Golden mustache: application in folk medicine. Use of the medicinal properties of the golden mustache in folk medicine

The origin and properties of this seemingly ordinary plant, which has a beneficial effect on the human body, are still shrouded in many mysteries and secrets.

“Golden mustache” has several names, each of which in its own way reflects one or another characteristic of this plant: “Living hair”, “ Living water", "Far Eastern mustache", "Domestic corn", "Mexican mustache", "Homemade ginseng"... In fact, the "Golden mustache" also has an official, botanical designation - Spironema fragrans (fragrant spironema) or Callisia fragrans ( fragrant callisia).

The history of such a strange name for a plant

Spironema odorata in wildlife grows in South America. The grass came to the territory of the CIS countries by accident - its seeds were brought by traders migrating along trade routes laid from eastern monasteries, due to which the plant received the name “Eastern Mustache”.

This medicinal herb grows quickly and has attractive appearance, and practically does not need care, but loves good lighting, moist air, and dies from drying out soil, direct rays of the sun and cold. Has excellent wound healing properties, treats many skin diseases: ulcers, lichen, cystic neoplasms. Therefore, when pronounced medicinal properties This plant acquired the eloquent name “Water of Life”.

ABOUT medicinal value"Golden mustache" for a long time was one of the ascetic decorations of the monastery chambers, the monks who lived in the monasteries were the first to recognize it. They began to use the juice of the plant to treat many diseases, keeping secret the peculiarities of growing fragrant spironema and how to use it.

In those distant times, when there were no chemical medicines, the plant was equal in importance to gold. Since then, another name has been assigned to it: “Golden Mustache”.

Beneficial properties and contraindications of “Golden Mustache”

Disputes about the dangers and benefits of spironema (or collision) have not subsided to this day, dividing people into those whom the “Golden Mustache” helped and those whom it harmed.

“Golden mustache”, like any plant, is not a panacea for all known diseases. Rather, its effect on the body is purely individual.

Externally, the “Golden Usher” is very similar to young corn, and depending on the type, it has a height of 50-120 cm and above. Having reached adulthood, the “Golden Whisker” throws out vine-like processes - whiskers, consisting of “joints”, at the tips of which panicles of leaves are formed. The plant acquires unique healing properties after the formation of brownish-purple “joints” on liana-like shoots of less than 9.

Golden mustache is widely used for treatment chronic pancreatitis, relieves pain, has a beneficial effect on restoring the functionality of the pancreas, adrenal glands and spleen. Also relieves inflammation biliary tract, gallbladder and small intestine. At certain dosages And correct use removes toxins from the body. But the most effective action“Golden Mustache” - removal of swelling of the bronchial mucosa, accompanied by a sharp improvement in the condition of patients with bronchial asthma and elimination of the symptoms of this disease.

The other side of the coin

Some skeptical groups of people conducted their own research into the true popularity of the “Golden Mustache” and came to the conclusion that the beneficial properties of this plant are greatly exaggerated, and are caused solely by commercial hype. A number of experiments have indeed revealed many beneficial components contained in this herb. Spironema aromatica juice contains active substances groups of steroids and flavonoids. The former perform the function of natural biological regulators, and the latter have an antioxidant and antispasmodic effect. In other words, “Golden Mustache” is a powerful stimulant. A person taking medications based on this plant really feels a surge of strength and pleasant warmth in the body for the first few days, but literally after 5-8 days the opposite effect occurs. It's all about an overdose of phytosteroids that our body cannot cope with. As a result, weakness, headaches, possible increase thyroid gland and so on.

“Golden Us” contains useful substances such as fiber and pectin, which reduce the level of cholesterol that is harmful to the body.

Considering all of the above, it is worth noting that before self-medicating, you need to consult a doctor and also carefully study the contraindications. This applies to the use of any plant. With a competent approach, in compliance with safety measures, you can use nature’s gifts exclusively for good. And remember that excessive use of herbal medicine can lead to overdose and undesirable consequences in the form of deterioration of health.

Growing "Golden Mustache" at home

Growing "Golden Us" at home is not difficult, but follow certain rules To achieve success in this matter, you still need to. You need to start by preparing a ceramic container that will serve as a growing place. medicinal herb. The container should be quite large. A mixture of river sand and eggshells is excellent for drainage, and the earthen composition itself, ideal for successful flower growth, is greenhouse humus mixed one-third with coarse river sand and turf humus.

From spring to summer, callisia should be watered daily, but the soil should not be over-moistened. A temperature range from 25 to 27 degrees is considered comfortable for the plant. In autumn and winter, watering is reduced to twice a week.

Due to the large weight of an adult plant, its stem is tied to additional support. The leaves can be periodically sprayed with water. By following these simple tips, you can achieve this rare phenomenon, like a flowering plant, as well as harvest a generous harvest of healthy shoots.

Recipes for weight loss based on the “Golden Mustache”

“Golden Us”, like many medicinal plants, belongs to the category of herbs that help get rid of extra pounds. To fight overweight With the help of the “Golden Usa”, it is enough to drink special kvass prepared on its basis every day.

Ingredients required for making kvass:

1 cup of the Golden Mustache plant (chopped);
- 1 glass of sugar;
- sour cream (1 teaspoon).

Preparation: pour the crushed leaves and stem of the “Golden Usher” into a gauze bag, and then place it in a three-liter jar. Fill the mixture with purified water, add sugar and a spoonful of sour cream (to prevent the bag from floating, first put a weight inside). Leave the prepared mixture in a warm place for two weeks. After preparation, you should take the resulting kvass half a glass 30 minutes before meals. The drink is stored in the refrigerator and retains its healing properties for three months.

No less effective recipe for everyone who wants to lose weight, this is the preparation of vinegar based on the “Golden Mustache”. Vinegar is easy to prepare, and the results of its use will become visible soon.

Ingredients needed to make vinegar:

1 glass apple cider vinegar;
- 4 tablespoons of chopped plant (leaves, tendrils, stem).

Preparation: add 4 tablespoons of crushed “Golden Mustache” to a glass of apple cider vinegar. The mixture needs to steep for a day. After this period, the drink will be ready for consumption. Ideally, such vinegar should be taken together with kvass: before meals, drink kvass, and after meals - tea with the addition of a small amount of vinegar. Of course, we should not forget that any recipes that promote weight loss will have a positive effect only in combination with proper nutrition and physical activity.

Golden mustache - treatment of herpes

When the first symptoms of herpes appear, it is recommended to apply a fresh, damp leaf of golden mustache or a tampon moistened with alcohol tincture of golden mustache to the sore spot for ten minutes. Herpes will go away after 2-3 treatments.

Golden mustache - treatment of dermatitis

To eliminate itching, apply gauze soaked in a decoction of golden mustache to the affected area of ​​skin for ten minutes.
For chronic dermatitis, it is recommended to carry out a course of treatment with alcohol tincture of the golden mustache, taking it a teaspoon three times a day an hour before meals for three weeks. Thanks to this simple folk method, dermatitis is greatly alleviated.

Golden mustache - treatment of menopause

Traditional medicine recipe from golden mustache for menopause: take 3 tbsp. spoons of hawthorn flowers, 2 teaspoons of golden mustache juice, 3 cups of boiling water.
Pour boiling water over the hawthorn (flowers), bring to a boil, add golden mustache (juice). Leave for 7 hours, strain. Take 1/3 cup three times a day when menopause begins.

Golden mustache - treatment of premature aging

1st recipe from premature aging from the golden mustache: take 1 sheet of golden mustache, 2 tbsp. spoons of dried elderberries, 5 tbsp. spoons of honey, 1 liter of water.
Elderberry and crushed golden mustache are poured with water, then you need to add honey. Boil for 5-6 minutes, strain. Drink 1/4 cup warm three to four times a day.

2nd recipe for premature aging from golden mustache: take 3 tbsp. spoons of golden mustache juice, half a lemon, 1 glass of honey. Mix all ingredients. Take 1 teaspoon morning and evening for two months. It also helps with cerebral vascular sclerosis.

3rd recipe for premature aging from golden mustache: take 2 tbsp. spoons of crushed golden mustache leaves, 2 cups of water. Pour two glasses of leaves hot water. Leave for five hours, then put in the refrigerator. This infusion is useful for washing your face in the morning if your skin begins to fade.
You can make ice cubes from the infusion of golden mustache and wipe the skin of your face and neck with them in the morning and evening.

4th recipe for premature aging from golden mustache: take 2 tbsp. spoons of crushed golden mustache leaves, 20 g of chamomile flowers, 10 g of rosemary, 1 liter of white wine. Pour wine over the herbs and leave for 15 days. Then strain. Wipe your face with lotion every evening, then lubricate with cream.

5th recipe for premature aging from golden mustache: a bath with the addition of golden mustache oil will help with aging body skin. This bath tones and rejuvenates the skin.

Golden mustache - treatment of bruises

Traditional medicine uses a golden mustache to treat a bruise. This is done like this - take 1 large leaf golden mustache, at least 20 cm long, chop it, place it in a thermos and pour boiling water over it. Insist for a day. Soak cotton wool or a soft cloth with the resulting infusion and make warming compresses.

Fresh bruises can be treated like this - grind a large leaf of golden mustache to a pulp and apply to the bruised area. Bandage it, apply a warming bandage on top, and keep it overnight.

Golden Us - treatment of burns, frostbite and animal bites

Traditional treatment often uses golden mustache when burns, frostbite and insect or animal bites occur. In such cases, you need to prepare a paste from fresh leaves and shoots of the golden mustache and make a compress. Important: you should not apply the paste to the wound, but reverse side bandage or napkin. The bandage should be changed twice a day.

Golden mustache - treatment of toothache

Toothache can be perfectly treated with a golden mustache; there are several methods to soothe toothache: 1st folk recipe from golden mustache for toothache: you need to apply gauze soaked in a hot decoction or infusion of golden mustache to your cheek every 30 minutes for 5 minutes. After the compress, you need to rinse your mouth warm water with the addition of salt and a few drops of golden mustache tincture.

2nd folk recipe from golden mustache for toothache: a few drops of golden mustache oil are rubbed into the gum at the root of the diseased tooth, and then a fresh leaf of the plant or a paste prepared from it is applied to it for ten minutes.

3rd folk recipe from golden mustache for toothache: in a glass warm water add 3 tbsp. spoons of alcohol tincture of golden mustache and rinse your mouth with the resulting solution.

Golden mustache and caries

Traditional medicine uses the golden mustache to prevent caries. The recipe is simple - you need to rub your gums with fresh golden mustache juice once a month.

Golden mustache - treatment of periodontal disease

IN folk medicine Several recipes are used to treat periodontal disease: 1st folk recipe from golden mustache for periodontal disease: prepare a mixture for rinsing from golden mustache - 1 teaspoon of chamomile, 1 crushed leaf of golden mustache, 2 glasses of water. Chamomile and golden mustache are poured with boiling water, infused for 4 hours, then filtered. Rinse your mouth 2 times a day for diseases such as periodontal disease and bleeding gums.

2nd folk recipe for golden mustache for periodontal disease: take 2 teaspoons of alcohol tincture of golden mustache in a glass of water, rinse your mouth with this solution 2 times a day.

3rd folk recipe from golden mustache for periodontal disease: it is recommended to apply a fresh leaf of golden mustache to the affected gums once a day for 20 minutes. Treatment is carried out for a week.

Golden mustache cures the flu

Golden mustache is a wonderful healing and prophylactic when sick with influenza.

1st folk recipe from golden mustache for the flu: at the first signs of the flu, it is useful to gargle with a mixture of half a glass of warm water and 3 drops of golden mustache oil.

2nd folk recipe from golden mustache for the flu: 2 drops of golden mustache oil are diluted in 1 tbsp. spoon of jojoba oil and lubricate the area behind the ears, forehead, wings of the nose and chest 3-4 times a day. This procedure will help reduce high fever and relieve muscle pain during the flu.

3rd folk recipe from golden mustache for the flu: a mixture of echinacea infusion and golden mustache infusion (2:1) take 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. spoon 40 minutes before meals.

Golden mustache treats osteochondrosis

A folk treatment for osteochondrosis is rubbing the golden mustache with alcohol tincture. You need to take 40 internodes (knees) of the golden mustache, 0.5 liters of vodka. Cut the internodes of the golden mustache and pour vodka over them. Leave for 20 days in a dark place, shaking occasionally. For osteochondrosis, use this tincture externally for rubbing and compresses. At the same time, the tincture is taken orally, 1 tbsp. spoon, 3 times a day, 1 hour before meals.

Golden mustache - treatment of arthritis

In folk medicine, to relieve joint pain due to arthritis, compresses from the leaves of the golden mustache are used, as well as rubbing the joints with tincture of the golden mustache. Also, simultaneously with external use for this disease, it is practiced to use golden mustache internally.

When used externally, sore joints are rubbed with tincture of golden mustache 1-2 times a day. For a compress, a bandage folded in several layers is moistened with tincture and applied to the sore spot for 2 hours, repeating the procedure twice a day.

Take 1 tbsp of the medicine internally. spoon, 3 times a day, 1 hour before meals, for a week. Then they take a break for ten days, after which the course is repeated. With this treatment, arthritis should go away in 2 courses.

Golden mustache - treatment of gout

A bath with golden mustache and chamomile is often used in traditional medicine in the treatment of diseases such as gout. 2 leaves of golden mustache, 300 g of stems and flowers of chamomile, 5 liters of water. Pour boiling water over the golden mustache and chamomile. Leave for 2 hours. Strain and pour into the bath. For gout, both full and local baths are indicated.

Golden mustache - treatment of otitis

The simplest folk remedy to help cure otitis media is to put a swab soaked in golden mustache juice into the ear and leave it for 3-4 hours. You can insert a tampon throughout the night. In 3-4 days otitis media will go away. Also, during otitis, it is useful to drink an infusion of golden mustache 3 times a day, 2 tbsp. spoons, 40 minutes before meals.

Golden mustache - treatment of sore throat

Sore throat is a serious disease, but it can be perfectly treated with the help of a golden mustache. Squeeze the juice from 2 sheets of golden mustache. Mix juice with water 1:1. Let sit and strain. Add water to make one glass. Gargle with the mixture

Golden mustache - treatment of chronic bronchitis

Honey mixture with golden mustache perfectly heals chronic bronchitis: take 1 crushed leaf of golden mustache, 300 g of honey, half a glass of water. Mix honey with water, add crushed golden mustache leaf and cook over low heat for 1 hour. Then cool, stir and store in a cool, dark place. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 2 times a day before meals.

Golden mustache - treatment of cholelithiasis

The secretion of bile is promoted by an infusion of dandelion roots and golden mustache leaves. To prepare it, add 2 teaspoons of crushed raw materials to 2 cups of boiling water and leave for 3 hours. The medicine is taken for severe pain, 1 tbsp. spoon 4 times a day for 10 minutes. before meals. This is a proven traditional medicine recipe for a disease such as cholelithiasis.

Golden mustache plant, medicinal properties and whose contraindications are varied, originating from South America. His useful qualities did not become known immediately; it took time. Initially, this flower was used only for decorative purposes. It appeared in Russia only at the end of the 19th century. He is often called a “home healer.” Prepared on its basis medicinal products help with a number of diseases.

Representatives of official medicine agree that fans of traditional methods of treating diseases attribute medicinal properties and contraindications to the golden mustache, which are far from reality.

Before using this plant, you should consult a specialist. In particular, it is not recommended to place on this flower high hopes in the treatment of cancer and very severe chronic diseases.

Golden mustache: use in folk medicine

IN natural environment adult specimens often reach a height of up to 2 meters. This is a herbaceous plant that belongs to the Commelinaceae family. Its leaves are often compared to corn leaves. The shoots, from which this flower gets its name, resemble mustaches. They end in small rosettes, with which the plant reproduces. The flowers are small in size, have a characteristic scent and are collected in inflorescences.

The range of uses of fragrant callisia as folk remedy very wide. The benefits of the golden mustache, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which are questioned in some scientific circles, are explained by its chemical composition. It concentrates a large number of biologically active substances. The juice of the plant is saturated with two flavonoids - quercetin and kaempferol.

Golden mustache plant: what cures?

According to adherents of traditional medicine, a substance called beta-sitosterol contained in this flower does an excellent job of treating the following diseases:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • metabolic problems;
  • diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • diseases of the hematopoietic organs;
  • obesity;
  • pain in the joints, as well as the spine and much more.

The presence of flavonoids - a group of polyphenols plant origin, causes expectorant, antimicrobial effect this perennial. The presence of these substances also explains the hemostatic and vasodilating effects of fragrant callisia.

Golden mustache flower: medicinal properties

Thanks to the presence in its composition tannins and tannin this flower is known for its beneficial influence for inflammations that appear on any mucous membranes. These substances have an astringent pharmacological effect.

Before using the golden mustache in medicinal purposes, it is recommended to keep it in a cool place (refrigerator) for up to 14 days. Tinctures, oils, decoctions and ointments are usually prepared from it. Not only the juice of the plant, but also its leaves and shoots have medicinal properties.

Treatment with golden mustache is also possible due to the following substances contained in its juice:

  1. Iron.
  2. Potassium.
  3. Copper.
  4. Vitamin C
  5. Nickel.
  6. B vitamins.
  7. Manganese and provitamin A.

For traditional medicine purposes, only those leaves that have a purple tint and are distinguished by the presence of at least 10 small joints are suitable. The plant accumulates the most medicinal properties in the autumn.

Golden mustache: treatment of joints

This flower is best known for its positive impact on sore joints. The pain that appears as a result of arthrosis can be alleviated if you use a very simple remedy - a compress based on golden mustache. Its preparation takes little time. To do this you will need:

  1. Cut leaves from the bottom of the trunk.
  2. Grind them thoroughly until smooth.
  3. Wrap the prepared pulp in gauze folded in two layers.
  4. Apply a compress to the area that is painful.

To treat joints, you can use not only a compress, but also take the plant juice orally. It is highly not recommended to keep the prepared juice for a long time; it is better to drink it immediately. To do this, it is recommended to dilute 5 drops of concentrated juice with warm water.

Before taking any infusion of medicinal plants, you should consult your doctor. This is especially true for tinctures prepared using alcohol. This is because the body may react negatively to such a remedy and side effects may occur!

Golden mustache in gynecology

During treatment inflammatory processes The female genital area is often recommended to use fragrant callisia. Unlike the drugs that are recommended official medicine, medicinal products based on this plant do an excellent job with harmful microbes, but at the same time delicately affect the natural beneficial microflora.

Despite the beneficial properties of many plants that are used for treatment women's diseases, in some cases their use in extreme acute diseases may be ineffective. In these cases, a stronger effect is required, which only antibiotics can provide. Self-medication can result in very sad consequences!

When treating diseases associated with the female genital organs, an infusion of golden mustache is most often recommended. To do this you will need:

  1. Grind young leaves.
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water over them.
  3. Leave the leaves to cool completely.
  4. Strain and 1 tbsp. l. no more than 4 times a day.
  5. Every day you need to prepare a fresh infusion.
  6. The course of treatment is no more than a week.

Golden mustache: benefits and harms

Many people know that this flower has a lot of beneficial properties. But do not forget that the golden mustache, like any medicinal plant, has some contraindications. Its use is harmful in the following cases:

  • kidney diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • prostate adenoma;
  • individual intolerance to components.

Children and those who have not yet reached adulthood should avoid this plant. During the course of treatment, you should completely limit the consumption of alcohol and smoking cigarettes. It is not recommended to fast during this period, and also to eat vegetables in large quantities. You should exclude animal fats, confectionery and dairy products from your diet. Fast food, carbonated drinks and canned food are also not welcome.

If you experience headaches, allergic reactions or any other side effects after taking golden mustache products, you should immediately stop taking them and consult a herbalist or doctor.

Using golden mustache in folk medicine - video

Often, lovers of indoor floriculture come across a plant that looks like corn - golden mustache. The flower is not particularly beautiful, but has valuable medicinal properties. Popular rumor gives it the ability to relieve various diseases and rejuvenate the body. It is noteworthy that there are not many contraindications for use of the plant.

What does the plant look like in the photo and where did it come from?

Mexico is considered the birthplace of the golden mustache or fragrant callisia. This plant was brought to Russia by the botanist scientist, founder of the Batumi Botanical Garden, Andrei Nikolaevich Krasnov. Yes, with late XIX The journey of the flower-healer across our country has begun.

Golden mustache is a herbaceous plant of the Commelinaceae family. Its main shoot can reach 2 meters in length. It looks like corn. The shape and color of the leaves, their arrangement are very reminiscent of the well-known vegetable, but that’s where the similarity ends. In addition to the main shoot, the plant produces horizontal layers. These are mustaches consisting of joints and ending in small rosettes.

The golden mustache becomes an adult when 8 joints appear on its layers.

During flowering, the golden mustache throws out a long peduncle with small white and very fragrant flowers. It reproduces by rooting small rosettes.

White fragrant flowers - gratitude to the golden mustache for good care

The healing properties of the golden mustache

Canadian and American biologists were the first to study the plant for its beneficial properties. More than a hundred years ago they managed to discover in this plant biologically active substances that can affect cancer cells and preventing cancer.

In the 80s of the last century, Russian scientists began studying the beneficial properties of the golden mustache. The research is not yet completed, but some results have already been obtained.

The juice of the flower contains bioactive elements:

  • Quercetin has antioxidant properties and also successfully fights various inflammations. It is used in the treatment of the heart, blood vessels, arthrosis, and bronchopulmonary diseases. Used as a prophylactic against atherosclerosis and as a rejuvenating agent in the fight against premature aging;
  • kaempferol, due to its anti-inflammatory and tonic properties, is used for various allergies and treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • phytosterols - help reduce cholesterol, promote cell renewal, cleanse and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

In addition to bioactive substances, vitamins were found in it:

  • Vitamin C is a well-known ascorbic acid. Increases the body's resistance to many diseases, participates in all metabolic and regenerative processes;
  • B vitamins are essential for neurological diseases, violation metabolic processes, for diseases of the liver and stomach;
  • nicotinic acid improves blood microcirculation, metabolism, tissue respiration.

The juice of the leaves and shoots of the golden mustache contains useful trace elements - bromine, copper, iron, zinc, cobalt, magnesium.

Thanks to a large number useful substances, vitamins and microelements, as well as their ratio, the plant is successfully used in the treatment of the stomach and intestines, impaired hematopoiesis, skin damage, metabolic disorders - obesity and diabetes mellitus.

Experts warn that the remedy is not a panacea and its medicinal properties have not yet been fully studied.


You always need to take into account the characteristics of the body - the use of a golden mustache, despite the range positive properties plants, may cause allergic reaction. Scientists, having conducted a series of experiments, have proven that the juice causes the voice to shrink and become rough, and it can no longer be restored.

Treatment is contraindicated for them:

  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • children under 14 years of age;
  • with bronchial asthma;
  • people prone to allergic reactions.

Before starting treatment, be sure to consult with your doctor, especially if you have chronic diseases, after all, plants are the same medicines and can also bring both benefit and harm if used incorrectly.

Folk recipes with golden mustache

In the treatment of various diseases, juice, ointments, oils, infusions and tinctures based on the flower are used. They are prepared from an adult plant, with a mustache of 8–10 knees and small rosettes.

Video: Golden mustache tincture - instructions and recipes for use and treatment

Healthy juice

All parts of the plant are suitable for obtaining juice - both leaves and tendrils. Prepared green mass Rinse thoroughly and dry with paper towels. It is most convenient to grind in a blender, but you can also pass it through a meat grinder or finely chop it with a knife. Squeeze the juice through 2 layers of gauze. Use the remaining cake to prepare oils and infusions, and from fresh juice make compresses or take orally.

It is advisable to store golden mustache juice in a dark glass bottle.

Glaucoma is successfully treated with golden mustache juice by dropping two drops into the eyes once a day. When treating intestinal cancer, microenemas with 20 ml of juice are given. Fresh juice compresses are applied to the bridge of the nose for 5 minutes to treat sinusitis.

Ointment recipe

Golden mustache ointment is used for arthrosis, arthritis, various diseases joints, with heel spurs.

Preparation of ointment:

  1. Heat in a water bath visceral fat and beeswax in a 1/1 ratio.
  2. Add 1 part of crushed leaves and mustache or squeezed juice to the mixture.
  3. Mix everything well.

Store in a glass container in the refrigerator.

Methods of using ointment

On sore spot apply thin layer ointment, cover with a cotton napkin and bandage with a woolen scarf. It is better to do the procedure at night. After several uses, inflammation and pain are reduced. If you have spurs, you need to steam your feet and only then apply a napkin with ointment. You can secure the bandage elastic bandage, but to enhance the effect it is better to wear wool socks.

Golden mustache oil

The oil is prepared from cake - the remaining raw material after squeezing the juice from the golden mustache. 5 parts of the cake are placed in a glass jar and filled with 1 part olive oil. Infuse in a dark place for 25–30 days, then filter. The oil can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 30 days.

The golden mustache drenched in olive oil is placed in a dark place for a month.


The oil can be used not only for compresses and rubbing, but also internally. Renders healing effect in the treatment of bronchi, thrombophlebitis and heel spurs. Oil applications are used for melanomas - malignant skin tumors.

Infusion of golden mustache

Infusion or decoction is used for colds and illnesses digestive system, for diabetes, pancreatitis, stomatitis and various eczemas.

For infusion, take one or two adult leaves of the plant and one tendril.

  1. Chop the green parts of the plant and pour 1 liter of boiling water.
  2. Keep in a water bath for 10 minutes.
  3. Leave covered for 30 minutes.
  4. Strain through cheesecloth and squeeze out the broth.

Drink 1 tablespoon warm 20 minutes before meals.

Tincture recipe

To obtain an alcohol tincture, you will need several plant tendrils with rosettes - approximately 20 joints. Finely chop the green parts and pour in 0.5 liters of vodka. Leave for 2 weeks in a dark place, shaking the container from time to time.

Tincture of golden mustache is used to treat the affected surface for herpes, and is used as a warming rub for arthritis and osteochondrosis. In the treatment of bronchopulmonary cardiovascular diseases, fractures, bruises, furunculosis, psoriasis, hemorrhoids, circulatory disorders, alcohol tincture is used internally. To do this, dissolve 30 drops of tincture in half a glass of boiled water and drink in the morning and evening for 10 days. After a 10-day break, the dose is repeated.

Alcohol tincture of golden mustache helps with many diseases

For a long time, the golden mustache grew up with me as a poor relative. Everyone was disturbed by his rapidly growing mustache, and the stem itself kept trying to escape from the pot if it was not tied up in time. At times he was very annoying and I kept wanting to say goodbye to him, but it was a pity - he was alive after all. The attitude towards him changed after my husband had severe pain in the back - hernia intervertebral discs. Nights without sleep, the pills, if they help, do not last long.

On the advice of a granny friend, I made a vodka tincture from the leaves and joints of the golden mustache. I was about to rub it in, but since the surface to be applied was large - the back and leg (the pain radiated into the leg), I decided to first try it on a small area to check the skin's reaction. I smeared a small spot on inside elbow - everything is fine. We started treatment. Every evening I rubbed alcohol tincture into my husband’s spine and sore leg until there was slight redness. Then she covered it with a cotton scarf and a woolen shawl on top. The pain subsided both in the back and in the leg, which enabled my husband to sleep until the morning.

Of course, we cannot say that we cured hernias with the golden mustache, since we were treated with several remedies at the same time, but the tincture anesthetizes pain and relieves inflammation - there is no doubt about it.

Application in home cosmetology

The antiseptic and blood circulation-improving properties of golden mustache are used for skin care. To treat acne, dandruff and hair loss, use alcohol tincture and freshly squeezed juice. The tincture is wiped on the face, and the juice is rubbed into the scalp. To soften heels and elbows, as well as for chapped skin of the face and hands, use golden mustache oil. Face masks with the addition of juice or pulp from mustaches and leaves have a nourishing and moisturizing effect. With regular use of masks, a rejuvenating effect is manifested - the skin becomes more elastic, smooth and radiant.

By adding various ingredients to the juice or infusion of golden mustache, you can obtain care products for any skin type

Products with a golden mustache have a drying effect, so if you have oily skin faces - use tincture and juice of the plant, for dry ones - oil.

Nourishing face mask recipe

1 yolk, 3 teaspoons of golden mustache juice, 50 g of honey and 50 g of linseed or olive oil, stir thoroughly and heat slightly in a water bath. Place the mask on your face and leave for 2-3 minutes, apply again - do this until the mixture is finished. Keep the mask on your face for 10 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Toner for normal to dry skin

Dilute one tablespoon each of golden mustache juice and strawberry juice in 1 glass of boiled water. Add a teaspoon of glycerin and stir. Wipe pre-cleansed facial skin morning and evening. Store in the refrigerator for 3–5 days.

If your facial skin is oily, strawberry juice can be replaced with calendula alcohol tincture.

Golden mustache, the use of which is described below, is also called Far Eastern mustache, homemade ginseng, dichorisandra, living hair, fragrant callisia. His homeland is Mexico. The plant was first described in 1840 and was then called “Spironema fragrant”. A little later he was nicknamed “Rectantera fragrant”.

The plant was brought to Russia in 1890 by the founder of the reserve in Batumi, Andrei Krasnov. Throughout long period the golden mustache was exceptional indoor flower. But over time people learned about healing properties plants. This became interesting to biologists. Having studied the properties of the golden mustache, they confirmed the healing properties of the plant.

Since then, callisia has been widely used. Plant-based products are used for therapy various pathologies: varicose veins, trophic ulcers, thermal burns, joint ailments and spinal column. The drugs help accelerate tissue regeneration, improve blood flow, and stimulate metabolism.

The plant is also used in cosmetology. Funds from it are best helpers in the fight against acne, pimples, rashes. In addition, the golden mustache helps slow down the aging process and improve blood circulation. Often, preparations based on it are recommended for use in cases of baldness.

The plant is also valued by flower growers. The golden mustache is not whimsical and demands ongoing care. It is only important to keep it in the shade at 70% humidity.

Description of the golden mustache

Golden mustache is herbaceous plant, belonging to the genus Callisia and the family Commelinaceae. The plant is equipped with fleshy, erect, leaf-like corn shoots reaching a length of thirty and a width of five centimeters. The plant can be endowed with another type of shoots: horizontally located lateral shoots - tendrils, separated by purple-brown nodes ending in leaves. Small golden mustache flowers white color, collected in inflorescences, smell pleasant. The aroma of callisia is similar to the aroma of lily of the valley and hyacinths. The fruit of the plant is a seed capsule.

In its natural environment, the plant grows in moist, dark places. Mexico, America, the Antilles are the habitat of the golden mustache. The plant takes root well, so if you wish, you can easily grow it at home. Plants should be planted in large pots mandatory with the addition of drainage - pebbles, sand. It needs to be watered once a week. Grows well in the shade and at a humidity of no more than 70%. This is an unpretentious plant proper care will delight you with beautiful flowers and aroma. In addition, you will always have effective medicine.

How to procure raw materials?

For medicinal purposes, it is recommended to use the leaves, stems and horizontal shoots of the plant. At least nine purple-brownish nodules should form on the shoots of the golden mustache. They must be placed in the refrigerator for five days.

If necessary, the raw materials can be dried or frozen. The most successful period for harvesting raw materials is autumn, because it is by this time that the greatest concentration of useful substances accumulates in it. The preparations should be stored in a tightly sealed container in a cool, dark room.

Composition and properties of golden mustache

You already know about the use of the plant in folk medicine and cosmetology. Its popularity is due to the content it contains. useful substances. The plant contains a significant amount of:

  • vitamin A, B2, B3, B5;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • cobalt;
  • vanadium;
  • copper;
  • sodium;
  • flavonoids;
  • kaempferol;
  • quercetin;
  • carotenoids;
  • glycosides;
  • pectin compounds;
  • catechins;
  • steroids.

Preparations based on the plant have anti-cancer, restorative, immunostimulating, tonic, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, antiseptic, warming and analgesic effects.

Medicines from the plant contribute to:

  • rejuvenation of the body;
  • improvement of cellular metabolism;
  • tissue regeneration;
  • normalization carbohydrate metabolism;
  • lowering the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood;
  • normalization of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • improving the work of the CCS;
  • removing toxins from the body and toxic substances;
  • eliminating painful sensations;
  • strengthening immune system;
  • therapy: hypertension, thrombophlebitis, osteochondrosis, atherosclerosis, stomatitis, furunculosis, dermatitis, psoriasis, trophic ulcers.

Golden mustache - use in folk medicine

➡ Mastopathy, bruises, ailments skin: application of ointment. There are two ways to prepare the drug.

Squeeze the juice from the leaves and stems of the plant. The resulting volume of juice and cake is combined with Vaseline, pork fat or cream in a ratio of 1:2. The mass is transferred to a darkened glass container and placed in the refrigerator.

Grind and grind the dried stems and leaves of the golden mustache to a powdery consistency. Combine the powder in equal proportions with melted pork fat. Simmer the composition for a quarter of an hour. Cool the product and place it in a convenient storage container, made of glass only, and place it in the refrigerator. Treat the affected areas of the skin with the prepared ointment.

➡ Cancer: therapy with healing tincture. This remedy is recommended to be used for cleansing the body, treating joint pathologies and organs of the upper respiratory tract, as well as some forms of cancer. Pour the “joints” of the plant into a glass bottle, about fifty pieces. Fill the raw materials with vodka. Leave the container in a cool place for two weeks. Don't forget to shake the contents from time to time. The acquisition of a lilac color by the tincture indicates its readiness. Take 20 drops of filtered tincture twice a day.

➡ Infusion for the treatment of gastrointestinal and cardiovascular pathologies. Brew one leaf of golden mustache with boiled water - 200 ml. Leave the composition to brew. Take 50 ml of the strained drink three times a day, after meals.

➡ Golden mustache in the treatment of influenza. At the first manifestations of the disease, you need to gargle with a solution: three drops of oil diluted in 100 ml of boiled, slightly cooled water.

➡ Plant oil in the fight against fever and muscle pain. Combine two drops of the product with a spoon of jojoba oil. Stir and lubricate the chest, forehead, and wings of the nose.

➡ Golden mustache in the treatment of rhinitis. Place freshly squeezed aloe juice in each nasal passage, literally two drops. After this, lubricate the wings of the nose with plant oil and massage for about five minutes.

➡ Making vitamin tea. Combine rose hips with rowan and golden mustache in equal proportions. Grind the ingredients and brew 500 ml of boiling water. Leave it to brew. Drink 50 ml of the strained drink before each sitting at the table.

➡ Tea to normalize the functioning of the central nervous system. Mix valerian rhizomes with mint leaves, hop cones and golden mustache tincture - 5 ml and 500 ml of boiled water. Leave the mixture to sit for half an hour. Filter and drink 50 ml healing drink three times a day.


Golden mustache is unique means, helping to cure a lot of illnesses. However, at the same time, it also has a number of contraindications. It is strictly not recommended to use the plant for medicinal purposes. individual intolerance, pregnancy and breastfeeding, bronchial asthma.

Children under 12 years of age should not be treated with preparations from the plant. Try not to exceed the dosages indicated in the recipes, and especially not to abuse medications. The appearance of swelling, dizziness, pain in the epigastric region, stool disorders, damage vocal cords indicates poisoning.

Before using any product alternative medicine do not forget to consult your doctor. Remember, self-medication can harm you and cause a deterioration in your condition and well-being.

Moreover, when using plant-based preparations, it is necessary to monitor your diet. From eating salted and pickled vegetables, animal fats, dairy products, potatoes, yeast bread, alcoholic drinks, confectionery, kvass and soda should be avoided. Eat more boiled fish, cheese, nuts, raw vegetables, sprouted grain.

Golden mustache or fragrant callisia is a common perennial belonging to the Commelinaceae family. In the wild, the plant grows in South America. Its closest relative is considered to be Tradescantia. This unusual culture has about 50 varieties.

The plant began to be domesticated about a century ago. It came to our country not so long ago, but at the same time it has already managed to win the hearts of not only flower growers, but also adherents of traditional medicine, thanks to its unique medicinal properties. We will tell you how to grow a golden mustache and properly care for it in this article.

Varieties and types

Golden Us – the natural habitat of the plant is tropical forests South America. There the culture forms real thickets. At home, it looks much more attractive. Golden mustache has long creeping shoots with large dark green leaf blades reminiscent of corn. The inflorescences of the plant are white, small, racemose with pleasant aroma. However, at home, golden mustache blooms very rarely.

Callisia Fragrant – in the wild, the plant can grow up to 3 meters. The domesticated crop has creeping shoots up to 2 meters long. The foliage of the plant is large, narrow and long, has a rich green tint. Callisia flowers are racemose, lilac or pink in color with a pleasant aroma. Flowering time is in summer. At home, the culture blooms extremely rarely.

Growing golden mustache at home

Callisia can grow both in the house and in open ground. It is best to grow the plant in a room with fresh air and good lighting. The kitchen is not best place for a given culture.

The ideal option for a golden mustache would be a south window with artificially created shading. Despite the fact that the plant is very light-loving, direct sun rays it can't stand it. It can grow in the shade, but in this case the culture will be weak and will lose its decorative effect. Its leaf blades will turn pale and the stems will begin to stretch. If the callisia is comfortable, the gardener will notice a slight lilac tint that will appear on the shoots and leaf blades.

Golden mustache is extremely thermophilic, so it is ideal temperature conditions for him the readings will be from 25 to 28 degrees. IN winter time the temperature should not fall below 16 degrees, otherwise the plant will get sick and die. It also does not tolerate temperature changes.

The optimal air humidity in the room where the flower is located should be at least 60%. In winter, it can be reduced to 50%.

Planting a golden mustache

It is best to plant a young plant immediately in a large pot, since the golden mustache has an extremely negative attitude towards transplants. It is also worth considering the fact that it root system It grows very quickly, so transferring the flower to a new pot can damage it.

It is necessary to plant young shoots deeply, as this will ensure better rooting and survival. Don’t forget about drainage, which will be fine expanded clay. The soil for the plant should be loose and nutritious, and after planting it should be fertilized with food for deciduous plants.

By following all the rules regarding planting and caring for the plant, you can grow a healthy and beautiful collision, which, in addition to its decorative effect, will help to effectively combat various ailments without visiting doctors.

Watering the golden mustache

In spring and summer, the golden mustache should be watered every day, but the soil should not be allowed to become waterlogged. In the autumn-winter period, watering should be reduced to twice a week.

However, if the room is hot, you should monitor the condition of the soil and prevent it from drying out. Flower growers recommend watering the crop in the morning.

As for spraying, it should be carried out once every three days, using warm, settled water for this purpose.

Primer for golden mustache

The soil for the plant should be loose and nutritious. However, its preparation should begin with drainage, which can be fine expanded clay or a mixture of coarse sand and eggshells. Such drainage will not only avoid stagnation of water, but will also supply the earth with silicon.

Soil for golden mustache can be purchased either from flower shop then mix it with forest soil, or prepare it yourself.

To prepare the soil mixture yourself, you should take soil from under a deciduous tree (except birch) and mix it with sand and humus. But before mixing the components, they must be treated with a manganese solution in order to destroy fungi and pests. The acidity of the soil should be 5.5 pH.

Golden mustache transplant

The plant does not like to be transplanted, so when planting young callisia, you should choose a large pot so as not to disturb the plant for as long as possible. But sooner or later the chosen container will become too small for him and a transplant will be required. It will be necessary to replant approximately once every three years.

This procedure is carried out in the spring by transferring the plant to a new, larger pot along with an earthener, which will protect the roots from damage.

A drainage layer should be made at the bottom of the pot, after which the plant can be transferred to it, adding the missing amount of the required soil mixture. After transplantation, the golden mustache needs to be fertilized and watered. Adaptation to new conditions will last about a month, after which the plant will begin to grow.

Fertilizer for golden whiskers

Both organic and mineral fertilizers are used to feed the plant. In spring, the plant should be fertilized with organic matter, and in summer and autumn with mineral fertilizers with microelements.

It should be noted that microelements are absorbed through the leaf plates, so to feed them they must be diluted in water and sprayed from a spray bottle. Feeding is carried out weekly. Starting from late autumn until spring, stop fertilizing the plant.

Blooming golden mustache

Even though callisia rarely blooms at home, it can still happen with good care.

Before flowering, the plant throws out a long peduncle, on which small inflorescences appear, collected in brushes. They can have a white, pink or pale blue tint. The inflorescences smell very pleasant and are reminiscent of hyacinth in aroma. Flowering time occurs in late spring or mid-summer.

Trimming the golden mustache

The plant does not need pruning, however, to preserve its decorative appearance, withered leaf plates and dried shoots should be removed.

If the plant is not grown in a pot, it should be tied up, since its tall and fragile stem cannot support the weight of the shoots and may break without support. A wooden peg is usually used as a support, tying the plant to it to avoid deformation and breakage of the trunk.

Preparing a golden mustache for winter

Like many representatives flora, callisia needs a period of rest, which occurs in winter. At this time, her care changes slightly.

Watering is reduced to three times a week, fertilizing is canceled and the temperature is reduced to +16 degrees. With the onset of spring, standard care resumes.

Golden mustache propagation by rosettes and layering

Callisia can be propagated using rosettes and layering. In the first case, you should use rosettes that appear at the ends of long branches. They must be cut off and lowered into ¾ of the water. The planting material must remain in the liquid for two weeks so that the root system can strengthen.

Once the young plants are ready for planting, it is necessary to prepare the soil with leaf turf, sand and eggshells used as drainage. Then you need to take a small pot and plant the plant there. After a few years it will be necessary to transplant into a larger container.

It is quite simple to propagate the golden mustache by layering; to do this, you need to tilt the shoot towards the soil, sprinkle the rosette with soil and wait until it takes root. After which the young plant can be carefully separated and transplanted into a new pot.

In order for young plants to take root better, and in the future to grow and develop normally, propagation should be carried out in the spring or autumn.

Diseases and pests

The plant is not susceptible to diseases, but it can be attacked by harmful insects represented by thrips and red spider mites . They settle on leaf blades and feed on their sap, which ultimately leads to their yellowing, drying and dying .

Regular ventilation of the room with a golden mustache, as well as spraying the leaf plates, will help prevent their occurrence. However, if pests have already appeared, callisia should be treated with the Actellik insecticide according to the instructions on the package.

Problems when growing a golden mustache

Although this plant is quite easy to grow, there are still some problems that gardeners have to face.

These include:

  • Yellowing of leaves - most likely, the plant has been attacked by pests or the grower is not feeding it enough. Treating with insecticides and applying the required dose of fertilizing will allow you to get rid of the scourge.
  • Drying of sheet plates - leads to drying of leaf plates insufficient quantity moisture. Regular watering will eliminate this problem.
  • Rusting leaves - the appearance of rusty spots on the leaves is nothing more than sunburn. To return the leaf plates to their former decorativeness, the golden mustache should be slightly shaded, but not deprived of light.
  • Stopping shoot growth - the plant slows down in growth if there is a lack of mineral fertilizers and in too heavy soil. In this case, transplanting into a nutrient substrate and applying a sufficient amount of fertilizer will help.

With proper care of the plant similar problems will not arise, and the golden mustache will delight the gardener not only with its extraordinary decorative effect, but also with its beneficial properties.

Golden mustache medicinal properties and contraindications

The golden mustache is mostly known as a plant with medicinal properties. It is thanks to its healing properties that callisia is used not only in folk medicine, but also in official medicine.

The plant has immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory, choleretic, tonic, diuretic, antiallergic and bactericidal effects.

The culture received all the above-described properties thanks to the bioactive and chemicals, located in it in high concentration. Golden mustache is rich in phytosterols, vitamins, pectins, microelements and flavonoids.

From various parts plants can be cooked healing teas, decoctions, tinctures and ointments. IN medical supplies An extract comes out from the shoots and leaves of callisia.

The plant is used for arrhythmia and cardiovascular diseases. To combat these diseases, juice squeezed from fresh leaf blades is used. Used for hypertension and joint disease alcohol tinctures based on leaf plates, branches and tendrils.


Allergy sufferers, children, asthmatics, expectant mothers and people with kidney problems should avoid treatment with drugs based on this plant.

For the rest, the golden mustache will only bring benefits. However, it should be noted that before using callisia remedies, you should consult a doctor.

Golden mustache decoction for diabetes

Decoctions from leaf plates are used for gastrointestinal diseases and diabetes. Ointments based on the juice of the culture are used for trophic ulcers and damage to the integrity of the skin. In general, this unique plant used in the treatment of many diseases; we give the most common recipes based on it below.

To prepare the decoction, you should take 4 tbsp. spoons of finely chopped leaf plates and pour 750 milliliters of boiling water over them. The decoction should be infused throughout the day.

It must be consumed twice a day, 250 milliliters for a month. It will help stabilize glycemic index and improve the condition of diabetics.

Golden mustache tincture for joint diseases

To prepare the product, take 12 branches of the plant, put them in a dark jar and pour 100 milliliters of vodka. After this, the jar should be placed in a dark place for three weeks.

From time to time you will need to take it out and shake it. Keep ready-made product needs it in the refrigerator. Use the tincture to rub sore joints in the morning and evening until the desired results are obtained.


The information presented in this article will help you grow healthy and beautiful plant for both beginners and experienced gardeners.

He will also talk about the medicinal properties of the plant and recipes for preparing infusions and decoctions based on golden mustache.