Healthy food for cats at home. What to feed your cat at home: natural food or store-bought food

Unfortunately, having a kitten or even adult cat, some owners do not have a complete understanding of their proper feeding and this sooner or later leads to serious digestive disorders of the animal.

Ready-made food or natural food?

For most people, even those who don’t delve particularly deep into the topic feeding cats, it is still known that you can feed your four-legged pet either natural food, or industrial ready-made food. It is advisable to decide on the type, diet and diet from the moment the animal appears in the house and not return to this issue in the future. The first and one of the most important rules for feeding cats is to never mix natural products and ready-made industrial food. It is, in principle, possible to use them separately, but mixing them in one feeding portion is not possible. The reason for preventing this kind of mixing lies in the specifics of digestion of food by the cat’s gastrointestinal tract and addiction to a certain type of food. The enzyme system of the cat's gastrointestinal tract produces special enzymes that digest only certain products. Simultaneous digestion of natural food and prepared feed is either significantly difficult or completely impossible. Therefore, if the diet is violated, serious deviations in the functioning of the intestines occur, which most often manifest themselves in constipation and.

So what mode and type of nutrition should you choose for your pet? This is a question that everyone must decide for themselves individually. There is only one thing to understand - diet feeding the cat must be balanced in all respects and contribute to the growth, development and normal physiological functioning of the animal’s body at all stages of its life. If a cat owner has enough time, money and, above all, knowledge to create an individual, balanced, healthy diet for his pet, he may well try to do this. You just need to soberly assess your capabilities because natural proper feeding cats will, of course, be more expensive and much more difficult to compile. If the cat owner does not have enough time, money, knowledge and, perhaps, the desire to cook for his pet individually, it will be easier for him to use ready-made industrial food already balanced by veterinary nutritionists.

Using natural products to feed cats


If, nevertheless, the cat owner chose natural type of food for his animal, he must understand that the basis of nutrition for a small predator is, first of all, meat. All other components of the diet will revolve around this product. Meat can be used either raw (previously frozen and then thawed and preferably scalded with boiling water), or boiled or stewed. The ideal option would be beef, and, of course, for those cat owners who can afford it, rabbit or turkey meat. Chicken meat should be avoided if possible, as nowadays it is quite strong allergen and can provoke inflammatory processes skin. And what should you completely abandon when feeding cats so it's from pork. This type meat can provoke and cause serious metabolic disorders. In other words, meat should never be fatty; this is a serious contraindication for cats.

As for by-products, they can be included in the animal’s diet, but in limited quantities, and no more than 3 times a week. The quality of protein in offal is much lower than in whole meat, so they will not be able to fully satisfy the cat’s body. The exception among offal is liver, which simply cannot be fatty, so for feeding cats she's no good. But the heart is one of the most applicable types of offal (however, it should be freed from possible excess fat). It must be remembered that feeding cats bones is also categorically not recommended; they can easily choke an animal, and the sharp edges can injure the digestive tract.

What percentage of the basic diet in cat nutrition should constitute meat? At least 80-70%.


Carbohydrates and fiber

The source of the main share of protein in feeding a cat Now it’s clear what to do with fiber and carbohydrates, since they are also necessary for the predator’s body? Without them, peristalsis and other digestive processes will be seriously impaired. IN cat nutrition suitable porridges: rice, oatmeal and buckwheat; Vegetables are also very important: cauliflower, White cabbage, carrots, beets (in small quantities), zucchini. Vegetables should be used exclusively boiled or stewed. There is no need to give raw vegetables to cats; vitamins from raw vegetables are not absorbed. Potatoes and fruits with high content Sugars are contraindicated for cats. In general, cereals and stewed vegetables should make up 20-30% of the main daily diet cats.

You can turn it on from time to time cat food boiled chicken or quail eggs. Preferably no more than once a week. For fermented milk products, one percent kefir, cottage cheese and natural yogurt without flavoring additives are suitable. Ryazhenka cannot be one percent, just like sour cream, so there is no point in using it in nutrition.

Another common myth is that milk in feeding a cat, also remains only a myth. No more. All doubters should understand and remember once and for all that milk is a product intended exclusively and only for raising young animals. Moreover, for raising large young animals cattle. It's not suitable for cat food. Enzymes digestive tract cats are not able to properly digest milk. You should never give milk to cats! Its use will most likely cause diarrhea in the cat, and in best case scenario will not cause serious negative effects in the intestines, but will place a significant load on the enzyme system, which is, in principle, undesirable.


The most important thing to remember when feeding a cat natural products - this is the need to use a high-quality vitamin and mineral complex 2 times a year for at least 30-35 days. The choice of a vitamin supplement for a cat should be taken with special responsibility. An obligatory component of mineral nutrition should be taurine, which is very important for the cat’s body and is not produced by it independently, but comes exclusively from food. One of the most optimal combinations of price and quality vitamin complexes for cats are: Vitakraft Vita-Bon Cat, Beaphar Salvikal, Excel Brewers Yeast W/Garlic, Canina Canivita, Canina Cat Vitamin.


Cats should always have water in fresh, access to it should be unlimited at any time of the day or night. However, you should take into account the fact that some cat breeds may not drink water at all and this is the norm for them. The liquid in the food satisfies physiological needs of these breeds. If desired, the cat owner can purchase a special drinking bowl in which water constantly circulates in the form of a spring and is driven by a motor and a pump. Drinkers of this kind stimulate the animal to consume water, which, of course, improves water-salt metabolism and helps prevent the formation of excess salts in the urinary system.

Completing short review O natural cat food, let us summarize the most important thing - a cat is a predator, the main part of the proteins and fats in its diet must necessarily come from animals, and not plant origin. Meat is the main and most important product for cats; nothing can replace it.

It’s good when a cat owner thinks about good nutrition your pet. After all, the digestive process of cats is significantly different from the digestive process of humans. Only now the majority makes a choice in favor of industrial feed. Because they do not require time to prepare and their composition is balanced by specialists. That's right, but fresh homemade food is much healthier, and in case of health problems, it is certainly better to prepare food yourself, in consultation with a veterinarian.

Note: this article offers only a few healthy and proven recipes, and not a complete menu on long term.

Basic rules for healthy cat nutrition

    About 90% of the diet should consist of meat and offal.

    Cat dishes are served raw (with the exception of some products, which will be discussed separately) and at room temperature. It is advisable to defrost frozen portions at room temperature.

    Buy meat only from a trusted place.

    Food should contain bones or calcium supplements.

    Most of the diet should be offered in the form of pieces, since the pet must work with its jaws, tear and chew food. This is important for the cat’s health and prevents problems with teeth and gums.

    Clean water should be freely available.

    It is necessary to follow the feeding regimen and not exceed the portion size. An adult animal is fed twice a day, in the morning and late in the evening. Daily norm- for a domestic, sedentary pet, it is approximately 50 g/kg of weight.

A cat's menu is much poorer than a human's. Cats are absolute predators; under natural conditions, very few grains and barely noticeable amounts of vegetables enter their stomachs. Therefore, no matter how healthy porridge, raw and baked vegetables may be for humans, they should not be included in your pet’s diet. We advise you to read the article, which describes in detail foods that are harmful to your cat’s health.

One of the easiest to prepare dishes that are most similar to natural food are raw chicken heads and necks. Some people do not believe and are even horrified that their cute cat is able to greedily bite into a chicken head and not choke on the bones. But it is the bones of the heads and necks that the cat will gnaw without harm to health. Moreover, such nutrition will bring a lot of benefits to the animal. Heads and necks require treatment before feeding, but this is not difficult to do.

How to Prepare Chicken Heads

Most often, such products are sold in frozen packages. Wait for the heads to thaw. Then you need to rinse them with cool water, cut off the beaks (they are too tough for a cat), and cut them in half lengthwise. This will not require noticeable physical effort.

If the head is small and the pet is large, you don’t have to cut it - the product will retain more useful substances. Then the halves are put into portioned boxes or cups. You can use plastic cups with a volume of 200 ml, the same volume as sour cream and mayonnaise boxes. One such serving will last a medium-sized adult domestic cat for the whole day.

How to prepare chicken necks

Necks, like heads, are often sold frozen and in packages. As with the heads, they need to be thawed, rinsed with water and cleaned of skin and fat (the fat contained in any meat, but not visible to the naked eye, is quite enough). Then they need to be cut into pieces 1.5 - 2 cm long. The necks are quite easy to cut, you just need to try to guide the knife blade between the vertebrae. Instead of cutting into pieces, you can flatten the necks a little with a hammer. Then also distribute into portioned containers and freeze. For variety, it’s a good idea to form portions of heads and necks in a 50/50 ratio.


A cat accustomed to human food or industrial feed is unlikely to be happy with the change usual diet on heads and necks. You can learn how to correctly transfer a pet from one type of food to another in the article How to transfer a cat from commercial food to natural food (or vice versa).

Cooking fish

Only sea fish will do; river fish has too many bones. It needs to be boiled for a few minutes. Then cool and remove bones completely. One serving - no more than 150 g. You can put raw quail egg. Although many cats simply love fish, it is not advisable to give it more than once every five days. Fish contains a lot of phosphorus and magnesium; its frequent presence in the diet upsets the balance of minerals in the cat’s body. This can provoke many diseases, primarily KSD.

Meat mix

This dish is suitable for any meat products in arbitrary proportions from those allowed. And the more of them, the better. For example: chicken breast, turkey and chicken stomachs, chicken heart. Everything is rinsed with cool water. Then the following are removed: from the hearts - pieces of fat, from the stomachs - hard connective fibers. After which the products are chopped into pieces measuring about 1 ╳ 1 cm. As in the case of heads and necks, the mixed cuts are placed in 200 ml portioned containers and sent for freezing.

How to prepare beef

It is advisable to heat treat this product. First, cut the pulp into pieces, then pour boiling water over it and wait a few minutes. Then drain the water and cool the meat to room temperature.


This dish can include a wide variety of ingredients, including some cereals and vegetables. Meat products must be raw, defrosted. Sample list:

    Chicken necks - about 1 kg

    Turkey gizzards - 400 g

    Rabbit fillet - 300 g

    Beef heart - 200 g

    Boiled buckwheat - 2 tablespoons

    Boiled cabbage - 2 tablespoons

Proportions and ingredients can be replaced or supplemented. However, it is not recommended to increase the share herbal ingredients by more than 5 -10%. The pet will sense a “fraud” and simply refuse to eat a vegetarian cutlet - from his point of view. For the first time, you can completely do without cereals and vegetables. Pass all products through a meat grinder, installing a grid with large holes. Mix, form into patties and place them in the freezer. The only condition: the meat grinder must be powerful enough to grind chicken necks.


    It is not recommended to prepare dishes such as pates: they require virtually no chewing and are therefore not healthy for the cat. If an animal likes liver, it is better to cut it into pieces and serve it as a separate dish or as part of a meat mix.

    If you are afraid to give your cat head and neck, then you will have to add special drugs calcium, which can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy or pet store.

    You shouldn’t focus on your pet’s tastes. Many cats demonstrate funny and unexpected food addictions. It happens that the cat happily eats raisins or chocolate, licks the remains of the owner’s coffee, eats canned corn or boiled potatoes. All these products are not only unnatural for a cat's diet, but also harmful to health.

Has always been one of the most popular pets for home care. Main and the most important point care is to feed her correctly and healthy. The cat can eat both dry food and home-cooked food. Let's figure out how to feed correctly natural food and what food should be given.

The importance of proper nutrition

Today there is a huge range of different animal feeds. In any pet store you can find at least 5 different brands of them. They are wet and dry. Right choice feed affects general state animal body. It should also be understood that nutrition contributes to the formation and condition of the pet’s internal organs.

If fed improperly, the animal may develop chronic and acquired diseases. Most common in cats due to poor nutrition are problems with the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, allergies, malfunction of the kidneys and liver, problems with joints and teeth.

Teaching healthy eating from a young age is incredibly important. Thus, from a young age you lay the foundation for a long and healthy life. It is also very important to select food in accordance with the characteristics of your pet, its propensity for diseases, and preferences.

Basic feeding rules

The basic rule when preparing a pet’s diet is that it is unique for each cat. , like people, have their own food preferences, favorite foods, as well as digestive characteristics and, unfortunately, diseases. If possible, you should consult a veterinarian to select the optimal and appropriate food.
Also, based on the characteristics of your pet, you need to decide what kind of food to feed it. You can choose between dry ready-made food or homemade food, or combine them.

For example, normal feed for an adult per day are 60 g, divided into 2 meals. Most often, plates are renewed in the morning and evening.

What to feed?

Today there are a huge number of various feeds For . If you decide to give your animal dry food, you should choose best option, based on the pet’s weight, activity, breed, and diseases.

A lot of people still think that it is better to feed cats homemade food. In this case, you should turn Special attention on the quality of products and how this or that delicacy is absorbed in the student’s body. Natural food meat, dairy products, eggs, cereals, greens, fish and vegetables are considered.
The basis of any cat's diet is that 50 % daily meals must be proteins, namely meat and fish products. The remaining 50% should consist of cereals and vegetables in equal parts. The latter are necessary for the cat for good intestinal function.

Did you know? Having put a tasty treat on a plate, owners often wonder why the pet takes so long to sniff the treat. The fact is that cats cannot see anything right in front of their noses. They also use this ritual to determine the temperature of food so as not to get burned..

How many times a day should I feed?

An adult cat needs to be fed 2 times a day. But these meals should be made as nutritious and balanced as possible. This will ensure the cat’s normal mood for the day and its good health.

How much dry food can and should be given to a cat per day depends on its breed and activity. For calm, lazy cats, feeding them twice a day in small portions (40–50 g) is sufficient. But cats that lead an active lifestyle need larger portions (60–70 g).
It is necessary to create a separate schedule and feed more often. You should also include milk in your diet as a snack. Kittens are very active and therefore require more nutrients. In addition, they are actively growing, their body is constantly being formed. To ensure the health of a kitten, it is necessary to saturate their diet with many vitamins and nutrients.

Menu for cats: list of products

A properly composed menu for a pet will tell you not only what foods are included in the cat’s general diet, but also what to feed it every day at home. When choosing and preparing a pet’s diet, owners rely on many factors. For example, some people cannot afford to feed their pet saltwater fish or turkey. And therefore, you should understand what other meat will be useful for them.

Knowing how to properly feed a cat with natural food will help the owner choose products that he can buy for his pet without much financial loss. The cat menu should be compiled by day and include various products, and also be sure to base it on the breed and characteristics of your pet.

What is possible

The main product in your feline's diet should be meat. Cats are predators by nature, and most of the elements they need are found in this product. Before giving your cat natural food, it must be thermally treated.

On the list of what cats eat from homemade food, includes:

  • beef;
  • veal;
  • chicken;
  • turkey;
  • baby food with vegetables and meat;
  • rabbit meat;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • oatmeal and semolina porridge.

Important! You should never feed an animal milk and meat at the same time. This can lead to serious stomach problems.

Vegetables have a beneficial effect on a cat's body. But to this product Not all pets are positive. The animal should be accustomed to vegetables from childhood, and also correctly introduced into the diet.
You can give cats the following vegetables:

  • carrot;
  • beets;
  • zucchini;
  • salad;
  • cauliflower;
  • pumpkin

Important! Cats cannot tolerate eggplants and tomatoes. These vegetables contain very dangerous and harmful substances.

Very useful for the stomach of cats are and dairy products. Among them, the most successful are:

  • cottage cheese;
  • yogurt;
  • kefir;
  • fermented baked milk;

Some cats don't like cottage cheese, so you can use some tricks. For example, this product can be mixed with kefir and add a little egg. Thanks to such easy manipulations, the cat will be happy to eat cottage cheese. In addition, the egg is also very useful for cats.

Besides to the list of mandatory healthy products food included:

  • egg yolk;
  • greenery;
  • vegetable oil;
  • pure water;
  • vitamins;
  • various porridges made from rice, oatmeal, wheat with a small amount of meat.

Egg yolk serves as a separate product in the diet and as an excellent addition to porridge. Greens can and should be added to porridge. You can also sprout oats or wheat and offer the fresh sprouts to your cat.

Important! The yolk must be boiled. Raw food may contain dangerous microbes or pathogenic bacteria.

What not to do

It is important to understand that not everything you like will be beneficial for your pet. Cats are quite picky about food and have their own peculiarities of the digestive system.

  • fried - this food, as a rule, contains a lot of fat, which leads to excessive weight of the animal;
  • salty, as this can lead to chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • sweets, as these products can lead to allergies and diabetes in a cat;
  • products made from flour and dough, since they contain a lot of carbohydrates, and frequent consumption of such products can lead to obesity;
  • foods with various flavor enhancers, such as various herbs and spices, cause diarrhea.

It is not recommended to feed pets at all raw meat. It quite often contains various chemicals, antibiotics and other chemical elements that can harm the animal. It is recommended to boil or steam the meat so that high temperature destroy harmful substances.

Important! Milk can only be given to kittens. In adults, this product causes stomach upset and is practically not digestible.

Dry food or natural food: all the pros and cons

Owners often cannot decide which food to choose for their cats - dry or natural. The advantages of the latter are: its low cost, availability of products, and the ability to constantly monitor and regulate the pet’s diet. Among the disadvantages, it is worth highlighting that this food quickly deteriorates, and the preparation process is quite long. It can also be difficult to find the necessary products for balanced diet adult cat and it is impossible to raise kittens on this diet without adding special vitamins.
If you still decide to give preference dry food, then you should understand that you will have a rather long search for the optimal option for your pet. The advantage of this type of feeding is that dry food contains all the vitamins and microelements necessary to maintain the health of the animal. It is easy to use, no need to cook, it says on the package detailed instructions according to product dosage. Premium food goes through a huge number of quality checks.

The disadvantages of dry food include the fact that they are quite expensive and you need to spend a lot of time choosing an option that your pet will like. And low-quality food can adversely affect your pet and even cause harm.

Most veterinarians are still inclined to believe that ideal option will combine ready-made dry food and homemade food. The main nuance with this feeding is that different types of food should be given at different meals.

Why you can't feed your cat food from your table

Cats and people have lived in the same territory for a long time. But this does not mean that, in addition to the apartment, they should share food. Almost all owners often find it very difficult to refuse their pet treats from the table. Seeing these eyes full of pity, you just want to give your pet the best piece. But despite this, you should first think about the health of the animal.

When cooking, people tend to add various oils, seasonings, flavor enhancers, a lot of salt and other foods unacceptable to the cat’s body. For example, animals eating onions or garlic can lead to fatal outcome, because these products are not digestible at all.

Are there any differences in feeding a cat and a male cat?

The diet of a cat and a female cat may contain exactly the same foods. A cat differs from a cat only in size and weight. From this we can conclude that the main difference in feeding is that the cat needs to be given slightly larger portions.
It becomes necessary to think about a different diet when the cat is pregnant, because it was during this exciting period to the expectant mother you need as many vitamins and minerals as possible. At this time, it is worth increasing portions for, and also adding special supplements to the diet to ensure correct formation kittens

If you prefer dry food, then you should buy special food for your cat during the period. And the cat can continue to be fed as usual.

Any owner is always kind and attentive to his pet. Everyone wants to ensure that their pet has the longest and happiest life possible. The basis for this is the correct balanced diet. When creating the optimal healthy diet the cat will always be active, healthy and happy. He will be able to please, give warmth and comfort to his owner long years their life together.

The shelves of pet stores are replete with many types of industrial ready-made professional food for cats. Many of them, especially the line of economy and super-economy class products, can cause irreparable harm to the health of your furry pet.

Owners who sincerely want to see their animal happy for many years often think about preparing food for cats at home. Sometimes this is prompted by an animal’s illness, in which feeding with dry food is prohibited. Not every owner can afford to purchase expensive, high-quality dry or wet premium canned professional food for a cat based on latest technologies. Cheap food, richly flavored with artificial flavors and dyes that enhance the smell and attract the animal, can cause food addiction, similar to a narcotic. In this article we will look at what you can prepare for your cat from homemade food.

Some owners immediately feed their pets natural food, while others come to this later, having appreciated the benefits of this type of food. Products for this are almost always available in the refrigerator; they are much cheaper than ready-made commercial feed.

Many owners want to independently create a healthy home menu, preferable for the cat’s sensitive stomach, without preservatives, sugar, chemicals, bones, reducing the risk food poisoning, allergies, while you can always control the menu and diet of your pet.

Requirements for natural food

Dishes prepared by the owners of their furry beauties themselves will be healthy and suitable for pets if they comply certain rules. You need to understand that a careless attitude to the issue of feeding can cause harm, lead to illness, and the death of a family friend. It is necessary to observe the nutritional standards that a given individual is capable of eating in nature. It is important to adhere to the following requirements:

  • the cat’s daily diet should contain a sufficient amount of animal components, Omega 3 and 6 fatty amino acids;
  • Home-cooked food should be complete, balanced, taking into account physiological natural needs, age, breed characteristics, activity, sensitivity digestive organs, health status, gender, providing the animal required quantity energy. All this requires some experience and analysis. Developing a natural menu should be guided by veterinarian to carefully calculate the nutrients the cat needs, to obtain all the necessary elements in the diet;
  • It is necessary to weigh products and strictly record the volume of food. The pet itself does not know how much food it needs. The result of this approach is often obesity, digestive, cardiac, and respiratory problems. The danger comes from both excess and deficiency of nutrients;
  • cat food must contain essential microelements(required phosphorus, calcium), including vitamins;
  • The portion of food must be completely eaten.

Nutritional needs of cats

In nature, cats lead a predatory lifestyle, feeding on birds and small rodents. Their jaws are capable of tearing off and gnawing off pieces of meat, but they swallow them completely, entirely, because... Dont Have chewing teeth. Animals can eat food in pieces, eat chopped food, dishes in the form of pates, and porridges.

Carbohydrate products are not recommended for the cat family, like all other predatory animals, as they are not broken down in the stomach and are harmful. The preferences of humans and cats are different, although pets can happily enjoy their owner’s favorite dish. There are capricious individuals who are content with a certain type of food and are indifferent to the rest.

Cats need to be fed high content fats and proteins, the latter they need twice as much in volume as dogs. The pet's diet is carefully planned taking into account the food received. The nutrition formula for a cat is simple: half of the diet should be protein (meat), 1/4 fiber should be vegetables, 1/4 carbohydrates should be cereals.

Features of permitted natural food:

  • The main portion of the diet (more than 85%) should be meat: lean chicken, beef, rabbit, approximately 8% of body weight - up to 6 months of age, after a year - approximately 4%. Chicken requires careful introduction into the diet, as it has recently caused severe allergic reactions. The meat is given scalded with boiling water or boiled with the addition of vegetables, a few drops vegetable oil. Pork is strictly prohibited;
  • fish: sea, low-fat varieties- once a week, to avoid urolithiasis, instead of raw meat, uncut or only boiled (hake, pollock, blue whiting, tuna) to prevent severe anemia, without bones. Mackerel, haddock, flounder, salmon, and cod are allowed. Freshwater fish must be boiled to eliminate problems associated with helminths infesting cats and to destroy the harmful enzyme thiaminase. It is not permissible to feed castrated cats and sterilized females with fish products;
  • fermented milk products: kefir, cottage cheese, medium fat content, less than 5%. Milk cannot be added to the menu. Lactose is poorly absorbed by adult cats due to the lack of the enzyme lactase, but pets who tolerate the product can be given boiled as a source of calcium into the body. Cheese, cream, sour cream are heavy products for the pancreas;
  • offal: liver (in its raw form it relaxes the intestines, in boiled form it has a binding effect), kidneys, lungs, heart (contains a lot of taurine, which cats need) - served raw a couple of times a week. Not all cats are able to digest them. Loose stool, vomiting is a reason to refuse this food;
  • eggs - quail and chicken eggs are allowed, as an independent dish and when added to fermented milk products. Contains a lot of biotin, which strengthens the coat;
  • vegetables - almost everything is allowed, except potatoes, cabbage, beets, fruits - except citrus fruits, bananas. You can combine several types or settle on one product that your animal prefers. They are given raw, crushed, as a separate dish or mixed with meat. Not absorbed, needed for good digestion;
  • cereals and bran - useful for peristalsis, help maintain beneficial intestinal microflora. You can give porridge: rice, buckwheat, rolled oats;
  • oils: olive, pumpkin, flaxseed - envelop the mucous membrane of the digestive organs, normalize their functioning;
  • greens collected far from the city limits, sprouted rice or oats are given periodically.

Vegetarian diet, useful to a person, predators, is contraindicated, it negatively affects well-being, causing blindness, cardiac arrest, and death, regardless of the addition of the necessary vitamins to food.

Feeding frequency

Kittens up to 2 weeks are fed every 2 hours, a kitten aged 1 - 2 months - 5-6 feedings, a 3 month old kitten - three to four times a day, six months - twice. For adult cats, food is left untidy; they can be allowed to eat as much as they want or be fed 2-3 times a day. If there are several animals in the same house, you need to make sure that they do not eat other people's food. Spayed and neutered animals are fed once a day.

It is important to feed your cat food at the same time every day to establish the correct feeding schedule. Meat food, which takes a long time to digest, is left for evening feeding. Constant access to food is not necessary to avoid overeating and obesity.

After eating, cats usually rest in secluded places; they should not be disturbed. If you refuse to feed, vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, or fever, you should immediately seek help from a veterinarian.

Remains of food are not left in the bowl for a long time - souring and spoilage of food can cause poisoning of the animal. Product not eaten within an hour is thrown away.

How to accustom a cat to new food

Cats quickly get used to a certain type food, so they may initially refuse innovations. Continue to offer a new diet to your pet, sometimes replacing it with completely familiar food; over time, the animal will become interested in the product.

You can begin to introduce the ingredient, gradually adding it to the usual feeding, replacing it completely after 1-2 weeks.

Self-composition of a menu for cats begins if you are ready to correctly calculate the amount of necessary components and nutrients. If you are a busy person, travel a lot or work, who can provide proper care and food for your little friend?

The animal needs not only boiled, but also raw or prepared food that supplies the body important substances, amino acids that are destroyed during heat treatment. In this case, the best solution would be feeding industrial feed, capable of providing all vital components.

How to cook food

After studying the cat's needs, you can begin to create a menu for cats. At the same time, it is important to maintain a balance, because if nutrients are used in excess, your pet may develop serious health problems. This will take a lot of time and financial resources. Feeding natural food requires a competent approach. With such a life important issue It is better to seek help from a veterinarian.

Homemade cat food should be at room temperature or slightly warmed. Give small pieces: the cat eats quickly, large pieces may not be digested and cause vomiting.

Feeding utensils

Special bowls intended for cats that widen towards the bottom are better suited - they turn over and slide less. Their size accommodates a single serving of food, the food does not crumble or smear on the walls or bottom. It is not recommended to use double containers with water and food at the same time: food often gets into the liquid, and the animal refuses to drink.

Power calculation

Natural food is convenient and allows you to control your pet’s weight, the amount of nutrients, mineral and vitamin supplements. But it requires correct calculation daily value, otherwise the animal will not avoid health problems in the future. For of different ages The amount of food is individual.

How much food is needed

From ten weeks the baby can be separated from its mother. Until he reaches the age of 9 months, he needs no more than 10% of his total body weight. For example, with a weight of 1.5 kg, a kitten needs 150 g of food. It can be meat, dairy products in a 50:50 ratio.

How much food does an adult need?

For a mature animal, the amount of food is prepared at the rate of 5% of the pet’s weight. With a cat weighing 4 kg, food needs 200 g, the composition is the same as for babies: equal parts of meat and fermented milk products. You can mix some vegetables (10-15 grams) and a couple of drops of vegetable oil into your food.

It is not always possible to weigh an adult cat separately. You can apply in the following way: stand on scales together with the animal, after subtracting your weight, the result will be the mass of your furry friend.


Cats should have constant access to clean filtered water; it is important that the liquid is always in sight. Furry pets, like all mammals, need it. Often cats prefer to drink from large, deep dishes: buckets, basins, ignoring small bowls.

A large dog bowl is an ideal container: the water will remain clean for a long time, and it will be difficult to turn the dish over. The cat regulates the amount of liquid needed on its own by drinking the required amount. You need to monitor older animals, because constipation may indicate an imbalance in water balance. To get rid of intestinal problems and prevent dehydration, cats are switched to feeding semi-liquid food.

Dish recipes

Cats are even greater food gourmets than people. This is facilitated by their origin and habits developed over the years. They quickly get bored with monotonous food; a change in diet is necessary at least a couple of times a week. If it is impossible to cook frequently, long-lasting dishes are prepared.

What do cats eat from homemade food? This can be homemade dry food and minced meat, laid out in portions and stored in the refrigerator.

How to prepare dry food

This type of food is convenient to use, you can take it with you on the road, it does not take up much space. But cheap industrial feeds contain a lot of dangerous chemical substances, capable of killing an animal. High quality food is not available to every cat owner. Therefore, homemade dry food, made from high-quality natural products, dried to a certain humidity, will be an excellent replacement for expensive ones. ready-made feed. It is also convenient on the go and has a long shelf life. You can prepare cat food from many products available at home. It all depends on the owner’s imagination and the pet’s taste preferences. The main thing is that it must be useful and have good taste qualities. Cats happily eat this tasty, inexpensive food.

Recipe No. 1:

  • 500 g beef liver;
  • carrots, cottage cheese 500 g each;
  • eggs - 2 pcs;
  • cottage cheese, zucchini, beets - 100g each.

The products are ground independently in a meat grinder, eggs are driven in, everything is mixed. The resulting minced meat is formed into meatballs or cutlets, distributed on a sheet, and sent to the oven to dry for 40-50 minutes. It is taken out and after cooling it breaks into small pieces.

Recipe No. 2:

  • 500 g liver;
  • 500 g hearts;
  • 1 kg chicken soup set;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 1 glass of boiled cereals (buckwheat, pearl barley, rice - you can alternate).

The meat is beaten, finely chopped, and ground together with hearts, liver, and carrots using a food processor. The resulting pate is evenly laid out on a baking sheet or silicone sheet, baked, and dried in the oven for 40 minutes. It is cut and broken into small pieces. Stored in the refrigerator for a long time.

Homemade natural dishes

These recipes will take a little effort and time, which is important for busy people. modern people. With the help of such dishes, your pets will always be full and satisfied.

Liver with oatmeal:

  • chicken, beef liver;
  • half a glass oatmeal;
  • frozen green pea;
  • a little sunflower oil.

The liver is boiled or stewed. Cereals boiled. Chopped liver is mixed with peas and oatmeal.

Chicken breast with vegetables and rice:

  • carrot;
  • half a glass of rice;
  • 1 breast;
  • 2 glasses of water.

The breast and rice are boiled. The meat is chopped, mixed with rice and grated carrots.

Diet for allergies:

  • 2 cups minced lamb meat;
  • half a cup of zucchini or carrots;
  • a glass of boiled dark rice;
  • 50 g cottage cheese;
  • a quarter teaspoon of garlic powder.

Beat the ingredients in a blender and feed them warm.

Examples of a cat's daily menu

The cat's diet consists of home-cooked food (based on the animal's weight of 4.5 kg).

  • breakfast: 30 g cottage cheese, 1 chicken egg, water;
  • lunch: 40 g cottage cheese, 30 g chicken hearts, water;
  • dinner: 70 g rabbit meat, 40 g cottage cheese, water.
  • breakfast: 15 g of vegetables, 50 g of boiled fish;
  • lunch: 20 g kefir, 45 g cottage cheese;
  • dinner: 20 g kefir, 70 g lean meat.

No. 3 (write for all techniques):

  • 500 g beef;
  • 2 hard-boiled eggs;
  • 1.5 - 2 cups rye crackers;
  • chopped parsley.

The meat is boiled, ground in a meat grinder along with the eggs, the ingredients are mixed with breadcrumbs and herbs, and immersed in boiling water for a couple of minutes. Give it to the cat half-baked.

What products are dangerous?

Before you go into the kitchen to prepare food for your pet, there are several factors to consider. You should understand: foods you like may be harmful to cats.

Cats are prohibited:

  • chocolate, products with cocoa beans - contain theobromine, toxic to animals;
  • onions, garlic, grapes, raisins;
  • tomatoes, eggplants;
  • sugar, salt, soda, baking powder;
  • sweets (sweets, cakes) cause diabetes, allergies;
  • herbs, spices;
  • alcohol;
  • artificial sweeteners;
  • tea, coffee, blown, medications from a human pharmacy containing caffeine;
  • dog food (dry, wet), because has a different composition:
  • pork, lamb;
  • bones, heads, tails, paws can cause intestinal obstruction and digestive tract injuries;
  • semolina, millet, corn porridge - useless food;
  • pasta, flour - cause obesity, constipation, colitis;
  • leftover human food (fried, smoked, baked);
  • sausages;
  • raw eggs;
  • veterinarians do not recommend feeding cats raw meat purchased at markets or stores - it often contains dangerous hormones, antibiotics;
  • pickled vegetables, fruits;
  • freshwater fish- risk of helminth infection;
  • seafood;
  • mushrooms - the cat’s body does not digest them, does not produce enzymes capable of breaking them down, the cat can even be poisoned by edible ones;
  • nuts - are not digested and can cause severe allergic reaction until breathing stops.

Feeding pet natural menu requires a competent, careful approach. You need to spend a lot of time, often a lot of financial resources, to provide the animal with a variety of balanced menu. A cat, just like us, cannot eat the same product all the time.

It is especially important to monitor the diet of those who have recovered from surgery, pregnant, young and suffering chronic diseases animals. In such cases, it is better to listen to a veterinarian or feline health specialist to rule out dangerous products. Sometimes even healthy food Causes harm if used in excessive quantities.

Before you sit down at the table, you should feed the animal. A hungry cat is especially sensitive to the smell of human food, begins to intensively beg for food, then eats with increased appetite, which causes obesity over time.

Be attentive to your pet’s behavior: an unsuitable product must be immediately eliminated and replaced with another. If your home friend has a good appearance, it is cheerful, healthy, playful, which means the diet is correct. This means that food prepared with your own hands will give your pet wellness, long, happy life, excellent health.

Natural feeding is not only a failure of industrial feeds. Food from the human table also does not apply natural nutrition. Unbalanced food can be harmful to the cat’s body and can lead to serious problems with health. When feeding your cat natural products, you plan the diet yourself, create a menu, and prepare food for your pet every day.

What is included in a natural feeding diet?

  1. Beef, veal, rabbit (thawed or boiled)
  2. Chicken or turkey (necessarily boiled, boneless)
  3. Beef or chicken by-products(heart, liver, lungs, tripe, stomachs). Boiled or defrosted, no more than 1-2 times a week.
  4. Sea fish is low-fat. Only boiled, without bones, no more than once a week.
  5. Boiled egg yolk. Can be given separately, or mixed with cottage cheese or porridge (no more than 1-2 times a week)
  6. Dairy products (milk, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt). You should be careful when offering milk to a kitten older than 3 months. In adult cats, whole milk can cause stomach upset and diarrhea.
  7. Low-fat cottage cheese (can be combined with kefir or egg yolk).
  8. Hard, mild cheese (no more than once a week).
  9. Liquid and semi-liquid milk porridges without sugar (semolina, oatmeal). For kittens up to 3 months old, you can add yolk to the porridge.
  10. Children's meat purees with vegetables. Suitable for feeding kittens up to 8 months. It is better not to give them to adult cats.
  11. Porridge: rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, millet, with boiled meat or fish in a 1:2 ratio (one third cereal, two third meat).
  12. Vegetables: carrots, zucchini, kohlrabi, cauliflower, lettuce, celery, zucchini, pumpkin, squash, cauliflower, beets, carrots, cucumbers. Separately, with butter, or with meat in the same proportion as cereals.
  13. Greens (dill, parsley, lettuce). Separately, with oil or added to food.
  14. Green grass (wheat, oats, barley, millet, rye). Grown yourself on the windowsill or ready-made, bought in a store. Under no circumstances should you give cats grass from the street!
  15. Dry brewer's yeast, bran, buckwheat flour, kelp powder. Add to food 3-4 times a week.
  16. Vegetable oil. Add no more than 2 teaspoons per day to food.
  17. Vitamins and mineral supplements. Every day in a dosage according to the age of the cat.
  18. Water (bottled or boiled) should always be available. Change it at least once a day as it becomes dirty, and the bowl must be washed thoroughly each time.

What you should absolutely not give to a cat at any age:

  • Pork, lamb, goose, duck.
  • Bird and fish bones.
  • Fatty, fried, spicy, salty, smoked food.
  • Canned food for people.
  • Sausage, frankfurters, sausages, pates.
  • Potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, onions, garlic.
  • Citrus fruits, grapes, raisins.
  • Any sweet fruit.
  • Sugar, cookies, sweets, chocolate.
  • Salt, any spices.
  • Any food from the human table.
  • Vitamins and dietary supplements for people.
Basic principles of feeding natural foods

A kitten from 1 to 3 months is fed 6 times a day, from 3 to 6 months – 4 times a day. From 6 to 8 months, the number of feedings is gradually reduced to 3 times. From 8 months, a kitten, like an adult cat, is fed 2 times a day. All products are finely ground or pureed. For adult cats – finely chopped.
Food should be at room temperature or lukewarm. Do not give food that is too cold (from the refrigerator) or too hot (freshly cooked).
Meat and meat products are fed boiled or pre-frozen.
It is better to feed raw thawed meat separately, boiled meat and fish - with vegetables and cereals.
You cannot feed your cat only meat and fish, or only cereals. In both cases, such a monotonous diet will definitely affect the pet’s health.
Fish should be given no more than once a week (and for cats once every 2 weeks). It often causes kidney problems in cats and can lead to urolithiasis.
You should not add salt or sugar to animal food.

How to create a cat menu for every day

Many owners prefer to feed their pets with industrial food, thinking that feeding natural food is time-consuming and expensive. In fact, no more expensive than professional feeds. Besides, creating a menu for the week and then preparing meals from pre-prepared ingredients is not that long or difficult.

Sample menu for 1 day for an adult cat:

  • Cottage cheese with egg yolk, or
  • Kefir or yogurt with bran.
  • Beef with vegetables, or
  • Boiled fish with porridge.
Advice for very busy people– You can prepare a universal mixture for evening feeding for a week and freeze it in the refrigerator in advance.
It's very simple:
  • 1 kilogram of raw beef or chicken,
  • 0.5 kilograms of animals’ favorite vegetables,
  • 100 grams of soft cheese (not salted),
  • 1 chicken yolk,
  • 1 tablespoon brewer's yeast,
  • 2 teaspoons vegetable oil.
Grind everything in a blender, then knead again with your hands. You should get a homogeneous mass that can be divided into 7 parts and frozen in the freezer.

After this, all you have to do is take a piece of the mixture out of the refrigerator and divide it into small balls. Then you can either boil them, or simply let them warm up to room temperature and feed them to the cat. An additional advantage of this dish is that for an animal, raw and cooked mixture are two different dishes. By alternating them, you diversify your pet's menu.

What else is worth considering?

The most serious mistake that cat owners make when switching to feeding natural food is a monotonous diet, in which 1-2 of the pet’s favorite products become the main thing on the menu. This should not be allowed, since such feeding can seriously affect the health of the animal.