How to protect yourself from witchcraft. Pouring negative energy through water. How to make a protective amulet against damage

Damage and the evil eye are magical effects of targeted action that can cause serious harm to a person. There are ways that will allow you to establish reliable protection against this negativity. And the decision to use them is quite reasonable.

You should not think that only a professional magician can provide reliable protection against the evil eye and damage. You can easily do this yourself. You just need to believe in your own strength. There are various ways protection from negativity. They can be used not only for yourself, but also for your loved ones. It is especially important to take care of children and pregnant women, since their biofield is weakened due to the formation of the body or the restructuring that occurs during the process of bearing a child.

When to protect

As a rule, people think about an energy attack when a streak of failures begins in life. In such periods of life, even skeptics are ready to turn to sorcerers and magicians for help.

    Unreasonable and sudden deterioration in well-being; Development of serious diseases; Bad luck that affects all areas of a person’s life; Bad mood and nervousness against the background of general well-being; Problems in the family and at work; Rejection of people around and constant quarrels.

Having paid attention to the listed symptoms, you need to think about diagnosing energy protection.

Simple ways to protect yourself from negativity

Since ancient times, simple methods of protection against the evil eye and damage have come to us. They are very effective, and if you follow them, you don’t have to be afraid that energy protection will be destroyed by targeted or accidental negative influence.

Below are the basic rules that should become mandatory for a person who seeks to independently organize protection against damage and the evil eye:

    If someone starts praising you, you need to bite the tip of your tongue while listening to the laudatory speeches, but under no circumstances interrupt or get irritated, so as not to open access to your energy field; You cannot let strangers wear clothes, but if such a problem arises necessity, you should give it away forever; In your own home, photographs of the deceased must be stored separately from other photographs and be sure to ensure that they do not disappear, because targeted damage to a photograph of the deceased is very strong; To prevent damage through food, mouth and dishes before eating should be marked with a cross; In your clothing pocket you should carry a small mirror that reflects the surface in the world around us;You need to take a shower in the mornings and evenings: moreover, morning water procedures charge you with positive energy, and in the evening you can wash off the resulting negativity under running water; You must throw away all chipped or cracked dishes, glass crafts and mirrors from your own home; You cannot pick up other people’s things on the street and keep them with you; You must force yourself to get rid of bad thoughts and tune in to a positive perception of the world around you, this approach will strengthen your protective natural properties body.

There is very strong ritual, which will allow you to protect yourself from human envy and gossip, which are most often the cause of damage and the evil eye.

It consists of next steps:

    First, you should go to the temple and buy a dozen candles there, and place them there in front of twelve different icons. Moreover, this must be done in front of the images of Jesus Christ, the Trinity, the Holy Mother of God, John the Baptist, Nicholas the Wonderworker, and Archangel Michael. Six other faces of saints can be chosen independently. In the temple you need to defend the service, take prosphora and some holy water; Returning home, you need to eat half a piece of prosphora and wash it down with a sip of holy water. After this, read the “Our Father” prayer, known to all believers, and after it say the prayer for accepting the prosphora, which sounds as follows:

“My God, my Lord, I turn to you, the Servant of God (my own name), with gratitude for your gift. Let it be for deliverance from my sins and for the purification of my mind, and also strengthen my mental and physical strength. May my life pass in health without destructive and sinful passions in glorifying you, Lord, and all your Saints.”

After this, the following spell against damage is read:

“I, the Servant of God (my own name), will leave my hut, blessing myself and crossing myself, out the gate. I will walk along roads and crossroads into an open field that is not plowed or sown. Nothing ever blooms or grows in it. A damned aspen grew in the middle of it. And later, an evil beast sits with a human body, but with a dog’s muzzle, a cat’s tail, and an eagle’s beak. I, the Servant of God (my own name), will baptize the beast and put it in chains. So she will sit there forever and will not move. I close you with the holy word and do not allow you into the Christian family. Amen!"

You need to complete the ritual in the evening by eating the remaining piece of prosphora at night and washing it down with a sip of water. After this, no negativity can harm you, but only if you are positive and perceive the world around you benevolently.

Using stones for personal protection

Many natural objects can reliably protect against external negativity. So, you can buy pendants with stones in the store. Such items will become a harmonious addition to everyday clothes, and if you constantly keep them near you, over time they will turn into a strong amulet. In addition, they will attract various benefits into a person’s life.

When choosing stones to protect against the evil eye, you need to consider the following:

    Agate is a reliable protection against envious glances. In the event of a targeted energy attack, it can sometimes even crack, but at the same time it will absorb all the negativity, preventing it from harming a person. Jet has similar properties to agate. The cat's eye is considered a female stone and can serve as a talisman of family happiness. Moonstone not only protects from damage, but also harmonizes the space around a person. Chrysocolla is more suitable for women who lead a public lifestyle. Malachite not only protects against negative influences, but also preserves human health. The stone is also suitable for protecting a child. In addition, it is very useful to keep various crafts in your home, for example, boxes made of this natural material. The tiger's eye is able to detect negativity and inform a person about it by changing its color.

Periodically, amulets stones must be cleansed of the negative energy that they have absorbed. This must be done after you have had the opportunity to communicate with unpleasant people or when you feel that they are trying to harm you.

The most effective method is to cleanse the stone of negativity by freezing. To do this, three days before the new moon, place the stone in a plastic bag, then place it in a jar of water, which should be placed in the freezer. After three days, remove the container from the freezer and allow the ice to melt naturally in a warm room. The water from the jar should be poured into the toilet, and the stone should be kept under running water. cold water. After such treatment, the amulet is completely cleared of negative energy and strong natural properties return to it.

Protection by Christian attributes

Sincere faith in itself is a protection against damage and the evil eye. But various attributes that can be purchased at a church or church shop can help strengthen protection or remove negativity.

Among them:

    Pectoral cross;Holy water;Holy salt;Icons;Holy oil.

You should know that pectoral cross must be in contact with the body. If you periodically wash your face with holy water, you can not only remove negativity, but also strengthen natural protection. In addition, if you drink a sip of water in the morning, you can scare away evil spirits.

To protect your home from negative energy, it is recommended to use icons. The “Seven Arrow” icon is considered the most effective. It needs to be hung opposite front door. It is believed that the Mother of God will not allow a bad person who is capable of harm to enter the house. First of all, she will clear his thoughts of the bad and reorient him to the positive. But it is only necessary to remember that the icon used must first be consecrated in the church.

Exercises for reliable protection

Protection against damage and the evil eye can be established independently with the help of special exercises. It is by developing the internal magical abilities inherent in everyone by nature that a person can reliably protect his own energy field from negative external influences.

Special exercises help not only create a protective barrier, but also restore mental balance and improve physical condition. It is recommended to perform trainings for a couple of months in the morning and evening. Then you should stop at repeating a specific exercise in the morning.

Exercise “Energy mirrors”. You need to concentrate and mentally, brick by brick, build a wall around yourself. After this, you should imagine that the outside of this wall is lined with mirrors. Having mastered this exercise, you will be able to easily communicate with any person, even if you suspect that he has an unfriendly attitude. Energy mirrors easily reflect any negativity and, moreover, return it to the attacker with double force.

Exercise “In a cocoon”. This training develops the ability to sense objects at a distance. First you need to touch a certain object and try to translate sensations into thoughts. Once you are confident that you can feel the qualities of an object by looking at it, you should move on to the second part of the exercise. It consists of building a “cocoon” around yourself. To do this, you need to visualize four peas around your own body at the level of the hypochondrium and then mentally force them to rotate around the axis that is your body. Thus, first an energy ring is created, which can easily be transformed into a protective cocoon with mental effort. The process of creating the cocoon itself should take no more than one minute, as it takes a lot of effort.

Having mastered such exercises, a person can be completely sure that he is reliably protected from any negative external targeted influence.

Every evening you need to retire in silence, sit comfortably and try to completely relax, detached from the everyday hustle and bustle. You need to imagine how tender and warm sun rays envelop your body and saturate it with positive energy, pushing out all the negativity. You need to stay in this state for no more than a minute.

You can also get rid of negative random daytime influences during the evening water procedures in the bathroom.

To do this you need:

    Open the tap with cold water; Rub your palms against each other until you feel a pleasant warmth in them; Then you need to circle your palms around your head, creating an imaginary sphere; After this, you need to shake your palms into the sink, under running cold water.

Very often there is a need to protect your own home from damage. This is especially true if you are a hospitable person and like to receive guests. Unfortunately, many people are capable of leaving a lot of negative energy behind when they leave. When accumulated, such energy can cause great harm.

In order to protect your home from negative energy, you should prepare a special amulet - a protective bottle.

To do this, you must first prepare the following attributes:

    A small bottle or red jar; A pack of salt; A head of garlic; A small red wax candle; A teaspoon of black peppercorns.

All listed components should be purchased without change. If this cannot be done, for example in a supermarket, where it is simply impossible not to take change, then you must immediately give it to the first beggar you meet.

If you cannot find a red bottle, you can paint an ordinary transparent vessel with red paint. But it is very important to use new jar with red paint. In addition, its remains cannot be used in the future for painting anything. It would be best to bury a can of paint in a vacant lot.

First, you need to divide the head of garlic into cloves and place them in a prepared container. After this, peppercorns should be poured in there. You need to pour salt on top of the bottle or jar. After this, the bottle with the specified ingredients is capped and sealed with red candle wax. You can simply install it and fix it on the neck of the bottle, and then set it on fire.

After the wax has hardened, the bottle must be shaken nine times, while reciting any protective spell in any form. In other words, you need to voice what the created protective bottle should protect you from.

Important! If salt remains, it cannot be used for cooking. It definitely needs to be thrown away.

The protective bottle should be stored in one of the cabinets in any living room. Strong protection works for a month, but then begins to weaken. It is recommended to create a new protective bottle every month. The used amulet must be buried somewhere in a deserted place.

Protective amulets

Since ancient times, people have protected themselves from the evil eye and damage with the help of amulets. Amulets made independently were considered especially effective. One of these methods is suggested traditional healers. To do this, you first need to prepare a small wooden box and several church candles.

Then you need to find time and go to the courtyard of the old temple, where you pick a leaf, fruit, flower or small twig from a tree. This item must be carefully wrapped in a new white piece of fabric and then placed in your pocket. Upon arrival home, you need to transfer the item into a saucer, light a candle and gradually drown it with wax. After hardening, the wax cake must be rolled so that it fits into the prepared wooden box.

You should close it, take it in your right hand and read the magic words over it:

“Light strong energy will protect from evil and damage.”

From this moment on, the item turns into a protective amulet and must always be kept with you. It should be remembered that it only acts individually and will be absolutely useless for another person.

You can also protect yourself from damage using a mirror amulet. To do this, you need to make a custom-made double-sided mirror with an approximate diameter of 4 cm. You need to cover it yourself with a piece of genuine black leather and constantly carry it with you in the heart area or around the neck. In the second case, you cannot use chains of precious metals, as they will reduce the power of the amulet.

This is a very simple method of protection, which is very easy to apply in practice. Almost every person, when getting dressed, fastens or ties some kind of fastener on his clothing. So, when fastening zippers, buttons or tying shoelaces, you should mentally recite a protective spell.

It sounds like this:

“With this lock on my clothes I protect myself from various bad words, looks and hostile thoughts. At any time of the day I will be protected, and external negativity will not harm me! From now on and forever!

Also, these words need to be repeated mentally when you close the front door to your home with the key. This will protect not only yourself, but also family members.

When you do not believe in the power of any additional attributes to protect against the evil eye and damage, then there is no particular point in using them. But in this case, you should remember that you can rely on your internal natural capabilities and reliably protect yourself with the power of thought.

To protect yourself from negativity, you need to concentrate on yourself as much as possible, imagining that there is no one around you and you are completely alone. Then you should hold your fists tightly and clearly imagine how shiny gold or silver threads are piercing you. In esotericism, it is believed that gold and silver have the ability to purify human energy and create a protective shell that blocks the penetration of any negativity.

In the process of such visualization, you need to mentally say the following words:

“Every person who tries to send an attack on me will take it for himself. I am protected by the forces of light, and I wish all people well. So it will be.”

If you succeed, then almost immediately you will feel your thoughts clearing up and a significant improvement in your well-being. Moreover, if an energy attack was made on you, then looking around, you will notice that one of the people nearby felt ill.

Very often there is a need to protect not only yourself, but also your home from targeted negative influences. There is a very strong ritual that is performed on the twelfth lunar day.For the ritual, you must first prepare the following attributes:
    Salt, which must be blessed in the temple on Maundy Thursday; Nine wax candles; Holy water; Coins, the number of which is equal to the number of corners in all rooms of the home.
The ritual begins with the placement of prepared coins in all corners of the rooms. A candle is lit at the entrance to the house. The flame of this candle sets fire to another candle. With it you will need to enter each room and walk around its perimeter. While saying these words:

“Lord Almighty and All-Powerful, deliver me, the Servant of God (proper name), and my home from the evil deeds of ill-wishers and godless seductions. Cover and protect me and my family from dangerous snares in the secret dreams of Your salvation. Lord Almighty and All-Powerful, grant me true courage and strength to resist filth and evil. I will not renounce You, the Savior of people, I will not renounce the Holy Church. Amen".

While walking around the rooms, you should remember the corners at which the candle begins to crack. After you go around all the rooms with a candle, you need to go to the threshold where another candle is burning. Place two candles next to each other and whisper the following words over them:

After this, you need to light the third candle and go through the corners where the previous candle crackled. All corners should be crossed with a lit candle. During this process, you should repeat the above spell again. After this, the candle should be placed in the middle of the room and left from there. You can return after the candle burns out. Candle stubs should be collected and thrown away. This ritual should be repeated in a row for three days. On the fourth day you need to collect the coins placed in the corners of the rooms and visit the temple. There you should put candles for the health of everyone living in the house in front of the icon of the Mother of God. You can pray, and then you should definitely turn in your own words with a request to the Mother of God for protection from external influences of your home and everyone living in it. The collected coins must be left in the church and before leaving the temple you should collect holy water. Arriving home, you should sprinkle all the rooms around the perimeter with blessed water, and sprinkle a little salt near the windows and threshold. In this way, you can not only cleanse the room of negativity, but also provide reliable protection for long time. Moreover, it will be so strong that any person with negative intentions and thoughts simply will not be able to enter your home. In addition, such a ritual also protects from all natural evil spirits and evil spirits. You should believe that you can independently protect yourself from damage and the evil eye. Your sincere desire to protect yourself and your loved ones will allow you to invest your natural energy in any protective magical ritual. And this is precisely the main condition for ensuring effective protection from any negative outside influence. Protection from damage is very important, since it will not allow external negative targeted influence to damage the human energy field. But at the same time, you need to remember that a positive attitude and a friendly attitude towards the entire world around you can reduce any negativity.

It happens that a person cannot figure out the reason for his poor health or illness, tries to look for the root of the problem in medicine, and in turn simply throws up his hands in helplessness. Sooner or later a person will come to the conclusion that feeling unwell or a streak of bad luck may not be related to health as such, the reason may lie in a negative black influence from the outside, that is, damage or the evil eye. To prevent this from happening, magicians recommend preventing damage and the evil eye; then we will talk about how to protect yourself and your family.

Why is magical protection so important?

Many of you may think that it is extremely difficult to receive magical harm at the present time, because few people in the 21st century would want to practice magic, cause damage or send an eye. It is worth saying that this opinion is wrong, because often you can simply jinx it involuntarily, mentally, so you need to know how to install protection against damage. This can happen if a person has powerful energy, is jealous of you, or wishes harm. This effect is called the evil eye, its strength will directly depend on whether the performer of the ritual has real power or whether what happened can be called an accident.

Separately, it is worth mentioning those cases when damage and harm are caused on purpose, that is, intentionally. In this version, the person who ordered or performed the ritual reads certain magical prayers and uses ritual objects that should harm you. This influence is called damage; it is worth saying that it is extremely difficult to remove and remove it. Therefore, as in the treatment of diseases, it is better to install protection against damage and the evil eye than to bother removing it, canceling it or returning it to the performer.

It is also necessary to say that the victim of magic does not immediately understand that something is wrong with him. Usually, quite a long time passes before the thought comes to mind that this is damage or the evil eye.

As for removing the negative impact, removing it is not always as easy as it is described on the Internet or in films on this topic. Firstly, you need to have a certain energy strength, at least minimal knowledge of magic, and also be deeply confident that everything will succeed. In addition, it is worth saying that often avoiding negative side effect fails, since the performer of the ritual can take all the negativity upon himself. This phenomenon in magic is called the reverse side or rollback, and it happens quite often. In order not to tempt fate, it is better to take care in advance to put up protection in advance and strengthen your own energy field.

Universal protection against magic

So let's move on to detailed description How exactly protection against magic is put in place, what is worth mentioning is the extraordinary power of amulets, talismans, amulets and even tattoos. Such objects usually have the most powerful protective energy power. In order for them to gain such power, they need to find a suitable object that will be constantly nearby, and also read certain words on it, that is, perform a ritual.

We will describe the simplest method that will reliably protect you from amateur magic, that is, witchcraft that was performed independently at home without the involvement of professionals.

As soon as you feel the slightest deviation in your health, and the symptoms do not resemble a common cold, proceed to the following steps. You need to put your palms together, as is usually done during prayer, then stand in front of the mirror and say the following words:

“Let the blackness go to the blackness, take away the darkness and return the light. Let this abyss open and light appear on my path. God, help me to be strong, amen.”

Protective talisman

As was already said earlier, talismans and amulets can become the strongest protection against magic from the outside, and they can be made independently at home; you do not need to have any special knowledge.

Today we will look at one of the most powerful talismans, amulet with pentagrams. To make it yourself you will need:

  • Sheet of cardboard
  • Black ink
  • Herbal mixture must include wormwood
  • A leather bag, you can buy it or sew it yourself
  • A piece of red thread

The first thing you need to do is cut out three absolutely identical squares, usually the side of the geometric figure is no more than 5 cm. After this, you need to draw a certain ritual design on each side with ink, this is a cross. Moreover, in the first picture it will be one cross, in the second – two, in the third – three. To enhance the effect, magicians, witches and sorcerers recommend grinding the herb and adding it directly to the ink, this will increase the chances of providing strong protection against damage for yourself. Some magicians put a small photo of the person who ordered the ritual there.

Now you need to use a red thread to connect all three pictures together by completely tying them up. When the bundle is ready, put it in a bag and sprinkle generously with herbs. We can say that the talisman is ready. Now, in order for it to fulfill its purpose, you must always carry it with you, and the closer to your heart it is, the more powerful the protection will be.

Mirror conspiracy

The advantages of such a mirror ritual are to put a barrier against negative black magic, as well as protect a person from all sorts of life troubles that happen periodically to each of us. The first thing you need to do is order or buy a mirror; it will help protect yourself from negativity. It is worth saying that it must be new, round and have a certain size - the diameter of the circle must be 4 centimeters.

In addition, an important condition is that the mirror must be two-way. After the necessary item is purchased, you need to cover it with black leather or velvet, and then carry it with you constantly in your bag or pocket.

Protective spell for salt

There are many conspiracies and rituals that are performed using salt as a guide; there are the same prayers for protection. Prayer words should be spoken so that your lips are as close as possible to the crystals; even a slight touch of your lips is allowed.

In the evening, when the moon is already visible in the sky, close yourself in a room and begin reading the magic words:

“I’ll pour salt into the eyes of the offenders, let them choke on their evil words and hatred, let it stand in their way in grief, let them bypass me. Amen".

Now in front of you is no longer ordinary salt, but enchanted salt. It should be placed in a thick bag, sewn with your own hands, and carried with you as often as possible. It is recommended to place it under your pillow while sleeping.

Needle protection

You can also provide protection against the evil eye and damage using a needle. The ritual described can be performed many times, for example every day before going to bed. The key item in this case is a needle. Wait for a starry night, take a needle with the fingers of your right hand and mentally pierce three stars located in the sky. At the same time, it is important to imagine in your imagination that a ball of cosmic energy is formed at the tip of the needle, which will subsequently work for your protection. It is worth saying that this ritual connects not just cosmic energy, but uses a mechanism such as visualization, which turns out to be extremely useful in many aspects of human life.

Try to use your imagination as much as possible, because the success of the ceremony will directly depend on this. Next, you need to carry such a needle with you, but do this very carefully so as not to injure yourself or prick yourself.

Traditional pin

Few of us do not know that a pin has long been used by people to protect against the evil eye and damage; it is customary to pin it on the back of clothes. Usually, an area for wearing is chosen so that the magical object is located as close to the heart as possible, which is why women often attach it to their bra. It is worth saying that there is no need to carry out any special prayers or rituals; the pin itself is an object that can protect you from negativity. Let's learn how to properly install protection against damage using a pin.

It is important to understand in time when it is time to change the pin. To do this, you need to carefully inspect it every day and change it as necessary. If you find that the sharp tip of the product has darkened, this indicates that the pin has already fulfilled its purpose and prevented negative magical effects in your direction. Before attaching a new one, you need to read the Lord’s Prayer, cross yourself three times and spit over your right shoulder. A used amulet cannot just be thrown away, it can only be buried, and fastening it before this is strictly prohibited, this means a lot.

Pouch for protection

Protection bags are used as often as pins, this is explained by the fact that they are very easy to make yourself without outside help. Sew a small bag that will be convenient to carry with you, it is advisable to choose red fabric for this, this color has energetic power. Now take care of the contents of the talisman. The following herbs need to be collected:

  • Verbena
  • Dill
  • Chamomile
  • Yarrow

In addition to herbs, do not forget to put one teaspoon of salt inside. Now that the product is filled, you need to read a special prayer while holding it in your hands, and then tie it tightly with a rope.

“I will not hide my strength in a bag, Opr Shoea Shoren. Let me shield myself from evil by force, Opr Shoev is blind. Go the other way. Amen.".

It is advisable to never part with this product; always carry it with you, wherever you are - at home or at work.

Closing spell

To perform this ritual you will not need any special items. All you have to do is read certain words while fastening the zipper, buttons or tying the laces on your shoes. This will seal your internal energy inside and prevent anything outside from penetrating into it. The words that should be pronounced are as follows:

“Al Kharabudeh, Zhivr Lorp, golb ayn.”

These words will help lock a person’s biofield and protect him from the evil eye and damage.

If remembering the words of an ancient spell is too difficult, you can use a modern interpretation of a locking spell that offers Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova:

“Lock the lock with a bolt, don’t let an evil word break through the reservation, let another road wind nearby, but it won’t enter the house. Amen".

We install protection using rowan

Spells and rituals that involve natural ingredients, have always been considered one of the strongest and brightest. So, to protect a person from magic, you can use rowan. Find a virgin untouched rowan bush, tear off two branches from it and bring it home. Already at home, fold them so that a cross is formed, and then tie them tightly with red silk thread. During these manipulations, whisper the following words of white magic:

“Ord Natiyov, naor kinda, natiy dolr.”

The branches should be placed as close to the front door as possible; they will prevent negative energy and influence from entering the confines of your house or apartment, and will also help cleanse the house of existing damage or the evil eye.

We protect your home from the evil eye and damage

Individual protection is not always enough, so it is recommended to additionally protect a house or apartment; it is impossible to install protection on a home in a church; the ceremony is carried out exclusively indoors. To maximize the effect, you first need to consecrate your house or apartment. To do this, you can invite a priest to your house who will conduct a Christian prayer. Orthodox rite or do everything yourself. To perform an independent ritual you will need holy water and church candles. Light the candles, walk with them around the house, reciting the Lord’s Prayer, and then sprinkle all the corners with water.

Now you can proceed to the direct barrier spell, that is, to put protection against damage. To carry it out you will need onions, needle and red thread. It is worth saying that the number of bulbs should correspond to the number of rooms in the house or apartment. You need to use a needle and thread to string the bulbs, as if you were making beads. At the same time, after stringing each of them, tie the bow for strength. Now this bundle must hang in the apartment near the front door for exactly seven nights, after which the magical product must be burned in a fire.

Protection for the whole family

Each of us strives to protect not only ourselves, but also our entire family - mother, beloved husband, children, grandchildren, and so on. To establish collective protection, that is, to protect a family, you need to go to the nearest forest early in the morning, collect aspen branches and bring them home. Put them in a single pile and say the words of the magic spell:

“My family is my fortress, I won’t let anyone in, I’m building a fortress against evil.”

After this, say other words, call each family member by name, including young children.

“I conjure you, (name), from unclean magic, from the evil eye, from black thoughts, from cursed enemies and ill-wishers, from vile feelings, from the envy of another person. Sending you strength and wisdom, man. Amen".

As for repetitions, you can repeat the ritual, but not more often than once a calendar year, as experienced magicians say. Now you know how to put the right protection against the evil eye and damage to your family.

How to protect your family from damage

If you feel that something wrong is going on in the family, you suspect damage, there is no time to hesitate, you should take action immediately. Take a Christian icon, preferably an image of the saints Faith, Hope, Love, read a prayer on it early in the morning immediately after waking up and late in the evening before going to bed.

It is worth saying that the same spell can be used for casting; they are often used by magicians in their work.

Ritual with coins and candle

This ritual is considered one of the most difficult, but at the same time effective. With its help, you can provide protection not only for yourself, but also resolve the issue of providing protection for all family members. The first thing to do is choose the right time - the night of the waxing moon. To perform the ritual, you will need exactly nine candles purchased from a temple or church, a pinch of salt, water blessed in the church and nine coins of the same denomination. Coins need to be placed in the corners of the apartment; this is done at the very beginning of the ritual. Now light the first candle and place it so that it stands in the middle of the apartment or house. Light the second candle from the flame of the first and follow into the room. You have to walk around the entire room very carefully, without missing a single corner and cranny, while whispering the following words:

“God, be merciful, show us your grace, protect man from demons and the devil, do not let magicians disturb our peace. Let the tears remain behind the threshold and touch you in your sleep. May faith in you, my God, be strong and unshakable.”

Thus, it is necessary to use all the candles except the last one; leave it to complete the ritual. As for the coins, they need to be scattered chaotically near the first candle; at the end of the protection ritual, they are collected and distributed to the poor and needy, or taken to church.

Now you know how to independently install protection against evil eye damage. In conclusion, it is worth saying that absolutely anyone can cast a protective spell; for this it is not necessary to have experience in using magic. There is only one condition under which the ritual will work - your thoughts must be completely pure, you cannot commit any trespasses or sins. If this happens, be sure to repent and ask God for forgiveness, only then proceed to witchcraft.

Today I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you about the magical protection of a person from curses and witchcraft. And we will talk directly about the defenses used by magicians. Every experienced magician and every beginner has his own results of work. Almost all practicing sorcerers, when performing a ritual, make their own adjustments, nuances, and do things the way they are used to working. Some beginners also decide to experiment, having a goal protect yourself from curses, damage and strong magical negativity. True, this can be done if only there is an understanding of what is being done and what the intended result is. But whatever you do, you must take into account your strength.

Lunar days for the ritual of protection against curses, damage and witchcraft

There are special lunar days when the sorcerer must put protection and amulets. The energy of these lunar days is most suitable for creating magical protections.

  • 1st lunar day - on this day amulets are created, as well as amulets aimed at personal reliable protection from damage and evil.
  • 3rd lunar day - work is underway to install only personal protection. Work in this regard is not desirable for others.
  • 4th lunar day - on this lunar day a magician for family and home. Such amulets remove negativity from the home, allowing you to protect yourself from damage at home.
  • 7th lunar day – on these lunar days light protections are placed. It is on this day that shields of this type fall especially well.
  • 10th lunar day – setting up any protections. It is very good on this day to make protections with an appeal to the ancestors, protect yourself from curses.
  • 17th lunar day - this day is also very good for creating protective amulets.
  • 30 lunar day – making amulets for the home. Strong protections are put in place against curses, envy, the evil eye, and linings.

How to protect yourself from damage and witchcraft - transfer to land through water

To begin with, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, want to offer a ritual for protecting a person with water, which you can use to protect yourself from everyday and witchcraft evil. You can use this amulet for the whole family. In many cases, this ritual works as a diversion. Do it yourself on the waning moon. The strength of the amulet depends on the strength of the one who made it. The magician-performer is working. There is no need to pay off when installing strong protection against black magic and damage. For an independent ritual you need to have:

  • bucket of clean water
  • handful of salt
  • working ritual knife

Home ritual of protection against witchcraft and damage works in two directions: with the power of salt you break the affairs of your enemies, and immediately put protection on the knife. In addition, there is a discharge of negativity into the ground. In general, the ritual, technically simple, should work very well for beginners in magic, at home.

On the waning moon, on a day suitable for establishing protection, you need to take a bucket clean water. Place it between your legs, hold a handful of salt in your left hand, and a ritual knife in your right. Salt is slowly poured into the water, while at the same time the sorcerer uses a knife to quickly rotate the water in the bucket counterclockwise.

At the same time, read the text of the conspiracy 3 times, which allows you to protect yourself from witchcraft at home:

“Just as this salt dissolved in the water, so all the witchcraft against me, before it reaches me, will dissolve and turn to dust. Just as this water goes into the ground, so the evil deeds of my enemies will go away from me and go into the ground. Amen".

Pour the water onto the ground. Protection will bring all the negativity towards the sorcerer to the ground. You can take a new, purchased knife, not a ritual one. You can leave it in the forest (pour out the water there too), or you can leave it at a pedestrian intersection where people walk. Or you can do it on a deserted, remote place, on forest paths, for example, or in a field. In this case, you need to call on the Forces, and they are the ones who pay off. These are precisely the same intuitive adjustments that magicians make, providing reliable protection against damage and evil.

Most are new to use practical magic, make the same mistake: they put up a talisman and think that this is the best protection for a person from damage, and that now you can relax and live in peace, if you already have protection. In fact, it's not like that. There is no universal protection against witchcraft, just as there is no powerful protection against any damage. Knowledgeable people make them a complex. Moreover, they constantly monitor the condition of their witchcraft amulets, strengthen and update them when the need arises.
A strong amulet - is this independent protection against damage, or any other, is unlikely to work. Moreover, if the magical attack is strong, then, most likely, the only defense will immediately burst. So, to protect against the forces of evil, you need to have several and different plans. Then security will be ensured for some time.

Install protection against damage and pads yourself

In witchcraft there are different methods of magical protection against damage, do a ritual for yourself. They put up such protection on the waxing moon. For it you will need: take linen threads and create a rope from them (weave a braid). Make a noose from a rope, and read a charm on it to protect against evil and magic:

“Like three crosses on a hill, like three devils in a mill, like three ghouls in a swamp, like three guides with me, and this noose is on me, so you can’t crucify me, you can’t burn me in the heat, you can’t drown me in a swamp, the guides can’t destroy me.” . A noose will hang on me, and my body will become thin, if it wants to squeeze, it will jump on the ground, it will pull me off, it will take me off, and it will take all the shit, and it will take all my sins, and it will give me thirty years of age, then I will strengthen myself, then I I will be famous for my life, then you will grow old, then you will turn gray, but I will be happy for centuries. Amen".

Place the noose around the neck and immediately cut it off with a knife. Yes, go and bury him in a personal grave. At the same time, say conspiracy words so that protect yourself from witchcraft, from any people, and so as not to fall under attack from a person who runs to sorcerers:

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

“You are a dead man, accept the cut noose, and make a special agreement, then you will crumble into dust, and add to my years. Amen".

Having made an effective protection from curses and damage, leave a memorial for the dead, and gifts to the Mistress of the cemetery, all in accordance with the rules of cemetery work.

Protection with snow - protect yourself through photos from damage and the evil eye

This protective ritual can be done for yourself, or you can do it for others - close people or relatives, if you have any. According to the text of the plot, there is an additional cleaning function. Perform a ritual on the waxing moon. Choose a day closer to the full moon. Here's what you need to take for the ceremony:

  • wax candle
  • cup with snow
  • photo of the person you are protecting

Light a candle. Place a photo under the candle. Place a container with snow next to it. On the candle, read the spell of the witchcraft amulet three times, so that protect yourself from damage at home:

“By seven roads, on seven rays, on damp earth I will build a hearth. Let the candle burn, wax flow onto the snow, let the frost weave a talisman on the snow. Alluvial evil, like melt water leaving in the spring. The candle will leave a trace in the ground, (name) will receive power. No one can take that power away, you drown, my wax, you burn, candle. Let my words be molded, for (name) careful, strong. Amen".

The candle should burn out completely, and you should wash your face with melt water. Do not wipe your face, let it dry. If any remains, bury the cinder under fruit tree. This strong photo protection from damage will protect:

  • from energy vampirism,
  • evil eye,
  • from verbal and ritual curses.

But it needs to be done in conjunction with other protective rituals. If the damage is done by a professional sorcerer, this protection alone will fall off and will not hold up.

Cemetery protection after removing the damage – Churchyard Shield

A proven, strong, long-term protective ritual. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will remind you that cemetery works (not always, however, but often) last longer than demonic works, or those created using personal witchcraft. I recommend that you immediately leave the purchase to the cemetery owners, and when you light a candle, put it on the grave and commemorate it. This is a powerful protection against damage and magical evil, as well as against everyday evil; per person it is placed for a long period of time.

Arriving at the cemetery, walk between the graves and read in a whisper the protective plot, a strong protection against curses and witchcraft evil:

“I ask for the churchyard army, so I ask for the owner of the churchyard. The coffin will open with a creak, but the path will stretch out before me, then walked with steps, but not seen by anyone, only known by the dead. So there is a black hut there, a military service station, a dead blacksmith's accomplice, then their swords are forged there, and the blades are hardened there, the damask steel is damask steel, and the steel is tacked there. The arrows there are sharpened, and the chain mail is knitted there, and the shield is made by that blacksmith, and that black forged shield is made from sins themselves, cooled with tears, solidified with prayers, and it is named. Not with a bow, but with a word, and a firm saying, and this shield was asked for, and requested by me, then I will hide with it, I will hide from the dashing, from the strangler, and the night destroyer, from the poison of the brew, from the church process, from the word of the witcher, from everything good and bad things that happen to me, then I can hide from everything, and hide with a shield, I can’t see the evil, I can’t foresee the bad, I can get along with each other, and measure my fate. Amen".

Read this plot 7 times, walking along the cemetery ground. And then on any abandoned grave (not necessarily on an unmarked one, but on one where there is a sign with the name of the deceased, but they forgot about the grave, do not visit or care for it) a candle must be placed. Light a candle and say a simple conspiracy so that protect yourself from damage, put up a mortal shield:

“Forged, crafted, and made into a shield for me. Amen".

Leave without looking back. Do not visit the cemetery for one lunar move, otherwise the protective ritual can be disrupted.

For the common man, evil awaits around every turn. And no one guarantees that a source of negative energy is not constantly hanging around you, trying to drag you into a sad story, which will undoubtedly backfire. Protection from witches is relevant today, even more than in ancient times. Evil has become more cunning, its methods more sophisticated. Let's talk about how to protect yourself from a witch, how to recognize one, and where to find strength to combat this terrible threat.

Do sorcerers and other evil entities exist?

You can talk for as long as you like about sorcerers, goblins, witches, there is little sense in this if a person denies them as a phenomenon. And everyone has to decide for themselves what is true and what is false, sometimes through their own painful experience. Evil forces do not take into account the victim’s opinion; disbelief plays into their hands. They infiltrate the consciousness and push them to strange, destructive, destructive actions, enjoying the torment human soul, feeding on its pure energy. The peoples of the world have known this for a long time. Therefore, people tried to figure out how to protect themselves from the witch.

Religion has given a lot in this regard. It unites people, which means it makes them stronger. After all, everyone relies on a common power resource, and this increases protection manifold. For example, many have heard that witchcraft works wonders. With its help, people get rid of terrible illnesses, straighten their fate, become happier, and feel freer. Prayer is a way to call for help from neighbors who profess the same faith. Their souls create a special entity, so to speak. Esotericists call such a formation an egregor. This is a combination of thoughts, feelings, hopes, that is, energy invested in a certain idea. Believers in the past and present, through prayers, unite forces into precisely such an energy formation. And everyone uses its potential as needed. It turns out to be a powerful shield against witchcraft, protection against witches, a source and a body. And in such groups in the energy-informational world all adherents of one or another idea or thought are united. Witches and sorcerers create their own egregors, and the enlightened ones work on the generation of opposing entities. We, one way or another, join one side or another when we make any decision in ordinary life. If you uttered a bad (obscene) word, the egregor of evil reached out to you; I felt sorry for the crying child - the bright essence was nearby. How does this relate to the topic of “protection from witchcraft”? Let's explain now.

Protection mechanism

Of course, you can simply talk about what magical manipulations should be performed in order to avoid the networks that dark forces are scattering around the world. But this is not enough. As it is now fashionable to say, the psyche must have a rationale for everything that happens. Otherwise, it inhibits the order of consciousness and ceases to act. Esotericists talk a lot about belief in miracles, in bioenergy and the like. But we live in a very realistic, pragmatic space. It is better to understand once what is happening and how it happens, in order to use it constantly, for the benefit of yourself and your loved ones, and to the detriment of witches and sorcerers.

And the mechanism is simple. Imagine two waves: black and light. Each has an autonomous energy source. They are trying to build it up and take up as much space in the world as possible, squeezing out the enemy. This opposition is eternal, like the Universe. And every single person takes part in it. It alternately connects to the energy source of one side or the other. Only saints constantly interact with good forces. Ordinary people give their energy to both participants in the confrontation. But sorcerers and witches shy away from the light side and cannot deal with it under any circumstances. They try to win over as many people as possible. After all, the warring parties on our planet have no other sources of life-giving energy - only human souls. Protection from witches is about tapping into the light side of this eternal struggle. She will cover the sufferer with her umbrella of goodness and drive away the negative creature along with its owner.

Practical methods of protection

Having learned theoretical basis, you can move on to specifics. Protection against witches consists of several stages. You cannot miss a single one, otherwise the meaning of the event will be lost. And you need to do the following:

  1. Identify the witch.
  2. Choose the best way to neutralize it.
  3. Apply it.
  4. Evaluate the result.
  5. Repeat if necessary.

You know, the first point of the above plan is often omitted. There is a risk of error here. We all tend to evaluate other people's behavior based on our own worldview. Sometimes we mistake the results of our mistakes, wrong intentions, and the like for evil spells. Then we appoint as a “witch” a person who is not involved in the situation and has no evil thoughts. And some protection rituals directly harm such a person. For example, a prayer from a witch covers the person who turns to her, isolating him with a dome from the alleged offender. This wall is not visible in the physical world, but is quite real and tangible in the energy world. It cuts off connections between people and stops the exchange of fields. And if you suspected your “offender” in vain, then aggression will fall on your head. And that person will suffer. Suspicion, not to mention confidence, is the same negative program. You use it to attack an innocent person no worse than a witch.

Ways to counteract evil

Have you noticed the second point of our action plan? There you can choose optimal method protection. This means that you need to have an idea of ​​what exactly they are, how they work, and what the advantages of one or another are. There's nothing particularly new here either. Protection from witches has been carried out in the following ways since ancient times:

  • prayer;
  • amulet;
  • special ritual.

What exactly is right for you? Look into your value system. It is necessary to take on the instrument that does not raise doubts. It is better for believers to pray, for atheists to speak, for realists to engage in auto-training, and the like. By the way, all psychological practices are special rituals in our system. Dark forces work at all levels of the subtle world. They penetrate thoughts, try to fill the astral plane with negativity, and reduce the vibrations of feelings and emotions. They have many ways to influence a person. And our job is not to give in, to be able to distinguish between their pernicious influence. If you use the scheme described above, stay close to the light, reject the machinations of the negative side of the confrontation. And then not a single witch will be afraid, the sorcerer will not be able to sneak up and harm. What is the bright side? You feel it subconsciously. Contact with her gives birth to sincere joy in the soul, unrelated to anything, like a child.

How to identify a witch

Evil forces are rich in invention. It is impossible to describe the witch’s appearance for certain and accurately. It is only in fairy tales that an ugly old woman with a hockey stick exists. In our real life, a witch takes the form of a beautiful maiden or a chic lady, depending on the target of the attack. She can pretend to be a friend or charity worker, a random passer-by or a colleague (boss). "Horror is everywhere!" - the optimist will exclaim with doubt, and the pessimist with fear. It's not all that scary. Logic and intuition will help you identify a witch. This man makes everyone feel bad. You've probably met such a person. She complains, tries to please or help, but everything is out of place. The more active he behaves, the more confusing the situation becomes. The witch's goal is to extract as much negativity as possible from the people around her. Each of her victims feels this intuitively. You just need to connect logical conclusions with inner insight. And reveal a terrible danger. But, by the way, there are not many real witches on the planet. Those who stupidly want to become black witches do not count. They cause more harm not to those around them, but to themselves.

Protective amulets and amulets

This method of resisting evil spells is thousands of years old, if not more. In ancient times, people endowed objects with magical powers, not yet realizing that they themselves filled them with light. And now they use amulets in great demand. They work independently, you activate them once and feel protected. The best amulets are given as gifts loving person. They are directly connected to the forces of light through feelings.

What kind of thing is suitable for making a talisman out of it? Every nation has its own traditions. For example, in the east they believe in a blue eye. This is a special glass talisman. It is believed that it collects dark energy. Many peoples understood and now welcome the magical properties of precious metals and minerals. Any decoration is a natural talisman. It distracts and scatters the witch's attention. It's no secret that evil entities are greedy. They are greedy for everything shiny, especially expensive trinkets. For the amulet to work, it must be activated. To do this, hold the thing in the sun, warm it, and fill it with life-giving energy. If it is a stone or jewelry, rinse it with running water first. Finally, hold it in your palms, feel its surface, remember. And also ask that from dark forces.


Believers rely on the Lord in their own confrontation with witchcraft. A conversation with the Almighty is more suitable for them. You can do it constantly, any time you feel threatened. For example, it is read against witchcraft so that the Lord will protect you from evil spells and your own sinfulness. That is, it protects from external and internal darkness. You need to visit the temple, buy candles and an icon. Before her and pray at home to get rid of the threatening situation. Words must come from the soul.

There is a special text in the prayer book. You can, of course, use it too. But in prayer it is important to open your heart to the Lord. Therefore, Jesus commanded to have a conversation with the Father for closed doors, with a pure soul, free from pride. And this is interpreted as using your own words. But let's give short text prayers to Saint Cyprian for those who are not yet able to fully open their souls. Here it is: “Lord Jesus! Hear the prayer of Your servant (your name) and Cyprian! Forgive my sins, committed through the temptation of the devil and human weakness. Lord, without Your will the birds do not fly in the sky, the vine does not grow, the tree does not bear fruit. Everything happens on earth according to Your will! I pray, Lord, by Your power, prohibit all witchcraft and sorcery that tempt a person, protect from the spells of the devil, strengthen the strength of Your servant (name). Autumn with Your mercy, do not let me perish from the evil spells, support me on the earthly path leading to Your holy abode. Amen!".

How to read witch spells

It should be noted that prayers only work for those who feel a connection with the Lord. In other cases, it is recommended to choose another tool, a spell from a witch, for example. Formulas were created by different magical schools. But they are all effective, since they are connected to the protection egregor. One has only to start reading special words, and this powerful force will rush to help the person in need. It has been created for as many centuries as religion has existed. Or rather, they came from the same root, and then diverged. The “protection from witch” plot awakens in the depths of the subconscious the most ancient instincts of kinship with the planet. All nature helps the psyche cope with the threat, resist the eternal evil personified by the witch. You need to read the words automatically, like believers “Our Father.” But the magic formula is not just a set of sounds, but interaction with nature.

It was recommended to pronounce the following spell while holding onto a tree or other plant. The words are: “I speak to the living, from evil enemy, from a sharp fang, from snake venom, from black fortune telling, from bad friendship, from the evil eye, from leprosy, from thinness and any misfortune. A star will not fall from the sky, but a witch will pass by! Amen!". The spell should be learned by heart so that the words do not fly out of your head under stress. It is read at the moment when you feel evil directed in your direction. And the faster you react, the less chance the witch has of taking over a piece of your energy.

What to do if a witch caused harm

Witchcraft produces a change in a person's aura. This phenomenon is popularly called spoilage. To remove it and correct the damage, it is necessary to perform a special ritual. The spoilage is cast with wax, rolled out with an egg, and removed with salt. Any ritual will do. At home, for example, you can use regular salt. You need to take a frying pan. Sprinkle salt on it with a wooden spoon and warm it while reading prayers. Magi recommend the following texts: “Our Father”, Psalm 90, “May God rise again!” Stir the salt and say the words of prayers. The whole ceremony lasts from fifteen minutes to an hour, or even two. Its effectiveness is judged by the behavior of the salt. It smokes - damage comes out, it smokes - strong witchcraft, does not emit gases - suspicions are groundless. After the ritual, it is necessary to install protection from the witch. And to do this, you should buy a talisman and activate it (see above).

It should be noted that independent work does not always help to completely get rid of witchcraft. The result of the confrontation depends on the balance of forces. If you feel that you cannot overcome it, then urgently seek help. And she may be very close. For example, it is customary for Muslims to make dua. Old women gather in the house of a man stricken by witchcraft and read suras from the Koran over the poor man. So, everyone comes together and copes with grief, driving out the messenger of dark forces.

Personal war

You know, a person cannot live to old age and never encounter evil. Confronting witches, sorcerers and other entities is part of our earthly experience. You shouldn't be afraid of this. It is important to understand that in this world a person is free, that is, he decides for himself which side of the eternal confrontation to support at any given moment. And only after making a mistake does he need advice on how to get rid of the witch. Its presence in your destiny suggests that there is something in your soul that attracts the dark side. These forces don’t just send their messengers to people. They wait for a signal that the victim is ready to cooperate. Analyze your reaction to events last days, before realizing that they had become the victim of a witch. Emotions such as envy, jealousy, resentment, dissatisfaction, anger and others show dark side that you are ready to join the ranks of its adherents. Do not attract this force only absolutely happy people. This is the most insurmountable defense for a witch! Be happy all the time, strive for creativity, love and receive the same feelings in return. No sorcerer will come close. You also need to have courage in your soul. It strengthens protection with light. Good luck!

Protective spells - amulets

When reading protective conspiracies, use visualization. Imagine that you are completely protected, that you are in a transparent sphere. See your loved ones protected. This will strengthen the power of the conspiracy.

Safe words in any dangerous situation

This conspiracy is read to oneself in moments of danger. This is a very strong amulet. It works simultaneously as protection, help and punishment of those who harm you.

The Mother of God is behind, the Lord is ahead.

The Mother of God is ahead, the Lord God is behind.

What happens to them will also happen to me - they will help me. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Conspiracy against all dangers

The Lord gave me a way, and evil spirit gave me anxiety.

The Lord will defeat evil and free us from evil. God is holy and God is strong. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Conspiracy - a talisman against trouble

Read this amulet regularly to protect yourself from all kinds of misfortunes.

Heavenly Savior, be in front,

Guardian angel, stay behind

Queen of Heaven, be above your head,

Save me safe from evil people and sudden death.

Lord, save and preserve. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Protective amulet of salvation

A strong conspiracy from enemies. This conspiracy is used in cases where a person has an enemy from whom one can expect the worst, even death.

Be marked, servant of God (name), with the life-giving cross at your right hand and one, in front, behind. The cross is on me, the servant of God (name), the cross is in front of me, the cross is behind me. May the entire host of enemies flee from my cross. The power of the cross will flash like lightning, scorching and blinding enemies. Near me is Christ and all the power of heaven: Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael, archangels and angels. The Lord's powers and terrible ones, seraphim, holy guardian angels, devoted to me to preserve my soul and body from holy baptism. The angels of God pray for me to the Savior Christ, to save me from my enemies, to bless this amulet. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You can cast this spell on wax, stick a drop of this wax on your body cross and wear it as usual.

♦ ♦ ♦

Protective shield against treachery and deceit

This amulet will protect well from deception when signing various contracts, obligations, loans and documents.

Great Martyr of Christ, Saint George,

You are the Lord's indestructible warrior.

For centuries, your sword was, is and will be invincible.

Strengthen me with your holy army, with your might.

Put my enemies to shame, shield me with your shield,

Defend against devilish cunning and deception.

And who wants to bypass your border,

He will not escape the hand of your saint.

♦ ♦ ♦

Prayer-amulet "Seven Crosses" for the whole family

I lay down the first cross from the Holy Spirit,

The second cross from the Lord God,

The third cross from Jesus Christ the son of God,

The fourth cross from the Guardian Angel of the servant of God (name),

The fifth cross from the Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary,

The sixth cross from the west to the rollout,

The seventh cross from earth to heaven.

Seven crosses will close the house with seven locks.

The first castle - from all kinds of troubles,

The second is from poverty, poverty,

The third - from burning tears,

The fourth is from theft,

Fifth - from spending,

Sixth - from illness and infirmity,

And the seventh is the strongest, bringing up the rear of the six,

Locks me forever, guards my house. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Amulet from danger

This amulet will protect you from real danger, from attack, even when you are threatened with a weapon.

Holy Sovereign Savior and holy Sovereign Archangel Michael, protect, O Lord, from the evil of man and adversary for every hour and for every time, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Protective sphere

Visualize how a silvery sphere surrounds you, reflecting all the bad things. Say 3 times:

Inside me is the Power of the Goddess!

Around me is God's Grace!

♦ ♦ ♦


When tying shoelaces, fastening buttons, putting on a ring, say:

I close myself with this lock from an evil deed, from a black eye, from bad words. So that you have neither access nor semi-access to me, neither on the road, nor on the road, nor at work, nor at rest, neither at night nor during the day. These words are my key and lock, now and forever. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Amulet "Family Shield"

To set up the amulet, you need to take a lock of hair from each family member. Place them on a piece of white cloth. Light a candle bought in the temple on a major holiday and, dripping wax onto your hair, read:

Now I am creating a faithful and reliable stronghold for my family,

It’s not a house or a wall, but protective words.

Whoever goes against the servants of God (names) with evil and envy,

He will find his last refuge in the graveyard from the protective shield.

Like this candle from the holy day is now in my hand,

It is so true that all our enemies are deprived of power by God.

Whoever touches us with evil and envy will get it back a hundredfold.

Now and forever, so that there is no person who would go against us,

Otherwise, I might find myself a grave.

For now and forever, these words are a true shield and a wall.

I speak, I reprimand, I affirm with a word, I speak.

The word is strong, the deed is true. Amen

Then wrap the fabric and tie it with a rope and hide it in the house away from prying eyes.

♦ ♦ ♦

Conspiracy - a talisman against curses

If someone curses you, then immediately read a special protective spell so that nothing bad comes to you.

The Cross stands on the mountain, Mother Mary slept on a high rock.

She saw the suffering of Jesus Christ in a dream,

How they nailed His feet, crucified His hands,

They placed a crown of thorns on His forehead, and poured out His hot blood.

Angels with high heaven They flew down and placed cups under His blood.

Whoever puts his hand to this prayer,

He will never and will never suffer torment.

The Lord will save him, take him under His hands,

It will save you from trouble, protect you from all evil.

He will not allow death, he will not allow enemies to be cursed.

Angels will cover him with their wings and wash away any curses with holy water.

Anyone who knows these words reads them three times a day,

He will not burn in fire, will not drown in water, and will not shed a drop of his blood.

The Lord was, the Lord is, the Lord will always be!

The Lord will never forget me, God’s servant (name).

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Conspiracy - amulet

If they start cursing you during a quarrel or if someone looks at you badly, mentally say:

There is a circle around me, it was not I who drew it, but my Mother of God. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Conspiracy - a talisman against a bad person

Say it before meeting a bad person. You can write this plot on paper and carry it with you. Once a month it needs to be rewritten again.

The lamb is afraid of the wolf

The wolf is afraid of the lynx

And you are a servant of God (name)

Fear me, servant of God (name).

Amen. Amen. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Salvation Conspiracy

Read until the sun shines.

I will go, blessed, from the hut through the doors into the vestibule,

From the entryway to the yard, from the yard to the gate,

Under the red sun, under an open field.

In an open field stands the holy church of God,

And the royal doors themselves dissolve,

The servant of God (name) himself is charmed by sorcerers,

From witches, from witches, from witches.

Who thinks bad things about me?

Consider him to be a forest in the forest, sand in the sea, and stars in the sky,

Forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Conspiracy from trouble

They read once loudly, once in a whisper and once to themselves.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I'm standing at the cross. The cross is church beauty.

The cross is praise for the martyrs, and help for the suffering.

I’ll come closer to the cross and bow to it lower.

Protect and defend from enemies and foes,

From their tongues, their batogs, from their fire and sword, from infliction.

Lord, send a blessing,

So that I stand unshakable and indestructible, like the Holy Cross. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Conspiracy - a talisman for lovers

Buy a small clay pot without haggling or change. There, put a photo of yourself and your lover, a strand of hair and two new consecrated silver crosses. Sprinkle with holy water, close the lid and drip wax from a burning candle around the perimeter. At the same time, read the plot:

I create a security guard, I erect a talisman on the servants of God (names)

Just as the Alatyr stone is strong, so are my words,

Just as the Alatyr stone is flammable, so are my deeds powerful.

How (names) are united by fate, blessed by the Lord,

So it will happen and nothing can prevent this union.

Whoever decides to interfere with them, whoever decides to use witchcraft,

That’s two meters of grave depth, and a funeral cross.

I protect them with a cross, I seal candles with fire, and I cover them with holy water.

Amen, amen, amen over amens, amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Conspiracy from energy vampires

Mother of God, Mother of God, You are the Mother of God, don’t let anyone take away my happiness, my share. Cover me with a shroud. God in heaven, God on earth, God in me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Conspiracy - a talisman against all enemies and witchcraft

Lord Jesus, have mercy on us!

I pray, servant of God (name), to the icon, the cross, the true Christ,

To the Lord God, the King of Heaven.

The Lord God heard and sent his angel to me, God’s servant (name). Amen.

An angel descends from heaven, dresses himself in golden bows,

At a distance of bows, at a distance of arrows.

They shoot through the gray clouds, shoot the enemy away from me,

Any enemy - blood and dear.

Whoever approaches me with witchcraft will fall under fire from an angel’s arrows.

The arrow will fly and defeat a foreign and blood enemy.

Be, my words, to everyone in full.

Which word was silent, she spoke through the mouth of an angel.

Be, my words, stronger than a damask knife.

Century after century from now on to eternity. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Conspiracy to protect your home from misfortunes

Power of heaven, give me protection. The power of heaven, give my children protection.

Lie down, protect me, on my threshold, on my trail from vain tears and from all sorts of troubles.

From enemies I know and from those I don't know

From lies, from water, from fire, from wounds, from words and from swords,

From the youngest and from the eldest, from the first and from the last.

As strength comes from heaven, so does help from God. Amen. Amen. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Conspiracy - a talisman against enemies

If you have enemies ready to interfere with you. Before leaving the house, you should read the following charm charm:

Jesus came down from God's Heaven,

I took the golden cross with me.

I washed myself with the dawns, wiped myself with the sun,

Crossed with a golden cross

And locked himself with locks.

Let these castles be in the sea.

Who will drink this sea and drive away the sands,

The enemy will not come to that.

Jesus Christ, You are the Son of God,

Save, save from all evil at all times. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Conspiracy - a talisman against witchcraft

Yarilo, red sun, put a fiery wall around me, protective, not pierceable by any witchcraft. Protect your son (name) from any witchcraft now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Conspiracy - a talisman against enemies

Remember me, O God, for health, and remember my enemies for peace.

Lead me, Lord, among my enemies along the most invisible path.

My concerns are for the angels, the angels of care are for the archangels.

You, archangels, stand behind my back and cover me with an invisible cover.

There is a concern from this whole world, from all this white light, so that my enemies do not see me,

As I passed by, I didn’t notice, just as blind people don’t notice anything, they don’t distinguish between day and night.

I will pass - they will stand like a pillar, I will leave from under their hands in a smoke.

And just as smoke cannot be collected by the wind, so it is impossible to detain me.

Lips, teeth, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Book of Curses


IN MAGIC, these are special SPELLS that cause misfortune, illness, death of the victim or damage to it. Being the most dangerous form of magic, curses are common throughout the world. They are "cast" primarily as revenge or influence, but also for protection purposes, usually of homes, treasures, graves and cemeteries. The curse takes effect either immediately or after many years. Curses can be “imposed” on entire families, afflicting many generations.

The word CURSE is often used as a synonym for the word CURSE. Among Pennsylvania witches of Dutch origin, however, the word hex (spell) is used to denote both beneficent and harmful spells. In Neopagan Witchcraft, some witches use the term "spell" to mean a special binding spell, distinct from a simple curse.

A curse can be cast by any person simply by expressing a desire for such and such a person to suffer such and such harm. However, the effectiveness of the curse depends on the condition and position of the curser. Curses are believed to be more powerful—and therefore more dangerous—when cast by people of authority, such as priests, priestesses, or royalty; people skilled in the arts of magic, such as witches, warlocks and magicians; people who cannot take revenge in any other way, such as women (in most societies), the poor, the sick and those near death. Curses pronounced on a deathbed have greatest strength, since all vital energy the curser leaves with this curse.

If the victim knows that he is cursed, or believes that he is doomed to death, the effectiveness of the curse is enhanced, since in this case the victim himself is helping to bring about his own death. This phenomenon is called sympathetic magic. However, witches and wizards say that curses work even without such knowledge on the part of the victim. Indeed, many claim that they never let their victim know that they are being cursed, so as to prevent another witch from breaking the spell.

Like a blessing, a curse consists in calling on supernatural forces to produce some action that changes the state of affairs. The distinction between benefit and harm is created by inner intention. With the exception of neo-pagan witches, witches and warlocks in most societies throughout history have used both blessings and curses on other people, whether in response to payment from their clients or to a court verdict. Plato notes in the Republic: “If anyone wants to harm an enemy, then for a small fee they (sorcerers) cause harm to both good and evil people, calling on the gods to serve their purposes with spells and curses.”

People who feel they have been cursed may turn to the same witch or warlock to break it for an additional fee, or they will turn to another witch to break the curse on them. In the latter case, witches can engage in a magical duel in order to test which of them has more power.

Perhaps the most common method of cursing is using a figure or portrait of the victim. In ancient India, Persia, Egypt, Africa and Europe, wax figurines were very common and continue to be used to this day. Figurines can also be made of clay, wood or cotton-stuffed material (rag dolls). The wax figurines are painted, marked or labeled with something that has a connection with the victim - a strand of hair, nails, secretions, clothing, even dust from the soles of her shoes - then these figurines are melted or burned in a fire. When the figurine melts or burns, the victim suffers, and when it completely disappears, the victim dies.

The Egyptians often used wax figurines of Alep, a monster who was the enemy of the sun. The magician wrote the name Alep in green ink on the figurine, wrapped it in new papyrus and threw it into the fire. While the figurine was burning, the magician struck it four times with his left foot. The ashes of the burnt figurine were mixed with excrement and thrown into another fire. In addition, the Egyptians placed wax figurines in tombs. Wax images were very popular during the Middle Ages and Renaissance in Europe, and many witches were accused of using them to cast curses. JAMES I, King of England, in a book he wrote called Demonology (1597), tells how witches cause disease and death by melting wax figurines: “Some others of whom I speak, he (the devil) taught how to make images out of wax or clay. When these images are placed on the fire, the people whom they depict and whose names are inscribed on them begin to wither and wither from the disease that constantly torments them from that moment on.

They can bewitch and take the lives of men or women by burning their images in the fire, as I said above, which they also apparently do for their Master; and although this wax instrument has no second effect if it does not turn out very well, but when the cursed one is conjured and obeys, and his wax image melts in the fire, even then it can partially succeed, as I just said, for the spirit , at first simply painful and weak, as happens to patients, can become even weaker, as happens in the most pitiful state of the body. On the other hand, since there is no agreement among the sent spirits that cause such a strong disorder in the victim, a digestive disorder that weakens his insides so much, the condition of the body begins to radically deteriorate, and therefore it is not able to accept any new a good piece of food, so that, owing to the inability of digestion, the victim eventually dies, and this happens after the image is completely destroyed in the fire." As an alternative to melting in the fire, pins, spikes or knives can be stuck into the figurines. The figurines can also be replaced with hearts Animals and people's hearts, animal bodies, or objects that decompose quickly, such as eggs, are buried in the ground; a curse is pronounced so that the victim will die as soon as the object decomposes.

In Ireland, "curse stones" are stones that are stroked and rotated to the left while a curse is pronounced over them. It is often said that precious and semi-precious stones have the ability to transmit curses; The Hope Diamond, bought by Louis XIV in 1668 from Tavernier, is believed to have been cursed because all its owners quickly fell ill, were unhappy and soon died.

One of the most famous curses is believed to be the "curse of the mummy" of Tutankhamun. When the Earl of Carnarvon and Howard Carter excavated the burial chamber of Tutankhamun in 1922, in the next chamber they discovered a clay tablet with an inscription that read: “Death will cover with its wings anyone who disturbs the peace of the pharaoh.” Six months later, Carnarvon died from an infection brought into his body by a mosquito bite. In addition, six or seven of the main participants in the excavation were said to have died in a strange and sudden death, everything seems to be the result of a curse. The described tablet was never photographed and mysteriously disappeared from the collection of finds. Perhaps it never existed, as Bob Brier believes. American parapsychologist and Egyptologist Brier noted in his book Ancient Egyptian Magic (1980) that it was unusual for the Egyptians to write curse tablets or talk about death as having wings. In addition, there is no other reliable source where this curse is given. In the United Kingdom and Europe, there are many legends about curses being cast on entire families, especially aristocratic ones. One of the most terrible curses was childlessness or death of heirs, as a result of which the clan ceased to exist.

Curses in modern witchcraft.

In numerous traditions of the neo-pagan witchcraft, the practice of casting curses is contrary to the ethics and laws of witchcraft (see WICCA RULE).

Most witches firmly adhere to these rules, believing that the curse in one form or another will still return to the curser (see TRINITY LAW OF RETURN).

SIBILE LICK was a notable exception because she believed that curses were justified against enemies. Witches belonging to folk cultures such as the Italian STRIGA, the Mexican BRUJA, and the Brauchers found among the Pennsylvania Dutch also believe that curses can be justified.

Breaking the curse.

Just like creating curses, there are many methods for breaking them; In the neo-pagan witchcraft, "banishing rituals" are practiced. It is said that curses are also averted by AMULETs made according to the appropriate formulas; Lizard blood, used in various mixtures with herbs, also provides protection.

A rag doll stuffed with nettles, inscribed with the name of the curser (if known), and then burned, also ends the effect of curses.

OILS infused with rosemary and wanvan, as well as the numerous oil-based mixtures used in Voodoo, added to baths or smeared on the body, are also cures for curses.

Another method is to light a purple candle and say a specific spell.

Indian sorcerers are able to send curses back, “back downstream,” causing those who send them to die from them.

Traditionally most favorable time both for sending and preventing the effect of curses is the period of the waning moon.

(Wiccan Rede)

The creed of modern neo-pagan witchcraft is expressed simply:

Eight Words in the Wiccan Manual:
"Without harming anyone, do what you wish."
The essence of the Wiccan Manual is that a person has the right to choose his own path, as long as his aspirations do not harm others.
The term "Wiccan Instruction" comes from the Old English "wicca" ("witch") and "roedan" ("to guide"). An in Old English is a shortened form of "and", some translate this word as "if". The exact origins of the Wiccan Manual are unknown.
GERALD W. GARDNER believed that the creed was formulated by the legendary Good King Pozol, who declared: “Do what you want, as long as you don’t harm anyone.” This covenant was accepted by many generations of witches. Perhaps the Instruction appeared relatively recently, around the 1940s and 1950s, when the so-called “Gardnerian tradition” of modern witchcraft was being formed.
F.E.I. (Isaac) BONEWITZ suggested that Gardner, who borrowed heavily from the writings of ALEISTER CROWLEY, created the Instruction by modifying Crowley's Law of Thelema: "Do what you will, and thereby make the Law." Crowley believed that if people knew their true desires, they would achieve harmony with the Universe.
In general, neo-pagan witches have great respect for the sinlessness and free will of all living beings and do not believe in the use of magical powers to interfere with their existence. For example, in order to cast a love spell on a specific person, a witch casts a spell aimed at creating true true love for the sake of the happiness and goodwill of all. Some witches believe that they cannot cast spells without asking the permission of the person they want to influence - even if it is for HEALING.
Those who violate this interpretation of the Wiccan Manual will suffer retribution like a karmic boomerang, and the evil they have created will fall on their heads.
This interpretation of the Manual seems extremist to some initiates of the Craft, since it prohibits casting spells against those who do evil: witches cannot stop a rapist or murderer with magic, since by doing so they influence the will of the criminal. Adherents of the conservative interpretation object that it is possible to cast a charm that protects the victim.
Other witches get around the ban by casting "binding" charms, that is, spells that stop or prevent evil. A spell cast on a murderer, for example, will not curse the murderer, but will lead to his capture.
One of the most famous binding spells was cast in 1980 in the San Francisco Bay Area against serial killer Mr. Tam, who ambushed and shot bystanders, mostly women. A group of witches, led by Z. BUDAPEST, held a session of a collective “hexing”, as they called binding, ritual: they called on the killer, who had been wanted for about three years, to become entangled in his own sins and mistakes. Over the course of three months, the killer made several mistakes, which led to his arrest. He was later convicted and sentenced to death.
Many witches use spells to help support non-proliferation organizations. nuclear weapons, security environment, animal protection - for example, to stop the killing of whales. Binding spells are used against bullies, evil gossips and annoying, envious people. In some cases, the position of the one casting the binding spell can be quite subjective. A binding spell cast on a work colleague with whom you are in conflict may be considered unethical by some, but not all witches. To act ethically, witches cast a spell not on a person, but on a situation. For example, instead of binding a person who is unpleasant to you with a spell, so that some problem can be solved, a witch casts a spell so that the problem itself is solved “in the name of the common good.” Or, instead of casting a love spell on a specific person, the witch casts a spell to arouse "pure, true love."
Many witches believe that the interpretations of the Wiccan Manual are too contradictory and deprive witches of the ability to use magic, reducing it to the level of harmless “Bambi magic.” Bonewitz argues that if you can take responsibility and stop a crime physically, then you can just as easily stop it through magic. Some witches cast curses if they feel they have the right to do so.


Any person, even one who considers himself not at all suspicious, experiences a subconscious feeling of anxiety and fear if he hears a curse addressed to him. And this is far from accidental: the negative, sometimes very dangerous impact of curses on a person is the same fact as, for example, the spread of diseases by airborne droplets, which was also unknown at one time. Curses exist, and they are very different, just like influenza viruses.

Almost always, the structure of the ancestral curse is initially present. When your ancestors had to face evil magic, and then, by inheritance, a growing cluster of misfortunes haunts your family more and more. If there is a generational curse in your family there will definitely be: sick people suffering from various mental illness, neuroses, inappropriate behavior relatives, failed personal lives written according to one scenario, chronic female diseases, infertility, fornication, early deaths children and men, hereditary endocrine diseases, other disorders of the hormonal system, complex in nature.

All this, unless of course this is an isolated case, is in the present time a physical indicator that not everything is in order in your family. Especially if there are innocently convicted or repressed people, this indicates that the gender. the curse is active. The same can be said about chronic alcoholism; if it is impossible to get rid of this bad habit using ordinary methods, then most often the structure of a generational curse is initially present.

Ancestral curses, contrary to all speculation, cannot be caught like a runny nose or the flu. It’s just that once upon a time a negative event occurred in your family, which after several generations grew like a snowball and destroyed your life. Negative information is recorded in every cell of your body and like any genetic disease or distinctive features(ex. White skin, Blue eyes, blond or dark skin, brown eyes, brunette) was passed on by inheritance. Such inherited information and energy diseases are popularly called generational curses. It is very simple to receive the so-called “damage”, and it happens as follows: let’s say a person was cursed, and it doesn’t matter whether the words of curse were used, as a result of which the emotional personality begins to worry, his energy is revealed and amazed by the energy of the semantic meaning of curses, i.e. . Thus, a person acquires “everyday damage”.

Now let’s look at more complex schemes for obtaining information diseases like curses:

1. Parental curses.

This is the category of the most terrible consequences, this includes various family feuds in which there are intemperate statements. Moreover, the most innocent thing at first glance works (one mother shouted at her child in her heart - Damn you, after that the child was kidnapped and used for perverted actions. It seemed like an innocent phrase - and what a tragedy.)

This works quickly and destructively because, as they say, the blood is native, the energy background in the family is common and there is no need for the body to build energy protection. Therefore, the problem of fathers and children is not only personal, but also global in a universal human sense. Disinheritance of children continues the generational curse and the Crown of celibacy, infertility and early mortality. Curses for debauchery (the partner was not chosen according to the parental will) lead to the formation of a family curse, the Crown of celibacy, the birth of children with developmental defects and service through every seventh generation.

The brother curses the brother to be a family curse and chronic alcoholism in this family. If property was not divided in the family, there was a generational curse and people with mental illnesses. The sister did not share a boyfriend with her sister - a family curse, a crown of celibacy and an appearance such that you cannot envy, for every fifth generation. The children of the parents cursed - the generational curse and the mortality of children, the clan is dying out.

With this type of curse, a large percentage of patients are from the revolutionary period of imposition. When chaos reigned in our country. Now we are experiencing a quiet revolution and in our country there is the same chaos when our own people kill their own - so that after 70 years there is a new surge in diseases active form ancestral curse.

2. Gypsy curses.

The name speaks for itself. A gypsy curse, regardless of the method (even if a non-professional gypsy simply sends it), always causes complex object damage (object damage is damage specially done as a result of a magical effect on objects or with the help of magical hexes ordered by a good magician or sorcerer) because. Gypsies are a people of magicians who, over the centuries, have lost knowledge and spirituality, but have cosmic karmic protection. And any “attack” on them is reflected through space and falls in a cascade of misfortunes for the non-attacker. Therefore, if a gypsy accosts you on the street, you should try not to pay attention to her, and then no matter how much she curses you, everything will be fine. But if you gave even a penny and regretted it, or gave everything, and then, coming to your senses, began to curse the gypsy - objective damage, and subsequently a family curse is guaranteed to you. So, if you have fallen for their bait, face it, this way you will avoid the worst. The manifestation of the gypsy curse can be very diverse and does not manifest itself consistently.

3. Church curse.

This group includes curses that were received by violating any religious norms, regardless of religion. They can be obtained by giving anathema (or other cult punishments), where the person imposing the punishment is always a clergyman (or other cult minister). Such curses usually appear every generation, haunting this family until the seventh generation. A deeply religious person can also receive such a curse when he violates religious norms; in this case, he seems to be punishing himself for the sin he committed.

4. Household curses.

These are common household forms of infection, where you can pick up an infection in transport or in line for sausage. It is enough to get involved in a conflict situation and if your opponent turns out to be energetically stronger, you will receive household, pointless damage, which in subsequent generations will manifest itself as a household curse. Therefore if after conflict situations you feel unwell, it is better to immediately contact specialists and remove the damage or resort to folk remedies energy restoration.

The structure of the ancestral curse itself is also not removed in one session. The work is carried out layer by layer over several days. It takes me five sessions (a session lasts from one to five minutes), during which I subject the patient to a massive “bombardment” of hard energy waves, accompanied by the necessary cult attributes, after which the process of energetic erasure of negative information continues in the patient until the spent candles are burned. When burned, magic necessarily manifests itself on the physical level.

After the removal of the ancestral structure at the information level, three (if more than one ancestral curse, then six) monthly burnout occurs cellular level, in this case there will definitely be strange physical sensations, exacerbations chronic diseases and various strange life events. That is, you briefly do not expose the body physical changes, you will experience all the negative events that you would spend your whole life working on. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid that when lifted, the curse will pass on to immediate relatives or a negative breakthrough will occur in which no matter what, it will not be removed, the generational curse is completely burned out at the cellular level of a particular person, which is why it is impossible to remove the misfortune from the entire family by working with one . Once again I would like to remind you that generic structures do not relate to the concepts of karma; this is the negativity that the physical body carries within itself, not the soul. And naturally, after removing the ancestral structures, you receive your karma in its pure form, without embedded impurities, and accordingly, having removed such an amount of negativity, everything improves by about 50%, but how much is needed for happiness. The sun smiled a little and life seems much happier.


To give up anything, you must first, at a minimum, at least have (know and understand well) what you are going to give up, so that you never have it as a temptation again. (“Sin, but repent.”)

It is necessary to understand that we, people, curse each other from morning to evening, and often without even noticing how this all happens and according to what laws it is implemented in certain cases, because a curse is not always a phrase spoken or thought , a is a special state of relationship between (thought forms) people and objects. After all, you can simply look at a person (object), look both objectively and non-objectively, look in a certain state of your feelings and thereby curse this person (object).


* A curse is a special state of feelings, thoughts, body, expressed both objectively and non-objectively, aimed at balance in a certain duration and extent of the space of consciousness of any objective-non-objective thought form in relation to any other thought form, as well as objective, so pointless.
* A curse is a well-oiled tool, a compact weapon that has no analogues in its power, and also excludes the possibility of any protection from it on the part of the one against whom it is directed.

Damage, evil eye, self-evil eye and self-damage, slander and so on, all this is nothing more than a Curse, because: damage, evil eye, slander and more are common people's names for the Curse.

It will be magically more natural and more original, if you like, more literate for you to say that “the Curse is complete, realized,” instead of the common people: “damage, evil eye, slander” and others.

In any case, it is enough to even know and understand me correctly that when you think about damage, the evil eye, slander and others, then at least mean that all of this is essentially a Curse.

According to the Law of Analogy or the Law of Distortion, which is already a lot known to you, I will begin to present the topic “Curse” in stages, from the somewhat already known to the new.

And I will start with the classics of curses (from Christ), then I will explain the logic, conditions for the construction and implementation of any curses, and offer for your mental and practical development the Control-Conscious form of the Curse of your own configuration.


In this case, I propose to consider as classical those forms of curses and their designs that were inherited from the time of Christ. But this should in no way be intended to be an attempt to insult, belittle or belittle all religions on Earth. It’s just that I was born on the Christian day of Epiphany and then baptized according to Christian custom in the temple. It turns out that he is, as it were, baptized twice, because someone born on such a holiday is considered to have already been baptized and is usually not baptized in church. But it just so happened that my relatives insisted on baptizing me in the temple. To the extent that Christianity is closer to me by birth, I speak about the classics of curses as having arisen since the time of Christ, which does not mean that other classics do not exist, they also certainly exist. My task is to present the essence, theory and practice of the Curse through something concrete, the most natural for me (and today, also for a considerable majority of the people around me), rather than to make complete historical perspectives of the religions of the Earth. Also, in this regard, I sincerely emphasize that I respect all Religions and Faiths of the World of Earth and do not single out any of the Religions or Faiths as the main ones, even for myself, because everything is in its place and in its time otherwise it could not exist.

Three Classic Types of Curses

For the convenience of assimilation of the material, I, very conditionally of course, divided the Classic Types of curses, the designs of which we have inherited and preserved to this day, into Types, and ranked them according to the degree of their realizable power of influence.

So, Three Types of Curses, and first what they sound like:

3rd Type of Curse: “You are my brother (my sister), but I am not on the same path with you, I shake off the dust from my feet”
2nd Type of Curse: “It would be better if this person had not been born”
1st Type of Curse: "Damn you (I curse you)"

Strength and direction (task, idea)
implementations of three Types of Curse:

3rd Type of Curse
acted on the environment of the person who was cursed. That is, anything could happen and in any form and force, depending on the degree of guilt of the person being cursed, anything could happen to his, say, home, family, things and objects that are not indifferent to him, belonging to him, and so same with his clothes, work, with people close to him and friends and the like, but nothing could happen directly to the damned person himself, in other words, his body, soul and mind would not be injured, would not suffer and would not undergo physical changes.

2nd Type of Curse
was envisaged as a direct physical impact on the damn man. Mutilation of body, soul and mind awaited a person cursed with the 2nd Type of Curse.

1st Type of Curse
is aimed at extinguishing the incarnation, physical embodiment, life of a person cursed in this way. Naturally, there could be no question of any permission to use this type of Curse for the Disciples of Christ.


As you understand, Curses of the classical form (of the 3 Types listed above) are quite the subtlest instrumental weapons of karmic punishment and it is possible to use them only (of each type) while being in the appropriate quality of (development) purity. Here, in the corresponding capacity, is meant the required purity regarding each Type of Curse, the purity of the operator, his soul, mind and even body (the operator - the person performing the curse). It turns out that the classic form of Curses is a weapon that, figuratively speaking, has two barrels and one trigger. Having pulled the trigger, it is difficult for the operator to predict where and in what direction the bullet will fly and hit, whether it will hit the “victim” or the operator himself, because the required purity, the correspondence of the operator’s development to the Type of Curse that he used, must be verified as flawlessly as possible correctly by the operator himself, and only then the Curse will be implemented correctly, the operator will remain unharmed.

It is clear that it is very dangerous to use such a Universal Weapon, which is why I, as stated below, will offer you for your awareness and for your practical mastery, as it were (this is conditional!), the “4th” Type of Curse, developed by me and tested in practice not a small number of my fellow practitioners. A type of Curse that is relatively safe for the operator, karmically fair, and in a sense automated, but more on that later.

Mandatory Conditions for the Implementation of a Curse of Any Type and Origin: A curse is, I emphasize once again, a state, and any state of any thought form consists of a certain range of dominant relationships to other thought forms, so let’s analyze these relationships.

So, the Curse will be completed or realized only if:

1. Available:
1. The operator (the person performing the Curse) is absolutely right.
2. The victim (the person being cursed) is completely guilty.
2. The operator has met and established the following circumstances:
1. The Operator should absolutely not need anything else from the Victim, not even to see and remember her, that is, the Operator should completely, truly, literally physically forget about the Victim and the fact that he committed the Curse.
2. The Operator commits a curse placed on the Victim in the name of its correction, purification, and therefore in his own name, in the name of his own correction of consciousness and purification of it, because the Victim is himself, one of his many objective-non-objective thought forms. Purifying and perfecting the Victim, the Operator, through the action of the Curse, perfects and purifies himself, his consciousness, which is himself.
3. The Operator maintained the process and caused the moment of genuine forgetting of the Sacrifice and the action of Committing the Curse according to the layout and design of Consciousness, as well as the State of Repentance. (We will consider the layout and Construction of Consciousness, the State of Repentance below).
4. The operator commits the Curse and endures the entire process of its implementation in a state that does not at all include such expressions of his soul, mind and body in the address of the Victim and the Curse itself: irritation, anger, self-confidence, laziness, triumph and joy, intentionality, arrogance and many others, that is, any types and forms of any sensory, non-mental relationship of the Operator to the Victim and the very action of the perfect Curse.

The Special Condition of the Operator as an exclusively obligatory background, in line with which the above Conditions will flow:

What is this special State? To be honest, it is impossible to find such words in order to express accurately and really clearly the essence of the State of the Operator, in which he must necessarily arrive in order for the Curse to actually occur. But... If you can’t find the words, then I see a different way of presenting the material.

Which one? I will try, and I succeeded in this and practically with considerable efficiency for my fellow students, I will try, just as at my live Evenings, in this book evening to resort to such a possibility of your understanding: I will begin to recite a certain order of words and individual phrases that will express concepts that are specific and clear to you, which will gradually, completely imperceptibly organize and evoke in you the primary practice of understanding and its practical application, the practice of a Special State, which is unshakably the basis for the process of Curse. I’ll immediately make a reservation that such a State cannot be taught, you need to feel it, you need to enter it with your whole being. So...

The Special State of the Operator, the person performing the Curse process, is as follows:

1. The Operator has a feeling and understanding that his pain inflicted by the victim is not fair to him, that he, the Operator, is undeservedly insulted, deceived, humiliated, and more.
2. The operator, as it were, somewhere internally stops at complete solitude regarding the victim of the Curse, stops in his thoughts, feelings and body.
3. The victim is left to himself, seen and perceived in his own triumph of ignorance, luck of ignorance, luck, which the Operator internally, not solemnly, but quietly and calmly, hopelessly welcomes and takes for granted, at the same time as if being satiated, satisfied with pain, fair injustice, pain not deafeningly crushing, but piercingly sad, expressively melodic, like a dead violin, the sounds of which seem to still be heard, but the violin is actually silent, because it is dead, its sounds are present, they are noticeable, but clearly invisible. Deadening pain.
4. The Operator’s vision is structured into a State of Repentance and Humility.
5. At the same time, feelings are heard: guilt, pity and humiliation, regret and isolation at the level of a conscious fall into the abyss - the delight of flight (fall) is mixed with the wildest fear of landing.

Fourth Type of Curse

Judge for yourself, as far as you already understand, in fact, in order to fairly apply the power of the classic Type of Curse, the Operator is required to have a completely genuine Vision of the limits of the possibility of application. Today I offer you for your practical development, as it were, the Fourth Type of Curse, which I was able to derive and repeatedly verify and test both in my own personal practice of life and among my many fellow practitioners. Live Your Life - this is what the Fourth Type of Curse sounds like, to use phrasing. In any case, even if not out loud but half-hearing, and even silently without words, the Operator must always, if he chose to apply this type of Curse, be implied, energetically aware in a sensory outburst of precisely this meaning: Live Your Life. Let's figure out what is the secret of this phrase, this type of Curse, “Live Your Life” and how it, the Fourth Curse, is embodied in reality, what does it result in in its consequences for both the Operator and the Victim?

Imagine that in place of the phrase “Live Your Life,” some other phrases will be heard, for example, quite well-known in everyday life, “God is your judge” or “God is with you.” Let's think carefully and analyze what is the real difference between the mentioned phrases and the phrase of the Fourth Type of Curse “Live Your Life”? Only at first, inexperienced glance, one can say that the usual phrases “God is your judge” and “God is with you” seem to be more correct and true than the phrase “Live Your Life.”

Listen, look with your feelings, but from a perspective. “God is your judge” necessarily sounds like a reproach, like a reminder of some third person before whom everyone is equal, the same with “God is with you.” This always evokes in the person to whom such phrases are intended hatred or fear, contempt or indifference, ridicule or something else, which means that the person who utters such phrases is not at all indifferent to the address of their perception, does not curse at all, but simply continues karmic bells and whistles, relationships, even for one reason that