Discharge with a starchy odor. Causes and treatment of white discharge with an unpleasant odor in women

Smell is the most common reason why representatives of the fair sex visit a gynecologist. Are such processes normal or is this a signal that not everything is as good in a woman’s body as it seems at first glance?

Types of discharge

They can be physiological or pathological. In the first case, this phenomenon is observed from the very first menstruation in girls and is associated with the normal functioning of the organs of the reproductive system. With the beginning of the production of female hormones, the ovaries and all other internal secretion organs are activated. Mucus, sweat and fat begin to be quite actively released from the cervix and its glands, as well as from the external genitalia. The constantly renewing vaginal mucosa and cells that have spent their time periodically die and separate. All of the above components when mixed form a white discharge with an odor. They are typical even for absolutely healthy women.

Pathological discharge is a consequence of diseases of the genital organs; most often they are infectious in nature and occur in the form of inflammation. In this case, it is necessary to begin their immediate treatment. White ones can indicate neoplasms of the genital organs, endometriosis, dysbiosis, hormonal imbalances and many other ailments.

Pathological discharges are divided into two groups:

  1. Associated with sexually transmitted diseases.
  2. Not associated with sexually transmitted diseases.

The first group is characterized by the following features:

  • Moderate or scanty white discharge with a specific fishy odor - gardnerellosis.
  • A small amount of discharge that is purulent in nature and is not accompanied by pronounced symptoms is gonorrhea.
  • The discharged substance is liquid, foamy, the smell is strong and unpleasant - acute trichomoniasis.
  • A substance consisting of mucus and pus in relatively small quantities is chlamydia.

Discharges characteristic of the second group are as follows:

  • The discharge is thick, the consistency and smell resemble cottage cheese, they are accompanied by irritation, and in some cases, swelling of the skin around the genitals - thrush
  • White discharge, itching, burning and heat in intimate places in combination with may be symptoms of nonspecific colpitis.
  • Excessive white or yellow-green sticky discharge, worsening after sexual intercourse - bacterial vaginosis.
  • When from the vagina, we can talk about diseases of the female genital organs such as fibroids or cervical erosion, endometritis, and pregnancy pathology.

When should you not worry?

  • It is normal to have jelly-like or creamy discharge in the second half of the cycle; on the days when it ends, the amount of discharge may increase slightly.
  • There is no need to worry about white ones (or those found after unprotected intercourse - this is sperm.
  • White liquid discharge in the morning after intimate relations without a condom is also not a pathology.
  • Brown spotting in the first few months after starting the use of hormonal birth control is considered a normal option.

For women, this is a reason to consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment of the disease. Only a specialist can accurately determine the cause of this unpleasant phenomenon, so self-medication is not worth it. However, remember that white discharge with an odor is not always the result of a particular illness. Don’t worry ahead of time, because all diseases are caused by nerves.

Vaginal odor very often occurs due to an infectious process or from exposure to various bacteria or other microorganisms. Normally, the odor of the vagina is weak and specific, but the main thing is that it does not cause discomfort to others. If infectious diseases occur in the female body, the smell in the vagina and discharge from it will be very unpleasant, often reminiscent of rotten fish or onions. It is also often accompanied by intense itching and burning.

The characteristic smell of discharge can accurately indicate a problem that has arisen, in which case you should immediately consult a doctor. But a bad odor does not always indicate an infection. Sometimes foul-smelling discharge can indicate a metabolic disorder.

In order to find out how to remove such an unpleasant symptom, you need to find out the reasons for its occurrence. This disorder is one of the most common in women of reproductive age and often manifests itself after childbirth. The course of this pathological condition depends on which bacterium caused the unpleasant odor from the vagina (this can only be done with the help of laboratory tests). Treatment consists of a whole range of remedies - from medications to medicinal herbs. But at home, you can get rid of vaginal odor only on the recommendation of your doctor.


Normally, the vaginal odor of a healthy woman is slightly sour, but it is not unpleasant. The main reasons why a rotten fishy smell appears is the influence of bacteria. Against the background of their life cycle, various gynecological diseases begin to develop. These include:

  • , in which the balance between beneficial and pathogenic bacteria is disrupted;
  • – this disorder is characterized by the appearance of white vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor of sour milk;
  • damage to the mucous membrane by a bacterium such as. At the same time, a sour onion or fishy smell is felt;
  • . Often the cause of its manifestation is unprotected sexual contact;
  • chronic inflammation of the uterus and appendages - accompanied by slight discharge white with an almost imperceptible onion smell.

In addition, additional factors for the appearance of vaginal odor are:

  • Irregular implementation of personal hygiene measures;
  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • various diseases transmitted through sexual intercourse;
  • weak immunity of women;
  • refusal of contraceptive methods;
  • changes in vaginal microflora;
  • dystrophy of the mucous membrane;
  • use of certain medications;
  • pathological structure of the vagina;
  • hormonal imbalance - often before the onset of the first menstruation, girls begin to smell an unpleasant smell of onions and fish, but after the onset of menstruation it goes away on its own. Pregnancy, abortion, and pregnancy can also result in a strong odor;
  • use of contraceptives, in particular the intrauterine device, for more than five years;
  • the impact of frequent stressful situations;
  • excessively high body weight;
  • emotionality and impressionability, which female representatives very often succumb to;
  • genetic metabolic disorder.

After childbirth, vaginal discharge often has an unpleasant fishy odor, but this does not cause discomfort to the woman or others. Then the discharge takes on a brown tint and becomes transparent over time. This whole process takes a little over a month. But, if the smell of rot begins to stand out, this means that an infection has been introduced. If the discharge has a strong foul odor and has not changed color, you should immediately contact a gynecologist. In addition, vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor may be discharged after sexual intercourse, after menstruation.


Of course, the main symptom is the appearance of a strong smell of fish or onions, but these manifestations may be accompanied by the appearance of the following symptoms:

  • discharge from clear to yellowish. May be accompanied by the smell of sour milk. In some female representatives they may not stand out at all, while in others they are abundant;
  • itching – often observed during menstruation;
  • pain during sexual intercourse;
  • sticking together of the labia minora - this occurs with a strong secretion of purulent fluid;
  • burning when urinating is a rather rare symptom, which may indicate irritation of the mucous membrane;
  • discomfort in the lower abdomen;
  • inflammation of the uterine appendages.

In addition, the smell from the vagina may differ, and speak for itself about problems in the female body. Thus:

  • the smell of onions indicates the penetration of bacteria;
  • feeling the smell of urine in the vagina - frequent stressful situations or;
  • rotten - inflammation;
  • sperm – changes in microflora;
  • itching and sour smell – inflammation;
  • acetone – ;
  • garlic – excessive consumption of it;
  • iron – detection of blood impurities in secretions;
  • The sweet smell of the vagina appears when eating a lot of sweet fruits.

It is best to start treatment from the moment the first symptoms are detected in order to prevent the spread of infection. If after childbirth the smell and discharge do not go away on their own, it is best to consult a doctor.


Untimely treatment or complete ignoring of vaginal odor can lead to complications such as:

  • inflammatory or infectious processes in the vagina, uterus and appendages, ovaries and urinary canal organs;
  • predisposition to sexually transmitted diseases;
  • increased risk of complications after surgery on the genitourinary system.

To prevent the formation of complications, it is best to contact a gynecologist at the first signs for consultation and treatment, and under no circumstances try to get rid of them on your own. It is important to remember that after childbirth, the occurrence of discharge and odor is a completely normal process. Only a rotten smell should cause alarm.


If a woman has a symptom such as an unpleasant odor from the vagina, there is no need to try to get rid of it on her own, as this can only complicate the course of the disorder. You should make an appointment with a gynecologist as soon as possible.

Diagnostic measures consist of:

  • collecting detailed information about the manifestation of the first symptom, clarifying the period of time when vaginal odor appeared, and the presence of discharge. In addition, the doctor must find out how the pregnancy proceeded, and whether this unpleasant manifestation arose after childbirth or for another reason;
  • direct examination by a specialist, which will help him obtain more information about the structure of the mucous membrane, as well as identify the presence and amount of discharge, their color;
  • collection of secretions for further laboratory research;
  • exclusion or confirmation of the presence of sexually transmitted infections;

After receiving all the test results, the doctor will prescribe the most effective treatment for vaginal odor for each patient individually.


Treatment of unpleasant vaginal odor is aimed at eliminating the causes of its occurrence. It is important to remember that after childbirth, the smell and discharge go away on their own about a month after the birth of the child. Treatment in most cases includes:

  • antibacterial drugs;
  • the use of lactic acid to restore acidity;
  • hormonal treatment;
  • taking bacterial medications that help increase the number of benign bacteria.

Treatment of vaginal odor in a pregnant woman is carried out only after childbirth.

Normally, vaginal discharge should always be present; it is an indicator of the health of the reproductive system. With various diseases and infections, the nature of vaginal secretion changes. By the way the discharge changes, you can determine the approximate reason that caused this process. It is worth knowing about the main causes of discharge with an unpleasant odor in women.

In general, in a healthy woman, the nature of the vaginal secretion depends on the stage of the cycle; it may change slightly during it. However, at any stage, the discharge does not irritate the mucous membrane, is not accompanied by itching or burning, does not have an unpleasant odor or a yellow, green, or brown tint.

The main components of the discharge are normally transudate, epithelial cells that line the vagina from the inside; the smell is given to them by the activity of bacteria that make up the natural healthy microflora. If it is violated, an unpleasant odor and other changes occur.

An unpleasant odor is usually one of the first symptoms that a woman notices. Normally, the smell of discharge is weak, sour milk, due to the activity of lactic acid bacteria. It is never very unpleasant or repulsive when healthy. It may become more severe towards the end of the menstrual cycle.

Therefore, if there is a noticeable change in the smell of the discharge, you should definitely consult a doctor, especially if this process occurs during pregnancy. Many diseases of the reproductive system, without timely treatment, can lead to serious consequences, provoke infertility or even threaten a woman’s life.

Important! You cannot begin treatment of discharge until the main cause of its changes is identified.

Copious discharge with an unpleasant odor: causes

It is worth considering the main reasons for the appearance of discharge with unpleasant odors. You should also pay attention to the accompanying symptoms; they will help to create a more accurate picture of the disease. All diseases and other causes can be divided into several groups.

Colorless discharge with an unusual odor usually does not occur; due to disturbances in the microflora and impurities, the color almost always changes. However, if there are no symptoms other than an unpleasant odor, you may just need to change your hygiene products. It is advisable to choose pads and gels for intimate hygiene without fragrances, which can lead to changes in microflora and disruption of the natural aroma.

Secretion colored yellow is one of the most common problems with which people turn to a specialist. The discharge can range from a bright yellow tint to a greenish color; all options indicate the possible development of the disease. In general, the following reasons for the yellowish tint of vaginal secretion are usually identified:

  1. Sexually transmitted infections, for example, trichomoniasis and others. In this case, the discharge is abundant, may bubble, and often has a strong fishy odor.
  2. Inflammatory processes in the ovaries and fallopian tubes. In this case, the texture and consistency of the leucorrhoea is familiar, however, it occurs in very large volumes and may have a greenish tint. In some cases, on the contrary, the discharge may be scanty, accompanied by a burning sensation and a feeling of dryness.
  3. Gonorrhea. In this case, the yellowish secretion is accompanied by extreme itching and pain.

Often, such symptoms are also accompanied by pain during urination and sexual intercourse. The secretion can become so copious that the panty liner is not enough.

Also, yellowish, cheesy discharge with a pungent sour-milk odor can occur with thrush - a disruption of the normal microflora in the vagina. Thrush is an extremely common problem.

Important! However, it is worth noting that normal healthy discharge may normally take on a yellowish tint on laundry. This does not indicate the occurrence of a disease if there is no itching, burning or other symptoms.

Brownish discharge is not that common, but it can indicate even more serious problems. The only time when brownish mucus is a normal condition is when you start taking hormonal-based contraceptives.

In other cases, this condition should be alarming; a brown color may indicate the following diseases:

  1. Endometritis is inflammation of the endometrium, the tissue lining the uterine cavity. In this case, brown discharge always has a rather noticeable unpleasant odor.
  2. Endometriosis and endometrial hyperplasia. These disturbances in the normal growth and development of the uterine mucosa can lead to the appearance of brown spotting, usually before or immediately after menstruation.
  3. Polyps. Polyps that form in the uterus quite often lead to the appearance of brownish discharge.

These are the main reasons for the brownish color of vaginal secretions. If it appears, you should immediately consult a doctor.

With an unpleasant odor and blood

Bloody discharge with an unpleasant odor occurs quite rarely. It is worth remembering that normally, blood can be released exclusively during menstruation, which usually lasts from three to seven days and is repeated at regular intervals. The rest of the time, blood should not be released.

A bloody, odorless secretion can indicate extremely serious diseases, various neoplasms in the uterus, ovaries and other organs, injuries to the genitals, and hormonal disorders.

The smell along with blood usually occurs with endometritis, an inflammatory disease of the lining of the uterus. In this case, bloody discharge is combined with a spotting brown secretion. Other symptoms are usually not pronounced, and various menstrual irregularities may occur.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy, any discharge that differs from normal transparent discharge should alert you; it may indicate serious pathology and developmental disorders of the fetus. A brownish tint and blood usually occur when there is a threat of miscarriage, with an ectopic pregnancy, or with placental abruption.

If the discharge is yellowish and accompanied by a strong unpleasant odor, this may indicate an infection. This condition is extremely dangerous, since intrauterine infections can seriously harm the development of the fetus. It is worth remembering that the mucous membranes of a pregnant woman are more susceptible to external influences, so great care should be taken.

The main reason after childbirth is microflora disturbances or infection during childbirth. If itching, burning, or other symptoms occur, you should definitely consult a gynecologist.

After hysterectomy and other interventions

After surgical interventions, the likelihood of infection in the organs of the reproductive system always increases, therefore, if an unpleasant odor or unusual nature of the secretion occurs, you should consult a doctor. You may need to take antibiotics and other medications to help clear up the infection.

How to get rid of it?

If there are any changes in the normal state of the secretion, you should immediately consult a gynecologist. Self-medication for diseases of the reproductive system is extremely undesirable, since it can worsen the course of the disease and lead to serious consequences.

Treatment for discharge of an unusual nature, with a pronounced unpleasant odor, depends on the disease that caused it. You should not take any medications before diagnosis; at home, you can only begin to pay more attention to hygiene and strengthening the immune system.

You should not delay contacting a specialist, especially if there is blood in the vaginal secretion, pain in the lower abdomen, or severe irritation of the mucous membranes.

Every woman secretes secretions every day. In most cases, this is a normal phenomenon; the body produces a special secretion in order to protect the body from pathogenic bacteria and microbes. These secretions have a peculiar smell, but it cannot be called unpleasant. The causes of discharge with an unpleasant odor in women are various gynecological diseases.

Every healthy adult woman experiences discharge every day that is not associated with disease. This is a normal protective reaction of the body. They can be of varying quantities and shades depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. About two weeks before menstruation, they intensify and become thicker; even when not in a state of excitement, the woman experiences slight moisture in the labia area, and after menstruation they become scanty.

Normal female discharge has the following characteristics:

The color of normal discharge may briefly change to brown after you start taking oral contraceptives.

Odors not caused by disease

At rest, female discharge smells practically nothing, but it can change its smell depending on situations not related to illness. The situations are as follows:

  1. Sexual arousal. When aroused, secretions are released from the genital tract; in some women, this substance has an unpleasant odor. This phenomenon is rare. Treatment in this situation is not required.
  2. Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules. Unpleasant odor in women can occur due to violation of personal hygiene rules. Secretion accumulates in the folds of the labia minora, which is a good environment for the development of bacteria, which can cause an unpleasant aroma. Doctors advise washing intimate parts daily using special gentle products that do not disturb the vaginal microflora.
  3. Decreased protective functions of the body. During illness, immunity decreases, as a result of which an unpleasant odor from natural secretions may also occur.
  4. Taking strong medications, most often antibiotics.
  5. Frequent stressful situations, depression, emotional exhaustion.
  6. Hormonal imbalance. It often appears during menopause, pregnancy, and after an abortion.

In such situations, it is enough to remove the provoking factor, and the smell will disappear, but to exclude possible diseases, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

Possible diseases

An unpleasant smell of discharge in women may indicate the development of a serious disease. To make an accurate diagnosis, you need to consult a gynecologist; in no case should you self-medicate. The list of diseases is quite extensive:

It is important to start treating all these diseases at an early stage of development, otherwise the consequences can be very serious.

Classification by smell

The discharge associated with each disease is characterized by a peculiar odor. It is from this that one can determine what disease has affected the woman’s reproductive system. The following odors may appear during illness:

Any, even slight change in the aroma of the discharge should alert you and be a reason to visit a gynecologist. Under no circumstances should this symptom be ignored.

What do consistency and color say?

In addition to the smell, a woman should pay close attention to the color and consistency of her discharge, which can be:

  1. Yellow. Yellow discharge with an odor in women most often indicates the development of an inflammatory process in the reproductive system. If such secretion appears after unprotected sexual intercourse, then there is a high probability of contracting a sexually transmitted disease from a partner. Also, the cause of yellowish discharge with an odor can be the ingestion of staphylococcus or streptococcus after an unsuccessful birth or abortion.
  2. White. White, cheesy discharge indicates candidiasis, which can develop due to early onset of sexual activity. If such secretion smells like rotten fish, then the cause may be vaginosis. Cheesy discharge can appear during pregnancy, decreased immunity, or wearing low-quality underwear.
  3. Foamy. Most often, this phenomenon occurs when personal hygiene rules are violated.
  4. Pink. This indicates that a small amount of blood enters normal secretion, which occurs during inflammatory processes in the cervix and disruption of the internal epithelium. If pink discharge begins instead of normal periods, then this is a sure sign of early pregnancy with the risk of miscarriage.
  5. Brown. Such secretion is normal in the first time after taking oral contraceptives. If they are in no way related to OK, then there is a risk of ectopic pregnancy or the development of polycystic ovary syndrome. An ectopic pregnancy is also accompanied by severe pain in the lower abdomen.
  6. Green. Most often, such discharge is observed in diseases of the genitourinary system and with an increased level of leukocyte production. Such symptoms are characteristic of cervical erosion, dysbacteriosis, gonorrhea and many other gynecological disorders and infections.
  7. Gray. The gray color of the secretion indicates an infection has entered the body and requires immediate medical attention.

Not all women understand why it is important to immediately consult a doctor if the discharge changes its color, smell and consistency. But in 95% of cases this indicates the development of serious diseases that require drug treatment.

Reasons to see a doctor

There are a number of symptoms that indicate serious changes in a woman’s reproductive system and require immediate medical attention:

If at least one symptom from the list is observed, then you need to consult a doctor for diagnosis and timely treatment.

Preventive measures

After the disease has been cured, it is necessary to carefully monitor your health to avoid relapse. Preventative measures are quite simple, but require careful adherence:

The easiest way is to follow the rules and prevent the development of diseases of the genitourinary system, but if this happens, it is important to consult a specialist in a timely manner and begin quality treatment. Most often, it is the unpleasant odor that indicates the development of the disease, which gives a chance to be cured at an early stage of the disease and avoid complications.

Attention, TODAY only!

A healthy woman should not normally have a completely dry intimate area. Sexual discharge should be moderate and mucous in nature and not have an unpleasant odor. In the second phase of the cycle (approximately 2 weeks before menstruation), they intensify and a woman may experience a feeling of slight moisture in the external genital area outside of a state of sexual arousal.

The presence of lactic acid sticks and the acidic environment they create is a condition for the natural cleansing and disinfection of the vagina. The traditional advice of our grandmothers to wash the vagina for hygienic purposes does not stand up to criticism, because this destroys its own bacterial and lactic flora and creates ideal conditions for various infections. A healthy woman should never rinse (dry) her vagina, as this is an unhygienic and unsafe procedure.

In addition to milky discharge with the smell of curdled milk, a healthy vagina from time to time appears in significant quantities of clear mucus. It is abundantly secreted from the cervix during the period of ovulation, as well as during moments of intense sexual arousal.

In the area of ​​the foreskin of the clitoris, as well as in the immediate vicinity of it, at the base of the labia minora, there are small sebaceous glands that produce fatty substances that are released abundantly during sexual arousal. The intense specific odor of these genital secretions is usually associated with the sexual activity of the partner and has a stimulating effect on the man.


If a woman does not wash her labia with warm water and soap, then it is clear, even without further explanation, what an unpleasant smell of discharge spreads in this case. We must remember that if a woman neglects personal hygiene, then such “sexy” smells, felt from a distance, cause a completely opposite reaction from her partner.

Speaking about the specific smells of genital secretions, one cannot fail to mention the smell of menstruation. The menstrual period requires double energy in maintaining personal hygiene. If there is heavy bleeding, it is necessary to change pads more often and wash thoroughly so that no blood remains on the genitals.

However, if for one reason or another, the number of beneficial bacteria in a woman’s vagina decreases, then harmful bacteria take over. This is when certain diseases develop. Often, they are asymptomatic and their only sign is discharge, itching, vaginal discharge with an unpleasant, foul-smelling odor. For example, vaginal discharge with a “fishy” odor can occur with gardnerellosis (bacterial vaginosis).

If they are yellowish or greenish in color, thick and greyish, they are accompanied by burning and itching in the intimate area, redness and soreness - most likely this is an infection with a sexually transmitted infection. Such diseases can lead to very unpleasant health consequences.


Therefore, if you observe itching, discharge and odor in the intimate area, do not put off visiting a gynecologist! By choosing our medical center, you can be sure that our doctor will understand your situation and help solve the problem.

What tests should I take if I have discharge with an odor?
Treatment is possible only after diagnosis. Since there are many reasons for such an unpleasant phenomenon, our gynecologist will be able to advise a woman on a rational set of laboratory tests after clarifying her complaints and examining her on the chair. Below you can see an approximate list of tests that may be indicated in one or another combination.