Energy vampires by date of birth - fact or fiction? What is the energy of people like? Strong human energy: signs

Each of us is energetic person. Some may be a weak negative energy person, others a strong positive energy person. Scientists have long proven that everything consists of energy. Human energy consists of two types: physical and spiritual. Bodily depends on environment, its purity, the people with whom we communicate. Spiritual, internal energy is the spiritual world of a person, which consists of his thoughts, experiences and emotionality. Purity of thoughts and actions is what gives us positive, strong energy.
Below you will read everything about human energy.


Many people have signs strong energy and any person who is near a carrier of such energy is able to feel them. They are also manifested in the character traits and behavior of such people; they are characterized by charisma, determination, self-confidence, high spirituality, and much more, which indicates their high energy potential.

The energy potential that a person possesses is his ability to generate his own energy, accumulate and assimilate it from the outside, and also use it rationally. Using energy for good, a person receives back a double charge, which means he accumulates strength. Producing negative emotions, committing negative actions, a person loses strength, and therefore health.

By giving and doing sincere good deeds, we also receive. We get it internally. This means that our health will be complete, and our life will be joyful and happy. Harmonious person - happy man and people always feel comfortable being around him. A confident, happy person emits a special strong energy, charging the space around with positivity. Strong human energy is a battery for others and the space around. Everything blossoms next to a person with strong positive energy.

If a person has strong positive energy, other people feel comfortable around him. Just by the influence of his biofield, such a person is able to positively influence other people. At the same time, a person with negative energy causes a completely opposite state. People near him feel discomfort, anxiety, depression; those with weak energy may also feel unwell.

According to their energy potential, people can be divided into several types. These types differ from each other in their ability to produce, accumulate and release energy and are divided into people with bad energy and people with good energy.


Energy mirrors

Both positive and negative energy that is directed at the mirror person always returns to the subject who directs it. That is, they are characterized by a reflection of energy. Such properties of energy, which are inherent in certain people, can be used with great efficiency to protect against negative energy, including from its targeted flows. A mirror person feels other people well, and if he has to reflect negative energy, being close to its carrier, he immediately understands who is in front of him and tries not to contact such a person. However, the owner of negative energy himself, on a subconscious level, tries to avoid meeting such “mirrors”, since receiving back his negative charge does not affect him in the best possible way, up to ailments and various diseases. For a person with positive energy, on the contrary, communication with a mirror person is always pleasant, because the reflected positive energy returns to the owner, filling him with new positive emotions. As for the “mirror,” having determined that the person who communicates with him is a carrier of positive energy, he will continue to be glad to have contact with such a person and will always maintain good relations with him.

Energy leeches

There are many such people everywhere and almost each of us has to communicate with them every day. These can be good friends, relatives of work colleagues. In principle, “energy leeches” are the same as “energy vampires”. That is, these are people who have problems replenishing energy, and the easiest way for them to strengthen their energy is to “stick” to other people from whom they simply take their energy (life force). Energy leeches are aggressive and persistent, and emit bad human energy; their method of pumping energy out of potential victims is simple - they try to create conflict situation, start a quarrel or dispute, in some cases even humiliate a person. After this, their well-being sharply improves, they become cheerful and feel a surge of strength, since they have sufficiently fed on someone else’s energy. A person (donor) who was subject to an attack by an “energy leech”, on the contrary, feels empty, depressed, and in some cases various ailments arise The key to the existence of this type of people is the constant presence of donors around them; they try to be close to such people, sucking into their energy field.

Energy walls

An energy wall is a person with strong energy. Others call such people “impenetrable.” Any troubles fly away from them like from a concrete wall. But in such impenetrability there is also negative side, the negative energy that bounces off them does not in all cases return to the person who directed it, but also to those people who at a particular moment are next to the “impenetrable”.

Energy sticks

Such people, even at the first meeting, begin to spew out a stream of negative energy, without even waiting for the question, laying out everything negative that has accumulated in them. Like leeches, they do not directly take energy. But they also try to insert themselves into the living space of other people and stay in it as long as possible. Like leeches, sticky people are people with low, bad energy, they strive to impose themselves, are always nearby, constantly call on the phone, look for meetings and contacts, ask for advice. However, later, when any difficulties arise, they blame those with whom they were close for everything negative that happens in their lives. Thus, without provoking conflict situations, “energy stickers” receive someone else’s energy, in the form of sympathy, some kind of moral help, advice. That is, by imposing themselves on other people and indirectly forcing them to make contact, they are fueled by the energy of these people, but the people who communicate with them do not suffer as from communicating with energy vampires.

Energy absorbers

In this capacity there can be both acceptors and donors. Such people are very sensitive, they have accelerated energy-information exchange. They like to get involved in other people's lives, and try to influence other people's energy with a pronounced desire to help. Such people can be distinguished into two types:

The first type includes those who absorb both negative and positive energy. They get offended for no reason, but quickly forget the insults.

People of the second type take on a lot of negative energy and give out no less positive energy. They actively delve into people’s problems and positively influence the biofields of those around them, but they accelerated exchange negatively affects themselves.

Energy Samoyeds

This type of people seems to be fixated on their experiences. They are withdrawn and deliberately do not want to communicate with other people, do not know how to redistribute energy to their advantage, and at the same time create huge reserves of negative energy.

Energy plants

This type of people has the ability to give energy, that is, they are, in fact, energy donors. This type of person is characterized by excessive curiosity. This trait brings them a lot of trouble, causing displeasure and even anger from many people.

Energy filters

Energy filter - a person with strong energy who can pass through himself large number both positive and negative energy. All information absorbed by him in a processed form returns to the original source and carries an already changed charge. All negativity remains on the filter, to which positive energy is added. Such people are often successful natural diplomats, psychologists, and peacemakers.

Energy intermediaries

They have excellent energy exchange. They accept energy well, but cannot resist negative energy effects. For example, some negative information was shared with such a person, thus transferring some of the negative energy to him. Unable to cope with the negative energy received, the person passes on the information. The same thing happens when transmitting positive information. This type of “energy intermediary” is inherent in many people.

Having considered the main types of energy inherent in humans, we can understand that different people have different bioenergy. Even a person’s negative or positive energy, in turn, can be divided into various types. Based on this, we can say that each person, taking into account the type of his energy, has his own specific capabilities, his own energy potential and his own specific characteristics. Energy determines and influences a person’s relationships with other people and the world around him.

A person who has negative, negative energy has a bad influence on everything that surrounds him, including the people next to him; he always causes nothing but trouble. He is not able to live in harmony with the world around him and even with himself.

The influence of energy on a person largely determines him daily life. If the energy is positive, then a person’s life generally flows in a harmonious direction, and he has a positive influence on those around him. You cannot expect meanness, deception, trickery or other negative manifestations. He is open, understandable, and inspires trust in other people. The impact of energy on a person emanating from the carrier of negative energy, on the contrary, can cause harm to people around him. After all, negative energy is inherent in deceitful, dependent, unfriendly, aggressive people, and this negativity often manifests itself in communication with others and does not bring them anything good.

The main signs of people with strong, positive energy are their desire to live in harmony with the world around them and the people who are next to them. These are pure, sincere people with a strong core inside.

Strong human energy is the key to health and harmony of life!

Incredible facts

As each of us probably knows, human sensory abilities have a wide range. Some people see very well, others not so much. Some have excellent hearing, while others are deaf. The same applies to energy sensitivity.

All things are made of vibrational energy. Some people are very aware of the energy that surrounds them, and they can easily tell when it is too much or too little. They easily sense “good” and “bad” vibrations.

Not all energy-sensitive people exhibit all of the following characteristics all the time, but if you notice even a few of them, you are likely to be quite sensitive to vibrational energy.

Strong human energy

1. You have deep empathy for other people.

Often a person with strong energy can be seen where someone is offended or upset. Energy-sensitive people are often the first “receivers” of information about someone else's problem. At the same time, the victim always wants to hold the hand of such a person, hug him and cry to him.

Energy-sensitive people are very sensitive to other people's emotions (and sometimes physical pain), so they easily understand and empathize with those who suffer.

2. Emotional rollercoaster

Having a keen sense of vibrational energy often means that when a person experiences "high" energies around them, they are on an emotional high and vice versa. Have several options ready in case of an emotional downturn.

3. Addiction

Being sensitive to energy, such a person feels much more than other people. To escape the feeling of low vibrational energy, often such people may use alcohol or some other relaxant to reduce the intensity of the negative energy sensations.

These people may be prone to other types of addictions, such as food, gambling or shopping.

Man and his energy

People with strong energy often understand very well the motives of people’s behavior; in some cases, they immediately catch and feel when someone wants to say something, good or bad, it doesn’t matter.

This is a very useful trait, since no one can use such a person for their own purposes.

5. People with strong energy are often introverts

Not all sensitive people are introverts, but a lot of them are. The process of feeling the emotions and feelings of other people is very mentally exhausting, so energy-sensitive people often need rest and recovery after such “sessions.”

They are often after prolonged social interactions may feel exhausted.

6. A person can see signs

People with strong energy are much more likely to understand the signs that the Universe sends them. They are more likely to find meaning in events and circumstances that most other people would consider random.

Human energy

As we can see, strong energy is a double-edged sword. Focusing on vibrational energy allows for a deeper understanding of the Universe, but on the other hand, it can also lead to some increased stimulation and cause a lot of problems if left unattended.

If you believe you have a strong energy and are energetically sensitive, there are a number of things you can do to help you use your gift correctly and not become so drained.

First of all, the first thing that can help you strengthen your vibrational “receivers” or better feel the vibration of the environment is meditation or yoga for mental and physical recovery. It is also a good idea to regularly declutter your home and workspace.

Be mindful of the people you surround yourself with and stay away from toxic individuals, events and circumstances, especially when you feel overwhelmed. It is very important to work on self-acceptance and learn to love yourself and your gifts.

If you came into this world as a person sensitive to the perception of energy, then you automatically have certain responsibilities. However, the constant flow of energy from the environment can overwhelm you and cause you pain.

But if you learn to manage your gift, amazing things will begin to happen. Reading energy from people and being able to empathize with others will be a huge advantage.

Energy-sensitive people have the power to push the world toward positive change, and they also have the ability to become the world's greatest leaders, healers, and teachers.

Now let's look at what types of energy people exist today.

Energy of the human body

1) People are energy mirrors

If energy is directed at such a person, no matter positive or negative, it will always return to the one who directs it. That is, a mirror person reflects energy.

These properties of energy inherent in certain people can and should be used, and with a high degree of efficiency, in order to protect themselves from negative energy, and, first of all, from its targeted flows.

People who are mirrors have a great sense of the people around them, so if they have to reflect negative energy while being near its carrier, they immediately understand who is in front of them and try not to enter into any contact with this person.

True, it is worth adding that the carrier of negative energy himself, on a subconscious level, tries not to encounter such “mirrors”, because receiving his own negativity back will not have the best effect on him, even to the point of developing various diseases or at least ailments.

And vice versa, for a carrier of positive energy, contact with mirror people is always pleasant, because the reflected positivity returns to its owner, charging him with another portion of positive emotions.

As for the mirror man himself, after he quickly realized that in front of him was a carrier of positive energy, in the future he would only be happy to communicate with such a person and will maintain warm relations with him.

2) People are energy leeches

There are a lot of people with such energy, and each of us encounters and communicates with them almost every day. These could be work colleagues, relatives or good friends.

In essence, energy leeches are the same thing as energy vampires. That is, these are people who have problems replenishing their energy reserves, and the easiest way for them to do this is to stick to another person, taking away their energy, and with it their vitality.

Such people are persistent and aggressive, they radiate negativity, and they have their own method of pumping energy out of those around them, which is quite simple. They create a conflict situation, start a quarrel or argument, and sometimes they can even humiliate a person when other methods do not help.

After the incident, their well-being significantly improves, they become more energetic, and they feel a surge of strength because they have drunk enough energy from the person to fuel themselves. A human donor who has been exposed to an energy leech, on the contrary, feels empty, depressed, and sometimes he may even experience physical ailments.

In order for a leech to feel good, there must always be donors around it, and they themselves strive to keep in their field of vision such people whose energy field they can attach to.

The influence of energy on humans

3) People are energy walls

A person - an energy wall - is a person with very strong energy. You can often hear about such people that they are impenetrable. All troubles, if any, appear on them life path, fly off from them literally like from a concrete wall.

However, there is also a negative side to interacting with such people. Negative energy directed at them naturally bounces off and does not always return to the person who sent it. If in at the moment There are other people near the “wall”, then the negativity can go to them.

4) People are energy sticks

From the very moment you meet them, these people begin to pour out a huge amount of negative energy on their interlocutor. Moreover, without waiting for the question, they immediately lay out all the negativity that they have accumulated.

Human energy is a reserve vitality and the energy that a particular person possesses. We can increase our energy with in various ways(they are discussed in detail in another article). But there are certain limitations - each person by nature has his own energy potential, which cannot change significantly. In this article we will tell you how energy is determined by date of birth.

When a person is sufficiently filled with vital energy, he feels confident in his abilities. This is a leader who does not worry about the opinions of others about himself. He generates various ideas and actively implements them. Such individuals are distinguished by natural behavior, direct expression of their feelings and emotions.

From nature, extraordinary people receive great energy potential, creative people, acting as sources of fresh ideas, capable of sharing their energy with others. These are wonderful storytellers, they always have plenty of fans, they easily establish connections with new people due to their politeness, charm and goodwill.

A strong energy field is also manifested by certain external signs:

  • characterized by thin lips;
  • massive chin;
  • thick eyebrows;
  • wide jaw;
  • in most cases such people are dark-haired;
  • people with dark color eyes have a very strong aura.

How date of birth affects energy

The day, month, year and even time of birth has a huge impact on a person’s entire subsequent life. The concept we are talking about now is also known as “bioenergy”. Today, even such a profession has appeared - bioenergetics. Experts in this field are able to trace the connection between a specific person, numbers, the Universe, and so on.

Bioenergetics (based on numerology) has established that the date of birth can shed light on a person’s energy potential. By resorting to simple mathematical calculations, it is possible to make a forecast of future events for a specific period of life. This data is also used to build a life curve and monitor changes in. The more energy a person has, the correspondingly higher the curve will be.

Bioenergy by date of birth: calculation

How it happens energy calculations

  1. Remember the date of your birth. For example, May 25, 1994.
  2. Write down the first number - the year of birth is 1994.
  3. The second number is formed by the ordinal number of the month of birth and the day - 0525.

Pay attention! If your birthday is formed by a single digit number (for example, nine), then write the second number this way - 809.

  1. Now multiply the first number by the second = 1994*0525=1,046,850.
  2. After this, we calculate the sum of all digits of the resulting number:

The resulting number represents a person’s bioenergetic potential (E) and demonstrates how much vitality (energy) he has.

Now comes the fun part - find out who you are:

  • energy vampire– E is less than twenty;
  • a normal person - E values ​​will range from twenty to thirty;
  • energy donor – has an energy potential of thirty or more.

Regardless of our natural energy balance, we all have periods in our lives when we are in a weakened state and need additional energy replenishment. In this case, the person unconsciously begins to “vampire” those around him.

At the same time normal people and donors begin to feel uncomfortable. But donors whose E exceeds the “thirty-three” mark are able to be recharged with cosmic energy or feed on energy from nature. They generously give vitality to those around them, people strive to be near them in order to be fed with energy.

Where is the energy lost?

Perhaps you are familiar with the state when your strength begins to leave, as if someone is “blowing” you away like balloon. You eat well, sleep enough hours, exercise physical activity, but inside you still feel tired. The symptoms described above describe the outflow state vital energy: You seem to be doing everything to replenish it, but it is becoming less and less.

Why is this happening? You need to analyze your behavior and lifestyle, because there is a reason for something, but we will now try to establish what it is.

So, it can cause severe loss of energy:

  1. Feelings of guilt. This is how your conscience speaks to you, representing our strictest judge throughout your life. Conscience causes serious psychological discomfort, due to which energy is wasted.

If you try to drown out the voice of conscience, you will be faced with the exact opposite result and an even greater deterioration of the situation. Externally this will also manifest itself as deterioration financial situation. The most reasonable solution in this case is to find an internal compromise yourself.

  1. Grievances also lead to energy deficiency. The most popular option is grievances against parents, which probably last from childhood. If a person, even as an adult, cannot let go of the past and forgive his parents, this will greatly influence various aspects of his life.

What kind of relationships were in your parental family will have an impact on the model of your own family. And hidden long-term grievances have the most negative impact on people; they contribute to exhaustion, both emotional and energetic.

  1. Psychological discomfort, which provokes energy losses, can also be caused by other negative emotions: fear, fear of uncertainty, anxiety, disappointment and mental pain.
  2. Envy– causes a lot of controversy among experts regarding its effect on the human body. One part of the experts identifies envy as a motivating emotion that can accelerate the achievement of success and challenge a person specific goals in life.

We have listed the main internal reasons energy losses. And there are also external ones, which include communication with energy “bloodsuckers”, which are bores, whiners, slackers, losers, victims and patients, maniacs, as well as ideological fighters. By contacting them, you become energetically weaker.

That's why you should surround yourself with positivity. thinking people, try to always be in good mood, finish what you started on time, do not worry about your future (or rather, worry, but within reasonable limits), cleanse yourself of your inner negative emotions(resentment, anger, aggression, and so on) and then your energy field will strengthen every day.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: Focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

How to determine a person’s energy

If you want to find out what type of energy you have, then you just need to observe yourself and everything that happens around you.
People with low energy tend to get tired very quickly. They often feel a loss of energy after travel, business meetings, events and being in crowds for a long time.
Weak energy also affects the health of the body. People with weak energy get sick very often. In addition, they are often aggressive and irritable. These emotions arise for a reason. They feel a lack of energy, and this forces them to be rude and hot-tempered.
Those with weak energy are always unconsciously looking for energy replenishment. The most accessible way for them to constantly gain strength is through contact with dogs. These animals provide energy to humans. It should be noted that cats, on the contrary, feed on energy, and the owner of a weak biofield at the level of intuition will never decide to have a cat. People with weak energy do not fit in well in the house indoor plants. They wither, quickly fade and die, no matter how well a person takes care of them.
People with strong energy potential, according to Elena Yasevich, are almost always active, positive and calm. They know how to conserve their energy, do not waste it and will always find a way out for energy surpluses.
Increased energy manifests itself in everything a person does. Everything goes smoothly in his hands; you always want to smile next to him. People with strong energy know how to control themselves and find inner balance. The owner of a strong biofield is a successful, purposeful and happy person.
What to do if your energy is not so strong, and is it possible to increase it? Participant in the “Battle of Psychics” Elena Yasevich gave several recommendations to all those who want to become stronger energetically. Try to have less contact with negative people (whiners, rude people, indecisive individuals). Dealing with them leads to loss of energy. Always prepare food in a good mood. A dish prepared with a smile will charge you with energy for the whole day. When taking a shower, imagine how the water washes away all the bad things from you. Be in nature more often. This will allow you for a long time be in a great mood. Be in solitude more often. Enjoy the peace and quiet. This will allow you to maintain energy and gain strength. Do your favorite activity or creativity more often. This will give you positive emotions and a feeling of happiness.
These tips from psychic Elena Yasevich will help you increase your energy and become a strong and confident person.

It's hard to believe, but there are energy vampires based on date of birth. Calculating whether a person has such a gift is quite simple. To do this, you just need to pass a test that will show whether you are a vampire or a victim.

In the article:

Energy vampires by date of birth - how to determine?

Sometimes it's simple enough. To do this, it is enough to pay attention to how a person behaves in society. There are separate, there are certain signs by which one can determine whether a person is a vampire or not.

But sometimes it happens that primary signs it is impossible to determine whether a person is a vampire or simply has a short-tempered or whiny personality. Perhaps, quite unconsciously, you yourself may turn out to be a real energy vampire. If you are afraid of causing damage to your loved ones, friends and people you just know, then take this test and determine whether you are an energy vampire.

Using this test, you can easily find out who from your environment is involved in energy vampirism, and who is regularly forced to “feed” such individuals with their energy. How to use the information received is up to you. For example, you can make sure that the person influencing you is a vampire, and take action, because you can protect yourself from any evil.

Energy vampire test

Thanks to this test, you can determine what type of person you are. There are five of them in total:

  • energy vampires;
  • victims - donors;
  • neutral characters;
  • white magicians;
  • black magicians.

To conduct testing, you just need to know the person’s full date of birth, have a piece of paper and a pen with you.

You must write your date of birth in full. For example: 06/18/1994. After this, add up all the numbers that are written in front of you (1+8+0+6+1+9+9+4=38).

But the result should not be presented as a two-digit number. Therefore, take and add the two resulting numbers (3+8=11). If you again get a two-digit number, as in the example, then add the numbers again (1+1=2).

As a result, you will get one number. In our case, it is 2. It is by this that you can determine whether you belong to energy vampires.

One or two

If, as a result of taking the test, you get the number 1 or 2, then you can rest assured that this person is a vampire. Consciously or not, he draws energy from those around him and uses this resource to achieve his goals. But you shouldn’t immediately push this person away from you. Perhaps he is simply a victim of circumstances and is not to blame for the fact that nature has given him such a gift.

Try to find out whether the person knows about his unusual capabilities. If such a gift does not bring him pleasure, and he himself wants to get rid of it, help him. By cultivating willpower, you can cope with vampirism. Such a person should learn to control this process and not give in to the desires of his evil self.

But you should also be afraid if an energy vampire lives under the same roof with you. In fact, many people are able to draw energy from other people. It is not fatal if it happens unconsciously. In order to protect yourself, you should learn how to properly set up barriers and defend yourself even from involuntary attacks.

If your friend quite consciously replenishes his resources at the expense of other people, then you should protect yourself from communicating with this character. There are several techniques that will help you both.

Numbers five and seven

People who receive these numbers as a result of taking the test should be especially careful about who they communicate with. Such people - donors. They are especially susceptible negative influence vampires, and they are the easiest to attack.

In this case, you should always carry with you, which will protect you from the influence of evil forces and repel the attack of a vampire. Learn to build mirror, energy barriers. They will help protect against the influence of a vampire.

In addition, you should regularly replenish your vital energy reserves, since it tends to quickly dry up. To do this, visit places of power. It is important that these are not cemeteries (where you can become easy prey for sorcerers and vampires), but places filled with positive energy:

  • temples;
  • churches.

Required for you frequent walks in nature, since it is contact with it that will allow you to restore lost strength.

Threes, sixes and eights

If, as a result of taking the test, you got one of these three numbers, then you are especially lucky. You do not have supernatural powers and cannot take away other people's life forces. But you also cannot become a victim of a vampire.

These people are absolutely neutral. They have such powerful energy that it automatically creates a very powerful barrier around this person, and a vampire very rarely manages to break through it.

Therefore, you are practically invulnerable. As a precaution, we can advise you to carry a talisman against evil forces and learn how to build protective barriers, but such a skill may never be useful to you.

Number nine

If you took a test to calculate an energy vampire by date of birth, and you got the number nine, then this means that you have supernatural abilities, but you are not a vampire.

The number 9 is characteristic of people who have very powerful positive energy and can be white magicians. They have a very large supply of energy, which they can easily control.

Initially, these people have great potential, but if it is not developed, it will remain undetected. You need to work hard to become a good wizard. But, rest assured, if you make every effort to do this, you will succeed.


People born under this number have a truly unusual gift. They are able to move from one state to another. Such people are strong black magicians. If they have a sufficient supply of vitality, then they can remain in a neutral state and will be reliably protected from any external negative influence.

If they realize that their strength has dried up, they can easily become very strong energy vampires and feed off their victims.

If a black magician wants, he can adopt the abilities of people born under the number 4 and easily control energy flows.

The most successful alliances

Being an energy vampire is actually not as bad as it seems. People who can take other people's energy can be very useful.

If the family has vampire(or black magician) and white magician, then this perfect union, since the white magician may not know where to put all his energy. That is, the vampire will take its remains, and there will always be an energy balance in this couple.

Neutrals and white magicians - harmonious combination. These people will always be able to understand each other and support each other. But this couple will give preference to business relationships and friendship rather than love.

Donors and white magicians- great couple. If the donor is not enough own strength and energy, then the magician can charge it. In this case, the exchange of energy will be by mutual consent, without the use of force.

A strong friendship is possible between donor and neutral. If a neutral wants, he can protect his friend from the harmful influence, and then both representatives will be reliably protected from outside influence.

Vampire and black magician– not the worst combination. A black magician is able to control energy flows, like to the white magician. Therefore, his companion will not have to starve from lack of energy.

Quite a controversial combination - vampire (or black magician) and neutral. If these two people live in the house, then there will be no harmony in their relationship until the vampire learns to control his hunger and stops attacking the neutral. Or it will begin to feed on energy using other sources.

Not the most successful alliances

The union will not be the most successful vampire with vampire. In this pair, both representatives will constantly starve from a lack of energy and strength. There can be only one way out of the situation - if both representatives agree to replenish energy somewhere on the side, or to gain strength from joint recreation, pastime, or hobby. Otherwise, vampires will not be able to be near each other.