The money talisman is the irredeemable ruble - Irzeis. Daria Mironova - Practical magic of a modern witch. Rituals, rituals, prophecies

Who among us would not like to have money that would always come back to us? This concept is called the “unchangeable ruble” and is one of the unusual Russian superstitions. It is now found not only in rural life, but also in the city. From another city dweller (a student, for example), you can hear a story about how one or another lucky person managed to get such a ruble.

The ruble is endowed with the ability to return back to the pocket of the one who owns it. To receive it, they take a silver ruble and go to Christ's Matins. When the priest says to the people: “Christ is risen,” then those who are eager to receive such a ruble answer: “antluz mago.” After Christ's Matins, the ruble receives irredeemable properties.

In other ways to obtain an irredeemable ruble, they turn to evil spirits for help. To do this, you need to come to the market and, without looking back and without saying a word to anyone, buy a gander there, without haggling and from the first request. Having brought it home, squeeze its neck so that it suffocates, put the uncleaned one in the oven and fry it until midnight.

At 12 o'clock at night the goose is taken out of the oven, and the seeker goes with it to a fork in the road. There he must say: “Buy a gander from me, give me a silver ruble. Then evil spirits appear in the form of buyers offering different prices. The seller should not give in, so as not to be crushed by evil spirits.

He must wait for the buyer to give the real price. Having received the silver ruble, the seeker must go home without looking back or talking to anyone. At this time, the evil spirit will shout behind him: “You deceived us! Your gander is dead! Why did you tear off his head, assuring him that he was alive?”

The seeker must not listen evil spirits, not to turn around and speak to her, but to run away from her, otherwise the silver ruble will disappear from his hands, and he himself will end up in a swamp up to his neck. If you do everything as ordered and bring this ruble home, then it will provide for you for the rest of your life.

Knowledgeable people advise not to take change when buying things, otherwise you will lose the ruble wonderful properties. When a purchase is made, it is as if an evil spirit is possessed by the merchant, and he gives change, although he should not have given anything. However, an irredeemable ruble does not stay with its owner for long: evil spirits will sooner or later seduce the owner of the ruble, and then instead of silver money he will find a clay shard in his pocket. Other times, the irredeemable ruble is not given into your hands.

In order for you to have money, you need to catch a small spider and throw it into the pocket where the money is so that it “ties” it with a web..

Or keep a bent coin or a coin with a hole in your pocket. But it will help if you, when receiving new money, do not care about it.

Seeing the emerging month, you need to shake some change in your wallet, then the money will be available all month. But if you took your wallet, and there were no change there, then you won’t have any money for the whole month.

If you collect money in a piggy bank, you cannot count it, otherwise it will stop accumulating.

Always perform rituals slowly, because during rituals haste is not appropriate; you should not be distracted by any calls, conversations, extraneous thoughts or actions. You create your own new reality, and how you carry out the ritual will depend on the results obtained after the ritual, the timing of the implementation of your plans, and the well-being of your life.

During the rituals, you must be firmly convinced that whatever you are doing now will bring you wonderful, magnificent results. And you must always comply with one more condition, after the ritual in within three days you should not give anything away from home, separate from yourself. Even if you were asked to change money, give you a pen for a minute, try on something, drink a glass of water... don’t do any of this. You should not give anything of yours into the wrong hands, and also punish your loved ones who live with you so that they do not do anything like that.

You have fumigated the room with sandalwood and patchouli incense. On the table (Altar) you draw a circle, a square in the circle, and a triangle in the square. You place candles (3 candles) on the points of the triangle, the color of the candle according to your element

Element Water – blue, blue candle

February 15, 1942 - January 24, 1944
January 27, 1952 – February 2, 1954
February 5, 1962 – February 12, 1964
February 17, 1969 – January 26, 1971
January 28, 1979 – February 4, 1981
February 6, 1989 – February 26, 1990

Element Earth – brown candle

January 31, 1938 – February 7, 1940
February 10, 1948 – February 16, 1950
February 18, 1958 – January 27, 1960
February 21, 1966 – February 8, 1967
February 11, 1975 – February 17, 1977
February 20, 1985 – January 28, 1987

Element Metal - white or silver candle

February 8, 1940 - February 14, 1942
February 17, 1950 – January 26, 1952
January 28, 1960 – February 4, 1962
February 9, 1967 – February 16, 1969
February 18, 1977 – January 27, 1979
January 29, 1987 – February 5, 1989

Element Fire - red candle

February 11, 1937 – January 30, 1938
February 2, 1946 – February 9, 1948
February 12, 1956 – February 17, 1958
February 3, 1973 – February 10, 1975
February 13, 1983 – February 19, 1985

Element Wood - green candle

January 25, 1944 -February 1, 1946
February 3, 1954 – February 11, 1956
February 13, 1964 – January 20, 1966
January 27, 1971 – February 2, 1973
February 5, 1981 – February 12, 1983

You light candles, sandalwood incense, patchouli, you put a small mirror in the triangle, a thousand rubles on the mirror.

Place the symbols on the table (Altar):

You light candles and immerse yourself in pleasant relaxation by turning on beautiful soothing music. You begin to create your happy reality.

You approach the Altar and read the plot 5 times.

And then sit down and have a relaxation session. This session will help you get rid of unnecessary emotions and unnecessary thoughts, which will improve the results of the ritual you perform. You are comfortable, your eyes are closed. You're in no hurry. A pleasant and relaxing experience awaits you. Breathe slowly, evenly, rhythmically. Breathe with pleasure. You gradually calm down and relax more and more. Your face is calm, it is resting, your facial muscles are relaxed, you are calm. Your hands are relaxed, you are calm, you feel good. Your forearms are relaxed, you are calm, you feel good. You feel great, your mood is wonderful. Breathing is calm and even. Legs relax, feet relax. You have a good rest. Your legs relax, your hips relax, you feel great. You are calm. You are completely relaxed.

You are resting, you are calm.

Success and luck are always with me. Luck always accompanies me. I am a magnet that attracts wealth, well-being and prosperity.

You take a deep breath and as you exhale say:

I'm supposed to be rich. The universe is taking great care of me. I deserve to be rich and have a lot of money. The universe is favorable to me and full of generosity.

You take a deep breath and as you exhale say:

I am connected to the limitless internal and external richness of the Universe. The wealth of the Universe! Universal wealth! I choose to live richly and happily here and now.

You take a deep breath and as you exhale say:

I feel a sense of satisfaction. I experience a powerful force that brings success and luck into my life. fate gave me the opportunity to live richly and safely under the auspices of the Higher Powers.

You take a deep breath and as you exhale say:

I feel uplifted, excited, powerful, absolutely confident and in control of the situation. I'm rich! I trust life and it has given me the opportunity to become prosperous and prosperous.

You take a deep breath and as you exhale say:

I rejoice in all the good things that life gives me. I accept all the blessings that fate generously sends me. I will have as much money as I want.

You take a deep breath and as you exhale say:

I let go of my past into the past, I make a choice to live in the present. I choose my own life path. I believe in my destiny.

You take a deep breath and as you exhale say:
Life changes are safe for me. They bring me happiness, prosperity and well-being. I love myself as I am here and now.

You take a deep breath and as you exhale say:

I bring gratitude to the Universe, the Universe, the Creator, the Cosmos and All Higher Powers for ever-increasing well-being and prosperity.

Now imagine that you are sitting in a beautiful room, richly and tastefully furnished. Suddenly the phone rings and pleasant voice informs you that the package will now be delivered to you, this is a gift to you. After a while you hear a knock on the door. When you open the door, there is a man standing in front of you who hands you a colorful box tied with a brocade ribbon. After thanking the person, you enter the room, open the box and see neatly packed stacks of large banknotes. Just a million dollars. You take them in your hands, feel excitement and a surge of energy. A wave of delight and joy covers you. You feel awe and feel yourself filled with the energy of money, the energy of wealth. You start putting the packs on the table and when you have put all the money in the box on the table, look, and it is filled with money again. And you realize that now you are rich and you have money for everything you need. Are you happy. You feel empowered and confident because you can have what you want.
Concentrate on this feeling of confidence and strength for a while and enjoy it. Make the image of achieving a goal, success as lifelike as possible and imagine that you have achieved success and wealth here and now. Imagine your life's journey as a road. You fly over it and throw the most beautiful flowers, jewelry, stars onto the path of life. A long, wide, endless road goes far beyond the horizon. And the sun is shining above the horizon, illuminating your entire life path with rays of Light, good luck, love, happiness and prosperity. You are the darling of fate. In everything you undertake, you always achieve success in everything. You are always lucky. Success and luck accompany you throughout your life. You easily achieve everything you set your mind to. You feel confident in yourself and your abilities. And you are always in control of the situation. Your money, your wealth is constantly and quickly increasing. You are swimming in money. You are thriving. You are rich. Strengthen the image of achieving success, goals, and imagine that you have already achieved success. Feel the satisfaction of it. Feel confident in yourself and your abilities. Realize all the feelings you experienced. And know that you have launched a program for success and favorable changes in your life.

I am the darling of fate.
My life is illuminated with rays of luck, light, love, happiness and prosperity.
Success and luck accompany me everywhere in life.
In everything I undertake, I always achieve success.
Success and luck always accompany me in life.
I always easily achieve what I set out to do.
I always feel confident in myself and my abilities.
I am always in control of the situation.
My money and my wealth are constantly and rapidly increasing.
I'm swimming in money.
I am thriving. I'm rich. And I feel the greatest satisfaction from this.
You take a deep breath, and as you exhale, you open your eyes with a smile.

You imbue your Altar with the energy of realization, and imagine how banknotes are flying towards you from all sides. They circle above you and land right in front of you on the table. And now you already have large stacks of money, they fill your Altar, and you understand that this money will be enough for your entire long and happy life. You imagine what benefits this money can give you, imagine how you are basking in luxury, acquiring everything you need and want. Imagine all this in the present moment. This money is already in front of you, not someday it will be there, but now, at this very minute in front of you. And you are already planning all these actions (buying an apartment, a luxury car, going on vacation to great place, purchasing jewelry, a magnificent fur coat, luxurious furniture, carrying out the most beautiful renovations).
You repeat: “I am worthy to live in luxury! I deserve to live richly! I deserve well-being and prosperity! Success and luck follow me everywhere. I deserve all the most beautiful things in this world. I am a happy and successful person! I love myself! I love this magnificent World! I love our planet Earth! I'm a money magnet! Money flows to me like a deep-flowing Golden River! All my wishes come true quickly! All events in my life bring me only joy and goodness! All events in life bring joy and prosperity to my family! I and my loved ones are under the protection of the Forces of the Universe! I thank all the Powers of the Universe and Creation for the benefits and riches that I possess! I radiate joy and love into the World around me!”

After you have worked with your plans, dreams, desires,
you read the plot 5 more times:

I want to control the element of money
So that the stream is endlessly wide
So that there are no traffic jams along the way
So that it flows easily and freely into my hands
Five ancient knowledge was given to me, five rules of the wise
All rivers of money are subject to them on Earth
There will be no more difficult moments in my life
They will disappear like a drop on the table

Here are the five elements: Water, Earth, Metal
Fire and Wood, everything in life is subject to them
They will help you so that your house becomes rich
And everything will be fine in your life

The earth is an element that knows no doubts
She respects stability and peace
Envy, lies, pride, conceit are alien to her
She does not tolerate anger, blind rage
It will help those who are confident in themselves
For those who do not want to live within the confines of “from village to village”
For those who intend to lead the ship of their own destiny
Overcoming storms and reefs without running aground
He will give money to those who love their work
Who follows their dreams with optimism
Who loves life and enters life boldly
The earth will return all their expenses a hundredfold

Metal, this element loves the strong, the wise
Who has a specific goal in mind?
Who is not afraid of any task, even the most difficult one
He who lives his life does not wait for another fate
Metal will help those who are pure in soul and honest
Who is true to his word, deeds, dreams
Those who do not expect praise and are not subject to flattery
Those who go forward will achieve everything themselves
The elements will not come to the aid of those who whine
Who lives their life behind the backs of others
Who is callous at heart, is rude and uses foul language
And every day of God lives without joy.

Water element honors and respects her
She always only recognizes the strong in spirit
Who builds his house himself, not believing in reasoning
That everything will come to him naturally
Water does not like those who are petty in soul
Those who do not love the world, do not believe in kindness
Those from whom you can’t even beg snow in winter
Those cash flows bypass a mile away.
Elements set a goal and the goal should be clear
After all, as much as you ask for, so much will come
Don’t waste your work, don’t waste your time on trifles
You set a goal - it will find you.

The Wood element does not like disorder.
Reliability, strength, strength - this is her destiny
And the cash flow always flows freely, smoothly
Always flows to the one who wanted it
The flow will come to those who truly desire
He works, he creates every day
Who makes his thoughts work?
For those who enjoy work, who are proud of their destiny
And those who are brave and kind, who believe in themselves,
Who lives life and believes in miracles
The element will give everything you asked for
The Holy Heavens will always help them in everything.

Fire element - loves those who are cheerful
Who is cheerful and easy-going.
Those for whom the whole world is small
Those who do not bow to the enemy.
Fire is always merciless
For those who are stupid, cowardly and just a parasite
For those who are deaf in soul and greedy in heart
In whom love has died, and there is no more conscience.
Love the big world and life on the entire planet
Give people joy, love and kindness
Live as if you are responsible for everything
And Fire will help you turn your dreams into reality.

Money loves me, and so do I
I live on Earth as a money magnet
They generously shower me, gently stroking my skin
And with a gentle rustle they flow into my hands
I live great, I feel easy and comfortable
And confidently, boldly I walk through life
I love this World, it's hard not to love it
And with love in my soul I will find happiness for myself
Money gives me faith, confidence in life
All my dreams are coming true
Everything comes true - even just whims
They help you to be cheerful and happy.

The candles must burn out completely. Then you take your wallet, put a thousand in it and put the wallet in a secluded place. You don’t touch your wallet for 3 days, and on the fourth day you can take it. But only the thousand that participated in the ritual should always be kept separate from other money, especially small change. And it is advisable not to show it to anyone and not to spend it under any circumstances.
Knowing which element you belong to, write monetary rule your element and put it in your wallet, along with the 1000 bill.

For the element Earth, you can put this text in your wallet, it will be your key to well-being

He will give money to those who love their work
Who follows their dreams with optimism
Who loves life and enters life boldly
The earth will return all their expenses a hundredfold
Five ancient knowledge was given to me, five rules of the wise
All rivers of money are subject to them on Earth
There will be no more difficult moments in my life
They will disappear like a drop on the table
Money loves me, and so do I
I live on Earth as a money magnet
They generously shower me, gently stroking my skin
And with a gentle rustle they flow into my hands
I live great, I feel easy and comfortable
And confidently, boldly I walk through life
I love this World, it's hard not to love it
And with love in my soul I will find happiness for myself
Money gives me faith, confidence in life
All my dreams are coming true
Everything comes true - even just whims
They help you to be cheerful and happy.
I want to control the element of money
So that the stream is endlessly wide
So that there are no traffic jams along the way
So that it flows easily and freely into my hands

For the Metal element, you can put this text in your wallet, it will be your key to well-being

Metal will help those who are pure in soul and honest
Who is true to his word, deeds, dreams
Those who do not expect praise and are not subject to flattery
Those who go forward will achieve everything themselves
Five ancient knowledge was given to me, five rules of the wise
All rivers of money are subject to them on Earth
There will be no more difficult moments in my life
They will disappear like a drop on the table
Money loves me, and so do I
I live on Earth as a money magnet
They generously shower me, gently stroking my skin
And with a gentle rustle they flow into my hands
I live great, I feel easy and comfortable
And confidently, boldly I walk through life
I love this World, it's hard not to love it
And with love in my soul I will find happiness for myself
Money gives me faith, confidence in life
All my dreams are coming true
Everything comes true - even just whims
They help you to be cheerful and happy.
I want to control the element of money
So that the stream is endlessly wide
So that there are no traffic jams along the way
So that it flows easily and freely into my hands

For the element Water, you can put this text in your wallet, it will be your key to well-being

Elements set a goal and the goal should be clear
After all, as much as you ask for, so much will come
Don’t waste your work, don’t waste your time on trifles
You set a goal - it will find you.
Five ancient knowledge was given to me, five rules of the wise
All rivers of money are subject to them on Earth
There will be no more difficult moments in my life
They will disappear like a drop on the table
Money loves me, and so do I
I live on Earth as a money magnet
They generously shower me, gently stroking my skin
And with a gentle rustle they flow into my hands
I live great, I feel easy and comfortable
And confidently, boldly I walk through life
I love this World, it's hard not to love it
And with love in my soul I will find happiness for myself
Money gives me faith, confidence in life
All my dreams are coming true
Everything comes true - even just whims
They help you to be cheerful and happy.
I want to control the element of money
So that the stream is endlessly wide
So that there are no traffic jams along the way
So that it flows easily and freely into my hands

For the Wood element, you can put the following text in your wallet, it will be your key to well-being and wealth:

And those who are brave and kind, who believe in themselves,
Who lives life and believes in miracles
The element will give everything you asked for
The Holy Heavens will always help them in everything.
Five Ancient Knowledges were given to me, Five Rules of the Wise
All rivers of money are subject to them on Earth
There will be no more difficult moments in my life
They will disappear like a drop on the table
Money loves me, and so do I
I live on Earth as a money magnet
They generously shower me, gently stroking my skin
And with a gentle rustle they flow into my hands
I live great, I feel easy and comfortable
And confidently, boldly I walk through life
I love this World, it's hard not to love it
And with love in my soul I will find happiness for myself
Money gives me faith, confidence in life
All my dreams are coming true
Everything comes true - even just whims
They help you to be cheerful and happy.
I want to control the Element of Money
So that the stream is endlessly wide
So that there are no traffic jams along the way
So that it flows easily and freely into my hands

For the Fire element, you can put this text in your wallet, it will be your key to well-being

Love the big world and life on the entire planet
Give people joy, love and kindness
Live as if you are responsible for everything
And Fire will help you turn your dreams into reality.
Five ancient knowledge was given to me, five rules of the wise
All rivers of money are subject to them on Earth
There will be no more difficult moments in my life
They will disappear like a drop on the table
Money loves me, and so do I
I live on Earth as a money magnet
They generously shower me, gently stroking my skin
And with a gentle rustle they flow into my hands
I live great, I feel easy and comfortable
And confidently, boldly I walk through life
I love this World, it's hard not to love it
And with love in my soul I will find happiness for myself
Money gives me faith, confidence in life
All my dreams are coming true
Everything comes true - even just whims
They help you to be cheerful and happy.
I want to control the element of money
So that the stream is endlessly wide
So that there are no traffic jams along the way
So that it flows easily and freely into my hands

I wish you all happiness and prosperity! Be lucky and successful!



Of all the old woman's copper, I only had one nickel left in my pocket. I’ll drink it, I decided, drank some water with syrup, got a penny in change and bought a box of matches at a nearby stall.

I read it. It was clear from the protocol that I, the undersigned Privalov A.I., in a way unknown to me, came into possession of the current model of an irredeemable nickel, sample GOST 718-62, and abused it; that I, the undersigned Privalov A.I., assert that I carried out my actions for the purpose of a scientific experiment without any selfish intentions; that I am ready to compensate the losses caused to the state in the amount of one ruble fifty-five kopecks; that I, finally, in accordance with the resolution of the Solovetsky City Council of March 22, 1959, handed over the specified working model of an irredeemable nickel to the department duty officer, Lieutenant Sergienko U.U., and received in return five kopecks in coins circulating in the territory Soviet Union. I signed up.

As children, we all immediately dreamed of receiving such a nickel. We would... I would!.. And it’s good that this is fiction. However, not really!

Unchangeable ruble left a significant mark on Russian and Soviet literature. For example, the writer N. S. Leskov in one of his works described the acquisition of a wonderful irredeemable ruble as follows:

"There is a belief that by magical means you can get an irredeemable ruble, that is, a ruble that, no matter how many times you give it out, it still remains intact in your pocket. But in order to get such a ruble, you need to endure great fears. I don’t remember all of them, but I know that, by the way, you need to take a black cat without a single mark and take it to sell on Christmas night at the crossroads of four roads, one of which must certainly lead to the cemetery.

Here you need to stand, squeeze the cat harder, so that it meows, and close your eyes. All this must be done a few minutes before midnight, and at midnight someone will come and start selling the cat. The buyer will give a lot of money for the poor animal, but the seller must certainly demand only a ruble - no more, no less than one silver ruble. The buyer will impose more, but you must persistently demand the ruble, and when, finally, this ruble is given, then you must put it in your pocket and hold it with your hand, and leave as quickly as possible and not look back. This ruble is irredeemable or non-expendable, that is, no matter how much you give it in payment for something, it still appears in your pocket again. To pay, for example, a hundred rubles, you only need to put your hand in your pocket a hundred times and take out a ruble every time."

It’s unpleasant to crush a cat, of course. But it’s a ruble. Irredeemable! So maybe a nickel is better? And there is no need to torture the cat. And from that nickel we would!.. I would!...

It costs only 220 rubles, the price is January 2018. Can you imagine how many ideas can arise?))

But dreams go further than Leskov. Wikipedia writes - popular image and element Slavic mythology, a magical silver ruble that could be exchanged with evil spirits for black cat or roasted gander with feathers.
I love fried goose! But you can definitely taste the fried feathers. Moreover, it is so profitable.

But our ancestors were definitely smarter than us. More precisely, not so greedy: it was categorically impossible to take change, both that ruble and your foolish head were lost.

It is interesting that by the end of the nineteenth century the version had changed radically: at least a penny of change had to be saved and you would again become the owner of a full ruble. Greed has become the norm?!!
Doesn't it really remind you of banks and usury? That terrible idea that has already destroyed the civilization of the entire Earth - usurious capital - has penetrated into the depths of even the people's mentality. We will no longer be different. The Earth has only one hope - dolphins. So they can create a new civilization. No wallets at all. There are no pockets and nowhere to sew))

Another interesting thing. Do you know what was the main difference between the USSR and Russia? What really good things did socialism/communism do? Our mentality had not yet collapsed before the World Power! And then at least this horror was not sowed in children’s heads - the pursuit of money. Sergei Mikhalkov wrote “The Adventure of the Ruble.” A very correct fairy tale from the point of view of me, an economist!

Mikhalkov describes all the main functions of the ruble:
- as a measure of the cost of labor;
- as a means of payment (in a store for a purchase)
- medium of exchange, intermediary in the exchange process
Only the function of saving and accumulation is not disclosed (the notorious slogan “Keep your money in a savings bank), but, probably, only because the question is not relevant for the USSR and for a children’s audience. After all, except for “Keep your money in a savings bank!.. Unless, of course, “You have them”, we didn’t know a damn thing about banks. But we really needed it... and not bad!

After all, everything is confirmed: the moneylenders quietly closed down the reprints of the book. After all, in Mikhalkov, Ruble’s adventures do not so much truly reflect the realities of Soviet reality from “I received labor money at the cash register” to “I was drunk.” The book makes it clear to children: you definitely don’t need to save money, you need to build your home and your country with a ruble, and fly to the stars with that ruble!

The first and only edition, which, alas, is not destined to be reprinted, was published in 1968. It was then that socialism and communism began to end in the USSR. And then there is simply stagnation and stagnation in the name of Comrade Brezhnev. Which era we are beginning to love more and more! Because then our mentality had not yet collapsed before the dough... someone else's philosophy of usury.

Dahl's is wonderful as always: changer changeable, willing to change. exchanger
We ended up being exchangers. Alas for us.

Link to the fairy tale, it’s not so easy to find it online:

And the end of the fairy tale is beautiful, right about me today:

Dried and ironed with a warm iron, I looked like an invalid returning from the hospital. Only instead of a bandage, I had a white strip of paper holding both halves of me together.
And yet I was happy. Everything that happened to me seemed like a bad dream.
But now I'm in good, reliable hands...
- Yes! - The cashier sighed. - Looks like he served his time... Look how he got it! Well then! The number is intact, the series is intact - we'll change it! Here's your ruble, boy! Keep it for luck!
And a miracle happened: in the hands of the cashier I turned into a new shiny silver ruble! On one side I had the State Emblem of the Soviet Union shining, and on the other side there was a picture of a soldier holding a child in his arms...

When you come across a silver ruble tomorrow, look carefully, maybe it’s me...

Monetary well-being is what most people on the planet dream of. But cash flow is not called flow for nothing. For specks to be attracted, they must be attracted to something. And the basis of such a flow may well be the fiat ruble. This is a special talisman: it can become permanent magnet for an influx of prosperity and constant abundance. The ritual of creating such a ruble is popular in many (Christian) countries of the world.

Ritual for creating the “irredeemable ruble”

There is a variant of the ritual carried out on the night before Christmas, during which prayers are read to the glory of Christ. Prayers are read from memory, the main thing is sincerity and the presence of unshakable faith in what you are doing. If you can’t remember the text word for word, you can refer to higher powers in a free retelling. This can be a prayer read before any undertaking. It is pronounced at midnight over a ruble (dollar, European) bill or coin. The final will be grateful to God prayer. After this, the coin goes into the wallet, in a secluded place, so as not to accidentally give it to someone.

An irredeemable ruble is a guarantee that the owner will never be left without “hard coin”, even in the most hopeless situations. And even if there won’t be a lot of money, there will always be money.

“Unchangeable ruble” in Russia

In Russia, the ritual is performed on Easter. In the old days they took a silver ruble. Now it is also quite possible to purchase such a coin, especially since it will remain with you forever and can even be inherited.

But you can try to create a talisman from an ordinary white ruble In the morning, when you go to morning prayer, the ruble should be in your pocket. And every time “Christ is Risen!” is said, instead of the traditional answer, it is necessary to answer quietly, in a low voice: “Antluz Maro!” The service must be fully defended. After this, the ruble becomes irredeemable. All these rituals must be performed by a baptized person.

And also, having acquired such an amazing talisman, you must observe certain rules. For example, for any purchase you cannot take change (for this, modern world will do an excellent service credit cards). You can’t give the ruble to anyone or tell anyone about it. There will be many insidious temptations. Fate will always test the owner of the talisman for strength; you need to be on your guard. You can’t wait for an immediate influx of big money; the best thing to do is put the ruble in your wallet and forget about it. And if the ruble is lost or stolen, it is impossible to return it.

Many people know the legend about the irredeemable ruble, which returns to its owner after every purchase. The story of such money is the personification of human hope for prosperity, the dream of constantly having an inexhaustible source of funds to afford long-desired acquisitions.

Sometimes, no matter how much a person works, he does not see the abundance and desired well-being in his life. Or your desire to receive large sums of money constantly encounters various life obstacles.

Of course, it is unlikely that it will be possible to make or otherwise obtain (as in Leskov’s story of the same name) any bill or coin that would have the described property. If such a possibility existed, it would be a secret, carefully kept by its owner. And of course detailed instructions It’s naive to search the Internet on this issue.

But such a coin is not necessary in order to always have enough money at your disposal. You can ensure continuous replenishment of your own “treasury” in a less mystical way. True, here you will also need to apply special rituals and be sure to believe in your luck, as if to “call” the energy of prosperity into your life with your own attitude.

If we abandon the idea of ​​finding or making a magic coin with our own hands, which will always return to the owner, then what is an “unchangeable ruble” and is it possible to make it yourself?

Yes, we must admit that money returning as if by magic to your wallet is a beautiful fairy tale. But create a talisman with your own hands that attracts into your life financial flows– is quite within the power of anyone who is willing to put in the due diligence and believes in the successful outcome of this undertaking.

This coin (or bill) is called irredeemable because it should not be spent. It should be kept in its owner’s wallet at all times, preferably in separate department- your own “house”, but in such a way as to be close to other, ordinary bills intended for spending. This special money will attract wealth into your life and ensure a regular flow of finances.

The “unchangeable ruble” cannot only be spent, it cannot be exchanged, given to someone else, or even removed from the wallet, but it should be kept separately from the rest of the money so that they do not touch.

People have known about the properties of such a talisman for a long time, so the ritual of its production has come to us since ancient times. IN different countries There are our own traditions of making “irredeemable” coins – talisman.

Now many people know Chinese souvenir coins with a quadrangular hole in the middle, connected with a red thread. It is believed that this is one of the amulets that brings profit and prosperity to its owner. Such coins are often given as souvenirs, which is not entirely correct. This will most likely show that the giver wishes you prosperity. Weak influence You can expect good luck in money matters from such a gift, especially if the person who presented it to you sincerely wanted wealth for you. If this souvenir is given as a mere courtesy, it is unlikely to work as expected. But even such “money” can be made into a powerful magnet for money by carrying out certain actions with it. Only a correctly made amulet will work properly, after the appropriate ritual.

Financial independence and wealth in the United States were invoked with the help of an amulet made from a 1 dollar bill, chosen from the first payment for one’s own labor.

In Russia, people considered money of a certain design to be the most successful in attracting finance. They depicted a peasant sowing wheat and rising sun. This design was used for the money issued in 1923, then similar banknotes were issued in 1976-77, 1982, and 2001. Surprisingly, during the period when money with this design was released into circulation, the country recorded stable economic growth.

Talismans to attract money

The use of esoteric practices and magical rituals to attract money has been practiced by people for a long time. There are many rituals and talismans using which you can raise money for yourself, your home, your family, your own business.

Among the most famous and popular are the “money bag”, a clay pot with coins to attract wealth, amulets soaked in special oils, money-attracting figurines, properly selected wallets, rituals with candles and green fabrics...

One of the most effective and simple ways To attract money for personal use, it is considered to be making an “unchangeable ruble” with your own hands.

We make an irredeemable ruble with our own hands

In this ritual, what is important is the personal participation of the future owner of the magic coin or bill, complete concentration, due respect and attention to the ritual being performed and, of course, complete confidentiality. No one should know that you have made such a talisman for yourself, much less be present during the ceremony near you, watching what is happening.

Once you have received the talisman, you cannot show it to anyone, much less give it to anyone.

First of all, you should choose the right money that you plan to use as your assistant in attracting wealth. This stage, which seems simple at first glance, can turn out to be very important - from the right choice The effectiveness of the whole undertaking will depend.

Here you need to listen to your feelings. “The irredeemable ruble” must be special and have it just for you important, other than a simple means of payment. For example, you can take a banknote from those that were received from the most successful transaction, from the first salary or the first large financial income, several times higher than normal income.

You can choose a coin associated with some significant event in life, one that for some reason has been with you for a long time and is not used for payment because of any memories associated with it. Coins or bills with a slight defect would be good for a talisman.

Try to abandon the intention of using money as a talisman, the receipt of which is associated with any negative emotions.

The first option for making the “irredeemable ruble”

This option is associated with more specific requirements for the “base” for the talisman. You need to find a banknote of any denomination with your initials. Or (which is much more difficult) – the one whose number coincides with your date of birth. Moreover, the numbers must correspond from left to right, preferably not swapped. A strong talisman is created from such a bill using one of the methods mentioned below.

The second option for making the “irredeemable ruble”

The ritual is performed during the waxing moon phase. You will need an ordinary (any) ruble or another piece of money selected for transformation into a talisman and a green candle. Focusing on our desire to become richer, we light a candle and carefully drip melted wax onto the talisman blank, trying to cover the entire surface with wax. You should get a thin film of wax covering the money. Then, holding it in our hand, we mentally turn to the ruble, saying mentally:

“I won’t change you, I won’t change you. Fill my pockets, bring me good luck!”

The third option for making the “irredeemable ruble”

The ritual is performed on the full moon. In addition to the initial money blank, you will need a simple, preferably medium-sized (so that the bill or coin you have chosen is clearly reflected in it) mirror. Immediately after midnight, the mirror must be placed in such a way that the reflective surface is turned towards the street, and a “blank” under the talisman is placed between the window glass and its surface, so that it is reflected in the mirror and illuminated by moonlight.

We pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

“Mother Moon! Your treasury is my treasury, money for money!”

Until the morning, the money is left where it was during the ritual, and in the morning it is placed in the wallet.

A little more interesting information about the fiat ruble: