I sneezed and my lower stomach hurt. Sharp pain when sneezing in the lower abdomen

Sharp pain in the lower abdomen when sneezing and coughing in the early and later pregnancy is a common occurrence. If unpleasant symptom is not permanent, there is no threat to the mother and fetus. Persistent pain is a reason to see a doctor. The doctor will conduct a diagnosis and determine the causes.

Causes of pain in the lower abdomen when sneezing and coughing

On early stages pregnancy pain when sneezing is caused by:

  • Contraction of the muscles of the back and abdominal cavity. When the muscles contract sharply, pressure occurs on the uterus and pain occurs.
  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Increase in the size of the uterus.
  • Pathological conditions: placental abruption, involuntary termination of pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy.

Causes of pain when sneezing last trimester pregnancy:

  • Constant tension in the ligaments. In this case, the pain in the lower abdomen begins sharply, but it quickly passes.
  • Descent of the baby's head into the pelvic area. This increases pressure on the pelvic organs, resulting in severe pain in the legs.
  • Overstrain of the abdominal muscles. This condition in pregnant women is provoked physical activity. The pain when sneezing in this case radiates down the abdomen and sides.

Painful sensations when coughing, they cause stretching of the abdominal muscles and high venous pressure.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, women experience severe abdominal tone. Tension is experienced by the ligaments in the abdominal cavity and the muscles that support the uterus in the correct position. The reflex act of coughing involves the ribs, diaphragm and abdominal wall. Due to tension in the abdominal muscles in combination with blood pressure Pain occurs when coughing.

On latest dates During pregnancy, the uterus increases in size to the ribs. In this case, a displacement of organs occurs: kidneys, intestines, diaphragm, heart. Due to compression by the uterus blood vessels blood flow deteriorates, which leads to increased blood pressure lower limbs and liver.

When you sneeze or cough, the diaphragm and intercostal muscles contract, which affects the pressure in the blood vessels of the chest and abdominal cavity.


Pathologies, causing pain sneezing and coughing in pregnant women is diagnosed by:

  • magnetic resonance and computed tomography;
  • laboratory tests of urine and blood.

Thanks to ultrasound, it is possible to determine the presence of an ectopic pregnancy, placental abruption and assess the condition of the fetus in the event of a threat of involuntary termination of pregnancy.

Therapeutic measures

If it is painful for a woman to sneeze and this is accompanied by difficulty breathing and nasal congestion, the problem should be reported to the attending physician. Frequent sneezing negatively affects the functioning of blood vessels, heart and lungs. It can also affect the development of the unborn child, causing oxygen starvation.

Violent, frequent, cascading sneezing and severe cough that does not go away for a long time - danger sign. It can cause uterine tone, which leads to involuntary abortion, bleeding, and placental abruption. Strong straining and abdominal cramps when sneezing are dangerous in the first and third trimester, as they negatively affect the condition of the enlarged uterus, which reacts to any shaking.

During pregnancy, sneezing caused by rhinitis or an allergic reaction is contraindicated. vasoconstrictor drops. This group of drugs has a negative effect on the fetus and causes hypoxia. Doctors usually prescribe rinsing the nose with saline solution and taking gentle antihistamines, which are not contraindicated during pregnancy. Rinostor, Aquamaris, Aqualor, Humer have proven themselves well for cleansing the nasal mucosa.

A severe cough during pregnancy is not treated with antibiotics. Prescribe medications approved during pregnancy. Gargling and inhalations may be prescribed as additional therapy. Inhalations are carried out for no more than ten minutes. In this case, the temperature of the solution should not exceed 40 degrees.

Pregnant women are strictly prohibited from coughing:

  • sit in a hot bath and steam your feet;
  • install jars and mustard plasters;
  • undergo UHF and other physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • take an increased dose of vitamin C.

If the cough is very bothersome, this undoubtedly affects the nervous system of a pregnant woman. To calm down, it is recommended to take a course of valerian or motherwort in the dosage prescribed by your doctor. Herbs can be used in the form of tablets and decoctions. Alcohol infusions contraindicated.

Preventive measures

It is better to sneeze while pregnant while lying on your side

If you sneeze heavily during pregnancy, it is recommended to follow a few simple rules:

  • You should drink up to two liters of fluid, provided there is no swelling. Inhalation and taking a warm shower are effective.
  • To humidify the room, install special devices or simply place a container of water.
  • The head should be elevated during sleep, so add additional pillows.
  • When a woman wants to sneeze, you need to slightly bend your knees and lean forward. This will relieve tension in the front abdominal wall.
  • Contact with allergens and irritants is completely excluded.
  • You can support your abdominal muscles when sneezing. And in supine position When you feel the urge to sneeze, it is better to turn on your side and tuck your legs toward your stomach.
  • Sometimes bending forward a little and squatting helps. To reduce the load on muscles when sneezing sharply, doctors recommend wearing a special bandage.

When coughing is accompanied by pain, perform the following exercises:

  1. Slowly inhale and exhale with a delay of three seconds between exhalation and inhalation. Breathing should be done from the diaphragm, stomach, but not from the chest.
  2. To relax the whole body when coughing, it is useful to do a facial massage.
  3. The cat pose helps relieve spasms. To do this, get on all fours and bend your back down, completely relaxing your back muscles. Exercise relieves pain.
  4. If a spasm begins, you need to stand up and stretch upward for five seconds. Then they lower their hands and relax. They pull themselves up again and repeat this several times.
  5. Walking will help relieve pain when coughing. With moderate walking, a natural massage of the veins of the abdomen and legs occurs, as a result of which the blood drains faster.

If the pain after sneezing or coughing is sharp, the main thing is not to be nervous, since additional stress will only harm the expectant mother. Emotional state during pregnancy should be stable.

What could this be, if I sneeze sharply, it causes pain in the lower abdomen... on the sides, sometimes on the left, sometimes on the right, depending on how I’m sitting. It’s not often, maybe once a month, maybe twice, when necessary..
It’s not scary..what and who should I check for? ultrasound?

Find out the opinion of an expert on your topic

Erofeeva Valentina Vladimirovna

Psychologist, Online consultant. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Agafonova Evgenia Leontievna

Psychologist, Bioenergy therapist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Starostina Lyudmila Vasilievna

Psychologist, Practical psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Psychologist, Systemic family therapist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Psychotherapist, Sexologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Psychologist, Clinical Psychology Psychotherapy. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Psychologist, Psychologist-consultant. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Tankova Oksana Vladimirovna

Psychologist, Online consultant. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Natalya Evgenievna Pokhodilova

Psychologist, Kinesiologist Online consultant. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Bondarenko Tatyana Alekseevna

Psychologist, Candidate psychological sciences. Specialist from the site b17.ru

A sneeze cannot be suppressed and the natural sound cannot be reduced. You may even have a stroke if you hold back your power.

if your stomach hurts like that, then this reaction should be to all sudden movements, perhaps it’s the intestines,
In any case, consult a doctor

In the lower abdomen - either the appendages are inflamed, or the appendix is ​​inflamed, or cancer bladder/rectum.
Run to the doctor, preferably to the surgeon.

– December 8, 2010, 15:12

This happened to me too, but only during pregnancy.

inflammation of the appendages is possible

I have this too, it’s my ovaries.

maybe gases? they put pressure on organs when subjected to sudden impact. Is there any dysbacteriosis?

If you hold back a sneeze, you might fart loudly

I take it now - and also often when I sneeze (not always) it stings either on the right side or on the left.

I feel the same way after surgery, I blame everything on adhesions.

this is a hernia trying to get out)))

– December 9, 2010, 11:33

It’s like that for me too. The gynecologist cannot tell the reason.

Hm. it’s not all the time... as I said, once every two months, we’ll go to the gynecologist... I’m also thinking something about the appendages

if your stomach hurts this much, then this reaction should be to all sudden movements, perhaps it is the intestines, in any case, consult a doctor

no, by the way, there is no pain with sudden movements... I do sports and everything is fine.

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What may be a sign of painful sensations in the ovaries when coughing or sneezing?

Why does a woman cough into her ovaries? A qualified doctor will answer this question. Women often go to the doctor because they experience pain in the ovaries. This may be a sign of the development of various diseases that affect reproductive system. The reasons for such processes can be various factors:

  • inflammation of varying intensity;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • the appearance of tumors;
  • development of abnormal phenomena in the genital organs;
  • menstruation disorders;
  • incorrect position of the uterus.

Why does a woman experience pain in her ovaries when she coughs?

Such pathologies become aggravated in different situations, so the body will react differently to certain signs, in particular when a person coughs or sneezes. If, when coughing, it radiates into the ovary, then pain occurs in the abdomen.

This is due to strong tension or muscle strain. When a woman catches a cold, a cough appears almost immediately, which causes pain syndrome, pain, tingling. Such symptoms are observed on the first or second day of a cold. Pneumonia, bronchitis, laryngitis provoke a painful, hacking cough, which causes contraction of the muscles and abdominal muscles. Then they stretch sharply, so the ovaries hurt when coughing.

The pain feels similar to that which occurs after the onset physical training, abdominal pumping, training on exercise machines. Symptoms should disappear after a few days as soon as cough will go away or the person will stop sneezing. Sometimes this does not happen, then you need to see a doctor to determine the reasons for this physical condition. If the left ovary aches on the 27th day of the cycle when you cough, this is most likely a harbinger of the onset of menstruation.

If, when women sneeze, it goes not only to the ovaries, but also groin area, genitals, lower abdomen, this indicates the development of pathological processes in both the genital and genitourinary systems. This could be cystitis, the formation of ovarian cysts, inflammation of the appendages.

What to do if when you sneeze it goes to the right ovary

Quite often, sneezing goes to the right or left ovary, which is typical for pregnant women. This occurs when women are already in their second or third trimester. Doctors explain similar signs because sneezing or coughing into the appendages bothers the muscles. It constantly moves apart and stretches as the fetus increases in size and develops. The fetus gradually moves closer to the ovaries, so pain occurs in the ovaries when sneezing. This condition is commonly called muscle pain.

When women experience severe cramps in the larynx, high temperature, a cough that can radiate to the lower abdomen, then you need to urgently go to the gynecologist. Only a doctor can decide what actually caused the pain, what condition the appendages are in, and whether there are any pathologies.

When there is spasmodic pain and very intense pain when sneezing radiates to the right or left ovary, the doctor may suspect the development of an ectopic disease. Characteristics and other symptoms for this condition:

  • weakness;
  • dizzy;
  • the woman may lose consciousness.

In pregnant women, pain in the lower abdomen should cause particular concern, since strong contractions are an indication that placental abruption has occurred, premature labor has begun, and there is a threat of miscarriage. If the cough is also accompanied by pain in the sacrum or lower back, then the pain becomes more acute and takes on the character of contractions and spasms.

For non-pregnant women sharp pain radiating to the lower abdomen may be an indicator of other dangerous conditions:

  • Inflammation in the appendages.
  • Development of oncological processes.
  • Formation of adhesions in the pelvic organs.
  • The presence of pathologies in the intestines.

What to do if your ovaries hurt when you cough or sneeze

Diagnosis of the condition requires thorough examination and examination of women to accurately establish the causes of pain in the ovaries, its location, and check other symptoms. This will help exclude pathologies and understand that coughing or sneezing will not cause miscarriages, acute and chronic inflammation. In this case, a set of preventive measures is prescribed.

In pregnant women, pain caused by cold symptoms and radiating to the appendages may be associated with changes in the body. And if there are no other alarming signs, then the woman is recommended to wear a special bandage, undergo therapeutic exercises, and undergo physical therapy.

Source: proyaichniki.ru

Pain in different parts of the body when sneezing

Pain when sneezing is a symptom that characterizes many diseases and abnormal conditions of the body, depending on the location of the pain. When sneezing, about 50 muscles of the body are involved: from the muscles of the throat, diaphragm, chest, peritoneum to the muscles of the back and arms. Their contractions can affect nearby organs and increase pain in the presence of inflammation, injuries, and sprains. Therefore, pain can occur in almost any organ and part of the body.

Localization of pain in chest may indicate osteochondrosis. Pain after sneezing in the lower back and lower abdomen is often experienced by pregnant women, which is associated with a hormonal surge, an increase in the size of the uterus, and sprained ligaments during pregnancy.

Sore throat when sneezing - possible sign colds, viral infections respiratory tract, consequences of injuries in this part of the body. This pain often radiates to the ear.

Sometimes you get a headache after sneezing - often this is a symptom of an aneurysm and intracranial pathologies.

Any pain has its own cause, which only a doctor can accurately determine, so if it is painful for an adult or child to sneeze, be sure to consult a specialist.

The causes of sneezing and pain associated with this reflex may vary. Sneezing often simply provokes or intensifies the feeling of pain. This happens, for example, when abdominal pain occurs when sneezing and coughing due to atrophy of the abdominal muscles or sprained ligaments.

Sneezing can be triggered by various allergens, mechanical irritants of the mucous membrane (dust microparticles, specks), sunlight, abrupt change temperatures, infectious, colds upper respiratory tract, leading to swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa and rhinitis, abnormal structure of the nasal septum, nasal polyps, certain medications.

The causes of pain in the body during sneezing are numerous, and depend on which part of the body it hurts: back, chest, stomach, throat, arms.

Pain in the chest when sneezing can be aching or stabbing; sudden and short-term or long-lasting. It can be localized in upper section chest, between the shoulder blades or the side of the chest, extending into the neck, armpits, arm or left shoulder, occur simultaneously with pain in the head or throat.

Reasons chest pain the following:

  • osteoarthritis ( degenerative change intercostal joints and cartilages);
  • Tietze syndrome (inflammation in the costochondral joints);
  • pathology thoracic spine and the entire costal frame, which are indicated by severe pain in the chest when sneezing or coughing, accompanied by stiffness in the chest area;
  • intercostal neuralgia, manifested as “shooting” pain between the ribs when severe cough and while inhaling;
  • thoracic osteochondrosis (thickening of the vertebral processes and loss of elasticity by the ligaments);
  • oncology in the lungs (with cancer, pain can be very diverse in type and location, and also radiate to the arms, stomach, neck;
  • pathology of the chest muscles associated with their constant tightening (if the pain spreads over large areas, reaches the arms).

Pain in the lower abdomen when sneezing in the form of a slight short-term tingling or in a stronger and more prolonged form often worries pregnant women, which is associated with natural physiological changes: sprained ligaments, enlarged uterus, which is affected by nearby muscles contracting from sneezing, excessive divergence of the pubic bones.

As a rule, it hurts in the groin area and above the pubis. This pain goes away quickly and should not cause concern.

Pain during late pregnancy can be caused by kicks from the baby.

When pain indicates pathology

If a woman feels pain in the ovaries when sneezing, and the pain is cramping on one side, this may be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy. There are also other symptoms: dizziness, sudden weakness, loss of consciousness.

Cramping pain in the lower abdomen, including when sneezing, may be a sign premature birth and placental abruption.

Occurs when sneezing, as well as independently of it, lasting for a long time painful sensations in the lower abdomen, extending to the lower back and sacrum, are characteristic of a threatened miscarriage. If you do nothing, the pain may become more acute and cramping.

But pain localized in the abdominal area is not only characteristic of pregnant women.

Other causes of pain in the peritoneal area:

  • sharp pain in the lower abdomen when sneezing, coughing or sudden movements is characteristic of inflammatory processes in the appendages;
  • oncology of the bladder or rectum;
  • abdominal pain may also indicate adhesive process in the pelvis;
  • if your stomach hurts when sneezing, pathologies in the intestines cannot be ruled out;
  • pain in the right side when sneezing and not only may indicate appendicitis;
  • cholecystitis, cystitis.

Back pain when sneezing also often worries pregnant women, since the back muscles bear a significant load during pregnancy, and their sharp contraction when sneezing additionally provokes pain.

But the cause of such a symptom can also be a number of pathologies in men and women, some of which are not directly related to the spine:

  • pinched nerve roots in the spine;
  • spinal injuries;
  • infections, tumors in the spine;
  • when sneezing, lower back pain occurs in people suffering from lumbar osteochondrosis;
  • various pathologies in the vertebrae, intervertebral discs, ligaments and tendons, as well as muscles supporting the skeleton;
  • diseases of organs in the pelvic area in women, neoplasms in the pelvic area in men and women.

Lower back pain when coughing and sneezing or lumbodynia can be aching or shooting and is more common in patients over 30 years of age. Such pain is not always a symptom of a serious illness, since it is associated with the natural load on the spine due to upright walking and may simply indicate sedentary lifestyle life, obesity, unhealthy diet, stressful situations.

Pain in the arms when sneezing is often associated with pain that occurs in another part of the body (for example, in the pectoral muscles), radiates into the hands. The occurrence of pain in the hands can be associated with such pathologies cervical region spine, such as intervertebral hernia on different stages of its origin.

Treatment of painful sensations when sneezing depends on the cause of the pain, its location, intensity, accompanying symptoms. If the pain is not associated with a disease and is short-term, preventive measures can help.

Pregnant women who experience pain when sneezing and coughing should definitely consult a doctor to find out whether the pain is a symptom of a disease or a gestational disorder.

Most likely, short-term pain in the lower abdomen and lower back after sneezing is a common sign restructuring of the body and does not require special treatment, especially if there are no others warning signs. To alleviate the condition, a specialist may recommend wearing a special suitable bandage and regularly performing therapeutic exercises, prescribe physical therapy.

If the pain is severe, recurs frequently, and lasts long after sneezing, your doctor will prescribe appropriate medications depending on the cause of the pain.

If, judging by the symptoms, there is a threat of ectopic pregnancy, you need to call an ambulance. In this case, the woman will need surgery.

Drug therapy for pain that occurs during and after sneezing is usually aimed at relieving pain and reducing its intensity.

Back pain in women and men, including when sneezing, can be treated using manual therapy methods.

If pain in the chest, abdomen, throat and other parts that occurs when sneezing is caused by oncology, benign tumors, chemotherapy or surgery may be prescribed.

Surgery is also inevitable for appendicitis and other diseases that cause acute abdominal pain when coughing or sneezing.

If an adult or child has a sore throat after sneezing, it most likely needs treatment. inflammatory process in the upper respiratory tract.

To prevent or reduce the pain of sneezing, pregnant women use various techniques. For some, squatting when they feel an approaching sneeze helps, others lie down and press their knees to their stomach. The essence of these manipulations is to reduce the impact of muscles contracting when sneezing on stretched ligaments, an enlarged uterus, and a displaced bladder.

During pregnancy, it is not recommended to suppress the sneezing reflex, since the body thus does not get rid of mucus and various foreign microparticles that cause sneezing, so the desire to sneeze will arise again and again. Anticipating a sneeze, it is better to take a comfortable position and sneeze, without holding back, into a clean, dry disposable napkin.

To prevent pain in the back or lower back caused by physical inactivity, do special exercises, warm up more often, avoid drafts and overloads, as well as spinal injuries.

Thus, pain caused by sneezing cannot be ignored as it may indicate illness and pathological conditions in those parts of the body where it occurs. On the other hand, such pain is not necessarily a cause for panic and does not always require treatment.

Sneezing is the process of clearing the upper respiratory tract of excess dust, mucus and other irritants. In general, there is nothing wrong with this process if it does not happen often. But how useful is this for expectant mother, especially if it hurts her to sneeze? What danger does it pose? pain when sneezing during pregnancy? And why does it occur?

Why does it hurt to sneeze in early pregnancy?

At the beginning of pregnancy, a woman may experience sharp, momentary pain when making sudden movements or sneezing. At this moment, unpleasant disturbing thoughts begin to visit her. Why does it hurt to sneeze during pregnancy and should she worry?

Let's look at the reasons why these painful sensations may appear.

  1. During a sharp exhalation when sneezing, many muscles contract, especially the muscles of the back and peritoneum. Such a sharp contraction can put a lot of pressure on the uterus and cause pain.
  2. Hormonal changes begin in the female body. Therefore, in the first month, the lower abdomen and lower back may hurt, especially when sneezing.
  3. The uterus gradually increases in size and the ligaments begin to ache from this unusual load. And during sneezing, even spasms may occur.
  4. Pathologies during pregnancy (miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy). In this case, the spasms do not stop and may be accompanied by bleeding.

Most often, pain when sneezing early in pregnancy is individual feature its currents. But, if the spasms do not stop and are complicated by bleeding, you should immediately call a doctor.

Reasons why it hurts to sneeze during late pregnancy

The consequences of sneezing during pregnancy can sometimes be very unpleasant. Why does pain occur when sneezing in the third trimester?

  1. In later stages, pain occurs due to DC voltage ligaments The painful sensations intensify if a pregnant woman sneezes - the stomach immediately feels as if an electric current is piercing it. Usually this pain is strong and sharp, but, fortunately, short-lived.
  2. In the last months of pregnancy, a woman gets tired very quickly. Therefore, pain when sneezing occurs as a result of overstrain of the abdominal muscles.
  3. The lower abdomen may hurt when sneezing if the baby's head has dropped towards the pelvic floor. This increases pressure on the pelvic area, which is accompanied by severe pain in the legs.

How can sudden sneezing be dangerous for pregnancy?

If the pregnancy is going well and there are no pathologies, ordinary sneezing will not harm the unborn child in any way. But, if sneezing during pregnancy is sharp and frequent, then it can pose a threat.

A sharp contraction of muscles with strong, frequent sneezing has a negative effect on the uterus due to high external pressure. Especially when the uterus is significantly enlarged and reacts to every shake. The pregnant woman feels severe pain, and short-term urinary incontinence may occur.

Frequent and severe sneezing can provoke an increase in uterine tone. This can threaten a woman with spontaneous abortion in the early stages and premature birth in the last trimester.

As a result of uterine hypertonicity, the supply of blood, oxygen and nutrients to the fetus is disrupted, which causes the development of intrauterine hypoxia.

Sneezing during pregnancy is dangerous not only from a physiological point of view, it also indicates an existing disease.

The effect of frequent sneezing on the fetus

Many doctors believe that sneezing frequently during pregnancy is very dangerous. In addition to the fact that sneezing causes contraction of the muscles of the uterus, it is a symptom certain disease. This may be the main manifestation of allergies, colds, acute respiratory viral infections or flu.

  1. Allergy. Histamine does not penetrate the placenta, but the deterioration of the pregnant woman’s well-being negatively affects the unborn child. With prolonged and frequent sneezing in a pregnant woman, the risk of negative effects on the fetus increases: the supply of nutrients and oxygen decreases, and developmental defects are possible. It should be taken into account that sneezing with allergies is only initial symptom. If treatment is not started in a timely manner, the pregnant woman may develop asthma, bronchitis, anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema. Such serious illnesses can provoke a deterioration in the condition of the unborn child, and even cause his death.
  2. Cold . Frequent sneezing during pregnancy can be a symptom of a common cold. As a result, approximately 10% of women experience spontaneous abortion, and in some cases pathologies develop nervous system baby. Normal nasal congestion leads to difficulty breathing. And this can lead to a lack of oxygen in the fetus, its hypoxia and developmental disorders.
  3. Flu and ARVI. The most dangerous thing for a baby is frequent sneezing during viral infections, especially the flu. At the beginning of pregnancy, the virus can cause pathologies in the development of the fetus, increasing the risk of miscarriage. In the last trimester, all the baby’s organs are already formed, so the infection will not cause serious developmental defects. But there may be a dysfunction of the placenta and the development of fetal hypoxia, after which there is a predisposition to birth trauma.

All these conditions are very dangerous for normal gestation. Without appropriate treatment, the disease can lead to uterine hypertonicity, spontaneous abortion or premature birth. Therefore, a pregnant woman definitely needs to find out why she is sneezing. And together with your doctor, try to get rid of the root cause.

Can heavy sneezing cause miscarriage?

During sneezing it is directly activated muscle tissue stomach and back. In pregnant women, this process is often accompanied by pain. This often indicates increased uterine tone, which can lead to early separation of the placenta or miscarriage.

If a pregnant woman sneezes heavily, then you should consult a doctor. The specialist will find out what caused this condition and whether there is a danger to the child.

Severe sneezing as a cause of premature labor

In the later stages, severe stretching of the ligaments and muscles occurs, especially with a large fetus. During this period, sudden movements, including severe sneezing, pose a danger. When women sneeze sharply, the muscles of the uterus tense along with the abdominal muscles. And frequent, strong sneezing during pregnancy provokes increased tone, which in the later stages can cause premature birth.

If sudden pain when sneezing becomes very frequent in the third trimester, the stomach becomes noticeably hard and bloody spotting is noted, then you need to contact a gynecologist and, if necessary, go to the hospital.

How to get rid of sneezing during pregnancy?

If it is painful for a woman to sneeze during pregnancy, she should definitely be examined by a doctor in order to begin appropriate treatment.

The problem of sneezing with rhinitis and allergies in pregnant women is the inability to use vasoconstrictor drops. Because they provide negative impact on the fetus and can lead to hypoxia.

To get rid of sneezing, a pregnant woman needs to drink plenty of fluids and use the following measures to combat this symptom:

  • take a warm shower or do inhalations;
  • use saline solutions for cleansing the nasal mucosa, which are not contraindicated during pregnancy: Aqualor, Aquamaris, Rinostop, Humer;
  • turn on a special humidifier, or place a bowl of water in the room;
  • sleep at night with your head elevated; for comfort, you can use additional pillows;
  • avoid contact with all kinds of irritants and allergens.

How should pregnant women behave during and after a sudden sneeze?

To minimize harm, a pregnant woman needs to learn how to sneeze correctly.

Pregnant women can help reduce pain when sneezing:

  • slight forward bend;
  • supporting the abdominal muscles with the hand;
  • pulling your legs to your stomach while lying on your side, curled up;
  • squatting.

To reduce the strain on muscles when sneezing sharply, you can wear special bandages.

If pain occurs after a sharp sneeze, it is very important not to be nervous, since additional stress will complicate the situation. You need to ensure yourself peace and rest. It is best to lie down in a comfortable position and massage the abdominal area. If the pain does not go away, but intensifies, then you need to call a doctor.

Just don’t panic ahead of time, there are many reasons for such pain. To install accurate diagnosis, need to go full examination. Therefore, it is better not to refuse the offer to go to the hospital if the doctor suspects diseases that threaten the full bearing of the child.

What to do if severe sneezing provokes uterine tone?

At home, to relieve uterine tone, you need to take a comfortable position. Lie on your back or side, talk calmly with your baby, stroking your belly. You need to completely relax your entire body, including your facial muscles. Good effect at the same time it is warm, but not hot bath. You can take 1 tablet of No-Shpa or put a Papaverine suppository. If you cannot relieve uterine hypertonicity on your own, you need to call ambulance and undergo treatment in a hospital.

A pregnant woman should take her situation seriously. And, if severe pain occurs when sneezing during pregnancy, you should immediately consult a doctor to determine the cause and prevent possible complications!

The human nose is the organ that is first in the path of incoming air. Its functions include cleansing, moisturizing, and heating the inhaled flow. The air we breathe is not always clean. It contains many small particles in the form of dust, allergens, viruses, bacteria that irritate the nasal mucosa. In this case, sneezing often occurs. This is a reflex reaction of the body to an irritant that has entered the nasal cavity, an attempt to cleanse itself of it. It occurs in any old person. and a pregnant woman. But is this process really safe and what causes it? Let’s look at it in this article.

Causes of sneezing during pregnancy

Doctors note during pregnancy that they associate with swelling of the mucous membrane and copious discharge mucus in the nasal passages. The same thing happens with a cold, but in women expecting a child, this is often associated with hormonal changes. The level of sex hormones increases sharply during certain periods of gestation. This leads to accelerated blood movement, which contributes to swelling of the mucous membrane. This is basically what causes difficulty breathing and sneezing during early pregnancy. But even such a runny nose, caused by hormonal changes, requires treatment in order to prevent the development of serious pathologies.

Sneezing during pregnancy is caused by a number of other reasons that also occur in other people:

  • hit viral infection into the nasopharynx;
  • allergic reaction;
  • side effects of certain medications.
Any of these manifestations is dangerous for the pregnant woman and the development of the child. It will not be possible to find out the cause of this reflex on your own. Therefore, an urgent consultation with a doctor is necessary. He will conduct an examination and prescribe treatment that will eliminate sneezing during pregnancy.

What are the dangers of sneezing while pregnant?

Pregnant women. Obstetricians-gynecologists unequivocally claim that this harmless reflex dangerous for both the pregnant woman and her child.

And this is associated not only with the fact that it is a symptom of an illness, but also with the contraction of certain muscles. Therefore, side effects occur.

  1. It hurts to sneeze during pregnancy. Doctors do not recommend leaving it like this side effect without attention, even with its single manifestation. This reflex involves more than 50 muscles in our body. Some women report pain when sneezing during pregnancy, which is localized in the lower abdomen. This occurs more often at later stages of pregnancy. If the lower abdomen hurts when sneezing and the pain does not go away, an urgent consultation with an obstetrician is necessary. Must be excluded increased tone uterus. It leads to miscarriages, premature birth, bleeding and placental abruption. The same thing happens with other cold symptoms. So, often when coughing it radiates to the lower abdomen. Such pain occurs due to contraction of the abdominal muscles, internal organs, which are in close proximity to the walls of the uterus. This is why there is a sharp pain in the lower abdomen when sneezing. This is typical for the third trimester. It is the contraction of the uterine body that gives the sensation when the lower abdomen hurts when coughing.
  2. Urinary incontinence when sneezing. This manifestation may occur as a result of pressure from the body of the uterus on the bladder. It is important that even at the stage of pregnancy planning, all diseases of the genitourinary system are cured. Urinary incontinence when sneezing in women is an unpleasant process, but its main danger is that even after childbirth, urinary function may not return to normal. Therefore, if a pregnant woman notices urinary incontinence when coughing, urgent consultation with a doctor is necessary. The doctor will conduct timely treatment and after childbirth, the functionality of the bladder will be restored. Urinary incontinence in women when coughing or sneezing is also associated with atrophy of the pelvic floor muscles.

To protect yourself and your baby, you can learn how to sneeze correctly during pregnancy. By this process, our body tries to get rid of germs or accumulated bacteria. A pregnant woman immediately after sneezing needs to clear the nasal passages of accumulated mucus. It is necessary to use disposable paper handkerchiefs for these purposes. This will help the body remove pathogenic microflora and prevent re-infection.

Sneezing as a symptom

A woman who is expecting a child should take care of her health, adhere to personal hygiene rules and avoid public places. It is necessary to learn to listen to your body and at the first manifestations of a cold, immediately consult a doctor for treatment.

Sneezing is one of the symptoms of a cold and requires immediate consultation with a doctor. Treatment of pregnant women becomes more complicated due to the impossibility of using our usual medications. Most of them are prohibited during pregnancy. Even the means traditional medicine require competent selection for pregnant women. Therefore, it is easier to choose methods and treat colds early stage when their first symptoms appear, which include sneezing.

This reflex may be a symptom allergic reaction. This happens to any woman, even if she did not notice such manifestations earlier, before pregnancy. Allergic sneezing is caused by many factors - from plant pollen to pets. Effective method eliminating this symptom is removing the irritant that causes the allergic reaction from the pregnant woman.

Whatever process in the body is indicated by sneezing in a woman expecting a baby, doctors recommend seeking advice. The process of sneezing often causes premature birth or miscarriage. Therefore, there is no need to ignore this symptom. Any treatment proceeds many times faster and more effectively when initial stage disease, which is indicated by a woman’s sudden sneezing.

When sharp pain occurs in the lower abdomen in women, it can be assumed that such a symptom is associated with the menstrual cycle.

Many people experience lower abdominal pain just before their period begins. But there are many reasons for such pain. And they require careful consideration.

Pain in the lower abdomen in the weaker sex

Sharp pain in the lower abdomen in women is always a violation of some organ, a manifestation of the inflammatory process.

There may also be a neoplasm process, ectopic pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections, and others.

In fact, there are a lot of diseases here. There are quite a few reasons for such acute pain in the lower abdomen. Moreover, the stomach is less protected. Let us highlight three basic groups of reasons.

Gynecological reasons

When we talk about such a symptom as acute pain in the lower abdomen in women, you first need to think about gynecology - the first cause of abdominal pain.

Unpleasant pain in the lower abdomen is a signal of bleeding, a ruptured tube, myomatous node or something else.

During these unpleasant pains, you only need immediate medical attention.

One of the causes of abdominal pain is endometriosis. This is a disorder when the cells lining it grow outside the uterine cavity. When menstruation begins, they also bleed.

It is released if endometrial cells are in the ovary or tubes. The consequence of such a discharge is a neoplasm, a cyst.

Otherwise, the inner lining of the uterus begins to migrate, ending up in the ovary, abdominal cavity, intestines, mammary gland, nipples, mucous membranes of the eyes.

And the first symptom that simply makes women run to the doctor is pain in the lower abdomen. They are associated with the menstrual cycle. With endometriosis, discomfort is concentrated in the center of the lower abdomen.

It reaches its severity directly during menstruation. During treatment, hormone therapy is used; in advanced situations, only surgery is used.

The next reason is inflammation fallopian tubes. Women suffer from pain in the lower abdomen when the middle comes menstrual cycle, also when a mature cell leaves the ovary after sexual intercourse.

World statistics say that approximately one in nine women suffers from inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs during their lifetime. This group includes inflammation of the fallopian tubes.

When this happens, there is pain. How does infection enter the fallopian tubes? It usually enters through the lower genital tract through the vagina. These can be gonococci, streptococci, chlamydia, staphylococci.

They enter the uterus, and then settle in one of the tubes, more often two, causing chronic or acute inflammation. When the inflammation subsides, adhesions occur.

What is the result? The egg released from the ovary will not be able to pass through; it will get stuck because adhesions will interfere with it. Why is it dangerous if the egg cannot meet the sperm?

There will be no fertilization. This condition is medically called infertility. So, this is the main danger of the inflammatory process in the fallopian tubes. Its main features:

  1. main, dominant – pulling, dull ache in the lower half of the abdomen, usually in the middle of the cycle, during sexual intercourse, during sneezing, sudden movements;
  2. purulent vaginal discharge;
  3. nausea, vomiting, acute discomfort pierces the lower back. An increase in temperature accompanied by acute pain in the lower abdomen is a basic sign of infection in the pelvic organs. These signs will not necessarily appear. Some women can tolerate them latently.

Let's note the following: one in ten women goes through this inflammatory process during their lifetime. Of those women who have suffered such inflammation once, 20% become infertile.

Those women who have had it three times are infertile in 60-70% of cases out of a hundred. And, worst of all, in women the risk of tubal pregnancy increases many times. This may be an emergency.

Why is it dangerous? tubal pregnancy? This is life threatening. The fruit begins to grow inside the tube. The pipe may burst because it is stretched, rupturing the growing fetus, and an intolerable complication may develop, internal bleeding with impossibility further recovery pipes.

The woman will be destroyed by peritonitis, then death will occur. Sharp pain with nausea and vomiting is a signal that you should immediately call an ambulance.

The cause may be an ectopic pregnancy, which puts women's lives at risk.

How is inflammation of the fallopian tubes treated? When there is a pathogenic microbe, in medicine one principle of control is the use of antibiotics.

Fortunately, today there are many antibiotics. Depending on the pathogen, you can choose any one.

What does a woman need to know to avoid getting sick? Two recommendations:

  1. When having sexual intercourse, protect yourself with a condom. This is the only remedy that is guaranteed to protect against sexually transmitted infections;
  2. use more comfortable underwear. The posterior stripe directly connects the rectum to the vagina. E. coli travels from anus to the vagina, getting into it or the bladder.

An infection occurs. Thongs are recognized by obstetricians and gynecologists as the unhealthiest part of women's underwear.

The next reason is unusual. Not much information can be found about her. This is the so-called ovarian torsion. It can occur as a result of heavy load or sudden tilt.

When torsion is 360°, a condition suddenly arises - an “acute” abdomen. Manifestations: acute discomfort, intoxication. Here only surgery is possible.

Sharp stomach pain can appear for two more reasons during pregnancy: there is a threat of miscarriage, the placenta begins to depart prematurely. Bleeding may occur.

Severe colic in the lower abdominal muscles after an abortion. Also a good reason. This problem is related to purulent inflammation, which is caused by the fetal cells and placenta remaining after an abortion if they are not completely removed.

The consequence may be blood poisoning. Then only removal of the uterus will save you. To avoid such a situation, you need to undergo a medical examination after a few days.

Intestinal diseases

The second group of causes of stomach pain is intestinal diseases. Non-specific ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, irritable bowel syndrome, celiac disease.

Nonspecific ulcerative colitis. Symptoms: severe abdominal pain, blood in stool, loose stool twice a day long time. There is only one plus here.

You cannot sit at home with these symptoms, especially the characteristic pain. As soon as these arise unpleasant pain, women go straight to the doctor. How to get rid of pain and colitis? These are medicines.

Mesalamine is prescribed in the form of suppositories, enemas, tablets, combining them, and steroid hormones. It rarely comes to surgery.

Crohn's disease - autoimmune inflammatory disease intestines. Outwardly, women with such pain are thin, with exhausted faces. Symptoms: sharp pain in the stomach frequent diarrhea, there may be blood in the stool.

The pain is accompanied by fever, damage to the eyes, joints, skin, and weight loss.

For treatment acute condition Hormones are used (for example, Hydrocortisone, Prednesalone), then immunosuppressants (for example, Azathioprine). If this does not help, connect medicinal product"Infliximab".

Celiac disease is a specific inability of the body to accept a substance such as gluten. It is one of the components of wheat, wheat products.

Upon penetration into the body and absorption of cells immune system cease to function normally, inflammation occurs, which flattens and kills our villi in part of the large intestine.

This is how an ulcer forms there. Its sign is cutting discomfort in the lower abdomen. A gynecologist, when faced with this, always thinks about what to do, because the female stomach is a part of the body rich in organs.

In addition, if the pain is in the lower abdomen on the right, the colic is acute, there is a possibility that you have problems with the appendix. Then surgical intervention is needed.

The next reason is constipation, which does not go away even after taking laxatives for several days. This is a dangerous sign. At the same time, the stomach becomes very bloated, pain, gases accumulate and cannot escape.

Slow poisoning of the entire body occurs. If you don't resort to medical treatment such painful manifestations, you can die from intoxication and intestinal rupture.

By the way, if women use laxatives a few days after the onset of constipation, they will intensify the pain in the lower abdomen and accelerate pathological process. This can be fatal.

Let's touch on one more reason that doesn't relate to intestinal inflammation, but directly relates to the work of the gastrointestinal tract. This is an ulcerative spectrum of stomach diseases - from gastritis to ulcers, which are characterized by pain.

Cutting colic is concentrated at the bottom, but “migrates” throughout the entire abdominal area, plus nausea and heartburn. Pain in the lower abdomen appears when an exacerbation occurs.

Gastritis is a very common disease. This is an inflammation of the stomach lining. If left untreated, erosion will form first, then an ulcer.

What do they do when cutting colic of the stomach is associated with such diseases? First, a gastroscopy is performed, a test for the bacterium Helicobacter pylori.

The second option is treatment with antibiotics to destroy the microbe Helicobacter pylori with blockers proton pump which reduce acidity. As a result, the discomfort, which is cutting, goes away. They are accepted together.

Urogenital causes

This group of causes is quite common - urogenital, associated with the urinary system. Cutting pains in the lower abdomen indicate emerging pathology urinary tract. This is urolithiasis.

It is defined as violations of the excretory functions of the kidneys, which are caused by some metabolic disorders or poor nutrition. They can lead to the formation of small and even very large stones.

Stones can enter the ureter and become stuck. Then the discomfort in the lower stomach is severe. Even the resulting sand without stones leads to hellish pain.

Small crystals of this sand can injure the ureteral mucosa, which is very sensitive to it, and cause prolonged and intense pain.

What to pay attention to in nutrition

  1. Mineral water is medicinal, table and medicinal. It contains a lot of salts. Excessive consumption can cause the formation of sand and phosphate stones in the kidneys.
  2. Sorrel and spinach - in them high content oxalic acid. Excessive consumption leads to the formation of oxalate kidney stones.
  3. Beans, legumes, meat - plant and animal proteins, purines. In case of excess, incorrect exchange Urate kidney stones appear in the body, which cause pain in the lower abdomen when moving.

Another reason is inflammation of the bladder (cystitis). Two basic signs are pain and difficulty urinating. When the pain is very severe, vomiting may occur.

Treatment is carried out using special drugs.

These are antispasmodic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory drugs, for example the herbal medicine “Canephron”, antimicrobial agents– drugs from the nitrofuran group, for example “Diastat”, as well as serious antibiotics with wide range actions, for example “Monural”.

When treatment begins, a condition is set - a ban on sex life for this time. Otherwise, you can aggravate the pain in the lower abdomen and worsen the disease.

When women show up at the doctor and complain of sharp pain in the lower abdomen, what does the doctor do first?

He finds out why this pain appeared, what its character is, the rhythm of the pain, the intensification of the pain, whether it is associated with any product.

After this, a physical examination, in particular a gynecological examination, is carried out. The totality of all studies that the gynecologist will conduct includes an ultrasound.

It is not the main research method, but only an additional, but very significant one. Ultrasound allows us to better understand the picture of the disorder.

So, pain in the lower abdomen in women has different causes.

In a situation of sharp pain in the lower abdomen, the most correct and reasonable thing is to go medical examination, which will allow you to find the sources of such a problem, eliminate pain, and cure the disease.

The main thing is to do it in a timely manner. Patience here will be the enemy of our health.

But reason, information savvy, and the use of introspection will help not only cope with the problem, but also prolong a full life.

And remember the main thing - female body I just have to keep it women's sphere healthy and complete.

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