Products that relieve heartburn. What foods help with heartburn and which ones are better. Other helpers for burning chest

Heartburn is a symptom of gastrointestinal dysfunction.

Gradually it can lead to the appearance of very serious illnesses, therefore it is necessary to take certain measures.

It is not necessary to start treatment with medicines.

First you need to know what foods help with heartburn? They can eliminate painful sensations completely or partially.

Heartburn appears after eating a large amount of food or heavy physical activity. This disorder can also occur after eating too fatty foods.

Very often this symptom present in pregnant women, and may appear in the first trimester.

Sometimes heartburn occurs as side effect from the use of medications.

Products that help cope with this problem

Heartburn products will help eliminate it for a long time or even forever. For example, eating porridge is ideal for breakfast.

They envelop the walls of the stomach and eliminate pain. They also help heal wounds due to erosion.

Porridge helps prevent getting hydrochloric acid into the esophagus area due to its enveloping effect.

They saturate the body with microelements and vitamins. You can “seize” the burning sensation using oatmeal.

Drinking water helps if you have heartburn from eating foods. But you need to take only non-carbonated mineral water.

It helps to dilute gastric juice, the acidity of gastric juice decreases.

It is good to take puree soup for a burning sensation in the stomach. But you just can’t take vegetable broths. They can make the situation even worse.

What other foods can cope with heartburn and what helps?

The ideal food to reduce acidity and eliminate this problem is to take protein.

Meat, fish, eggs and other protein food It is digested in the stomach for a long time and this will require a large amount of gastric juice.

Also, this food helps faster regeneration of stomach cells.

  • Baked fruits and vegetables. By themselves, in their raw form, they can increase the secretion of gastric juice. If you have a burning sensation, it is best to take baked vegetables and fruits. It is especially important that thanks to vitamins, the healing process of erosions on the walls of the stomach occurs.
  • Milk. Its use for heartburn is purely individual. On the one hand, milk causes bloating and weakens the stomach muscles. But on the other hand, milk contains calcium, which binds hydrochloric acid.
  • Eating seeds and nuts will help relieve heartburn. They contain a large amount of protein. But there is a significant “minus”: they are very fatty, so they slow down the digestion process. This causes an increase in the amount of gastric juice and enzymes.
  • Banana. It helps reduce acidity levels. Additionally, it envelops the walls of the stomach and protects the esophagus from damage.
  • If you need to quickly eliminate heartburn, this can be done with the help of products such as cloves, citric acid. For example, citric acid helps neutralize gastric juice, and clove oil only needs to be taken a few drops.
  • For sweets, cookies or waffles are allowed. Honey has a positive effect on heartburn. It helps eliminate painful sensations.
  • Expensive, but very effective means is drinking pineapple juice.

Previously, it was common among people suffering from heartburn to use baking soda. But recently scientists have found that it acts more as an irritant than helps to restore the body.

Nowadays, most people prefer to drink potato or carrot juice.

A real treasure for heartburn is eating applesauce.

A teaspoon of mustard or a small amount of ginger root will help to quickly put out the “fire.”

It is prohibited to consume products with a large number seasoning For example, chips or crackers.

Fermented milk products and milk

Products that contain alkali will help eliminate high acidity. Cream and cottage cheese are especially effective in this case.

A glass of milk also helps to quickly overcome heartburn.

But you need to remember that taking dairy products is possible only if they have a small amount of fat content.

Cheeses such as cheddar or mozzarella must be taken very carefully, in small quantities.

It is advisable to exclude milkshake and ice cream from your diet. It is recommended to drink yogurt with a small amount of fat.

Healthy fruits and vegetables

Eating foods such as carrots, beets and potatoes helps to effectively eliminate pain if there is heartburn. They promote recovery acid-base balance inside the body.

Not only these raw vegetables, but also juices prepared from them will help eliminate the symptoms of heartburn. It is forbidden to take fried potatoes, beets or carrots.

Citrus fruits are prohibited. For example, if you have heartburn, eating lemon, oranges, or grapefruit is not allowed.

Foods for heartburn must be consumed correctly

You need to eat every 2-3 hours. Each portion should not be large. It is important to eat in such a way that you do not feel hungry, but at the same time eat in such quantities that there is free space.

While eating, you should try not to talk. During a conversation and a meal, a person can “catch” air. After eating, it is advisable to take a short walk.

You should not take a horizontal position or give special physical activity.

Hot foods can cause heartburn. They negatively affect the walls of the stomach and the mucous membrane. It is also recommended to avoid taking large amounts of salt and seasonings.

Taking mint infusion helps against heartburn. It should be brewed like fresh herbal tea.

Peppermint tea can be consumed to prevent heartburn, and winter time it helps avoid colds. You just need to take tea without lemon.

It is advisable to reduce the amount of chocolate consumed alcoholic drinks and coffee. They help relax the stomach muscles.

It is necessary to exclude products that cause increased amount gases These are dairy products fresh bread, bakery. Heartburn can also be caused by foods that negatively affect the stomach.

Foods that should be consumed in limited quantities

What foods should be limited if you have heartburn is a purely individual question for each person. The main question It’s not about refusing to take foods, but limiting them.

For heartburn, it is advisable to take the following foods in limited quantities:

  • Scrambled eggs, omelet.
  • Carbonated drinks.
  • Low-fat cheeses.
  • Desserts with a small amount of fat.
  • Lean beef and other lean meats.
  • Pickled or fried cabbage. Green onions.

Useful video

Heartburn often occurs in healthy people when overeating or drinking alcohol. It also happens in pregnant women or people with overweight. But most often it still occurs with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Whatever the cause of heartburn, you can and should get rid of it. And the key to solving the problem is in proper nutrition. For this purpose, doctors have developed a therapeutic diet. Before creating a menu, let's find out the causes of heartburn. Let's figure out what you can eat when you have heartburn and what you can't. What food is most likely to cause a burning sensation in the chest? What products are recommended during heartburn.

Causes of heartburn

Reflux disease

A burning sensation in the chest occurs various reasons. This is exactly what you need to find out first. If heartburn occurs frequently and lasts for a long time, you should be examined by a gastroenterologist.

Important! Heartburn may be caused by peptic ulcer, in which bleeding or perforation occurs.

Diseases accompanied by heartburn:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • diaphragmatic hernia;
  • gastritis with increased acidity;
  • reflux esophagitis;
  • Barrett's esophagus;
  • insufficiency of the lower esophageal sphincter.

A burning sensation behind the sternum occurs in healthy people in the following situation:

  • Overeating causes heartburn because it creates high blood pressure in the stomach. This causes the reflux of its contents into the esophagus. Acid, entering the esophageal tube from the stomach, burns its mucous membrane.
  • Drinking alcohol, irritating the mucous membranes, stimulates acid production.
  • In overweight people, intra-abdominal pressure increases, under the influence of which food enters the esophagus.
  • Eating dinner late in the evening increases acid production because food takes a long time to digest in a horizontal position.
  • Frequent consumption of coffee and strong tea, irritating the stomach wall, stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid.
  • Physical overload and bending immediately after eating provoke the release of stomach acid into the esophagus.
  • In pregnant women, heartburn is explained by an increase in intra-abdominal pressure in the second trimester.

Heartburn during pregnancy is a fairly common problem.

Under the same conditions, heartburn occurs more often in people with functional insufficiency of the sphincter, which is located between the stomach and esophagus. The second cause of burning in the epigastrium in healthy people is the tendency to increased acidity of gastric juice. You need to get rid of heartburn with the help of a properly selected diet.

Principles of a therapeutic diet for heartburn

Medical nutrition– this is the basis complex treatment gastrointestinal diseases. It is recommended to follow a diet and healthy people when a burning sensation appears behind the sternum. To avoid heartburn, you just need to follow the basic rules of nutritional therapy:

  • Chemical sparing of the esophagus. This means avoiding foods that stimulate the production of excess acid in the stomach and irritate the esophagus. These include bitter vegetables - radishes, radishes. It is not recommended to take spices - mustard, horseradish, bay leaf, pepper. Strong tea and coffee irritate the gastric mucosa.
  • Mechanical sparing of the stomach consists of excluding foods with coarse fiber - mushrooms, legumes, pearl barley porridge. These products, taking a long time to digest, require increased production of hydrochloric acid.
  • Thermal sparing. Too hot and cold foods irritate the wall of the esophagus. Food should be warm - from 15 to 40 °C. In addition, cold food, remaining longer in the stomach, causes its glands to produce excess hydrochloric acid.

If you have heartburn, you should eat steamed, baked, stewed or boiled food. You should take food 5 times a day in small portions, chewing thoroughly and slowly. Medical nutrition excludes fried, fatty and spicy foods.

Important! Raw vegetables increase the secretion of gastric juice, but they can be consumed half an hour before lunch. The diet should be followed for 2–6 months.

As soon as the burning sensation behind the sternum appears again, therapeutic nutrition should be used.

What to eat from meat dishes:

  • lean fish, boiled or baked;
  • steamed meat or fish cutlets;
  • rabbit meat;
  • chicken dishes white meat without skin, because it contains a lot of fat;
  • boiled lean veal or beef;
  • lean game.

What you can do for heartburn from dairy products:

  • non-acidic and low-fat cottage cheese is prepared two days ago, so it is better to prepare it at home;
  • low fat sour cream;
  • processed cheese;
  • low-fat cheeses.

Allowed to consume dairy products with a minimum percentage of fat content

What to eat for heartburn from sweets:

  • jelly;
  • dry biscuits;
  • baked goods without fat;
  • compote and jelly;
  • marmalade;
  • sweet crackers.

First courses:

  • Slimy rice soups help reduce heartburn;
  • vegetable side dishes in the form of puree;
  • cream soup;
  • boiled porridge and pasta;
  • pureed chicken soup;
  • low-fat oat soups.
  • broccoli;
  • pumpkin;
  • carrot;
  • boiled potatoes;
  • cauliflower.

Allowed fruits:

  • sweet apples;
  • bananas;
  • pears;
  • melon.

What grains can you eat:

  • rice and oatmeal;
  • brown rice dishes;
  • day-old white bread.

Allowed drinks:

  • non-acidic apple juice;
  • mineral water Borjomi and Smirnovskaya 4 help reduce the acidity of gastric juice when prescribed as a course;
  • jelly;
  • dried fruit compote.

Dried fruit compote - a tasty and healthy drink


  • vegetable fats – olive or sunflower oil up to 20 grams per day;
  • animal fats can be used for cooking in amounts up to 10 grams.


  • you can eat soft-boiled eggs;
  • egg souffle.

What should you not eat if you have heartburn?

When following a diet, you need to remember that it is forbidden to eat foods that provoke the production of hydrochloric acid. These include fried, sour, spicy foods. Food is also excluded causing gas formation in the stomach. Filling of the stomach with gases creates increased pressure, which causes the release of acid into the esophagus.

  • fried chicken wings;
  • beefsteaks;
  • fried cutlets;
  • smoked meats;
  • sausages, including diet ones.

If you have gastrointestinal problems, you should avoid sausages

Forbidden fruits:

  • grapefruit;
  • cranberry;
  • oranges;
  • tangerines;
  • sour apples;
  • lemon.

What dairy products should not be consumed:

  • fat sour cream and cottage cheese;
  • sour fermented baked milk, kefir;
  • ice cream;
  • fatty cheeses;
  • milkshake.

If you have heartburn, it is advisable to avoid milkshakes.

Vegetable dishes:

  • fried and fried potatoes;
  • tomatoes;
  • raw onion;
  • legume products - beans and peas.

First courses:

  • fatty borscht;
  • cabbage soup;
  • mushroom and fish broths;
  • macaroni and cheese;
  • spaghetti pasta with spicy sauce.

Spices and additives:

  • ginger;
  • mint;
  • garlic;
  • vinegar;
  • horseradish;
  • mustard;
  • bay leaf.

Spices for heartburn should be avoided


  • sauerkraut:
  • salted and pickled cucumbers;
  • lecho;
  • hot salted pepper;
  • pickled garlic.

Sweet dishes:

  • chocolate;
  • chips;
  • cakes;
  • cakes with cream.


  • carbonated drinks;
  • sour fruit juices;
  • tomato juice;
  • canned fruit drinks;
  • cola;
  • Fanta;
  • cranberry juice;
  • lime;
  • Orange juice;
  • wine and spirits;
  • strong tea and coffee.

Soda and alcohol should be prohibited

  • fresh bread;
  • sweet products.

These foods cause heartburn in most people. But each person is individual. Food tolerance varies from person to person. During the diet, alcohol consumption is prohibited.

At first glance, there seem to be a lot of prohibited products, but in fact the menu can be varied. Nutritional therapy is a temporary measure during heartburn. It helps reduce hypersecretion of gastric juice. This reduces the burning sensation in the stomach and esophagus.

Analyzing the above, we emphasize the main points. Heartburn of any origin can be eliminated by dietary nutrition. The principle of the diet is that you should not eat foods that, by irritating the mucous membranes, stimulate hypersecretion of gastric juice. To eliminate heartburn, you should adhere not only to the recommended list of products, but also the right way preparations. If you have constant or frequently recurring heartburn, you should get examined.

Heartburn is a symptom that occurs when the valve between the esophagus and the stomach becomes loose and acidic stomach contents back up into the esophagus (called reflux). It is at this moment that we experience most unpleasant feeling- heartburn. As for the reasons... Some people have a weak valve to begin with. But external factors also contribute to its weakening:

  • Acidic foods (such as tomatoes and citrus fruits).
  • Drinking alcohol.
  • Smoking cigarettes.
  • Diseases such as diabetes, asthma.
  • Hiatal hernia.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Overweight.

Nutrition for heartburn - principles

If you suffer from acid reflux, then you are also interested in the topic of nutrition for heartburn. What can you eat and what can you not? What foods cause heartburn? What is the diet to avoid exacerbation of the symptom? Obviously, some foods make your illness worse, and some are completely safe and even beneficial. Dietitians have compiled several of these lists, and they are a good starting point for planning your own.

Keep in mind that, in addition to ready-made lists, it is advisable to have your own. Keep a food diary and note how a particular product or dish affects you. This will allow you to create a menu and make decisions about changes as accurately and quickly as possible.

1. Eat less often and less. This will help prevent excess stomach acid production.

2. Eat slowly. One way to help you slow down the rate at which you eat is to put your fork or spoon down between bites.

3. Don't go to bed with full stomach. Eat 3 hours before bed. This will prevent nighttime heartburn.

4. Sleep on a high pillow or raise the head of the bed, sleep on your left side.

5. Avoid your heartburn triggers. Examples of foods and drinks that can cause heartburn: coffee (including decaffeinated coffee), alcohol, fatty foods, onions, garlic, mint, chocolate, citrus fruits and juices, tomatoes, spicy foods, all kinds of sauces and ketchups.

6. Quit smoking. Nicotine weakens the muscle that controls the opening between the esophagus and the stomach and prevents acidic contents from the stomach from being released back into the esophagus.

7. Lose weight. If you have overweight, this makes the symptoms worse.

8. Chew gum. It can provide short-term relief from heartburn by stimulating the production of saliva, which clears excess stomach acid.

9. Drink warm liquid. After drinking a glass warm water or herbal tea After eating, you will help your stomach dissolve acid.

10. Drink plenty of water, it helps digestion. But don't drink too much water at once.

11. Learn to manage stress and start doing moderate exercise regularly. physical exercise. But not on a full stomach.

The most important: Good products for heartburn it is:

  • Bananas and sweet apples
  • Vegetables (such as baked potatoes, well-cooked carrots, green beans, peas)
  • Lean meat, chicken breast, fish
  • Low fat or with low content fat dairy products

And now - in more detail.

List 1

What can you eat if you have heartburn?

Sweet fresh and dried fruits, fresh apples, apple juice with water (not suitable for everyone), bananas

Vegetables baked potatoes, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, green beans, peas

Lean beef, skinless chicken breasts, egg whites, lean fish

Dairy products: feta or goat cheese, low-fat sour cream, soy tofu

Grain bread, multigrain or white, bran, oatmeal, cornbread, brown and white rice

Drinks mineral water

Sweets / Desserts Low-fat baked goods, natural marmalade

List 2

What can you eat with heartburn with caution?

Fruit orange juice with water, apple juice; peach, blueberry, raspberry, strawberry, grape, dried cranberry

Vegetables garlic, onions (in dishes, cooked), leeks, green onions

Meat lean beef, chicken

Eggs scrambled

Fried fish, canned tuna salad, beef or pork hot dog, ham

Dairy products low fat yogurt, milk with a fat content of no more than 1%, low-fat cottage cheese (1%), low-fat mozzarella and cheddar cheeses

Cereal garlic bread, baked goods

Drinks beer, Cola

Sauces Ketchup

Sweets / Desserts low fat baked goods

Natalia Bogdanova

Reading time: 11 minutes


Heartburn- Very unpleasant consequence delicious meal.

And heartburn occurs, as a rule, among lovers of all fatty, spicy and highly seasoned foods, but it can also be a consequence of eating completely harmless foods. For example, your stomach does not accept coffee or some types of tea, citrus fruits, tomatoes, onions or garlic.

What diseases cause heartburn?

In addition, heartburn should be considered as a symptom of one of the serious diseases, such as:

  • First of all, heartburn is the main symptom of gastroesophageal reflux disease (abbreviated as GERD). A person with this disease suffers from constant heartburn and also feels a feeling of bitterness in the morning.
  • Gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.
  • Duodenitis.
  • Pancreatitis.
  • Oncology of the stomach and pancreas.
  • Cholecystitis.
  • Gallstone disease.
  • Biliary dyskinesia.
  • Hernia food opening diaphragm.
  • Heartburn also often occurs in pregnant women.

And whatever the cause of heartburn, constant use of medications is not best solution problems (but only if the examination showed that you do not have any serious diseases!). To forget forever about the unpleasant burning sensation inside, it is enough to reconsider your diet and competently create an individual menu, taking into account acceptable and undesirable foods.

Basic rules of diet for heartburn

The goal of any diet is to get rid of this or that painful sensation. The purpose of the diet for heartburn is to literally put out the flame in your stomach and forget about this unpleasant feeling for a long time. And simple rules will help with this.

Rules and basic principles of nutrition for heartburn:

  • Observe fractional meals– eat 5-6 times a day, the portions should be very small.
  • Don't overeat. The stomach should not be clogged. Eat just enough portion to satisfy your hunger.
  • Avoid late meals.
  • Remember: eating is not a speed race. There is no need to eat quickly, as if you are being rushed. This manner of dining is stressful for the stomach, and one of the reasons for frequent heartburn.
  • Immediately after a meal, you should not lie down, much less play sports. Walk around the house for about 30 minutes, and only then can you go to bed. If walking is difficult (for example, you are pregnant), take a comfortable sitting position.
  • Give up everything harmful - forget about smoking, alcohol, fatty foods, fast food and semi-finished products, chewing gum, synthetic breakfast cereals, yeast baked goods.
  • It is better to replace animal fats with vegetable fats.
  • Avoid eating too hot foods.
  • Avoid over-salted foods. Yes, delicious. But this is another extra irritant for the stomach!

The secrets of cooking for people suffering from heartburn also include one very useful trick- so-called food sparing:

  • TO mechanical Gentleness includes chopping boiled or steamed food.
  • TO chemical Sparing includes limiting the use or completely eliminating substances that can disrupt the functions of a diseased organ, in our case, causing heartburn.
  • Thermal Sparing involves avoiding thermal irritants - in our case, hot food (when the temperature of the dish is above 60°C) and cold snacks, drinks, desserts (temperature below 15°C) are unacceptable.

By following these rules, you literally spare your body and reduce the risk of heartburn.

What you can eat if you have heartburn and what you should eat with caution - a list of allowed foods

Many people mistakenly believe that a diet is always tasteless food: dishes are unsalted, desserts are not sweet, and you should forget about fruits altogether. Doctors and nutritionists prove that a diet for heartburn can be not only healthy, but also tasty.

What can you eat if you have heartburn - list of foods:

You can try to use it with caution large quantities:

  • Sauerkraut.
  • Legumes and pasta, especially with sauces - these dishes sometimes provoke heartburn.
  • Low-fat milk, low-fat cottage cheese, some types of cheeses (feta, goat, soy), as well as unflavored yogurt, low-fat sour cream.
  • Scrambled eggs without seasoning.
  • Peaches, strawberries, raspberries, grapes, blueberries.
  • Stewed or canned low-fat fish.
  • Yesterday's unsweetened pastries.
  • Milk chocolate in small quantities.
  • Natural marmalade and jelly.

To study the preferences of your own stomach, nutritionists recommend keeping a diary where you need to record your reaction to a particular product. This will help you create a personalized list of unwanted and acceptable dishes for heartburn.

Prohibited foods and dishes for heartburn include:

  • Strong meat or mushroom broths, borscht and other first courses using tomatoes, as well as okroshka.
  • Fatty meats and fish.
  • Some raw vegetables With high content fiber, such as beets.
  • Sour and unripe vegetables, fruits and berries - citrus fruits, especially lime, lemon, as well as tomatoes and various tomato sauces.
  • Roast. This category includes barbecue, steaks, French fries and all fast food.
  • Semi-finished products and all kinds of smoked meats.
  • Spicy, salty - anything that is too salty or overly spiced is taboo for you.
  • Alcohol and carbonated drinks.
  • Pickled foods and any marinades.
  • Sour juices – cranberry, tomato, orange.
  • Vinegar, horseradish, raw onion, pepper, mustard, radish, radish, lemon balm, mint. The latest product is one of the most common reasons the appearance of heartburn.
  • Strong tea, cocoa, coffee, dark chocolate.
  • Breakfast cereals - muesli, various cereals, as well as chips, crackers and other synthetic snacks.
  • Any baked goods based on yeast - bread, sweet buns and cakes, donuts, cookies and cream, pies (especially fried ones), as well as kvass and beer. Yeast causes bloating and heartburn.
  • Fatty dairy products - cottage cheese, sweet masses, milkshakes, homemade milk, ice cream, and sharp cheeses.

What foods help quickly relieve heartburn?

You can eliminate heartburn with the help of products, and this method is the simplest - you don’t need to run to the pharmacy for expensive drugs, because many “rescuers” are almost always at hand. And to such helpers in right moment Products include more than just baking soda.

Recipes for quick fix heartburn:

As you can see, there are many helpers in the fight against heartburn, and all of them are often found in our kitchen.

Features of the diet when heartburn is combined with other problems

Heartburn often appears along with other unpleasant problems, such as removal of gases from the pharynx (in other words, belching, most often sour), bloating (flatulence), and simply pain in the upper part of the esophagus.

This is how your body screams about an impending problem, so you cannot ignore such signals! In addition to consulting a doctor for advice and a referral for examination, it is important to maintain proper nutrition.

When heartburn is combined with belching, doctors recommend:

  • Eat more bananas and melon.
  • Eat oatmeal more often brown rice and couscous.
  • Low-fat Ground beef, baked chicken or turkey, as well as baked or steamed fish must be present in the diet.
  • Eat more green foods - asparagus, celery, broccoli, cauliflower.
  • Egg whites are also a very healthy product.

When heartburn is combined with flatulence, doctors recommend:

  • Increase consumption of rabbit meat, lean beef and veal, turkey meat, chicken fillet, pates homemade and lean fish.
  • Eat carrots and pumpkin more often.
  • There are prunes and apricots.
  • Eat more greens.
  • Add rye bread crackers to your diet.
  • Drink natural juices and herbal teas.

Contraindications are all the same foods, the list of which you have already read in the paragraph on prohibited foods for heartburn without associated problems.

Features of the diet for heartburn in pregnant and lactating women

Expectant mothers and already breastfeeding women often suffer from heartburn, and are forced to very carefully plan their menu for every day. For some mothers, heartburn completely disappears after childbirth, while others continue to experience this unpleasant feeling.

To alleviate the condition, pregnant and lactating women need to review their diet, following some simple recommendations:

How to help your child get rid of heartburn - the right diet for children with high stomach acidity

Not only adults suffer from heartburn - children also often experience a burning sensation in the esophagus. And in order for your child to forget about heartburn for a long time, it is necessary to create the right children's diet. In general, a child’s diet is practically no different from an adult’s menu - harmful and healthy foods are equally prohibited or permitted for both adults and children.

Rules for children's diet for heartburn:

  1. Make sure your child eats at the same time every day and eats in small portions often.
  2. Like adults, children with heartburn are also prohibited from consuming foods that increase acidity - these are any citrus fruits or sour juices.
  3. Fast food, semi-finished products, and in general all dishes that undergo a frying process are strictly prohibited for children.
  4. Teach your child to chew food thoroughly and not to rush during meals. The baby should also not overeat.
  5. From healthy products for a child with high acidity of gastric juice - slimy soups (rice or oatmeal), eggs, skinless chicken breast, natural processed and goat cheeses, low-fat sour cream, porridge with milk, corn, raw greens, as well as whole grain and corn bread, bananas , sweet apples.
  6. A child suffering from heartburn can also eat homemade jelly and marmalade, soufflé, marshmallows, marshmallows, honey and dry cookies. These sweets will help diversify your child’s tasteless diet.

How to get rid of heartburn for a long time in just 7 days of diet and proper nutrition?

When creating a menu, use the lists of permitted products, and also take into account sensitivity to certain products, allergies and other negative reactions. Each diet is highly individual, and what suits your stomach may not suit your child.


Breakfast. Hercules porridge with milk, weak tea. As a treat, you can eat homemade jelly or marshmallows.
2nd breakfast. Kissel, unsweetened crackers.
Dinner. Vegetable soup with parsley, fish fillet paired with home squash caviar, some nuts for a snack.
Afternoon snack. Bananas, milk chocolate, jelly.
Dinner. Mashed potatoes, salad, boiled chicken breast, steamed omelet.


Breakfast. Low-fat cottage cheese with dried fruits and nuts or lazy dumplings with low-fat sour cream.
2nd breakfast. Berry mousse, cottage cheese casserole.
Dinner. Semolina soup, steamed beef with vegetables, weak tea.
Afternoon snack. Fruit salad, honey.
Dinner. Buckwheat porridge, steamed meatballs, vegetable salad, compote


Breakfast. Casserole of low-fat cottage cheese with dried apricots, jelly.
2nd breakfast. Weak tea with sandwiches.
Dinner. Zucchini and potato puree soup, crackers, still water.
Afternoon snack. Sweet fruits and berries.
Dinner. Rice porridge, steamed cutlets, boiled egg, fresh juice from vegetables (helps get rid of heartburn if you drink it before meals).


Breakfast. Oatmeal muffins with low-fat milk.
2nd breakfast. Toast with cheese or butter, tea.
Dinner. Baked corn on the cob.
Afternoon snack. Apple jelly or semolina pudding.
Dinner. Steamed vegetable pancakes.


Breakfast. Yesterday's bread with melted cheese, weak tea.
2nd breakfast. Grated carrots with sweet apple.
Dinner. Puree soup with celery, soft-boiled egg, homemade unsweetened croutons.
Afternoon snack. Gingerbread cookies with natural yoghurt(it’s better if the drink is homemade).
Dinner. Baked fish with vegetables or fish casserole without spices, mashed potatoes.


Breakfast. Toast with homemade pate, tea.
2nd breakfast. Corn pancakes with low-fat sour cream.
Dinner. Pilaf in a slow cooker with lean meat, fresh herbs, steamed broccoli.
Afternoon snack. Milk cookies, homemade compote.
Dinner. Vegetable stew with green peas or duck with buckwheat in pots, warm salad from vegetables.

During pregnancy, heartburn occurs most often at the very beginning interesting situation and on later. In the first case, the hormone progesterone is to blame, which relaxes not only the muscular walls of the uterus to prevent miscarriage, but also the organs digestive system. As a result, the function of the valve between the stomach and esophagus decreases, which causes the reflux of food and gastric juice from digestive organ. In the second case, heartburn occurs due to the pressure of the enlarged uterus on the stomach. Due to the sometimes quite common unpleasant symptom Every pregnant woman should know what products can be consumed for heartburn, because many do not want to take drugs from the pharmacy during this period. This pathology causes quite a lot of inconvenience, reduces the quality of life, and prevents every expectant mother from enjoying this wonderful period in the life. What can you eat to cope with heartburn?

Heartburn occurs quite often in women. What foods can be consumed in this case? In this case, it is better to give preference to dairy products, various baked vegetables and fruits, and cereals.

It is worth drinking enough water, but it is better to avoid coffee. Baked goods and sweets remain prohibited.

It must be remembered that you should not use too much high-calorie dishes to avoid gaining excess weight.

By the way, it helps cope with heartburn applesauce. This is a tasty and low-calorie dish, so pregnant women can eat it without worrying about their weight.

Instead of tea, you can drink mint infusion. Brew it like regular tea leaves. This drink will not harm the expectant mother and baby.

List of products that reduce heartburn

A pregnant woman can get rid of heartburn not only with the help of approved ones. In order to neutralize the adverse effect on the stomach, you can eat certain foods.


Dairy products are the most valuable for children. Adults do not always digest milk well. However, such foods contain calcium, which binds stomach acid. As a result, heartburn goes away. Besides, fermented milk products help normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

When consuming dairy products, you must remember that foods with high fat content not only will not help, but can also cause even more harm.

Vegetables and fruits

For the most part, both groups provoke the production of hydrochloric acid. Citrus fruit and sour vegetables often cause irritation of the mucous membrane.

However, some products from this group cope perfectly with the manifestations of inflammation.

What will help:

Porridges and soups

Frequent consumption of oatmeal can lead to inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract. However, if you do not abuse this dish, you can get rid of the disease. Porridges have the ability to retain gastric juice and prevent it from escaping into the esophagus. As a result, there is no burning sensation. In addition, such dishes contain a lot useful elements, having a restorative effect on the mucous membranes.

Soups must be soft (puree); fried ingredients cannot be used for their preparation. It is worth remembering that even vegetable broth can cause heartburn.

Other products

To get rid of heartburn, you can use a simple clean water. This will help dilute the acid in your stomach, but not for long.

The most known means, used at home, is soda. Dissolve ½ small spoon of soda in half a glass of water. Then the drink is drunk. If necessary, therapy is repeated.

You can dilute a couple of drops of clove oil in water and drink the resulting product. It helps to cope with the disease quite quickly. However, you need to remember that oil should not be used in large quantities, as it can be dangerous.

Honey can be used in therapy. Only it must be completely natural. A small amount will be enough; abuse of the product will lead to increased symptoms of the disease. A pregnant woman can take honey only if she is not allergic to this product.

This pathology occurs in almost everyone at least once in their life, and during pregnancy it is rather the opposite norm, if expectant mother experiences heartburn on different dates. To avoid this symptom, you should follow certain rules.


  • If heartburn occurs frequently, then it is worth reviewing your entire diet. It should not contain fried, fatty, smoked, or pickled foods. It is worth giving up hot spices and fresh baked goods, limiting the consumption of coffee, strong tea and carbonated drinks.
  • You need to eat food in small portions, slowly, but often.
  • It is necessary to refuse bad habits. Alcohol and smoking adversely affect the condition of the entire body.
  • No need to overeat.
  • Overweight people often suffer from this problem.
  • After eating food, you should not lie down for several hours, and you should also not be bent over.
  • You need to include more high-fiber foods in your menu.
  • Should be adhered to healthy image life, spend more time on fresh air. Exercise.

Following these rules will help you forget about heartburn. If the disease occurs constantly, then you need to contact a specialist to select the most appropriate treatment.

For each pregnant woman, the most suitable suitable products from heartburn, based on its condition and the degree of pathology. Therefore, the diet can be completely different. But it is worth knowing that in almost every home there is a remedy for this disease.

Video: what foods are for heartburn