What should women over 60 eat? Active lifestyle. Reduce salt and sugar intake

People old age susceptible various kinds diseases. But this is not scary for the elderly - some even believe that they can eat and drink whatever they want, because nothing will harm the body. In fact, it turns out that every pensioner has risk factors that should not be ignored: it’s more expensive for yourself. According to UN experts, elderly people include citizens over 60 years of age. A sign of aging is also considered to be the appearance of risk factors. Based on them, you can divide the elderly into groups in order to understand for whom which diet is more suitable and, most importantly, Is it even possible to go on a diet after 60?. Rossiyskaya Gazeta explains.

As the leading researcher of the department told RG healthy eating Research Institute of Nutrition, Professor Alla Pogozheva, the first category - people with cardiovascular diseases, the second - with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (cholecystitis, peptic ulcer), the third - with a violation of microbial imbalance (dysbacteriosis).

According to statistics, about 75 percent of older people have some form of nutritional disorder: one in five systematically overeats, and 60 percent eat irrationally, with men most often guilty of this. This is expressed in the predominance of meat and flour products With high content animal fat, sweets, baked goods and insufficient consumption of dairy products, fish, vegetables and fruits.

The general advice across all categories is to take enough antioxidants to live longer. Antioxidants are mainly found in vegetables and fruits, so these foods should be on the dinner table every day, the expert says.

If you want chocolates, it is better to replace them with dried fruits. Eat soaked prunes, dried apricots or raisins. The daily consumption rate is 50 grams. If there is overweight and accompanying diabetes mellitus, it is better to buy unsweetened fruits, such as apples. You can bake them in the oven and add a little jam or honey.

Must be on the daily table vegetable salads. True, the body of older people cannot always perceive raw vegetables and fruits, and dressing in the form of mayonnaise will make such a salad more difficult to digest, warns Alla Pogozheva. Therefore it is better to use vegetable oil. The amount of dressing per person is no more than a tablespoon.

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to exclude fried foods from the diet, otherwise there will be discomfort the next day. Now many people have multicookers, in which you can steam almost everything - both meat and fish. One of the good options is chicken breast in breadcrumbs. In principle, you can eat beef, veal, lamb, but it is advisable to exclude pork, advises Alla Pogozheva.

Seafood is rich in iodine, which has a positive effect on the walls of blood vessels. The first place in terms of benefits for the body is in seaweed. You can make a salad from canned cabbage, and you don’t need to add salt to it. The norm per day is 100 grams. This product is also useful because it contains components that prevent the formation of blood clots. Contraindications - increased function thyroid gland and exacerbation chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract.

And in order to feel better after meeting your grandchildren and eating hot pies, always stock up on multienzyme preparations. “Eat up with lean meat and fish, combine this with walks in a reasonable amount, depending on your capabilities,” says Alla Pogozheva.

“For older people, I highly recommend moderate aerobic exercise, namely walking fresh air, - supports the head of the physiotherapy department of the clinic therapeutic nutrition Galina Engelhardt. - Be careful: if an elderly person has overweight, then long walks can cause pain in the joints and spine."

In this case it is better study Nordic walking . It is ideal for the elderly: all movements are as natural as possible, there are no requirements for the level of training. It increases energy expenditure by 45 percent and is indicated for excess weight, and also has a beneficial effect on joints and general condition body.

And finally - the most pleasant way to tone the body. It's about hot bath. Remember that older people should not be completely immersed in it - the area above the chest should be above the surface of the water so as not to strain the heart. You can take such a bath in the afternoon, for 5-10 minutes, and then you will have a restful sleep.

If you have never tried lying in warm bath or have not done this for a long time, it is better to lie down for up to 5 minutes for the first time, and after several sessions increase the duration to 15-20 minutes. Recommended water temperature is up to 37 degrees.


How many servings of food should you eat during the day?

5-6 servings of bread, cereal, rice or pasta. One serving is equal to one slice of bread, 30 grams of ready-to-eat cereal (about 1 cup), or a cup of cooked cereal, rice or pasta.

2-2.5 servings of vegetables. One serving equals 1 cup fresh vegetables or cups of chopped vegetables, cooked or fresh.

1.5-2 servings of fruit. One serving is equal to 1 medium piece of fruit of your choice: apple, banana, orange, cups of chopped fresh, cooked or canned fruit. cups of dried fruits or cups of fruit juice.

3 servings of milk, yogurt or cheese. One serving is equal to 1 cup of milk or yogurt, 45 g of natural cheese, such as cheddar or mozzarella.

1.5-2 servings of meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs or nuts. One serving is equal to 60-90g of cooked meat, poultry or fish, you should eat no more than 150-200g per day. One cup beans, 2 eggs, 4 tablespoons peanut butter or cup nuts (one serving).

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Eating according to the rules of a healthy diet is important at any age, but it becomes especially important in old age, after 50-60 years, and here’s why.

Age-related changes in the human body

When choosing a special diet for older people, it is important to take into account the following age-related changes:

  1. Reducing the intensity of protein metabolism.
  2. Changes carbohydrate metabolism, which are associated with a decrease in the activity of the hormone insulin, as well as a reaction caused by the influence of hormones.
  3. Changes in fat metabolism, which become very pronounced after 50 years, leading to an increase in fat content in the blood and tissues.
    The reasons for this disorder of lipid metabolism are:
    - Decreased enzyme activity,
    - Disturbance of oxidative processes in lipid metabolism,
    - Disruption of the processes of synthesis and breakdown of triglycerides and cholesterol,
    - Hormonal imbalances,
    - Accumulation of fat peroxides.
  4. Violations general exchange substances. This is due, among other things, to the fact that the body becomes more sensitive to a lack of oxygen, and the intensity of tissue respiration decreases.

Basic principles of proper nutrition

Based on the above age-related changes, the following basic principles have been developed proper nutrition:

1. Energy balance.

Very often, in old age, men and women consume more calories than they actually need. As a result, this leads to obesity and is an additional burden for many organs and systems of the body. Therefore, proper nutrition after 50 years must necessarily have less calories than usual, i.e. it must correspond to the amount of physical activity and actual energy consumption.

2. Anti-sclerotic nutrition.

It is very important that proper nutrition, especially after 60 years, has an anti-sclerotic orientation, since the most common reasons Deaths at this age are heart disease. This means that the diet must include foods with lipotropic properties ( lean fish, cottage cheese, chicken eggs) and vegetable oils.

3. Balance and variety.

An older person's diet must include fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, fish, dairy products, and foods rich in glucose - this is especially important because glucose nourishes the brain. It is advisable to steam, bake or boil all dishes in a small amount of water.

4. Emphasis on easily digestible foods and substances that stimulate the production of enzymes.

With age, it becomes more and more difficult for the body to digest food, so the diet should include spices that stimulate appetite, as well as foods rich in folic acid, vitamins, calcium, iodine, iron and copper, which are involved in renewal enzyme systems. Cottage cheese and fish are the easiest to break down with enzymes, while legumes and meat are more difficult to digest.

5. Less salt and alcohol.

Excess salt leads to the development of vascular and heart diseases, and alcohol is recommended in very moderate quantities, best option- a glass of dry wine.

6. Regular and fractional meals.

With age, following certain regimens becomes increasingly important - this also applies to meals. Ideal option- five or six meals a day and always in small portions. It is also very important to drink more in between.

7. Taking vitamin complexes.

Unfortunately, with age, it becomes more and more difficult to obtain sufficient amounts of nutrients from food, which does not always contain the required amount of minerals and vitamins, and they, in turn, become less and less absorbed. Therefore, answering the question: “What is included in proper nutrition?”, it is necessary to note the obligatory presence of pharmacy vitamin complexes. In this case, it is advisable to select ones that are specially adapted for the elderly.

Products with anti-aging properties

Many women after 50 years are very concerned about the issue of maintaining youth and beauty, because no matter how old you are, you always want to remain cute and attractive.

In order for your skin, teeth, hair, and body to remain in excellent condition for as long as possible, it is worth paying attention to the following products which must be included in the diet. So, proper nutrition for older people includes daily use the following components of the diet:

  1. Water. The usual one, non-carbonated, preferably filtered. With age, not only the skin loses moisture, but also many organs, so it is advisable to drink 8-10 glasses a day. If you don’t want a lot, you need to take a sip, but often.
  2. Yogurt and others fermented milk products. Over the years, problems with gastrointestinal tract, hence the alternation of constipation and diarrhea, intolerance to many types of food, problems with digestion, excessive gas formation, skin problems. Therefore, kefir, yogurt, yogurt, yogurt, especially important role presence plays beneficial bacteria. However, please note that the products long-term storage biocultures are not found, so you should avoid packages of yoghurts with the inscriptions “perishable product”, “sterilized”, “pasteurized”, etc.
  3. Vegetables are red-yellow-orange in color. This best sources vitamin A, which eliminates cracked lips, wrinkles and simply the need to wear glasses. These vegetables include carrots, bell pepper, beets, tomatoes, pumpkin and others. Moreover, it is worth mentioning beets separately - they contain a record amount of zinc, the lack of which leads to hair loss, splitting of nails, and peeling of the skin. In addition, zinc promotes the production of collagen, which determines the youth and elasticity of the skin. So, by constantly eating beets, you can expect a lifting effect on your facial skin.
  4. Pumpkin. This sunny vegetable helps keep you slim and is also a source of... rare vitamin T, which helps digest heavy foods.
  5. Corn. Rich in calcium natural origin, the queen of the fields helps up to old age keep strong and healthy teeth, which, for example, rural residents of Moldova can boast of: for them, mamalyga (corn porridge) is an obligatory component of the daily diet.
  6. Cottage cheese- also a source of calcium, which is especially important for women after menopause, because from this moment on, the risk of developing osteoporosis increases significantly.
  7. Sunflower and linseed oil - real treasure troves of vitamin E and polyunsaturated fatty acids that support good condition skin, blood vessels, gonads.
  8. Garlic. This aromatic master of the kitchen is very rich in selenium, in the presence of which vitamin E is best absorbed. In addition, garlic prevents the development of atherosclerosis, strengthens the immune system and supports heart function. Nuts also contain a lot of selenium and vitamin E, especially brazil nut, pistachios and hazelnuts.
  9. Buckwheat. This is incredible healthy cereal not only is it a mandatory component of any weight loss diet, but also helps to avoid varicose veins - the menace of all women’s legs. and all because it contains large number routine that strengthens tiny capillaries. At the same time, buckwheat improves blood circulation and is rich in iron.
  10. Oatmeal, which we like to call “Hercules”- It is no coincidence that this is the classic breakfast of the Queen of England, because it has a rejuvenating effect.
  11. Fish, especially sea fish- a whole set of vitamins and minerals: B vitamins, vitamins A, D, E, phosphorus, fluorine, potassium and selenium.
  12. Grapefruit- it is also no coincidence that it is included in the list of the most dietary products, because it contains special plant enzymes that promote the digestion of difficult-to-digest food, and besides, it does not cause allergies, unlike many other citrus fruits. Moreover, by eating half a grapefruit in the morning, you can recharge yourself with good mood and vigor for the whole day.
  13. Greens must be present in the daily diet: parsley, cilantro, dill and many other salad ingredients help the body get vitamins and the skin look fresh and young.
  14. Green tea- not only rich in antioxidants: it also contains polyphenols, which are twenty times more effective than vitamin Yes, but they are the ones that have a rejuvenating effect on the body and reduce cholesterol levels. Flavonoids, which are also found in green tea, protect against heart disease.
  15. L lemon, cabbage - sources of vitamin C, which is a natural antioxidant. By the way, there is especially a lot of ascorbic acid in sauerkraut, just do not combine foods rich in vitamin C with iron, since in this case its absorption deteriorates.
  16. Cheese, tomatoes and bananas- products for good mood, because they contain tryptophan - a unique amino acid from which the hormone of happiness and joy serotonin is formed.

A person cannot remain young forever, and that age always comes, which is called old age. Usually in this case they talk about the age of 60 years or more, although World organization health care and believes that we can only talk about the onset of old age after 75 years. Be that as it may, by the age of 60 metabolic processes and redox reactions slow down, nutrients are less absorbed in the body and are broken down less intensively into final metabolic products. However, the aging process and associated deviations from the norm can be significantly slowed down. AND important factor This is where proper nutrition comes in after 60 years, revising your diet in accordance with the capabilities and needs of the body that are characteristic of a person at a fairly advanced age.

What should proper nutrition be like after 60 years of age?

Proper nutrition for the elderly

The first thing you need to do is reduce energy value diet, otherwise the person begins to gain weight. This is due to the fact that older people move less, which leads to a decrease in their energy expenditure. A overweight body is one of the risk factors for a number of diseases, including diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, obesity, joint diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to limit the use of various confectionery. Reduce your sugar intake – it’s in daily diet there should not be more than 3-4 teaspoons. You can replace it with 60 grams of honey, but on the condition that on this day the person will not consume sugar, cakes, pastries or sweets at all.

It is also necessary to reduce consumption bakery products from fine flour, as well as pasta and vermicelli. At the same time a few pieces rye bread yesterday's baked goods or bran bread will be quite appropriate and healthy.

Proper nutrition after 60 years: restrictions and preferences

Healthy diet for a month

In general, as you age, you should try to eat less, because an overfilled stomach puts pressure on the diaphragm, limits and complicates its mobility, and this interferes with free breathing. It can even cause heart pain. At the same time, you need to ensure that the menu is varied.

During this period, it is very important to review your healthy diet for the month. It is not at all necessary to completely give up meat in old age, you just need to eat less of it, one meat dish a day is enough. And several days a week you can do without meat products, for an elderly person this will be beneficial. It is worth paying attention to the method of cooking meat, as well as fish. It is advisable not to fry them, but to boil them. And in order for the food to be attractive and arouse appetite, boiled fish and meat can be fried until golden brown, but not in animal fat, but in vegetable fat.

As you age, you need to be very careful with salt consumption - literally a few grams of salt daily is enough to add salt to dishes. Excess sodium salts retain water in body tissues, which leads to weight gain, causes swelling and causes increased blood pressure.
We determine the most healthy products healthy eating

It must be remembered that in the intestines of an elderly person, putrefactive bacteria, which disrupt the synthesis of certain vitamins in the body, and also impair the neutralizing function of microflora and reduce the excretion of cholesterol. In order to normalize intestinal microflora, it is necessary to consume vegetable and dairy foods, such as cereals, vegetables, fruits, lactic acid products, including cottage cheese and low-fat cheeses.

To counteract sclerosis, it is useful to include and consume seafood, such as, for example, squid and seaweed. To replenish the body minerals, vitamins and cell membranes, without which normal digestion is impossible, raw vegetables, fruits and dried fruits must be present in the daily diet of older people. And, of course, it is very appropriate to include onions and garlic in the daily menu, which contain substances that inhibit the development of tumors.

And finally, it is very important in old age to observe correct mode nutrition. Rare but plentiful meals, too hot or too cold food, dry food, a hearty dinner before bed are very harmful to health, and ultimately reduce years of life.

60 years is an unusually difficult age for women, which is associated with hormonal imbalance organism that dictated menopause. As a result, some women lose excess weight, but they are a minority; the majority still gain shape. For modern woman, 60 years is not the end of life at all, it is a period when you need to continue to lead an active life, eat right in order to look stunning. Let's find out how to lose weight after 60 correctly, how to choose a method of losing weight that will not adversely affect your health?

Features of age

Any real woman, regardless of the number of years declared in the passport, always wants to remain flirtatious and attractive. The age after sixty allows you to discover many prospects for yourself and this is obvious, judge for yourself, the children are already adults, there is no need to care for and hold them, there is plenty of time to make up for lost time during life.


The main indicator of a woman’s beauty and desirability is the attention of men.

Smart women at 60 years old should demonstrate not only their experience and intelligence, but also not forget about beauty; reaching a milestone date is by no means a reason to give up and stop taking care of your appearance.

Nowadays, you can maintain your shape and beauty in different ways; for 6-year-olds, these are primarily fitness centers, beauty salons, and plastic surgery. But, according to experts, in order to remain beautiful, it is important for a woman to feel self-sufficient and interesting, to behave actively in society, and not to eat kilograms of sweets alone.

Nutrition at 60

It is impossible to keep your figure normal if you follow wrong diet nutrition. So if you're still not picking at your food, change your approach immediately. If you want to lose weight, give priority attention to nutrition, taking into account some nuances. The older the body, the more sensitive it reacts to what enters the gastrointestinal tract. This is due to a decrease in the level female hormones, this inhibits most processes in the body, including digestion and regenerative ones.

At poor nutrition gallbladder and the liver can’t cope with the influx harmful substances, the liver no longer actively filters the blood, as a result of which cholesterol levels rise, stones appear in the organs, and weight increases. Under negative influence The pancreas is also affected; if this continues for a long time, diabetes may creep up unnoticed.

As with losing weight at any age, at the age of sixty you need to remove everything fatty, spicy, sweet, and salty from your diet. This should help restore functionality internal organs, force the body to gradually give away the extra accumulated kilograms.


Throw aside all the newfangled so-called fast diets, which offer to lose a few kilos in a couple of days. At a young age, not to mention 60 years of age, the body quickly weakens within such dietary limits. In addition, this negatively affects the condition of the skin and appearance in general.

At the age of 60, the skin is limited by the hormonal nourishment it previously received; it is deprived of elastin and collagen, so it sags and becomes sagging. Because listed useful substances you need to look for it in food and care products.


Slow weight loss is always healthier. This helps relieve the body of stress and ensure gradual skin contraction. In addition, it would not hurt to nourish the skin with various skin-tightening creams.

Products in the diet

If you want to normalize intestinal function, include a lot of vegetables and fruits in your diet; at the age of 60, most suffer from systematic constipation, which undoubtedly affects both health and appearance. After some time, you will see that the skin will begin to look much fresher and acquire a healthy color.

You should not ignore fermented milk products, which are useful at any age. Due to the action of the bacteria they contain, the intestinal microflora will be restored. At the age of 60, the moment comes when you need to minimize the consumption of animal protein, including even the seemingly harmless lean chicken meat.


Animal protein in the diet can be replaced with fish and seafood; they are rich in omega 3 acids and essential microelements.

Nutritionists still do not insist on the need to completely exclude any foods from the diet. You can eat all the right things natural food, but at the same time it is necessary to cleanse the intestines at least once a week with kefir, herbs, and decoctions.

The mixture is known to cleanse the intestines well lemon juice And olive oil, but for the age we are interested in, this is not at all an appropriate method of cleaning; it is fraught with severe disruptions in the functioning of internal organs, in particular the dangerous movement of stones in the gall bladder.


Replace bread in your diet with special diet bread and bran, this will definitely lead to weight loss.

Sports at 60

Power plays decisive role when losing weight, but even at 60 years old we must not forget about physical activity. It is important to remember that many of the loads are not safe at this difficult age. Yes, you can exercise in the gym with weights, but you need to protect your joints with special equipment and bandages, and also do not forget about thoroughly warming up your muscles before training.


If you have sore joints, it is better to refrain from lifting weights and replace such workouts with swimming and water aerobics. This kind of physical education spares the back and joints, helps to tighten the body and preserve its youth.

Using simulators old man will be able to maintain the shape of your legs, arms and buttocks. Home exercises with dumbbells also have a great effect on muscles, morning jogging, cycling or exercise bike.


You can lose weight at any age, even at 70, the main thing is to have the desire to look beautiful. If you have a good psychological attitude, you can overcome any obstacles. Eat right, stay active, and exercise to stimulate your muscles and tissues, keep them toned and maintain your youth. Don't be upset, life goes on.

History: Olga Alekseevna easily lost 20 kg at the age of 60!

Features of losing weight at the age of 40 years and older.

Be that as it may, by the age of 60, metabolic processes and redox reactions slow down, food substances are less absorbed in the body and are less intensively broken down into final metabolic products. However, the aging process and associated deviations from the norm can be significantly slowed down. And an important factor in this is proper nutrition after 60 years, revising your diet in accordance with the capabilities and needs of the body that are characteristic of a person at a fairly advanced age.

The first step is to take care of reducing the energy value of the diet, otherwise the person will begin to gain weight. This is due to the fact that older people move less, which leads to a decrease in their energy expenditure. And excess body weight is one of the risk factors for a number of diseases, including diabetes, atherosclerosis, obesity, and joint disease. Therefore, it is necessary to limit the consumption of various confectionery products. Reduce sugar consumption - there should not be more than 3-4 teaspoons in your daily diet. You can replace it with 60 grams of honey, but on the condition that on this day the person will not consume sugar, cakes, pastries or sweets at all.

It is also necessary to reduce the consumption of baked goods made from fine flour, as well as pasta and noodles. At the same time, a few pieces of day-old rye bread or bran bread will be quite appropriate and healthy.

Proper nutrition after 60 years: restrictions and preferences

In general, as you age, you should try to eat less, because an overfilled stomach puts pressure on the diaphragm, limits and complicates its mobility, and this interferes with free breathing. It can even cause heart pain. At the same time, you need to ensure that the menu is varied.

During this period, it is very important to review your healthy diet for the month. It is not at all necessary to completely give up meat in old age, you just need to eat less of it, one meat dish a day is enough. And several days a week you can do without meat products altogether; this will be beneficial for an elderly person. It is worth paying attention to the method of cooking meat, as well as fish. It is advisable not to fry them, but to boil them. And in order for the food to be attractive and arouse appetite, boiled fish and meat can be fried until golden brown, but not in animal fat, but in vegetable fat.

As you age, you need to be very careful with salt consumption - literally a few grams of salt daily is enough to add salt to dishes. Excess sodium salts retain water in the body tissues, which leads to weight gain, causes swelling and causes an increase in blood pressure.

It must be remembered that putrefactive bacteria begin to predominate in the intestines of an elderly person, which disrupt the synthesis of certain vitamins in the body, and also impair the neutralizing function of microflora and reduce the excretion of cholesterol. In order to normalize the intestinal microflora, it is necessary to consume vegetable and dairy foods, such as cereals, vegetables, fruits, lactic acid products, including cottage cheese and low-fat cheeses.

To counteract sclerosis, it is useful to include and consume seafood, such as squid and seaweed, in your healthy diet for a month. To replenish the body with minerals, vitamins and cell membranes, without which normal digestion is impossible, the daily diet of older people must include raw vegetables, fruits and dried fruits. And, of course, it is very appropriate to include onions and garlic in the daily menu, which contain substances that inhibit the development of tumors.