Infagel for warts. Antiviral agents "Infagel. Are there any contraindications?

Hormonal antiviral drug.

Price from 129 rub.

Hormonal antiviral drug.

Application- Acute respiratory infections, flu, herpes, smallpox.

Analogs- Viferon, Erazaban, Cycloferon. You can find out more about analogues, their prices, and whether they are substitutes at the end of this article.

Today we’ll talk about Infagel gel. What is this product and how does it affect the body? What are the indications and contraindications? How and in what doses is it used? What can be replaced?

What kind of gel

Infagel is a drug with an immunomodulatory effect, which is prescribed to children and adults.

Depending on the specific health problem, different courses of treatment are recommended. In rare cases, additional medications are purchased.

Applied locally. The scope of application of infagel is quite wide; it copes with many diseases of the immune system, while infagel is suitable for children.

Active ingredient

The active element is interferon. It destroys the virus cell along with the human cell, after which it helps to remove it from the surface of the skin.

The substance is absolutely non-toxic for the reason that it is biological and is found in the human body in its pure form. At the same time, an excess of this element does not lead to serious problems, but helps to improve and enhance immunity.

Infagel helps against herpes, but is not able to eliminate the viral infection.

Release form, composition and packaging

Ointment in the form.

1 Homogeneous consistency. It is produced in aluminum tubes (2, 3, 5, 10 g) and is additionally packaged in a cardboard box with an attached information gel annotation.

2 Powder solution for injection (2.5 g), the kit does not include the necessary items for the injection. Contained in a translucent glass bottle.

In addition to alpha interferon, the composition includes:

  • polyvinyl alcohol;
  • aluminum hydroxide;
  • purified water.

Safe components allow you to use infagel for the nose. Apply the substance in much smaller quantities, and if any symptoms appear, immediately rinse the area.

Pharmacological properties

The active substance of the drug has an antiviral effect and at the same time stimulates the immune system, making it resistant to the manifestation of certain diseases.

Interferon penetrates the infected cell, prevents its further reproduction and removes it from the body. In this case, the remaining cells can no longer be exposed to the virus. When applying the gel, a protective film is formed, which makes the medicine effective for 12 hours after administration. However, mechanical friction can damage this layer.

Infagel is not dangerous for newborns, but prior consultation with your doctor is necessary.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The active substance inhibits infected areas, making it impossible to reproduce, which allows you to get rid of the disease in a short time and at the same time avoid its recurrence.

The cell is destroyed through the RNA of the virus itself, and the human cell also dies, but this fact does not cause significant harm to health.

Infagel can help against the flu due to the fact that the interferon element fights various viral diseases quite effectively.

The drug penetrates the body in fairly small quantities, but you should be careful when applying it to the mucous membranes, since the level of absorption there is much higher.

Interferon that enters the bloodstream is excreted by the body within 3-4 hours, while it is metabolized in the liver, having a minor effect on this organ.


What is infagel used for? The medicine is in demand for the prevention of viral diseases that damage the respiratory tract:

  • flu;
  • parainfluenza;
  • adenoviral infections.

However, the active composition allows you to use infagel for the treatment of skin rashes:

  • girdling;
  • herpetic.
Doctors recommend using it for complex therapy in the presence of an oncological tumor (cancer), but the drug alone cannot cope with a malignant tumor.

Some experts advise when:

  • inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. — including prescribed in dentistry, but quite rarely due to the bitter taste and undesirable effect when ingested (when swallowing saliva);
  • the presence of pointed papillomas;
  • acute respiratory diseases that make breathing difficult.

At the same time, there is an opinion that infagel is quite effective for chickenpox, but doctors are inclined to believe that it is necessary to take some additional drug.


  • nausea;
  • general weakness in the body.

The drug is not prescribed:

  • if you are allergic to any component of the drug;
  • in the early period of pregnancy (first months), however, exceptions occur;
  • with hypersensitivity to interferon (an individual characteristic of the body).

Instructions for use of infagel contain the most detailed information.

Pregnant women, nursing mothers and children

The active element does not have a high level of toxicity; in addition, it is applied locally, which significantly reduces its absorption into the skin.

The final decision always remains with the specialist.

For pregnant and nursing mothers

At the first stage of pregnancy, the use of the medicine is extremely undesirable, however, if urgently necessary, it is possible, but under the constant supervision of a physician.

For children

Before reaching the age of 3 years, it is prescribed after a conversation with the pediatrician, otherwise it can harm the child’s immune system and lead to the development of new diseases.

Side effects

During clinical trials, no side effects were identified, but some subjects, due to the individual characteristics of the body, experienced itching and burning in the area of ​​application.

When used on the nasal mucosa, it does not dry out or become damaged. Bleeding is excluded.

Special instructions

To increase the effectiveness of microelements, it is recommended to do the following:

1 Thoroughly rinse the area before the procedure, after which you need to wipe it dry. In this case, it is undesirable to use strongly rubbing materials so as not to damage the upper epithelium.

2 After performing the procedure, it is not recommended to wash off the substance, as the film may not have time to form.

3 The resulting protective layer may tighten the skin slightly, which is not a side effect in any way. At the same time, it does not stain clothes.


No cases of overdose were identified. If a large amount of the substance gets inside, it is recommended to induce vomiting using an aqueous solution of soda.

If the following symptoms persist, you should call the hospital:

  • elevated temperature;
  • dizziness;
  • severe pain in the stomach.

Drug interactions

Scientific research has proven that there are no negative effects from other medications, including corticosteroids, antibiotics and antiviral drugs.

Comparison with Isoprinosine

It is available in tablet form, which indicates a more serious detrimental effect on the body. However, it is not effective for rehabilitation after tumor diseases.

It mainly fights respiratory diseases, has more contraindications, but is effective against warts and measles.

A. Specialty: infectious diseases, general hygiene, virology.


For such symptoms, the following medications may sometimes be prescribed:

  • Grippferon ointment.
  • Erazaban;
  • Cycloferon.

Infagel is an external antiviral drug. The active component of the drug, recombinant interferon alpha-2b, is endowed with a wide range of antiviral effects, anti-inflammatory and cytostatic activity, improves immunity and slows down the growth of pathogenic bacteria. It is used for herpes virus infections of the skin and mucous membranes (HSV, herpes zoster, chronic herpes of the face, genitals, herpetic gingivitis and stomatitis), as well as to prevent influenza and acute respiratory infections in persons in contact with infected people. The frequency of application of the gel is twice a day. The duration of the medication course is 3-5 days. The criterion for successful treatment is the complete restoration of the integrity of the affected areas. For prophylactic purposes, the drug is used twice a day for a week, then a week break is taken, after which it is used for another week. Infagel has no registered side effects. A contraindication to the use of the drug is the acute phase of allergy. As part of one drug course, Infagel can be combined with antibiotics, glucocorticosteroids, interferon suppressors and other antiviral drugs. The drug can be used for papillomavirus infection simultaneously with systemic drugs (systemic interferons). The effectiveness of Infagel for chickenpox is also due to the fact that it has a drying effect due to the presence in its composition of such auxiliary components as polyvinyl alcohol and aluminum hydroxide.

The drug can be used during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in children, starting from the neonatal period. Among the external preparations based on interferon, Infagel is distinguished by its ability to form a protective film when drying, which prevents the active component from spreading over the surface and provides a longer lasting effect (up to 12 hours). Because Human leukocyte interferon is not used in the production of the drug; it cannot cause infection with HIV or hepatitis. Infagel prevents the intracellular reproduction of the virus. 20 minutes after the virus enters the cell, there are already 100 viruses in it. The human body is not able to independently produce such an amount of interferon, so an exogenous source of this immune protein is needed, which is Infagel, making the cell impenetrable to viral agents. The drug activates the process of phagocytosis - the destruction of dead cells by monocytes. When applied to the skin and mucous membranes, Infagel creates a double protective barrier, preventing the virus from entering the body and strengthening local immunity. According to the instructions, Infagel has no age restrictions. When reapplying the gel, you do not have to remove the remaining film, but apply the gel directly on top of it. Preventive courses using the drug can be carried out up to 4 times a year.


The recombinant interferon alpha-2b included in the gel has a wide spectrum of antiviral activity, bacteriostatic and anti-inflammatory effects, as well as antitumor and immunomodulatory activity.

Release form

Gel for local and external use in the form of a homogeneous mass of white or white with a grayish tint; It is allowed for the contents of the package to delaminate and disappear when shaken.

Excipients: aluminum hydroxide - 57.8 mg, polyvinyl alcohol - from 17.5 mg, purified water - up to 1 g.

2 g - aluminum tubes (1) - cardboard packs.
3 g - aluminum tubes (1) - cardboard packs.
5 g - aluminum tubes (1) - cardboard packs.
10 g - aluminum tubes (1) - cardboard packs.
2 g - bottles (1) - cardboard packs.
3 g - bottles (1) - cardboard packs.
5 g - bottles (1) - cardboard packs.
10 g - bottles (1) - cardboard packs.


When treating herpetic lesions, the gel is applied to the affected areas of the skin and mucous membranes in a thin layer 2 times a day with an interval of 12 hours and dried for 10-15 minutes to form a protective film. The duration of the course of treatment is from 3 to 5 days, until the violations of the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes completely disappear.

To prevent influenza and ARVI during periods of increased incidence, the drug is applied to the mucous membrane of the nasal passages 2 times a day with an interval of 12 hours during the first and third weeks of the course, taking a break in the second week.


For the treatment of infectious-inflammatory and viral diseases, the drug can be used as part of combination therapy with antibacterial drugs, glucocorticoids, interferon inducers and antiviral drugs.

Side effects

The drug has no side effects.


  • treatment of herpetic lesions of the skin and mucous membranes: herpes simplex and herpes zoster; recurrent herpes of the face, genitals, gingivitis, herpetic stomatitis;
  • prevention of influenza and ARVI in adults who have had contact with patients with influenza and ARVI.


  • allergic diseases in the acute stage.

Infagel is an ointment based on interferon, which has an immunomodulatory and antiseptic effect on the skin. The drug belongs to the group of immunomodulators-cytokines (the active substance promotes the functioning of a whole complex of cells and microelements of the body that fight pathogens).

Due to its properties, medicinal ointment is actively used for prevention.

Composition and release form

The medicinal complex for external use consists only of natural ingredients. One gram of the substance contains:

  • recombinant interferon “A-2b” for humans – 10 thousand IU;
  • aluminum hydroxide – 58 mg;
  • polyvinyl alcohol – not less than 17.5 mg;
  • water – up to 1 g.

The medicine is available in the form of aluminum tubes and bottles in cardboard packaging of 2, 3, 5, 10 g of active substance.

The gel looks like a homogeneous mixture of a grayish-white hue.

Pharmacological action

The pharmacological effect of the drug is due to the presence of the active substance - interferon alpha (2b) and manifests itself in the form:

  • antiviral effects;
  • slowing down metabolic processes in bacterial molecules and preventing their reproduction;
  • relieving inflammation;
  • eliminating swelling and puffiness;
  • stimulating an increase in human natural immunity.

Mechanism of action

When applied to a problem area of ​​the skin or mucous membrane, the medicine is absorbed into the deep layers of tissue, having a beneficial effect on their cellular structure. At the same time, the composition hardens and, forming a protective crust, does not allow pathogenic microorganisms to enter the damaged area.

The chemical effect on harmful microbes manifests itself in blocking the replication of viral proteins and destroying their RNA structure due to the production of protein kinases.

The active components of the drug stimulate the formation of immunity due to the phagocytic activity of macrophages and the activation of killer cells in the human body.

The effect of the drug is not accompanied by strong absorption when applied externally, so it is safe for pregnant women, children and other categories of patients with a weakened immune system.

Indications for use

Infagel is prescribed for many pathologies of the human body:

  1. Allows you to relieve symptoms in the form and mucosa during the acute phase of simple or: in the area of ​​the face, genitals, oral cavity (in the latter case, Infagel is lubricated with the mucous membrane and gums).
  2. The medicine is perfect for treating chickenpox rashes, but only to the stage when they turn into. The active substances will help the wounds dry out quickly and protect the damaged areas from the penetration of pathogenic microflora.
  3. Pediatricians recommend the gel for conjunctivitis in infants.
  4. It is used to prevent infection during periods of spread of ARVI and FLU virus.

Infagel can be used not only in the treatment of diseases, but also as a preventive drug.


Since the product is produced for external use and does not contain toxic ingredients, the medicinal gel has virtually no contraindications. However, you should not use Infagel if allergic reactions worsen, especially if the components of the ointment are not tolerated by the body.

The gel should also be used with caution for treating the oral cavity, although such treatment also has no contraindications except for the first trimester of pregnancy.

Application and dosage regimen

Infagel is used depending on the diagnosis in the following main cases:

  1. If the drug is used against, it should be carefully spread on the affected area in a thin layer, without rubbing. After 10-15 minutes, the medicine will take effect and, having hardened, forms a protective veil over the area of ​​inflammation. The procedure is repeated twice a day - every 12 hours, and the course of one therapy is up to 5 days, until the rashes finally go away and the skin recovers.
  2. For preventive therapy for colds and flu, the gel is applied to the nostrils. The product increases the regenerative abilities of tissues and delays pathogens of infectious diseases transmitted by airborne droplets. Infagel is applied every 12 hours for 7 days. Then there is a week break, after which the seven-day course continues again. The drug is used until the peak incidence has passed.
  3. For infant conjunctivitis, a little gel is applied to the baby's eyelids. The duration of treatment is up to three days, the frequency of renewing the ointment is once every 4-6 hours.
  4. During chickenpox, treatment with ointment is carried out three times a day for a weekly course. Only reddened spots should be treated, avoiding contact of the active substance with the blisters.

There are no strict dosage requirements, since the medicine is available in the form of an ointment.

Overdose and adverse reactions

During the use of Infagel and during clinical tests, no cases of overdose or side effects other than allergies were found.

However, some people may experience discomfort after applying the ointment because the drying gel begins to tighten the skin. This is not a complication - but a normal sign of the drug’s effect. Therefore, there is no need to worry about this.

Features of use during pregnancy

Manufacturers of the drug do not set restrictions on the external use of the gel during pregnancy and. Infagel is not dangerous for the mother and fetus, since, firstly, it is not used orally, and, secondly, the reaction of the female body to the components of the drug absorbed through the skin has been tested by clinical studies.

Thus, the dosage of the suspension is not adjusted in the treatment of herpes of all degrees and the prevention of ARVI.

However, experts do not recommend treating the oral cavity with ointment before the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, since such treatment is extremely rare, but is still a motivating factor for miscarriage. If treatment with ointment occurs during lactation, the mother should carefully ensure that the gel does not get into the baby’s mouth.

Interaction with other drugs

The drug interacts well with other medicinal complexes and does not reduce their effectiveness, so the gel can be used as an adjuvant during the treatment of viral infections.

Infagel goes well with:

  • glucocorticoids;
  • interferon activators.

Interactions with medicinal formulas of other groups have not been studied as much, so the possibility of combining them with Infagel should be discussed with your doctor.

What they say about this product:

Infagel is one of the well-known drugs that are well known among doctors and are often recommended to patients. It is effective, does not cause complications, and does not affect the action of other medications.

Mikhail Anatolyevich, general practitioner with 16 years of experience

I have been buying Infagel for quite some time and smearing it on during flu periods. If I remember to use the drug regularly, I practically never get a cold. However, there are cheaper analogues.

Vasily, 16 years old

I buy Infagel for my child and lubricate his sinuses before sending him to school. Good product! It does not cause allergies, has no contraindications and, indeed, thanks to it, my child is much less likely to miss classes due to illness.

Marina, 34 years old

Packaging cost

The average cost of a bottle ranges from 100 to 190 rubles, depending on the volume of the package. However, prices may vary due to supplier and pharmacy chain markups, as well as due to a number of additional factors.

Storage conditions

During storage, the bottle of gel should be protected from children and sunlight. It is necessary to observe the temperature regime - from 0 to 10 degrees. The maximum shelf life is no more than 2 years.

Dispensing at pharmacies

Gel for topical use is available without restrictions, so you do not need a doctor's prescription to purchase Infagel.


Since Infagel is an antiviral agent with immunomodulatory properties, its analogues can be divided into two subgroups.

  1. Medicines against viruses and bacteria:
  • – also affects foci of pathogenic microflora, but due to the higher concentration of the active substance it is considered more powerful;
  • – is one of the best medicines for herpes, since at the early stage of a viral infection it blocks its further development until the complete cessation of symptoms with regular use;
  • Zovirax is essentially a complete analogue of Infagel, differing only in the auxiliary components in the composition;
  • based on natural ingredients, considered an outdated product, although still popular among consumers.
  • Anaferon is also a drug with complex effects, safe for use, and therefore is used as a prophylactic agent;
  • - another analogue, inferior in concentration of the active substance, which is why it is considered effective only at the early stage of viral infection.
  • Isoprinosine - for some indications it may be a more successful remedy, because its active substance allows the drug to be taken as the main antibiotic.

Among analogues, Infagel occupies an advantageous position, but still has its disadvantages. In general, judging by the reviews and recommendations of experts, the drug is trustworthy and effectively helps with herpes.

Once in the human body, the insidious herpes virus remains in it for many years. Unfortunately, medicine has not yet found a remedy that could expel this virus. But now there are drugs that help keep the situation under control if the virus suddenly “woke up” and tries to show itself in its full “glory.” That’s when you urgently need to use Infagel.

By the way, this remedy will be useful for chickenpox (it can replace the well-known “green stuff”) and for the prevention of ARVI, sore throat, rhinitis, and influenza. The composition of the drug and methods of its use will be discussed further in our article.

General information about the medicine

This drug is produced by the Russian company Vector-Medica. In pharmacies you can see this gel in tubes (tubes) of 10.5, 3 and 2 grams and glass bottles of 5 and 2 grams of gel-like mass. The active substance of Infagel is alpha-2b interferon (human recombinant). This substance is obtained thanks to modern genetic engineering technologies. The structure of such a substance is as close as possible to the structure of the interferon that is produced by special cells in the human body. One gram of gel contains 10,000 IU of interferon. Interferon is produced for production purposes in E. coli cell cultures. The gel also contains polyvinyl alcohol and aluminum hydroxide. Thanks to these components, the gel becomes thick, its color is white, slightly grayish. After application to the skin or mucous membranes, a thin healing film quickly forms. During storage, separation into two fractions is allowed: thick and liquid, so the manufacturer recommends mixing the contents of the bottle or tube before you use it.

Action of Infagel

After you apply the medicine to the skin, most of it accumulates in the cells and intercellular substance, and a smaller part is absorbed, entering the blood vessels. The bioavailability of the active component is high; according to research data, it exceeds 80%. Interferon, which enters the blood, is soon transported to the liver, where, after a series of transformations, its metabolites are formed and are excreted from the body by the kidneys. Alpha-2b interferon is capable of exhibiting immunomodulatory, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory effects. It is also endowed with antiproliferative activity. The antiviral effect is as follows: interferon interacts with receptors that are located on cells in which the virus multiplies in full. After interacting with alpha-b interferon, each affected cell stops producing the substances that viruses need for division and reproduction, and rebuilds the mechanism of its functioning. As a result of such changes, the virus soon dies.

The immunomodulatory effect is based on the fact that the activation of those cells that should protect the body from pathogenic agents occurs. There is an increased production of lymphokines and antibodies, the action of which is directed against harmful microorganisms. Phagocytosis is stimulated - a process in which specially designed cells of our body, called phagocytes, absorb (“devour”) those structures that are infected; special oxidizing agents and enzymes help them destroy “strangers.” And antibodies are produced by lymphocytes when they encounter microbes that have already entered the body. It is lymphokines that can stimulate the activity of lymphocytes, increasing their productivity. Now PoMedicine will explain what the antiproliferative activity is. When immunocompetent cells are activated, biological surveillance in the body is enhanced, those cells that have mutated or degenerated are identified more accurately and with better quality, after which they are destroyed.

Indications for use

Infagel is recommended for use to combat and prevent viral infections. They need to treat the affected areas of mucous tissue and skin when:
  • herpes on the lips, under the nose, on the cheeks, genitals, both primary and recurrent;
  • herpes zoster;
  • intrauterine infections in newborn babies (for example, with herpetic rashes, enterovirus, candidiasis, chlamydia, cytomegalovirus);
  • flu;
  • ARVI;
  • chicken pox;
  • gingivitis and stomatitis of herpes origin;
  • treatment of genital infectious processes in pregnant women (such as ureaplasmosis, gardnerellosis, cytomegalovirus, chlamydia, candidiasis, mycoplasmosis, papillomavirus, trichomoniasis).
During epidemics of various acute respiratory viral infections and influenza conditions, Infagel helps to avoid infection from sick adults and children.

How to use Infagel

If you suddenly notice the first harbingers of herpetic eruptions, or they have already appeared on the mucous membranes or skin, then immediately lubricate the affected surfaces, distributing the gel with careful circular movements, while trying not to damage the blisters. Apply this gel two or three times a day for a week. Many patients report that they experience noticeable improvements already on the second day of using Infagel. For some, herpes completely disappears in 5 days, for others, healing takes a little longer, it depends on at what stage you started using the gel. Of course, the sooner this is done, the more effective the drug will be. After the gel is applied, leave the surface of the skin open for 15 minutes, during which time a medicinal film can form on the skin. Do not make a thick layer of gel, otherwise it will make it difficult to form a film, from which the medicinal substance will then pass into the deep layers of the epidermis. The swelling will go away and the itching will stop bothering you. First, a crust will appear on the skin, after a few days it will fall off (one or two days).

If you are already sick with ARVI or flu, then apply this gel to the mucous membranes of the nasal passages several times a day using a cotton swab. The course of treatment is at least 7 days.

During mass epidemics of respiratory infections, before leaving home (to work, kindergarten, school, clinic and other crowded places), apply a thin layer of gel to the mucous membranes of the nasal passages. For preventive purposes, two applications per day are sufficient. Carry out such measures for no longer than 30 days, then you need a break.

Many pediatricians recommend that parents use Infagel at the first sign of a cold in children, even newborns. It is important to immediately help the child’s immune system, then there will be no need to take antibacterial drugs (sulfonamides, antibiotics), it will be enough to use cough syrups and herbal nasal drops. Already in the first five days you will notice improvements in the child’s condition. And if you use the drug for preventive purposes, distributing it twice a day over the baby’s nasal mucosa, you will soon notice that he gets an infection less often, so you will visit the doctor and take sick leave less often.

There is another pathology caused by viruses, this is chicken pox (or simply chickenpox). In this case, many red itchy blisters appear on the skin. They can be lubricated not with “green paint”, but with Infagel. This should be done three times a day using a cotton swab.

Pregnant women (as well as breastfeeding mothers) can use the gel externally without restrictions, lubricating herpes that has “popped up” on the lips, nose or genitals. You can also use it to treat a cold or to prevent respiratory tract infections.

Interferon-based drugs are often used to protect children from viral infections. One of them is a medicine called Infagel, which is produced by the Russian company Vector-Medica. Is it possible to use it in childhood and how to do it correctly?

Release form

Infagel is represented by a homogeneous white or white-gray gel-like mass. He packaged it either in glass vials or aluminum tubes. One bottle/tube may contain 2 g, 3 g, 5 g or 10 g of medication. During storage, the medicine inside the package sometimes separates, but after shaking it becomes homogeneous again.


The active ingredient of Infagel is alpha 2B interferon, of which 1 gram of medicine contains 10 thousand IU. During the production process, it is sorbed on aluminum hydroxide. The auxiliary compound, thanks to which the drug has the desired consistency and forms a film on the skin when dried, is polyvinyl alcohol. The remainder of the medicine is represented by purified water.

Operating principle

Thanks to interferon, Infagel has an antiviral effect and also stimulates local immunity. The drug prevents the proliferation of viruses in affected cells, protects healthy cells from the pathogen and activates the work of macrophages to remove dead and non-viable cells. The gel applied to the skin forms a film, which allows the medication to remain active for up to 12 hours.


Infagel is in demand for the prevention of influenza and other acute viral infections that affect the upper respiratory tract. In addition, the medication is prescribed for infection with herpes viruses - for herpes simplex, chicken pox, herpes zoster, herpetic stomatitis and other lesions.

At what age is it allowed to take it?

The instructions for Infagel do not contain any age restrictions for its use, however, if you plan to use the drug for a child under 2-3 years old, you should definitely consult a pediatrician before doing so.


The gel is not recommended for use in children with exacerbation of allergic pathologies. Also, the drug is not prescribed if you are intolerant to any of its components.

Well, now the not unknown Dr. Komarovsky about children's antiviral drugs

Side effects

The manufacturer does not note any side effects from using Infagel. When lubricating the nasal mucosa, it does not dry out.

Instructions for use and dosage

For chickenpox and other herpes lesions, gel is used to treat rashes on the mucous membrane or skin, applying the product twice a day (12 hours should pass between treatments). After applying the medicine, you need to wait 10-15 minutes for the gel to dry and a protective film to form. The duration of treatment is usually 3-5 days, but the medication can be applied until the integrity of the mucous membrane or skin is completely restored.

To prevent ARVI or influenza, Infagel is used in the nose. Lubricate the nasal passages with the drug twice a day for one week, then take a break for one week, after which the medicine is used for another 7 days.


Due to its exclusively local application and low level of absorption, exceeding the dose of the gel cannot have a harmful effect on the patient's body.

Interaction with other drugs

The annotation for the gel states that it is compatible with any other medications, for example, glucocorticoid hormones, antiviral drugs or antibiotics.

Terms of sale

Infagel is an over-the-counter medicine, so it is quite easy to purchase it at the pharmacy. The average price of a tube or bottle with 2-3 g of the drug is 120 rubles.

Storage conditions and shelf life

To store a tube or jar of Infagel, you should choose a place hidden from small children, where the sun's rays do not reach. The best option would be a refrigerator, since the manufacturer’s recommended storage temperature is in the range from 0 to +10 degrees. The shelf life of the gel is 2 years.