What to feed a kitten: form a complete diet. What to feed a kitten: useful tips

“A kitten’s stomach is no bigger than a thimble”—these words from the advertisement come to mind when the question arises about the frequency of meals and the size of the pet’s portions. The fear of underfeeding or overfeeding is natural, but worries will disappear if you understand how many times to feed a kitten at 2 months, and the baby can easily figure out the amount of food himself and will definitely show with his behavior whether he has enough to eat.

How often to feed

In order not to guess whether the kitten is full or not, you just need to know its age-specific food needs and correctly create a diet. According to general observations and recommendations of veterinarians, A 2 month old kitten needs to be fed 5-6 times a day. In total, the interval should be 4-5 hours.

Why is the number of meals so specific? There are several explanations for this:

  • the kitten is very active and energetic;
  • due to high activity, appetite appears quickly (provided that the baby is healthy);
  • At this age, the pet's weight increases noticeably.

As for the amount of food that a kitten should eat per day, on average for a 2-month-old baby, 150 - 170 g will be enough with slight deviations in one direction or another. Of course, the exact amount in grams for each individual kitten cannot be predicted, since everything here depends on the degree of activity of the pet, its state of health, breed and basic “love” of food.

One thing is clear: if a kitten overeats at 2 months, its small stomach may react heavily to oversaturation and fail to cope with its main function.

Is your pet full?

There is a belief that the cat itself knows how much food it needs and will not eat too much. But she cannot convince overly worried owners of this, as a result of which overly caring owners sometimes try to keep the animal near the bowl, forcing and persuading it to eat more. Moreover, instead of benefit, such “love” only brings harm: already from 2 months the kitten will begin to suffer from stomach disorders

However, often even at 2 months, getting your pet to eat more is not always easy. At this age, the kitten usually begins to realize when there has been enough food, although occasionally “punctures” still occur, leading to overeating.

To understand whether your pet is full, you should pay attention to the following signs:

  • if the portion is approximately 50-70 g, a kitten at 2 months will already be full of this amount;
  • if the tummy is slightly rounded (not here we're talking about about a belly that looks like a tight drum - this is already overeating);
  • the kitten itself, having eaten, moves away from the bowl and licks itself contentedly;
  • if the portion turns out to be too big, the pet may not finish it, independently determining its feeling of fullness.

And don’t worry that the baby didn’t get enough food, because in case of malnutrition, the kitten at 2 months will already let the owner know that he would like more:

  • carefully licks the bowl until it shines, not wanting to leave a drop of tasty food in it and collecting the last crumbs of food;
  • Having finished his portion, he continues to sniff his “dining room” in search of food.

Important: if the kitten has not yet been weaned from its mother, then the baby simply will not be able to eat the treat offered by the owner in the quantity indicated above, so there is no point in insisting or worrying. In this case, inviting the baby to the bowl 3-4 times a day is enough.

Weight control

For most breeds, the first year of life is the most active, and it is during this time that the kitten grows rapidly and gains weight. If the pet receives sufficient nutrition, all its indicators will be normal.

It is advisable to monitor the weight of a cat at 2 months every week, writing down all the data in a notebook (this will be very helpful in case the gain is insufficient and you have to contact a veterinarian).

If a kitten eats enough at 2 months, it weight should be in the range of 400-900 g(average - approximately 600 g). But for some breeds these data may be different: some representatives large breeds by this age they gain weight from 1 to 1.5 kg (for example, Maine Coon, British and Scottish kittens).

How often to feed certain foods

Into the diet small pet Breastfeeding homemade food, necessarily includes products whose consumption is important and healthy, but cannot be offered to a 2-month-old kitten every day:

  • Ocean fish. This product is one of the provocateurs of central nervous system disorders and the development of urolithiasis (male cats are especially prone to the latter). You can give fish to your baby, but not more than once, maximum twice a week, and only in a well-cooked form. river fish often leads to helminthiasis (if it itself is infected).
  • Liver/kidneys. Very useful and loved by kittens, but they contain waste, because these organs are essentially filters that retain and harmful substances including. A 2-month-old kitten should eat them as often as fish, and also only boiled.
  • Egg yolk. A rich source of vitamin E, but half an yolk per week is the maximum that a 2 month old kitten should eat.
  • Milk. With the active growth of a kitten, milk gradually stops being absorbed by the body (especially cow's milk). Therefore, this product needs to be removed from the diet, despite the touching videos and images of kittens in a saucer of milk. It will be enough for pets to drink clean water and broths, and lactic acid products (cottage cheese, sour cream, cream, etc.) are excellent as calcium-containing sources.

Adequate nutrition is not only good food or homemade food, containing a lot of substances and vitamins useful for a growing body, but also properly calculated dosages of portions and time intervals between meals. Only compliance with all these conditions together will help a small pet grow healthy, energetic and beautiful from the age of 2 months to the delight of its owners.


First you need to weigh your pet. Better to use electronic scales, which are more accurate. Weight is the main criterion for proper feeding, since the kitten must gain weight. You need to weigh yourself regularly, first every day, then every three to four days.

The amount of food also depends on the age of the kitten. Up to eight weeks of age better nutrition is a cat milk replacer. But if you don’t have extra funds to purchase this expensive product, you can use its analogues.

Of all the things you can feed kittens, we can recommend a “milkshake”. It's very simple to make: you will need 1 cup (250 ml) whole milk, 2 egg yolks, 30 ml cream, 30 ml bio-yogurt without additives (lactobifid can be used). Mix all this in a mixer, blender or by hand.

This cocktail is especially suitable for small kittens who still have a hard time coping with solid food.

You can also cook porridge from baby food or use egg powder, dissolved in cow's milk. In the first week of life, for a kitten’s approximate weight of 100 grams, he should be given 30 ml of the mixture.

Moreover, in the first four days you need to feed every two hours. From the fifth day at night you can feed every three hours. Starting from the second week, the volume must be increased to 50 ml every 4 hours.

If you feed your baby regular food and don’t know how much to feed the kitten, the approximate norms are as follows:

After another 2-3 weeks, provided that the new food is digested well, give the kitten boiled fish (oceanic, low-fat) and homemade minced meat.

The first solid food at the age of three to four weeks can be cottage cheese or porridge with water. Cook thin oatmeal porridge, add finely chopped carrots or zucchini. If the baby ate the porridge with pleasure, next time it can be cooked on chicken broth. By one and a half months, the kitten should receive 6-7 feedings per day. In the morning it is better to give porridge with vegetables, during the day portions of finely chopped lean meat (chicken, turkey, rabbit, beef), and in the evening treat it with cottage cheese or a boiled egg.

It's up to you to give your kitten raw or boiled meat. There is no clear answer on this matter. If you are confident in the quality and freshness of the meat, then rinse it well, freeze it, and scald it with boiling water before feeding. Under no circumstances should you give boiled bones to adult animals. It is better to buy special treats or bones at the pet store to strengthen the teeth that the cat will chew.

After two months you can switch to dry food. To begin with, all food is given soaked at one of the feedings. Gradually, the entire daily diet should consist of “drying”, and meat or cottage cheese is given to the animals 2-3 times a week as a treat.

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Useful advice

At 2-3 months, kittens no longer need to give milk, because... it is not digested by the cat's body and can cause diarrhea. But kefir or cottage cheese can be given once a week to strengthen bones.

It often happens that a mother cat cannot feed her newborns herself. This can happen for several reasons, for example, when the cat does not have milk, or she refuses to accept her babies. Then caring for the babies, including feeding, rests entirely with their owner.


During its first week, the kitten should eat every 2 hours, even at night. A two-week-old should be fed every 2-3 hours during the day and once at night, and a three-week-old should be fed every 4 hours during the day and once at night. Intervals between feedings one month old baby can be increased by providing him with five meals a day.

Unfortunately, not only liquid gets into the pipette, but also air. Therefore, during feeding, it is necessary to give the kitten time to regurgitate the swallowed air.

A one-week-old kitten can be fed using a disposable plastic syringe, the spout of which is located on the edge. The piston of such syringes is quite tight. By adjusting the pressure on it, you can only help the baby suck out the liquid on his own. The main thing is not to let the kitten lose the sucking reflex, because it is almost impossible to restore it later.

It is advisable to feed with a special mixture, which can be purchased at any pet store. It should be prepared strictly according to the instructions included with each package of the mixture, focusing on the age of the baby.

A one-week-old kitten should be given 30 ml of the mixture per 100 g of its weight, a two-week-old baby - 38 ml per 100 g of body weight, a three-week-old - 46 ml per 100 g of body weight, and a month-old - 53 ml per 160 g of its body weight. To correctly calculate the portion for feeding a kitten, it is recommended to weigh the baby daily.

Sometimes a cat who has just given birth becomes ill or refuses to feed her newborn kittens. There are more tragic cases. And someone had to pick up completely blind kittens, who for some reason were left without a mother. How to prevent a defenseless baby from dying and feed it yourself?


If you were unable to find a nurse cat, get ready to feed the baby yourself. Decide what exactly you will feed him - a ready-made substitute from a pet store or you will prepare a mixture yourself that is close to. If you decide on such a mixture, mix 4 parts cow's milk with 1 part chicken egg white. Milk must be boiled - raw milk is not suitable for kittens! It happens that cow's milk is poorly tolerated - then you can try infant formula for newborns, just dilute it twice as thin as indicated in the instructions. The mixture should be warm, but not hot - 38-39°C for the first week of life, 30-32°C for the second, then 26-28°C.

During the first days of life kitten will have to be fed from pipettes, if you were unable to get a special cat bottle with a nipple. The pipette must be clean and rinsed thoroughly after each feeding. hot water. Place the kitten in a box with low sides on its tummy, let its front paws rest on the side. Hold the baby by the back and neck with your left hand and feed him. The pipette can have either a sharp end or a blunt end - whichever is more convenient for you, and it is better if it is plastic rather than glass. Remember that you do not need to squeeze the entire contents of the pipette into the kitten’s mouth - he should sort of suck it out; If he forgets how to suck, it will be impossible to teach him again. Since a lot of air enters the kitten's stomach when feeding from a pipette, you will need to give it the opportunity from time to time. When the kitten is a week old, try switching to a medical syringe without a needle.

Newborns are fed every 2 hours, including at night; from day 3 at night you can feed once every three hours. From 5 to 21 days of life, kittens are fed once every 4 hours. When the kitten is 2 weeks old, you can sometimes let him lap up the mixture from a spoon or small saucer, but he still doesn’t know how to feed himself. From 3 weeks, kittens can be introduced to other foods.


The cat is one of the most popular pets. As soon as little kitten moves to new family, all its members have many questions about caring for a tiny defenseless creature. Therefore, to the appearance kitten In the house you need to prepare in advance. It is especially important to carefully consider how and what to feed your baby.


A baby who has not yet reached three months of age should have access to food throughout the day. Don't be afraid that your baby may overeat. Kittens at this age, as a rule, spend most of the day running headlong around the house, burning all the extra calories.

How and what to feed a 2 month old kitten correctly? Usually, by the age of two months, the kitten stops sucking from the mother cat's breast or artificial formula through the pacifier. He is accustomed to lap up milk from a bowl on his own, and it’s time to introduce complementary foods. And then inexperienced owners are puzzled by the question: what can you feed a kitten at 2 months. The baby has recently been weaned from its mother, and therefore its immunity may quickly begin to weaken. To prevent this from happening, you need to choose a food that can replace cat milk and other formulas. The transition to solid food must be made gradually, otherwise the body will be harmed and the baby will experience stress.

How correctly you feed your kitten at 2 months will determine whether your fluffy will grow into a big, energetic cat, or whether the little cat will become a healthy mature cat. If the kitten does not like the food offered, he will stubbornly refuse it. This is a signal that you need to immediately change your diet and take a serious approach to creating a diet that will contain foods or feed containing useful microelements and vitamins. The main thing is that the food is healthy and that your pet likes it.

You need to immediately decide what you will feed your growing cat. You will have to choose one of three options:

  1. Natural nutrition.
  2. Ready-to-eat feed.
  3. Mixed nutrition.

No one can give you an exact answer which option is preferable. Even veterinary specialists There are conflicting opinions on this issue.
When choosing a suitable option, in any case, you will have to focus on your financial capabilities, free time, which you can or cannot devote to cooking and other moments. An important role when choosing will be played by the breed of the kitten, its taste preferences, health status and even gender.

Natural nutrition

Supporters natural feeding kittens are of the opinion that only it is safe and beneficial for the baby’s health. Therefore, when asked what to feed a kitten at 2 months old, they will answer that only homemade food is acceptable for babies. It is important to know that natural products are not the food you eat yourself, but food specially prepared for your cat from ingredients that are healthy for her, without chemical additives.


  • The main advantage of such nutrition is obvious - you independently choose fresh and high-quality products from which you cook. This means you can be sure that the food is beneficial for your kitten.
  • Freshly prepared food does not contain any chemicals, therefore it is absolutely safe for a fragile body.
  • The kitten receives a varied diet every day.
  • Natural food does not cause dependence and painful addiction. One product can easily be replaced with another without causing stress in your pet.


  • You need to carefully ensure that prohibited products that can be harmful do not end up in your grocery basket. digestive system.
  • With simple food, the kitten may not receive enough vitamins necessary for health.
  • They need to be purchased separately and added to cat dishes, calculating the dosage yourself.

Regardless of which feeding method you choose for your baby, the basis of nutrition should be proteins - they are the ones that help “build” the body. Protein-rich foods should account for approximately 60% daily ration. IN large quantities protein is found in meat products and fish.

But in addition to protein foods, the kitten’s diet should also contain those that contain various microelements and beneficial vitamins. A growing body must receive calcium in sufficient quantities, which helps teeth grow and develop. bone skeleton. The pet can get it from milk and fermented milk products. Having learned what to feed a two-month kitten and what to exclude from its diet, you can develop complete diet, including the necessary natural products.

First of all, in the second month of life, a predator kitten should be given lean meat every day - beef, chicken, turkey - ground ready or added to the broth, always well boiled, of course. None raw meat baby can't!

  • for development skeletal system and teeth, fermented milk products should be present in the diet low-fat foods- kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt without fruit additives;
  • gradually introduce low-fat cottage cheese into the diet, natural, mashed with a small amount of low-fat sour cream, or ready-made store-bought for children;
  • cereal and cereal porridges with milk, vegetable and meat broth (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal);
  • fresh vegetables- carrots, pumpkin, white cabbage- raw, grated, or added to porridge and boiled meat broth;
  • lean boiled sea fish without bones is a source of phosphorus;
  • sprouted grass (wheat sprouts, oats) and brewer's yeast for kittens;
  • half a teaspoon vegetable oil once every 3 days.

What should you not feed?

What not to feed kittens at 2 one month old(yes, in another too):

  • fatty meat - pork, lard, pork fat, goose - the sensitive little stomach will develop indigestion, and the liver will not cope;
  • bones (the kitten can choke on them or damage the esophagus);
  • whole milk (cats lack enzymes to digest milk);
  • protein from raw egg(the enzyme it contains has a destructive effect on biotin in the body);
  • salted, smoked, peppered and canned foods for people;
  • peel with chicken meat- it is not digested in the stomach;
  • some vegetables (tomatoes, onions, garlic, eggplants) and fruits (avocado);
  • chocolate (very toxic to cats and can cause them premature death);
  • vitamins and medicines for people with some exceptions.

Foods that should be kept to a minimum:

  • peas and beans (cause bloating);
  • freshwater fish(leads to infection with helminths, it is better to completely remove it from the diet).

Ready-made feed

The basic rule when feeding a 2-month-old kitten with ready-made food is to never mix dry and wet food. They will be digested by the body different times, and it will be difficult for him to rebuild. If you for a long time If you have used one type of food and want to switch to another, you need to do this carefully. Over the course of 8-10 days, gradually accustom your pet to a different type of preparation, introducing it into the diet in small portions and monitoring the reaction of the ward.

If you still combine 2 types of food, then 75% daily ration should be dry and 25% wet.


  • High quality feeds contain the optimal amount useful vitamins and minerals, no need to buy additional supplements.
  • The composition is selected taking into account age and physiological characteristics pet.
  • The kitten will have to chew dry food, which will stimulate excellent jaw function.
  • Saves time and effort on cooking.
  • Convenient and easy to use. You can take the food with you on a trip.
  • The daily dosage of food is indicated on the packaging.


  • Low-quality economy-class food is dangerous for animals high content mineral salts, the accumulation of which in the body leads to urolithiasis. In their production, production waste (animal fat, feathers, skin, etc.) is used, which clog the food tract. You will have to buy expensive food.
  • Presence of fats, flavors and preservatives.
  • Feed consumption is addictive. If necessary, it will be possible to wean a kitten off it only through a hunger strike.

If you decide to use ready-made food in your diet, but don’t know what to feed your 2-month-old kitten, your veterinarian’s advice will help you.

Professional breeders and veterinarians recommend buying ready-made food only in specialized stores or veterinary pharmacies. This should be premium and super-premium food, which contains all the nutrients that support life. The best ready-made dry food is considered to be holistic, the production technology of which preserves the juiciness and freshness of almost unprocessed meat, as well as maximum benefit ingredients. The composition is detailed on the packages. And most importantly, such food marked “NaturCroq” is suitable for human consumption.

If we talk about specific foods for kittens, breeders often recommend the following brands:

Happy Cat Junior

Dry food super premium class in the holistic category, specially designed for small kittens with sensitive stomachs from 5 weeks to 12 months

What's good:

  • the composition includes the most healthy meat ingredients (beef, poultry, rabbit), as well as eggs and salmon;
  • the texture and size of the food are selected in accordance with the kitten’s ability to cope with it;

1st Choice

Super-premium dry food (close in quality to holistic food) for babies from 2 to 12 months

What's good:

  • excellent quality;
  • affordable price for the level;
  • a balanced selection of large quantities of meat and small quantities of plant ingredients;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • a nice addition is the inclusion of salmon fat (to improve brain activity, maintaining heart and eye health).
  • rarely found in stores, you need to place an online order on the Internet;
  • Only 1 type has been developed.

Purina ProPlan

Dry food (1 option) for pets aged 6 weeks-1 year, premium wet food (2 types) up to 1 year.

What's good:

  • low cost;
  • availability in direct sale;
  • the opportunity to save money when purchasing food in bulk;
  • optimal content of nutrients and nutrients.
  • presence of ingredients plant origin in large quantities;
  • possibility of allergies.

Mixed nutrition

Many experts insist that it is impossible to use both types of feeding at the same time - natural and feed, explaining their point of view by the fact that mixed type can lead to diseases of the digestive system and hypervitaminosis. Other veterinarians claim that this type of feeding is ideal for kittens at 2 months: by consuming natural products, the baby will get everything essential microelements from ready meals.

About exact dosage feed, with this method, it is better to consult a veterinarian. It will depend on your health status pet, its weight and breed. Some caring owners It is believed that after 2 weeks the diet of a two-month-old kitten needs to be changed. Nothing like that, if you are still tormented by the question of what to feed a kitten at 2.5 months, the answer is simple: the same thing as at 2 months.

Feeding rules

  • do not give your pet the entire daily portion at once: he is not yet able to control his appetite (with the exception of dry food);
  • food from the refrigerator must be preheated so that it becomes warm;
  • You can store food in the refrigerator for 24 hours, wet food for up to 2 days;
  • add vitamins for cats to natural dishes;
  • Your pet should always have a separate bowl full of fresh water, to which he has 24-hour access, otherwise he will start lapping up water wherever he can find it.

Feeding regimen and norm

How many times a day and in what portions should a kitten be fed at 2 months? It is important that the kitten does not overeat, but also does not run around hungry, otherwise digestive problems will arise. Therefore, at 8-10 weeks, the fluffy baby needs to be fed often, but in small portions. It is best to divide the daily dose into 5-6 parts. The total weight of the daily portion will be approximately 150 g per 1 kg of the pet’s live weight, but it is better to check with a specialist. Experienced breeders recommend constantly diversifying food ration and draw up a feeding schedule for your pet in advance.

In the case of ready-made food, the dosage is always indicated on the packaging; you do not need to calculate it yourself.

Most often, it is at the age of two months that kittens are separated from their mother, and at this stage of life the baby already needs a varied diet. Transition from mother's milk or mixtures on solid food must be carried out gradually to avoid stress and not harm the kitten’s body. First of all, you should decide what nutrition plan will be offered to a small pet left without a mother. You will have to choose from the following options: natural food or feed food.

Even experts find it difficult to say which of the proposed diets is more correct. Therefore, when building a menu according to the chosen scheme, the kitten’s owner must be guided by the baby’s health, his taste preferences and reaction to the food offered, as well as his financial capabilities.

Natural food

Having given preference natural food, it should be understood that this means natural products specially prepared for a small pet, and not dishes from the human table. The diet of a 2-month-old kitten should be made up of fresh products; additional administration will be required vitamin complexes.This power plan has its advantages:

  1. 1. Natural food is not addictive. If necessary, one of the components of the diet can be easily replaced with another without any consequences for the baby’s health.
  2. 2. Since the kitten owner chooses the products himself, he can be sure of their natural origin, freshness and the absence of artificial additives.
  3. 3. The pet's owner plans the diet, which means that homemade food will be quite varied, which cannot be expected from ready-made food.

Among the disadvantages of this choice, it should be noted that people are unaware of foods prohibited for pets. Some of them can harm the animal's digestive system. Very often, the owner of a two-month-old baby does not know how well the food offered meets the kitten’s body’s needs for various microelements and vitamins.

It is important to remember that a small pet’s diet should consist of 60% protein components.

The main source of protein is meat food. To develop and strengthen bones, a growing body needs calcium, which is found in dairy products. And in mandatory the kitten needs additional beneficial microelements, which he can get from vitamin complexes.

Allowed natural products

A two-month-old baby is primarily a predator. Therefore, the main food for him is lean meat. Under no circumstances should you feed raw meat. It’s good if the owner boils chicken, turkey or beef. The finished product should be finely chopped and served to the kitten with broth. The same rule applies to fish: it should not be fatty, it is recommended to boil it. You should give fish dishes to your kitten, removing the bones, no more than 2 times a week.

Dairy and fermented milk components must be present in your pet’s menu. It will be useful low-fat cottage cheese with sour cream, fermented baked milk, natural yogurt without added sugar or colorings. Some owners buy their kittens ready-made cottage cheese intended for children.

The diet should include vegetables, such as carrots and pumpkin. There are two ways to offer them as food to your pet: either raw, finely grated, or adding them to the broth during the preparation of meat dishes.

It is also useful to feed a 2-month-old kitten cereal porridges cooked in milk or meat broth. It is allowed to use oatmeal, rice or buckwheat. Wheat and oats can be sprouted; the kitten will enjoy eating fresh grass. For a healthy coat, you should use brewer's yeast for kittens. Additionally, vegetable oil should be introduced into the diet in a volume equal to half a teaspoon per week.

Forbidden food

The list of foods that are prohibited from feeding a kitten includes:

  • all types of bones, since a pet can damage the esophagus with them;
  • whole milk and raw eggs;
  • any canned food from the human table and food prepared using salt, pepper and other spices;
  • some vegetables and fruits. These include onions, garlic, avocados, tomatoes and eggplants;
  • any fatty meat, especially pork. The digestive system of a small pet is too sensitive, so consuming such products threatens it with stomach and liver problems. You should not offer poultry skin to your animal.

Pets should not be given any confectionery, especially chocolate. Vitamin supplements and medicines, intended for humans. Legumes are not prohibited for cats, but their consumption should be kept to a minimum as they cause bloating.

A kitten appeared in the house - what and how to feed it?

Feed nutrition

If the pet owner decides to choose specialized food, The main rule is the ban on mixing two types of food - wet and dry. For digestion various types cats spend different amounts of time on ready-made food, and the digestive system little kitten It will be difficult to rebuild.

If for some reason there is a need to switch from one type of feed to another, it should be done gradually. Its duration is usually 10–14 days. New food is introduced in small portions in addition to the main one. Throughout the entire process of transferring an animal to a new diet, you need to carefully monitor its reaction and health status.

There are four classes of food: economy, premium, super-premium and holistic. The latter type of ready-made food is considered the most correct and suitable for kittens; it does not contain artificial additives or dyes, but such food is also quite expensive.

Economy food is not a desirable choice. The natural origin of the components that make up such food is questionable, and such food will never provide the kitten with the microelements and vitamins it needs so much. The economy class stern is very low content protein, which will be critical for a growing and developing organism.

Benefits of ready meals

A food-based nutrition plan has quite a few advantages:

  1. 1. Specialized nutrition high quality designed taking into account the needs of the kitten's body. Ratio nutrients, minerals and vitamins are already balanced, which means that the baby will not need nutritional supplements.

Once a little funny fluffy ball has appeared in the house, all responsibility for its life falls entirely on its owners. Special attention You need to pay attention to your diet and regimen. Therefore, we will consider what to feed a kitten at 2 months, what foods are healthy and what can be given to a fluffy with a natural diet.

Many veterinarians and breeders agree that it is best to keep kittens and adult animals in natural products, since the diet has many advantages over ready-made feed.

Advantages natural diet for kittens:

  • you can create a variety of useful menu For furry pet. A large selection and variety of products will help you choose optimal nutrition even for picky eating kittens.
  • freshly prepared food does not contain chemical compounds, additives harmful to the growing body.
  • a natural diet is not addictive and, if necessary, without harm to health, you can transfer the kitten to ready-made feed.

If you plan to feed your kitten homemade food so as not to weaken its resistance and immune potential, it is very important that the food and diet can replace cat milk and ready-made formulas for newborn animals.

Advice! As soon as the kitten is four to five weeks old, its basic diet can be gradually supplemented with new foods, giving them in small quantities. During this period, the body is able to absorb food other than mother's milk.

For complementary feeding they use easily digestible, rich in protein, minerals and vitamins food. For example, you can give your kitten meat or half-meat puree. For food initial stage You can add kefir, low-fat milk, calcined cottage cheese. A smooth transition to an adult diet will not become stressful and will not cause disruption in the animal’s gastrointestinal tract. Add new products to your pet’s menu gradually. Monitor the stool and the condition of the little kitten.

To avoid operational disruptions internal organs, raise an active healthy pet, the natural type of nutrition of the British, Scottish Fold, Persian, Sphynx, and other breeds of kittens must be approached with all responsibility.

Homemade food for 2 month old kittens

Given that cats are carnivores, the basis of their diet should be animal products. But this does not mean that with a natural type of feeding, a small pet should receive exclusively meat and offal.

A growing body also needs plant food, rich in fiber and vitamins, essential amino acids, minerals, fats contained in fermented milk and other foods.

Products for the natural diet of a 2-month-old kitten:

  • Meat, poultry. The diet of kittens should consist of: meat products, bird. In this case, you can only give the baby low-fat varieties meat (veal, rabbit) or poultry (chicken, turkey) that have undergone mechanical or heat treatment (cooking, stewing). After weaning from the mother cat, you can give the mustache beef, minced chicken, finely chopped boiled chicken fillet, rabbit meat or veal.
  • Offal. Liver, heart, spleen, veal, chicken gizzards contain iron, phosphorus, magnesium and B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6, B9), which are necessary for normal digestion, metabolism, and development. Therefore, offal can be given 2 times one month old kitten, but no more than once a week and only after heat treatment. Unlike meat, they have a lower nutritional value and calorie content.
  • Fermented milk. They are the main source of calcium, phosphorus, essential amino acids, other microelements to strengthen the bones, skeleton, teeth. Cottage cheese, kefir, natural yoghurts without any additives, skim milk, whey, low-fat, low-fat sour cream, cream should be present daily in the diet of two-month-old kittens. However, their fat content should not exceed 8-10%. You can also feed kittens with curd mixtures for infants and small children.

  • Fish. Since fish is a source fatty acids and phosphorus, it should also be present in the menu of small pets. Two-month-old kittens are given stewed, boiled, low-fat sea and ocean fish without bones, but not more than three times every seven to eight days. It is better to introduce river fish into the diet of cats only after five to six months.
  • , cereals. Feed kittens only buckwheat, oatmeal, well-cooked in meat, vegetable, fish broth, rice grains. You can offer a mix of several cereals. For better absorption add a few drops of vegetable oil or a small amount of low-fat sour cream to the porridge.
  • Vegetables, fruits. It is mandatory to add boiled, raw, stewed vegetables, greens. You can give zucchini, beets, pumpkin, carrots. Before adding them to the porridge, grate them or cut them into strips and small cubes. You can also feed kittens vegetables, fruit mixtures for babies.
  • Eggs. Kittens at two months of age can be fed raw quail or boiled chicken eggs. Whole, hard boiled chicken egg, should not be given to your pet right away. Add the crushed, mashed yolk of one egg to the porridge. Mix quail eggs with vegetables, cereals, minced meat. It is permissible to give kittens three per week. quail eggs, two chicken.

Sprouted grains (oats, wheat) are also useful for a growing body, as they contain fiber, organic acids, vitamins, macro-microelements. You can grow your own grass for cats from seeds.

Supplement your pet’s diet with brewer’s yeast two to three times every seven to nine days. fish oil. Once every three days, the kitten should receive 15-20 g of vegetable oil, which contains fatty acids. saturated acids(omega-6, omega-3), other useful components.

Food should always be fresh and at room temperature. Make sure there is always drinking water. The animal should not feel thirsty, much less drink water from the sink or other places. Use non-carbonated drinking bottled or filtered water. After each feeding, be sure to wash the bowls well with running water.

What not to feed kittens

Regardless of the type of food that the owner chooses for his small pet (natural, ready-made food), in order to raise a healthy, energetic cat, the diet must be completely balanced, nutritious, varied, healthy, and fortified.

Poor quality products and an unbalanced diet will cause growth retardation. Possible allergies, disruption to work digestive tract, other serious complications, which can appear in an animal at an early or older age.

For two-month-old kittens, as well as older pets and adult cats, the following is prohibited:

Kittens should absolutely not be given salted, peppered, spicy foods, marinades, fatty cheeses, smoked foods, flour products, or any other products from our table that are seasoned with spices or have a high percentage of fat content.

You should not feed kittens chocolate. It contains theobromine, a substance that is highly toxic to the cat's body. Even a piece of dark chocolate can cause severe poisoning, to whom and death.

Feeding regimen and norms

In order not to provoke disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract, it is equally important to monitor the feeding regime. Two-month-old kittens should be given food in small portions at the same time. Kittens at two months old should receive food 5-7 times a day. As you get older, the number daytime feedings gradually reduce and from four months you can transfer the animal to three to four feedings a day.

Up to 3-4 months, it is necessary to develop a diet and a stable meal schedule, observing it in the future. Kittens at two months old should receive food 5-8 times a day.

The daily norm for 2-month-old kittens, depending on the breed, is 120-135 g. When preparing a natural diet, take into account the level of activity, breed, individual characteristics kitten, its health status.