Energy vampires by date of birth. Human energy: how to find out your energy potential

Strong human energy has its own signs. It, like any other energy, is positive and negative. Its plus or minus depends on many factors. Both can be present in one person at the same time. But which of them will manifest itself, at what moment, also depends on many circumstances, both physical and mental, emotional, etc. A person in good mood, happy, kind can spread their positive energy to others. Around him, those around him will feel better, people will become calmer and happier. You want to be around people with strong positive energy longer, it’s comfortable, it’s pleasant. With his biofield, sometimes even unconsciously, such a person can heal the ailments of those who are nearby.

And there are people with negative energy. Something very unpleasant, even disgusting, comes from them. Those around you may feel anxiety, concern around such a person, and the weaker ones may even feel fear. And I want to run away from him like from fire. More weak people they may even get sick if they fall into the orbit of such a person’s biofield. Here everything depends on the strength of the potential of a particular energy in a person. In fairy tales, such personalities were called, for example, good and evil fairies, an evil sorcerer and a good wizard. But in fact, these are indicators of light or dark energy in a particular person.

Types of human energy

People with strong energy differ in several characteristics and types that characterize a person’s ability to collect and accumulate energy. People give energy in different ways. Energy types:

Mirror people: capable of mirroring any energy directed at them from other people. The advantage of this ability is that you can always protect yourself from negative energy that is directed at a person by someone with bad thoughts, goals, and intentions. It is difficult to cause harm to a mirror person - it will always return to the one who sent it, and a hundredfold.

The mirror person is very sensitive, he perfectly senses the internal state of other people. Therefore, having determined that a person with bad intentions has appeared nearby, he will most often simply avoid any contact and communication with the owner of negative energy - “with a dark soul,” as they say.

Yes, and people themselves “with a stone in their bosom,” if they are strong enough, feel mirror people, and consciously or on an unconscious level try to avoid contacts, because they understand or feel intuitively that the evil they sent will return to them, which is not what they imagine at all they don't want to. From such a reflection, the one who sent evil may even get sick. Moreover, the stronger the sent charge, the stronger the reflection will be, the more serious, life-threatening the disease can manifest itself in the person who sent the evil.

People with positive energy, on the contrary, receive a greater charge of positivity in the reflection than the one they emit themselves. Their communication with the mirror person can be desirable, long-lasting, and pleasant. They will both want to continue and maintain good relations.

Leech people

They are also called energy vampires. They are always looking for people from whom they can feed on other people’s strength, health, and energy. Leeches are often good psychologists, they act prudently and accurately: first they provoke the interlocutor, involving him in disputes or quarrels, humiliating or insulting, sometimes they sympathize, even console, seem to support morally, but in fact they wait for the interlocutor to open up emotionally and mentally and then they begin, as people say, to “suck out all the juices.”

A person becomes upset, offended, angry or mad, happy or crying - any strong emotion an unprepared person reveals it, he becomes defenseless against the negative impact on him. Therefore, it is always very important to keep feelings and emotions under control, not to succumb to provocations or hypocritical compliments and sympathy. The leeches immediately attach themselves and begin to draw energy into themselves. After such communication, a person remains completely empty, like a squeezed lemon, he may even get sick. Moreover, it is not necessary for him to be a leech stranger, such vampires can also be found among family and friends. They often hunt in public transport, in queues, etc., creating a scandal out of nowhere and involving everyone in it larger number donors for yourself. There is no need to succumb to this kind of provocation, so as not to become a victim and not allow the life to be sucked out of you.

But leech people feel simply great after such communication: they are full of energy, full, nourished, and radiant with health. They are always looking around for human donors that the leeches can use for themselves.

Wall people

Such people are called impenetrable, impenetrable. They build a wall around themselves, brick, blocks, stones. Everything depends on the strength and energy potential of such a person: either his wall is a willow fence, or a thick, powerful fortress wall. Often it is built using the visualization method. Sometimes such a person encloses himself as if in a cocoon - a kind of person in a case, enclosing his most intimate part - his soul. Yes, such a person is protected; not everyone can break through his defense. However, this has its drawbacks: negative energy and evil sent to a person that bounce off the protective wall do not always fully return to the one who sent this evil. As a ricochet, some of the negativity overtakes those who are close to the wall man. There is a danger, being carried away by defense, that you isolate yourself not so much from the world as from life in general, and become cold, indifferent, and sometimes even cruel to others.

Sticky people

Velcro: such a person, even at the first meeting, begins to pour out a powerful stream of negativity on the interlocutor. He answers the innocent question “How are you doing” in detail, dumping on the interlocutor a lot of unnecessary little things, all the bad things that are in his life, sometimes even if there are no bad things. A clingy person persistently and persistently insists on being constantly in the company of a person from whom he can absorb everything he wants: success, health, happiness, joy, fame, etc. – in a word, to steal someone else’s successful destiny and life for yourself.

It is very difficult to get rid of Velcro: he always tries to get in the way, to catch the eye, clings to fame and success, constantly calls at any time of the day or night, whines how bad everything is for him, so that they will feel sorry for him. Sticky people are dangerous not so much because they draw on someone else’s energy (they do this to a lesser extent than vampires), but rather because they try to make another person, sympathizing with him, pitying him, advising him, unnoticed by himself, voluntarily give up his life and destiny .

Human Absorbers

they look like vampires and are clingy. We can say that absorbers are both at the same time, “two in one.” A person both gives (donor) and receives (acceptor). He is extremely sensitive, with accelerated energy-information exchange, and loves to interfere in everything: “what are you doing here?” - into other people's destinies, lives, joys, successes, etc. Moreover, he is still trying to influence not so much aggressively as with a hypocritical, calculating desire to provide supposed help and support. There are two types of absorbers:

  1. a person absorbs energy, both positive and negative. He is easily offended even out of nowhere, but quickly forgets the insults;
  2. absorbs a powerful flow of negative energy, but also gives out no less positive energy. A person actively gets involved in everything, delves into other people’s problems and affairs, has a positive effect on the energy of those around him, but due to too accelerated energy metabolism, he himself “burns out” quickly and early.

It is better for such people to think more about themselves, their loved ones, to take care of themselves, their lives. Everything needs moderation. Absorbers should first of all control themselves and stop in time.

Samoyed man

This specimen is overly fixated on himself, on his problems, affairs, feelings, on his life. Because of such isolation, he often dooms himself to cold loneliness. The Samoyed is unable to communicate with other people and does not know how to properly redistribute energy flows. But in such circumstances, he accumulates a huge potential of negativity, which gnaws at him from the inside.

Plant Man

He gives more often than he receives. This is a donor who distributes his energy left and right. You can recognize a plant person by his excessive curiosity, which causes acute irritation, dissatisfaction, anger and anger in those around him. Such feelings do not bring anything good to the donor himself. You need to moderate your excessive curiosity. It is useful to remind ourselves that “we are inquisitive, but not nosy” (as the Strugatsky brothers said): curiosity should be in moderation, you should strive to know, and not stick your nose in anywhere.

Filter Man

he has quite strong energy, thanks to it he can pass through powerful flows of any energy: positive and negative. At the same time, the energies and information flows in it are transformed and at the output they already have changed charges. In this process, the negative is eliminated and changed to positive. Such a person can become a very successful diplomat, psychologist, and peacemaker in life.

Mediator man

He has amazing energy exchange. People accept positive energy just fine. However, he is almost unable to resist negative energy effects. A person-intermediary is like a carrier of a virus: having accepted some negative information, for example, he cannot cope with it, but simply passes it on, “infecting” those he encounters along the way. However, he also “infects” others with positivity. Intermediary people are quite common

Bioenergetic processes in people's lives occur constantly. Every person has one or another ability, strong or weak. It happens that a person combines two or even more energy type. The conclusion here is, in principle, simple and uncomplicated: you need to learn to cope with your energies and control them.

Strong energy - how to recognize it

To understand how strong the energy is this person, you need to know certain signs of its presence and degree of strength. How to determine that a person has powerful energy is to look closely and observe the manifestation of certain signs that are characteristic of sensitive people. Signs of strong energy:

  • a person has a strong immune system, he practically does not get sick, does not suffer from depression or mood swings;
  • understands any minor, mild illness as a warning and works with information or on mistakes for which this minor illness was sent to him;
  • he is lucky in everything or most things; other people get the impression that this person succeeds in everything regardless of his efforts, he may not even make any efforts;
  • a sensitive person arouses sympathy for himself, often even unconsciously, he is loved by the opposite sex - the possession of such magnetism makes him a leader among other people
  • the ability to perceive any events from a philosophical point of view, from any failures a person draws conclusions for himself, he perceives them as lessons that need to be solved, therefore he does not experience discomfort from any troubles, he is able to remain himself in any conditions and circumstances;
  • charisma, to one degree or another, allows the sensitive to become a leader, a leader, even if he does not make any effort; capable of being a talented boss, leader;
  • powerful energy gives a person enormous physical endurance; he survives where another would suffer mortally; They say about such people: he does not know fatigue, he survived by a miracle;
  • sensitive – a brave experimenter, loves to learn new things, lives by the well-known slogan “study, study and study” (as grandfather Lenin bequeathed to us); he never stops there, always strives forward, breaks stereotypes. They say about such a person: he is not of this world;
  • He is characterized by wisdom, he inspires trust in himself, because people are drawn to such a person, turn to him for help, ask for advice, and trust him with their troubles and joys.

If a sensitive person has powerful energy, then he is characterized by many or all of the signs of this power. It happens that some of them are less pronounced, and some are more pronounced. However, over time, as you grow spiritually, morally and physically, these abilities become stronger and more expressive.

Strong energy and signs of magical power

People with strong energy also have magical, psychic abilities. Another thing is whether a person with powerful energy develops them or uses them. However, even if he does not work with these abilities, the latter still manifest themselves in his life one way or another. And them at careful attention You can recognize in a person:

  • elements: ability to interact with weather, disasters. Sensitive can cause rain or drought, disperse clouds, for example. “And he, the rebellious one, asks for a storm...” - just such abilities are said;
  • unity and understanding of nature: a person is able to read the signs that are given to him by plants, birds, animals, etc. Under his hand, flowers, trees, for example, come to life, or in his presence everything withers, dries up, dies (if the powerful energy is negative). Rivers, streams, waterfalls, stones, sunsets and sunrises - everything gives their signals and the medium knows how to understand them and work with them. This is both Doctor Aibolit and Vasilisa the Wise, who interact with natural phenomena, things;
  • healing abilities: often the mere presence of such a person reduces the pain of those around him. He can heal, treat traditional and unconventional methods(spells, herbs, prayers, hands contact and at a distance, etc.);
  • close relationship with the Moon and its rhythms: the magician knows exactly what and when to do and what not. Night is his time, he works with the phases of the moon, with the lunar day;
  • embodiment of desires and dreams: a psychic knows how to make his dreams and desires come true, and to some extent fulfill the desires and dreams of other people. He materializes thoughts, turns words into action;
  • past lives (deja vu): the magician has the gift of working with his past incarnations, he remembers them, can move in time to the past and future;
  • inner voice: the person is intuitive, he often sees prophetic dreams, he is able to foresee and knows what to do about it. Therefore, he can guess using various items for this, he sees, sees the aura of other people;
  • talismans and amulets: can be made from anything, and it will all work (taking into account the horoscope, mineralogy, etc.);
  • interaction with other energies: a psychic can either restore or destroy someone else’s biofield, especially if its energy is stronger than someone else’s. Various magical effects are associated with such actions: spells, evil eyes, damage, etc. (either he heals others from this, or he induces it himself);
  • self-destruction: if a person begins to use his energy amateurishly, at an amateur level, without controlling himself, a boomerang effect is triggered - everything done by others comes back to him, and a hundredfold. The power of his energy gradually decreases, the person withdraws into himself, withdraws from reality, tries to escape into imaginary worlds, which ultimately leads to either madness or severe depression.

Attention! To avoid negative consequences For yourself and other people, when working with energies and forces, it is absolutely necessary to observe certain safety precautions; you need to have not only strength, but also knowledge, which you must learn.

  • technology, electricity: since strong energy has a common nature with other energies in this and other worlds, then in the presence of such a psychic, technology can work non-standardly, electricity can go out, for example, or a light bulb can light up in your hand, a clock can either run forward or lag behind .

It should be remembered and taken into account that when recognizing a person with strong energy, the latter can be either a good wizard or an evil sorcerer. Either a psychic does good or brings evil to others and the world. All of these signs have either a plus or a minus sign.

Observation, moderation in everything, knowledge will help protect not only yourself, but also your loved ones from any evil, at the same time - help those in need, but without negative consequences. There is no need to succumb to any provocation; restraint and endurance are always good. And of course: learn to understand and know yourself and the world around you.

When talking about a person in the context of his energy level, it usually means that we're talking about and his reserve of strength. This means how much a person is enough to complete this or that task.

People usually gravitate towards a person with strong energy; such a person is like a magnet. Human energy based on your date of birth will show your natural potential.

What is energy?

Every phenomenon in the world has its own energy. Energy in an individual can accumulate, be wasted, and be restored again. From a natural point of view, it is bad when an individual does not fully expend energy, then it becomes stagnant, and it is also bad if an individual wastes it without sparing himself. In the latter case, the process of its restoration takes longer and is more difficult.

Mastery lies in learning to control the consumption of your energy potential. In this case, the individual will always feel strong, and his life will be eventful.

Energy vampire by date of birth

Numerology by date of birth. Energy vampire or donor? | The way to yourself

Life chart by date of birth. Changes in vital energy

Energy potential of Date of Birth

In this case, there will be enough vital energy for all important and interesting things:

  • Job,
  • family,
  • sport,
  • hobby,
  • exciting trips.

We can safely say that the quality of an individual’s life depends on the ability to manage one’s energy.

What energies does energy consist of?

The energy of an individual includes his physical and psychological state. For a full existence, an individual receives energy from different energy channels. These channels are the bodies of the individual, and through them he spends it. Yoga talks in detail about esoteric bodies. Let's briefly consider the purpose of each of the bodies.

Atmanic body

It is very easy to determine whether a person’s body is well developed. This will give him a sense of his purpose in life. If an individual clearly feels what business brings joy to him and those around him, then this body is strongly manifested.

If there is little energy in this body, then the person suffers because he does not understand what to do in life. Yoga says that you can develop this body through meditation. In this way, the individual connects with his inner voice.

Buddhic body

With the help of this body, a person learns his values ​​in life. This is what guides us on the way to achieving our goal. This body is also responsible for keeping you committed to your cause. So that when you do it, you are true to your inner voice, and not following trends and fashion. This way, you won’t be able to go against yourself, and therefore against your values.

Causal body

The energy in this body manifests itself at important responsible moments in our lives. Then the energy goes back into the background. But again it serves the individual to keep him on his path. For example, a woman is already getting ready to marry a decent groom, her parents want this, he is a decent match, she herself is not against it, but there is no strong feeling of love. Then suddenly, just before the wedding, this body is activated, as a result of which the woman refuses the wedding, and six months later she meets her true love.

Mental body

The mental body controls our thoughts and feelings. It is also responsible for intuition. If an individual has a well-developed body, then he understands his feelings and accepts both negative and positive feelings. The life of such a person is full of feelings.

The mental body is also responsible for intuition. If it is developed, then a person can predict the future of other people, tell fortunes using coffee or cards.

Astral body

The body is responsible for our emotional sphere. The mental and astral body are interconnected. They are responsible for keeping a person in touch with emotions.

Since our emotions pass through the mental body, it is also responsible for physical health. The fact is that living through emotions directly affects your health. If we suppress anger for a long time, do not allow ourselves to be sad or, on the contrary, to be happy, then the physical body gets sick, thus expressing unlived emotions.

Body Ethereal

When ours is okay etheric body, then in the morning we are full of strength to redo a dozen things. This body is closely connected with the physical. If you don’t get enough sleep, eat poorly, or overexert yourself, then energy leaves not only the physical body, but also the etheric one.

The best way to take care of this body is to get a good night's sleep and do things that make you feel good.

The etheric body helps you impress people; if it is too depleted, then people may seem uncharming and they will not remember you at all.

How to identify a person with strong energy?

The level of vital energy in an individual can change both throughout life and throughout one day.

If an individual has experienced stress, both physical and moral, then his energy level immediately decreases and needs to be restored.

If the personality leads healthy image life, goes in for sports, sleeps normally, eats, provides for himself positive emotions, then his level of vital energy will be somewhere above.

A person can be born with one energy, and during his life develop it or, on the contrary, reduce it. Determining the energy of a person by his date of birth helps to understand what potential an individual was born with and what he is capable of achieving in life.

Here are the signs that will allow you to understand that in front of you is a person with increased energy:

  • Such a person rarely gets sick.
  • A person’s energy in this case allows him to skillfully manage his life even if he is in a bad mood and has minor troubles. This does not unsettle the individual.
  • A person with increased energy clearly understands what he wants from life and confidently moves towards his goal.
  • N does not depend on the opinions of others; moreover, for others he himself can be an authority.
  • Such an individual does not want to idle for a long time, he likes to work, he gets pleasure from it.
  • He is characterized by increased cheerfulness.

Date of birth and energy of a person

Determining a person’s energy by his date of birth is one of the most simple ways, understand the potential that nature gives us from birth.

The dependence of an individual’s energy on the date of his birth is determined by such a doctrine as bioenergy. Specialists in this area are looking for connections between space, stars, people and numbers. Accordingly, they turn to numerology.

To determine this mysterious relationship, a simple mathematical operation is performed; you can handle it even if you don’t understand numerology at all.

We calculate a person’s energy by his date of birth

For example, the date of birth is: October 18, 1989. In numbers it looks like this: 10/18/1989. Now you need to multiply the year by the month and the date. That is, we multiply 1810 by 1989, we get 3600090. Now we need to get the sum of the numbers: 3 6 0 0 0 9 0= 18.

The energy of this person is considered low based on his date of birth. The average energy level starts on the 21st.

But we remind you that the number 18 only indicates what kind of energy a person was born with. During his life, an individual has every chance to develop his energy to the parameters he wants.

Classification of energy levels

Human energy potential can be classified into the following groups:

  • Energy vampires have reduced level energy, their number is less than twenty.
  • For people with average energy, who can be in an equal exchange of energy with people, these numbers are designated from 20 to 30.
  • The number of people who are ready to share their energy is more than thirty.

When we hear the phrase “people’s energy,” for us most often it means how attractive, pleasant a person is, what feelings he evokes in us.

You can hear that a person is strong or weak energetically. Energy can be good or bad, it somehow affects others. So let's figure out what this concept is, what it is and how to manage it.

What is human energy

Everything in the world has its own energy. It accumulates, is spent, is renewed, gives and takes away strength, depending on its quantity. But energy and energetics are not exactly the same thing. The first, from an esoteric point of view, means the ability to assimilate, use, take and give energy.

If you try to draw a person and his biofield, it will look like the sun that surrounds the body. This "luminary" sparkles different colors, and its rays can be both long and short.

People who know how to control their biofield will never lose vitality, and the energy sun of this person will have long, bright and multi-colored rays.

Thanks to correct distribution and using these forces, you can feel much better than usual, increase your productivity, have strength for sports, entertainment, and family. The influence of energy on a person and his life is simply invaluable. Therefore, it is so important to know as much as possible about it.

Distributions of the concept “energy”

The energy of people is only general concept many components of the physical and psychological state person. The so-called human channels can be responsible for various events, emotions, thoughts. And in order to learn to perfectly manage your energy, you must first understand all its channels that exist in a person.

Different types of energy are usually called bodies, which are interconnected by the channels mentioned above. In their practice, yogis always use knowledge about esoteric bodies, which helps them reach a new, non-physical level.

In addition to the physical body we are familiar with, there is the etheric, mental, astral, causal, buddhic and atmanic. All of them exist in every person, it’s just that in some some of the bodies are better developed, in others - worse. But you can always develop and learn to control your bodies, which are designed to solve many life problems.

Atmanic body

This body is what we consider the meaning of our life. Every person lives, realizing or not realizing that he came into this world with some kind of mission. If you feel that you have a purpose here, then this body is developed quite well.

If you have any goal, then this body will give you the strength to achieve it, enthusiasm, aspiration, self-confidence.

But it happens that the energy of people in this body is too weak, then they will feel depressed, lack self-confidence, and may lose the meaning of life. To protect yourself from losing awareness of your life purpose, you need to learn to meditate.

Let your meditation begin as an ordinary rest from work. Just sit comfortably, relax, think about something pleasant, dream. Don’t “clutter” your thoughts with problems and questions; spend just ten to fifteen minutes meditating and you will feel the strength coming to you to achieve your goals and fulfill your desires.

If you imagine something that you really dream about as often as possible, then the energy of the atmanic body will help you get what you want. Imagine how you will feel when you get what you want. Think about the fact that you already have it. Believe that you can get what you dream of.

Buddhic body

These are our values. What we live for, what excites us. But the buddhic body should not be confused with the atmanic body. The first, unlike the second, can guide a person to accomplish certain things and helps to distinguish true values ​​from false ones.

Let's say you have lost interest in some business, you do not complete the assigned tasks conscientiously - then the energy of the buddhic body stops flowing.

But if you are doing what you love, which you like, then the energy will constantly flow and give you more and more strength to fulfill your dreams.

In order not to lose strength, you need to do only what you love, which brings you pleasure, and not follow fashion, trends, requests.

A person with strong energy of the buddhic body will definitely achieve great success and will become a first-class master of his craft. Don't get lost among many projects, focus on one activity, and then you will become more productive.

Causal body

The action of this body is periodic and short-term. But it also forces us to do what we love. For example, an applicant is forced by his parents to enter a university that he does not want to attend, but he has to submit documents there and take exams. And suddenly, at the last moment, this applicant takes the documents and enters the university he dreamed of. The moment of admission to the desired university is the moment of activity of the energy of the causal body.

How this, now a student, will study at this institute, whether he will find a job later, the causal body will no longer be responsible for this. It worked quickly and briefly, and thanks to it, even at the very last moment, a person was able to weigh priorities and choose what was more important to him.

Mental body

These are our thoughts and feelings. For example, in some inexplicable way, getting out of bed today, you feel that you need to go to work along a different road. Or buy something different than usual.

If the energy of the mental body is well developed and controlled, then a person is able to tell fortunes using cards, coffee grounds or runes, read lines on the hands and predict fate.

Astral body

The body of our emotions. Why can people react differently to the same events? It's all about the reaction of the mental body, which transmits signals astral body. Simply put, each of us has a different attitude towards any event and perceives it the way the body of thoughts and feelings reacted to it. Astral and mental body more strongly connected to each other than other energy bodies.

The astral body, in turn, is tightly connected with our physical body, since our emotions directly affect our health. Instability, impermanence and imbalance in psychological health, one way or another, will lead to physical illness.

Monitor your emotions, try to live through problems more calmly, and be philosophical about troubles.

Etheric body

We feel the energy of the etheric body as vitality, physical strength. She is also responsible for sympathy, pleasant and unpleasant energy.

Most the right way to restore and replenish the energy of the etheric body - food and fresh air. If a person has a good, “healthy” etheric body, then he will certainly seem handsome, smart, and interesting to others.

Strong human energy. Signs of Powerful Energy

Human energy is fickle and tends to change. Its level may be more or less, depending on different life situations, health and mood.

If a person is sick or in some kind of stressful situation, then his energy is close to the minimum level.

And if, for example, a person starts playing sports, eating right, visiting theaters, listening to good and pleasant music, then it will continue to flow in full swing.

But the most important thing is that the energy level of each of us is individual. This can be compared to a vessel that has its own boundaries. If you develop your strength, then this imaginary vessel will become larger and larger and will be able to contain more and more energy.

A person with powerful energy can be easily recognized by certain signs. This representative of the human race will rarely get sick, he will rarely be seen in a bad mood, he does not suffer from depression and is easier to cope with than others. stressful situations. Since energy influences a person extremely powerfully, it will not be difficult to notice it from the behavior of others. It is enough to take a closer look at your friends and loved ones to learn to recognize the level of vitality.

How date of birth affects energy

A person’s energy level by date of birth is the fastest and easiest way to determine the level of one’s capabilities. Another common name for the concept under consideration is bioenergy. Now you can even find such a profession as bioenergetics. This specialist knows the connection between man and the stars, space, numbers, etc.

Together with numerologists, bioenergetics scientists have found a connection between the date of birth and vital forces, human energy.

Using simple mathematical operations with numbers, namely with the date of birth, you can calculate how the coming year or even your whole life will turn out for a person. Using these numbers, you can build a graph and monitor changes in the curve. The higher the curve, the more energy you will have to accomplish any task. And the lower, the correspondingly less it will be.

How is a person’s energy calculated by date of birth?

For example, your date of birth is: 1980, October eleventh (1980.10.11). Multiply the year of birth by the month and day of birth thus: 1980×1011=2001780.

Now add all the digits of the resulting number: 2+0+0+1+7+8+0=18.

The energy of this person is considered low from birth. Average energy is considered to be numbers from twenty-one.

Check the energy of politicians, artists, actors and you will see how high the indicators can be.

But if the number turns out to be small, this is not yet a reason to believe that there is no strong human energy. The signs may be completely different. For example, the famous actress, fashion model, Oscar winner, mother-heroine Angelina Jolie, has a vital energy number of thirteen.

Interesting facts about human energy by date of birth

Based on the presence of energy potential, individuals can be classified into:

  • Energy vampires (whose potential is below twenty).
  • People with normal energy (from twenty to thirty).
  • Human donors (coefficient more than thirty).

If a person does not have enough energy, that is, the coefficient by date of birth is less than twenty, then he unknowingly becomes an energy vampire and draws the vital force he needs from human donors, who may have it in abundance.

If a person’s energy potential is high, then many people strive for it. Such a person will be considered attractive and interesting.

They will want to be friends with him, build relationships, start a family, even if he does not particularly shine with intelligence and beauty.

The opposite situation occurs in people who have low energy potential. They often suffer from failures in their personal lives and loneliness.

How to Boost Your Energy Levels

If you are thinking about how to increase a person’s energy and think that this is practically impossible, because the date of birth cannot be changed in any way, then you are deeply mistaken. You may not change your birthday, but you can improve your vitality, which means you will feel happier.

If, based on the results of the test, you discovered that you are an energy vampire, do not despair, because even this can be corrected. In order not to draw bioenergy from other people, not to be unpleasant and alien to them, you just need to find alternative source energy. This could be the activity of the Sun, earth, water, fire, wind - everything that nature gives us.

Yoga classes will help you relax and set up the necessary channel for receiving natural energy. But there is an even simpler way to increase a person’s energy. The most important thing is good rest and nutrition. Remember that if you are looking for how to restore a person’s energy and think that it is very long and difficult, you will not succeed. You need to believe in what you are doing. You just need to tune yourself in positive thoughts, and this is exactly what they will help with healthy sleep and proper nutrition.

It is not necessary to sleep ten to twelve hours a day, because you can disrupt the physical and mental channels, which means that the bad energy of people can easily reach your esoteric bodies. Watch not the quantity, but the quality of your sleep. You need to go to bed when your body and thoughts are clean, the room is ventilated, and you are not hungry or overeated. If you follow these simple rules, then five to six hours of this good sleep will be able to replace and even surpass the quality of ten hours of sleep.

If you are worried that the negative energy of a person who was rude to you or simply passed by with negative thoughts may harm you, then you need to establish a protective channel of the etheric body. As has already been said, to maintain and restore the etheric body you need to eat right and go to fresh air. To cleanse human energy from harmful and negative impacts, you can give him calming chamomile tea that will calm his body and thoughts. Give him a rest and feed him healthy food.

First of all, it should be carbohydrates and proteins. A little cereal porridge, meat or beans will definitely restore a person’s physical and etheric body. Eat fruits and vegetables daily and your mood will certainly improve because you will become stronger and healthier.

Important for maintaining, purifying and restoring energy are physical activity. It doesn't have to be yoga. Do any sport, go to gym or just go for a run in the morning. Thanks to the daily physical activity you will feel that you have more energy. You will get sick less often and feel energetic and happy.

How to learn to feel the energy of another person

Feeling a person’s energy is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Sometimes we, without noticing or understanding it ourselves, can recognize certain character traits in an unfamiliar person. We may or may not like him at first sight. The energy of another person is transmitted to us through our own open energy channels. You don’t even have to touch your interlocutor, just look at him and understand what his intentions and feelings are.

For example, today you were rude in public transport, you are going to work angry and sullen. And then an evil boss comes to you, who quarreled with his wife in the morning. When you are irritated, your channels are open and your energy bodies are vulnerable to various kinds influences. Your boss will transfer his negative energy to you, thereby only worsening your well-being. If this happens often, then soon you will not avoid health problems. Try to abstract yourself from problems at home and outside when you are at work. But you shouldn’t remember all your work troubles while at home.

It will be best if you learn to deal with the problem as soon as it arises. You may not be able to avoid rudeness on public transport, but you can change your attitude towards this rudeness. Then your protective channels will work without interruption and you will be protected from the effects of the negative energy of other people.

Try not to get irritated or rude in response. It may be difficult for you to cope with this at first, but the results will not be long in coming. No minor trouble can ruin your mood, your health will be fine, at work you will cope with things quickly and easily, and you will be less tired.

By learning to manage your energy, you will begin to understand other people better. On the street, at work and at home, with your family, you will feel comfortable.

Each person has his own energy field. The success of his life and relationships with other people depend on him. Some people have weak energy, while others, on the contrary, are so strong that it can influence the destinies of other people. In this article we will tell you in detail how energy affects a person, his life and his environment. We will share with you a way to determine your energy field, and how to restore it if it begins to collapse.

We are all born with our own individual energy field. It is an invisible cocoon that envelops the human body from all sides.

Human energy consists of several bodies through which energy must constantly pass. If this does not happen, then the person feels weak, unhappy and sick.

To begin with, we propose to understand exactly what bodies human energy consists of:

  1. Atmanic - this body is responsible for ensuring that a person has some kind of goal in life that he strives for. In fact, this goal is the meaning of life for him, so he constantly feels the strength to rise every day and achieve new results.
  2. Buddhic - the body responsible for the values ​​in a person’s life. It works and functions fully only if a person is busy in life with his favorite thing, from which he receives intense pleasure.
  3. Causal - this is the body, normal functioning which depends on how harmoniously a person feels, whether he listens to his inner voice, whether his behavior corresponds to what he strives for in life.
  4. Astral - the body responsible for how a person perceives the events that happen in his life, what emotions he experiences.
  5. Mental is the body, which is responsible for the development of intuition in a person. The development of this body determines whether a person can predict any events in his life.
  6. Essential - the body responsible for physical condition person, his health, tone. From the full functioning given body depends on how other people will perceive you in society.

Human energy tends to accumulate, so it is very important to be able to spend it so that there is no stagnation and, conversely, so that it is not wasted. First of all, you should spend your energy on family, work, sports, self-development and hobbies.

Psychologists distinguish 3 main levels of human energy:

  1. Insufficient - when a person has so little of his own energy that he begins to look for its sources from another person. Such people are called energy vampires. After communicating with them you feel weak and exhausted. Although it should be noted that many energy vampires do not even realize that they are such.
  2. Average - when a person has found his golden mean. They replenish their energy reserves from communication with pleasant people, from hobbies, work and being alone.
  3. High – when there is so much energy that there is nowhere to put it. These people include people who have very well developed psychic abilities.

How to identify a person with strong energy?

A person with high energy is easy to recognize:

  • First of all, according to external signs. Such a person dark eyes and hair, thin lips, but at the same time a wide jaw and a massive forehead.
  • A person with strong energy almost never gets sick. He is strong and strong, not only physically, but also in spirit.
  • People with strong energy do not give up when faced with life's difficulties, but quickly find a way out of the current situation. Nobody can knock out strong man energy out of a rut.
  • From such people creativity and creativity are in full swing. They can come up with interesting things literally on the go, and all this comes to them very easily and simply.
  • People with high energy levels are unusually charismatic. They influence others and attract them to themselves like a magnet.

What destroys human energy?

Even if a person has very strong energy, this does not mean that this will continue all the time. Under the influence of certain factors, a person’s bioenergy field can be destroyed. We have compiled a list for you of what provides negative impact on human energy:

  1. If a person is constantly worried about something, feels guilty, his conscience gnaws at him, in this case the person’s energy becomes bad and vulnerable.
  2. Resentment can have a detrimental effect not only on the bioenergy field, but also on human health in general. Because of this, he stops achieving his goals and loses the desire to live an active and interesting life.
  3. Psychological disorders associated with loss loved one, disappointment in love and other things that can negatively affect spiritual harmony.
  4. The feeling of envy has a very bad effect on a person’s energy. Whatever he undertakes does not give any result in the end.
  5. A very large amount of work, because of which a person is nervous all the time, also has a destructive effect on the energy field, because it drains vitality from us.

Human energy by date of birth: how to determine?

To find out your own energy potential, just make one simple calculation based on your date of birth:

  1. Write down your date of birth on a piece of paper in this order - year (consisting of 4 digits), month (2 digits) and day (2 digits). For example, you were born in 1968, in September, which we will write as “09”, the 15th.
  2. Next, you will need to multiply the year of your birth by 0915 (these numbers form the month and day of birth). The result is the number 1800720.
  3. All the digits of the resulting number must be added together to form a two-digit number: 1+8+0+0+7+2+0=18.

Based on the results obtained, you can determine your energy level.

  • If your result is less than 21 (what happened in our case), then you have low level energy and you urgently need to do something to increase it.
  • If your result fluctuates between 21 and 30, then your intermediate level energy. You just need to try to maintain it all the time.
  • If the indicator is more than 30, it means that you can be an energy donor for someone, because you have a very high level energy.

How to increase human energy?

If it so happens that you have a very weak energy potential, then you don’t need to give up on your future; you can restore your energy if you follow the recommendations below:

  1. Give up everyone bad habits that you have. Lead an absolutely healthy lifestyle. You need to eat right, get enough sleep and exercise.
  2. Spend more time in the fresh air, because nature is a source of vital energy for humans. Preferably while walking on clean air at least 30 min. to be completely alone.
  3. Study philosophy and pay attention to religion. Go to church, pray, light candles and just wish the people around you peace and goodness.
  4. Find a passion and change jobs if you're unhappy with them. As soon as you do the most for yourself for pleasure, you will immediately feel a surge of vitality.
  5. Go to social events, visit cultural institutions, relax with friends and with your family. All this will greatly inspire you and help you gain vitality to achieve positive results in your life.

By following all of the above recommendations, you will quickly be able to not only restore, but also cleanse your energy. You will immediately feel your life begin to change better side. Try to adhere to these rules in life so that the energy does not deteriorate or be destroyed at all, although it should be noted that in the circumstances in which we are forced to live, this is quite difficult. But still, we wish all our readers harmony, prosperity, banal human happiness and goodness! Live full life, love and be loved!

Video: “Human energy: numerology by date of birth”

Every day we have to communicate with a large number people. Each random person we meet has its own energy field, which can affect us in a certain way. And with those people whom we meet every day, interaction at the level of biofields is inevitable. There are effective techniques, thanks to which you can determine the negative or positive energy of a person nearby.

Why is bad energy dangerous?

There are a lot of people with negative energy, and it is sometimes impossible to notice this with the naked eye. Such individuals are called energy vampires. As a rule, people with bad energy often complain about life, are mired in debts and problems, and the more they gossip and plot behind their backs, the more deplorable their situation becomes. Such people are not used to taking responsibility for their actions, so it is easier for them to take someone else’s advice in order to shift all the blame onto someone else in case of failure. They are the ones who need energy from other people and sometimes unconsciously drain energy from you.

Frequent and close communication with people of this kind can lead to the adjustment of your energy to a negative wave, and soon you may turn out to be the same energy vampire who lives at the expense of the spiritual strength of those around you.

How to spot an energy vampire

There are several ways to understand that you are communicating with a bad person. One of the simplest is diagnosing a person with a pendulum. Take the pendulum in your hands and place your elbow on the table. This way you will reduce tension in your hand and your hand will remain free. Next, ask the pendulum a question and indicate the direction for the answers. For example, if the pendulum swings at right side- this means a positive answer, and if to the left, then the answer is negative. When you have decided. Which trajectory of the pendulum will mean the answer “yes” and “no”, you can start fortune telling. If you intuitively feel that something is wrong with a person, simply: “ What kind of energy does this person have: positive or negative?" This study can be done at home.

Another method is very visual, but at the same time very harmful to humans. If you're pretty long time communicate with an energy vampire, sooner or later you will begin to observe yourself with fatigue that is not typical for you, which was not there before. If you suffer from insomnia at night, you lose your appetite, fall into depressive state, you start to be pessimistic about everything and it happens general deterioration not only health conditions, but also life in general - take a closer look at your surroundings.

In such cases, the simplest option is to completely stop communicating with such a person. If this option is not possible, and you have to interact on duty, protective spells and rituals are of great help.

How to determine a person's positive energy

It is very simple to understand that someone from your environment is filled with vital positive energy, especially since there are very few such people. If you see a positive person to whom you are simply drawn like a magnet, this is the one you need. It’s easy and interesting to see such people; they are always open to communication and ready to help at any moment. Interaction with such a person, even short time, improves mood, and all problems are solved by themselves.

By being close to people whose positive activity is at its maximum, you can even be cured of some diseases.

Why do you need to communicate with such people?

By communicating with a person who radiates positive energy, you automatically improve your life. You are also filling up vital energy and become luckier in all areas of life, increase your protection, and energy vampires will bypass you.

Positively charged people can teach you to be happy and also to radiate positivity and help others.

Our body is a universal indicator that can quickly identify good and bad people. You just need to learn to listen to his signals, and then you will accurately be able to choose only the most happy people for your communication. Love yourself, communicate with positive people and don't forget to press the buttons and

09.10.2015 00:50

Energy vampires are those who feed on the energy of those around them, improving their mood at the expense of others...