Oil treatment: what diseases should be used. Imperial delicacy: the benefits and uses of vegetable oils

Each of us often met with vegetable oils. We keep one or two species at home, remembering their beneficial properties. But, statistics show that very few people know how many healthy oils there are in the world. But they can be used in Everyday life, using for themselves their positive properties.

And in order to make your life a little easier, we have compiled a list of ten healthy vegetable oils. We hope you will learn a lot of new things and choose something that suits you. Happy reading!

The gift of the gods - that's what they call this magical food and natural medicine. After all, in countries where olive oil is constantly preferred, people differ good health, external beauty and youth. It is rich in vitamins (A, E, D, K), monounsaturated fats and other substances beneficial to humans. All these properties have long been successfully used for various infusions that are used in the treatment of atherosclerosis, liver cleansing, prevention diabetes, cardiovascular diseases. Olive oil provides invaluable benefits to the immune system, strengthens tissues, skeletal system, intestinal muscles, reduces the risk of getting oncology. It is almost one hundred percent absorbed by our body, has a healing effect, helps in the fight against excess weight - reduces appetite, normalizes blood pressure, reduces the risk of blood clots ...

The most useful variety- this is cold-pressed oil, which means it is not heated above 27 degrees. If you see virgin on ethics, this means that the oil is natural, the word refined means that it is refined, and if pomace is written, then it is oilcake, and naturally the first option is the highest quality. Be sure to look at the date of manufacture, because the useful properties are stored for five months. For culinary experts, it is valuable because it does not change its structure at high temperatures, so it is ideal for frying. And those who prefer healthy eating You can (and should!) use olive oil for cooking various dishes.

In our country, they know and love "golden" oil. It has a lot of vitamin E, here it is twice as much as in olive and sunflower. Vitamin E is known to be essential for thyroid gland, endocrine system, pituitary and adrenal glands. It contains vitamins A, C, F, K. It abounds in polyunsaturated fatty acids.

This oil strengthens the immune system, helps protect the body from heart disease, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, gives them elasticity, lowers cholesterol. This "liquid gold" regulates metabolic processes and digestion, helps the intestines, liver and gallbladder to work. Keeps youth, because it helps in the fight against the causes of aging - free radicals, improves nails and skin, hair structure. Helps to cope with stress, normalizes sleep. It is used as a prevention of atherosclerosis, prevents the formation of blood clots in the vessels.

This oil is widely used in cosmetology. It has no equal in cooking - it has a neutral taste, it does not smoke, does not burn or foam. And one more plus - it is stored for a long time.

Many years ago, this oil was equated with medicine, it was used only for treatment and was sold in pharmacies. Europeans "christened" it "green" or "black" gold because of its very valuable qualities and unusual dark color, it is brown, dark red or dark green. Why did our great-grandfathers value this oil, because for one small bottle they easily gave away a golden ring. And the benefits of this product are huge, it contains zinc (there is much more of it than in seafood), selenium, magnesium, potassium, iron and others. It contains many vitamins, biologically active substances, and the most important presence in it is vitamin F, Omega-3, Omega-6 fatty acids. Thanks to its ingredients, this pumpkin product can be safely considered a treasury of useful substances, which has a huge range of applications: it improves immunity, has positive influence on the work of the intestines, helps to preserve youth, has an antihelminthic effect, is used in the treatment of hemorrhoids, strengthens the walls blood vessels etc.

Pumpkin seed oil must be in the diet of men, because it works just wonders! Improves reproductive function, has a positive effect on erection and spermatogenesis. It must be drunk on drink, for those who suffer from problems with the prostate gland, kidneys, and bladder.

But it is not recommended to use this oil for cooking hot dishes - when heated, it burns and smells unpleasant. Best of all, its taste is manifested in salads, sauces and cold dishes; they will immediately acquire originality and become extremely useful.

It is obtained from the seeds of almonds (sweet or bitter), by cold pressing. A clear, slightly yellowish, almost odorless, and very pleasant tasting liquid, this is what almond oil is. Thanks to his unique composition this product can work wonders, it will give your body antioxidants, proteins, oleic acid, mineral salts and vitamins A, E, B. This oil has found extensive use in medicine and cosmetic industry. It is hypoallergenic, does not cause irritation, has a regenerating and soothing effect, stimulates cell regeneration, helps fight peeling and irritation of the skin, nourishes and moisturizes it. It is used for massage, increases the elasticity of blood vessels, inhibits cell aging. It perfectly stimulates hair growth and strengthens them.

In cooking, almond oil is used to complement ready-made fish, poultry, rice dishes, season vegetable salads, as well as it can be found in many sweets.

It is one of the healthiest vegetable oils. It is produced from raw or roasted sesame seeds using a single cold pressing method. Natural Sesame oil, which is rarely found in a good quality store, has a strong nutty flavor and a pleasant taste. It can be found in recipes. various dishes. It is important to keep in mind the difference between light oil made from raw seeds, which is used in sauces, salads and vegetables, and dark oil made from roasted seeds, suitable for rice, wok and noodles. Unrefined and not deodorized sesame oil has very valuable, nourishing and healing properties.

It contains natural antioxidants that free the body from toxins, toxins and poisons. Sesame oil contains calcium, phosphorus and phytoestrogens - essential substances for bones. In addition, it contains iron, magnesium, zinc, vitamins A and E, useful polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are indispensable for the normal functioning of our body. Sesame oil regulates metabolism and lipid metabolism. Excellent treatment of joints, excellent for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis and diabetes, helps with exhaustion, has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart, liver, gallbladder and pancreas. This amazing oil slows down the aging of body cells, improves blood clotting, relieves blood vessels from cholesterol plaques, enhances blood flow to all parts of the brain, helps to recover faster after physical and mental stress. In addition, sesame oil helps better assimilation vitamins from food.

"Imperial delicacy" - that's what they called this valuable product many years ago, because of Catherine II's special predilection for him. Obtained by cold pressing, the oil completely retains all the beneficial substances. It has a rare desired property– resistance to oxidation, and this provides long term storage of this product. The oil has a sharp and piquant taste, which depends on the variety of mustard, and the smell is spicy, a bit like the smell of cabbage.

The rich composition of this product not only strengthens health and immunity, but is also a powerful prevention of cancer. It contains: ascorbic acid, iron, calcium, carbon disulfide, fatty acids (saturated and polyunsaturated), etc. It contains a lot of vitamins A, D, E (tocopheron), B (B3, B4, B6). Due to this composition, it has numerous healing properties. Strengthens and maintains the immune system, ensures normal functioning digestive system, reduces the level of glucose in the blood, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, it is recommended for use in atherosclerosis, hypertension, coronary disease, anemia, infertility ...

Mustard oil is actively used in medicine, home cosmetology and, of course, in cooking.

Rice bran oil (rice)

In our country, this product is still little known and not at all popular. It is very actively used in the country rising sun, and not only in cooking, but also in medicinal purposes and in cosmetology.

This oil is produced from rice bran, which is rich in vegetable protein, minerals, vitamins B, A, E, PP, unsaturated fatty acids. These beneficial properties have a positive effect on our body, namely, they slow down the aging process, lower cholesterol, help with cardiovascular diseases, have an anti-inflammatory effect, and fight cancer tumors very effectively.

The power of rice oil is familiar to many women, because creams containing it perfectly whiten and smooth the skin, restore vitality hair, are a good prophylactic against premature gray hair. This product is added to hair care products, as the vitamins contained in it protect the health of hair follicles at the cellular level. Cooks use rice oil for frying, baking and salads, it tastes great, it withstands high temperatures and makes our food less greasy.

A very valuable dietary product that can easily compete with meat and cheese. “Live” oil is especially valued, it is obtained by cold pressing, so it retains all the beneficial properties, it can be used for healing. It has a wonderful soft taste and aroma, light yellow color. Its high nutritional value and taste are due to the easily digestible fats contained in it, amino acids, a huge amount of vitamins, macro- and microelements (iodine, copper, potassium, phosphorus, cobalt, etc.). The use of this oil helps to restore strength after physical activity or diseases, normalizes sleep, lowers cholesterol, helps the body produce collagen, fight excess weight, depression. And among the people, peanut butter is used to treat eczema, festering wounds, herpes ...

Of course, this miracle product has also found its niche in cosmetology - it is a component for the preparation of skin care products.

It has a transparent, dark or golden color. It is extracted from dry flax seeds by long-term pressing in special equipment. This oil is a unique healthy food product due to the presence of omega-3 and omega-6 essential polyunsaturated fatty acids.
They are irreplaceable, because the human body does not produce them on its own, they can only come with food. Beneficial fatty acids are cell membranes. They are especially necessary for brain cells, the retina of the eye and male reproductive cells - spermatozoa. Without omega-3 and -6, special substances are not produced that help thin the blood, prevent the formation of blood clots and the development of atherosclerosis, hypertension. Thanks to them, the risk of strokes, heart attacks, as well as cholesterol and blood sugar levels are significantly reduced. In addition, with their help, metabolic processes are normalized, which, as a result, leads to a decrease in excess weight. Fatty acids maintain all blood vessels in a normal state, improve the work of the heart and normalize its rhythm. Improve the condition of hair and skin. Flaxseed oil is rich in vitamin E, which is an external antioxidant. This product is recommended to be taken by people whose hormones “jump” because the useful omega-3 perfectly regulates hormonal levels and increases the amount of testosterone in men. Omega-3 is part of many antidepressants, as it perfectly normalizes the psycho-emotional background. Flaxseed oil is extremely useful in order to increase the body's immunity. It also successfully fights inflammatory processes.

Amaranth oil is obtained by pressing from the seeds of amaranth or amaranth, which long time considered a weed. Amaranth oil has a golden amber color and a mild taste with light nutty notes. This vegetable oil has an almost neutral aroma with unobtrusive and slightly perceptible nutty and herbaceous-woody undertones. You can talk about the beneficial properties of this type of oil for a long time. The main one is the content in it of a rare element - squalene. This component saturates the body with oxygen. It is great for slowing down the aging process. Thanks to squalene, the skin retains its elasticity and firmness, maintains required amount moisture. Squalene takes part in the process of cholesterol synthesis, steroid hormones and vitamin D, has an antioxidant and antitumor effect, improves immunity. In addition, squalene perfectly regenerates cells and reduces inflammation.

Amaranth oil, like many other oils, contains vitamins A and E. These are natural antioxidants that protect the body from adverse external factors. It is vitamin E that reduces the risk of cancer. Its use tones the body, this is especially noticeable on the skin - it becomes more toned and elastic, wrinkles are smoothed out. Vitamin E also improves vision and helps the eyes to fully function. In addition to squalene and vitamin E, this type of oil contains natural sterols. These substances help to withstand great physical and psycho-emotional stress.

Amaranth oil is enriched with such necessary trace elements like calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron, helping to normal operation organism as a whole, and, in particular, the cardiovascular and nervous systems. And yet, amaranth seed oil contains amino acids that help to improve the process of memorization, concentration, as well as to combat insomnia, depression and stress.

And of course, the bonus is -

The most common oil in our country, because the raw materials for the production of this product are grown in many regions of Russia. It is in great demand, it is always on store shelves at a relatively low price and in a large assortment. Sunflower oil can be of several types, differing in color, smell and taste. The most useful is virgin oil, it contains maximum amount useful and nutrients, but there is a drawback - it is not stored for a long time. Unrefined oil is ideal for salads and cold dishes.

Sunflower oil contains a lot of vitamins (groups A, D, E), which affect mineral metabolism, stimulate muscle activity, and prevent the formation of blood clots. But vitamin E, sunflower oil contains even more than olive oil!

In addition to excellent taste, this oil has qualities that are widely used in cosmetology and medicine. Due to its composition, it acts as an antioxidant, improves the functioning of the heart and brain, it is used to cleanse the body, it is the prevention of arthritis, asthma, bowel cancer ... This is such an inexpensive, but very tasty and healthy product.

The topic of the article is cosmetic oils. We talk about their beneficial properties, how edible oil differs from cosmetic oil, which oil is more suitable for which skin. You will learn the best cosmetic oils for face, hair and body care, their composition, application and description in the table.

Cosmetic oil is an oil product intended for face, body and hair care. It is obtained by cold pressing of plant materials (fruits, seeds and kernels) and high-quality filtration without exposure to high temperatures. Such actions contribute to the preservation of all the beneficial properties inherent in the plants from which it is prepared, and also increases their shelf life.

Cosmetic oils do not contain an aqueous phase, due to which the product turns into an emulsion or cream.

Often, edible oil is confused with cosmetic, although there are differences in them. Cosmetic oil, as a rule, is used only in cosmetic purposes, is issued with the mark Virgin. This means its production from raw materials using cold pressing and the absence of impurities in it. Typically, this oil is used only for external use. But edible oil is added to dishes.

It is worth noting that some cosmetic oils, such as olive or linseed, are also added to dishes. But cosmetic camphor oil can only be used externally.


Oils are of 3 types:

  • vegetable and mineral;
  • partially synthesized and natural;
  • enriched with ethers or other components.

Each cosmetic oil is unique in its own way. chemical composition and effects on the body. Oils accelerate cellular metabolism, activate the synthesis of collagen and fibrinogen, moisturize the skin, and normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands.

What is the difference between essential oil and cosmetic

Often, essential oils are confused with cosmetic oils, believing that they have an identical composition, effectiveness and effect. But this opinion is erroneous, there are some differences between these means.

Cosmetic oil is an independent product that is ready for use. It has a complex chemical composition and several components. Contains base vegetable oils, pure esters and extracts.

Essential oil is a product with high concentration mixtures of odorous and volatile substances, which is made from different parts plants with the help high technology. Esters instantly dissolve in the air and do not leave greasy marks.

For use in cosmetics, they require a fatty carrier, which is usually in the form of salts, foodstuffs and base vegetable oils. Essential oils are also added to the composition of factory care products (creams, lotions, balms, shampoos).

Cosmetic oils, unlike esters, can be used as an independent product - this is the main difference between oils.

In this case, ethers must be introduced into the composition cosmetics only in small doses.

The benefits of cosmetic oils

Cosmetic oils for the skin have the following beneficial properties:

  • nutritious;
  • moisturizing;
  • rejuvenating;
  • emollient;
  • improving tone, elasticity and firmness.

Also, oil products can be used for any type of skin and as an effective remedy against premature aging.

Experts recommend using oils during massage, because they increase the effectiveness of the procedure, providing a therapeutic and preventive effect (anti-cellulite, anti-stress, soothing, tonic). The substances included in the product have a positive effect on the epidermis, improve its structure and accelerate regeneration processes, normalizing lipid metabolism.

How often to apply cosmetic oils? You can use them for daily care and cleansing of the skin of the face, its nutrition and hydration. You can add natural oils to homemade and commercial cosmetics.

And that's not all! You can use these products as base oils in aromatherapy! However, most oils have a natural sun protection factor, so you can use them before and after tanning.

As a rule, cosmetic oils are applied to the face and body in the evening for the purpose of rejuvenation. In autumn and winter, oils are used instead of day cream. The product is applied to pre-cleansed skin, after a few hours the residue is removed with a paper towel. Oils quickly penetrate the skin, reaching its deep layers in a couple of minutes.

Oils are especially beneficial for hair and nails. They strengthen hair follicles and nails, activating their growth and improving their appearance.

The effectiveness of oils is due to their natural composition, which is close to the composition of human sebum. Thanks to this property oil products quickly absorbed into the epidermis. In addition, natural oils rarely cause allergies, so they can be used by girls and women with very sensitive skin.

Table of cosmetic oils and their properties

The table below provides a description of the main cosmetic oils, their composition, properties and applications.

Vegetable oils are vegetable products extracted from oilseeds and consisting of 95-97% triglycerides, i.e. organic compounds of complex fatty acids and full esters of glycerol. The beneficial medicinal properties of vegetable oils are widely known.

Most vegetable oils are extracted from the so-called oilseeds - sunflower, corn, olive, soybean, colza, rapeseed, hemp, sesame, flax, etc. Usually these are liquid forms, since the fatty acids that make up their basis are unsaturated and, unlike fats, have low temperature melting. Vegetable oils are obtained by pressing and extracting, after which they are purified. According to the degree of purification, oils are divided into raw, unrefined and refined. Today we will discuss the beneficial properties of vegetable oils.

What are the health benefits of vegetable oils?

The composition of vegetable oils also includes vitamins, phosphatides, lipochromes and other substances that give the oils color, taste and smell. The main biological value of vegetable oils lies in their high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) omega-3 and omega-6.

Omega-3 PUFAs include linolenic acid, which contributes to a mild reduction blood pressure, has a positive effect on the fat metabolism of patients with diabetes, coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, prevents the formation of thrombosis. Omega-6 PUFAs include linoleic and arachidonic acids. They have a positive effect on the immune system, improve cholesterol metabolism, normalize the functional activity of cell membranes, maintain the elasticity of blood vessels, and contribute to resistance to infections.

One of the main beneficial properties of PUFAs is that they contribute to the excretion bad cholesterol. Polyunsaturated fatty acids play an important role in lipid metabolism. The beneficial properties of vegetable oils are manifested in the fact that they are easily digested by the body, restore immunity, improve blood circulation and increase the body's defenses. With their help, toxins and slags are removed. Unlike synthesized drugs, vegetable oils act on the body more gently, which has a positive effect on the healing process.

Medicinal properties of vegetable oil

Products extracted from oilseeds are unique in their nutritional and medicinal properties. Vegetable oils are obtained by pressing and extracting seeds of corn, sesame, flax, olive, sunflower, rapeseed, soybeans, and colza. Then the resulting composition is subjected to cleaning (refining) and deodorization. Those obtained by cold pressing, that is, pressing without heating, have the best healing effect.

The basis of vegetable oils are fatty acids, mainly unsaturated - linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic. They also include vitamins F, E (tocopherol), phosphatides, sterols, waxes, lipochromes and other substances that give the oils taste, color and aroma. Consider the medicinal properties of vegetable oils and their use in medicine.

The beneficial properties of vegetable oils are manifested in the fact that they are completely free of cholesterol, are easily digested by the body, restore immunity, improve blood circulation and increase the body's defenses. With their help, toxins and slags are removed. The high content of omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids in their composition helps to eliminate bad cholesterol, gently lower blood pressure, maintains the elasticity of blood vessels, and prevents the formation of blood clots. They also have a positive effect on the fat metabolism of diabetics, prevent the development of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease.

Unlike synthesized drugs, vegetable oils have a milder effect on the body. The healing properties of vegetable oils are manifested with regular use. If you use at least 1 tbsp. l. per day, normalized functional activity cell membranes, immunity is strengthened, this will allow the body to effectively resist infections. There are many types of vegetable oils, but with common properties, each has its own specifics.

How to use the beneficial healing properties of vegetable oils

Doctors believe that the best preventive and beneficial effect cause oils obtained by cold pressing, when the fruits are pressed without heating.

It has been proven that during menopause, women should include vegetable oils rich in vitamin E (tocopherol) as often as possible in the diet: they all prevent dryness of the mucous membranes (including the genitals) and weaken the hot flashes that are so characteristic during menopause.

Tocopherol is a natural antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals in the body that contribute to premature aging and development of oncology. Vitamin E revitalizes cells, rejuvenates and heals them, preserves youth, beauty and health, and helps stop impending old age. That is why it is often used in cosmetology, used as a massage tool.

There are many types of vegetable oils, however, with common beneficial properties, each has its own specifics.

Useful properties of sunflower oil

Sunflower oil is a sunflower seed product used in nutrition and as an effective medicine. Contains the whole range of biologically active substances, waxes and fatty acids - linolenic, linoleic, oleic, arachidonic, palmitic and myristic. Unrefined oil contains phospholipids, as evidenced by the sediment that forms over time at the bottom of the bottle.

In medicine, purified (refined) oil with great content vitamin E. Sunflower oil has beneficial properties and helps with headaches, rheumatism, inflammation, thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis, chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, lungs, liver, female ailments, cough and wounds.

Sunflower seed oil is used as a base for various healing solutions and massage formulations.

Medicinal properties of corn oil

Corn oil is an oil extracted from corn kernels. It has many others valuable substances and beneficial fatty acids for the body, lowering the level of cholesterol in the blood, cleansing the walls of blood vessels, giving them elasticity. There are many vitamins in corn oil, such as E, PP, B 1 and B 2, provitamin A, and K 3 (a substance that reduces blood clotting).

Corn oil has a useful property to relax the tone of the smooth muscles of the gallbladder, helps with pain in abdominal cavity, inhibits the processes of fermentation in the intestines. It is widely used externally - for skin diseases, bruises, fractures, as well as for the treatment of burns. Thus, the beneficial properties of vegetable oils are very relevant in modern medicine.

Health benefits of olive oil

Olive (Provencal) oil is a product obtained from the fruits of the olive tree. It is used more often than other vegetable oils in medicine and pharmaceuticals, since it has the most pronounced beneficial properties and is perfectly absorbed by the body. Olive oil is an excellent prophylactic and therapeutic agent for atherosclerosis, as it prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in blood vessels. Olive oil helps with headaches, colds, chronic diseases of the liver and gallbladder, gastrointestinal ailments. Given that this vegetable oil has the beneficial property of expanding bile ducts, it is used to remove stones from the kidneys. It is also used to treat conjunctivitis, erysipelas, urticaria, folliculosis, wounds, eczema, etc.

Olive oil is an excellent dietary product that has a mild effect on the entire digestive system, especially on the intestines, where fats are absorbed. Therefore, from time immemorial, doctors recommend using 1 tbsp on an empty stomach. l. olive oil as a choleretic and mild laxative.

Regular anointing of the body with olive oil protects the skin from cancer. In cosmetics, it is used as part of care products for irritated, flaky, dry and aging skin, and in massage blends- as a base oil.

Medicinal properties of linseed oil

Linseed oil - unique product obtained from flax seeds. Among the many types of vegetable oils in terms of its beneficial properties, it is one of the first places. An important advantage of linseed oil is the presence in it high content vitamin F, the deficiency of which leads to problems with the cardiovascular system.

Flax seed oil nourishes the brain, lowers blood cholesterol, improves cellular metabolism, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, eliminates constipation, improves skin condition, helps fight chronic diseases liver, gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, colitis, diarrhea), and also increases resistance to bacteria and viruses.

Useful healing properties of cedar oil

Cedar oil - healthy oil from the kernels of Siberian cedar nuts, obtained by cold pressing. It has a high nutritional value and is widely used in traditional medicine for the treatment of many diseases. It is necessary for a balanced metabolism in the body. inside Cedar oil used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (stomach and duodenal ulcers, gastritis with hyperacidity), kidneys, tuberculosis, colds, nervous disorders, as well as to improve performance of cardio-vascular system, gradual normalization of blood pressure, lowering cholesterol levels in the blood. Externally, cedar nut oil is used for frostbite and burns. As you can see, most vegetable oils have very extensive useful properties, and almost all vegetable oils are used in medicine or cosmetology.

When to Limit Vegetable Oils and Fats

Why do we sometimes say dangerous oils? All lipids are high-calorie, so their systematic, and most importantly, excessive use leads to speed dial weight. This is why obesity requires a diet that is low in fat or minimizes the use of fats and oils. When taken internally vegetable fats and oils, there are certain limitations and contraindications, which we will discuss.

The intake of animal fats and vegetable oils should be limited in case of disorders of the immune and nervous systems, as well as in cardiovascular diseases, since they contain cholesterol, the excess of which leads to atherosclerosis. Reception should be minimized in case of metabolic disorders. Some oncologists believe that excessive consumption of animal fats in the diet becomes an additional risk factor for the appearance of tumors: women are more likely to have breast cancer, and men are more likely to have prostate cancer. True, during examinations of those who replaced animal fats with vegetable oils, the appearance of neoplasms was not detected.

It should be remembered: fats and oils quickly oxidize, become rancid, which negates their nutritional and medicinal qualities, since essential fatty acids and vitamins are destroyed. Moreover, low-quality lipids (dangerous oils) contain products of fat breakdown that are harmful to the body. Therefore, sometimes the internal intake of vegetable oils and fats can be dangerous.

Vegetable oil It has been eaten, used for beauty and health for many centuries. Depending on the geographical location, each people had their own familiar oils. In Russia it was hemp, in the Mediterranean - olive, in Asia - palm and coconut. An imperial delicacy, a cure for a hundred diseases, a natural pharmacy - as soon as they were not called in different times vegetable oil. What are the benefits of vegetable fats and how are they used today?

Huge energy potential vegetable fats is explained by their purpose. They are found in seeds and other parts of the plant and represent a building reserve for the plant. The amount of fat in oilseeds depends on the geographical area and its climatic conditions.

Sunflower oil is one of the varieties of vegetable and purely Russian product. It began to be obtained from sunflower seeds in early XIX century when the plant was brought to our country. Today the Russian Federation- the world's largest supplier of this product. Vegetable oils are divided into two categories - base and essential. They differ in purpose, raw material and method of obtaining.

Table: differences between base and essential oils

  • kernels;
  • seeds;
  • fruit;
  • leaves;
  • stems;
  • rhizomes;
Organoleptic properties
  • do not have a pronounced odor;
  • oily heavy base;
  • pale colors - from light yellow to greenish
  • have a rich aroma;
  • flowing oily liquids;
  • the color depends on the raw material and may be dark or bright
How to obtain
  • pressing;
  • extraction
  • distillation;
  • cold pressing;
  • extraction
Scope of use
  • cooking;
  • pharmacology;
  • cosmetology;
  • industrial production
  • aromatherapy;
  • pharmacology;
  • perfume industry
Method of application in cosmetology
  • transport oil;
  • base for the preparation of oil mixtures;
  • as an independent agent in undiluted form
only in combination with base oils

According to the consistency, vegetable oils are of two types - liquid and solid. Liquids make up the vast majority.

Solid or butter oils are oils that retain a liquid consistency only at temperatures above 30 ° C. Butters of natural origin - coconut, mango, shea, cocoa and palm oil.

How to get

Vegetable oils differ in the technology of their extraction from plants. Cold pressing is the most gentle way of processing raw materials (it must be highest quality). Seeds are placed under a press and squeezed at high pressure. Further, the resulting oily liquid is settled, filtered and bottled. At the output of raw materials, no more than 27% of the fats contained in it are obtained. This is the healthiest product called cold pressed oil.

Pressing after heat treatment allows the use of seeds of any quality. They are preheated in a brazier, then squeezed. Yield - 43%. In this case, some of the useful properties of the oil are lost.

Extraction is the most productive and cheapest way to obtain organic oil. It is used to work with low-oil raw materials. The extraction method uses the ability of vegetable fats to dissolve under the action of chemical substances. Oil products (gasoline fractions) are used as a solvent. Then they are evaporated, and the residues are removed with alkali. It is impossible to obtain harmless vegetable oil in this way; some of the chemicals remain in it even after the most thorough cleaning.

Photo gallery: types of vegetable oils

Frozen oil is used for baby and diet food Refined oil is widely used in cooking Unrefined oil can only be consumed cold

The extracted oil is converted into refined oil by several stages of purification:

  • hydration is a method of removing phospholipids from crude oil, which, during long-term storage and transportation, precipitate and make the oil cloudy;
  • alkaline neutralization is used to remove free fatty acids (soaps);
  • waxes are removed by freezing;
  • physical refining finally removes acids, removes odor and color.

The freezing method is used not only for refined oils.

Vegetable fats obtained by pressing and then purified by freezing are used in baby and diet food.

The best frozen vegetable oils are sunflower and olive. Olive contains monounsaturated fatty acids that do not lose their beneficial properties when heated.

What are the benefits of vegetable oils

The biological value of vegetable oils is determined by their fatty acid composition and the amount of related substances:

  1. Saturated fatty acids predominate in butter, sesame, soybean and cottonseed oils. They give the product antiseptic properties, inhibit the growth of fungi and pathogenic microflora, promote the synthesis of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. Some of them are used as an emulsifier in skin care cosmetics and medicinal ointments and creams.
  2. Monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) - oleic, palmitoleic (omega 7). Oleic acid is found in large quantities in olive, grape, rapeseed and rapeseed oils. The main function of MUFA is to stimulate metabolism. They prevent cholesterol from sticking to the walls of blood vessels, normalize the permeability of cell membranes, and have hepatoprotective properties.
  3. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) - linoleic (essential PUFA), alpha-linoleic (omega 3) and gamma-linoleic (omega 6). Contained in linseed, sunflower, olive, soybean, rapeseed, corn, mustard, sesame, pumpkin, cedar oil. PUFAs improve the structure of the vascular walls, participate in the synthesis of hormones, and prevent atherosclerosis.
  4. Accompanying substances in vegetable oils are vitamins A, D, E, K, B1, B2 and a nicotinic acid(RR). An obligatory component of vegetable fats is phospholipids. Most often they are found in the form of phosphatidylcholine (formerly called lecithin). The substance promotes the digestion of food and the absorption of nutrients, normalizes cholesterol metabolism, and prevents the accumulation of fats in the liver.

In Russia, as an edible oil, sunflower and olive oil are the most popular. In addition to them, there are more than a dozen vegetable fats that have excellent taste and beneficial properties.

Table: useful properties of vegetable oils

  • warns cardiovascular diseases;
  • contains antioxidants;
  • has a laxative effect;
  • promotes healing of ulcerative lesions of the stomach;
  • reduces appetite
  • prevents the development of atherosclerosis;
  • strengthens blood vessels;
  • stimulates brain activity;
  • normalizes the digestive system;
  • strengthens bones and is used in the treatment of joints
  • thins the blood;
  • protects blood vessels;
  • improves the conduction of nerve impulses;
  • has antitumor properties;
  • helps with skin diseases acne, psoriasis, eczema)
  • increases resistance to viruses and infectious diseases;
  • treats cough;
  • strengthens the gums;
  • has antifungal and wound-healing effect
  • reduces the risk of myocardial infarction;
  • improves liver function;
  • normalizes the functioning of the nervous system;
  • restores working capacity
  • reduces the consequences of exposure to harmful environmental and production factors;
  • improves immunity;
  • improves eyesight;
  • increases the level of hemoglobin;
  • treats skin diseases;
  • slows down aging;
  • saturates the body with vitamins
  • used to treat anemia;
  • useful in obesity and diabetes;
  • normalizes digestion, eliminates constipation;
  • promotes wound healing;
  • improves brain activity
  • has a powerful antioxidant effect;
  • useful for people who monitor their weight;
  • lowers cholesterol levels;
  • promotes reproduction visual pigment retina

Rating of usefulness of vegetable oils

Nutritionists advise expanding the range of vegetable oils and keeping 4-5 types on the kitchen shelf, alternating their use.


The leader among edible vegetable oils is olive oil. In composition, it competes with sunflower, but it has one indisputable advantage. Olive oil is the only vegetable fat that can be used for frying. Oleic acid - its main component - does not oxidize when heated and does not form harmful substances. Olive oil has fewer vitamins than sunflower oil, but its fat composition is better balanced.


Next to olive oil, the place on the podium is deservedly occupied by unrefined sunflower oil. Nutritionists consider it necessary product in the diet. Sunflower oil is the leader in the content of vitamins, especially tocopherol (one of the most powerful antioxidants).


Flaxseed oil is the lowest calorie, it is equally useful for women and men. It is recommended for use in breast and prostate cancer, it is good for skin and hair. The oil is taken as medicine, dressed with salads and used externally.


Mustard oil - home doctor and a natural preservative. It contains bactericidal esters, which gives it properties natural antibiotic. Products seasoned with mustard oil stay fresh longer. Heating does not deprive the product of useful qualities. Mustard oil baked goods stay fresh longer and do not go stale.


Sesame seed oil is the leader in calcium content. It is useful to use it for gout - it removes harmful salts from the joints. Dark-colored oil is used only cold, light-colored is suitable for frying.

Benefits of vegetable oils for women and men

Cedar and mustard oil in the diet of a woman is not only "food" for the mind and beauty. They are useful for women's health. Substances in their composition help:

  • normalize the balance of hormones, especially in the premenstrual and menopause;
  • reduce the risk of infertility;
  • prevent the formation of fibroids;
  • improve the course of pregnancy;
  • increase the number breast milk and improve its quality.

For men, mustard oil will help protect against prostate diseases, increase fertility (the ability to fertilize).

Photo gallery: oils for women's and men's health

Mustard oil normalizes hormonal balance in women Cedar oil improves reproductive function Flaxseed oil increases potency

Flaxseed oil is another product for maintaining beauty, youth and women's health. Its constant use helps to push back the period of withering thanks to phytoestrogens. It has a beneficial effect on the condition of a woman during pregnancy, improves the condition of blood vessels, preventing the development of varicose veins.

Flaxseed oil is a “male” product that allows you to achieve a stable increase in potency. Improving erection is achieved by a beneficial effect on the elasticity of the vessels of the penis and their blood supply. Besides, linseed oil promotes increased production of testosterone, improving the reproductive function of men. Pine nuts, black cumin, pumpkin and olive oils have a similar effect.

Vegetable oils for children

A child needs vegetable fats no less than adults. They are added to the first complementary foods in home-made vegetable purees (it has already been added to vegetable mixtures of industrial production). Start with 1-2 drops of oil per serving. One year old child give at least 5 g, distributing this amount in the daily diet. Oils useful for children:

  • sesame is ideal for baby food due to the easily digestible form of calcium;
  • cedar is recommended by pediatricians to prevent rickets and iodine deficiency;
  • olive has the most balanced composition for baby food;
  • unrefined sunflower is rich in vitamins;
  • flaxseed contributes to the proper formation of brain tissue;
  • mustard - the champion in the content of vitamin D;
  • butter walnut has a rich mineral composition, suitable for weakened children and during the recovery period after an illness.

Saturated with fragrances and dyes, children's creams are replaced with vegetable oil.

To care for diaper rash and folds, sunflower oil boiled in a water bath is used. Coconut, corn, peach and almond are allowed to massage babies.

Consumption rates

On average, an adult man needs from 80 to 150 g of fat per day, a woman - 65–100 g. A third of this amount should be vegetable fats (1.5–2 tablespoons), and for older people - 50% of the total consumed fat (2-3 tablespoons). Payment total produced based on the need for 0.8 g per 1 kg of weight. The daily requirement of the child:

  • from 1 to 3 years - 6–9 g;
  • from 3 to 8 years - 10–13 g;
  • from 8 to 10 years - 15 g;
  • over 10 years old - 18–20

One tablespoon is 17 g of vegetable oil.

The use of vegetable oils

In addition to cooking, vegetable oils are used for medicinal, cosmetic purposes and for weight loss.

Treatment and recovery

In order for the oil to benefit health, it is taken on an empty stomach:

  • any edible vegetable oil taken in the morning relieves constipation (use no more than three days in a row);
  • with gastritis, colitis, biliary stagnation and stomach ulcers, it is recommended to drink 1 teaspoon of oil before meals two to three times a day;
  • relieves hemorrhoids by taking one teaspoon of oil 3 times a day an hour before meals.
  1. Oil from pumpkin seeds take a tablespoon before meals three times a day for two weeks.
  2. Flaxseed oil is taken orally three times a day for a teaspoon before meals. Another teaspoon can be added to the salad. Additionally, the oil is used in microclysters - a tablespoon of the product is added per 100 ml. An enema is done at night, while it is advisable not to empty the intestines until morning.
  3. Castor oil in combination with cognac is considered an effective remedy against helminths. The same amount of cognac is added to the oil heated to body temperature (50–80 g). The time of taking the mixture is morning or evening. Treatment is continued until the feces are cleared of worms.
  4. Unrefined olive oil (1/2 liter) is infused for three days in a cool place with 500 g of garlic. Then 300 g intervenes there rye flour. The course of treatment - 30 days on a teaspoon three times a day.

Why is it good to rinse your mouth with vegetable oil?

Healing oil rinses were practiced several centuries ago in India. In the last century, doctors recognized this method of cleaning the oral cavity. Pathogenic microbes have a fatty membrane that dissolves upon contact with vegetable oils. Thus, the oral cavity is disinfected, inflammation of the gums is reduced and the risk of caries is reduced.

Rinsing is done with sunflower, olive, sesame and linseed oil. To do this, take two teaspoons of the product and roll it in your mouth for 20 minutes. The oil mixes with saliva, increases in volume and becomes thick. Then they spit it out, rinse their mouth warm water and then brush your teeth. You need to start the procedure from 5 minutes. Linseed oil is enough to rinse your mouth for 10 minutes.

Rinsing helps not only to preserve the health of teeth and gums, they make breathing easier and relieve sore throats.

Using olive oil in this way, you can cure a sore throat. Coconut oil also whitens teeth.

Video: how to be treated with vegetable oil: grandmother's recipes

Vegetable oils for weight loss

The effect of losing weight with the help of vegetable oils is achieved by gently cleaning the body, saturating it with useful substances and increasing their absorption from other foods. In addition, oils have the ability to reduce appetite. For weight loss, olive, linseed, castor and milk thistle oils are used.

Flaxseed oil is drunk on an empty stomach in a teaspoon. For the first week, its volume is gradually brought to 1 tablespoon. The course is two months. One teaspoon of olive oil in the morning on an empty stomach will additionally increase the body's defenses and heal the skin.

Castor oil is good for colon cleansing. You can take it for no more than a week, 1 tablespoon half an hour before breakfast. A week later, the course can be repeated. Milk thistle oil is also taken on an empty stomach, 1 teaspoon, washed down with cold water.

The use of oils in cosmetology

except edible oils, there are many vegetable fats used exclusively in cosmetology. They successfully replace creams, ready-made masks and other skin and hair care products.

Skin care

Avocado, macadamia, grape seed, olive oil restores and moisturizes dry, flaky skin. Corn and cedar oil gives elasticity to aging skin. Jojoba oil nourishes and smoothes the epidermis. They can be used in pure form or prepare masks based on them.

Nourishing and moisturizing mask for aging skin includes heated cocoa butter (1 tbsp), rosehip and sea buckthorn (1 teaspoon each) and vitamins A and E (4 drops each) added to 1 tbsp. cream spoon. Step-by-step care will help to cheer up tired skin:

  • wash your face with water mixed with corn oil (for 1 liter of water - 1 teaspoon);
  • make a compress with a weak solution of soda;
  • apply cabbage leaf gruel to the skin;
  • wash off the cabbage mask with warm water.

Hair care

Oil masks are especially useful for dry and weakened hair. They eliminate dandruff, restore the hair shaft, nourish the scalp and hair follicles. For oily hair, grape seed and almond oil is suitable. Dry hair prefers burdock, coconut and olive oil. From dandruff helps jojoba, burdock, grape seed oil and castor oil.

If you take a tablespoon of linseed oil in the morning on an empty stomach, your hair will become lush and shiny.

Damaged hair is treated with a cottonseed oil mask. It is rubbed into the scalp, hair is wrapped in a towel and kept for an hour. Then the hair is rinsed with warm water. Heated olive oil (2 tablespoons) in combination with 1 tbsp will relieve split ends. a spoonful of vinegar and chicken egg. The mixture is applied to the ends of the strands and aged for 30 minutes, then washed off with water.

Care for nails, eyelashes and eyebrows

Oils are an excellent care for nail platinum, they prevent delamination, strengthen and make it less brittle:

  • to strengthen the nails, prepare a mixture of 2 tablespoons of almond oil, 3 drops of bergamot ether and 2 drops of myrrh;
  • will accelerate growth nail plate a mask of olive oil (2 tablespoons), lemon esters (3 drops), eucalyptus (2 drops) and vitamins A and E (2 drops each);
  • Jojoba oil (2 tablespoons), eucalyptus ether (2 drops), lemon and rose esters (3 drops each) will add shine to the nails.

By different reasons eyelashes may fall out, and areas of alopecia appear on the eyebrows. Save the situation three "magic" oils - olive, castor and almond. They will provide nutrition to the hair follicles, enrich the skin with vitamins. Daily massage of the brow arches with one of the oils will make hair growth thicker. Oil is applied to the eyelashes with a thoroughly washed mascara brush.

Herbal oils for massage

For massage, vegetable oils are suitable, which do not thicken when heated and do not leave a greasy film on the body. You can use one oil or prepare a mixture, but no more than 4-5 components. The most useful are those obtained by cold pressing. They are rich in vitamins that are beneficial for the skin.

Oil from flax seeds and wheat germ soothes the skin and heals wounds, carrot oil is suitable for aging skin. Cocoa, jojoba, peach, palm and safflower oils can be used for all skin types.

Contraindications and possible harm

Unrefined vegetable oils are harmful if used for frying. The compounds contained in them are oxidized and turn into carcinogens. The exception is olive oil. Vegetable fats are a high-calorie product, they should not be abused by people with obesity and a tendency to it. Medical contraindications:

  • acute pancreatitis;
  • cholelithiasis (you can not use the oil in its pure form);
  • thrombophlebitis and heart disease (sesame oil is not allowed);
  • allergy (peanut butter).

Harm causes oil with improper storage and exceeding the expiration date. Nutritionists advise not to abuse rapeseed and soybean oil, since GMOs can be raw materials.

Video: vegetable oil - the choice of a nutritionist

There is a heated debate around the benefits and harms of vegetable oils. One thing is obvious - they are necessary for our body, but in moderation. And they will only be useful if proper storage and use.

A bit of theory.

Vegetable oils belong to the group of edible fats. Unsaturated fatty acids prevalent in vegetable oils affect the amount of cholesterol, stimulate its oxidation and excretion from the body, increase the elasticity of blood vessels, activate the enzymes of the gastrointestinal tract, increase the body's resistance to infectious diseases and radiation. The nutritional value vegetable oils is due to their high fat content (70-80%), a high degree of their assimilation, as well as unsaturated fatty acids and fat-soluble fatty acids that are very valuable for the human body. vitamins A, E. The raw materials for the production of vegetable oils are the seeds of oil plants, soybeans, fruits of some trees.
Sufficient oil consumption importance in the prevention of atherosclerosis and related diseases. Useful substances of the oil normalize cholesterol metabolism.
Vitamin E, being an antioxidant, protects against cardiovascular diseases, supports the immune system, prevents aging and atherosclerosis, affects the function of the sex, endocrine glands, and muscle activity. Promotes the absorption of fats, vitamins A and D, takes part in the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates. In addition, it improves memory, as it protects brain cells from the action of free radicals.
All oils are excellent dietary product, have a memorable taste and special, only characteristic of each oil, culinary properties.

Oil can be obtained in two ways:

Pressing- mechanical extraction of oil from crushed raw materials.
It can be cold and hot, that is, with preliminary heating of the seeds. Cold-pressed oil is the most useful, has a pronounced smell, but cannot be stored for a long time.
Extraction- extraction of oil from raw materials using organic solvents. It is more economical, as it allows you to extract the oil as much as possible.

The oil obtained in one way or another must be filtered - crude oil is obtained. Then it is hydrated (treated hot water and neutralize). After such operations, unrefined oil is obtained.
Unrefined oil has a slightly lower biological value than raw oil, but has a longer shelf life.

Oils are divided depending on the method of their purification:

unrefined- purified only from mechanical impurities, by filtration or settling.
This oil has an intense color, a pronounced taste and smell of the seeds from which it is obtained.
Such oil may have a sediment, over which a slight haze is allowed.
All useful biologically active components are preserved in this oil.
Unrefined oil contains lecithin, which significantly improves brain activity.
It is not recommended to fry in unrefined oil, as toxic compounds are formed in it at high temperatures.
Any unrefined oil is afraid sunlight. Therefore, it must be stored in a cupboard away from heat sources (but not in a refrigerator). In natural oils, the presence of natural sediment is allowed.

hydrated- oil purified with hot water (70 degrees), passed in a sprayed state through hot oil (60 degrees).
Such oil, unlike refined oil, has a less pronounced smell and taste, a less intense color, without turbidity and sludge.

refined- purified from mechanical impurities and neutralized, that is, alkaline treatment.
This oil is clear, without sediment, sludge. It has a color of low intensity, but at the same time a pronounced smell and taste.

Deodorized- treated with hot dry steam at a temperature of 170-230 degrees in a vacuum.
The oil is transparent, without sediment, weak color, with a mild taste and smell.
It is the main source of linolenic acid and vitamin E.

Store packaged vegetable oils at a temperature not exceeding 18 degrees.
Refined 4 months (excluding soybean oil - 45 days), unrefined oil - 2 months.

Types of vegetable oils

Those who remember the stores of the eighties will confirm that the counters with various types of vegetable oils have changed a lot since then; yes, as a matter of fact, and the quantitative series has increased tenfold.
Previously, in order to collect the entire line of oils in an ordinary home kitchen, you had to run around the capital's shops, and this did not guarantee complete success.
Now you can find almost any kind of vegetable oil in any large store.

The most used vegetable oils are olive, sunflower, corn, soy, rapeseed, linen.

But there are many names of oils:

]peanut butter
- grape seeds
- from cherry pits
- nut butter (from walnut)
- mustard oil
- wheat germ oil
- cocoa oil
- Cedar oil
- Coconut oil
- hemp oil
- corn oil
- Sesame oil
- linseed oil
almond oil
- sea buckthorn oil
- olive oil
- Palm oil
- sunflower oil
- rapeseed oil
- from rice bran
- camelina oil
- soybean oil
- from pumpkin seeds
- cottonseed oil

In order to tell everything about vegetable oil, you will need more than one volume, so you will have to dwell on some types of the most commonly used oils.

Sunflower oil

It has high palatability and surpasses other vegetable oils in nutritional value and digestibility.
The oil is used directly in food, as well as in the manufacture of canned vegetables and fish, margarine, mayonnaise, and confectionery.
The digestibility of sunflower oil is 95-98 percent.
The total amount of vitamin E in sunflower oil ranges from 440 to 1520 mg/kg. 100 g of butter contains 99.9 g of fat and 898/899 kcal.
Approximately 25-30g of sunflower oil provide daily requirement adult in these substances.
Useful substances of the oil normalize cholesterol metabolism. Sunflower oil contains 12 times more vitamin E than olive oil.

Beta-carotene - a source of vitamin A - is responsible for body growth and vision.
Beta-sisterin prevents the absorption of cholesterol in the gastrointestinal tract.
Linoleic acid forms vitamin F, which regulates fat metabolism and blood cholesterol levels, as well as increases the elasticity of blood vessels and immunity to various infectious diseases. Also, vitamin F, contained in sunflower oil, is necessary for the body, since its deficiency adversely affects the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, the condition of the vessels.

Refined oil is rich in vitamins E and F.
Unrefined sunflower oil, in addition to its pronounced color and taste, is saturated with biologically active substances and vitamins of groups A and D.
Refined deodorized sunflower oil does not have the same set of vitamins and microelements as unrefined sunflower oil, but it has a number of advantages. It is more suitable for cooking fried foods, baking production, because it does not stick and has no smell. It is preferred in the diet.

Olive oil

40 grams of olive oil per day can cover the body's daily need for fat without adding extra pounds!

Olive oil is characterized by a high content of oleic acid glycerides (about 80%) and a low content of linoleic acid glycerides (about 7%) and saturated acid glycerides (about 10%).
The composition of oil fatty acids can vary over a fairly wide range depending on climatic conditions. Iodine number 75-88, pour point from -2 to -6 °C.

Olive oil is absorbed by the body almost 100%.

Extra virgin olive oil is the best.
The label says: Olio d "oliva l" extravergine.
In such olive oil, the acidity does not exceed 1%. The lower the acidity of the olive oil, the higher its quality.
Even better, if it is indicated that the olive oil is made by cold pressing - spremuta a freddo.
The difference between ordinary olive oil and extra-virgin olive oil is that extra-virgin oil - Olio d "oliva l" extravergine - is obtained exclusively from fruits harvested from the tree, and the extraction must be done within a matter of hours, otherwise it will be very high acidity of the final product.

Olives that have fallen to the ground serve as raw material for "lampante" oil, which is not suitable for food due to its very high acidity and impurities, so it is refined in special installations.
When the oil has completely passed the refining process, a little extra virgin olive oil is added to it and eaten under the name - "olive oil".
Less quality oil Pomas is made from a mixture of olive pit oil and extra virgin oil.
Greek olive oil is considered the highest quality.

Olive oil does not improve over time, the longer it is stored, the more it loses its taste.

Any vegetable dish seasoned with olive oil is a cocktail of antioxidants that preserves youth.
The polyphenols found in olive oil are indeed a powerful antioxidant.
Antioxidants inhibit the development of free radicals in the body and thus prevent cell aging.

Olive oil has a positive effect on digestion and is an excellent prevention of stomach ulcers.
Olive leaves and fruits contain oleuropein, a substance that lowers blood pressure.
The anti-inflammatory properties of olive oil are also known.
The value of olive oil is due to its chemical composition: it consists almost entirely of monounsaturated fats, which lower cholesterol.

Research recent years also revealed the immunostimulating effect of this product.

Real olive oil is quite easy to distinguish from fakes.
You have to put it in the cold for a few hours.
IN natural oil in the cold, white flakes form, which disappear again at room temperature. This is due to the content of a certain percentage of solid fats in olive oil, which, when cooled, solidify and give these hard flaky inclusions.
The oil is not afraid of freezing - it completely retains its properties when defrosted.

It is best to use olive oil when dressing dishes, in baking, but it is not recommended to fry on it.

Soybean oil

Soybean oil is obtained from soybeans.
The average content of fatty acids in soybean oil (in percent): 51-57 linoleic; 23-29 oleic; 4.5-7.3 stearic; 3-6 linolenic; 2.5-6.0 palmitic; 0.9-2.5 arachidic; up to 0.1 hexadecenoic; 0.1-0.4 myristic.

Soybean oil contains a record amount of vitamin E1 (tocopherol). There are 114 mg of this vitamin per 100 g of oil. In the same amount of sunflower oil, tocopherol is only 67 mg, in olive oil - 13 mg. In addition, tocopherol helps fight stress and prevents cardiovascular diseases.

Regular consumption of soybean oil in food helps to reduce cholesterol in the blood, improves metabolism, strengthens the immune system.
And this oil is also considered the champion among other vegetable oils in terms of the number of trace elements (there are more than 30 of them), it contains vital fatty acids, among which there is quite a lot of linoleic acid, which inhibits the growth of cancer cells.
It also restores the protective and moisture-retaining abilities of the skin, slowing down its aging.
Soybean oil has a high biological activity and is absorbed by the body by 98%.

Raw soybean oil is brown with a greenish tint, while refined soybean oil is light yellow.
Low-refined soybean oil has, as a rule, extremely limited shelf life and sufficient unpleasant taste and smell.
Well-refined oil is an almost colorless liquid without taste and smell with a specific oily consistency.
A valuable component extracted from soybean seeds along with fatty oil, is lecithin, which is separated for use in the confectionery and pharmaceutical industries.
Used mainly as a raw material for the production of margarine.

Only refined soybean oil is suitable for food, it is used in the same way as sunflower oil.
In cooking, it is better suited for vegetables than for meat.
More commonly used in Food Industry as a base, as a dressing for sauces, and for the production of hydrogenated soybean oil.

Corn oil

Corn oil is obtained from corn germ.
The chemical composition of corn oil is similar to that of sunflower oil.
It contains acids (in percent): 2.5-4.5 stearic, 8-11 palmitic, 0.1-1.7 myristic, 0.4 arachidic, 0.2 lignoceric, 30-49 oleic, 40-56 linoleic , 0.2-1.6 hexadecenoic.
Pour point from -10 to -20 degrees, iodine number 111-133.

It is golden yellow in color, transparent, odorless.

It is believed that corn oil is the most useful of the oils available and familiar to us.

Corn oil is rich in vitamins E, B1, B2, PP, K3, provitamin A, which are the main factors that determine its dietary properties.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in corn oil increase the body's resistance to infectious diseases and favors the removal of excess cholesterol from the body, has an antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effect, and improves brain function.
Due to its nutritional value, corn oil is used for irritated and aging skin, regenerating it.

In cooking, corn oil is especially suitable for frying, stewing and deep-frying, because it does not form carcinogens, does not foam or burn.
It is good to use it for the preparation of various sauces, dough, bakery products.
Due to its beneficial properties, corn oil is widely used in the production of dietary products and baby food.

grape oil

Grape oil has a light yellowish color with a green tint, the taste is pleasant, characteristic of vegetable oils, without foreign aftertastes.
Relative density 0.920-0.956, pour point - 13-17C, iodine number 94-143.
Grapeseed oil is rich polyunsaturated fats, especially linoleic acid - up to 76%. Has a hepatoprotective effect; has a positive effect on the kidneys; contains vitamin E - one tablespoon of grapeseed oil per day is enough to cover daily allowance of this vitamin in the human body.

high biological activity grape oil is due to a complex of biologically active substances, among which the central place is occupied by proanthocyanidin, an antioxidant that prevents cell regeneration.
If it were not for the high price of grape oil, it could be used for frying - sunflower oil will start to smoke and burn at a fairly low temperature, but grape oil - heated to 210 degrees, does not change color, smell or taste.
In cooking, nutritious and light grape oil used in marinades, salad dressings, mayonnaise, baked goods, and as a substitute for peanut butter.
It is recommended to add grape seed oil when canning vegetables, but grape seed oil is ideal for marinating meat and fish.
It also gives amazing color. fried potatoes- just add 2 tablespoons of grape oil to the pan with sunflower oil.

pumpkin seed oil

IN modern world pumpkin seed oil has lost its position, which took many years - in Austria, where the best pumpkin seed oil is produced, in the Middle Ages the price of this product was equal to real gold.
There was a royal decree forbidding the reception pumpkin seed oil in food, it was to be used solely as a medicine!
Pumpkin seed oil is still considered one of the most expensive, second only to pine nut oil.
If we talk about the benefits of pumpkin seed oil, then it is impossible to overestimate its properties - this oil is called a preventive panacea. Contraindications to the consumption of pumpkin seed oil is perhaps individual intolerance.

Pumpkin seed oil has a greenish tinge and, depending on the variety, has a nutty flavor or a pronounced aroma of roasted pumpkin seeds.

The composition of pumpkin seed oil includes vitamins A, E, B1, B2, C, P, F; it contains more than 90% unsaturated fats, from 45 to 60% linoleic acid and only up to 15% linolenic acid, rich in fatty acids, has unique complex essential phospholipids of plant origin. Contains a large number of biologically active substances: carotenoids, tocopherols.

Pumpkin seed oil does not tolerate heat, so it is better to keep it in a tightly corked bottle, in a dark, cool place.
Pumpkin seed oil can't stand any heat!
Therefore, it is added exclusively to cold dishes.
The main purpose of oil in cooking is dressing salads, second courses, preparing cold marinades.

It can be stored for about ten months at a temperature of +15 degrees C.

Linseed oil

Among vegetable oils, linseed oil is biological value is the undisputed leader, since the content of unsaturated fatty acids is 2 times higher than fish fat and represents the ideal natural remedy for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease and many other diseases associated with impaired blood flow, thrombosis, as well as cancer of various localization.

The use of linseed oil in cooking is quite wide - it gives a unique taste to vinaigrettes, it goes especially well with sauerkraut; added for flavoring in milk porridges, especially well combined with honey and apples.

Not subject to prolonged heating!
Flaxseed oil should be stored in a cool, dry place at a temperature not exceeding 20 ° C, no more than 8 months.
Store the opened package in the refrigerator at a temperature of 2-6 ° C with a tightly closed lid for no more than 1 month.

Amaranth oil

Amaranth - broad-leaved annual herbaceous plant 3-4 m in height with multiple elegant inflorescences containing seeds.
This magnificent, ornamental and medicinal plant is the absolute champion in protein content.

In Russia, this plant is little known, but in Europe and Asia over the past decade it has become widespread among gardeners.

Amaranth oil is made from the seeds of the plant's inflorescences.
It contains 67% polyunsaturated fatty acids (Omega - 6), lecithin, a large amount of squalene - a polyunsaturated liquid hydrocarbon (C30H50) - its content in amaranth oil is 8%.
This wonderful compound saturates the tissues and organs of our body with oxygen. In addition, amaranth seeds contain a lot of tocopherol (vitamin E), which has an antioxidant effect.

The most valuable amaranth oil in its healing properties is much superior to sea buckthorn oil - in folk medicine it is used for external use for burns, rashes, eczema, abscesses, trophic ulcers for their fastest healing.
In addition, it protects the skin from direct sunlight and is used in anti-wrinkle creams.

Amaranth oil is an effective dietary product that helps strengthen the immune and hormonal system elimination of metabolic disorders. Regular use of oil contributes to the removal of toxins, radionuclides and salts. heavy metals from the body, improvement in anemia, normalization of the gastrointestinal tract and other functions of the body.
In cooking, the use of this oil is not common, much more often young leaves and shoots of amaranth are used in food - they are eaten raw in salads, blanched, boiled, fried, stewed.
But if you introduce vegetable salads seasoned with amaranth oil into your diet or add this oil to homemade cakes- especially bread, pancakes, cheesecakes - you will not only feel a new taste of familiar dishes, but also enrich your body with useful substances.