How to remember a person's name? Easily! For whom will mnemonic techniques be useful? This method has only two requirements

At the moment of acquaintance, attention is usually paid not to the name, but to the person’s appearance (facial expressions, figure, clothes). Therefore, when we hear the name of the interlocutor, we can immediately forget it, and it is inconvenient to ask again. Many people find themselves in the awkward position of not being able to remember the name of someone who is counting on being remembered. In order to remember his first or last name the next time you meet a person when you see his face, you can use a few simple mnemonics.

Sometimes we all find it difficult not only to recognize a person we have seen only once or twice, but also to remember his name. Knowing people and understanding their problems can bring significant success in business relationships.

Everyone wants to remember the names of the people they meet. When you are first introduced to someone during a job interview, business meeting, or cocktail party, the first thing you hear is their name.

At the moment of acquaintance, attention is usually paid not to the name, but to human appearance(facial expressions, figure, clothes, etc.). Therefore, when we hear the name of the interlocutor, we can immediately forget it, and it is inconvenient to ask again. Next, an unpleasant situation may arise when you are addressed by your first name and patronymic, but we cannot respond in kind. Our interlocutor gets the impression that he is being treated with disrespect. Good way imprint a name in memory - start repeating it. Say the name out loud several times and say it to yourself when you move away from the person. It is advisable to write down the name in a notebook or smartphone, associate with the image of a person, give the name and surname a semantic meaning. For example, Voronin Konstantin - “put” a man on a raven carrying a bone in its beak; Ivan Stolyarov - “sit” the man on a workbench in the shape of the letter I. When you get ready to leave, look at your notes and go through the names.

Thus, in order to remember his first or last name the next time you meet a person when you see his face, you need to:

  1. reproduce the name silently or out loud as accurately as possible;
  2. associate with the image of a person;
  3. give a first or last name a semantic meaning.

It is important to remember that when perceiving and remembering, not only physical appearance, but also facial expressions, gestures, voice, speech, and gait are of particular importance.

Has proven itself very well when meeting someone in absentia image birth method. An image is a representation. From pieces of other people's stories and our own impressions, we ourselves can create a certain image, our own. We will never confuse ours with someone else’s and never forget.

When they tell us about a certain Ivan Ivanovich, we want to know what he looks like, and what he does, what he is interested in. This will help us compare a stranger to our mental images(after all, in our minds, a worker is one thing, and an accountant is something completely different). There are also social stereotypes: it is believed that a professor is absent-minded person, the student is always cheerful and reckless, the British, as many people stereotypically believe, are prim and arrogant, and the Balts can be slow.

Sales agents know the importance of remembering their clients' names by using simple techniques to help them make connections between names and faces. For this it is necessary mentally connect the dominant feature of the person represented with his name. If the new person's last name is Zelenev, then you can imagine him with green nose, if the nose is a prominent feature of his face. In the same way, you can imagine Mrs. Rozanova with a large bouquet of roses on her head, if her hairstyle stands out most of all on her head.

Unfortunately, not all people have remarkable facial features, but you can come up with any imaginable appearance features yourself. If a person has the last name Lisov, you can imagine him with a long fox nose, and imagine Medvedev as large and clumsy.

Many surnames do not evoke simple figurative associations. In such cases you can use fake names.

Some people have common surnames and there is already a person in your memory with that surname, e.g. famous film actor. Imagine that the person you were introduced to is talking to this artist.

To successfully use this method, you must remember following rules:

  1. Don't try to use this method at a regular party to remember everyone you meet, because it's difficult to have a conversation and make associations at the same time.
  2. Remember the names of only those people with whom you may meet again.
  3. If you don't get the person's name the first time, don't hesitate to ask them to introduce themselves again. Such a request indicates interest in this person on your part.
  4. To refresh your memory, remember the names of people you met and draw mental images of them.

Retrieving names and faces from memory

Many people find themselves in the awkward position of not being able to remember the name of someone who is counting on being remembered. This happens when you meet a person in an unusual environment. It may also happen that while talking to people you have never met before, you suddenly realize that you cannot introduce them to each other. There is only one reason: you cannot remember the name of one of them.

To avoid getting into trouble, use the following tips.

  1. Continue the conversation, perhaps during the conversation you will receive a hint with which you can establish the identity of the interlocutor.
  2. Try to remember where you last met him.
  3. Run through the alphabet in your head to see if the name you're looking for comes up. Maybe it starts with the letter A, G, M, etc.
  4. If all else fails, keep talking. It would be rude to admit that you don't remember the name of a colleague or, even worse, your boss.
  5. When entering into a conversation with a stranger, introduce yourself to him; this technique will help you avoid an awkward situation. Common politeness requires the same.

Method for identifying a distinctive feature

Many people in school years had nicknames. One was "Bespectacled Man", another was "Red-Headed", the third was "Donut". All this distinctive features. The nickname has an individual character: it immediately makes it clear who it is about. we're talking about. A nickname is a word that can be easily represented as a visual image.

A distinctive feature allows you to remember a specific person. You can “link” precise information about a person to it. Distinctive features can be memorized sequentially.

Even if you know exactly the person’s last name, first name, place of work and residence, you may need to remember additional information about him: his numbers cell phone, the code of the combination lock at the entrance of his house. Then the distinctive feature stands out according to the type of activity of a person, his habits, behavior, style of clothing, according to his character. If your friend is a doctor, a distinctive feature (image) suggests itself - a syringe. Your friend plays the violin - give her the image “violin”. You can assign distinctive features to your close relatives.

It often happens that you need to identify a distinctive feature in a stranger standing in front of you. Knowing that you are about to meet a new person, try identify a distinctive feature in advance from your future interlocutor before he is introduced to you. You should immediately attach the person’s last name to the selected attribute, and record the first and patronymic.

Repeat the memorized information during the conversation, call the interlocutor by his name several times.

Good distinguishing features are a person’s height, his figure (plump or thin), unusual behavior, speech patterns, and gait. At the same time, it is advisable not to identify distinctive features by clothing or hairstyle, because people often change both their hairstyle and clothing.

If you don’t know the image of your future interlocutor, you can work with this person’s last name. Slavic surnames are relatively easy to translate into images.

  • Svetsov - the image of “light”, “lamp”.
  • Chernov - “blackness”, “darkness”.
  • Tikhonov - “turtle”.

To create an image based on a foreign surname, you need to break it into several parts, then translate each of them into an image. These images are connected in associations:

  • Martenson - mar - ten - sleep (mar - tent - bed).

Remembering last names, first names and patronymics

Surnames are transformed into images through suggestive associations (coding by consonance, composing words by syllables). Let's take common surnames:

  • Pchelintsev - “bee”.
  • Ozerov - “lake”.
  • Belogolovtsev - " white head».
  • Malkov - “fry”.
  • Evgrafov - “count”.

We will do the same with foreign surnames.

  • Berg - "shore".
  • Darley - “radar lemon”.

It is possible to encode names into images in the following way. If your friend’s name is Katya and she works as an ice cream seller, then you can designate all people with the name Katya as “ice cream”. All Ninas can be designated as a “ladle” if your friend Nina works as a cook.

First names and patronymics are translated into images in the same way. Names can be transformed into visual images by isolating another word from the name by association with familiar people, by consonance:

  • Vladimir - world - “globe”.
  • Rose - "rose flower".
  • Mikhail - “bear” - “bear”.
  • Pavel - "peacock".
  • Vasily - "cat".
  • Nikolai - "count".
  • Svetlana - "firefly".
  • Galina - "daw".
  • Elena - Alenka - “chocolate”.

Having trouble remembering someone's name? Do you want to remember the names of all your friends and employees? There is a way out! With the help of this article, after going through several stages, you will learn to remember any name. Just five ways and you won't get into an awkward situation.

Step 1: When you first learn the name of a new friend, repeat his name three or four times: ", Igor, Igor, Igor." The trick is to repeat the name without noticing. First, try to chant spontaneously.

For example: “Nice to meet you, Igor. How are you?” Then repeat this twice during the conversation. “This is very interesting. Igor, what do you think about my proposal?” “So, Igor, what do you do on the weekend?” After this, insert the other person's name into the conversation from time to time to keep their name in your mind. But don't overdo it, otherwise you will seem very strange to your interlocutor.

Step 2: During the first conversation, you should subtly study the face and clothing of the interlocutor, paying special attention for any distinctive features. Make an association in your head with this person. For example, if the interlocutor is tall, then “tall Igor,” or with a mole on his cheek, then “Igor with a mole.” The next time you see, for example, a mole, you will remember this person.

Step 3: Also, try making simple rhymes with the person's name. It could be like funny rhyme, and some other, the main thing is that it is “imprinted” in your head. For example: “Vovan is a blockhead,” “Pashok is a brush.” If you can connect the rhyme to a person's defining characteristic, then it's doubly good. A bearded man, for example, can become “Mikhail needs to shave.”

Step 4: If you have trouble remembering a person's name, ask a mutual friend to remind you of their name sometimes. You don't need to be shy - it's much better to do this than to call them "Hey, what's your name."

Step 5: If all else fails, simply ask your partner's name again. You need to politely say, "I'm terribly sorry. I forgot your name".

Everyone forgets names from time to time, so don't be shy to ask the name again. After this reminder, you are unlikely to forget a second time.

Find and remember the name on VKontakte

These 5 ways should help you remember people's names in any situation. However, no one is perfect, and if you find yourself unable to remember the name, don't worry. Just look up his name on Twitter or VKontakte.

Full memory utilization implies the ability to remember most of the information received. Today there is large number ways to improve memory. It is known that such techniques were used back in Ancient Greece.

The best speakers never read a piece of paper, but the whole necessary information kept in mind. Today it is also to avoid unpleasant surprises.

Remember faces and names a person has to do this throughout his life, but it is precisely this information that is poorly stored in the head. To work on this and correct the situation there is several techniques, rules and recommendations, if followed, you will notice after some time that the situation has changed for the better..

    before the meeting, ask yourself the question: “What might their name be?”;

    pay attention to the manner in which your interlocutor pronounces your name;

    remember the associations associated with names;

    listen to the conversation of others, sooner or later they will say the right name;

    relate the visual image to the name;

    If you exchanged business cards, sometimes remember the person's image when looking at him.

These simple rules will help you more easily remember the names of people you meet along the way.

Below are a few techniques that have been developed to improve memory person.

How to remember a person?

When people are introduced for the first time, a fairly small percentage may name the new person, if acquaintance is happening with several people at once, the percentage drops even more. Science knows that the human brain perceives better new information when it is connected with certain associations. Therefore for remember better To start training your memory, try to remember the following:

    match the name with any known phenomenon;

    associate some feature of appearance with a name;

    capture distinctive features;

    emotional sensations when meeting;

    human smell;

    determine the degree of importance;

    if possible, “write down” the dating process by connecting mechanical memory;

    events that happened while you were together.

How to remember a person's name?

To lead active life need to remember people's names, especially those that may be useful in the future. After all, due to confusion of names, important negotiations can not only worsen, but also break down.

History knows many great people who managed to know all their subordinates not only by name, but also remembered a lot of information about each of them. Today exists several techniques who can lend a helping hand to those who want to remember the names of everyone around them.

Rule #1. Dating is everything

To remember a new name, repeat it out loud several times, this way it will definitely be remembered. In order not to cause an ambiguous reaction at this time, simply ask a few questions to the person, using his name in each one.

Rule #2. Badge Law

Try to imagine a new name on a badge, just visually create its image. Record this inscription in your memory and during the conversation, look at the imaginary symbol.

Rule #3. We decorate the forehead with the name

A little strange, but effective recommendation. When you recognize the name, write it visually on your friend's forehead. To capture the inscription, choose any font or unusual subject for writing. To remember the name you will just need to look at your forehead and your memory will tell you.

Social etiquette method

At remembering faces Quite often difficulties arise due to the fact that the name is in no way connected with the person. It used to be straight association with activity each resident, names are now chosen randomly based on personal preferences. Researcher Tony Buzan invented social etiquette method, which guarantees an easy way out of a situation where you have been introduced to several people at once.

This method has only two requirements:

    interest in people;


These rules are designed to make it easier for people to get to know and remember each other.

Rules for remembering people

This does not mean that you need to use them all all the time, just choose the most suitable ones for yourself and enjoy them:

Remember that a person's name is the sweetest and
the most important sound for him in any language.

(Dale Carnegie)

There is no good or bad memory to names. There is only a good or bad strategy for remembering them. I'll introduce you to strategies that will help you think differently about your ability to remember names. Make a firm decision now to learn how to do it better! This decision will give you many advantages and protect you from awkward situations.

There is a vicious circle of our ideas about ourselves. Let go of limiting beliefs about your memory for names and focus your attention on a new one. effective strategy. Try your best to remember names, show interest in them, imprint people's memories by associating their images with names.

Imagine that you met a man who promised you a million dollars if you remember his name in a week. Do you remember this name? Of course, remember! When a name is important to us, our memory always works brilliantly.

The methods I will share with you have been known for centuries. All you have to do is change your thinking a little and use the amazing associative abilities of your brain. Some people claim that they tried to remember names by association, but it didn’t work out. Nothing will happen if you don't practice. Nothing in our lives comes naturally until you start working on it. All winners of memory championships use associative methods and easily remember more than a hundred names with their help in less than half an hour. I'm confident that if you use the champions' strategies, you'll get exactly the same results. But you can’t even pull a fish out of the pond without difficulty!

Untrained memory is not a very reliable thing. The average person often simply relies on the names to somehow settle into their head. The strategies I will share with you work flawlessly. Use them!

So, if you want to learn to remember names like a memory master, you should focus on the four Cs.

1. Concentration

Imagine that you meet a person whose name is exactly the same as yours. Will you remember his name? Yes, because you care about this name. You hear it all the time; when it is spoken, your attention is at its peak. This name is significant to you, you associate it with yourself. By following the same basic strategy, you will always be able to remember the names of new acquaintances.

When introducing oneself, a person usually says his name so quickly that it is impossible to understand. So try to take control of the dating process yourself! To hear the name well, you need to slow down the pace of what is happening. Prick up your ears and make every effort to hear the new name. Make remembering names an important part of your life.

Oliver Wendell Holmes 1 said this: “Before you forget something, you need to understand it.”

1 American doctor, poet and writer.

First, you should be able to hear the name clearly. After all, you cannot remember what you did not hear. Then repeat it after the person introduced himself, this will help your memory. If you didn't hear, ask again. If the name is complex, ask the person you are talking to spell it.

Listen to your interlocutor and be sincerely interested in his name. We are usually so eager to be interesting that we forget to be interested. When you are interested in another person, you want to know their name. Learn to hear people by putting yourself in their shoes. This will help you improve not only your memory, but also your social intelligence.

2. Creativity

Create visual images for names to make it easier to recall them later.

You probably often hear the following phrase from people:

“I know the face, but I just can’t remember the name...” However, no one ever says that they easily remember names, but quickly forget faces. Faces are imprinted in our memory as visual images, so we remember them well. Names are usually not

“settle” in our heads because we try to remember them exclusively by ear. However, it is pointless to try to give the image sound; nothing will work. In addition, auditory memories are never as durable as visual images.

To remember a name, we must come up with a visual image for it. Remember how we created associative images for the names of US presidents? If you give a name a specific meaning, it will be easier for you to keep it in your head.

However, if you do nothing with the new name, it will quickly disappear from your memory. This happens because RAM is not capable of storing information. Short-term and long-term memory must work together. You should think a little about the name because we only remember what we think about.

When you meet a new person, you only have 20 seconds to come up with an association with their name. If you haven't done this, it will quickly disappear from your memory. The more associations and meanings you come up with for a new name, the better it will “stick” in your head.

For some surnames, for example Rybin, Kuznetsov or Sorokin, it is easy to find associations. My last name is Horsley. It's easy to remember with the help of the word "choir" and Bruce Lee (choir with Bruce Lee - choir with Lee). With other surnames it may be a little more difficult. Make an effort, use your creative abilities, and you will be able to turn any name into a visual image and come up with an association with it.

3. Structures / Complex

Always remember that all learning is a process of creating connections between the known and the unknown. If you already know the face, then all you have to do is combine it into one structure/complex with an unfamiliar name. When you see a face, a memory trigger or hook for storing information, in this case storing a name, should be activated in your head.

Here are some ways to create connections between a name and a person. All the methods I’m telling you about take longer to explain than to apply.

Communication through comparison

This method involves comparing your new acquaintance with another person who has the same name. For example, you met a man named George. In order to remember this name, you need to think of another person whose name is also George. Do you know anyone named George? It could even be a celebrity, such as George Clooney.

Next, all you have to do is mentally compare the two people. What color is your friend George's hair? What color is the new George's hair? If you compare not one, but two traits of appearance or character, then you will pay even more attention to your new acquaintance, which means you will make the connection between his face and name even stronger.

The more similarities you can find, the more you will focus your attention on the new person, which is ideal conditions to save his name in long-term memory. It's simple... You just need to mentally compare two faces. In addition, you can consolidate the result even more reliably if you imagine a new acquaintance with two heads: one head is his own, and the other is your old friend with the same name.

I like this method because it helps, firstly, to remember a new person, and secondly, to refresh your memory of the name of another person you know. Take just a few seconds and you will remember your new name forever. The mnemonic principle in this case is to use a name from long-term memory to remember a new name, which is still in short term memory.

Some people ask me: “What if I don’t know a person with the same name? Who should you compare your new acquaintance with then?” In this case, you can use other methods. Now I will tell you about them. Choose the method that suits you personally.

Communication through faces

This method involves creating a connection between a name and a particularly notable feature of appearance. Each person's face is unique, and each face has some particularly noteworthy feature. Let me give you an example. Imagine that you met a woman and immediately noticed her amazingly beautiful blue eyes. This is her remarkable feature. When she says her name, you'll already have a place to store it. Let's say her name is Anna. Now you need to associate the name and the notable feature. Anna looks like a pineapple. Imagine a pineapple that winks at you with amazingly beautiful blue eyes. Silly associations like these will help you firmly connect the face with the name.

Never tell anyone exactly how you use this method because people sometimes get offended. One day I met a woman whose name was Viola. She asked me how I remembered her name. And I told her that I just thought about Viola cheese - and that was a big mistake. She was not at all impressed with my trick. Always remember that most people identify with their name, love it and perceive it as their unique brand. They may feel that if you use their name humorously, you are making fun of them.

Here are a few questions I'm usually asked when it comes to this method:

What if I meet four people and they all have the same remarkable feature - a big nose?

Finding a salient feature will help you focus on the face. We usually don't pay that much attention to it. Most of us hardly look at the people we meet. But now the remarkable feature will come into the focus of your attention, and then turn into a strong connection with the name. I once demonstrated in public that using this method I could remember more than a hundred names in half an hour. When you meet a hundred people at the same time, you have to use many of the same remarkable features, but surprisingly there is no confusion. Practice using the method on Facebook, there are millions of photos at your disposal.

Can I relate the name of a new acquaintance to his clothes?

Yes, but only if you remember his face anyway. People change their clothes, but their faces are unique. The faces hardly change.

What to do if you can’t create a visual image for a name in your head?

In this case, you can mentally write the name on the forehead of a new acquaintance. Imagine writing with a bold red marker. Use your creativity. If you somehow recreate the name in your head, you can remember it as easily as you remember faces.

Communication through a meeting place

In most cases, we easily remember the places where we met someone. They are well imprinted in our memory, but the names are not so...

Our next method consists of combining names with places of acquaintance. We will use a hook route to store names in memory. Let's say you met a woman named Rose. Ask yourself: “What will I remember about the place we met?” For example, you will remember the buffet counter. This means that you need to mentally connect a large red rose and a buffet counter. Now, thinking about this place, you will immediately remember the name of your new friend.

4. Hard work

You concentrated and heard the name well, then gave it a specific meaning and mentally combined it with the face; this is how you stored the new name in your short-term memory. However, in order to remember it forever, you need to use it constantly.

Talk to your interlocutor about his name. If it's foreign, ask what it means or how it's spelled. Always use your name in conversation. The more you use it, the less you will need to rely on your working memory and the sooner you will store the name in your long-term memory.

Periodically ask yourself the question: “What is this person’s name?” After answering it, ask yourself again:

“Did I remember correctly?” Throughout the day or evening, try to strengthen your associations with the name.

Remember names constantly. Create in your diary, on your computer, or in mobile phone a special file with names that you would like to remember. Add new acquaintances to "friends" in social networks, so you can easily check their names later. Review your list of names periodically to commit it to long-term memory. It is enough to indicate there the name and meeting place. Review this list regularly and you will develop a reliable system for storing names in your head. So you'll never get caught again awkward situations because they forgot someone's name.

With these methods, you will be able to remember the names of hundreds of people you met at one event. In addition, your concentration will improve. Also, if you remember others, they won’t forget you either.

© Kevin Horsley. Unlimited memory. Remember quickly, remember long. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2018.
© Published with permission of the publisher.

Vasily, Konstantin, Tamara, Nikolai Petrovich, Svetlana Viktorovna, Aslan Modestovich and many, many other wonderful names do not always easily fit in our heads. Sometimes, someone's name keeps popping up in memory, but what if this happens to all names all the time? If you have accumulated too many acquaintances under the name “Hey, you” or “Mr. with a red tie,” then it’s time to start developing your auditory memory for fleetingly catching and remembering other people’s human names. It doesn’t matter whether you are by nature a shy, nervous person, dying of boredom, or you simply have to meet with people who are uncomfortable for you, you should not consider these factors to have a strong influence on remembering names, most likely these are just excuses, so in this article we Here are a few simple techniques for painlessly remembering the names of people around you, who will subsequently give you rays of gratitude and respect for your rare ability to call them simply by name. Using a person's name is the most productive method in establishing strong relationships and maintaining a sense of mutual closeness and liking on the way to gaining friendship or achieving successful business relationships. Make the decision to remember people's names today!


    Understand the importance of using the other person's name. Sometimes, it is very useful to first become familiar with the benefits of calling people by name, instead of unhelpfully focusing on your supposedly weak memory or simply unwillingness to remember someone's name. William Shakespeare once remarked: “There is no sweeter melody in the world than the melody of your own name.” And the classic hit the nail on the head, because indeed, calling a person by name leads to mutual agreement and promotes further favorable relationships, since by doing this you emphasize that you have not forgotten this person, which means you value him. This approach will add significance to each meeting both for you and for the other person, which will give him a reason to feel comfortable surrounded by you, an individual who, at least, was not stingy in spending a few minutes remembering his “precious” name. After all, remembering a person's name is important even from the point of view of simple respect and politeness, as well as establishing have a good first impression of oneself, which is practically the main element in social environment habitat, since there is only one opportunity to influence this fateful first impression.

    • Always remember how unpleasant it really is when someone forgets your name. Nobody likes to feel forgotten.
  1. Keep in mind that the most common reason for not being able to remember people's names is very simple. This is because you're not really listening well enough or you're just not paying attention. This mainly happens due to frayed nerves or due to excessive excitement and worry about your work good impression. The secret of success in this case lies in the elementary transfer of focus from yourself to your interlocutor. If, as a consequence of your temporary confusion during a conversation, you are excessively worried about what kind of firewood you need to add next to the fire of the current conversation, then perhaps you will benefit from reading several articles on how to conduct a successful dialogue, which will help you to truly be present at conversation, and easily capture that intimate moment when the name of your interlocutor is pronounced. WikiHow offers you an excellent library of various tips for every taste:

  2. Ask the person's name again if you didn't catch it. Never hesitate to ask the person’s name again if, due to some circumstances, you were unable to hear his name. And it’s best to clarify the name of your interlocutor as early as possible, because the further you go into the conversation, the more inconvenient it will be to do this, so feel free to use the following phrases: “Excuse me, I didn’t catch your name?” Could you please repeat your name?” This way, you make it clear that your teammate should say your name again, perhaps more slowly. But this time, listen carefully. With the help of the above trick, it will be much easier to remember a person's name despite being nervous or excited. Repeat this technique and you will be able to develop constant vigilance by the time the name is pronounced, and even if you miss it again, this time you have a killer verbal formula for extracting the name from the lips of your interlocutor. Image:Remember a Person"s Name Step 3.jpg|center|550px]]

    • If you don't quite understand how to pronounce given name, then this gives you the perfect opportunity to ask the person to repeat first, and then allow you to say their name out loud several times to practice correct pronunciation, and after that, you can thank the person by saying what a unique name he got.
    • If the name is unusual, ask the person to spell their name and also ask what country or region their name comes from. Be prepared to do the same if you have a rare or exotic name.
    • If possible, ask the person to give you their business card, and then carefully read the name on it.
  3. Repetition is the mother of learning. Repeat out loud the name of the person introduced to you: “It’s very nice to meet you, Fevronia!” Pronounce slowly to avoid phonetic errors, and also use a pause before pronouncing unusual name, if you happen to introduce your friend to other people before, giving everyone else the opportunity to clearly hear this name. Always smile slightly as you do this, which will show that you are polite and that you are genuinely happy to meet this person. Address the person by name as often as possible, especially in the early stages of your acquaintance: “Would you like some tea, Fevronia?” Pronouncing this name at least three times will give you a high probability of not forgetting this name in the future. Use this in combination with business card. Combine name learning through auditory and visual memory.

    • Say the person's name to yourself at least ten times immediately after you hear the name.
    • Here are a few phrases that you can use to include the pronunciation of the name you want: “What do you plan to do in next year, Svetlana? How do you feel about this, Viktor Stepanovich? It was nice to meet you, Arkady.” Also, do not forget to address the person by his name when breaking up with him, which will lay the necessary foundation in your memory for subsequent meetings.
  4. Come up with an associative image in relation to a person with a name that is difficult for you to remember. Imagine this person standing next to your well-known acquaintance, who has the same or similar name (celebrities are also suitable). When you need to remember a person's name, a well-composed imaginary picture of that person standing in an embrace with someone you know will not only bring a smile to your face, but will also remind you of his name. For example, Masha, Sasha’s friend or Grisha looks like Leonid Agutin.

    • It will be very helpful if your new acquaintance has a common friend with you, so you can at least associatively remember your friend, and with him the name you forgot, and in extreme cases, you can ask to go to the restroom and quickly call your friend and ask What’s that guy or that girl’s name, “well, who do you understand?”
  5. “Misha is a bear, and Borya is a badger."Tie a new name for you to the names of animals or objects. There are several methods you can use, so take your pick:

    • Find a similar-sounding name of an animal or object. So for example: “What is her name? So, why don’t I just have a glass... oh, yes... Hello, Margarita Petrovna!” “Galya is a little pebble, Zhenya is a zhmenya, etc..”
    • With surnames it is often easier, for example, if a person’s surname contains the root of the name of an animal, plant, character trait, then do not hesitate to use it, only in this case it is better to keep these thoughts to yourself. So, for example, think about how easy it is to remember the following names: Kozlov, Petrov, Tsvetkov, Reva, Tsyplyakin, Zhurov, etc.
    • Find a suitable rhyme for the name, for example: “Masha is curdled milk.”
    • Tie the name to some saying, poem or to the name of a literary character: “Sasha was walking along the highway...” or “Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov looked at Natasha Rostova,” etc.
    • Combine surnames and first names famous people with the names and surnames of your friends: Dmitry Dinarov may be more easily remembered as Dmitry Dibrov, Gosha Ivanenko will easily be remembered as Gosha Kutsenko, etc.
    • Once again I want to note that it is better to keep all associations to yourself, because someone can be offended by such rhymes or name combinations.
  6. Examine a person's face for particularly distinctive features. Of course, you shouldn’t laugh at anyone, but just find particularly outstanding characteristics, for example, Pyotr Semenovich can walk around with an unkempt hairstyle, that is, he can be known as “Pyotr Semenovich - where is my comb!” Svetlana wears the same sweater: “Svetlana – I love my sweater.” In general, pay attention to the physique: “Bogatyr Mikhail,” face shape, “Broad-browed Gennady,” frequently used phrases: “Oh, well, this is TYPE Andrey,” etc.

    • Try to find the most prominent feature and attach it to the name.
  7. Ask a friend to help you. If you are unable to remember the name at all, then ask your friends or acquaintances for help. You can explain the situation to them, that you are not very good with names, that you would be grateful if they give you a helping hand in this direction. For example, you can come up with a secret phrase that will mean something like “SOS, I forgot his name” disguised as the phrase “Yes, of course” or something similar that can quietly join the flow of conversation and hint about your name incident. This way, you'll feel safe during the conversation, which will reduce your stress levels and maybe you won't even have to resort to secret tricks. Also, ask your friends to use the name you want more often in conversations between all of you, for example, your friend might say casually: “Do you know that Natalya also likes skiing.” You just have to listen carefully.

    • Also, without any offense to anyone, ask someone to remind you of the person's name somewhere off to the side before starting a conversation, which will give you time to play with that name in your memory with a view to later using it in the conversation.
  8. It's easy to admit that you have trouble remembering names, but you shouldn't think about it all the time! You are not “Alexander - I forgot my name” and you shouldn’t tell everyone about your problem when remembering names, because in this way you admit that you are a hopeless person and you shouldn’t expect any improvements and not only in the area of ​​remembering names. Always give yourself a chance, believe in yourself, because you must admit, it turns out somehow uncivilized when you not only cannot remember names, but you also go around and complain about it. Keep working on yourself and you will definitely achieve success.]

    • Think about how unpleasant it is when someone interrupts you with the phrase: “You know, I’m actually not good with names,” right before you wanted to say the same thing. This should be a wake-up call for both of you, because you didn't even put a finger on trying to remember someone's name, you immediately gave up. So teach this person a lesson by remembering his name, even to spite him.
  9. Write it down. During your practice, you can get a notebook in which you will write down the names of new acquaintances, as well as their character traits or information about their hobbies. It’s best to take notes immediately after talking with this person, so, for example, you can write down: “Alexander, I met him in the library. Nice young man. Physicist. I was confused about something."

    • You should not write anything down during a conversation. Wait until the end of the conversation, then go away and write a short note in your notebook. Your efforts to remember the person's name will ultimately be rewarded with stronger friendships and respect.
  10. “To die with honor!“And finally, if you still hopelessly forgot the person’s name, then simply say: “I’m sorry, but I forgot your name. Please remind me what your name is.” And there is no need to go into unnecessary details and details, just ask what the name of this person is. After this, you are unlikely to forget this name in the future.

    • Remembering a person’s profession is as important as their name. Use the above tips to remember a person's profession.
    • First, try to remember the person’s first name, and if necessary, the patronymic; save the last name for dessert.
    • It is much easier to remember a person's name if you know something else about him besides superficial information about the place of your last meeting. Ask your friends to tell you something about people you are interested in, whose names you want to remember, ask about their hobbies and profession, because imagine how nice it will be to say: “Hello, Sergei Anatolyevich, happy victory for Spartak to you!” (Provided that Sergei Anatolyevich is definitely a fan of this team, mistakes cannot be made in this case.) This approach will help make a solid impression.
    • Fantasize about the name you heard again. Some people find it helps to imagine the name in an imaginary picture.
    • Select distinctive feature person and try to attach it to that name.
    • If you can't remember a person's name, try checking the name with someone else who may know the name. Or try to find out the name you need right before your next meeting. Also use a name memorization technique to make things easier for yourself.
    • If, when meeting a new person for you, someone around you addresses him by name, then try to catch and remember this name.
    • Try to at least remember the first letter of the name, so the next time you meet you will have something to start guessing from.


    • Calling people by name has a powerful effect, but failure to do so can negatively impact how you are perceived as a person. Don't fall into this trap of the negative impact of name unconsciousness on your reputation among other people.
    • If you are a businessman, celebrity or stalker professional career, forgetting someone's name can lead to unpleasant consequences. Therefore, spend more time practicing remembering names.
    • Don't get too carried away frequent use another person's name. You may seem strange.
    • Avoid abbreviating someone's name, as you may appear uncultured and ill-mannered if you begin to speculate on what nickname the other person might have. Even if you have heard a shortened form of this name somewhere, it is better to ask the person how he or she prefers to be addressed.