Unchangeable ruble. The irredeemable ruble - how to speak and make it at home


Of all the old woman's copper, I only had one nickel left in my pocket. I’ll drink it, I decided, drank some water with syrup, got a penny in change and bought a box of matches at a nearby stall.

I read it. It was clear from the protocol that I, the undersigned Privalov A.I., in a way unknown to me, came into possession of the current model of an irredeemable nickel, sample GOST 718-62, and abused it; that I, the undersigned Privalov A.I., assert that I carried out my actions for the purpose of a scientific experiment without any selfish intentions; that I am ready to compensate the losses caused to the state in the amount of one ruble fifty-five kopecks; that I, finally, in accordance with the resolution of the Solovetsky City Council of March 22, 1959, handed over the specified working model of an irredeemable nickel to the department duty officer, Lieutenant Sergienko U.U., and received in return five kopecks in coins circulating in the territory Soviet Union. I signed up.

As children, we all immediately dreamed of receiving such a nickel. We would... I would!.. And it’s good that this is fiction. However, not really!

Unchangeable ruble left a significant mark on Russian and Soviet literature. For example, the writer N. S. Leskov in one of his works described the acquisition of a wonderful irredeemable ruble as follows:

"There is a belief that by magical means you can get an irredeemable ruble, that is, a ruble that, no matter how many times you give it out, it still remains intact in your pocket. But in order to get such a ruble, you need to endure great fears. I don’t remember all of them, but I know that, by the way, you need to take a black cat without a single mark and take it to sell on Christmas night to the crossroads of four roads, one of which must certainly lead to the cemetery.

Here you need to stand, squeeze the cat harder, so that it meows, and close your eyes. All this must be done a few minutes before midnight, and at midnight someone will come and start selling the cat. The buyer will give a lot of money for the poor animal, but the seller must certainly demand only a ruble - no more, no less than one silver ruble. The buyer will impose more, but you must persistently demand the ruble, and when, finally, this ruble is given, then you must put it in your pocket and hold it with your hand, and leave as quickly as possible and not look back. This ruble is irredeemable or non-expendable, that is, no matter how much you give it in payment for something, it still appears in your pocket again. To pay, for example, a hundred rubles, you only need to put your hand in your pocket a hundred times and take out a ruble every time."

It’s unpleasant to crush a cat, of course. But it’s a ruble. Irredeemable! So maybe a nickel is better? And there is no need to torture the cat. And from that nickel we would!.. I would!...

It costs only 220 rubles, the price is January 2018. Can you imagine how many ideas can arise?))

But dreams go further than Leskov. Wikipedia writes - popular image and element Slavic mythology, a magical silver ruble that could be exchanged with evil spirits for black cat or roasted gander with feathers.
I love fried goose! But you can definitely taste the fried feathers. Moreover, it is so profitable.

But our ancestors were definitely smarter than us. More precisely, not so greedy: it was categorically impossible to take change, both that ruble and your foolish head were lost.

It is interesting that by the end of the nineteenth century the version had changed radically: at least a penny of change had to be saved and you would again become the owner of a full ruble. Greed has become the norm?!!
Doesn't it really remind you of banks and usury? That terrible idea that has already destroyed the civilization of the entire Earth - usurious capital - has penetrated into the depths of even the people's mentality. We will no longer be different. The Earth has only one hope - dolphins. So they can create a new civilization. No wallets at all. There are no pockets and nowhere to sew))

Another interesting thing. Do you know what was the main difference between the USSR and Russia? What really good things did socialism/communism do? Our mentality had not yet collapsed before the World Power! And then at least this horror was not sowed in children’s heads - the pursuit of money. Sergei Mikhalkov wrote “The Adventure of the Ruble.” A very correct fairy tale from the point of view of me, an economist!

Mikhalkov describes all the main functions of the ruble:
- as a measure of the cost of labor;
- as a means of payment (in a store for a purchase)
- medium of exchange, intermediary in the exchange process
Only the function of saving and accumulation is not disclosed (the notorious slogan “Keep your money in a savings bank), but, probably, only because the question is not relevant for the USSR and for a children’s audience. After all, except for “Keep your money in a savings bank!.. Unless, of course, “You have them”, we didn’t know a damn thing about banks. But we really needed it... and not bad!

After all, everything is confirmed: the moneylenders quietly closed down the reprints of the book. After all, in Mikhalkov, Ruble’s adventures do not so much truly reflect the realities of Soviet reality from “I received labor money at the cash register” to “I was drunk.” The book makes it clear to children: you definitely don’t need to save money, you need to build your home and your country with a ruble, and fly to the stars with that ruble!

The first and only edition, which, alas, is not destined to be reprinted, was published in 1968. It was then that socialism and communism began to end in the USSR. And then there is simply stagnation and stagnation in the name of Comrade Brezhnev. Which era we are beginning to love more and more! Because then our mentality had not yet collapsed before the dough... someone else's philosophy of usury.

Dahl's is wonderful as always: changer changeable, willing to change. exchanger
We ended up being exchangers. Alas for us.

Link to the fairy tale, it’s not so easy to find it online:

And the end of the fairy tale is beautiful, right about me today:

Dried and ironed with a warm iron, I looked like an invalid returning from the hospital. Only instead of a bandage, I had a white strip of paper holding both halves of me together.
And yet I was happy. Everything that happened to me seemed like a bad dream.
But now I'm in good, reliable hands...
- Yes! - The cashier sighed. - Looks like he served his time... Look how he got it! Well then! The number is intact, the series is intact - we'll change it! Here's your ruble, boy! Keep it for luck!
And a miracle happened: in the hands of the cashier I turned into a new shiny silver ruble! On one side I had the State Emblem of the Soviet Union shining, and on the other side there was a picture of a soldier holding a child in his arms...

When you come across a silver ruble tomorrow, look carefully, maybe it’s me...

Monetary well-being is what most people on the planet dream of. But cash flow It's not called a stream for nothing. For specks to be attracted, they must be attracted to something. And the basis of such a flow may well be the fiat ruble. This is a special talisman: it can become permanent magnet for an influx of prosperity and constant abundance. The ritual of creating such a ruble is popular in many (Christian) countries of the world.

Ritual for creating the “irredeemable ruble”

There is a variant of the ritual carried out on the night before Christmas, during which prayers are read to the glory of Christ. Prayers are read from memory, the main thing is sincerity and the presence of unshakable faith in what you are doing. If you can’t remember the text word for word, you can refer to higher powers in a free retelling. This can be a prayer read before any undertaking. It is pronounced at midnight over a ruble (dollar, European) bill or coin. The final will be grateful to God prayer. After this, the coin goes into the wallet, in a secluded place, so as not to accidentally give it to someone.

An irredeemable ruble is a guarantee that the owner will never be left without “hard coin”, even in the most hopeless situations. And even if there won’t be a lot of money, there will always be money.

“Unchangeable ruble” in Russia

In Russia, the ritual is performed on Easter. In the old days they took a silver ruble. Now it is also quite possible to purchase such a coin, especially since it will remain with you forever and can even be inherited.

But you can try to create a talisman from an ordinary white ruble In the morning, when you go to morning prayer, the ruble should be in your pocket. And every time when “Christ is risen!” is said, it is necessary, instead of the traditional answer, to answer quietly, in a low voice: “Antluz Maro!” The service must be fully defended. After this, the ruble becomes irredeemable. All these rituals must be performed by a baptized person.

And also, having acquired such an amazing talisman, you must observe certain rules. For example, for any purchase you cannot take change (for this, modern world will do an excellent service credit cards). You can’t give the ruble to anyone or tell anyone about it. There will be many insidious temptations. Fate will always test the owner of the talisman for strength; you need to be on your guard. You can’t wait for an immediate influx of big money; the best thing to do is put the ruble in your wallet and forget about it. And if the ruble is lost or stolen, it is impossible to return it.

It is perhaps impossible to find a person who does not dream of improving his financial situation. And it’s hard to blame them for this. Money gives a person a lot: freedom of choice, the opportunity to travel, eat and dress well, make necessary purchases - all that without money will remain nothing more than a dream. Money is always considered a measure of luck and success.

No one wants to look into their wallet and feel the sticky hopelessness of lack of money. The desire of people to find a way to attract wealth and money is completely understandable. Magic books contain secrets that can solve these complex tasks. In this case, a ritual for wealth will help to avoid poverty and lack of money.

Witchcraft rituals bring good luck, financial independence, but it is worth remembering that these rituals belong to the section Black Magic. Therefore, when deciding on them, you need to be aware that they will not be easy and will require considerable effort.

  • Black Magic does not tolerate jokes! Approach such rituals responsibly, weighing your decision. Too serious forces work to attract money and good luck. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that they may demand something in return for their help.
  • Attracting dark forces for rituals effectively relieves lack of money, but is a risky and very responsible action. Strictly observe the time of the ritual and the rules of magical rites.
  • When shopping for rituals, never take change. In the rituals of Black Magic, picking up change is strictly prohibited.
  • Always keep your magical actions secret.

There is a ritual called the “irredeemable ruble” - this is the key to your material luck and an endless amount of money. Its essence is that you get a coin that will become a magical amulet to attract wealth and money.

  • The ritual is performed on the Full Moon.

Buy black chicken at the market. Twist her head with your own hands and go to a crowded intersection to end up there closer to midnight. On the way there, read the words many times:

When asked about the price, say that you need one ruble for the chicken. The buyer will definitely offer you more. But stand your ground: only one irredeemable ruble, in one coin. This will be your salvation from lack of money.

As soon as you receive your irredeemable ruble, having given the chicken into the hands of the buyer, quickly turn around and go home. Do not turn around or react to any calls or shouts. If you turn around, you won't have any luck. Not only will evil spirits take over your destiny, but you will not be able to extricate yourself from lack of money and receive your irredeemable ruble.

Once you have this irredeemable ruble, you will never run out of money. No matter how much money you spend, you will only have more and more money. Every new day the wallet will be replenished with money.

  • Very important to remember! Do not, under any circumstances, give away this wonderful coin. They will try to lure her away from you under various cunning pretexts. And as soon as you give it away or lose it, the demons of poverty will take possession of you, depriving you of luck and instilling in you thoughts of hopelessness.

The secret to getting financial luck

A salvation from lack of money can be a plot for a new wallet, which will become a magnet for wealth. But buying a wallet should pay special attention.

  • The main condition: The month must be seen for the first time by you on this new moon. Therefore, while waiting for the right moment, keep the ritual attributes close to you.

“Look, New Moon, at my money, add a lot more to it - paper and gold! As the moon grows, so will the wealth in my wallet grow day by day!”

The plot is read three times. From now on, never part with your wallet. Take special care of it from thieves.

This ritual remarkably attracts financial benefits, will make you financially secure, significantly adding cash income to your life. It will save you from lack of money and poverty, bringing wealth and prosperity every new day.

Don't forget to thank your spirit guides

All rituals that bring financial well-being must end with a redemption ceremony. So that the helping spirits do not take at their discretion what can really be valuable to you and, often, not always material. Thank your helpers of your own free will, it will be returned to you a hundredfold.

Eternal wealth obtained through magic? How dangerous it is is evidenced not only by the story of the gold of King Midas. This was associated with the popular idea of ​​the most precious treasure in the whole world - the “indivisible”, that is, the irredeemable ruble.

In Rus' it was believed that this ruble was owned by evil spirits and released from their hands only once a year - on the night of the New Year. The peculiarity of the irredeemable ruble is the following: no matter what they buy with it, as soon as the owner leaves the shop, it will again be in his pocket. But every time you buy from a seller, you definitely need to take change, even if it’s just one kopeck. If the owner of the ruble forgets to do this, then the ruble will again return to the evil spirits.

In order to get an irredeemable ruble, according to legend, you had to put a black cat in a bag on New Year's night and tightly tie the bag with seven knots, not with a rope, but with the ends of the bag itself and go out to the crossroads at midnight. A messenger of evil spirits should approach the seeker of fortune and ask him to sell the cat, offering fabulous sums, which the seller should not agree to. You only need to ask for an unchangeable ruble. As soon as the seller received the coin, he should run home as quickly as possible and not look back. At this time, the devil is trying to untie the knots of the bag, and if he succeeds before the seller touches the door of his house, even with his finger, he will tear the person into pieces. Otherwise, the seller of the cat became the owner of an irredeemable ruble.

The plot of the “unchangeable ruble” was used in the story of the same name by Nikolai Leskov: “There is a belief that by magical means you can get an irredeemable ruble, that is, a ruble that, no matter how many times you give it out, it still remains intact in your pocket. But in order to get such a ruble, you need to endure great fears.” And in the Strugatskys’ story “Monday Begins on Saturday,” a policeman arrested the main character for “experimenting” with an unchangeable ruble that he accidentally found, buying soda, matches and newspapers in the square of a small Soviet town.

There is hardly a person who does not dream of financial well-being. Exists popular belief that money goes to money. And indeed, it often happens that rich people become richer without any visible effort, while the poor have to earn every penny through backbreaking labor. The concept of “unchangeable ruble” appeared many centuries ago and was interpreted as a talisman that brought wealth and success to the owner. So, in the time of Peter 1, coins with the image of five-pointed star, which supposedly attracted money. In the USA, even today the first dollar earned is considered an irredeemable coin. Magical influences aimed at financial well-being are also in great demand in the modern high-tech world. At the same time, the spell for an irredeemable ruble is perhaps one of the most popular. There are many variants of rituals aimed at attracting financial well-being using an irredeemable ruble. The most powerful ritual is considered to be one that can only be performed on the night before Christmas. At the same time, you need to strongly believe in the effectiveness of magical influence and have strong desire improve your financial condition. It is also important that the person who pronounces the conspiracy is baptized.

Ritual for monetary well-being

During the ritual, in addition to the conspiracy, special prayers are read, which must first be learned. It is permissible to convey the meaning of appeals to the highest powers in your own words. The main thing is not to read prayers from sight, as this may undermine the sincerity of the requests. The first to be read is an appeal to God, which reads as follows:

“My Lord Jesus Christ! Help me, God’s servant(s) (proper name), on the day of Your Nativity, make an irredeemable ruble from a simple ruble.”

After this, you need to read prayers that should be taken from the Gospel, namely:
    Prayer to the Lord before starting any business; Our Father; Gospel reading.
After this, exactly at midnight you need to read the plot. Moreover, to enhance the effectiveness of the ritual, it is recommended to pronounce magic words over banknotes of various currencies, for example, it could be the Russian ruble, euro and dollar. The words of the conspiracy for the irredeemable ruble are as follows:

“Angels flew by in the night, Hosts of forces from heaven hurried to the Nativity of Christ. Hosts of angels sang in the night. A bright star was burning in the sky, I am a servant of God (my own name), I was born by a mother in a good hour. Just as the Holy Mother of God swaddled the Baby Jesus, washed her and pressed her to her chest, so she swaddled me, God’s servant (proper name), my mother, God’s servant (mother’s name), in a silk sheet, girdled me with a silver belt, silver ruble and put a spoon under her head, and gave her a gold chain in her hands. And then she overshadowed her with the Cross of the Lord, sprinkled her with holy water, and read a prayer to the Holy Mother of God. She asked the Holy Mother of God on the Nativity of Christ to turn a silver ruble into an irredeemable hryvnia. And may the money in my wallet never run out or be transferred. And the money spent earlier is attracted again by the irreplaceable ruble and appears in the wallet. I’ll save this ruble and give it to my children as a gift. So be it. Amen".

After this, you need to thank God, and the charmed money should be put in a separate pocket in your wallet to prevent accidental waste.