Glycerin suppositories for constipation instructions for use. Glycerin suppositories - instructions for use and indications, composition and side effects. Average cost in Ukraine

Addiction to diets, untimely eating, lack of vegetables and fruits in the diet, as well as lack of physical activity become the causes of constipation. However, in the crazy pace of life, people rarely attach importance to the prolonged absence of bowel movements, and they do not always remember it. And in this case, they need emergency help to instantly relieve the symptoms of acute constipation and help the intestines empty their contents. Glycerin suppositories for constipation cope well with this task.

The instructions for use of these suppositories describe them as a safe rectal remedy that relieves constipation. The suppositories are sold in packs of 10 suppositories. Each of them includes the following components:

  • glycerin (glycerol) – 2.11 g for adults and 1.24 g for children;
  • stearic acid;
  • polyethylene oxide 400;
  • sodium carbonate decahydrate.

Glycerin suppositories have an osmotic laxative effect. The active substance of the drug helps soften stool, facilitating its movement in the colon. When the suppository is introduced, the rectal receptors are irritated, resulting in increased intestinal motility and the secretion of mucus, which facilitates the process of defecation.

This drug is fast-acting, and therefore can only be used in cases of extreme necessity. The duration of its action depends on the individual characteristics of each person. In most cases, defecation is possible within half an hour after inserting the suppository directly into the rectum.

When is the use of glycerin suppositories indicated?

Constipation is difficulty in defecation or its complete absence for three days. The instructions describe glycerin suppositories for constipation as a remedy that can be used for constipation of any origin.

The following conditions contribute to difficulty defecation:

  • hemorrhoids and;
  • colitis;
  • endocrine diseases, including diabetes and hypothyroidism;
  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • circulatory disorders caused by heart and vascular diseases;
  • unbalanced diet;

  • insufficient fluid intake;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • treatment with medications that reduce intestinal motility;
  • uncontrolled use of laxatives;
  • weakening of the body after operations;
  • age-related changes;
  • pressure on the intestines exerted by the fetus during pregnancy;
  • constipation in children resulting from imperfect digestion or a change in diet.

Glycerin suppositories are a universal drug. They can be used not only to treat constipation, but also to prevent its development in people whose condition does not allow physical stress, including during the act of defecation. These include the following conditions:

  • exacerbation of hemorrhoidal disease, especially if it is accompanied by thrombosis;
  • anorectal abscess and stenosis;
  • anal fissures;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • other conditions in which it is contraindicated to strain.

When is the use of suppositories contraindicated?

Using glycerin suppositories during pregnancy, you can safely and quickly empty your bowels. However, their use should be abandoned in the following cases:

  • if there are pain sensations in the abdomen, and the cause of their occurrence has not been identified;
  • if a person has an individual intolerance to any component included in the suppositories;
  • if there are benign or malignant neoplasms in the rectum that prevent the exit of feces;

  • with renal failure;
  • in the presence of inflammatory processes in the rectum;
  • with appendicitis;
  • if a person is susceptible to developing intestinal bleeding;
  • with diarrhea;
  • in case of exacerbation of hemorrhoids.

Possible side effects

As the instructions describe, when using suppositories rectally, an allergic reaction may occur, manifested in the form of itching and burning at the site of insertion of the suppository.

Glycerin suppositories should be used only if there is no stool for 3 days. Frequent use of suppositories can weaken the sensitivity of the receptors, as a result of which the natural act of defecation will be impossible.

How to use

The suppository should be administered rectally, and preferably a short period of time after eating. For adults and children over 7 years of age, suppositories are provided in a dosage of 2.11 g. It is recommended to administer it no more than once a day.

To eliminate constipation in children aged 3 to 7 years, suppositories are intended in a dosage of 1.24 g, also administered no more than once a day. For children from birth to 3 years old, the suppository is divided in half.

Suppositories for constipation during pregnancy can only be used after consultation with a gynecologist and a full examination.

How long it takes from the moment the suppository is introduced until the desired effect occurs depends on the body’s reaction to glycerol. In most cases, 30 minutes is enough, and if there is no bowel movement during this time, the dosage can be doubled.

The use of glycerin suppositories requires compliance with a certain sequence of actions.

  1. Before you begin to administer the suppository, you must wash your hands thoroughly with soap. It is recommended that after washing, place your hands in cold water for a short time, otherwise the heat may soften the candle, which will significantly complicate its insertion. It is recommended to cool the candle itself by placing it in the refrigerator for a few minutes.
  2. The suppository must be freed from the packaging by cutting it with scissors or a sharp knife.
  3. If the suppository is intended for a child under 3 years of age, it must be cut in half using a disposable blade for this purpose.
  4. Next, the tip of the candle is lubricated with a lubricant that does not contain petroleum jelly.
  5. The suppository is introduced into the rectum in a position lying on its side. In this case, the lower leg remains straight, and the upper leg bends at the knee.
  6. Having raised the buttock, thereby opening the rectal area, it is necessary to insert the suppository with your fingers, trying to ensure that it penetrates the muscle sphincter. In adults, this section of the rectum is located at a depth of about 5 cm, in children – 2.5 cm.
  7. To avoid the suppository coming out, it is necessary to keep the buttocks closed for several seconds. It is also recommended not to get out of bed for 5-7 minutes, remaining lying on your side.

Storage conditions and special instructions

Suppositories can be stored at room temperature. However, it is necessary to ensure that it does not exceed 25°C, otherwise the candles may soften. For ease of use, it is better to store glycerin suppositories in the refrigerator, then they will not need to be pre-cooled before use.

The shelf life of suppositories is 2 years from the date of manufacture (provided that the primary packaging of each suppository remains intact).

Pregnant women can use suppositories for constipation only if there is no threat of spontaneous abortion. It is not recommended to use suppositories in the first trimester of pregnancy and in its last weeks. Glycerin suppositories can activate smooth muscle motility, facilitating the process of defecation. However, this feature of the drug can lead to miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy, and to premature birth in later stages.

Candles are not intended for long-term use. It is necessary to stop treatment immediately after intestinal motility is activated and defecation occurs.

It should be remembered that glycerin suppositories eliminate the symptom, but not the cause of the pathology. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to treat the cause that caused the development of constipation. If this is due to frequent stress, you need to take glycine, and use glycerin suppositories to relieve acute constipation.

The advantage of this drug is not only its effectiveness and safety, but also its price. Suppositories cost on average about 100-130 rubles, which is much cheaper than other laxatives.

Glycerin suppositories are a popular, effective and most affordable remedy that should always be in your home medicine cabinet.

Indications for use

Due to its astringent consistency, the medicine allows you to get rid of irritation and relieve stool, but it should still be noted that during the period of exacerbation of the disease, the use of the drug should be postponed and it is better to give preference to other medications that should be prescribed by the doctor. Glycerin relieves pain, has a softening effect on feces and eliminates the very cause of hemorrhoids -.

Most often, this medicine is prescribed to a patient who suffers from constipation for 2-3 days. It is not recommended to use this medicine for prolonged constipation, since in this case it is better to use a laxative or. With frequent use of a laxative, addiction can occur, which cannot be said about suppositories with glycerin.

How quickly do suppositories work?

The drug begins to act immediately after administration.

Such suppositories are prescribed to children, expectant mothers and people leading a sedentary lifestyle. The medicine contains glycerin, which is non-toxic and does not have a negative effect on health.

It needs to be injected into the rectum and it is best to choose the morning for the procedure - 20 minutes before breakfast. If a side effect is noted, then it must be done with oil.

Many people are interested in how long it takes for glycerin suppositories to work and how quickly. So, the effect occurs immediately after administration. The urge to go to the toilet occurs after about 30 minutes.

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It should be noted that this method should not be used regularly, since although the drug is not addictive, it is still better to try to do without medications.

Use in pregnant women

The use of glycerin suppositories is permissible only under the supervision of a physician. The drug can be dangerous to the health of the expectant mother, but the danger lies not in the composition, but in the effect on the body.

The relaxing effect of this medicine may also extend to the uterine muscles. For this reason, suppositories should not be used in early pregnancy, as they may cause miscarriage. In addition, it is prohibited to use this drug at a later date, especially in the period of 30-32 weeks.

Once again, it should be noted that suppositories can only be used on the recommendation of a doctor; self-medication in this case is unacceptable.

In most cases, the doctor prescribes one suppository per day to the patient, and it is advisable to carry out the procedure in the morning 30 minutes before breakfast. After administration, you must lie down for a while.

It is important to note that a long course of treatment with such a drug is not allowed, since a pregnant woman can get used to it and then it will not be easy to defecate without it.

Although the product is not addictive and has many positive properties, there are certain contraindications. So, use is prohibited when:

  • the presence of inflammation in the rectal area;
  • rectal fissures;

If at least one of the listed points exists, the use of the medicine is prohibited. It is better to try to get rid of the problem naturally.

For example, adjustments should be made to the daily menu. In addition, a pregnant woman must increase her intake of fiber, which contains vitamins and minerals. In addition, you should not sit still, but do gymnastics for expectant mothers and spend more time outdoors.

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Use after childbirth

There are a huge number of causes of constipation during pregnancy and after childbirth. For example, during pregnancy, constipation can occur due to chronic diseases.

By using the medicine, a woman will be able to alleviate such a delicate problem as constipation or get rid of it completely. To insert, you need to lie on the bed, turn over on your left side and slowly insert the suppository directly into the rectum.

It is allowed to use this drug for constipation no more than once a day, but in case of urgent need, when the disease takes you by surprise, you can carry out the procedure again after a while, but be sure to consult your doctor first.

Use in newborns

Happy mothers face one of the most common problems - children. Many of them, even during the period of bearing a baby, when they themselves suffered from constipation, remember how they were saved by this remedy.

It is important to note that to get rid of constipation, suppositories with glycerin will be an effective remedy, but before starting treatment, you should find out as much information as possible about this medicine.

It should be noted that there are no glycerin suppositories intended specifically for newborns. The instructions indicate that it can only be used for children who have reached three months of age (a newborn is considered a baby under the age of 1 m).

When it is really urgently needed, pediatricians can prescribe the drug not only for infants, but also for newborns. Typically, treatment with such suppositories is not dangerous to health. Therefore, when answering the question “can candles be used for children?”, they often give a positive answer.

However, in rare cases, the medicine can have a detrimental effect on the baby’s health - if you take a lot and at different times, you can disrupt bowel movements.

Glycerin suppositories are a very popular and safest laxative. The active ingredient is glycerol, which has no harmful effects on the body. Therefore, they can be used by both adults and children. They are also recommended for pregnant women.

The drug has a rapid laxative effect and is effective for constipation that occurs for various reasons. This may be the absence or lack of physical activity, poor nutrition. Constipation can occur due to age-related changes, hormonal, psychogenic disorders, etc. In all these cases, this laxative will help.

How are laxative glycerin suppositories used for newborns, pregnant women, and adults? What are the contraindications for use? Are there any side effects? I'll tell you about it today. To do this, take a look at the instructions for the drug:

How do glycerin suppositories work?

According to the instructions included in the package with the drug, glycerin suppositories have an irritating effect on the intestinal (rectal) mucosa. This stimulates peristalsis, activating the movement of feces through the rectum. In addition to glycerin, suppositories contain an emollient - petroleum jelly. It softens stool and liquefies them. All this, taken together, causes a laxative effect and facilitates bowel movements.

Glycerin suppositories - use for adults:

Suppositories (glycerin suppositories) for adult patients are provided with a total weight of 1.5 g.
To achieve a laxative effect, 1 suppository is inserted into the rectum per day. It is advisable to do this in the morning, half an hour after eating. In this case, it is recommended to take a horizontal position and lie down until the drug begins to act.

Suppositories with glycerin can be used only periodically, as an ambulance, if necessary. They cannot be used regularly for a long time. If constipation persists for a long time, you should consult a doctor to find out the cause and take measures for professional treatment.

Side effects:

You need to know that using suppositories can cause intestinal irritation. If this happens, you should temporarily stop using them and make a microenema from warm olive or any other vegetable oil.


There are contraindications for this drug. These include hemorrhoids, especially at the acute stage, the presence of anal fissures, as well as various inflammatory processes in the rectal area.

Glycerin suppositories for infants:

Constipation is a fairly common problem in young children. Young mothers encounter it regularly. This happens especially often in infants and newborns receiving artificial feeding. Although babies who receive breast milk also experience constipation when the mother changes her diet. Constipation is associated with the fact that intestinal motility has not yet begun to work.

So suppositories with glycerin successfully solve this big problem. They are often prescribed by pediatricians as an emergency treatment. There are no special suppositories with glycerin intended specifically for newborns. However, there is a drug for children - Glycelax. Or you can use glycerin suppositories for newborns, intended for children from three months of age. Or use regular ones for adults, only in a smaller dosage. Mothers also cut the candle in half lengthwise.


The drug intended for children over 3 months has a dosage of 0.75 g (the dosage of suppositories for adults is 1.5 g). They are administered 1 suppository per day. Treatment can be continued for no more than 7 days. For newborns, this dosage should be spread over at least three days. When using adult suppositories, you should take a quarter of the suppository. Remember that you cannot use the drug more than once a day.

Although the drug can be used for children from 3 months of age, if necessary, pediatricians prescribe glycerin suppositories for newborns. Experts do not consider this dangerous, since the drug is not addictive and does not have a negative effect on the baby’s body.

However, this is only if it is used correctly and not constantly. Otherwise, the natural functioning of the intestines (peristalsis and bowel movement) can be disrupted. Frequent use of large quantities of the drug can provoke the development of dangerous diseases such as enterocolitis or drug-induced diarrhea. Intestinal obstruction may occur. So for newborns, use suppositories with glycerin very carefully and only after a doctor’s prescription.

Glycerin suppositories during pregnancy:

During pregnancy, constipation occurs in most women. This is due to physiological changes and there is nothing you can do about it. Since many drugs are prohibited during this period, suppositories with glycerin are often the only emergency remedy. Many expectant mothers even take them with them to the hospital.

However, experts advise using glycerin suppositories with caution during pregnancy. For example, they should not be used in the first trimester. The drug relaxes not only the muscles of the rectum, but also the uterus, located close to the intestines. This may threaten termination of pregnancy. Also, if there is a threat of miscarriage, the drug, as you understand, is contraindicated. The period from approximately 30 to 32 weeks is also dangerous.

In general, pregnant women should be very careful when using any medications, including suppositories with glycerin. Therefore, before using them, you should definitely obtain permission from the gynecologist observing the pregnancy. Be healthy!

Many people remember the old and decades-tested method - glycerin suppositories. Before using them, those suffering from constipation are wondering how long it takes for a glycerin suppository to work, since they want to solve this delicate problem as soon as possible. The instructions for the drug provide only information regarding the period after which a person has the urge to go to the toilet, and in consumer discussions information about the speed of action of these suppositories can be found completely different. In this article we will look at how glycerin suppositories work and find out how long it takes to expect results.

Description of the drug

These suppositories have a translucent or completely transparent color. They may be completely colorless or have a slight yellowish-brown tint. Suppositories are hygroscopic. The active ingredient is glycerol. Stearic acid, macrogol and sodium carbonate decahydrate are used as auxiliary agents.

Indications for use

Glycerin suppositories (the instructions for use must be read before using them) are recommended in the following cases:

  • hemorrhoids and pain during bowel movements;
  • constipation lasting more than two days (including in pregnant women);
  • prevention of constipation;
  • the need to facilitate bowel movements for those people who, for various reasons, cannot strain during bowel movements;
  • anorectal stenosis.

How does the drug affect the body?

Glycerin suppositories, the instructions for use of which clearly explain the principle of their action, help soften feces. After insertion, the suppository is directed into the rectum and begins to melt there. This leads to the fact that glycerin, enveloping stagnant feces, softens them, so that emptying occurs gently, without injury or pain. This ability of glycerin suppositories is important for people suffering from hemorrhoids.

Also, by lubricating the rectum, glycerin has an irritating effect. It reflexively stimulates intestinal motility, thereby provoking the urge to empty, which is directly used in the fight against constipation.

In medical practice, constipation is usually divided into two main types: cologenic and proctogenic. In the first type, due to mechanical obstacles such as scars, spasms or tumors, feces are retained above the rectum. In this case, the use of glycerin suppositories becomes absolutely useless. They can have a laxative effect only in cases of proctogenic constipation - when feces move freely through the intestines and get stuck only in the anorectal area.

Instructions for use: how long does it take for a glycerin suppository to work?

Each pack of suppositories must be accompanied by official instructions for use of the drug. It is definitely worth familiarizing yourself with it for those who are using the drug for the first time and are wondering how to place glycerin suppositories correctly. First of all, you need to take a position that is comfortable for you. For easier penetration, the anus and the candle itself can be lubricated with any vegetable oil. It is recommended to wear a medical glove on your hand. Next, you need to try to insert the suppository into the rectum as deeply as possible. After administering the drug, it is recommended to take a horizontal position for a minute.

When wondering how long it takes for a glycerin suppository to work, you need to understand that each organism is individual. As a rule, glycerin begins to have an irritating effect on the intestines minutes after the administration of the suppository. But judging by the reviews of those who use the drug in question, there is no clear answer to the question “How long does it take for a glycerin suppository to work in adults?” No.

For some, the urge to have a bowel movement occurs almost immediately after inserting the suppository; for others, it takes time - more than 30 minutes. If the patient is using the drug for the first time and does not yet know how quickly his body reacts to such a laxative, he is recommended to administer the suppository in the morning, after breakfast, and at least 1 hour before leaving home.

It is easier to find out how long it takes for a glycerin suppository to work in small children. The desired effect is achieved a few minutes after administration of the drug, because the intestinal mucosa is very sensitive and glycerin begins its irritating effect on it almost immediately.

How often can glycerin suppositories be used?

According to the instructions for the drug, the suppository is administered rectally, in an amount not exceeding 1 piece. at a time. However, systematic and long-term use is highly not recommended. Due to addiction to additional irritants, intestinal motility may worsen. This medicine should be used in cases of one-time constipation.


Despite the fact that this drug is practically harmless, certain contraindications to its use are still present. It is better to avoid using glycerin suppositories if you have the following problems:

  • hypersensitivity to glycerin;
  • anal fissures;
  • rectal tumors;
  • paraproctitis and proctitis;
  • acute inflammation and bulging of the veins of the rectum.

Possible side effects

If the rectal mucosa is hypersensitive, irritation may occur during the use of glycerin suppositories, which is accompanied by itching and a burning sensation. If such symptoms appear, use of suppositories should be stopped immediately. To soothe the mucous membrane, it is recommended to introduce about 15 mg of warm olive, peach or regular sunflower oil into the rectum.

Another side effect is that with long-term use of these suppositories, one may become accustomed to the effects of the drug, and, as a result, weaken the independent process of defecation.

Specifics of use by pregnant women

The instructions for use of this drug do not prohibit its use by pregnant women. But before using glycerin suppositories, they are recommended to consult their gynecologist. Seeping through the mucous membrane, glycerin can irritate not only the intestines, but also the walls of the uterus, increasing its tone, which can be dangerous for the fetus during pregnancy.

After childbirth, glycerin suppositories are recommended to almost all women, and this drug is often found on the list of things to take with you to the hospital.

Glycerin suppositories for children

Since the drug in question is considered one of the safest local laxatives, pediatricians often prescribe it even to infants. For children aged about one year, the norm is to have bowel movements 1 or 2 times a day, but they have the problem of constipation quite often. There can be a lot of reasons for this: from disturbances in the feeding process to the baby’s lack of weight.

The use of laxatives at an early age is considered undesirable, as it can cause loss of protein and potassium in the body, as well as weaken the intestinal muscles. But from the age of three months, children can, if necessary, insert glycerin suppositories. There is an opinion that the main active component of this drug, glycerol, is not absorbed by the intestines, but merely irritates its walls. But in any case, before giving the child any medication, and even glycerin suppositories, parents must consult with their pediatrician.

Instructions for the use of rectal suppositories with glycerin for children and adults - indications and price

Many men, women and children constantly suffer from difficult bowel movements. The reason for this may be poor diet, stress, pregnancy or some other factors. Most people, due to the delicacy of the problem, do not go to the doctor, but with prolonged retention of stool, intoxication of the body occurs, which is very dangerous, especially for a child. At home, glycerin suppositories help alleviate the condition - effective suppositories for rectal use.

What are Glycerin suppositories?

Slow and insufficient bowel movements increase pressure in the rectum and abdominal cavity. Accumulated stool interferes with normal blood flow in the lower intestine, which over time leads to the formation of hemorrhoids. For this reason, it is important to take timely measures to eliminate constipation. Patients independently try to combat the problem with the help of oral remedies: decoctions, infusions, but such methods do not give quick results. Doctors advise using suppositories with glycerin, which are inserted into the anus and quickly give the desired effect.


Glycerin suppositories physically look like torpedo-shaped medications with a solid consistency for rectal use. They have a white, slightly cloudy tint and are odorless. At temperatures of 34 °C and above, candles melt quickly. The active substance of the drug is glycerol. Auxiliary ingredients include stearic acid and sodium carbonate. The weight of suppositories for adults is 2.11 g. Suppositories with glycerin for children weigh about 1.24 g. The drug is produced in 10 pieces in primary packaging (blister), which is in a cardboard box with instructions.

Pharmacological action

Glycerin suppositories help soften stool. After insertion into the rectum, the suppository quickly begins to melt. Glycerol, softening, envelops and softens stagnant feces, after which emptying occurs without pain or injury. Additionally, glycerin lubricates the rectum, causing an irritating effect on it. Intestinal motility is reflexively stimulated, which is important in the further fight against constipation.

Indications for use

  • pain during bowel movements;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • anorectal stenosis;
  • constipation lasting more than two days;
  • to prevent defecation retention (especially during pregnancy);
  • for easy emptying after surgery.

Instructions for use of Glycerin suppositories

Reviews from doctors claim that suppositories with glycerin are the safest laxative. The active component does not have any harmful effects on the body, so the medication is allowed to be used by pregnant women, the elderly, and newborn babies. Glycerin suppositories are not recommended to be used regularly, but only in case of urgent need, otherwise the intestines will cease to function properly. If you have persistent constipation, you should consult your doctor to eliminate the cause.

For adults

Rectal suppositories are intended exclusively for insertion into the anus. It is better to use a laxative medication after a meal, one minute later. For adult patients and children over 7 years of age, the recommended dose is 1 suppository (2.11 g), administered once within 24 hours. It is advisable to carry out the procedure in the morning after breakfast, and then take a horizontal position and wait for the medicine to take effect.

For children

A child under 7 years of age may also suffer from constipation. The main reasons for fecal obstruction are the sedentary lifestyle of preschoolers, nervous overstrain and poor nutrition. Constipation can also be caused by diseases: thyroid gland (iodine deficiency), anemia (iron deficiency), food allergy (food aversion) and others. If the pediatrician has not prescribed an individual dosage, then suppositories with glycerin should be administered once in a children's dose of 1.24 before bowel movement. Indication for use is the absence of stool in a child for 3 days.

Glycerin suppositories during pregnancy

While expecting a baby (from the first trimester), a woman often experiences constipation. The cause of the problem in expectant mothers is an increase in progesterone, a hormone that reduces the muscle tone of the rectum. This leads to difficulty passing food through the intestines. The uterus, rapidly increasing in size, also puts pressure on the intestines, aggravating the situation. However, pregnant women should be careful when taking any laxatives due to the risk of miscarriage. Suppositories with glycerin can only be used with the permission of a gynecologist.

Suppositories with glycerin after childbirth

The use of glycerin suppositories is the safest option for getting rid of postpartum constipation for a young mother. Studies have shown that the medication does not affect the composition of mother's milk, so during its use you can not interrupt the baby's feeding. Although glycerin helps induce natural bowel movements, it cannot be used for a long time - the drug is addictive. The dosage for young mothers does not differ from the usual adult one - 1 piece / day.

Glycerin suppositories for newborns

When babies are transferred to artificial feeding, difficulty in emptying is a normal process. The situation is due to the fact that peristalsis in the bewitched has not yet begun to function normally. A glycerin suppository for babies successfully solves this problem, but only as an emergency aid. For babies, a children's dosage is provided - 1.24 grams/day. If suppositories with glycerin for newborns are not available in the pharmacy, then you can use suppositories for adults, you just need to cut them in half.

How often can you bet

According to the instructions for use, rectal suppositories with a laxative effect can be administered no more than once a day. Since the drug is addictive, regular use can lead to sluggish intestinal motility, regardless of age, be it an elderly person or an infant. This situation will only aggravate the problem of stool retention, after which it will be very difficult for the patient to restore intestinal patency.

How to put

If you have symptoms of constipation, the suppository should be removed from its packaging, then carefully and as deeply as possible inserted into the anus. After performing these actions, you should not walk, stand or sit. After inserting the suppository into the anus, the person should lie on his stomach and wait for the drug to take effect. To administer a suppository to a baby, you need to lay him on his back, bend his legs to his tummy, then insert a candle into the anus and hold it in this position for a couple of minutes. To insert a candle you do not need to use additional water or oil - it is painless.

How long does it take for a glycerin suppository to work?

Doctors say the drug affects people differently. On average, glycerol is absorbed into the intestines and softens stool within minutes. Complete emptying usually occurs within half an hour. Some patients have to wait up to minutes - the process is individual for each person. The advantages of suppositories with glycerin include the fact that repeated urges to the toilet occur extremely rarely. For this reason, when using the medication in the morning, you don’t have to be afraid that this action will take you by surprise at work or in transport.

In what cases will this drug not help?

In therapeutic practice, it is customary to divide fecal obstruction into two types: proctogenic and cologenic. In the first option, constipation is provoked by weak peristalsis when stool gets stuck in the anorectal area. In this case, a laxative will help. If emptying does not occur due to mechanical obstacles - tumors, spasms or scars, then feces are retained at the top of the rectum. Such situations require different treatment, and glycerin suppositories will be useless.

Drug interactions

When rectal suppositories are prescribed simultaneously with other medications, no negative interactions have been identified. According to medical data, suppositories with glycerin are compatible with any medications. This is explained by the fact that the components of the drug do not enter into chemical reactions and do not penetrate the bloodstream. The use of candles does not affect the reactions and driving of vehicles.

Side effects

Although suppositories with glycerin are considered a safe drug, an overdose leads to adverse reactions. The patient may experience frequent loose bowel movements or signs of irritable bowel disease. Glycerin also provokes a decrease in intraocular pressure in case of individual intolerance. Sometimes after administration the patient observes a burning sensation in the rectum, which quickly passes. If itching and irritation of the skin around the anus does not stop for a long time, then to soothe the mucous membrane, it is recommended to inject 15 ml of warm vegetable oil into the anus.


Suppositories with glycerin have their own contraindications. The drug is not prescribed for use in the presence of the following diseases:

  • bulging or acute inflammation of the veins of the rectum;
  • proctitis or paraproctitis;
  • rectal tumors of various etiologies;
  • anal fissures;
  • acute phase of hemorrhoids;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • renal failure.
  • high sensitivity to glycerin.


The main feature of glycerin suppositories is the minimum of side effects. Other laxatives are less gentle and therefore are often prohibited for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. An analogue of glycerin suppositories with similar purposes is Bisacodyl suppositories. In addition to improving peristalsis, the medication is allowed to be used for hemorrhoids in remission. Other effective analogues of suppositories with glycerin:

The question of how much Glycerin suppositories cost cannot be answered unequivocally. The cost of the drug depends on delivery rates, storage, and retail outlet pricing. There is an opinion that if you order a medicine from a catalog and buy it in an online store, the purchase will be cheaper. This is true if you purchase several packages or an expensive drug at once. In this case, such a purchase will be unprofitable due to additional delivery charges.

You can easily buy suppositories with glycerin at any pharmacy. If we take the Moscow region for review, then prices may be slightly lower than in remote regions of Russia. Average price for laxative suppositories with glycerin:

Suppositories for adults

Suppositories for children

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Elena Malysheva - How to lose weight without doing anything!


The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

Glycerin suppositories: a quick solution to a delicate problem

Glycerin suppositories for constipation are a quick and effective solution to the problem in adults and children. This safe drug, acting directly in the intestines, will gently ease the difficulty without any harmful effect on the body.

Due to their composition and rectal use, suppositories with glycerin immediately dissolve, lubricate and soften stool, facilitating their passage through the intestines, and stimulate its motility for speedy emptying. The effect time is only minutes, in individual cases even less.

Many are silent about him

Constipation is a very delicate problem that every person faces at least once in their life. It is a dysfunction of the intestines, manifested by a lack of bowel movements, and is accompanied by a number of different symptoms:

  • abdominal pain, cramps, a feeling of fullness in the entire gastrointestinal tract;
  • heartburn, flatulence (increased gas production), decreased appetite;
  • irritability, insomnia, and sometimes depression resulting from intoxication of the body.

Rarely is constipation an independent disease. Most often, it occurs as a consequence of internal disorders or pathologies associated with:

  1. Hemorrhoids, anal fissures, anal ulcers.
  2. Colitis, Crohn's disease, cancer.
  3. Endocrine diseases: diabetes, hypothyroidism, scleroderma.
  4. Lesions of the central nervous system: spinal injuries, Parkinson's disease.
  5. Insufficiency of regional circulation as a result of heart disease.

In addition, the reasons for the violation may be:

  1. Poor nutrition, drinking insufficient amounts of water, sedentary lifestyle.
  2. Taking medications that cause intestinal relaxation, or due to long-term use of laxatives that have a stimulating effect on peristalsis, is “lazy bowel syndrome.”
  3. Pregnancy, intestinal compression by the fetus.
  4. Childhood, due to inconsistency in the functioning of body systems, or changes in nutrition.
  5. Old age, resulting in a sedentary lifestyle, taking large amounts of medications, etc.
  6. Postoperative period.

Benefits of using glycerin suppositories

  • proven high efficiency;
  • fast and pronounced therapeutic effect;
  • no side effects;
  • due to rectal use and an indifferent substance in the composition, there is no systemic effect, like oral laxatives;
  • does not cause dehydration and electrolyte disturbances;
  • safety of use in patients after surgery;
  • Possibility of use during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • Possibility of use in very young children;
  • high quality of the drug;
  • affordable price.

Mechanism of action

The mechanism of action of glycerin suppositories consists of several simultaneous effects:

  • irritation of the intestinal mucosa, reflex stimulation of motility, causing bowel movements;
  • softening and lubricating feces to facilitate the passage and act of defecation.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for the use of suppositories with glycerin - constipation:

  • of various origins: habitual, psychogenic, senile, postoperative;
  • occurring during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • in infants from the first days of life;
  • in which you should not strain: with cracks and purulent inflammation of the anus and anal area, with hemorrhoids accompanied by thrombosis.
  • individual intolerance to components;
  • exacerbation of chronic hemorrhoids;
  • inflammation of the rectum or surrounding tissues;
  • intestinal neoplasms.

Instructions for use

Suppositories with glycerin should be used rectally, preferably 15 minutes after breakfast. There are two dosages of the drug, for children 1.24 and adults 2.11 g. Both dosages are used once a day.

  • for constipation in adults and children over 7 years of age, use 1 suppository with a dosage of 2.11 g;
  • for constipation in children from birth to 3 years, use half of 1 suppository with a dosage of 1.24 g;
  • For constipation in children from 3 to 7 years old, use 1 whole suppository with a dosage of 1.24 g.

Regardless of the cause of a problem such as constipation, it often requires immediate attention and timely treatment. Suppositories with glycerin will quickly and safely provide an effect if a problem has already arisen.

But in order to restore and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, you also need to eat healthy and healthy, add fresh vegetables, fruits, berries to your diet, eat whole grain cereals, drink 1.5-2 liters of water a day, do gymnastics or other light physical exercise exercises.

If, after taking these measures, the problem still bothers you, you need to consult a doctor and undergo a diagnostic examination!

All information is presented for informational purposes only. Consultation with your doctor is required!

Glycerin suppositories for stool retention: indications for use and composition

A diet poor in fiber and an inactive lifestyle in our time often lead to problems with bowel movements. This violation is unpleasant for the patient and causes significant discomfort.

The doctor, in addition to general recommendations that help improve intestinal motility, prescribes laxatives to help cope with defecation difficulties. Glycerin suppositories are one of the inexpensive and effective suppositories that will help solve the problem.

Due to their delicate effects, they are even prescribed to pregnant women and newborn children to help get rid of stool retention. Along with correcting the diet, which needs to be enriched with fresh vegetables, fruits, dairy products and fiber, and ensuring sufficient physical activity during the day, Glycerin suppositories will help improve the regularity of bowel movements.

The drug can be purchased at a pharmacy at a low price without a prescription. Before purchasing, read the instructions and make sure there are no contraindications, such as anal fissures and acute hemorrhoids. This medicine has particular uses in early and late pregnancy in women, as well as in newborns and young children.

Features of the drug

The shelf life of the drug is 2 years from the date of release, provided that the packaging of the drug is intact, at a temperature of 15 to 25 degrees. Before use, it is better to put the suppositories in the refrigerator for an hour, otherwise they may be slightly melted when opened.


Glycerin suppositories are sold in cardboard boxes containing 10 suppositories sealed in foil. Adult and children's suppositories differ in size and amount of glycerol in the suppository (2.25 g and 1.24 g, respectively). Each suppository, in addition to glycerol, contains small amounts of auxiliary components: stearic acid and calcium carbonate.

Indications for use

Disturbance of the act of defecation, characterized by a long delay in the exit of feces from the body, can be different in its etiology.

Glycerin suppositories are prescribed for the following types of constipation:

  • Functional disorders of fecal excretion, which are caused by weak intestinal motility or impaired sensitivity of nerve endings.
  • Psychogenic constipation, which occurs due to psychological problems in the patient. For example, the inability to defecate outside the home.
  • Senile changes in the body leading to disruption of this function.
  • Problems with stool caused by a sedentary lifestyle, which negatively affects the condition of not only the intestines, but the entire body.
  • A sedentary, sedentary lifestyle contributes to constipation.
  • Defecation disorders caused by taking antibiotics, which lead to disruption of the normal intestinal microflora, as well as constipation.

Whatever the reasons for constipation, it is not recommended to use suppositories for a long time, as the body gets used to them and the drug ceases to be effective enough. Glycerin suppositories are not a medicine; with their help you can only help the body get rid of the symptom, but not eliminate the cause that caused it.

Suppositories with glycerin in medical practice: advantages of the drug and possible side effects

Stool retention can occur in various parts of the intestine. Because of this, constipation occurs.

Depending on where exactly the disturbance in the movement of feces occurs, it can be:

  1. Cologenic. The main reason for its occurrence is weak rectal motility or the presence of physical obstacles such as tumors, polyps and scars.
  2. Proctogenic. A disorder that occurs due to a decrease in the sensitivity of rectal receptors. Fecal masses move freely through the intestines and stop at a small section of it, just before leaving the body. Another reason for this phenomenon may be muscle weakness, both the rectum and the pelvic floor.

Suppositories with glycerin are effective for proctogenic constipation, when you need to have a stimulating effect on the rectum. For proctogenic constipation, suppositories will not help solve the problem. Also, the presence of serious problems in the intestines, such as tumors and polyps, which can sometimes lead to stenosis, will not be solved by the use of laxative suppositories. If you have recurring, long-term constipation, you should definitely visit a doctor who will prescribe an intestinal examination to detect existing pathologies.

Advantages of the drug

Suppositories with glycerin have advantages that distinguish this medicine from a number of drugs with similar effects. It can be used in childhood, even for infants. This remedy is prescribed for constipation during pregnancy and after childbirth, during breastfeeding, since the medicine is not absorbed in the intestines, but is excreted naturally. It quickly helps to cope with the situation, while having a gentle effect on the body. The medicine is sold without a prescription and is affordable. If used once, there is no addiction to it.

Operating principle

Suppositories with glycerin have an irritating effect on rectal receptors. This leads to its reduction, while the production of mucus increases, which facilitates the act of defecation.


Suppositories with glycerin are simple in composition and do not contain aggressive or harmful components, but there are still certain contraindications to their use:

  1. Hemorrhoids in the acute stage. With this disease, you need to carefully ensure that there is no constipation, otherwise this can greatly aggravate the course of the disease. If problems exist, it is better to consult a doctor so that he can prescribe a drug that will help not only cope with constipation, but also cure hemorrhoids.
  2. Inflammation of the rectal mucosa is a condition that requires mandatory treatment under the strict guidance of a doctor.
  3. Intestinal tumors can be either benign or malignant, this is clarified with the help of additional studies. The treatment strategy is determined by the doctor after examining the intestines and receiving the results from histologists.
  4. Allergic reaction and individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Suppositories with glycerin can be successfully used for constipation, which is caused by a sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, and impaired sensitivity of rectal receptors. If you have serious intestinal problems that require a special course of treatment using drugs that will help solve this problem or if surgical intervention is necessary, the use of suppositories with glycerin may not give the expected result.

Glycerin suppositories for constipation: regimen of use and cost of the drug in pharmacies

Glycerin suppositories for constipation are a medicinal product, the use of which requires compliance with the rules specified in the instructions in order for its effect to be as effective as possible. When purchasing, be sure to read it carefully and make sure there are no contraindications, and also consult a doctor.

How to use rectal Glycerin suppositories for constipation by age and pregnant women

Adults should use suppositories for constipation, guided by the following rules specified in the instructions:

  1. Suppositories should be placed no more than once a day.
  2. The best time to cleanse the intestines with suppositories is in the morning, half an hour after breakfast.
  3. After using the medicine, you need to refrain from bowel movements for some time so that the drug has time to take effect.
  4. It is not recommended to use the drug constantly, as its effectiveness is reduced.
  5. If, after administering the suppository, the patient feels severe discomfort, you should stop using this medication and consult a doctor.

Pregnant women often have to deal with constipation, which can occur at any stage. Closer to childbirth, when the pressure of the fetus on the internal organs increases, the likelihood of stool retention also increases.

It is impossible to leave the problem without treatment, as this can lead to complications and the appearance of hemorrhoids, as well as cracks in the anus, which even after childbirth do not always disappear. Despite the fact that most laxatives are not recommended for use during this period, Glycerin suppositories for constipation can be used. They act locally; the active substance included in their composition is not absorbed into the intestinal walls.

Pregnant women in the early stages need to be careful with Glycerin suppositories, as they can provoke the threat of miscarriage. If you experience constipation during this period, it is better to consult your doctor.

For children, before using Glycerin suppositories for constipation, it is necessary to ensure a balanced diet and sufficient fluid intake into the child’s body, since it is the lack of water that most often causes bowel dysfunction.

For young patients, there are rules for using suppositories that need to be taken into account before using them:

  1. Make sure they are child friendly candles. They are smaller in size than suppositories for adults.
  2. The suppository must be administered by placing the child on his side and making sure that he tucks his legs. This will make the procedure more comfortable for the baby.
  3. To avoid intestinal injury, you need to introduce the suppository slowly and carefully.
  4. Glycerin suppositories for constipation in children should not be used too often; it is better to consult a pediatrician for advice. The medicine helps to cope with the problem, but does not cure.

Every patient should know that Glycerin suppositories for constipation are not a solution to the problem, but an emergency measure for the problem of defecation. Functional intestinal disorders that are the cause of this phenomenon require contacting a doctor to make a diagnosis and prescribe a treatment regimen.

Price in pharmacy chain

This drug is available to almost every person who needs it. Its price is about 140 rubles per dosage for children; for adults the medicine costs 30 rubles more.


The pharmacy has drugs with glycerin, which are an analogue of this medicine. These are Glycelax suppositories, which can also be purchased without a prescription, and Glycerol. There are no significant differences in price, so it’s better to ask your doctor which drug is right for you. As an alternative to rectal suppositories, you can use liquid glycerin, which is injected into the rectum.

Rectal glycerin suppositories (suppositories) is a local laxative, an effective and safe means of aiding bowel movements. Glycerin suppositories are prescribed for all types of constipation, as well as to facilitate bowel movements in patients after perineal surgery.

When inserted into the rectum, the suppository dissolves under the influence of body temperature. Glycerol is the active substance of the drug, coats the intestinal walls, softens dense feces, and facilitates their movement. Reduces tension during defecation. The drug acts on the rectal mucosa and activates peristalsis.

Instructions for use

The optimal time to administer a laxative is 15 minutes after a meal.

  1. Wash your hands and, if possible, wear a rubber glove or fingertip.
  2. Remove the candle from its packaging. For easier administration, it can be slightly moistened with cool water. Cream and oil are prohibited.
  3. Lie on your left side, bend your knees and bring them slightly towards your stomach, relax.
  4. Carefully insert the suppository with the pointed end into the anus.
  5. To prevent the candle from slipping out, squeeze your buttocks together and lie down for 5-10 minutes.

The drug completely dissolves after half an hour, but sometimes the desire to empty the intestines arises earlier. The less often you use rectal suppositories, the faster they begin to act.

Advantages and disadvantages of glycerin suppositories

Advantages Flaws
  • affordable price - a package of 10 suppositories costs from 150 to 200 rubles in pharmacies;
  • safety – the drug is not absorbed from the intestines and has no harmful effects on the body;
  • predictable effect - defecation usually occurs half an hour after administration of the drug, which gives the person the opportunity to plan the day.
  • stains underwear - a small amount of product may be released from the anus;
  • is addictive - with systematic use, the effectiveness of the drug decreases;
  • has contraindications and side effects;
  • weakens the effect of other rectal medications - maintain an interval between medications of at least an hour.


Side effects

Patients usually tolerate glycerin suppositories well. Undesirable effects are rare:

  • local allergic reactions;
  • burning and itching upon insertion;
  • catarrhal proctitis;
  • with prolonged use, degeneration of the intestinal mucosa develops and the natural mechanism of defecation is disrupted.

Frequently Asked Questions

When do glycerin suppositories begin to work?

The time for the onset of action of the drug depends on the individual sensitivity of rectal receptors. In some patients, the first urge to defecate occurs within 5-10 minutes after the administration of the suppository. It takes at least half an hour for the candle to completely dissolve.

How long does it work on adults?

During bowel movements, the drug is excreted in the feces, so after defecation the effect of glycerin ceases.

Are glycerin suppositories addictive?

With prolonged and uncontrolled use of rectal suppositories, the sensitivity of rectal receptors decreases. The physiological regulation of bowel movements is weakened.

How often can you use glycerin suppositories?

The recommended dose is 1 suppository once a day. The duration of use of the drug in each specific case is determined by the doctor. When used independently, stop treatment immediately after bowel movements are restored.

Whycandles cannot help?

Glycerol facilitates the removal of dense feces that have filled the rectal ampulla. The medicine will not help with obstruction in other parts of the intestine. The most common reasons for the lack of effect: spastic colitis, irritable bowel syndrome.

Can glycerin suppositories be used for pregnant women?

The drug is approved for use during pregnancy. It is non-toxic and safe for the body of a woman and the unborn child. However, irritation of the rectum sometimes increases the tone of the uterus. Before using rectal suppositories, consult your obstetrician-gynecologist. If there is a threat of miscarriage, the doctor will recommend another laxative drug.

Alternative drugs

Suppositories with glycerin are an aid for difficult bowel movements. The main methods of preventing and treating constipation: diet correction, optimal drinking regimen, lifestyle changes.