes of the mouth, nasal cavity, and eyes. Infection occurs during mating of animals.

What is the reason for discharge from the snare of a sterilized dog?

This happens extremely rarely, but there are still several possible reasons:

  • during sterilization, part of the ovary remains, and the animal continues to estrus, and accordingly periodic discharge;
  • cultitis - inflammation of the stump of the remaining uterus after its removal;
  • vaginitis - inflammation of the vaginal walls; during sterilization, the ovaries, body and horns of the uterus are removed, the vagina is preserved, and accordingly, inflammation may occur;
  • neoplasms in the vagina.

The exact cause can be determined by visiting a specialist who will prescribe specific therapy or conduct additional necessary research.

As a rule, no complications occur after sterilization, and most veterinarians It is recommended to carry out planned operations - these operations prolong the life of your pets and allow you to avoid a huge number of diseases associated with the reproductive system.

We all know that it is better to prevent any disease in time than to treat it. If any of these symptoms occur, we recommend contacting your veterinarian immediately.