General rules for transferring funds. New rules for money transfers

2.3. The procedure for transferring funds in the Russian Federation

Currently, in the Russian Federation, the procedure for transferring funds is regulated by Bank of Russia Regulation No. 383-P “On the rules for transferring funds.”

Transfer of funds is carried out within the framework of the following forms of non-cash payments(see Fig. 2.3.1.):

Rice. 2.3.1. Forms of non-cash payments.

Forms of non-cash payments are chosen by bank clients independently and may be provided for in agreements concluded by them with their counterparties.

Bank clients draw up orders for the transfer of funds, on the basis of which the transfer of funds is carried out. The Bank of Russia uses the general term “orders” to designate all documents on the basis of which credit institutions carry out money transfers. Regulation No. 383-P establishes detailed descriptions and characteristics of the following orders:

– payment order;

– collection order;

– payment request;

– payment order.

The listed forms of orders are used within all forms of non-cash payments. In addition to the four indicated forms of orders, other types of orders may be used in banking practice, for which the Regulations do not establish a list of details and forms. If a credit institution uses “non-standard” orders in its activities, then their forms, details and the procedure for working with them must be approved by the credit institution’s internal documents.

TO settlement (payment) documents, In addition to orders for the transfer of funds, bank orders also apply.

According to the Bank of Russia, in January-September 2013, 3,242.9 million units were used in Russia. payment documents in the amount of 321,333.4 million rubles, of which 97.2% are payment orders, 0.6% are payment requests and collection orders, 0.0% are checks, about 2% are bank orders.

Orders can be drawn up both electronically (including using electronic means of payment) and on paper. Based on the payer’s order, the payer’s bank can draw up an order and carry out one-time and periodic transfers of funds.

In the money transfer scheme drafters of orders the transfer of funds may include:

– payers;

– recipients of funds;

– collectors of funds (i.e. persons or bodies who have the right, on the basis of law, to submit orders to the bank accounts of payers);

The payers and recipients of funds are legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, individuals, and banks.

Credit organizations transfer funds in rubles to the bank accounts of their clients, as well as without opening bank accounts on the basis of transfer orders. Banks transfer funds to bank accounts through:

– debiting funds from the bank accounts of payers and crediting funds to the bank accounts of recipients of funds;

– debiting funds from payers’ bank accounts and issuing cash to recipients – individuals;

– debiting funds from bank accounts of payers and increasing the balance of electronic funds of recipients.

– Credit organizations transfer funds without opening bank accounts, including using electronic means of payment, through:

– acceptance of cash, orders from the payer - an individual and crediting of funds to the bank account of the recipient of funds;

– acceptance of cash, orders from the payer - an individual and issuance of cash to the recipient of funds - an individual;

– acceptance of cash, orders of the payer - an individual and increase in the balance of electronic funds of the recipient of funds;

– reducing the balance of the payer’s electronic funds and crediting funds to the recipient’s bank account;

– reducing the balance of electronic funds of the payer and issuing cash to the recipient of funds - an individual;

– reducing the balance of electronic money of the payer and increasing the balance of electronic money of the recipient.

Let's take a closer look at the forms of non-cash payments.

1. Settlements by payment orders. When making payments by payment orders, the payer's bank undertakes to transfer funds through the payer's bank account or without opening a payer's bank account (for an individual) to the recipient of the funds specified in the payer's order.

Schematically, calculations by payment orders can be depicted as follows (see Fig. 2.3.2. and 2.3.3.).

Rice. 2.3.2. Scheme of settlements by payment orders on the payer’s bank account.

Based on the requirements of the regulator arising from Regulation No. 383-P, it is possible to determine when a credit institution uses a settlement (payment) document in the form of a payment order.

Rice. 2.3.3. Scheme of settlements by payment orders without opening a bank account for the payer.

Firstly, legal entities and individuals can give orders to write off funds from their bank accounts, including the transfer of funds from a deposit account. An order can be drawn up for a total amount with a register that includes orders of one priority group to transfer funds to several recipients.

Secondly, legal entities can give orders to carry out settlements without opening an account, including using electronic payment means, to transfer electronic funds from the client’s bank account to the bank’s account. Otherwise, a legal entity can submit an order in electronic form for the transfer of funds, including through an electronic money transfer, on the basis of which the bank will draw up a settlement document - a payment order.

In a similar manner, an individual payer gives an order to transfer funds without opening a bank account, which can be drawn up in the form of an application. The form of an order for the transfer of funds without opening a bank account for an individual payer on paper is established by the credit institution or recipients of funds in agreement with the bank. It must indicate the details of the payer, recipient of funds, banks, transfer amount, purpose of payment, and other information as agreed with the bank. Based on the order of the individual payer, provided electronically or on paper, the credit institution draws up a settlement document - a payment order and carries out settlements. Based on the orders of individual payers, a credit institution can draw up a payment order for the total amount and send it to the recipient bank of the register or orders of individual payers.

Thirdly, the bank itself can act as a payer or recipient of funds. He has the right to independently develop a form of order on the basis of which a payment order will be drawn up, with the exception of the case when the payer is the bank itself and the recipient is the bank’s client. Then the transfer of funds to the bank account of the client-recipient of funds is carried out by the bank on the basis of a settlement document drawn up by it - a bank order. If the payer is a bank, the transfer of funds to the bank account of the client - the recipient of the funds can be carried out by the bank on the basis of a bank order drawn up by it.

A payment order as a settlement document performs the function of an order or a settlement document drawn up on the basis of an order for non-cash payments by payment orders, settlements under a letter of credit, and settlements in the form of an electronic money transfer.

Please note that the payment order is valid for submission to the bank within 10 calendar days from the date of its preparation.

2. Settlements under a letter of credit. When making payments under a letter of credit, the bank, acting on the order of the payer to open the letter of credit and in accordance with its instructions, undertakes to transfer funds to the recipient of the funds, subject to the recipient of the funds providing the documents provided for by the letter of credit and confirming the fulfillment of its other conditions, or grants the authority to another bank to execute letter of credit

Thus, we can highlight the following features of the letter of credit form of payment:

– the recipient of the funds, before receiving the money, must fulfill the conditions stipulated by the letter of credit, for example, he must first ship the goods and provide documents confirming the shipment to his bank;

– the recipient of funds, before fulfilling his part of the contract (for example, before shipping the goods), knows that the buyer has deposited the money for him or has a bank guarantee in case the buyer fails to fulfill his obligations to transfer funds;

– on the part of the payer, an important condition is the fact that the delivered goods will be of appropriate quality, in the agreed volume and assortment (for this, the terms of the letter of credit must indicate that the seller must submit to the bank certain documents confirming the quality, quantity and assortment of goods).

The bank acting on the payer's order to open a letter of credit is called the issuing bank. The executing bank may be the payer's bank, the recipient's bank, or another bank. The issuing bank has the right to open a letter of credit in its own name and at its own expense. In this case, the issuing bank is the payer.

The details and form (on paper) of the letter of credit are established by the bank. The letter of credit must contain the following mandatory information:

– number and date of the letter of credit;

– the amount of the letter of credit;

– payer details;

– details of the issuing bank;

– details of the recipient of funds;

– details of the executing bank;

– type of letter of credit;

– validity period of the letter of credit;

– method of execution of the letter of credit;

– a list of documents to be submitted by the recipient of funds and requirements for the documents submitted;

– purpose of payment;

– deadline for submitting documents;

– need for confirmation (if any);

– procedure for paying bank commissions.

The letter of credit may contain other information.

In Russia the following can be used types of letters of credit.

Covered (deposited) letter of credit. This form of letter of credit is the most common; it provides that the buyer opens an account with a bank (issuing bank) and deposits funds into it in the amount necessary to pay for the letter of credit (or takes them from this bank as a secured loan). The issuing bank transfers these funds to the correspondent account of the executing bank. When the time for execution of the letter of credit comes, the executing bank transfers the funds held in its correspondent account to the seller’s account (see Fig. 2.3.4.).

Rice. 2.3.4. Scheme of settlements under a deposited letter of credit.

The executing bank communicates the terms of the letter of credit received from the issuing bank to the recipient of the funds. The transfer of funds to the executing bank as cover for a covered (deposited) letter of credit is carried out by a payment order from the issuing bank indicating information allowing the establishment of the letter of credit, including the date and number of the letter of credit. The recipient of funds can submit documents directly to the issuing bank. For a covered (deposited) letter of credit, the issuing bank is obliged to request confirmation from the executing bank that the recipient of funds did not submit documents to the executing bank, and has the right to demand that the executing bank return the amount of coverage based on a request confirming the submission of documents by the recipient of funds to the issuing bank, and in the case of a confirmed letter of credit – also execution of the letter of credit by the issuing bank. In this case, the executing bank returns the coverage amount no later than the business day following the day of receipt of the request from the issuing bank. Execution of a letter of credit is carried out by transferring funds by payment order of the executing bank to the bank account of the recipient of funds or by crediting the corresponding amount to the bank account of the recipient of funds with the executing bank. After execution of the letter of credit, the executing bank sends to the issuing bank a notice of execution of the letter of credit indicating the amount of execution and attaching the submitted documents no later than three business days after the day of execution of the letter of credit. If a discrepancy is established by external signs between the documents accepted by the executing bank from the recipient of funds and the terms of the letter of credit, the issuing bank has the right to demand from the executing bank the return of amounts paid to the recipient of funds at the expense of the coverage transferred to the executing bank (under a covered (deposited) letter of credit), reimbursement of amounts written off from a correspondent account opened with the nominated bank, or refuse to reimburse the nominated bank for amounts paid to the recipient of funds (under an uncovered (guaranteed) letter of credit). When closing a covered (deposited) letter of credit, the return of unused funds to the issuing bank is carried out by payment order of the executing bank no later than the business day following the day of closing the letter of credit.

Uncovered (guaranteed) letter of credit. The parties may agree to use an uncovered letter of credit. In this case, the issuing bank does not transfer the funds to the executing bank, but when the time for execution of the letter of credit comes, the executing bank debits the required amount from the account of the issuing bank opened with it to the settlement account of the seller. In this case, the buyer's bank guarantees payment to the seller's bank. In turn, the buyer must guarantee payment to the bank by providing collateral. The advantage of this form of letter of credit for the buyer is that to open a letter of credit it is not necessary to withdraw your own funds from circulation (see Fig. 2.3.5.)

Rice. 2.3.5. Scheme of settlements under a guaranteed letter of credit.

When executing an uncovered (guaranteed) letter of credit, the executing bank has the right not to execute the letter of credit until funds are received from the issuing bank, except in the case of confirmation of the letter of credit by the confirming bank.

Irrevocable a letter of credit cannot be canceled at the unilateral request of the buyer without the consent of the seller. Most letters of credit are irrevocable because this ensures the interests of the supplier. The recipient's consent to change the terms of an irrevocable letter of credit can be expressed by submitting documents that comply with the changed terms of the letter of credit. The conditions of an irrevocable letter of credit are amended or the irrevocable letter of credit is canceled from the day following the day the executing bank receives the application of the recipient of the funds with his consent, of which the executing bank notifies the issuing bank no later than three working days from the day of receipt of the application of the recipient of the funds.

However, it is imperative to take into account that if it is not expressly stated that the letter of credit is irrevocable, then it is considered revocable. When executing a revocable letter of credit, the executing bank executes the letter of credit in full amount and on the current terms of the letter of credit if, before submitting the documents, the recipient of the funds has not received notice from the issuing bank about the cancellation of the letter of credit or changing other conditions of the letter of credit, in part of the amount of the letter of credit - upon receipt from the issuing bank notifications about reducing the amount of the letter of credit.

When it is established that the submitted documents comply with the terms of the letter of credit, the executing bank executes the letter of credit. The bank can execute a letter of credit in the following ways:

– directly upon submission of documents no later than three working days from the date the bank makes a decision on the compliance of the documents submitted by the recipient of funds with the terms of the letter of credit, but no later than three working days after the expiration of the five-day period established for verification of the submitted documents;

– with a deferment of execution on a date(s) specified by the terms of the letter of credit or a specified period, starting from the date of completion of certain actions, including the presentation of documents, shipment of goods;

– in another way provided for by the terms of the letter of credit.

If it is established that the submitted documents do not conform on external grounds to the terms of the letter of credit, the executing bank has the right to refuse to execute the letter of credit, notifying the recipient of the funds and the issuing bank, motivating the refusal. The executing bank may first request the issuing bank to agree to accept the submitted documents with discrepancies. In this case, the documents are stored in the executing bank until a response from the issuing bank is received. If the payer gives the issuing bank consent to accept the submitted documents with discrepancies, the issuing bank has the right to give its consent to the executing bank to execute the letter of credit. If the payer refuses to accept documents with discrepancies, the issuing bank is obliged to notify the executing bank about this, indicating in the notification all discrepancies that are the reason for the refusal.

3. Settlements by collection orders. Collection orders are applied:

– when paying for collection in cases provided for by the agreement;

– when making payments according to the orders of fund collectors.

The recipient of the funds may be a bank, including the payer's bank.

A collection order is drawn up, presented, accepted for execution and executed electronically, on paper.

The use of collection orders in settlements for collection is carried out, firstly, if there is a provision in the bank account agreement between the payer and his bank regarding the debiting of funds from the bank account, and secondly, the payer submits to the payer’s bank information about the recipient of funds who has the right to present collection orders to the payer's bank account.

The right to submit collection orders to the payer's bank account can be confirmed by the recipient of funds by submitting the relevant documents to the payer's bank.

If the recipient of the funds is the payer's bank, the condition for debiting funds from the payer's bank account may be provided for in the bank account agreement on the basis of a bank order drawn up by the bank.

The scheme for settlements by collection orders is presented in Figure 2.3.6.

Rice. 2.3.6. Scheme of payments by collection orders.

The collection order of the collector of funds can be presented to the payer's bank through the recipient's bank. The recipient's bank, which has accepted a collection order for the purpose of collecting funds, is obliged to present the collection order to the payer's bank.

A collection order submitted through the recipient's bank is valid for submission to the recipient's bank within 10 calendar days from the date of its preparation.

4. Payments by checks. This form of payment, which is practically not used today, is given several paragraphs in Regulation No. 383-P, indicating that a bank that wants to work with them can develop internal rules. The check may contain details determined by the credit institution; the form of the check is established by the credit institution; the credit institution is obliged to verify the authenticity of the check, as well as that the bearer of the check is the person authorized by it; checks from credit institutions are used when transferring funds, with the exception of transfers of funds by the Bank of Russia. The calculation scheme is presented in Figure 2.3.7.

Please note that a check serves as an order, but not as a settlement (payment) document. Based on the check presented for payment, the credit institution must generate its settlement (payment order) or cash (cash order) document, thereby justifying the movement of funds.

Rice. 2.3.7. Payments by checks.

5. Payments in the form of funds transfer at the request of the recipient of funds (direct debit). When making non-cash payments in the form of transferring funds at the request of the recipient of funds, the payment requirement is mainly applied.

If the recipient of the funds is a bank (for example, in the case when a borrower’s debt on a loan from his bank is repaid by direct debit), funds can be written off from the bank account of the payer client, in the presence of the payer’s prior acceptance, can be carried out by the bank in accordance with the bank account agreement on the basis bank order drawn up by the bank (see Fig. 2.3.8.)

The payment request is drawn up, submitted, accepted for execution and executed electronically, on paper.

A payment request can be submitted to the payer's bank through the recipient's bank.

A payment request submitted through the recipient's bank is valid for submission to the recipient's bank within 10 calendar days from the date of its preparation.

Rice. 2.3.8. Settlements in the form of transfer of funds at the request of the recipient of funds.

6. Electronic money transfers. This form of non-cash payments is regulated by Federal Law dated June 27, 2011 No. 161-FZ “On the National Payment System”.

Banks can carry out transfers, including various conversions of electronic funds into traditional (cash, non-cash) funds and vice versa, including:

– transfers of funds to bank accounts;

– money transfers without opening bank accounts.

In the first case, transfers are carried out by debiting funds from the bank accounts of payers and increasing the balance of electronic funds (EMF) of recipients.

In the second case – when making transfers without opening bank accounts (with the sender of the payment) – the following options are possible:

a) acceptance of cash, orders of the payer - an individual and increase in the balance of the recipient of the funds;

b) reducing the payer’s e-money balance and crediting funds to the recipient’s bank account;

c) reducing the balance of the payer’s e-money and issuing cash to the recipient of the funds - an individual;

d) decrease in the balance of the payer’s EDS and increase in the balance of the payee’s EDS.

Note that in accordance with Federal Law No. 161-FZ, a bank that carries out electronic money transfers is called electronic money operator.

When making non-cash payments in the form of electronic money transfer, the client provides funds to the electronic money operator on the basis of an agreement concluded with him.

Please note that the electronic money operator does not have the right to provide the client with funds to increase the client’s electronic money balance. The electronic money operator does not have the right to accrue interest on the client’s electronic money balance.

The transfer of electronic money is carried out by simultaneous acceptance by the electronic money operator of the client's order, reducing the balance of the payer's electronic money and increasing the balance of the recipient's electronic money by the amount of the electronic money transfer.

Let's consider further procedures for accepting for execution, recall, return (cancellation) of orders and the procedure for their execution. The procedure for performing such procedures is established by credit institutions and is communicated to clients, fund collectors, and credit institutions in contracts, documents explaining the procedure for accepting orders for execution, as well as by posting information at customer service points.

Procedures for accepting orders for execution include:

1) certification of the right to dispose of funds (certification of the right to use an electronic means of payment);

2) control of the integrity of orders;

3) structural control of orders;

4) control of the values ​​of order details;

5) control of funds sufficiency.

Let's study each of these stages in more detail.

1) Certification of the right to dispose of funds when accepting an order for execution in electronic form, the bank carries out it by checking an electronic signature, an analogue of a handwritten signature and (or) codes and passwords. Certification of the right to dispose of funds when accepting an order on paper for execution is carried out by the bank by checking the presence and compliance of a handwritten signature and seal imprint with the samples declared to the bank in the card with sample signatures and seal imprint. When accepting for execution an order from an individual to transfer funds without opening a bank account on paper, the credit institution checks for the presence of a handwritten signature. Certification of the right to use an electronic means of payment is carried out by a credit institution by checking the number, code and (or) other identifier of the electronic means of payment.

2) Control of order integrity in electronic form is carried out by the bank by checking the immutability of the order details. Control of the integrity of the order on paper is carried out by the bank by checking the absence of changes (corrections) made to the order. Registration of orders in electronic form, on paper, is carried out in the manner established by the bank, indicating the date of receipt of the order, while orders of fund collectors are subject to mandatory registration.

3) Structural control of the order in electronic form is carried out by the bank by checking the established details and the maximum number of characters in the order details. Structural control of orders on paper is carried out by the bank by checking the compliance of the order with the established form.

4) Control of order details values carried out by checking the values ​​of order details, their admissibility and compliance. Upon receipt of an order from the payer requiring the consent of a third party to dispose of the payer’s funds, the payer’s bank monitors the availability of the third party’s consent in the manner prescribed by law and the agreement. The consent of a third party to dispose of the payer’s funds can be given electronically or on paper in the manner provided for in the agreement.

Upon receipt of an order from the recipient of funds requiring acceptance payer, the payer's bank monitors the presence of a pre-given payer's acceptance or, in the absence of a pre-given payer's acceptance, receives the payer's acceptance.

This acceptance by the payer may be given in advance in an agreement between the payer’s bank and the payer and (or) in the form of a separate message or document, including a statement about this acceptance in advance. This acceptance must be given in advance before presenting the order of the recipient of the funds. This acceptance may be given in advance in relation to one or more bank accounts of the payer, one or more recipients of funds, one or more orders of the recipient of funds.

Receiving the payer's acceptance is carried out by the payer's bank by transmitting the payee's order or notification in electronic form or on paper for acceptance to the payer and receiving the payer's acceptance (refusal of acceptance) with the preparation of an application for acceptance (refusal of acceptance) of the payer. The orders of the recipients of funds are placed in the queue of orders awaiting acceptance.

5) Monitoring the sufficiency of funds in the payer’s bank account carried out by the payer's bank when accepting for execution each order multiple times or once in the manner established by the bank. If there are sufficient funds in the payer's bank account, orders are subject to execution in the sequence of receipt of orders to the bank and receipt of acceptance from the payer. If there are insufficient funds in the payer’s bank account, orders are not accepted by the bank for execution and are returned (cancelled), with the exception of:

– orders for the transfer of funds to the budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation;

– orders of fund collectors;

– orders accepted by the bank for execution or presented by the bank in accordance with the agreement.

The specified orders accepted for execution are placed by the bank in the queue of orders not executed on time for execution of orders on time and in the order of debiting funds from a bank account, which are established by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. If there are insufficient funds in the account to satisfy all demands placed on it, funds are written off in the following order (see Fig. 2.3.9.).

The sufficiency of funds for orders accepted for execution in order to transfer funds without opening a bank account is determined by the credit institution based on the amount of funds provided by the client.

When carrying out transactions using electronic means of payment, the credit institution of the recipient of funds, in cases provided for by the agreement, receives the consent of the payer's credit organization to carry out the operation using an electronic means of payment. This process is called below - authorization. If the authorization result is positive, the payer’s credit institution is obliged to provide funds to the recipient’s credit institution in the manner prescribed by the agreement.

If the results of the procedures for accepting orders for execution in electronic form are positive, the bank accepts the order for execution and sends a notification to the sender of the order in electronic form about acceptance of the order for execution. If an order is placed in the queue of orders not executed on time, the bank indicates in the order and in the notification in electronic form the date the order was placed in the queue. If the results of the procedures for accepting an order on paper are positive, the bank accepts the order for execution, confirms the acceptance of the order for execution by indicating the date it was accepted for execution, the date the order was placed in the queue of orders not executed on time, the bank stamp and the signature of the bank’s authorized person, and returns to the sender of the order, a copy of the order in the manner and within the period stipulated by the agreement, but no later than the business day following the day the order was received by the bank.

Rice. 2.3.9. The order in which funds are written off if there are insufficient funds in the account.

If the results of the procedures for accepting for execution an order on paper submitted for the purpose of transferring funds without opening a bank account are positive, the credit institution accepts the order for execution and immediately after completing the procedures for accepting the order for execution provides the sender of the order with a copy of the order on paper or a credit document organization on paper, confirming acceptance of the order for execution, indicating the date of acceptance and the bank’s marks, including the signature of the bank’s authorized person.

If the results of the procedures for accepting an order for execution in electronic form are negative, the bank does not accept the order for execution and sends to the sender of the order a notification in electronic form about the cancellation of the order indicating information that allows the sender of the order to identify the canceled order, the date of its cancellation, as well as the reason for cancellation, which may be indicated in the form of a code established by the bank and brought to the attention of the sender of the order. If the results of the procedures for accepting for execution an order on paper submitted for the purpose of transferring funds through a bank account are negative, the bank does not accept the order for execution and returns it to the sender of the order with the date of return, the bank’s note about the reason for the return, the bank’s stamp and the signature of the authorized person. person of the bank no later than the business day following the day the order was received by the bank. If the results of the procedures for accepting for execution an order on paper, submitted for the purpose of transferring funds without opening a bank account, are negative, the credit institution does not accept the order for execution and immediately after completing the procedures for accepting the order for execution returns it to the sender of the order.

Cancellation unexecuted orders are carried out by the bank no later than the business day following the day on which the basis for canceling the order arose, including the receipt of an application for revocation.

Procedures for executing orders include:

– execution of orders in the manner established by banks, by writing off funds from the payer’s bank account, crediting funds to the recipient’s bank account, issuing cash to the recipient of funds, or recording information about completed electronic money transfers;

– partial execution of orders;

– confirmation of execution of orders.

The order of execution procedures orders, including orders for the total amount with registers, are established by credit institutions and communicated to clients, fund collectors, credit institutions in contracts, documents explaining the procedure for carrying out procedures for executing orders, as well as by posting information at customer service points.

The bank of the recipient of funds establishes the procedure for crediting funds to the bank account of the recipient of funds, while it is allowed to credit funds to the bank account of the recipient of funds using two details: the bank account number of the recipient of funds and other information about the recipient of funds.

Partial execution of orders of payers, recipients of funds, including orders for which partial acceptance was given by the payer, recoverers of funds is carried out by the bank payment order in electronic form or on paper.

A payment order drawn up by the bank for the purpose of partial execution of the order of the recipient of funds, for which partial acceptance by the payer was received, if there are insufficient funds in the payer's bank account, is placed in the queue of orders not executed on time.

When maintaining a queue of orders not executed on time electronically, the bank provides the opportunity to provide information about the partial execution of an order.

Partial execution of the order of the payer (recipient of funds) in electronic form or on paper, transmitted for the purpose of transferring funds to a bank account, is confirmed in the manner established by the bank, by means of:

– sending a notice to the payer (recipient of funds) in electronic form indicating the details of the payment order or sending a payment order in electronic form indicating the execution date;

– presenting to the payer (recipient of funds) a copy of the executed payment order on paper indicating the date of execution, affixing the bank’s stamp and the signature of the bank’s authorized person.

Execution of an order electronically for the purpose of transferring funds to a bank account is confirmed by:

– by the payer’s bank by sending the payer a notice in electronic form about the debiting of funds from the payer’s bank account indicating the details of the executed order or by sending the executed order in electronic form indicating the execution date;

– by the bank of the recipient of funds by sending to the recipient of funds a notice about the crediting of funds to the bank account of the recipient of funds indicating the details of the executed order or by sending an executed order indicating the execution date.

Execution of an order on paper for the purpose of transferring funds to a bank account is confirmed by:

– by the payer’s bank by presenting to the payer a copy of the executed order on paper indicating the date of execution, affixing the bank’s stamp and the signature of the bank’s authorized person. In this case, the stamp of the payer’s bank can simultaneously confirm the acceptance for execution of an order on paper and its execution;

– by the bank of the recipient of funds by presenting to the recipient of funds a copy of the executed order on paper indicating the date of execution, affixing the bank’s stamp and the signature of the bank’s authorized person.

The execution of the client's order when carrying out a transaction using an electronic means of payment is confirmed by the credit institution by sending to the client, in the manner established by the agreement, a notice to the credit organization in electronic form or on paper, confirming the execution of the transaction using an electronic means of payment, which must indicate:

– name or other details of the credit institution;

– number, code and (or) other identifier of the electronic means of payment;

– type of operation;

– date of operation;

– transaction amount;

– the amount of commission if it is charged;

– device identifier when used to carry out an operation using an electronic means of payment.

A notice confirming the execution of a transaction using an electronic means of payment may contain additional information established by the credit institution.

In conclusion, we note that according to clause 1.8 of Regulation No. 383-P, credit institutions must approve internal documents containing:

– the procedure for drawing up orders;

– the procedure for performing the procedures for acceptance for execution, recall, return (cancellation) of orders;

– the procedure for executing orders;

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1.5. Notification of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation and compulsory medical insurance funds on the creation of a branch In accordance with clause 8 of Art. 243 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, separate divisions with a separate balance sheet,

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1.7. The procedure for making cash payments without the use of cash registers in the case of providing services to the population In pursuance of clause 2 of Art. 2 of the Law on CCPs, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 31, 2005 No. 171 approved the Regulations on the implementation of cash payments and (or)

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The procedure for making cash payments in the case of using forms In the case of using forms, cash payments and (or) payments using payment cards are carried out in the following order: 1) when paying for services in cash

1. The money transfer operator carries out the transfer of funds according to the order of the client (payer or recipient of funds), executed within the framework of the applicable form of non-cash payments (hereinafter referred to as the client’s order).

2. The transfer of funds is carried out at the expense of the payer’s funds located in his bank account or provided by him without opening a bank account.

3. The transfer of funds is carried out within the framework of the applicable forms of non-cash payments by crediting funds to the bank account of the recipient of funds, issuing cash to the recipient of funds, or accounting for funds in favor of the recipient of funds without opening a bank account when transferring electronic funds.

4. Depositing cash into your bank account or receiving cash from your bank account from one money transfer operator does not constitute a money transfer.

5. Transfer of funds, with the exception of transfer of electronic funds, is carried out within no more than three working days starting from the day funds are written off from the payer’s bank account or from the day the payer provides cash for the purpose of transferring funds without opening a bank account.

6. In carrying out the transfer of funds, along with the money transfer operator serving the payer and the money transfer operator serving the recipient of funds, other money transfer operators (hereinafter referred to as transfer intermediaries) may participate.

7. Unless otherwise stipulated by the applicable form of non-cash payments or federal law, the irrevocability of a funds transfer, with the exception of electronic money transfers, begins from the moment funds are written off from the payer’s bank account or from the moment the payer provides cash for the purpose of transferring funds without opening a bank account.

8. The unconditionality of the transfer of funds occurs at the moment of fulfillment of the conditions specified by the payer and (or) recipient of funds or other persons for the transfer of funds, including the implementation of a counter transfer of funds in another currency, counter transfer of securities, presentation of documents, or in the absence the specified conditions.

9. If the payer of funds and the recipient of funds are served by one money transfer operator, the finality of the funds transfer, with the exception of electronic money transfers, occurs at the moment the funds are credited to the bank account of the funds recipient or the recipient of the funds is provided with the opportunity to receive cash funds.

10. If the payer of funds and the recipient of funds are served by different money transfer operators, the finality of the funds transfer occurs at the moment the funds are credited to the bank account of the money transfer operator serving the recipient of funds, taking into account the requirements of Article 25 of this Federal Law .

11. When transferring funds, the obligation of the money transfer operator serving the payer to the payer terminates at the moment of its finality.

1.1. Banks transfer funds through bank accounts and without opening bank accounts in accordance with federal law and regulations of the Bank of Russia (hereinafter jointly referred to as legislation) within the framework of the applicable forms of non-cash payments on the basis of the orders for the transfer of funds provided for in paragraphs 1.10 and 1.11 of this Regulation funds (hereinafter referred to as orders) drawn up by payers, recipients of funds, as well as persons, bodies entitled, on the basis of federal law, to submit orders to the bank accounts of payers (hereinafter referred to as fund collectors), banks.

Transfer of funds is carried out within the framework of the following forms of non-cash payments:

settlements by payment orders;

settlements under a letter of credit;

settlements by collection orders;

payments by checks;

settlements in the form of transfer of funds at the request of the recipient of funds (direct debit);

settlements in the form of electronic money transfer.

Transfer of electronic funds is carried out in accordance with legislation and agreements, taking into account the requirements of these Regulations.

Forms of non-cash payments are chosen by payers and recipients of funds independently and may be provided for in agreements concluded by them with their counterparties (hereinafter referred to as the main agreement).

1.2. Payers and recipients of funds are legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, individuals engaged in private practice in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, individuals (hereinafter referred to as clients), banks. Collectors of funds may be recipients of funds. According to the orders of the recoverers of funds, including enforcement authorities, tax authorities, the recipient of funds may also be the body to which, in accordance with federal law, the collected funds are transferred.

The recoverer of funds, in the order sent with the writ of execution on collection, indicates as the recipient of the funds himself or the body to which, in accordance with federal law, the collected funds are transferred.

1.3. Banks transfer funds to bank accounts through:

debiting funds from the bank accounts of payers and crediting funds to the bank accounts of recipients;

debiting funds from bank accounts of payers and issuing cash to recipients - individuals;

debiting funds from bank accounts of payers and increasing the balance of electronic funds of recipients.

1.4. Credit organizations transfer funds without opening bank accounts, including using electronic means of payment, through:

accepting cash, orders from the payer - an individual and crediting funds to the bank account of the recipient of funds;

accepting cash, orders from the payer - an individual and issuing cash to the recipient - an individual;

accepting cash, orders from the payer - an individual and increasing the balance of electronic funds of the recipient;

reducing the balance of the payer’s electronic funds and crediting funds to the recipient’s bank account;

reducing the balance of electronic funds of the payer and issuing cash to the recipient of funds - an individual;

reducing the balance of electronic money of the payer and increasing the balance of electronic money of the recipient.

1.5. The transfer of funds can be carried out by the bank with subsequent reimbursement in accordance with the agreement by the payer's bank of funds in the amount of the amounts of orders executed by the recipient's bank.

1.6. The transfer of funds can be carried out with the participation of a bank that is not the payer’s bank and the recipient’s bank (hereinafter referred to as the intermediary bank).

1.7. Irrevocability, unconditionality, finality of the transfer of funds occurs in accordance with federal law.

1.8. Credit institutions approve internal documents containing:

the procedure for drawing up orders;

The procedure for carrying out procedures for acceptance for execution, recall, return (cancellation) of orders;

the procedure for executing orders;

other provisions on the organization of activities of credit institutions to transfer funds.

Internal documents cannot contain provisions that contradict the law, including these Regulations.

1.9. Transfers of funds are carried out by banks on the orders of clients, fund collectors, banks (hereinafter referred to as the senders of orders) in electronic form, including using electronic means of payment, or on paper.

1.10. The list and description of the details of orders - payment order, collection order, payment request, payment order are given in Appendix 1 and to these Regulations. These orders are applied within the framework of non-cash payment forms provided for in paragraph 1.1 of these Regulations.

The maximum number of characters in the details of a payment order, collection order, payment request, payment order drawn up electronically is established by Appendix 11 to these Regulations.

1.11. Orders for which a list of details and forms are not established by these Regulations are drawn up by the senders of orders indicating the details established by the bank that allow the bank to transfer funds, and according to the forms established by the bank or the recipient of funds in agreement with the bank. These orders are applied within the framework of the forms of non-cash payments provided for in clause 1.1 of these Regulations, and must contain the names of orders different from those specified in clause 1.10 of these Regulations.

The provisions of this paragraph apply to applications, notifications, notices, requests, responses drawn up in cases provided for by these Regulations, to applications drawn up in accordance with federal law for the purpose of collecting funds.

(see text in the previous edition)

The provisions of this paragraph apply to orders drawn up by a legal entity electronically or on paper to receive cash from the legal entity’s bank account if there are insufficient funds in its bank account.

The provisions of this paragraph apply to the order of an individual, the form of which is based on Part 1 of Article 8 of the Federal Law of June 27, 2011 N 161-FZ “On the National Payment System” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, N 27, Art. 3872; 2012 , N 53, art. 27, art. 4084; 2014, art. 2317; ; 2015, No. 1, Art. 8, Art. 14) (hereinafter referred to as Federal Law No. 161-FZ) is established by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation in agreement with the Bank of Russia.

1.12. Payment orders, collection orders, payment requests, payment orders, bank orders are settlement (payment) documents.

1.13. The form of the order on paper specified in clauses 1.10 and 1.11 of these Regulations should not exceed an A4 sheet. If the form of the order specified in clause 1.11 of these Regulations consists of several sheets, each of the sheets is drawn up in the manner established by the bank, taking into account the requirements stipulated by these Regulations.

The number of copies of orders on paper is established by the bank.

1.14. Banks apply orders in accordance with this Regulation in the following cases:

debiting (crediting) funds from a bank account if the bank is the recipient of the funds (payer);

transfer of funds without opening a bank account, including transfer of electronic funds if the bank is the recipient of the funds.

1.15. Based on the payer’s order, including in the form of an application, or an agreement with him, the payer’s bank may draw up an order (instructions) and carry out one-time and (or) periodic transfers of funds through the payer’s bank account or without opening a bank account to the payer, including using an electronic means of payment, on a certain date and (or) period, upon the occurrence of conditions specified by order or agreement in an amount determined by the payer, to the recipient of funds in this or another bank.

1.16. Based on the order of the recipient of funds, including in the form of an application, or an agreement with him, the bank of the recipient of funds may draw up an order (instructions) and carry out one-time and (or) periodic presentation of orders of the recipient of funds to the payer’s bank account opened in this or another bank, or for the purpose of transferring electronic funds of the payer on a certain date and (or) period, upon the occurrence of conditions specified by order or agreement in an amount determined by the recipient of the funds.

1.17. The payer may, in accordance with the agreement, draw up an order for a total amount with a register, which includes orders of one priority group, in order to transfer funds to several recipients of funds serviced by one bank.

In cases provided for by the agreement, the payer may draw up an order for the total amount with the register in order to transfer funds to several recipients of funds serviced by different banks.

1.18. The recipient of funds may, in accordance with the agreement, draw up an order for the total amount with a register that includes orders of one priority group, which indicates payers serviced by one bank.

In cases provided for by the agreement, the recipient of funds may draw up an order indicating information about payers serviced by different banks.

1.19. The register contains information about the banks of recipients of funds (payer banks), recipients of funds (payers), amounts for recipients of funds (payers), dates, order numbers and purpose of payment (payment purposes), as well as the total number of orders. If the register is sent separately from the order for the total amount, then it shall indicate the total amount of orders included in the register, as well as the number and date of the order for the total amount. The amount indicated in the register must correspond to the amount indicated in the order for the total amount. In the register, the payer (recipient of funds) can, in agreement with the bank, indicate additional information.

1.20. The bank, on the basis of orders accepted for execution, orders for the total amount with registers submitted to the bank, can draw up an order for the total amount with the register, which includes orders of one priority group. The register indicates the total amount and total number of orders, information about payers or the payer (in cases provided for by federal law or agreement), recipients of funds or recipient of funds serviced by this or another bank, containing the details provided for in the agreement, sufficient for crediting funds to bank accounts recipients of funds, issuance of cash to recipients of funds, the amount of each order. Dates, order numbers and information about the purpose of payment (payment purposes) are indicated in the register if they are included in the orders.

1.21.1. The orders indicate a unique payment identifier in cases where it is assigned by the recipient of the funds. The unique payment identifier is communicated by the recipient of funds to the payer in accordance with the agreement. The recipient's bank exercises control over the unique payment identifier in the cases and in the manner established by the agreement with the recipient of the funds. In the case of a transfer of funds to the bank account of the recipient of funds, opened for the purpose of identifying the payment, the formation and control of a unique payment identifier is carried out in the manner established in Appendix 12 to this Regulation.

(see text in the previous edition)

In orders for the transfer of funds to pay payments that are sources of revenue generation for the budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation, other payments received in the accounts of Federal Treasury bodies, and payments for the performance of work, provision of services by budgetary and autonomous institutions (hereinafter referred to as orders for the transfer of funds in payment of payments to the budget system of the Russian Federation) a unique payment identifier is indicated in accordance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts adopted on the basis of Part 1 of Article 8 of Federal Law N 161-FZ by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation in agreement with the Bank of Russia.

clause 4.1 of these Regulations, and the cases provided for by the Directive of the Bank of Russia dated December 24, 2012 N 2946-U “On working with orders for the transfer of funds when changing the details of banks and their clients”, registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on February 18, 2013 N 27153 (Bulletin of the Bank of Russia dated March 6, 2013 No. 15).

(see text in the previous edition)

1.23. The Bank provides the ability to reproduce, including upon request, in electronic form and on paper (in the forms established for the relevant orders) orders accepted for execution and executed in electronic form.

1.24. The payer's order in electronic form, the register (if any) are signed with an electronic signature (electronic signatures), an analogue of a handwritten signature (analogues of handwritten signatures) and (or) certified by codes, passwords and other means that allow confirming that the order (register) has been drawn up (drawn up) ) the payer or an authorized person (persons).

The order of the recipient of funds, the recoverer of funds in electronic form, the register (if any) is signed with an electronic signature (electronic signatures), an analogue of a handwritten signature (analogues of handwritten signatures) and (or) certified by codes, passwords, and other means to confirm that the order (register ) drawn up (drawn up) by the recipient of funds, the recoverer of funds or an authorized person (persons).

When reproducing orders in electronic form in accordance with paragraph 1.23 of these Regulations, it must be possible to identify the person(s) specified in this paragraph.

The provisions of this paragraph apply to orders in electronic form and registers compiled by banks.

1.25. Banks do not interfere in the contractual relations of clients. Mutual claims between the payer and the recipient of funds, except those arising through the fault of banks, are resolved in the manner prescribed by federal law without the participation of banks.

1.26. Transfer of funds using payment cards is carried out taking into account the specifics provided for by the Regulation of the Bank of Russia dated December 24, 2004 N 266-P “On the issuance of bank cards and on transactions carried out using payment cards”, registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on March 25, 2005 N 6431, October 30, 2006 N 8416, October 8, 2008 N 12430, December 9, 2011 N 22528 (Bulletin of the Bank of Russia dated March 30, 2005 N 17, dated November 9, 2006 N 60, dated October 17, 2008 No. 58, dated December 19, 2011 No. 71).

1.27. Transfer of funds using a bank order is carried out taking into account the specifics provided for by the Bank of Russia Directive No. 2945-U dated December 24, 2012 “On the procedure for drawing up and applying a bank order”, registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on February 18, 2013 No. 27163 (Bulletin of the Bank Russia" dated March 6, 2013 N 15).

(see text in the previous edition)

1.28. This Regulation applies to the transfer of funds with the participation of the state corporation "Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs" (Vnesheconombank).

About three years ago, the law “On the National Payment System” was adopted, which gave broad powers to all financial market entities.

In turn, to implement the provisions of Law No. 161, the regulator adopted regulatory documents regulating various issues of the existence and functioning of all payment systems.

Functioning of payment systems

One of the fundamental regulations for the functioning of the national payment system issued by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is Regulation 383 P. It affects almost every participant in settlement legal relations.

This document replaced the outdated Regulation No. 2-P “On non-cash payments on the territory of the Russian Federation” that is outdated and does not correspond to modern realities of making payments. The reality is that modern technologies have entered every sphere of human life, including banking.

The updated regulatory act now includes both the regulation of transfers of funds between counterparties using the classical method, and the procedure for making mutual settlements using electronic means of payment.

Here, too, for the first time, the structures that have the right to engage in money transfers were clearly defined. This point was missed when normative act No. 161 was adopted.

Counterparties and verification

The banking transaction must be certified:

  1. signature of an authorized person or its equivalent;
  2. electronic signature;
  3. code or password.

Counterparties for non-cash transactions can be (according to clause 2.3 of the resolution):

  1. individuals;
  2. individual entrepreneurs;
  3. legal entities;
  4. banking institutions;
  5. bodies involved in collecting funds (fiscal, executive services).

Reformative in the package of these laws is the acceptance by banks of payment documents from legal entities without the signature of the chief accountant of the enterprise (Law of the Russian Federation on accounting).

Payment forms

Transfers of funds by banks through existing bank accounts or without opening an account must take place strictly within the framework of federal law, supported by regulatory documents of the Bank of the Russian Federation.

The choice of payment form is determined at the request of the payment sender, but can be determined by an agreement with the counterparty.

The following forms of non-cash payments are available to financial market participants:

  1. issue of letter of credit;
  2. payment upon request of the beneficiary;
  3. issuing and clearing checks;
  4. payment request;
  5. collection order.

Settlements under a letter of credit

When opening a letter of credit to the issuing bank, the payer issues conditions under which the bank must send funds to the recipient.

Typically, payment occurs only after the latter provides documents confirming the fulfillment of the conditions stated in the letter of credit.

The executor under the letter of credit can be:

  1. the bank that issued the letter of credit;
  2. recipient bank;
  3. any other financial institution.

The issuer of the letter of credit may also be the payer at the same time.

A letter of credit acts as a separate document from the contract and is executed separately. There are electronic and paper forms of issue, changes, notifications and other actions related to the execution of payment of this form.

The form of the letter of credit is specified in clause 6.7 and must include:

  1. number and date of registration;
  2. payment amount;
  3. details of all counterparties participating in the transaction;
  4. type and validity period of the document;
  5. method of execution;
  6. a list of documents that must be provided by the recipient to carry out the transaction;
  7. deadlines for submitting documents confirming the fulfillment of the conditions;
  8. procedure for payment of the issuer's remuneration.

In addition to the required data, the letter of credit may contain additional information, by agreement of the parties. The abolition of the strict form of the document, in particular, allowed banks to apply the international payment standards UPS 600 when issuing letters of credit.

Video: Discussion of the new edition

Settlements by collection orders

A collection order is often used in trade transactions, when the agreement provides for the intermediary services of a bank in the exchange of funds for the preparation of documents under the contract. The beneficiary of the funds can be both the sending bank and the payer bank.

The collection form can be either paper or electronic.

P The collection operation is carried out as follows:

  1. an agreement is reached between the parties on the use of this form of transaction;
  2. issuing collection orders and issuing necessary documents;
  3. forwarding of the order by the remitting bank to the payer (collecting) bank;
  4. After payment is made by the payer, he is given the documents necessary to receive the goods and close the transaction.

In the case where the beneficiary is the payer's bank, the terms of the service agreement between the parties are used and a bank order is issued in accordance with these terms.

Payments by checks

According to the rules determined by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, settlements through the issuance and redemption of checks are established by federal law. On its basis, an agreement is drawn up.

The check must display data approved by federal authorities. The form of the check, as well as additional requirements for the data contained in it, are established independently by the credit company. When accepting a check, the receiving party must verify its authenticity. Only an authorized person can present a check for redemption.

The exception for the circulation of check orders among credit institutions is the Bank of Russia. When interacting with it, this type of calculation is not used.

Settlements by payment orders

The payment order obliges the bank to transfer funds from the sender’s bank account or without opening an account to the beneficiary, according to the data specified in the payer’s order, submitted in paper or electronic form.

In addition to settlement, transfer by payment order is also practiced for deposit accounts.

According to Appendices 1–3 of the Regulations “On the Rules for Transferring Funds”, the payment request must contain:

  1. sender and recipient data;
  2. bank details of the sender and recipient banks (name, BIC, current account number);
  3. amount and purpose of payment;
  4. date of registration and signature of the sender.

The payment request is valid for ten calendar days from the date of its execution. If the recipient of the money is the financial institution itself, then a cash order is issued during the transaction.

Transfer of funds at the request of the recipient

Calculations through the transfer of financial resources at the request of the beneficiary or direct debit are regulated by federal legislative acts taking into account the norms of paragraphs 1.2–4 of the 2012 document of the Center of the Bank of the Russian Federation No. 383 p.

The regulator has tried to bring this form of payment in line with international approaches used when transferring funds at the request of the recipient.

In addition to the fact that the requirement to transfer funds comes from the recipient, this method of making a non-cash transfer of funds is no different from a transfer based on a payment order.

Acceptance for execution, cancellation, revocation of orders in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations “On the Rules for the Transfer of Funds”

Acceptance or refusal to execute an order to transfer funds is written out in the second chapter of document No. 383 p dated June 19, 2012.

The order is accepted after:

  1. checking a person’s right to use funds (both for paper and electronic transactions);
  2. checking the completed form and structure for errors and typos;
  3. checking the account for the availability of funds to make the payment.

Banks may also impose additional requirements in accordance with established service rules or an agreement with the client. Thus, when submitting an electronic request, the client must accept it using an electronic key, signature or entering a password. Sometimes the bank verifies the transaction by calling the client’s phone.

After verification, the payment order is registered, assigning an incoming number and the date of acceptance.

If the result of checking the order is negative, the sender receives a notification about its cancellation.

If it is necessary to revoke a transfer, the client must contact the bank and write a corresponding application. However, it is worth doing this before the payment becomes irrevocable. This statement follows the financial institution's reasons for reversing a transaction.

Application of provision 383-p

Updating the legislative framework in the field of forms of non-cash payments made it possible to bring the electronic payment market within the framework of the law, which significantly simplified work and mutual settlements in this market.

A clear definition of the subjects of the paper and electronic payments market reduced the possibility of manipulation with the forms of the subjects and increased the reliability of operations. Bringing payment forms to international standards has significantly speeded up international transactions.

The timely response of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to changes in the forms of payment transactions led to an increase in the reliability and number of non-cash transactions, which has a beneficial effect on the banking and economic industries.

I.V. Kerensky (2012) notes that on July 9, Bank of Russia Regulation No. 383-P dated June 19, 2012 “On the rules for transferring funds” (hereinafter referred to as the Transfer Regulations) came into force. It will replace the Regulations of the Bank of Russia dated October 3, 2002 No. 2-P “On non-cash payments in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations on non-cash payments), with the exception of II and Appendices 25-33, as well as Regulations of the Bank of Russia dated April 1, 2003 No. 222-P “On the procedure for making non-cash payments by individuals in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations on non-cash payments by individuals).

The transfer regulations establish the rules for the transfer of funds by the Bank of Russia and credit organizations on the territory of Russia in Russian currency. It reflects the changes that have occurred in Russian legislation as a result of the adoption of Federal Law No. 161-FZ of June 27, 2011 “On the National Payment System” (hereinafter referred to as the Law on the Payment System).

Most of the provisions of the Transfer Regulations came into force on July 9, with the exception of Ch. 3 (“Features of the implementation of procedures for accepting for execution orders of payment system participants”) and requirements for the maximum number of characters in settlement documents compiled in electronic form. These rules come into force later: from January 1, 2013 and from April 1, 2013.

The Regulations on Translation combine rules on the implementation of translations by both individuals and legal entities. Most of the rules are now uniform for all categories of payers and recipients, however, for some cases a special regulatory procedure has been established, which is directly stated in the rules of the Regulation. For example, only individuals can be payers when transferring funds without opening a bank account, with the exception of transfers of electronic funds (clause 1.4 of the Transfer Regulations).

The Transfer Regulations establish the rules for making money transfers based on orders submitted both on paper and electronically.

The peculiarity of the Transfer Regulations is that it contains uniform rules for the acceptance and processing of all orders for the transfer of funds. The bank's procedure does not depend on the type of settlement (payment) document that the bank receives.

Settlement (payment) documents in accordance with clause 1.12 of the Transfer Regulations include:

    payment orders;

    collection orders;

    payment requirements;

    payment orders;

    bank orders.

For comparison: in the Regulations on non-cash payments, payment orders, letters of credit, checks, payment requests and collection orders were recognized as payment documents (clause 2.3, chapter 2, part I of the Regulations on non-cash payments).

In accordance with the Transfer Regulations, payers can stipulate in an agreement with the bank the opportunity to use orders with registers of recipients to make transfers in favor of not only individuals, but also any other recipients (clause 1.17 of the Transfer Regulations). In addition, the recipient of funds now also has the right to draw up orders containing a register of several payers (clause 1.18 of the Transfer Regulations). An agreement with a bank may stipulate that an order with a register of recipients (payers) can be drawn up to transfer funds both to persons who are clients of the same bank and to persons served by different banks.

The ability to transfer funds in the total amount by payment order with the compilation of a register was provided for in the Regulations on non-cash payments by individuals. It stated that if one legal entity sends a payment order to the bank to transfer funds to several individuals, for example, to pay wages (clause 1.1.15 of the Regulations on non-cash payments of individuals), it can draw up a payment order and use the register in which all individuals, details of their accounts, amounts to be credited to their accounts should be indicated. In this case, all individuals must be clients of the same bank.

Payers and recipients of funds in accordance with the Transfer Regulations can draw up an order for the transfer of funds, which will be executed both once and periodically (clauses 1.15 and 1.16 of the Transfer Regulations). Previously, this opportunity was available to individual payers when making payments using payment orders (clause 2.4 of the Regulations on non-cash payments by individuals). Payers - legal entities and individual entrepreneurs could make periodic payments by payment orders in accordance with the terms of the payer's agreement with its counterparties (clause 3.3, chapter 3, part I of the Regulations on non-cash payments). The Transfer Regulations do not link the possibility of periodic transfers of funds with the terms of the agreement between the payer (recipient) of funds and its counterparty.

The Regulations on transfers, unlike the Regulations on non-cash payments, do not contain general requirements for the details of orders for the transfer of funds. At the same time, the Appendix to the Transfer Regulations establishes Lists and descriptions of the details of the payment order, collection order, payment request and payment order. The forms of these documents remain unchanged.

In accordance with the Regulations on transfer, it is allowed to use orders for which the Regulations themselves do not establish forms and a list of details. The details of such orders are determined by the bank or the recipient of funds in agreement with the bank (clause 1.11 of the Transfer Regulations).

Compared to the Regulations on non-cash payments, the Regulations on transfers regulate in much more detail the rules for accepting orders for the transfer of funds for execution.

Reception of orders for execution. The regulation on the transfer largely repeats the norms of the Regulations on non-cash payments and the Regulations on non-cash payments by individuals regarding the rules for accepting for execution orders for the transfer of funds. However, now this procedure will be the same for all types of transfer orders.

Clause 2.1 of the Transfer Regulations establishes a detailed procedure for banks to control the contents of an order to transfer funds when accepting it for execution. It consists of a number of sequential actions:

    certification of the right to dispose of funds (certification of the right to use an electronic means of payment);

    control of the integrity of orders;

    structural control of orders;

    control of order details values;

    control of orders for sufficiency of funds.

Each subsequent stage of control occurs only after passing all the previous stages, and the order is accepted for execution if it has passed all stages of control. It is separately stated that if in relation to orders requiring the payer’s acceptance, such acceptance was not given in advance, then control procedures are carried out only after its receipt (clause 2.9.2 of the Transfer Regulations).

1. Certification of the right to dispose of funds. The rules for certifying the right to dispose of funds when accepting a transfer order submitted on paper establish requirements for the presence of appropriate signatures and seals.

Certification of the right to dispose of funds, if the order is transmitted electronically, is carried out by the bank by checking an electronic signature, an analogue of a handwritten signature and (or) codes, passwords, and other means to confirm that the order in electronic form was drawn up by the person (persons) specified ( specified) in clause 1.24 of the Transfer Regulations (paragraph 1 of clause 2.3 of the Transfer Regulations).

In the case of using an electronic means of payment, instead of certifying the right to dispose of funds, the right to use an electronic means of payment is certified. The Translation Regulations also contain relevant rules. Certification of the right to use an electronic means of payment is carried out by a credit institution by checking the number, code and (or) other identifier of the electronic means of payment (paragraph 4, clause 2.3 of the Transfer Regulations).

2. Control of the integrity of orders. At this stage, the immutability of the order details is checked.

In orders on paper, the absence of changes is checked, and in orders in electronic form, the immutability of the order details is checked (clause 2.4 of the Transfer Regulations).

3. Structural control of orders. During this stage of control, the established details are checked, and for orders in electronic form, the maximum number of characters in the details is also checked.

The bank checks whether the order complies with the established form (if it is submitted on paper).

The transfer regulations provide for requirements for the maximum number of characters in the details of a payment order, collection order, payment request and payment order drawn up in electronic form. This regulation will come into force on April 1, 2013.

4. Control of order details values. This stage of control consists of checking the values ​​of order details, their admissibility and compliance in the manner established by the bank, taking into account the requirements of the law.

The transfer regulation imposes on the bank the obligation to check the consent of third parties to carry out the transfer, if such consent must be obtained in accordance with the law (clause 2.8 of the transfer regulation).

If the payer's acceptance is required to complete the transfer, the payer's bank also checks the presence of a pre-given acceptance or sends the payer an order from the recipient of funds or a notification for acceptance.

This acceptance in advance may concern one or more accounts of the payer, one or more recipients of funds, as well as various grounds for debiting funds from the account.

The Translation Regulations do not contain a requirement to indicate the reasons for refusal to accept.

5. Control of funds sufficiency. The transfer regulations establish uniform rules for monitoring the sufficiency of funds, regardless of the type of order to transfer funds.

Sufficiency is checked based on the balance of funds in the payer’s bank account at the beginning of the day. The funds received into his account (withdrawn from the account) at the time of determining the sufficiency of funds are also taken into account (clause 2.10 of the Transfer Regulations).

The question of what happens to orders if there are insufficient funds can be resolved in different ways. As a general rule, if there are insufficient funds in the payer’s account, orders are not accepted and are returned (cancelled) no later than the business day following the day the order was received.

However, certain categories of transfer orders drawn up by legal entities or individual entrepreneurs must be placed in the queue of orders not executed on time. These are orders for the transfer of funds to budgets (as well as orders for the same and the previous order of debiting funds from a bank account established by federal law), orders for collectors of funds, orders accepted by the bank for execution or presented by the bank in accordance with the agreement (paragraph 10 clause 2.10 of the Translation Regulations).

The result of all of the above procedures for accepting orders for execution is either the acceptance of orders for execution or their return to the payer. The transfer regulations regulate in detail the documentation of both the acceptance of an order for execution and the refusal to accept it: deadlines for completing all actions, the presence of signatures of bank officials, etc.

It should be noted that banks may establish additional procedures for accepting orders for execution, such as monitoring the duplication of orders, obtaining the consent of the payer’s credit institution for a transaction using an electronic means of payment.

Execution of orders. The Transfer Regulations provide for the procedures for executing orders to transfer funds. Three possible procedures are listed: execution, partial execution and confirmation of execution of the order (clause 4.1 of the Transfer Regulations).

Execution of an order can be done through:

    debiting funds from the payer’s bank account;

    crediting funds to the recipient's bank account;

    issuing cash to the recipient of funds;

    recording information on completed electronic money transfers.

Partial execution of orders is also allowed in cases provided for by law or contract.

The bank is obliged to confirm the full or partial execution of orders in the manner established by the Regulations on the transfer. Depending on the form of submission of the order (electronically, on paper or using an electronic means of payment), various procedures for sending confirmation to the payer (recipient) of funds are applied (clauses 4.5-4.9 of the Transfer Regulations).

Additionally, banks may establish (in particular, in contracts) other procedures for executing orders, including the procedure for clarifying the details of orders, returning funds that cannot be credited (issued) to the recipient of funds, as well as the procedure for executing orders included in registers, including partial execution of orders.

Revocation of orders. In the Regulations on transfers in accordance with the norms of the Payment System Law, the revocation of an order for the transfer of funds is associated with such a payment property as “irrevocability”. Revocation of transfer orders is possible before the irrevocability of the funds transfer occurs (clause 2.14 of the Transfer Regulations).

According to paragraph 7 of Art. 5 of the Law on the Payment System, unless otherwise stipulated by the applicable form of non-cash payments or federal law, the irrevocability of a funds transfer begins from the moment funds are written off from the payer’s bank account or from the moment the payer provides cash for transferring funds without opening a bank account.

For the transfer of electronic funds, another moment of irrevocability has been established: simultaneous acceptance by the electronic money operator of the client’s order, a decrease in the balance of the payer’s electronic funds and an increase in the balance of the recipient’s electronic funds by the amount of the electronic money transfer (clauses 10 and 15 of Article 7 of the Law on payment system).

Forms of non-cash payments.

The transfer regulations determine the forms of non-cash payments. Transfer of funds is carried out within the framework of:

    settlements by payment orders;

    settlements under a letter of credit;

    settlements by collection orders;

    payments by checks;

    settlements in the form of transfer of funds at the request of the recipient of funds (direct debit);

    settlements in the form of electronic money transfer.

Compared to the Regulations on non-cash payments, the Regulations on transfers have added only one form of non-cash payments - payment in the form of an electronic money transfer. This is due to the adoption of the Payment System Law, which, firstly, contains a definition of the term “electronic funds”, and secondly, establishes the rules for their transfer.

Payers and recipients of funds choose the form of non-cash payments independently; it may be provided for in agreements with their counterparties.