Ears are sticking out, what should I do? Why are ears big: causes, diagnosis and treatment. People with the biggest ears. Surgery to change the shape of the ear

Protruding ears become a real problem for teenagers, especially girls. It is at school that a child begins to develop a critical attitude towards himself. This may cause psychological problems and complexes, which, in turn, influence the formation of personality. Every owner of protruding ears has at least once in his life wondered how to remove protruding ears.

Normally, the angle formed between the auricle and the head is 30 degrees. Slightly protruding ears are considered normal. But if the auricle occupies an almost vertical position in relation to the head, then only surgery can correct such a defect.


Speaking about protruding ears, it should be noted that this is not an anomaly, but a structural feature auricle. A protruding ear is a full-fledged hearing organ, and surgery to change the shape of the ears in this case has an aesthetic purpose.

The causes of protruding ears can be hereditary in nature or occur in the event of a violation of intrauterine development. After the birth of the child, such deformation is clearly visible.

Defects in the structure of the ears with protruding ears may be as follows:

  • underdevelopment and smoothness of the antihelix;
  • hypertrophied cartilaginous structure of the auricle;
  • protrusion of the lobe due to concha hypertrophy or unusual shape tail curl;
  • uniform enlargement of the auricle (large ears).

Defects in the structure of prominent ears can be single or of a mixed nature.

In order to remove protruding ears, they are used different approaches. Conservative methods involve influencing immature cartilage using special devices or masking the deficiency using correctors. Surgical method allows you to get rid of protruding ears forever at any age.

Surgical correction of the ears is stressful for the body and has a risk of complications. In this regard, conservative methods are more beneficial. But if a person asks for help plastic surgeon, which means he has serious internal contradictions regarding his appearance.

Elimination of protruding ears: methods for correcting the auricle

Many babies are born with protruding ears, but not all end up with protruding ears. A prognosis about the possibility of developing a defect can be obtained from a doctor. If there is an assumption that the ears will stick out, then up to six months you can correct this situation with the help of special silicone pads. By the seventh month of life, the cartilage has stabilized and it will be difficult to correct the shape of the ears without surgery.

By the age of 6-8 years, the auricle is practically formed and at this age doctors recommend otoplasty (correction of the shape of the ears). The operation to change the shape of the ears is quite simple and is performed in a clinic under local anesthesia. A few hours after the procedure, the patient can go home. Recovery period relatively light and consists of certain rules ear care. After six months, the ears are completely healed.

Elimination of protruding ears through surgery

Before the operation, the patient requires a preliminary consultation with a surgeon, an examination with a therapist and an ENT doctor. It is necessary to take urine and blood tests for biochemical research, determination of sugar, Rh factor, detection of blood clotting abnormalities, exclusion of hepatitis and HIV infection.

The operation is contraindicated for persons with diseases endocrine system, chronic diseases in the acute stage, inflammatory processes in the ear and jaw, any infectious diseases, predisposed to the formation of keloid scars. Otoplasty is not performed on pregnant and lactating women, or during menstruation.

Before the operation, the doctor administers local anesthesia. Anesthesia is indicated for children, since for them such an intervention can result in shock. The child will struggle and scream, which should not be done during the procedure.

The operation can be performed in traditional version using a scalpel or, more modernly, a laser.

Laser surgery is faster, relatively bloodless and safer in terms of tissue infection. In addition, with laser otoplasty rehabilitation period it is easier to experience, which is important for young children. Therefore, this factor should be taken into account if the child is 6-10 years old. Modern modernized clinics with laser equipment are necessarily present in regional cities, for example, in Samara, Krasnodar, Saratov and so on.

The operation to eliminate protruding ears lasts approximately an hour or a little more. The doctor makes an incision behind the ear in the area of ​​the ear crease.

Then he moves it away skin tissue and forms cartilage depending on the degree of protruding ears:

  • 1st degree: removes excess cartilage tissue;
  • 2nd degree: creates an antihelix fold;
  • 3rd degree: removes excess cartilage tissue and creates an anti-curl.

After the formation of the auricle, sutures are applied. The procedure ends with the application of a special bandage for otoplasty.

During the rehabilitation period, it is important to follow all doctor’s instructions. It is necessary to make dressings, wear a special bandage for a week and fix the ears with a bandage at night for at least two months. Do not wash your hair before removing the stitches. Approximately a week after surgery, the sutures are removed.

You cannot visit the swimming pool or sauna for two months. And for six months you should limit physical activity and exclude contact and extreme species sports

Non-surgical methods for eliminating protruding ears

If for some reason surgery is unacceptable, then you can use methods to correct the appearance of your ears at home using hairstyles, accessories or special correctors.

Correctors Otostik perfectly mask protruding ear defects in children and adults. Corrective silicone plates They have two sizes: baby - used from three months to 6 years, normal - for schoolchildren and adults.

The plates are easily attached to back ear and after pressing it to the head, fix the ears in their normal position. When used in young children, it is possible to eliminate the defect. For adults this is great way hide protruding ears. You can purchase similar correctors from other brands: Arilis, Oto-plastic.

Correctors are very easy to use. On their surface there is a hypoallergenic glue that sticks securely to the skin. Corrective devices are attached only to dry skin; if it is wet, the consistency of the glue may be disrupted. When gluing, you need to make sure that fine hairs do not get on the skin.

If the child’s protruding ears are not very pronounced, then you can wear a fixing elastic bandage at night. Under no circumstances should you glue your ears with tape or tape. This is uncomfortable and causes damage or irritation to the skin.

Loop ears can be hidden behind hairstyles. You need to choose such haircuts that the curls fall on your ears, covering them. Headbands, bandanas, baseball caps and other accessories can help hide your ears.

Prominent ears are a deformation of the auricle, in most cases congenital. Such the diagnosis is made when the angle of its departure from the head is 31°-90°. The question of the possibility of non-surgical correction remains open. Prominent ears are not dangerous disease , but it can seriously spoil appearance patient.

Causes of protruding ears

Most often, the disease is inherited. It is caused by a specific mutation that can take generations to manifest itself. It is impossible to prevent the development of this form of protruding ears. This kind of defect turns out to be the most difficult to remove.

Sometimes protruding ears occur as a result of abnormal intrauterine development. The auricle of the embryo thickens and bends. It is theoretically possible to prevent such an event, but at the moment The technology has not been developed to do this.

IN in rare cases deformation can occur while the baby is passing through the birth canal. Its likelihood is increased by the use of the jelly method (pressure on the woman’s stomach), incorrect position of the embryo, and a narrow pelvis.

The development of protruding ears as a result of injuries is also possible. This can happen at any age, but most often it happens before the body reaches adulthood.


An ordinary ENT doctor from a clinic can determine the presence of protruding ears and determine its degree. There are usually no difficulties in diagnosis. Even parents can definitely understand that the child’s ears stick out.

An otolaryngologist will also help you choose a treatment method and monitor the effectiveness of conservative methods. When thinking about surgical correction The patient must additionally be examined by a specialist who will perform the operation. It is worth discussing with him the optimal angle and shape of the auricle.

In rare cases, as protruding ears develop, sound conduction deteriorates. With a large angle of departure of the shell, the risk may increase. The doctor will conduct appropriate tests and tell the patient or parents of a child with protruding ears about the advisability of treatment.

Treatment of protruding ears can be done conservatively and surgically. The second method is much more reliable and effective at any age. But if it is possible to do without surgery, it is worth taking advantage of it, since surgery is always stressful for the body and carries a risk of complications.

Methods for correcting protruding ears without surgery

Each specialist has a different assessment of the age up to which treatment is possible without surgery. Some talk only about the first 6 months, others about 7 years. There are cases where prominent ears became less noticeable or disappeared completely as they grew older. The growth of the skull bones gradually made a person’s appearance more harmonious. The websites of companies that produce correctors claim that they can also help adults (however, many experts have doubts about such statements).

Types of correctors

To the main conservative methods can be attributed:

  • Ear bandage. It is used in early infancy, when all the cartilage is still soft, elastic and subject to changes. Minor protruding ears can be corrected by an ordinary cap or cap. Some mothers use a scarf or bandage. In a newborn child, bandages on the ears can also be used to prevent protruding ears.

Applying correctors

Correctors should be applied to clean, oil-free skin. It is not recommended to change the location of gluing. It is better to choose the optimal site in advance. Hair should not get under the lens.

It is not recommended to apply the concealer in rooms with high humidity, for example, in the bathroom. This affects the consistency of the glue, and therefore the product is less adherent. Important! When applying correctors, you must ensure that no folds form on the delicate baby skin. Otherwise, diaper rash and scratches may occur.

Customer Reviews

User experience with various correction methods varies greatly. Some people are suitable for the products of one company, others prefer something completely different. To summarize, we can say that Correctors are not a panacea at all. They rarely help get rid of protruding ears even in childhood. Some parents even note that the child’s ears began to bend even more.

As adults, none of those who left a realistic review managed to get rid of the problem. According to manufacturers, the reason for this is that completely eliminating protruding ears is a long process, and few people simply wait for the final result.

However, users find correctors convenient for certain situations - photo shoots, important meetings, public speaking. After using them, some patients came to accept their appearance and stopped being embarrassed by their protruding ears. Others changed their hairstyle to make it less noticeable.

Parents of lop-eared children rarely made decisions about correction themselves. After all, a child seems beautiful to any mother. Usually the question arose when it was necessary to visit educational institution. The child was embarrassed about his ears and insisted on buying correctors.

Surgery to change the shape of the ear

The best age for this is senior preschool: 6 or 7 years old. The ears have already formed almost completely (90%), and the likelihood of correcting protruding ears without intervention is extremely low. In addition, the child goes to school, and the ridicule of classmates about his protruding ears can be very painful.

Contraindications and preparation for surgery

Surgery is not performed for any acute inflammatory diseases, diabetes mellitus, tumors. Taking some medicines should be stopped before surgery. For example, aspirin thins the blood and, accordingly, increases the risk of bleeding. You must inform your doctor about all medications you take.

Before anyone surgical intervention conduct a series of studies. Usually it is necessary to provide a general blood test, urine test, fluorography, ECG, permission from the medical specialists who are seeing the patient, and a physician’s conclusion. If in private clinic do not require any research, it is still worth checking your health.

Progress of the procedure

Children are usually given general anesthesia, adults – local. After this, the surgeon makes an incision behind the auricle, removes excess cartilage, and corrects its shape. Sometimes a laser is used for these purposes, which causes protein coagulation (destruction). This method is the least traumatic and less likely to lead to complications.

The operation does not last long, general period rarely exceeds one hour even in difficult cases. After correcting the shape of the shell, the doctor applies stitches. At local anesthesia patients may feel a slight tingling sensation. Sometimes minor pain is possible.

Recovery period and possible complications

At first, the patient will have to wear special cushions that will support his ears in the desired position. Swelling may develop 1-2 days after surgery. This is normal reaction. You should immediately consult a doctor if it is accompanied by severe pain or fever.

Stitches must be removed after 7-10 days. If absorbable threads are used, you no longer need to visit the doctor. In the first time after surgery, you need to avoid stress and hypothermia.


The price of the operation greatly depends on the region. In the provinces it can be 15,000 - 30,000 rubles. In Moscow or St. Petersburg average cost– 50,000 rubles. The operation is not carried out free of charge. However, some public hospitals They carry it out at prices that are significantly lower than in private clinics.

Judging by the reviews of patients who have undergone otoplasty, if the result is unsatisfactory, another correction will also cost money. If the operation is unsuccessful, you should not expect a refund. It is important to be prepared for this outcome and discuss its likelihood with a doctor you trust.

Prominent ears can become a source of serious complexes for the patient. There are no other reasons for treatment. It rarely affects the functioning of the ear. Strong desire Changing your appearance is definitely worth pursuing. However, before radical measures It makes sense to consult with your loved ones or with a stylist who will suggest a way to change your appearance without surgery.

If your child's ears stick out, you shouldn't always rush to buy expensive correctors. A slight protrusion of ears can, on the contrary, give him a certain charm. Only in case of severe deformation is it worth deciding on them constant wearing. At home, you can periodically tie the ribbon, paying attention to whether the child is comfortable in this state. If the baby does not tolerate bandages well, then it is better to refuse them, because he good mood much more important.

Video: correction of protruding ears - doctor’s opinion

Protruding ears look cute and funny, but their owners are not at all happy with such a striking feature of their appearance. Imagine, some ladies use special glue, or even lie on operating table! But, believe me, there is a more gentle way - these are stylish hairstyles with closed ears.

Braided side ponytail

This simple and unobtrusive hairstyle is suitable for every day. It can be combined with literally any outfit - a business trouser suit, jeans or a dress. Each of you can do this hairstyle. In addition, you don’t need any expensive accessories for it - just a simple brush and a hair tie.

1. Comb your hair to the side – your hair should be absolutely smooth.

2. Take one strand 5 cm wide from the front of your head. Braid it and tie the end with a silicone elastic band.

3. Pass the finished braid under the total mass of hair.

4. Throw everything on its side and carefully wrap this ponytail along its entire length with a pigtail. Make sure that the strands on the other side tightly cover your ear.

5. Secure the tip again with silicone rubber.

6. Spray everything with varnish.

Romantic bun with plaits

This hairstyle is suitable even for fine hair. It looks very beautiful, feminine and romantic. Be sure to try it again!

  1. Comb it all back.
  2. Divide your hair into three parts - central and side.
  3. Tie the central one into a ponytail.
  4. Wrap it in a rope and twist it into a bun. Secure it with a hairpin.
  5. Divide one side part in half.
  6. Twist each strand into bundles and place them around the bun - one from below, the other from below.
  7. Repeat the entire process on the other side.
  8. Spray everything with varnish.

Retro hairstyle for protruding ears

Beautiful hairstyles that cover your ears can be easily created at home. If you need a hairstyle for holidays and celebrations, try to recreate this stylish option.

  1. Comb and curl your hair with a curling iron.
  2. Take a strand at the back of your head and spray it with hairspray.
  3. Lightly comb the roots and lower the comb back.
  4. Attach the side hairs to it and collect the “malvinka”. Distribute your hair evenly over your ears.
  5. Secure with a hairpin and spray the hairstyle with hairspray.

Greek styling with “solokha”

A very quick hairstyle, suitable for strands of almost any length - from a short bob to a long Russian braid. With it you can go on a date and a party, or for a walk in the park or even to work.

  1. Comb your hair with a side parting.
  2. Tie the ends of your hair at the bottom with an elastic band.
  3. Take the bandage so that the ends point up.
  4. Place it under your hair so that the middle of the “solokha” is under the elastic band.
  5. Start wrapping your hair around the headband.
  6. Once you reach the base of your neck, bring the ends of the bandage together near your forehead.

Folk style braids

Stylish styling for medium hair based on two braids looks very colorful. It will take you literally 10 minutes to create, and the result will delight you throughout the day. By the way, this hairstyle is in perfect harmony with bangs.

  1. Comb your hair with a straight parting.
  2. Braid two braids, one on each side.
  3. Tie the ends tightly.
  4. Throw the braid on the right side to left side, placing it as close to the forehead as possible (allows you to close your ear) and fasten it securely.
  5. Throw the braid on the left side to right side, placing it on top of the first. Also secure with a hairpin.

Boho style covering the ears

To hide protruding ears, it is not at all necessary to undergo plastic surgery. Remember, a great hairstyle can do wonders! Here is one option that will simply perfectly hide your imperfections.

1. Comb your hair in the middle.

2. Curl the strands with a curling iron from the middle of the length. Curls should be smooth, soft and as natural as possible.

3. Separate a small strand from the crown area and comb it well to give the desired volume.

4. Separate a small curl from the right temple, twist it into a braid and pin it securely.

5. Make exactly the same thin rope on the left side.

6. Connect both strands at the back of the head and pin them with a bobby pin.

7. Take another strand a little lower, also form a tourniquet and place it under the first pair. Secure with a hairpin.

8. Repeat the procedure on the other side. Don't pull the strands too tightly and make sure your ears are covered.

9. Continue forming strands alternately on both sides to the base of the neck.

10. Use your hands to scrunch the ends, giving your hair a boho casual look.

French braid on the side

Light styling on the side based on a spikelet will hide all the nuances of appearance and add zest to the image. This braid can be done on both medium and long strands.

  1. Comb your hair to the side.
  2. Toss all your hair to one side and tie a low ponytail at the base of your neck.
  3. Leave one thin curl on one side of your face, and a medium-width strand on the other.
  4. Turn the tail through the small hole inside.
  5. Braid the hair you put aside into a spikelet. Tie the end with a thin elastic band and gently stretch the braid with your hands.
  6. Wrap the spikelet around the base of the tail.
  7. Hide the tip in your hair and secure with a bobby pin.

How do you like this option?

Hairstyle with braid “Waterfall”

A waterfall from your hair will highlight your beauty. It can be safely done to create a business and romantic style.

1. Part your hair in the center. Select three thin curls around the face.

2a. Make a French braid by placing the right strand on the middle strand and the left strand on the right.

2b. Make a thin grab from the loose hair on the right and weave it into the braid, connecting it to the adjacent strand. Place a new curl on the central strand and release it, allowing it to blend into the rest of the hair. Instead of the central strand, take another one from the loose hair - exactly the same width.

3. Continue weaving to the back of the head. Secure the braid with bobby pins.

4-6. Braid exactly the same braid on the other side.

7. Secure its ends with bobby pins.

8. Curl the ends with a curling iron.

Strict bun for work

Don't know what hairstyle to style for every day? We offer very fast and convenient option. It matches perfectly with office style and suits any face shape.

1. Tie a low ponytail, covering your ears with the side strands.

2. Make a hole above the elastic.

3. Turn the ends of the tail through it.

4. Make one more turn.

5. If length allows, repeat again.

6. Hide the ends and fasten securely.

Hairstyle for girls

This trendy hairstyle can be easily done for school, because your little daughter will probably want to hide her slightly protruding ears.

1. Comb your hair at the center parting.

2. Create two low ponytails, leaving two curls loose near the face.

3. Stepping back a few centimeters from the ends, grab your hair with elastic bands.

4. Wrap the tails inside and pin.

5. Wrap the resulting buns with the remaining loose curls. Arrange them so that the strands completely cover your ears. Hide the ends and pin them with bobby pins.

Simple styling for curls

On curly hair, making a hairstyle that covers the ears will not be a problem at all. Their structure is ideal for this task. All you have to do is spend a couple of minutes to shape your curls.

1. Wash your hair special shampoo for curly hair and apply a curl separator.

2. Comb it all back.

3. Take a not very wide strand from the top of your head and twist it into a rope.

4. Wrap the bundle around its axis, forming a light bun. Use pins to secure.

5. Take another strand nearby, twist it into a bundle and form a bun.

6. Repeat the procedure until all the strands are styled. Leave a few thin curls around your face. Their job is to cover their ears.

Or you can make curls, thereby covering your ears:

Now you can do the most beautiful hairstyles with your ears closed. Finally, we will give some more tips.

  • Tip 1. The easiest way to hide imperfect ears is to wear your hair down. Of course, they must be healthy and well-groomed. Keep your hair clean and make sure it is always neatly combed and dynamic. Insufficiently well-groomed strands, although they will hide protruding ears, will certainly attract attention with their sloppy appearance.
  • Tip 2. If the shape of your ears is far from the recognized canons of beauty, do not show them off. You should not tuck your hair behind your ears or wear your hair up.
  • Tip 3. For those with short haircuts, experts recommend adding volume to the sides. He must hide his ears. A bob haircut will also help disguise the problem - the image will be harmonious and very neat.
  • Tip 4. If your hair is not particularly full, and you can’t even hide your protruding ears long hair, curls, ringlets or curls can help. In this case, you will have to regularly twist the strands with curlers, an iron or a curling iron. An alternative to daily styling is permanent perm.

The outer ear begins to form at the 3rd month of intrauterine development, and after the same period of time the auricle is formed. Therefore, protruding ears can be replaced already in the first days of the baby’s birth.

The easiest way to correct the problem is in the first 6 months of life. For this purpose they are used various methods fixation. In the future, the cartilage becomes stronger, so it is more difficult to correct the situation.

Prominent ears

In medicine, it is believed that the concha should be located at an angle of 30 degrees to the head, and the line of the auricle should be parallel to the cheek. An increase in the angle of more than 30 degrees is called protruding ears.

This phenomenon is common. Half of people have at least initial stage pathology. There is a problem in to the same degree in the male and female population. In men, protruding ears are more noticeable only because of their short hairstyle. The deformation can affect either one ear or two at once.

Definition of protruding ears

Epidemiology, causes

The occurrence of the problem is often associated with heredity. In humans, the “protruding ear gene” dominates the gene for normal ears. Therefore, the risk of developing a defect in offspring is 50%. If the parents have normal ears, and the grandparents had problems of this nature, then the risk of developing such a feature is reduced.

Prominent ears may also indicate that during intrauterine development. The cause is a hypertrophied cartilaginous structure. The problem can also occur when the entire ear is enlarged.

The sizes may vary, but sometimes they are disproportionate to the entire facial skeleton. This problem occurs when too rapid growth ear or with intense changes in one half of the face.

Thus, the causes of protruding ears are:

  • incorrect shape of the end of the curl,
  • macrotia,
  • altered cartilage structure,
  • congenital features,
  • improper development of the antihelix.

About the causes of protruding ears in our video:

Types, stages

Prominent ears are classified according to stages:

  • First. The angle of the ears with the head is 31-44 degrees. The defect is not noticeable. Elimination of deficiencies occurs due to the elimination of excess cartilage tissue at the site of the deepening of the shell.
  • Second. The angle is 45 degrees. The pathology is immediately noticeable. The deflection angle is sharp, but closer to straight.
  • Third. The angle is 90 degrees. In this case, the use of complex techniques is required to resolve the problem.


The presence of a problem is obvious to the patient himself. It is up to the otolaryngologist to determine the degree or type of deformation. If there is no pain, then there is no need for special research methods. If discomfort in the ears also appears, then in addition to collecting an anamnesis, the doctor may prescribe diagnostic measures:

  1. Laboratory research. They are carried out before surgical operations, as well as to determine the cause. Symptoms may be due to any chronic disease or .
  2. Instrumental methods. These include shell x-rays and otoscopy.

Sometimes protruding ears are one of the signs of a serious pathology. For example, von Recklinghausen syndrome. Girls sometimes develop Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome. To exclude these pathologies, differential diagnostic measures are used.

Is it possible to correct protruding ears without surgery? Watch our video:

Signs in children

In children, as already noted, the problem can be noticed at birth. In addition, the problem may arise due to incorrect position fetus But this theory causes a lot of controversy.

The stages of protruding ears are determined in the same way as in adults. Classical methods the problem can be dealt with early age. Operations are prescribed only after 6 years. The main sign of protruding ears in children is ears sticking out at the wrong angle. It is worth correcting the problem with otoplasty, since in the future this can lead to the development of complexes.

How to get rid of it without surgery?

In the first six months of a newborn's life, special silicone molds. At older ages, this method is not used, as it can lead to cartilage deformation.

There are several types of correctors:

  1. Ear bands. A simple cap or cap for newborns can correct minor protruding ears. Sometimes it is recommended to use a bandage or scarf. These methods are also good for preventive purposes.
  2. Alilis proofreaders. They help if they are used constantly. In children, the result becomes noticeable after 3 months. Adults should use correctors for at least 24 months.
  3. Correctors Otostik. Available in different forms and sizes. This device follows the shape of the auricle and is attached to the scalp using special glue.

Correctors all work approximately the same. For adults, they differ not only in size. Eat different types for men and women. When changing the corrector, it is not recommended to change the place of gluing.

Special Velcro are also used. They allow you to “fix” your ears in the correct position. They are attached quite tightly to the skin, so it is important to ensure that the skin under them does not sweat.

Velcro can be used one-time, for example, before an important meeting or on an ongoing basis. Stickers work in the same way. It is important not to place such objects at the junction that connects the ear to the head.

The photo shows the result of wearing correctors

How to hide?

The most in a simple way for women is changing their hairstyle. You should not use tape or adhesive tape for these purposes. Otherwise, it will arise. When choosing a hairstyle, use a look based on the extension from the crown to the ears. The length of the haircut does not matter. If you love short hair, then half-long asymmetry is suitable.

Among the accessories, headbands and bandanas are very popular. They can be worn at any time of the year. Any noticeable thing on the neckline will distract attention from your ears.

For men, ear correctors will help cope with the problem, which can be used only as needed. You can choose accessories that will simply distract attention from your hearing organ.

A simple hairstyle to help hide protruding ears:


It is better to start treatment as soon as the problem is discovered. Many people are interested in whether it is possible to completely get rid of protruding ears without surgery. If found suitable method for a baby in the first months of life, you can cope with the situation quite easily. For older children, it is only possible to slightly adjust the angle of the ear to the head.