Which vitamins are best for nursing mothers: how not to drown in a sea of ​​information and make the right choice. Why you need to take vitamins after childbirth What vitamins to take after breastfeeding

During lactation, new mothers need more than ever useful substances Oh. Vitamins and minerals are necessary for a child to normal development, he receives them through breast milk, and they help a woman recover faster after childbirth.

If a nursing mother gets tired quickly, her skin turns pale, dries out, and the condition of her hair, teeth, and nails deteriorates, then most likely we are talking about vitamin deficiency. This condition is manifested by irregular heartbeat, irritability, and frequent digestive disorders.

Vitamin deficiency threatens violation visual function, diseases of the reproductive, musculoskeletal system, etc. Therefore, if the above symptoms occur, you should consult a doctor. The specialist will determine the type of missing vitamins and tell you which better drugs accept in one case or another.

The need for nutrients during breastfeeding

A nursing mother needs retinol, calciferol, ascorbic acid, and group B elements. In addition, she needs to nourish the body minerals(calcium, iodine, phosphorus, iron, etc.). A woman needs them to meet her daily needs for nutrients and restore health. In addition, she must transfer the missing micronutrients (vitamins, micro-, macroelements) to the newborn through breast milk.

Each useful substance performs its function:

  • accelerates the formation of bone tissue.
  • Vitamin D helps absorb calcium and prevents rickets.
  • Ascorbic acid is necessary for all vital functions. important processes in the body.
  • Iron improves blood composition and transports oxygen.
  • Retinol normalizes the condition skin, inner membranes, eyes.

The concentration of micronutrients in milk depends on the menu of the lactating woman. Conventional products solve the problem of vitamin deficiency only partially. This is explained by the fact that in lately The vitamin content of vegetables and fruits decreases. In addition, mineral reserves in the soil are depleted, which reduces the quality of animal products. To get a daily supply of nutrients, you need to absorb such an amount of food that would lead to an increase in body weight.

For this reason, doctors prescribe poly vitamin complexes, which contain daily norm micronutrients for mothers and infants. The best drugs will be described below.


An American multivitamin complex marked “Prenatal” and “Prenatal Forte” is suitable for women after childbirth while breastfeeding. These products differ only in composition: “Prenatal” contains 13 vitamins, 3 minerals, and “Prenatal Forte” contains the same amount of vitamins and 10 minerals.

The combination drug is available in capsule form. The product eliminates vitamin deficiency and iron deficiency anemia. Contraindicated in patients who have increased concentrations of iron or calcium in the body or who have calcium in their urine.

The doctor decides on the duration, frequency of use, and dosage of the drug. Daily dosage – 1 capsule once after meals.


The Swiss drug with the full name “” is produced in tablet form. Elevit contains 12 vitamins, 7 minerals. This is an effective and safe multivitamin complex during breastfeeding. The drug has been tested on 25 million women and has a quality certificate.

Elevit is prescribed for hypovitaminosis in pregnant and lactating women. Doctors recommend taking the drug 4 weeks before a planned pregnancy, during gestation and breastfeeding. The daily dose of nutrients is contained in one tablet, which is taken after meals.

If the rules of administration are violated, allergies and digestive disorders appear. In addition, the likelihood of overdosing on vitamins increases.


The Italian multivitamin complex for lactating women has trade name"Mom's health." The tablets are packaged in packs of 60 pieces, each blister contains 20 pills different colors. To get a pronounced effect, take 3 tablets per day with different shades.

The beneficial substances are divided into 3 tablets in such a way that their absorption is not impaired. The biggest pill white contains a daily dose of calcium, blue - minerals and antioxidants, and red - vitamin B9, iron.

Alphabet is taken as prescribed by a doctor for hypovitaminosis. Treatment lasts 20 days; if necessary, the doctor will extend the course after a break (10 - 15 days).


The multivitamin complex is produced by the international group “Dr. Reddy's. Tablets include metafolin, vitamins, iodine, and capsules - tocopherol, polysaturated fatty acids.

The drug is intended for daily use when natural feeding. A lactating woman should take 1 capsule and tablet after eating.

Nutritious food

The choice of a suitable multivitamin complex must be approached responsibly. Such drugs are taken only when they are really necessary. Many manufacturers recommend taking the product from the very beginning of pregnancy until the end of lactation. However, the opinion of doctors often differs; they argue that a deficiency of vitamins is dangerous, but an overdose of beneficial substances is even more dangerous. For this reason, it is forbidden to take such drugs “just in case”; they are necessary only if there are symptoms of hypovitaminosis.

When consuming multivitamin complexes, the likelihood of hypervitaminosis increases. For this reason, it is recommended to take only one vitamin that is deficient in the body.

In addition, doctors advise normalizing nutrition, it is worth including in the menu lean fish, meat, dairy products, fresh fruits, vegetables. Also, lactating women need to visit a doctor regularly.

You can saturate your body with vitamins using regular foods:

  • The source of retinol is butter, sour cream, eggs, liver. Beta-carotene is found in red, yellow and green vegetables and fruits.
  • Thiamine is found in cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal), bread with added bran, beans, nuts, potatoes, carrots.
  • Vitamin B2 can be found in eggs, liver, cabbage, tomatoes, etc.
  • A lot of vitamin B3 contains meat, liver, milk, eggs.
  • Pyridoxine is obtained from nuts, cabbage, citrus fruits, etc.
  • The source of vitamin B9 is whole grain flour, vegetables, cheese, meat, etc.
  • Cyanocobalamin is found in animal products.
  • contain fruits, berries, some vegetables.
  • Tocopherol is found in vegetable oils, grains, beans.
  • Biotin includes kidneys, liver, beans, red vegetables.

Calciferol is produced by the skin under the influence of the sun, so nursing mothers are advised to walk outside every day.

Vitamins from food help support lactation and improve the general condition of the body when the lack of vitamins is insignificant. In other cases, it is recommended to take multivitamin complexes.

When taking vitamin-mineral complexes, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

  • Medicines containing vitamins and minerals should only be taken according to medical indications. You should not take these medications “just in case”; they are used only when symptoms of hypovitaminosis appear. To maintain the level of nutrients, a balanced diet is enough.
  • It is necessary to take the multivitamins prescribed by the doctor. Independent choice similar drugs dangerous for women and children, as the likelihood of hypervitaminosis increases, which manifests itself as headache, nausea, sleep disorders, indigestion, etc.
  • The patient must follow the doctor's recommendations regarding taking the drug. Violation of the admission rules threatens side effects, impaired absorption of nutrients.
  • It is not recommended to take a multivitamin complex for a long time. Short-term courses help to compensate for the lack of nutrients, when too long-term use there is a risk of overdose.

Thus, multivitamins for nursing mothers are necessary only for hypovitaminosis. If symptoms of vitamin deficiency appear, you must visit a doctor who will conduct an examination and select the most suitable suitable remedy. To avoid negative reactions, a nursing mother must follow the rules for taking the drug that the doctor has determined for her.

After childbirth, a woman experiences an acute deficiency in nutrients, which significantly reduces immune status. After the baby is born, there is often a risk of postpartum complications, therefore, if a woman does not provide the body in time necessary set nutrients, then the processes of postpartum recovery are quite delayed. To minimize the risks of postpartum infections and set the body up for quick recovery, you must take vitamins after childbirth, and also adhere to healthy regime in nutrition and lifestyle.

The need for vitamins

Immediately after childbirth, a woman’s lactation mechanisms are launched, and the body enters a new phase – breastfeeding. This period is quite important for the baby, since all its internal structures are adjusted to autonomous functioning. The only food for the baby in the first months will be mother's milk, which will provide him with the necessary complex of microelements and vitamin components. Therefore, the mother is simply obliged to eat fully and rationally so that the baby develops fully and gains weight.

In practice it often turns out quite differently. Since a woman is busy caring for her baby, she often does not have enough time for herself and does not have time to eat properly. Therefore, approximately 80% of new mothers experience acute shortage components useful for the baby and mother. As a result, the mother develops health problems, she notices hair loss, and her teeth begin to crumble. This also affects the baby’s health – he may not develop quickly enough, often gets sick, etc.

What vitamins do nursing mothers need?

Before deciding to take vitamins, you need to consult a doctor to understand which microelements mommy is not getting enough from her daily diet. Only a doctor will be able to correctly select the necessary complex of vitamins, since excess content of any microelements can be even more dangerous than their deficiency. In addition, there are certain daily norms for each microelement and vitamin, exceeding which is unsafe.


This organic compound is also called thiamine. This item ensures the full formation of nervous system and receptor structures. Thiamine is present in plant products from the group of cereals and legumes. Strong nerves During this period, a young mother urgently needs.


Riboflavin is often called the vitamin for growth by scientists. This organic compound takes an active part in iron metabolism processes, affects the nervous system, the functioning of the liver and muscle structures. Riboflavin is present in most fermented milk and some plant products.


Pyridoxine is present in fish and meat products, in plant crops such as cabbage, nuts and potatoes. Infants need this component for the proper development of brain and spinal, as well as nervous system structures. In addition, pyridoxine is actively involved in hematopoietic processes.


A component such as cyanocobalamin, which is rich in fermented milk and fish, meat products, ensures full development nervous activity and the formation of liquid tissues.

Vitamin A

Retinol is extremely important for the normal formation of skin and bone structures, nail plates and hair, as well as for the normal development of mucous tissues. If a woman receives the full amount of retinol, she will protect herself from hair loss. Vitamin A is rich in dairy products and liver, eggs and apricots, cheese, etc.

Vitamin PP

It is also called nicotinic acid. This component ensures the uninterrupted functioning of intraorganic metabolic processes. Vitamin PP catalyzes and decomposes carbohydrate and fat cells for further absorption of these elements. In addition, nicotinic acid stimulates the activity of the liver and gastrointestinal tract structures. You can get a full supply of this microelement from buckwheat and meat, as well as from animal by-products.

Vitamin E

Tocopherol is extremely important for nursing mothers, since this organic compound stimulates mammary glandular activity. Vitamin E actively takes part in amino acid synthesis and also improves gonadal development in the baby. You can fully provide your body with tocopherol by including daily diet sunflower oil or seeds.

Ascorbic acid

Vitamin C protects cellular structures from damage and decay, helping to strengthen their walls. In addition, ascorbic acid provides an anti-inflammatory effect, helps iron absorption and improves immune activity. Ascorbic acid in large quantities present in citrus, vegetable and fruit crops.

Vitamin D

Calciferols are present in butter and eggs, as well as fish oil. The vitamin ensures the necessary strength of bone structures and prevents the development of rickets in the baby.

In addition, mommy simply must receive other necessary components from her diet, such as iron and magnesium, zinc and iodine, phosphorus and calcium. Iodine is necessary for normal thyroid function, calcium for teeth, bones and nervous system structures, and phosphorus for cardiac and kidney function.

The best complexes

As mentioned above, when choosing a vitamin complex, a woman needs to be guided by the recommendations of a specialist who can choose the right drug. There are many complexes designed specifically for nursing mothers; they are often similar in composition, but still have some features that take into account the individual differences of women.


This vitamin complex is noticeably different from others vitamin preparations, because daily dosage The drug is divided into three doses. This feature will allow all components of the drug to be absorbed as much as possible in the female body. If a nursing woman has any allergic reaction to certain vitamins, then the specific pill should simply be excluded without taking it. Alphabet does not contain enough folic acid, so it is recommended to take it as a separate drug.

Mam Elevit

Elevit drugs are considered one of the most popular today. Many gynecologists monitoring mothers with various pregnancy threats recommend taking these particular vitamins. The peculiarity of the drug is great content magnesium, which helps maintain pregnancy, and during feeding provides these microelements to the baby. The composition of the complex is quite diverse, but it does not contain iodine.


The complex drug Complivit also provides pregnant and lactating women required quantity components. These vitamins are taken not only to provide the baby with all the necessary substances, but for prophylactic purposes to prevent their deficiency in the mother’s body. In addition, Complivit also promotes faster recovery after childbirth.

Quite often, mothers start taking these vitamins to prevent hair loss, since the drug contains components that ensure stable and full hair growth.


The complex for nursing and pregnant women contains all the components necessary for successful postpartum recovery. In fact, Vitrum Prenatal is considered a universal vitamin complex that can be taken by both pregnant and lactating women. The drug in every sense is a high-quality vitamin complex containing all the necessary microelements and vitamins.


The drug contains all the necessary additives and minerals that a woman will need for postpartum recovery, as well as provide for the baby and mother necessary microelements during pregnancy, which will help prevent probable pathologies intrauterine nature. The product has a very positive effect on the baby and mother.

How to replenish vitamin reserves

During the period of gestation and feeding, a woman gives the baby all the nutritional components that enter her body along with food. Especially female body suffers from micronutrient deficiency during lactation. After all, the mother lost almost all her supplies while she was carrying the baby, and now all the remains go into milk for the baby. And if the newborn gets everything he needs from mother's milk, then a woman will have to carefully think through her diet in order to receive all the necessary microelements for herself and the baby with food. Characteristic features micronutrient deficiencies are:

  • Reduced immunity;
  • Frequent ARVI and colds;
  • Fragility of nail plates;
  • Hair loss;
  • Pale skin;
  • Peeling of the face;
  • Acne and pimples on the face.

At the same time, mothers believe that it is enough to just adjust the diet to replenish necessary supplies vitamins and microelements. But gynecologists recommend that new mothers use vitamin complexes specially designed for this purpose to replenish nutrients. What vitamins to take after childbirth, and why food does not always help to fully provide the body with a supply of valuable substances.

It's simple. To receive daily dose vitamin B, which is responsible for the nervous system and reproductive functions, a woman needs to eat half a kilo of beef and a loaf of bread from rye flour. These products will only fill the need for vitamin B. Considering that a nursing mother needs to receive all the useful microelements and vitamins, it turns out that she needs to eat an incredible amount of food. That is why taking vitamin complexes in this situation is considered a higher priority, because such products achieve an ideal balance of all components in the daily dosage.

Where to be careful

Only your doctor should prescribe vitamins; it is strictly unacceptable to select medications on your own, otherwise you will not right choice or uncontrolled reception Such remedies can provoke excess vitamins. In fact, the excess content of microelements and vitamin compounds is toxic poisoning and is called hypervitaminosis.

This condition is considered quite dangerous. Due to the free supply of vitamin preparations, the incidence of this disorder has increased today. Many people buy vitamins without medical prescriptions, guided by advertising, recommendations from friends and other factors, which often becomes the cause of banal intoxication. For example, an overdose of retinol, as well as its insufficiency, is manifested by hair loss and brittle nails, and with an overdose of ascorbic acid, patients complain of chronic migraines and cramps, sleep problems, etc. Therefore, you should take mineral-vitamin complexes only as prescribed by a doctor.

To form in the womb, a baby needs large number nutrients, microelements, minerals and vitamins that he receives from the reserves of the mother’s body.

Therefore, after childbirth, a weakened and exhausted female body needs breastfeeding required additional source vitamins Of course, everything you need can be obtained from the food you consume. Most of the nutrients are found in fresh fruits and vegetables, but products that have not undergone heat treatment are not suitable for young mothers, as they can adversely affect the baby’s intestines and also cause allergies.

If the food cannot provide the mother and child with all the necessary elements, doctors recommend specially designed pharmaceutical companies vitamin complexes.

Special fortified complexes contain vitamins such as:

  • A– supports immunity, and also normal condition visual system.
  • E– responsible for vascular health, providing internal organs with oxygen.
  • B1– stimulates brain activity.
  • B12– improves memory, supports hormonal levels.
  • IN– gives resistance to infections, strengthens bones.
  • RR– responsible for digestion, gives a good mood.
  • WITH- participates in the formation connective tissue, strengthens protective forces body.


When prescribing a vitamin-mineral complex, your doctor should warn you about existing contraindications. In this case there are very few of them:

  • hypervitaminosis;
  • allergy to the components of the drug.

Hypervitaminosis – acute disorder, caused by intoxication from an ultra-high dose of one or more vitamins. Allergy – increased sensitivity body to certain substances (allergens).

Such diseases can arise as a result of an unbalanced diet or self-medication.

To avoid health problems, you should consult a doctor. An experienced specialist will prescribe the optimal multivitamin complex for each individual case.

How do they affect lactation and the baby when feeding?

Special vitamins for nursing mothers have a targeted effect specifically on restoring the woman’s body, as well as increasing milk production. In turn, milk provides the baby with adequate nutrition and development, and forms the immune system.

When breastfeeding, the baby gets everything necessary substances from mother. That is why her body needs a large amount of vitamins and minerals, which have a positive effect on the quality of breast milk. At the same time, their deficiency can harm the well-being of both mother and baby.

Necessary microelements during breastfeeding:

  • Iron- participates in the formation required level hemoglobin in the blood, helps to recover from childbirth blood loss.
  • Iodine– necessary for normal functionality thyroid gland, participates in the development of the child’s brain.
  • Calcium– forms bony skeleton newborn, helps the mother keep teeth, nails and bones healthy.
  • Zinc- necessary to avoid skin rashes and dermatitis.

If there is a lack of these beneficial substances, there is a risk of developing vitamin deficiency. In this case, problems such as caries, hair loss, joint pain, and impaired skin health may appear.

Possible dangers

It should be noted that despite all positive properties multivitamins, there are possible dangers.

The fact is that all vitamin complexes are created from synthetically synthesized vitamins, and their quality differs from natural ones.

In this connection, such synthesized biocomplexes may not be suitable for every woman. In addition, almost all multivitamins are absorbed by the body 100%, and here you should think about the amount of the drug consumed.

If a nursing mother receives all the necessary microelements from food, then taking vitamin complexes can lead to hypervitaminosis.

The best vitamin complexes

Today in pharmacies you can find vitamin and mineral complexes from various companies and at various prices.

Let's try to choose the best ones, based on customer reviews.

Complivit "Mama"

A combined multivitamin preparation with micro- and macroelements, the effect of which is determined by the effects of its constituent components.

The compatibility of the components in one tablet is ensured by a special technology for the production of vitamin and mineral complexes. Average price– 300 rub. per pack 60 pcs. Complivit contains vitamins C, B6, B12, PP, copper, zinc, phosphorus, etc.. Supports a woman's health during breastfeeding. Take one capsule daily.

Excipients: colloidal silicon dioxide, talc, potato starch, citric acid, povidone, calcium stearate, stearic acid, sucrose, hyprolose, macrogol 4000, titanium dioxide, azorubine dye (E122), tropeolin O.

Alphabet “Mom’s Health”

Alphabet Mom's Health vitamin and mineral complex for preparation and during pregnancy, during lactation the drug contains everything essential vitamins and minerals.

The drug also contains phosphorus and an increased amount of calcium, iron, folic acid, the need for which increases during pregnancy and lactation.

Taking the complex 2–3 months before pregnancy will prepare the body for its onset. When creating a drug special attention attention was paid to the tolerability of individual components and the hypoallergenicity of the complex as a whole. To minimize the likelihood adverse reactions, non-allergenic forms of vitamins and minerals were used.

Average price – 400 rubles. per pack 60 pcs. Contains 13 vitamins, 11 minerals, as well as taurine. Replenishes the supply of necessary nutrients. The intake is divided into three parts, making it better absorbed. Pack of 60 pcs. designed for 20 days of admission.

Doppelhertz “Vitamin and mineral complex for pregnant and lactating women”

Average price – 600 rubles. per pack 30 pcs. Doppelhertz consists of vitamins and useful acids (folic acid, etc.), as well as essential microelements (iodine, iron, zinc, etc.).

The complex contains substances that have a positive effect on the mother’s mood during the postpartum period. Take once daily. Active components:

  • vitamin A takes part in the formation immune system child, improves vision;
  • vitamin D3 and calcium strengthen bone tissue, prevent the development of rickets;
  • Omega-3 normalizes the activity of the cardiovascular and nervous systems;
  • B vitamins participate in metabolic and hematopoietic processes, strengthen the nervous system;
  • folic acid promotes full gestation of the child, prevents the development of pathologies;
  • biotin ensures the processes of cell growth and division, maintains the health of hair and nails.
  • Vitrum Prenatal Forte

    Average price – 1600 rubles. per pack 100 pcs. Contains 13 vitamins and 10 minerals, including iodine and iron.

    Strengthens the immune system, has a positive effect on appearance women.

    The components of the drug support wellness expectant mother :

  • reduce the risk of developing birth defects;
  • provide correct formation fetal brain;
  • reduce the frequency and severity of toxicosis during pregnancy;
  • reduce the risk of pregnancy pathologies;
  • prevent the development of anemia;
  • increase immunity, protect the body of the expectant mother and child from viruses and infections;
  • contribute to the production of sufficient quantities of full-fledged breast milk.
  • Elevit Pronatal

    Average price – 1900 rubles. per pack 100 pcs. The drug contains 12 vitamins, 4 minerals and 3 microelements.

    It is recommended to start taking Elevit pronatal multivitamins at the stage of pregnancy planning and continue taking them during pregnancy and lactation. Reception – 1 time per day. Replenishes the lack of vitamins and microelements, thereby increasing the likelihood of a healthy conception.

    The drug provides optimal nutrition embryo at the very early stages its development. Elevit Pronatal is used to reduce adverse events in the first half of pregnancy ( increased fatigue, dizziness, nausea, vomiting), prevention of congenital malformations of the fetus, including neural tube defects.

    Elevit pronatal significantly reduces the percentage of major birth defects. It is also used for the prevention and treatment of iron deficiency anemia and folic acid deficiency during pregnancy and lactation.

    When choosing a vitamin complex, you need to be guided by the needs of a nursing woman, and also focus on the price of the drug.

    All information presented is not a guide to purchase, but is for informational purposes only. For advice on the selection and use of vitamins, you should consult a specialist..

    The body of a pregnant woman undergoes for 9 months big changes. After all, throughout this entire time it is necessary to ensure not only the normal functioning of one’s own life, but also the proper development of the unborn baby. Thus, it is generally accepted that a pregnant woman’s body works for two. After certain period, comes happy time the birth of a baby. Happening birth process, which also requires certain efforts, physical and psychological costs for the body. In general, it turns out that almost throughout the year the body undergoes various changes, especially in hormonal level. Naturally, after such a load it requires recovery.

    We will look at what vitamins to take after childbirth in this article.

    What happens to the body after childbirth?

    After a long nine months of carrying a child, the body will not immediately return to normal and return to its previous state. A woman needs some time to completely return to her previous lifestyle. Breastfeeding also imposes certain restrictions. Especially if the baby suddenly develops an allergic reaction to certain foods.

    At a minimum, the recovery process will take 2-3 months, and in the case of breastfeeding, even more. During this time, the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system is normalized.

    Pay attention to the recovery process. Sometimes it happens that after childbirth, chronic ailments appear that you did not know about before. For example, diabetes mellitus, pyelonephritis, arthritis, hormonal disorders.

    Exacerbations occur especially often after the second and subsequent births. If the recovery process takes a long time, you need comprehensive examination. This will avoid many problems in the future.

    The birth process gives positive results. Thus, under the influence of the development of the placenta, the body produces progesterone, estrogen, and cortisol. These hormones prolong youth. Thanks to them, menopause occurs later.

    Another point is that no eggs are produced for 9 months, hence the persistence reproductive function women longer.

    Why do you need vitamins after childbirth?

    Very weakened. In addition to the fact that a woman’s body has experienced a certain amount of stress, in the postpartum period the load does not decrease at all. After all, you need to feed the baby and breast milk, from the mother's body the child will receive vital important microelements. Therefore, you need to take vitamins after childbirth to restore strength and enrich breast milk with the necessary elements. Nutrients are also necessary for the mother's body.

    The most essential vitamins after childbirth

    Let's figure out what vitamins are needed after childbirth. If you took iron during pregnancy, postpartum period you will most likely be prescribed again For what reason? It doesn’t matter how the birth went ( naturally or using caesarean section), your body loses a large amount of blood. A few days after birth, they general analysis blood, if tests show low hemoglobin, then you will most likely be prescribed iron.

    The most commonly prescribed iron-containing drugs are:

    • "Sorbifer Durules".
    • "Actiferrin".
    • "Maltofer."

    In "Sorbifer" and "Aktiferrin" iron, as a microelement, is found in pure form, and in “Maltofer” folic acid is added to iron. This component of the drug is necessary for iron to be well absorbed into the blood.

    Next important vitamins after childbirth are B vitamins. The most famous symptom of a deficiency of these substances is postpartum depression. Vitamins B 6, B 12 and others are contained in the drug "Angiovit".

    During pregnancy, bones, teeth, hair, and nails are exposed. Here the first assistant is vitamin A. In the postpartum period, this component is necessary not only for the mother, but also for the baby.

    Vitamin D is responsible for bones and teeth. It should also be taken after childbirth.

    Well, everyone knows ascorbic acid. With its help, bones and blood vessels are restored, and the immune system is strengthened. Basically, all products containing vitamin C are contraindicated for those who are breastfeeding. After all, they can cause an allergic reaction in the baby. Therefore, vitamin C must be taken after childbirth.

    Eating in plays important role not only in the recovery of a woman after childbirth, but also in general condition her and the child. Let's figure out which products contain certain vitamins needed after childbirth.

    Butter, fish oil, yolk and liver are rich in vitamin A. Green vegetables and broccoli are rich in vitamin C. Citrus fruits also contain a lot of this vitamin, especially lemons and oranges. But citrus fruits are not recommended for consumption in the first months of breastfeeding, as they can cause allergies in the baby.

    Fermented milk products and seafood contain vitamin B 12. Carrots, cabbage, bananas, and liver contain B6. Vitamin B2 predominates in milk and dairy products, eggs, and lamb. Prunes, black currants, cereals, and nuts contain B1. Liver, cod, cheese, cottage cheese, sea ​​fish rich in vitamin D.

    Live vitamins

    From May you can eat cherries; even currants are suitable for both mother and child from 5 months. Figs will effectively boost your immunity. Persimmon will provide iodine and increase hemoglobin. Pomegranate helps defeat viruses. This fruit also helps increase hemoglobin. Just be sure to pay attention to the quality of the fruit.

    Why can’t vitamin deficiency be compensated only by proper nutrition?

    There are some peculiarities in taking vitamins. Therefore, not all beneficial substances are absorbed from food:

    • some vitamins are absorbed only in combination with others;
    • food preparation, heat treatment sometimes it simply destroys vitamins;
    • to understand whether you have taken the right amount of vitamins, it is worth making calculations;
    • Due to the characteristics of the body or the presence of diseases, some foods containing vitamins must be excluded from the diet.

    Signs of vitamin deficiency

    The following signs indicate a lack of microelements in the body:

    • peeling of the skin of the face and hands;
    • skin rashes (acne and pimples);
    • thin, brittle nail plates;
    • hair loss.

    In addition, a lack of vitamins can cause hormonal imbalances, which most often result in overweight, and sometimes disorders of the thyroid gland.

    Anemia - common occurrence after childbirth, which is also a consequence of a lack of nutrients. Deterioration of digestion and disturbances in liver function are also common with a lack of vitamins after childbirth.

    In order to replenish your reserves of nutrients, you first need to properly think through your diet. It should be useful for both mother and baby. But this alone is not enough. Why?

    Here's the thing. For example, to provide daily requirement in vitamin B, you need to eat half a kilogram of beef and add a bun rye bread. And a woman’s body needs all the vitamins after childbirth. Therefore, if you replenish vitamin reserve only food, you need to eat a huge amount of food.

    The best vitamins after childbirth. Review

    From all of the above, it is clear that it is better to take vitamins as a complex, since after childbirth the body feels the need for various substances, not all of which can be obtained from food. Before you start taking it, be sure to consult a specialist. And it’s better with the one who managed your pregnancy to determine what vitamins to take after childbirth. The doctor will tell you the correct complex.

    Pharmacies offer a large number various vitamins after childbirth separately and in combination. Each drug has its own characteristics:

    1. "Alphabet". The vitamin complex should be taken 3 times a day. This method ensures maximum absorption of the drug in the woman’s body. But this product does not contain enough folic acid. It may be prescribed to you separately.
    2. "Mom. Elevit." One of the most popular complexes. Many pregnant women with any disorders are recommended to take these vitamins. The complex contains a large amount of magnesium. But this drug does not contain iodine.
    3. "Complivit." These vitamins are even taken to prevent micronutrient deficiency. They are often prescribed to pregnant women.
    4. "Vitrum". Contains vitamins for recovery after childbirth. This is a universal drug for pregnant and lactating women.
    5. "Femibion". Contains all the necessary supplements and minerals for postpartum recovery.

    What will help you recover after childbirth?

    Besides proper nutrition and taking vitamins will help restore the body after childbirth physical exercise. After three months, you can pump up your abdominal muscles, preferably from a lying position, in which case there is less load on the spine. Long walking at an accelerated pace and gentle muscle stretching are very useful.

    Be careful when taking vitamins

    Pay attention to the most important factor in taking complexes - they must be prescribed by a doctor. Only a specialist can reliably tell you what vitamins to take after childbirth. The wrong choice of drug can cause hypervitaminosis or negatively affect your baby if you are breastfeeding.

    You should not buy vitamins after giving birth based on reviews from friends or advertisements. So if you take a large amount ascorbic acid, you may get migraines, and if you overdose on retinol, your hair may fall out. It is worth refusing to take a complex of vitamins, if you are deficient in 1-2 elements, then you can drink them separately.

    If your baby has an allergy, this is a reason to refuse to take vitamins. A similar reaction occurs not to the vitamins themselves, but to the dyes in their composition. Reviews about taking vitamins after childbirth are very different. It all depends on the characteristics of the body and the characteristics of pregnancy and childbirth. Now you know what vitamins are needed after childbirth.

    Representatives of the fair sex who have gone through pregnancy can confidently say that this natural process takes a lot of strength and health. But her purpose does not end there; now she needs to raise and raise a child, which also requires a lot of effort. The baby needs a healthy mother, so for quick recovery need special vitamins after childbirth.

    From the first day of conception and all nine months, the female body rearranges itself for favorable development the fetus in the womb and its birth. Hormonal levels are being adjusted. These processes require a large amount of microelements and useful organic compounds that help accelerate biochemical processes and the synthesis of hormones.

    A nursing mother is prohibited from many foods that contain essential micro- and macroelements. Because of them, the baby may develop gas or allergic reactions. Milk may taste bitter. Breastfeeding women should definitely take vitamin supplements after pregnancy. Special medical complexes will help:

    • restore immunity;
    • normalize hormonal balance;
    • support the nervous system;
    • maintain lactation;
    • improve the quality of milk.

    A lack of microelements and minerals for a nursing mother can end critically. Their deficiency causes the following health problems:

    • Metabolic disorders, which leads to weight gain.
    • Crash nervous system- This is the cause of depression.
    • Deterioration of the condition of the skin, hair, nails.
    • Pathologies of the spine and joints.
    • Disruption of activity gastrointestinal tract, due to which microelements are poorly absorbed and vitamin deficiency appears.
    • Anemia due to low level hemoglobin in the blood.

    May complicate your health condition inflammatory processes and injuries received during the birth of a child. Often young mothers have problems with breast milk, which may be low-fat. As a result, the baby does not get enough to eat. Thus, the answer to the question: “Do women need to take vitamins after childbirth?” is “Definitely yes!”

    Which ones are better?

    While carrying a child, doctors prescribe complexes for many pregnant women in which full composition necessary elements. But which ones to take after childbirth?
    Particularly noteworthy are those that consist of the following elements:

    • Retinol - has positive influence on the appearance of new cells and fetal development. During its deficiency, the mother's vision may deteriorate. Retinol is responsible for the mother's immunity, as well as the regeneration of bone and dental tissue.
    • Thiamine - strengthens nerves, has a beneficial effect on fat and carbohydrate metabolism. With its help, a girl will be able to lose extra pounds after the birth of her baby.
    • Riboflavin strengthens nerves, participates in the formation of blood and liver enzymes.
    • Pyridoxine helps absorb iron, increasing hemoglobin levels in the blood. Improves muscle condition, thanks to it the muscles relax. The process of relieving fatigue is accelerated.
    • Folic acid promotes the creation of new cells, improves digestion and metabolism. Plays an important role in the formation of serotonin and norepinephrine, which help produce hormones of vigor and good mood.
    • Cyanocobalamin takes part in liver activity, metabolism, and controls cholesterol levels. Helps recovery hormonal levels. In combination with folic acid affects the process of blood formation.
    • Ascorbic acid is found in many foods. Helps neutralize toxins and reduce allergies. In the postpartum period, it strengthens the immune system. Participates in the regulation of body temperature, has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.

    • Calceferol helps improve the condition of bones, teeth and blood composition. With its help, the body can absorb calcium and phosphorus. Calcium strengthens the immune system, increasing the ability to resist ARVI and other infections.
    • Tocopherol is responsible for the production of female sex hormones and normalizes the activity of the reproductive system. Helps improve heart function. Promotes improvement muscle mass and teeth.
    • Nicotinic acid takes part in blood supply internal organs, improves the functioning of the heart muscle, gastrointestinal tract, endocrine and nervous systems.

    In case of breastfeeding, they will help maintain lactation. The doctor does not prescribe any specific vitamins for non-lactating women. Mothers also need minerals: calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, iodine. Microelements help strengthen the cardiovascular, nervous and immune systems. Participate in the formation of protein, control the functioning of the thyroid gland and kidneys. The most popular complexes are:

    • Pregnavite;
    • Mom is complimentary.
    • Elevit.

    Mom is complimentary

    The drug should be taken after pregnancy for recovery. It contains the following micro- and macroelements:

    • Retinol (A);
    • Tocopherol (E);
    • Ascorbic acid;
    • Group B;
    • Folic and nicotinic acid;
    • Calcium;
    • Magnesium;
    • Iron;
    • Zinc;
    • Phosphorus.

    It is not recommended to drink this complex with others similar drugs. This may cause an overdose. If there is an excess permissible norm You must contact your doctor, but before he comes or visits the clinic, you must stop taking it, rinse your stomach and take activated charcoal.


    Pergnavite is a complex with mineral supplements, used both during pregnancy and after the birth of a child. The purpose of the drug is to replenish the body with all essential microelements for carrying a baby under your heart.

    Reception this drug is the prevention of various fetal abnormalities. Studies have shown that Pregnavit is a highly effective combined remedy for the treatment of the fair sex in a situation with a diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia. The drug is well tolerated and has no side effects.


    Most women feel disorganized, overwhelmed and tired in the first months. The main reason is a nutritional deficiency. The following health problems appear:

    • depression or nervous breakdowns;
    • skin condition worsens;
    • hair falls out;
    • teeth deteriorate;
    • the nail plate becomes thinner;
    • the amount of breast milk decreases.
    • hormonal imbalance;
    • thyroid dysfunction, etc.

    Vitamins Elevit Pronatal replenish the lack of nutrients and promote proper development fetus The drug contains 12 vitamins and 7 microelements. It is completely safe, this has been proven by research. Improvement in well-being occurs a week after taking the complex.

    The doctor will tell you which drinks you can drink after giving birth, based on your complaints, as well as after undergoing tests and examinations.

    Deterioration of hair strands after pregnancy

    Half of women do not recognize their own hair after giving birth. Before conception they were shiny, thick and strong. Now it is a weak, sparse, dull scalp. What could affect the hair?

    Hair loss after pregnancy is common occurrence. During this period, about 500 hairs per day will be lost and this is not much, do not worry prematurely.

    The reasons for the deterioration are:

    • Alopecia of a physiological nature.
    • Stressful situation.
    • Development of anemia.
    • Deficiency of nutrients.
    • Androgenic alopecia.
    • Caesarean section and anesthesia.

    But everything is solvable, the mother needs to contact a doctor who will prescribe an examination. Most often the reason poor condition curls are a drawback necessary substances. Vitamins for hair after childbirth can restore its shine, elasticity and beauty.

    How to save your hair

    The lack of useful microelements is one of the reasons why there is less hair on the head to help your body better take a balanced multivitamin complex. By the appearance of a woman's hair, you can determine what vitamins a mother needs for hair loss after childbirth.

    Stand in front of the mirror and look at your curls:

    • The presence of dandruff, split ends, dullness, fragility and dryness indicate that the hormonal balance is disturbed. Return healthy looking Retinol will help with elasticity.
    • Increased hair loss and growth cessation, as well as the appearance of gray hair, indicate a lack of elements from group B. They have a positive effect on root strength, growth, thickness, elasticity, and shine.
    • Dim color, fragility, splitting ends, breaking along the length is a lack of ascorbic acid. It increases protective forces, helps in the fight against toxins, accelerates blood flow in tissues, and controls the elasticity of capillaries.
    • Lack of E is manifested by slow growth and the appearance of seborrhea. Controls the functioning of the sebaceous glands and stabilizes hair growth.
    • Loss of elasticity and shine, the appearance of dryness or, conversely, oiliness, as well as the formation of dandruff, indicate a deficiency. nicotinic acid. It helps to increase blood microcirculation, which has a beneficial effect on the growth, strengthening and restoration of strands along the entire length.

    It is not easy to fill the deficiency with fruits and vegetables, since some of them are prohibited during feeding, but it is a doable task. Vitamins for hair loss after childbirth can eliminate the deficiency of nutrients.

    These problems when good nutrition go away on their own six months after the baby is born. If after the expiration of this period the condition of the curls has not changed, then the most the best way There will be a visit to a trichologist - a doctor specializing in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of the outer part of the head.