What is my purpose in life. How to find out your life purpose

Every day the World Wide Web receives more than six thousand requests for destinations. But what is purpose and why do some seek it and others do not? In this article you will learn about 4 myths of destiny and its search. Will you find answers to the questions of where to look for your purpose, can you find it yourself or do you need to contact a specialist, how long will it take to search and what to do while you are looking? But first things first.

What is Purpose.

You have probably noticed more than once that when a person clearly demonstrates some quality, his environment rushes to put a certain label on him. If a girl sincerely shows her emotions, she is told that she will become an actress, a boy likes to spend time with his father in the garage, he is immediately told that he will become a driver or repair cars. Thus, a stereotype has developed that...

Myth No. 1. A vocation is something like a job or a profession, I will take a special test and find out my purpose.

Many people mistakenly believe that their purpose or calling has something to do with their practical skills. For example, fixing computers, being a doctor, working in a bank or on television - all this is not a destiny, it is just a way of expressing it. There can be as many manifestations of your destiny through a profession or some business as you want. When you clarify for yourself what your purpose is, you can change your occupation, business or profession more than once throughout your life - write books, appear on TV, receive the title of master of sports, and then become a chef. And no matter how different your activities are, every time you will clearly understand that you are realizing your potential and your purpose.

Purpose is what you can offer people, how you can help them, realizing your main qualities, following your highest values. This is what you are ready to do from morning until late evening, all night long. When what you do energizes you, and you are ready to do it even for free. Knowing and understanding your purpose, you will be able to reach heights that you never even imagined or dreamed of.

But not everything is so simple and unambiguous. You are probably mistaken if you think that...

Myth No. 2. If I find my purpose, it will give me access to unlimited resources and give me happiness, money and everything I want.

By following your destiny, you can achieve success, happiness and harmony in all areas of life. But the very awareness of your purpose does not guarantee you anything. Two more important factors must be added to this awareness:

  • Make a decision to live in accordance with your Purpose
  • Take action, small steps every day.

After all, you still have to work and achieve your goals yourself. No one will do this for you. Like many others, you will have downturns, it will seem that you have chosen the wrong path, at some point you may want to give up everything and return to your old life. But if everything were so simple, then there would probably be no hunger or poverty in the world. What separates successful people who live their calling from others is to act despite the difficulties and obstacles, despite other people telling you that you are wrong, that you are crazy. Successful people believe that all difficulties are just athletic barriers that need to be overcome on the way to their goal.

And so, when you prove with your real actions that you would not just like to follow your destiny, but are ready for daily work and will never deviate from your goal, no matter what difficulties lie in wait for you. It is at this moment that the Universe, seeing the seriousness of your intentions, begins to help you. Necessary and interesting people appear in your life, you easily conclude any transactions, you feel gratitude from other people for your business, and this gives you new strength and new ideas.

And that’s why many people think that...

Myth No. 3. You must find your purpose at all costs, otherwise life is meaningless.

Purpose is not the holy grail; it will not solve all your problems. By realizing it, you will only be able to better understand your path. You will make decisions faster and your actions will be more accurate. Understand that you don't find your destiny, it finds you when you are ready for it. If you are inactive, biding your time, wasting your life on immediate gratification, and being selfish towards other people, even the best purpose expert will not help you.

You probably have people around you who don’t think about their purpose, they just do their job. They do this persistently, conscientiously and with enthusiasm. And from the outside it seems that they are simply lucky, that they are the exception to the rule. But if you ask, what is the secret to their success? They will tell you that they simply started doing one thing, encountered difficulties along the way, analyzed them, adjusted their actions and, in case of failure, switched to another activity. No, they did not deviate from the intended goal, they simply made the necessary changes based on the results obtained and moved on.

Awareness or discovery of your purpose is a kind of Gift to you for all the difficulties that you have already overcome, for the work on yourself that you have done. It is not you who finds Destination, but Destination itself that finds you when you are ready for it.

Or maybe I’ll still wait until my destiny finds me, because I know that...

Myth No. 4. Purpose is given to a person from birth.

If you believe this myth, then everything in life is predetermined and known in advance. And why bother rushing somewhere, if at any moment I can begin to act in accordance with my destiny, and I will be guaranteed success, fame, money, happiness. But what if I told you that purpose can change throughout your life. What if the word purpose itself is wrong, the word calling is more suitable for the definition.

Throughout our lives we change. Our level of awareness in actions, thoughts, and actions changes. Our qualities, character, abilities, habits, beliefs and principles change. Sometimes this happens under the influence of life circumstances, but you can do it quite consciously and intentionally. Develop new qualities and abilities in yourself, those that will help you become a better version of yourself. Work on your thoughts and beliefs, identify those that slow down your success, and replace them with ones that advance you in life. In fact, at high levels of awareness, you can even change the values ​​that guide your actions.


As you can see, Destination has nothing to do with career guidance and knowing it does not guarantee you success and happiness in life. You also shouldn’t devote your entire life to finding your calling, because our lives are filled with meaning by emotions, people, events and actions.

Hello, my dear friends!

Today I decided to go beyond beauty and health and talk a little about philosophical topics.

It turns out that in our world there are not so many people who are looking for their meaning in life, their true purpose. And those who ask such questions, for the most part, cannot find accurate answers. So they come up with simple explanations. For example, some see it in children, others in money.

And only a small percentage of people really understand the purpose for which they came into this life and actually fulfill their main purpose in it.

Such people can be called lucky!!! Usually everything goes very well for them, they do what they love, and live a full life, making the world a better place. And if you also understand and have found your purpose in life, consider yourself very lucky!

And if not yet... Then, all is not lost either.


Try to imagine a situation where you already have everything you dream of. Absolutely everything.

You have no problems, nothing to worry about. You have a strong family, children. You have already looked around the whole world, you have hundreds of cars and dresses, ten houses, bank accounts, you have absolutely everything!!!

What would you do? What activity would bring you pleasure?

Take your time, think, write down these thoughts.

Now remember what you loved to do as a child most of all, what you drew, what sports you played, what you would like to become, what you liked most, what you dreamed about.

This will be something you were meant to do for the rest of your life. This should have been your favorite job.

Now ask yourself one more question, given all this, what would you do to make the world a better place?

Or imagine if there was no more money or social status in the world, what would you do to make the world a better place?

This will be your true purpose in life.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated. BUT, this technique has the most powerful power, thanks to which you can completely change your entire subsequent life and the lives of your children.

It will only be about you, your strength of desire, your faith, your ability to give up everything you are doing now and go along a different path, along your truly path. Not many people are capable of this, but those who take risks gain everything they were missing.

It is very difficult for a person who dreamed of becoming a musician as a child, and due to current circumstances, became a military man, who is already over 40, to quit service and pick up a guitar.

He can take a risk, or he can leave everything as it is and be content with what he has...

Everyone will make their own choice.


Knowing this, you can help your children.

Never forbid your child to do what he likes, no matter how stupid it may seem to you. Don't force what you like on him. Listen to his childish opinion, do not reject it.

Follow his favorite activities, find out his dreams and desires, write them down. Often ask your child what he would like to become in the future, and if you have even the slightest opportunity, even in childhood, to give him at least a small opportunity to touch this business, do it.

Remember that everything comes from childhood.

And if you are able to discern in time everything in your child that he likes most and direct his life in this direction, you will be able to raise him to be a very happy person.


All psychological practices insist that it is never too late to start your life from scratch. It's never too late to learn and do new things. It's never too late to change your profession and lifestyle.

Everything will depend on your motivation and your desire.

How to find your purpose in life? This is probably the question that everyone asks themselves, regardless of age. Adults ask the child: “What do you want to become?” - and this is where reflections begin on his role in this life. Girls want to be actresses and models, boys want to be astronauts or racers. Everyone has their own dream. But over time, as children grow up, their dreams do not always become reality. People find something they prefer, or jump at the opportunity to get a decent job, not in the field they dreamed of.

Don't betray yourself

Also, most people incorrectly formulate questions to themselves. We need to answer the question: “What do I want from life?”, and not this: “Which of the proposed roles is most suitable for me?” But even if you ask it correctly, the answer will be about material values. Many are obsessed with money and are ready to do anything to get it, forgetting that they once had a dream...

Develop your abilities

Capabilities. Everyone has their own. Most often, their roots are already laid initially in a person, from birth. This can be either a sense of taste and style, or a sense of space, which is characteristic of artists. Abilities must be developed and never lost. Skills are much more difficult to develop, since you have to start from scratch. At the same time, if you develop your abilities, it will be easier, because the basic level has already been laid.

Finding your purpose in life is quite difficult. In fact, ability and calling are closely related. If there are any, in this matter a person gets a chance to be better than others, and thus, the work that is chosen will bring joy and will not be a burden. Of course, it is quite possible to achieve success without any ability, but with great interest. In this case, patience and work will grind everything down. But not everyone is patient. Most people who do not have the necessary abilities give up halfway if they do not see progress and do not achieve any success. When a person does not know what his purpose is, he begins to rush from one to another, without reaching the top in any area.

Therefore, with abilities it is much easier to find your purpose, because what comes easily will bring success much faster, and this, in turn, will inspire a person to advance. But how important it is for each of us to know that he is on the right path, that he is doing everything right! And success is proof that the right direction has been chosen.

Don't ignore your desires

In order to answer the question of how to find out your purpose, you need to listen to yourself. Rely not only on your abilities, but also on your desires. After all, desire, like thoughts, has great power. and it’s not for nothing that they say so. You may not believe it, but what kind of millionaire would achieve such heights, telling himself that he is a loser and will never achieve this? We always get what we want, it's just the time it takes to get it depends on how much we want it and how much we need it. If you feel a calling in something, no matter how stupid it may sound to others, you need to act and strive to achieve success. You can only find your meaning in life thanks to yourself, and no one else will help you with this.

Animal principles of man

Everyone knows that, whatever one may say, people live according to animal principles. We need food and water to continue life, we need sleep, since this is a source of energy, we need protection, because sometimes it is not enough for those who are exhausted not physically, but morally. And, of course, we care about the continuation of our kind. It seems that what else is needed for happiness? But still something is missing. A person demands self-realization, this is what distinguishes him from an animal. No one wants to just exist, there must be meaning - something worth getting up in the morning for. People need to know how to find their purpose in life. Understanding one's role in life is something that can satisfy the moral exhaustion of a person in search of oneself. Everyone finds something for themselves that they want to live for, something that makes them get up in the morning and rejoice at the rising sun. This is called the meaning of life.

Don't forget about God

When a person asks himself the question of how to find his purpose in life, this means only one thing: he is not satisfied with himself and his existence. At such moments, you should not forget about God. Some people believe in him, some don't. Everyone has their own worldview, but to say that a higher power does not exist is extremely stupid. Some call it karma, some call it God, and some say: “Life has taught you a lesson.” Everyone gives this power their own name, but the fact that no one can hide from it is a fact. “As it comes around, so it responds” is a phrase known from childhood. Enough time has passed since childhood, but this rule remains base.

Help others

The search for purpose lies not only in a person’s selfish intentions, but mainly in helping people. Whatever your vocation is - a doctor saving lives, or just a journalist delivering news or, perhaps, simply useful information - any activity should entail helping people. Even singers help people, if only because they give their listeners the opportunity to enjoy themselves: for some to calm down, and for others to lift their spirits. You shouldn’t chase wealth and fame, it ruins everything, ruins the future. By helping others, you help yourself. And if this is done due to purpose, this is the path to which every representative of humanity should strive, the path to happiness.

Is happiness the meaning of life?

People chase happiness so much that they often forget that it is impossible to achieve its permanent manifestation. Happiness is a period, just a moment. It would seem that finding your calling in life will ensure happiness, but do not forget that difficulties are guaranteed to exist. In any case, no matter what abilities you are given, you have to work, work and work again. And follow the road to what you like, to your chosen destination. Then life will find meaning, and the meaning of life is to find at least a little happiness.

What prevents you from finding your purpose in life?

People don't always understand correctly what to do with their calling. This hinders the answer to the question of how to understand your purpose. Firstly, it must be fully consistent. Otherwise, the search for an answer to this question can easily turn into another fruitless attempt to find oneself in this life. Secondly, the calling should not be in one thing. In the modern world, when choosing a profession, a person only limits himself, developing only in one direction. Thirdly, it is very difficult to find your meaning in life throughout your life. And this is not surprising, since a person does not stand still, he changes, and his desires are amenable to change.

In order for nothing to get in your way, you need to find within yourself. What does this mean? You just need what you have: small victories or big accomplishments. This will help you find your true path in life.

Forget about fear

Fear is what takes hold of us when we don't know what to expect. The unknown frightens many, since determining one’s purpose is not easy, and quite often one has to sacrifice: one’s time, one’s desires, rest, and this will not always bring fruitful results. In finding yourself, you need to be patient so that, despite any failures, you get up and move on. This will lead to success, and if so, it will make it possible to understand that a person has found his purpose. Fear is only an obstacle on the path to finding the meaning of life; you need to be brave and decisive, know your desires. Getting rid of fears will make it easier to find and move towards your goals.

And yet, how to find your purpose in life? This is a question that everyone is looking for an answer to. It is not always possible to know exactly and consciously what our calling is. You can rely on your feelings, and if there is happiness, it means that the person has found himself. In fact, there is no ability without special interest in something. The main thing in finding your meaning in life is to understand what you want from yourself. If there is a strong interest, if there is a dream, this will serve as an important lever in moving towards it. In order to find your purpose in life, you need to really want it. There are many ways. Let's say we can simply write on a piece of paper our abilities and deepest desires that we would like to realize. For some, such visualization may simplify the search. Everyone has their own way. But every person, no matter what, always finds himself. We have our own desires, and all people know what they want. Some are afraid to admit it to themselves, some are limited by parents, opportunities, or something else.

Don't limit yourself just because of your fears. You don’t need to look at others, you should do everything to live the way your soul and heart want. By thinking about ourselves, no matter how selfish it may sound, we are able to find the happiness that we so persistently seek throughout our lives. By achieving what we want, no matter how difficult it may be at first, we will get a much better result than doing what we must. It will only depress you. You need to find your purpose in life, so that when someone asks, you can give an accurate answer: “This is my purpose in life, and I am happy.”

Try it!

Finding purpose is the best thing a person can do for himself. In order to know the answer to the question: “Who am I and why was I born?” - you need to try. Try yourself in a variety of areas, naturally, without forgetting about your talents and abilities, use every opportunity, since it is precisely this that can lead to the desired result. You can't win the lottery without ever buying a lottery ticket. Trying is not torture, and if you knock on different doors, some will definitely be opened!

How to stop wandering inside the labyrinth of your own thoughts? Do you feel like you are out of place and doing the wrong job? This means you are going down the wrong path. How to find your purpose in life and experience abundance?

Social chains

Why do some people work at their dream job and get huge money for it, while others are not able to get out into the world and, hunched over every month, barely receive the minimum wage?

The first reason is you

People who have found their purpose in life incorrectly spend their energy on surviving in this world. Such people stupidly endure and do not see better options for themselves ( =do not want to raise their importance and understand that they are worth more). Most often, they do not enter the institute where they would like to initially, but where they have enough points and money.

If a person’s destiny is to be a doctor, and he dreams of becoming a dentist or surgeon, and he or his parents do not have that much money for study, then finances will come by themselves. If this is a true desire and true purpose, then the Universe itself will give you money for your studies.

There are people who roll their eyes upward and say: “Oh, where can a simple Russian family get that kind of money for studying?”. They initially do not believe in this dream, or in their child, that he is worthy of becoming a doctor, or in themselves. Nothing will come to such people. They will continue to survive.

And the second is all your fears

The second reason is the fear of being happy. A person cannot destroy the foundations of society that tell him about work experience, about experience, about points for a pension, about a mortgage, about taxes. He cannot break out of this vicious circle, because initially, from childhood, society told him about these foundations and his social role. This fear gives rise to self-doubt, laziness, and reluctance to leave your comfort zone.

How to find your purpose

In order to find your true purpose, calling, mission, the cause you will serve, it is enough to ask yourself just 2 questions:

Question 1: What would you like to do so badly that you would pay extra (assuming you have the money to do it) to be allowed to do it?

  • someone wants to cut people’s hair and make them look neat, they are willing to pay for hairdressing courses;
  • someone wants to decorate girls’ nails and goes to paid manicure courses;
  • someone is interested in cars and is willing to pay money to see the insides of a rare car;
  • someone wants to engage in spiritual practices, goes to teachers and pays him for knowledge.

Question 2: What would you like to do if you weren't afraid that you couldn't do it?

You can have a lot of conversations about it: discuss it, condemn it, etc. But she is the one who is a good example for many people. She is not afraid to try herself in different endeavors. All blocks and all fears that she won’t succeed have been removed. And it is precisely because she has expanded the boundaries of her consciousness that she makes a huge amount of money, while others roll their eyes, gossip, judge, be afraid, etc.

Types of service

Each of us comes into this life to gain some experience. And it will be best if you gain this experience by following your mission. As soon as you follow the right path, you will understand what is going well for you, and everything will work out for you in the best way. You are happy, you earn good money, you give the Universe part of your energy, and it generously rewards you for it.

If you are in search of yourself and don’t know how to find your purpose, then here are a few missions that can help you determine:

  • idea man(generates ideas and makes discoveries: new smartphones, gadgets, discoveries in the field of science)
  • man-man(psychologists, teachers, social workers, doctors, builders, salespeople, teachers, politicians, housewives, educators, nannies, should we sign up for nails? also here)
  • man of the sign system(computer scientists, programmers, IT, mathematicians, scientists in this field, etc.)
  • man - artistic image(artists, designers, actors, singers, fashion designers, writers, poets, etc.)
  • man-nature(biologists, scientists in this field, veterinarians and livestock specialists here)
  • man-technology(engineers, builders, military, scientists in this field)
  • man of religion(These are not priests whose censer is spinning and their laveha is muddy. These are those people who find the meaning of life in faith: philosophers, a few psychologists, spiritual seekers, conscious practitioners).


For you, we have collected several meditations that will help you determine your purpose and mission in life:

The way to yourself

A collection of articles that will help you discover your uniqueness and find integrity.

Very often, sooner or later, a person begins to be tormented by questions: “Who am I, why do I live on earth, and how to find my purpose in life?” The most difficult thing is to find the right answers, but not everyone succeeds. However, there are ways to find your path and walk along it with a happy smile.

Mission Definition Test

Psychologists offer a very simple test to determine your mission. Personally, I am a journalist by profession, and according to the results of the questionnaire, I turned out to be a Herald. So in my case we can say: the test works!

All questions are divided into groups. Need to answer "Yes" or "No", and at the end of the test count the number of positive answers. So, let's go!

Group A.

  1. Are strangers ready to tell you about themselves?
  2. How often do you hear people say: “It feels like we’ve known each other forever!”
  3. Telling other people how to improve their existence?
  4. Do you admit that you are giving truly wise advice?
  5. Do your friends often turn to you for support?

Group B.

  1. Do you like to read?
  2. Does it happen that when you look in the mirror, you start singing?
  3. Do you have an artistic gift?
  4. Do you like to invent new things?
  5. Does it happen that you start a new business, but often don’t finish it?

Group B.

  1. Do strangers like your touch?
  2. Do you often get asked for a massage?
  3. Do you like massage yourself and do you give it to yourself?
  4. Have you ever been able to heal someone from a distance?
  5. Has it often happened that electrical appliances broke down in your presence?

Group G.

  1. Do you think you could become a great doctor?
  2. Do you seem to understand the reasons for children's tears?
  3. Are you interested in new techniques?
  4. Did you often get sick as a child?
  5. Do you feel the need to help sick people and animals?

After counting the number of positive answers in each group, choose the one where the number of “yes” was maximum.

Group A. Teacher. Your mission is to help people. Path – jurisprudence, pedagogy, religion, psychology, volunteering, sales.

Group B. Herald. The main talents are communication and creativity. Path – creativity, journalism, design, architecture.

Group B. Healer. Your gift is an impact on the physical shell of a person. Path - medicine (including alternative), veterinary medicine, sports.

Group G. Energy. My calling is to work with energy shells. Path – chiropractic, physiotherapy, massage, Reiki.

Back to basics

Despite its simplicity and sketchiness, this test really helps determine what exactly a person does best. But, unfortunately, a person’s destiny does not always become his profession. However, there is a way out, because you can devote your free time from work to your mission.

An example from life: I have a friend Olga. She works as a cook in a kindergarten; Moreover, he loves his job and is respected by his colleagues. However, for a long time Olya suffered from the thought that something in her life was not going at all as it should be.

Then she began to remember her childhood; I read the diaries of my youth; I thought about what her dreams were a long time ago... And I realized: she always liked helping people! Today Olya is a member of the volunteer movement, participating in garbage collection, cleaning water bodies, and greening the city. And she feels absolutely happy!

Therefore, advice “No. 1” for those who want to understand how to find their purpose in life: go back to the roots. Remember what interested and excited you most as a child; what your soul was originally about when choosing a profession... This way you can understand what exactly is your purpose.

By the way, according to the test, Olya belongs to the representatives of group A. And volunteering is indeed her element!

Meditation and prayer

The reason that a person cannot find his purpose for a long time is the bustle of the world around him. The information that enters the brain almost around the clock is 97% garbage. It makes it difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Meditation will help in this situation. Free yourself from thoughts for at least 30 minutes every day; dive into the depths of your subconscious; look for the answer to the question “how to find out your purpose?”

Prayer is also perfect for believers. By solitude in thoughts with God every day and asking him for help, you can find the answer to this question. The main thing is to distract yourself from the external bustle and your own problems.

Paper and pen to help

Finding your own path doesn't have to go too far. All you need to do is take a piece of paper and a pen to answer the following questions:
  • What is my favorite thing to do?
  • What would I do if I were a billionaire?
  • What areas of life do I pay attention to first?
  • What professions or lifestyles do I admire the most?
Thus, a vivid picture of individual interests, passions, and hobbies emerges. It is the answer to the question “how to understand your purpose?”

Just for fun, I asked my best friend Katya to answer these questions. It turned out that what she liked most was spending time with her daughter; having a huge fortune, she would give birth to two more children and travel around the world with her entire extended family; the “parental” topic is of interest; and admiration for large families. Needless to say, Katya’s true calling is motherhood. And, most importantly, she doesn’t deny it!

We say “no!” stereotypes

There are several other effective ways to determine your path. But first we need to free ourselves from a number of common stereotypes that haunt us all our lives. Here they are:
  • “The main thing is prestige!” This is not true. Today it is prestigious to be a lawyer, so most school graduates run to apply to the relevant faculty. But the very next day the trend changes, and economists come into fashion. Choose your path not based on the degree of prestige (this is just a publicity stunt), but according to your inner aspiration.
  • “Money comes first.” This is not entirely true: for some, the main thing is creativity; for others - family values; for others – internal harmony. Therefore, while striving for signs of well-being imposed by society, one can easily lose one’s own essence.
  • "Listen to your elders." Obeying mom and dad, of course, is good... But - up to certain limits. Very often, parents want to see themselves as “failed” in their children, and shift their ambitions onto them. However, each person has his own purpose, and it most often does not coincide with the opinion of his parents.
Regarding the last point, representatives of Western civilization should take the wise Japanese as an example. They offer their kids several items to choose from - a pen, a “gadget,” a book, a coin... Whatever the child chooses first is considered his purpose. Thus, parents do not impose their will on the child, but give him the right to seek his own destiny. After all, each of us must find our own path on our own.