Vitamins. Cattle poisoning with minerals, vitamins and premixes, drug overdose

Vitamins are biologically active, vital organic compounds of various chemical nature. Currently, more than 50 vitamins are known. Animals are most often deficient in vitamins A, D, E, K, group B vitamins, etc. For the organization of full-fledged feeding of animals, it is necessary to have data on the vitamin nutritional value of feed and the need of animals for vitamins.
The lack of vitamins in diets (with prolonged one-sided feeding) leads to serious diseases - beriberi; lack of a particular vitamin causes hypovitaminosis, several vitamins - polyhypovitaminosis; with the consumption of large amounts of certain vitamins (for example, A, D, E), hypervitaminosis develops.
The need of animals for vitamins depends on age, productivity and physiological state. Young animals, pregnant, lactating, highly productive and breeding animals have an increased need for vitamins. In diseases of the intestines, pancreas, liver, the absorption of vitamins is impaired. Oxidizing agents, nitrites, nitrates, sorbents contained in feed also increase the need for vitamins.
The main role in improving the vitamin nutrition of animals is played by vitamin feeds (green fodder, hay, silage, root crops, grass flour, animal feed, etc.) and vitamin preparations. They are used to regulate metabolism, prevent and treat beriberi and hypovitaminosis, increase the digestibility of feed nutrients, strengthen the body's defenses, increase animal productivity and extend the period of their production use.
Vitamin A (retinol)- vitamin of growth and vision - performs many functions: affects the development and regeneration of epithelial tissue; increases the body's resistance to various infections; prevents the development of xerophthalmia and blindness; contributes to the growth and development of young animals. Depletion of vitamin A reserves in the body leads to a decrease in productivity, impaired reproduction, the birth of a weak offspring and its possible death in the first days of life; excess - to a decrease in appetite, stunting, exhaustion and death.
Sources of vitamin A - products and feeds of animal origin: fish liver (cod, halibut, etc.); fish oil, especially derived from the liver (it contains vitamins A and D); egg. yolk; lamb fat; colostrum; milk.
All animals need vitamin A. Carnivores are unable to synthesize it from the provitamin, so they must obtain vitamin A ready-made. When retinol is taken orally, its absorption in the intestine is 70-85%, and with intramuscular administration of vitamin A preparations, it is only half. With sufficient supply, vitamin A is deposited in the liver as a reserve substance. In the future, it is excreted unchanged only with milk and eggs.
Carotene- provitamin of vitamin A. Green fodder is a source of β-carotene. In hay, carotene is destroyed by 80-90%, and in the production of grass flour, up to 60% of carotene can be preserved.
In practical work, when converting β-carotene to vitamin A, the following ratios are used: 1 international unit (IU) of vitamin A is equal to the biological activity of 0.3 μg of this vitamin. 1 mg of β-carotene for cattle is equal to 400 IU of vitamin A, for sheep - 400-500, for pigs - 500, for horses - 500-550, for poultry - 1000, for rabbits - 1200-1600 IU.
With avitaminosis and A-hypovitaminosis, carnivores are given liver, fish oil, eggs, milk; herbivorous - fresh greens, carrots and tops, cabbage leaves, coniferous branches, yellow-grain corn, herbal flour from legumes. A good therapeutic effect is given by vitamin herbs: nettle, quinoa, medicinal dandelion, mountaineer pepper (they contain a complex of vitamins).
Vitamin D (calciferol) under the influence of ultraviolet radiation acquires antirachitic activity. Vitamins D2 and D3 are of practical importance in animal nutrition. In terms of their physiological action, both vitamins are equivalent for mammals, and for birds, vitamin D3 is 30 times more active than vitamin D2.
The vitamin D2 provitamin ergocalciferol is characteristic of plant substrates. In general, plants are poor in vitamin D, but when dried in sunny weather, vitamin D becomes active. Vitamin D3 provitamin - 7-dehydrocholesterol - is found in large quantities in the thickness of the skin and animal fats. With natural (exercise) or artificial ultraviolet irradiation (mercury-quartz lamps with a wavelength of 280 nm), provitamins turn into a biologically active form - vitamin D3. This vitamin is present in feeds of animal origin, such as fishmeal.
Vitamin D is involved in the formation of bones, teeth (maintaining calcium balance), in the synthesis of hormones; strengthens the nervous system; activates muscle activity (including the heart muscle); normalizes blood circulation; removes lead from the body. The need for vitamin D depends not only on the level of the vitamin in the diet, but also on the correct ratio of calcium and phosphorus. Vitamin D deficiency may be due to impaired absorption of fat. Without bile salts, it cannot pass from the intestines into the blood.
In the absence or deficiency of vitamin D in the body, mineral, carbohydrate and protein metabolism, the work of the parathyroid glands are disturbed, rickets develop in young animals, osteomalacia, osteoporosis and osteofibrosis in adult animals. Vitamin D deficiency is most often noted in winter: the need for it increases by 2-3 times. Young animals, dairy cattle and laying hens are especially in need of vitamin D supplementation.
To prevent rickets in newborns, the female should receive a sufficient amount of vitamin D and be sure to exercise or ultraviolet irradiation (UVR) with quartz lamps. UVR is widely used not only for animals, but also forage.
The richest sources of vitamin D are fish oil, egg yolk, colostrum (6-10 times richer in vitamin D than milk), irradiated yeast, vegetable oil, grass meal, sun-dried hay.
High doses of vitamin D can lead to serious consequences. Therefore, nature protects the body from too hot sun by changing the color of the skin. The dark pigment melanin, which is made up of copper and the amino acid tyrosine, blocks ultraviolet radiation and reduces the formation of vitamin D.
Vitamin D activity is measured in international units (IU). 1 IU corresponds to the activity of 0.025 micrograms of pure vitamin D2 or D3. 1 g of crystalline vitamin D contains 40 million IU. 1 mcg = 40 IU.
Vitamin E (tocopherol)- anti-sterile, or reproduction vitamin, anti-stress - necessary for animals from the first day of life. With a deficiency of tocopherol, more often in the winter-spring period, various diseases develop: muscle disease in young cattle and small cattle, in calves, sudden death may occur as a result of myocardial damage; in pigs, the liver is affected, fertility decreases, fainting with a fatal outcome is observed; in birds, alimentary encephalomalacia, exudative diathesis, white muscle disease, and myodystrophy are noted. With E-avitaminosis, A-avitaminosis also develops.
Sources of vitamin E - green grass, cereal grains (vitamins are concentrated in the grain germ - endosperm, so it is very useful to feed sprouted grains), vegetable oils, rose hips, sea buckthorn, pine needles, cabbage, mountain ash. From feeds of animal origin, chicken livers and eggs are rich in vitamin E.
In the body, vitamin E is deposited in the liver, muscles, pancreas, spleen, a lot of it in the placenta. Therefore, carnivores are recommended to feed these organs and tissues fresh. For the prevention of E-avitaminosis, herbivorous animals should receive a sufficient amount of green fodder. 1 mg of vitamin E is taken as 1 IU.
Vitamin K (phylloquinone)- antihemorrhagic, stimulates the process of tissue regeneration, accelerates wound healing. Found in green foods, especially alfalfa, cabbage, nettle, chestnut leaves, needles, hay and high quality grass meal. Of the feed of animal origin, vitamin K is rich in pork liver, egg yolk, sea fish (especially catfish) and fish meal, animal fats.
The bird receives it with food; In animals, vitamin K is provided by the intestinal microflora. The use of drugs that inhibit the intestinal microflora, the use of moldy feed makes animals, as well as birds, susceptible to vitamin K deficiency in the diet.
In birds with K-hypovitaminosis, hemorrhagic diathesis, hemorrhages in internal organs, anemia, cannibalism occur; often fatal.
B vitamins synthesized by higher plants, the microflora of the digestive tract, bacteria and yeast. Preparations of these vitamins are used to enrich premixes, BVD, compound feeds and diets intended for monogastric animals (in ruminants they are synthesized in the rumen).
The need for these vitamins increases with strenuous physical work, pregnancy, the presence of antagonists, infections, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diabetes mellitus, surgical operations, and antibiotic therapy.
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) found in yeast, feed of plant origin (cereal germ, bran, cake), animal origin (especially pork, beef and mutton liver, kidneys, egg yolk).
Fish, ferns and needles contain the enzyme thiaminase, which destroys vitamin B1 and leads to hypovitaminosis in carnivores and horses.
Vitamin B1 deficiency is expressed mainly in the dysfunction of the nervous system (polyneuritis). B1-hypovitaminosis occurs in calves and piglets when grown on milk replacer without the addition of thiamine. For 1 IU of vitamin B1, 3 μg of crystalline thiamine hydrochloride is taken.
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)- growth stimulator, anti-infectious, anti-anemic, anti-hemorrhagic. It improves visual acuity, the state of the nervous system, skin, mucous membranes, liver function and hematopoiesis.
In addition to monogastric animals, high-yielding cows need the addition of this vitamin. Calves, lambs and horses are particularly susceptible to riboflavin deficiency.
Riboflavin is rich in yeast, eggs, dairy products (especially whey, buttermilk), beef liver, kidneys, feed flour, sprouted grains, peas, vegetables, treacle stillage. Riboflavin becomes toxic if animals are on a protein-free diet.
Vitamin B3 (pantothenic acid) participates in carbohydrate and fat metabolism, promotes the absorption of proteins, enhances peristalsis, is associated with the functions of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands.
Animals get vitamin B3 by eating leguminous plants, grass flour, grain feed and waste from their processing (cake and meal), vegetables, and yeast. Beef, liver, kidneys, feed and fish meal, egg yolk serve as a source of pantothenic acid.
If chickens are not given yeast rich in vitamin B3, they will die already on the 15-16th day.
Vitamin B4 (choline) in feed is found mainly in the form of phospholipids (phosphatides). Protein feeds are rich in choline - fish, meat and meat and bone meal, cereals and bran, meal, grass meal. Especially a lot of it in egg yolk, liver, kidneys, meat, yeast and phosphates.
On average, the need for choline in animals is about 0.1% of the diet.
With B4-hypovitaminosis, obesity, degeneration and hypertrophy of internal organs are observed. Much more than mammals, birds (especially chickens and turkeys) suffer from a lack of vitamin B4: perosis, increased mortality of young animals.
Vitamin B5, or PP (nicotinic acid, nicotipamide), - anti-pellagric, associated with vitamins B1, B2 and C. In its absence, pellagra develops in animals, inflammation of the oral cavity (“black tongue”), esophagus and skin is noted in birds.
Sources of vitamin B5 - yeast, liver, meat, fishmeal, sunflower meal, green fodder, hay, silage, root crops, grain (in corn in a bound form). When processing corn with alkali, vitamin PP becomes available to the body.
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) participates in protein and fat metabolism, the formation of cholesterol, transaminase enzyme, erythrocytes and hemoglobin; supports the nervous system; associated with vitamins B5 and B12; activates the conversion of methionine to cysteine, which strengthens the connective tissue; necessary for the balance of sodium and potassium; plays an important role in the immune system.
There are three types of this vitamin: plant origin pyridoxine and its varieties - phosphorus-rich pyridoxal and pyridoxamine. The vitamin is absorbed mainly in the phosphorus-containing form. If carbohydrate foods predominate in the diet, then a deficiency of pyridoxine occurs and most of the only partially assimilated amino acids are excreted from the body. Vitamin B6 is involved in the uniform supply of cells with glucose as an energy source.
Animals receive pyridoxine from yeast, grain (especially corn and wheat), molasses, legume pods, egg yolk.
Vitamin B7, or H (biotin),- antiseborrheic, participates in the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates, in the oxidation of tryptophan, is necessary for the normal function of the nervous system.
It is found in significant amounts in feed, especially in eggs, liver, milk, vegetables and fruits.
Vitamin B8 (mesoitis) has a lipotropic effect and is a yeast growth factor. Deficiency is manifested in fatty liver, dysplasia and hair loss. Vitamin B8 is found in both plant and animal tissues. It is especially abundant in free form and in the form of phytin in bran and cotton cake.
Vitamin B9, or Sun (folic acid), participates in hemopoiesis, amino acid metabolism and nucleoprotein synthesis. The sphere of action of this vitamin is mainly the nervous system. It is an integral part of the cerebrospinal fluid. Folic acid is actively involved in the metabolism of methionine, the synthesis of serotonin and nor-adrenaline.
Vitamin Bc is necessary for increasing appetite, the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the functioning of the liver, the stability of the nervous system, the growth of hair, wool, and feathers.
Folic acid is found exclusively in combination with vitamin B12. If there is a lack of these vitamins in the body, disorders of the nervous system, digestion appear, the growth and development of young animals are delayed, the tongue and mucous membrane of the lips become inflamed, hair, wool, and feathers become discolored. Hypovitaminosis is manifested in pigs by hypochromic, macrocytic anemia, leukopenia, hair loss, diarrhea, growth retardation; in birds - in the form of cervical paralysis, edema, anemia, decreased egg production, hatchability and viability of chickens, deformities of embryos.
Vitamin Bc is found in all feeds. Plant leaves, yeast, sprouted grains, legumes, bran, carrots, potatoes, cabbage, liver, meat, fish, egg yolk are the richest in them. Folic acid is rapidly destroyed by light and heat.
Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamt) contains cobalt and is necessary for energy metabolism, assimilation of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, muscle activity, normal hematopoiesis, has a beneficial effect on the liver, nervous system and reproduction, is a growth factor, interacts with vitamins C, B3 and Bc. It is essential for bone formation. Together with other substances, it participates in the synthesis of deoxyribonucleic and ribonucleic acids. One of the main functions of vitamin B12 is the production of methionine. Vitamins B12, B9, C and methionine form a group that mainly affects the brain and nervous system of the body.
Cyanocobalamin is necessary for all animals, especially young animals. For the absorption of vitamin B12 in the intestine, a sufficient concentration of calcium is required. Some dietary fiber (such as pectin) can interfere with the absorption of the vitamin in the intestines.
With chronic deficiency of cyanocobalamin, severe mental disorders develop, which leads to progressive paralysis and, finally, to death. The first signs of deficiency can sometimes appear only after a few years.
Vitamin B12 is not found in plant foods. It is synthesized in nature almost exclusively by microflora. The main sources are feeds of animal origin, especially liver and kidneys.
Vitamin Bx (paraaminobenzoic acid) ensures the safety of the young. In the proventriculus of ruminants, it stimulates the growth of not only vitamin-producing, but also all other microorganisms, contributing to the accumulation of bacterial protein, inducing the intestinal flora to produce folic acid, which, in turn, produces a large amount of vitamin B3. Para-aminobenzoic acid is involved in the process of assimilation of proteins and the production of red blood cells, maintains healthy skin and the color of the hair, coat and feathers.
Yeast (0.4%), wheat endosperm (0.18%% vegetables) are especially rich in vitamin. With a deficiency of vitamin Bx, skin diseases develop, hair and coat fall out and discolor, nervous disorders are observed, and digestion is disturbed.
Vitamin B15 (pangamic acid)- anti-exudative, has a lipotropic effect, reduces the toxic effect of certain substances.
Contained in all natural feeds of plant, bacterial and animal origin, a lot of it in bran and yeast.
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)- antiscorbutic, antitoxic, antistress. It has a protective effect in case of a lack of B vitamins, affects the formation of hemoglobin and the maturation of red blood cells, promotes wound healing, is responsible for the elasticity and permeability of blood vessels, has an antitoxic effect on many poisons, including those released by pathogenic microflora, increases the body's resistance to infections and other negative environmental factors, stabilizes the psyche.
Vitamin C forms complexes with calcium - chelate compounds necessary for strengthening gums and teeth. It takes part in the synthesis of carnitine from the amino acid lysine, allowing you to maintain normal fatness. Keeps the thyroid hormone - thyroxine - from oxidation. From the amino acids glycine and proline, with the participation of vitamin C, a strong tissue is formed, penetrated by elastin fibers.
Usually, animals do not need to receive feed (exogenous) vitamin C, since it is synthesized in the liver and kidneys from simple sugars. The most important sources of vitamin C are green grass, silage, haylage, grass meal, root crops, vegetables, sprouted grains, needles, colostrum and milk.
In industrial poultry farming and pig breeding, mixed feeds are enriched with vitamin C. With a deficiency of vitamins A and E in the diet, it is necessary to additionally introduce vitamin C.
Vitamin U- anti-ulcer factor found in plant foods, especially vegetables. Pigs are very sensitive to its deficiency.
In animal husbandry, the vitamin is also used as a feed preparation to optimize the use of soy protein. With the introduction of vitamin in diets with soy (25 mg per 1 kg of feed mixture), digestion is normalized.
Using vitamin feed, you can satisfy the need of animals for them without special feed additives, but if the feed contains few vitamins, various vitamin preparations are required (Table 6.1).

Novice livestock breeders are often unaware of the need for beneficial elements for the body of cattle. It is believed that if the animal is free-range or receives concentrated food, then additional supplements are not needed. This is the main mistake that leads to disastrous results. How and what does a lack of vitamins and minerals affect? We will talk about this in our short review.

Regardless of gender and age, cattle need vitamin supplements

Why vitamins are needed

The internal reserves of vitamins in livestock are not unlimited. Therefore, animals need the supply of nutrients from the outside. In order to maintain the normal activity of the body, experienced breeders use a number of vitamins necessary for the increased biological activity of cows.

What are vitamins for? Even with a balanced diet, animals need minerals. They manage a healthy metabolism, affect the productivity and fertility of livestock. All chemical processes of the body proceed with nutrients.

Cattle do not need all types of vitamins. Some of them are produced by the microflora of the stomach and intestines. However, stocks are not enough for high producing or dry cows. In winter, all animals need useful elements due to the lack of sunlight and fresh grass.

In case of shortage of substances, there is a death of animals, especially young animals. Sexual desire and reproductive functions worsen (ovarian dysfunction, impaired spermatogenesis). Cattle are prone to infectious disease due to reduced immunity.

Vitamin deficiencies are especially severe in young animals.

With a prolonged lack of vitamins in the cattle menu, beriberi begins. It threatens:

  • deterioration in growth;
  • decrease in reproduction;
  • decrease in productivity;
  • latent and overt chronic diseases.

Plant foods contain carotene (provitamin A), which is converted into vitamin A in the walls of the small intestine.

It plays a major role in the functioning of cells, and also ensures the healthy functioning of the mucous membrane of the eyes. With beriberi occurs:

  • inflammation of the organs of vision;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • deceleration of ovarian function in cows;
  • decreased spermatogenesis in bulls.

Most often, young animals and cows with high lactation lack carotene. The body of livestock accumulates the necessary element in order to use reserves in case of deficiency. The higher the amount of milk produced, the greater the requirements for the amount of vitamins.

Avitaminosis in a pregnant cow affects the health and viability of the offspring. By the end of winter and spring, many weak calves are born due to a lack of an element in the mother's diet. To increase the quantity and quality of milk, colostrum in a cow, we recommend piercing a course of vitamin A. Remember: this substance causes poisoning in animals in case of an overdose. Therefore, consult with your veterinarian individually.

Sometimes a vitamin A deficiency can be corrected with fish oil.

Vitamin D

The lack of this vitamin will lead to rickets of young animals. Thanks to the substance, calcium is better absorbed in the body of animals. With beriberi:

  • in cows who have given birth, teeth stagger and fall out;
  • animals become excitable;
  • improper development of the limbs of calves;
  • digestive problems in young animals.

Most often, cows with increased lactation suffer from a lack of vitamin D. This is due to increased metabolism. If you provide the animals with the right element, milk production will improve.

In addition to plant foods, the vitamin is synthesized by the body of animals during solar irradiation.

In sunny weather, it is recommended to let the cattle out for a walk, especially in winter and spring. If UV lamps are available, irradiate livestock every day. Use vitamin supplements only as directed by your veterinarian. A specialist will prescribe an individual norm.

Vitamin D deficiency is especially prevalent in lactating cows after calving.

Vitamin E

The element is involved in the work of all organs. Normal regulation of fat metabolism is impossible without the presence of vitamin E. With a lack of a substance, the function of the ovaries of cows slows down. The animal cannot bear a healthy fetus due to improper metabolism in the uterine mucosa. With beriberi, hidden abortion is possible - the resorption of the embryo in the early stages.

In calves, growth and live weight gain are disturbed. With a prolonged shortage, muscle dystrophy, lameness, and paralysis are found. The cardiovascular system undergoes destructive degenerative processes. Bulls have a complete loss of sexual functions.

Vitamin E deficiency causes severe illness in calves

What else is needed

For the full development of animals, not only vitamins are needed. Therefore, remember about the main substances responsible for the life of cattle.


Protein plays an important role in the development of the body. It is the building material of the body. With a lack of a substance, the function of the ovaries in cows slows down, and milk productivity worsens.

Young animals are more susceptible to disease due to reduced immunity. The amount of feed consumed increases with a low growth rate.


With a lack of copper, livestock breeders note a deterioration in the appetite of livestock. This leads to anemia, a decrease in the growth of living space. Sometimes there is a perversion of taste. The coat of cattle fades, loses color and hangs in clumps. In the blood, there is a decrease in hemoglobin, erythrocytes. This leads to a temporary loss of reproductive function, which leads to the cessation of lactation.

Lack of copper negatively affects the condition of the coat


Lack of iodine negatively affects the fat content and quantity of milk. Violated the fertility of animals:

  • slowing down the work of the ovaries;
  • spermatogenesis is impaired;
  • miscarriages, resorption of the fetus in the early stages;
  • the birth of dead, non-viable calves.


Affects the reproductive function of cattle:

  • irregular heat;
  • low fertility;
  • miscarriages.

Young animals develop slowly, puberty and weight gain begin later. Animals are obese, problems with limbs are noticed.

Manganese deficiency inhibits calf growth


Table salt is one of the important elements that support the proper functioning of the body of cattle. The mineral affects the digestibility of proteins. With a lack of a substance, note:

  • worsens, perverted appetite;
  • milk yields are falling;
  • ovarian dysfunction;
  • violation of spermatogenesis;
  • reduction in live weight gain.

We have considered the main elements that are important for the full development of cattle. Deficiency leads to irreparable changes in the body. Therefore, we recommend adding useful substances to food or by injection. Individual doses will be calculated and prescribed by a veterinarian.

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Vitamin D and its role in feeding cows and young cattle


1. The concept of vitamin nutritional value of feed and the classification of vitamins

1.1 History of the discovery of vitamin

1.2 The biological role of vitamins

2 Main body

2.1 Description of vitamin D

2.2 Units of measurement

2.3 Sources

2.4 Action

2.5 Vitamin D deficiency

2.6 Development of hypovitaminosis in farm animals

2.8 Signs of hypervitaminosis

2.9 The biological role of vitamin D




The word "vitamin" comes from the Latin word "vita", meaning "life". Most of them enter the body with food, and only a few are synthesized in the intestines by beneficial microorganisms living in it, but in this case they are not always enough.

Many vitamins are quickly destroyed and do not accumulate in the body in the right quantities, so a person needs a constant supply of them with food. Vitamins are conventionally designated by the letters of the Latin alphabet: A, K, C, D, E, B1, B2, B6, B12, B15, B17, PP, R. Later, common international names were adopted, reflecting the chemical structure of these substances. All vitamins are divided into water-soluble and fat-soluble. The use of vitamins for therapeutic purposes (vitamin therapy) was originally entirely associated with the impact on various forms of their insufficiency. Since the middle of the 20th century, vitamins have been widely used for fortification of food, as well as feed in animal husbandry. A number of vitamins are represented by not one, but several related compounds. Knowledge of the chemical structure of vitamins made it possible to obtain them by chemical synthesis; along with microbiological synthesis, this is the main way to produce vitamins on an industrial scale. There are also substances similar in structure to vitamins, the so-called provitamins, which, entering the human body, are converted into vitamins. There are chemicals that are similar in structure to vitamins, but they have the opposite effect on the body, which is why they are called antivitamins. This group also includes substances that bind or destroy vitamins. Antivitamins are also some drugs (antibiotics, sulfonamides, etc.), which is another proof of the danger of self-medication and uncontrolled use of drugs.

In the absence or prolonged lack of vitamins in diets, animals develop diseases called beriberi. With partial vitamin deficiency, hidden, difficult to recognize forms of diseases and disorders that are chronic and called hypovitaminosis occur. They manifest themselves in growth retardation, reduced productivity, greater susceptibility to infectious diseases, and reduced reproductive functions.

Currently, more than 30 vitamins are known, designated by letters of the Latin alphabet or by special names.

1. The concept of vitamin nutritional value of feed and the classification of vitamins

Vitamins - organic compounds with high biological activity in small doses, necessary for the life of the body. They enter the body with feed (food) in a ready-to-use form or in the form of precursors that are converted into active substances already in the animal's body.

Vitamin D stimulates the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the intestines of the cow, maintains their level in the blood serum, and regulates bone mineralization. It affects the metabolism of carbohydrates, the activity of the endocrine glands (pituitary, parathyroid, adrenal and pancreas).

Vitamin nutritional value of feed is determined by the presence of one or another vitamin in them. For example, A - vitamin nutritional value, D - vitamin nutritional value, B1 - vitamin nutritional value, etc. The content of vitamins in feed is expressed either in international units (IU) or in weight units (mg) per 1 kg of feed at natural humidity or per 1 kg of dry matter. For 1 IU, such an amount of pure vitamin substance is taken that prevents the appearance of signs of vitamin deficiency in a gray mouse (mouse units - m. e). For example, 1 IU of vitamin A is equal to 0.6 micrograms of pure beta-carotene or 0.3 micrograms of vitamin A acetate.

All vitamins contained in feed are classified according to their solubility and physiological action - participation in cellular metabolism.

According to the first sign, all vitamins are divided into fat-soluble and water-soluble. Fat-soluble vitamins include A, D, E, K; water-soluble vitamins are B vitamins and vitamin C.

According to their role in cellular metabolism, they are divided into vitamins with a biocatalytic effect and vitamins with an inductive effect. Vitamins that act biocatalytically are involved in the construction of enzymes and are part of their composition. These include vitamins of the B complex, except for B 4, and vitamin K. For example, vitamin B 1 (thiamine) is part of carboxylase, B 2 (riboflavin) - dehydrogenase, B 6 (pyridoxine) - decarboxylase and transamylase, etc.

Vitamins with an inductive action are those whose main significance is to maintain tissue differentiation, ordering cellular structures. These include vitamins A, D, E, C and choline (vitamin B 4), which has a lipotropic factor. These vitamins carry out their action through the regulation of processes that determine biosynthesis.

With an unsatisfactory supply of the body with vitamins, firstly, the formation of enzymes and the regulation of biosynthesis are disturbed; secondly, the metabolism and specific functions of cells change, which leads to the appearance of signs of non-contagious diseases, which are called beriberi. At the same time, morphological and functional changes occur in the cells and tissues of the body, and the productivity of animals decreases catastrophically.

Diseases of vitamin deficiency in productive animals are manifested and aggravated during growth, pregnancy and lactation, and in birds - oviposition. The need for vitamins increases as the intensity of metabolism increases, due to the productivity of animals.

Avitaminosis in animals are hypo-, hyper- and endogenous. Hypovitaminosis occurs with a mild form of vitamin deficiency in feed. In acute and chronic diseases of animals, especially of the gastrointestinal tract, vitamins of the feed are poorly absorbed by the body and endogenous (internal) hypovitaminosis develops. With a strong overdose of vitamins in comparison with the recommended norms of need, hypervitaminosis occurs in animals. With hypervitaminosis, metabolic disorders are observed, accompanied by intoxication of the body. Therefore, in the practice of feeding animals, much attention is paid to the control and regulation of vitamin nutrition. Outwardly, the signs of vitamin deficiency in animals are manifested in a variety of ways.

The sources of vitamins for animals are, first of all, natural feed, microbiological synthesis in the rumen of ruminants, biosynthesis in the body and vitamin preparations.

1.1 History of the discovery of vitamins

The importance of certain types of food in preventing certain diseases has been known since antiquity. So, the ancient Egyptians knew that the liver helps with night blindness. It is now known that night blindness can be caused by a lack of vitamin A. In 1330, in Beijing, the Mongol Hu Sihui published the three-volume work Important Principles of Food and Drink, which systematized knowledge of the therapeutic role of nutrition and argued the need for health to combine a variety of products.

In 1747, the Scottish physician James Lind (James Lind) discovered the property of citrus fruits to prevent scurvy. In 1753 he published the treatise "The Treatment of Scurvy". However, these views were not immediately accepted. Nevertheless, James Cook proved in practice the role of plant foods in the prevention of scurvy by introducing sauerkraut into the ship's diet. As a result, he did not lose a single sailor from scurvy - an unheard of achievement for that time. In 1795, lemons and other citrus fruits became a standard addition to the diet of British sailors. This was the appearance of an extremely offensive nickname for sailors - lemongrass. Known so-called. lemon riots: sailors threw barrels of lemon juice overboard.

In 1880, Russian biologist Nikolai Lunin from the University of Tartu fed experimental mice separately all the known elements that make up cow's milk: sugar, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, salts. The mice died. At the same time, mice fed milk developed normally. In his dissertation (thesis) work, Lunin concluded that there was some unknown substance necessary for life in small quantities. Lunin's conclusion was accepted with hostility by the scientific community. Other scientists have been unable to reproduce his results. One of the reasons was that Lunin used cane sugar, while other researchers used milk sugar, poorly refined and containing some vitamin B. vitamin food hypovitaminosis animal

In subsequent years, evidence accumulated, indicating the existence of vitamins. So, in 1889, the Dutch doctor Christian Eikman discovered that chickens, when fed boiled white rice, become ill with beriberi, and when rice bran is added to food, they are cured. The role of brown rice in preventing beriberi in humans was discovered in 1905 by William Fletcher. In 1906, Frederick Hopkins suggested that in addition to proteins, fats, carbohydrates, etc., food contains some other substances necessary for the human body, which he called "accessory factors". The last step was taken in 1911 by the Polish scientist Casimir Funk, who worked in London. He isolated a crystal preparation, a small amount of which cured beriberi. The drug was named "Vitamin" (Vitamine), from the Latin vita - life and the English amine - amine, a nitrogen-containing compound. Funk suggested that other diseases - scurvy, pellagra, rickets - can also be caused by a lack of some substances.

In 1920, Jack Cecile Drummond suggested removing the "e" from "vitamine" because the newly discovered vitamin C did not contain an amine component. So vitamins became vitamins.

In 1929, Hopkins and Eikman received the Nobel Prize for the discovery of vitamins, while Lunin and Funk did not. Lunin became a pediatrician, and his role in the discovery of vitamins was forgotten for a long time. In 1934, the First All-Union Conference on Vitamins was held in Leningrad, to which Lunin (a Leningrader) was not invited.

Other vitamins were discovered in the 1910s, 1920s, and 1930s. In the 1940s, the chemical structure of vitamins was deciphered.

1.2 The biological role of vitamins

1. Vitamins are part of coenzymes, that is, they are non-protein components of complex enzymes (group B vitamins),

2. Stimulate the biosynthesis of physiologically active proteins (vitamins A, groups D, K, etc.),

3. Catalyze redox reactions (vitamins A, C, Q),

4. Participate in the formation of cellular hormones (group F vitamins)

Vitamins enter the body in minimal amounts (100-200 mg daily for a person), therefore they are not an energy material, they do not go to build body tissues, but they are physiologically active substances. Most vitamins are not formed in the body and must be supplied with food.

Vitamins in feeding cattle.

Vitamins are indispensable regulators of metabolism that ensure the health, productivity, fertility and functional activity of animals and birds. By entering into compounds with specific proteins and into the composition of enzyme systems, vitamins act as biological catalysts for chemical reactions or as reagents for photochemical processes occurring in living cells. Vitamins play an important role in the functioning of biological membranes. Vitamins exhibit biological activity in very small concentrations. This circumstance indicates that they are not plastic and energetic materials.

Vitamins are vital components of a balanced diet. But some animals do not necessarily need all known vitamins, since their body is capable of independent biosynthesis of individual biologically active substances. A number of vitamins are produced by microflora inhabiting the contents of the proventriculus in ruminants and the large intestine in other species. Some of these vitamins appear to be absorbed in the small intestine and used by the body.

It can only be noted that internal sources of vitamins exclude the development of obvious signs of beriberi in the body, but they do not eliminate the hidden forms of their deficiency - hypovitaminosis and vitamin deficiency diseases. In turn, hypovitaminosis in modern forms of intensive care of animals can significantly reduce weight gain, fertility, and other productivity indicators, as well as increase mortality, in particular from infectious diseases. Hidden vitamin deficiency causes great damage to animal husbandry: the digestibility of feed decreases, the cost of animal products increases, and its quantity decreases. With hypovitaminosis, the content of vitamins in milk and butter also decreases.

The minimum requirement for vitamins can be considered as the amount that an animal must receive daily in order to eliminate symptoms or prevent the onset of a vitamin deficiency.

Optimal requirement refers to the dosage of vitamins that provides the animals with the best rates of productivity, growth, feed absorption and health.

The use of small amounts of vitamin and other additives requires the minimum particle size, but one should not get involved in a significant reduction in particle size, as this leads to a decrease in the stability of the drug, in particular retinols and calciferols, as well as to a deterioration in the flowability of the form. Thus, microgranules of retinols and calciferols have better stability at particle sizes above 150 microns. Therefore, it is more correct to strive not for the minimum, but for the optimal particle size of vitamins, based on all the factors influencing this.

For the production of complete balanced feeds, the following vitamins are used: retinol acetate and retinol palmitate (vitamin A), ergocalciferol (vitamin D2), cholecalciferol (vitamin D3), tocopherol (vitamin E), menadione (vitamin K3), thiamine (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), pantothenic acid (vitamin B3), choline (vitamin B4), nicotinic acid (vitamin PP), pyridoxine (vitamin B6), folic acid (vitamin Bc or B9), cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12), ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and biotype (vitamin H).

To maintain a uniform composition of the rumen microflora, it is necessary that the main component of the main feed be constant throughout the year, that is, during the pasture and especially during the stall period. Animals in the last third of pregnancy (cows and heifers) receive the same nutrition as cows with a milk yield of 10-15 kg of milk. The increasing intensification of milk production, the concentration of livestock and the resulting reduction in pastures urgently require regular mineral and vitamin supplements to feed. Particular importance is attached to Ca, P, Mg, Mn, Fe, Cu, Co, Zn, J and vitamins A, D and E.

The daily requirement during pregnancy is 65,000 IU of vitamin A,

5--10,000 IU Vitamin D2 and 1000 IU Vitamin E -- in industrial conditions should be satisfied with vitamin-mineral mixtures for 8 weeks before calving and 8 weeks after calving.

Parenteral administration of these vitamins should only be used as an emergency treatment in disadvantaged herds and in cases where long-term supplementation of them in the feed has not justified itself.

The approximate daily requirement for nutrients and minerals and vitamins of a heifer (or cow) at the 7-9th month of pregnancy is: dry matter weight - 14000 g, starch equivalents - 6000 g, digestible protein - 900 g, calcium - 75 g, phosphorus - 50 g, iron - 850 mg, copper - 140 mg, manganese - 500 mg, zinc - 500 mg, cobalt - 1.4 mg, iodine - 5 mg, vitamin A - 65,000 IU, vitamin D2 - 5,000 - 10,000 IU, vitamin E - 1,000 IU.

2. Main body

2.1 Vitamin DescriptionD

Vitamins of group D are formed under the influence of ultraviolet radiation in the tissues of animals and plants from sterols.

The D vitamins include:

vitamin D 2 - ergocalciferol; isolated from yeast, its provitamin is ergosterol;

vitamin D 3 - cholecalciferol; isolated from animal tissues, its provitamin - 7-dehydrocholesterol;

vitamin D 4 - 22, 23-dihydro-ergocalciferol;

vitamin D 5 - 24-ethylcholecalciferol (sitocalciferol); isolated from wheat oils;

vitamin D 6 - 22-dihydroethylcalciferol (stigma-calciferol).

Today, vitamin D is called two vitamins - D 2 and D 3 - ergocalciferol and cholecalciferol - these are colorless and odorless crystals, resistant to high temperatures. These vitamins are fat soluble, i.e. soluble in fats and organic compounds and insoluble in water.

The activity of vitamin D preparations is expressed in international units (IU): 1 IU contains 0.000025 mg (0.025 mg) of chemically pure vitamin D. 1 µg = 40 IU.

Vitamins of group D (calciferol). Antirachitic vitamin. For cattle, sheep, pigs and horses, ergoferol (D2) and calciferol (D3) are important. The biosynthesis of calciferol occurs in the skin of animals under the influence of ultraviolet rays of the sun or a quartz lamp.

Vitamins of this group are rich in fat obtained from the liver of marine fish. They are found in butter, milk, egg yolk, animal liver.

Calciferols are involved in the regulation of mineral and energy metabolism, affect the use of nitrogen, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, and especially indigestible phytic phosphorus of grain feed.

With a lack of calciferols, rickets develop in young animals, and osteomalacia in adult animals. In queens and producers, reproductive ability is disrupted, productivity is reduced.

Vitamin D (calciferol).

Antirachitic vitamin D, together with the parathyroid hormone, is involved in the regulation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism in animals, as well as the growth and mineralization of bone tissue. It activates the absorption of calcium and phosphorus from the intestines.

Vitamin D regulates phosphorus-calcium metabolism. A lack of vitamin D leads to rickets, osteomalacia and osteoporosis, since calcium and phosphorus are poorly absorbed even with sufficient intake of them in the body. A great influence of vitamin D on carbohydrate and protein metabolism has also been established.

With a lack of vitamin D in feed, animals develop the skeleton incorrectly, rickets appear in young animals, and osteomalacia, osteoporosis, and tetany appear in adult animals. The appearance of these diseases is usually due to either a lack of minerals in the feed, or a violation of their absorption due to the lack of vitamin B in the diet.

Rickets is externally manifested in the deformation of the skeleton, curvature of the tubular bones, spine, chest due to insufficient ossification; characteristic is also the formation of "beads" on the bone-cartilaginous border of the ribs and thickening of the ends of the tubular bones. A detailed examination of the bones of rickety animals reveals a highly developed cartilaginous zone between the epiphysis and diaphysis, in which the osteoid tissue does not calcify, and the previously formed is absorbed. The content of cartilaginous mass in the bones reaches 70% against 30% in the bones of healthy animals, the content of calcium and phosphorus drops sharply in them. Violations in the process of ossification are easily detected using a radiograph.

Along with the change in the chemical composition of the bones, the composition of the blood also changes. In it, the content of inorganic phosphorus drops sharply (up to 20-25% of the norm) with a small change in the calcium content, according to this indicator, rickets differs from tetany, in which there is a decrease in the calcium content in the blood, and the amount of phosphorus remains normal.

In adult animals on rachitogenic diets, osteomalacia is observed - a painful softening of the bones, osteoporosis - atrophy of bone tissue due to the loss of calcium and phosphorus from it. Along with this, with group B beriberi, animals have general weakness, reduced resistance to infections, a decrease in body weight, and young animals have stunted growth. With insufficient supply of vitamin D in animals, there is also a perversion of appetite (prolonged licking of wool, eating the earth), low mobility in young animals: animals get up and walk with difficulty. In adult animals, productivity decreases, stagnation, violation of the sexual cycle, postpartum complications, deformation of the hooves, loosening of the teeth, and in severe cases, fractures of the tubular bones are observed.

With D-hypovitaminosis in calves, there are incorrect positioning of the limbs, thickening of the joints, and gastrointestinal disorders. Pregnant cows develop increased excitability, loose teeth, animals often step over their feet, their hind limbs do not work well.

Fish oil is considered the best source of vitamin D, egg yolk is very rich in it, milk fat is less vitamin D. Animal products contain mainly vitamin D3. Green plants are very poor in vitamin D or do not contain it at all, but they contain provitamin ergosterol, from which, under the action of ultraviolet rays during sun drying of plants, vitamin B2 is formed in a small amount; artificially dried hay almost does not contain it. Vitamin D was not found in any noticeable amount in grain feeds and root crops.

Antirachitic substances are formed in the skin of animals when illuminated by the sun or artificial sources of ultraviolet light from inactive sterols as a result of photochemical reactions, these substances enter the bloodstream and exhibit an effect similar to vitamin D from food. Therefore, in summer pasture animals do not suffer from a lack of vitamin D in the feed, in winter the anti-rachitic effect of light is much weaker and the need for vitamin D in animals is more acute. In the summer, when animals are exposed to the sun, they can create small reserves of vitamin D in the liver.

The requirement of animals for vitamin D has been established for all species and sex and age groups and depends on many factors, of which the level of productivity is the main one. The need of farm animals for the vitamin is provided mainly by adding irradiated yeast to the diets, 1 g of which contains up to 4 thousand IU of vitamin D, feed fish oil, vitamin preparations: a solution of vitamin D2 and D3 in oil, videin (D3), trivitamin etc.

The use of vitamin D preparations requires strict regulation. Both deficiency and excess of vitamin D are harmful to animals. With an excess of vitamin D, increased mobilization of calcium from food occurs, calcium is deposited in the kidneys, on the walls of blood vessels and in other organs. Hypervitaminosis D is usually accompanied by indigestion.

2.2 Units of measurement

The amount of vitamin D is measured in international units (IU).


Vitamin D is formed in the skin under the action of sunlight from provitamins. Provitamins, in turn, are partly supplied in the body in finished form from plants (ergosterol, stigmasterol and sitosterol), and partly formed in the tissues of their cholesterol (7-dehydrocholesterol (vitamin D provitamin 3).

Provided that the body receives a sufficient amount of ultraviolet radiation, the need for vitamin D is fully compensated. However, the amount of vitamin D synthesized by exposure to sunlight depends on factors such as:

wavelength of light (the most effective is the average wave spectrum that we receive in the morning and at sunset);

initial skin pigmentation and (the darker the skin, the less vitamin D is produced by exposure to sunlight);

age (aging skin loses its ability to synthesize vitamin D);

the level of atmospheric pollution (industrial emissions and dust do not pass the spectrum of ultraviolet rays that potentiate the synthesis of vitamin D, this explains, in particular, the high prevalence of rickets in children living in Africa and Asia in industrial cities).

Additional food sources of vitamin D are dairy products, fish oil, egg yolk. However, in practice, milk and dairy products do not always contain vitamin D or contain only trace (minor) amounts (for example, 100 g of cow's milk contains only 0.05 mg of vitamin D), so their consumption, unfortunately, cannot guarantee coverage of our requirements for this vitamin. In addition, milk contains a large amount of phosphorus, which prevents the absorption of vitamin D.

The content of calcium and phosphorus in the blood of animals indicates the provision of diets with these minerals, as well as indirectly with vitamin D, because with sufficient supply of vitamin D, the absorption of calcium and phosphorus improves. Highly productive cows are more likely to suffer from a lack of vitamin D, which is explained by their more intensive metabolism and, in particular, mineral. Complete provision of cows with vitamin D increases milk productivity and vitamin activity of milk.

The main source of vitamin D when feeding dairy cattle is bean hay dried in sunny weather. Green fodder silage planted in sunny weather can also serve as a source of vitamin D.

Green foods do not contain vitamin D, but have the provitamin ergosterol, which converts to vitamin D2 when dried in the sun. A lot of vitamin D is found in fish oil. Irradiated yeasts are highly active.

Irradiation is essential in providing dairy cattle with vitamin D. The skin of animals contains provitamins and, in particular, 7-dehydrocholesterol, which, under the influence of sunlight or irradiation with ultraviolet rays, is converted into vitamin D. In winter, in sunny weather, it is very important to let animals go for a walk. However, it should be borne in mind that in winter the sun's rays are less active than in summer, during this period it is necessary to pay special attention to the provision of diets with vitamin D and, if they are deficient, use lamp irradiation or include a vitamin preparation in the diet.

The requirement of dairy cattle for vitamin D is not well understood. It is believed that the norm of 10-15 thousand IU of this vitamin is quite sufficient for dairy cows of average productivity, and for high-yielding cows it can be increased to 20 thousand IU and more, which averages 1 thousand IU per 1 feed. units Dry cows per 1 feed. units the norm of vitamin D can be increased to 1.5 thousand IU.

2.4 Action

The main function of vitamin D is to ensure the normal growth and development of bones, the prevention of rickets and osteoporosis. It regulates mineral metabolism and promotes the deposition of calcium in bone tissue and dentin, thus preventing osteomalacia (softening) of the bones.

Entering the body, vitamin D is absorbed in the proximal small intestine, and always in the presence of bile. Part of it is absorbed in the middle sections of the small intestine, a small part - in the ileum. After absorption, calciferol is found in the composition of chylomicrons in a free form and only partially in the form of an ester. Bioavailability is 60-90%.

Vitamin D affects the overall metabolism in the metabolism of Ca2+ and phosphate (HPO2-4). First of all, it stimulates the absorption of calcium, phosphate and magnesium from the intestines. An important effect of the vitamin in this process is to increase the permeability of the intestinal epithelium for Ca2+ and P.

Vitamin D is unique - it is the only vitamin that acts both as a vitamin and as a hormone. As a vitamin, it maintains the level of inorganic P and Ca in the blood plasma above the threshold value and increases the absorption of Ca in the small intestine.

The active metabolite of vitamin D, 1,25-dioxycholecaciferol, which is formed in the kidneys, acts as a hormone. It has an effect on the cells of the intestines, kidneys and muscles: in the intestines it stimulates the production of a carrier protein necessary for the transport of calcium, and in the kidneys and muscles it increases the reabsorption of Ca ++.

Vitamin D 3 affects the nuclei of target cells and stimulates the transcription of DNA and RNA, which is accompanied by increased synthesis of specific proteins.

However, the role of vitamin D is not limited to protecting bones, it affects the body's susceptibility to skin diseases, heart disease and cancer.

It prevents muscle weakness, improves immunity, is necessary for the functioning of the thyroid gland and normal blood clotting.

Vitamin D 3 is involved in the regulation of blood pressure and heart rate.

Vitamin D inhibits the growth of cancer and cells, which makes it effective in the prevention and treatment of the ovaries, prostate, and brain.

2.5 Vitamin D deficiency

Vitamin D plays an important role in calcium-phosphorus metabolism. It stimulates the resorption of calcium and phosphorus in the intestine and their deposition in the bones. In addition, it participates in the mobilization of calcium and phosphorus from the hands and thereby increases their content in the blood. A lack of vitamin D favors the occurrence of postpartum paresis and osteopathy, and in young animals leads to rickets.

The need for vitamin D depends on many factors. High productivity, unsatisfactory ratio of calcium and phosphorus in the feed, stall keeping, characterized by the absence of solar insolation, significantly increase the need for it.

2.6 Development of hypovitaminosis in agricultural animals

Hypovitaminosis is a disease associated with a lack of vitamins in the body. Lack of certain vitamins - avitaminosis. With excessive intake of vitamins from the diet, hypervitaminosis occurs, diseases associated with an excess of vitamins. In the practice of animal husbandry, hypovitaminosis is usually observed.

The causes of hypovitaminosis are:

1 .Lack and lack of vitamins in feed,

2 Violations of the absorption of vitamins in the body, which is observed in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, where absorption occurs, so vitamins are excreted from the body. Vitamins, soluble in fats, are absorbed in the intestine with a sufficient amount of bile in its cavity. Therefore, with liver diseases, blockage of the bile ducts, as well as with a deficiency of fats in the diet, fat-soluble vitamins are poorly absorbed.

3 .Violation of the biosynthesis of vitamins in the digestive tract and tissues of the body. Vitamins of groups B, E, K are synthesized in the digestive tract; in tissues - vitamins of group C, B 5 (PP), tryptophan, vitamin A (from carotene), D 3 (in subcutaneous tissue).

The main condition for the prevention of hypovitaminosis is the correct preparation of feed, the provision of hay (do not overdry the hay).

Hypovitaminosis D accompanied by the development of rickets in young animals, and in adult animals - osteodystrophy or osteomalacia (disturbance of bone tissue), complete resorption of the last tail vertebrae in cows, loosening of teeth, thickening of joints, etc.

In the body, vitamin D 3 is activated, turning into 1,25 - dioxycholecalciferol. Only in this state is it active, that is, it is in this form that it performs an anti-rachitic effect.

Vitamin D deficiency causes rickets.

2.7 Rickets

This is a disorder of D-vitamin and phosphorus-calcium metabolism, leading to a violation of the general metabolism in the body.


The cause of D-hypovitaminosis is the insufficient content of vitamin D in feed. It is found in good quality sun-dried hay, animal feed (milk, eggs, fish oil). Rickets can develop when animals are kept in dark, unventilated rooms, without walking.


Signs of vitamin D deficiency and their severity depend on the degree of deficiency of this vitamin. In acute cases, rickets in calves manifests itself in the form of a perversion of appetite:

they drink urine;

can chew and swallow pieces of rags, leather, chew manure;

the gait of the animal becomes tense, cautious, with frequent stops; they lie more;

growth slows down;

emaciation is observed;

joints increase;

limbs weaken and bend;

On the skin there are places devoid of wool.

In adult cattle, especially in highly productive cows, vitamin D deficiency is manifested in deterioration and perversion of appetite, indigestion. Sick animals quickly lose weight, their productivity decreases. A prolonged lack of vitamin D leads to increasing weakness, careful movement, and staleness. As a result of muscle weakness in animals, sagging of the abdomen, the separation of the shoulder blades from the body, and intermittent lameness are noted.

Relief and prevention

They consist in providing animals with benign, rich in vitamins and minerals feed. Food sources of vitamin D are good, leafy hay, sun-dried, whole milk. It is useful to give fortified fish oil in doses of 20-40 ml or to inject it intramuscularly in doses of 5-10 ml; the diet also includes burnt bones, bone meal, tricalcium phosphate. Natural and artificial ultraviolet irradiation has a good effect on the body of young and adult animals. Vitamin D preparations are also prescribed: videin (D3), dry yeast concentrate of vitamin D2, vitamin D2 oil concentrate, trivitamin, etc.

Combined infrared and ultraviolet irradiation are used with great benefit. These rays have a positive effect on the body of young animals, as they increase its resistance and prevent colds and gastrointestinal diseases.

2.8 Signs of hypervitaminosis

With the use of inadequate doses of vitamin D and prolonged treatment, acute or chronic poisoning (D-hypervitaminosis) develops.

With an overdose of vitamin D, there is:

weakness, loss of appetite, diarrhea,

lameness associated with joint disease;

fever, high blood pressure, convulsions, slow heart rate, shortness of breath.

Long-term use of vitamin D in high doses or use of it in ultra-high doses can cause:

resorption of bone stroma, development of osteoporosis, demineralization of bones,

an increase in the synthesis of mucopolysaccharides in soft tissues (vessels, heart valves, etc.) with their subsequent calcification;

deposition of Ca2+ salts in the kidneys, blood vessels, heart, lungs, intestines, leading to significant dysfunction of these organs.

Excessive doses of vitamin D undoubtedly cause poisoning, the so-called hypervitaminosis D, which is characterized by increased excitability, irritability, a significant increase in calcium in the blood and its deposition in the walls of blood vessels, kidneys and other organs.

2.9 The biological role of the vitaminD

1 . Stimulates the biosynthesis of calcium - transport protein (Ca 2+ - transport protein), which in turn stimulates calcium absorption, that is, the transport of calcium (Ca 2+) through the apical membrane (facing the intestinal lumen) into the cell (enterocyte - cells of the small intestine 12 duodenal ulcer). Thus, vitamin D 3 stimulates the absorption of Ca 2+ in the small intestine.

2 . Vitamin D stimulates the deposition of Ca and P in bone tissue. Regulates the Ca / P ratio in the blood serum, which leaves 2/1 to the norm. This regulation is carried out with the participation of parathyroid hormones.

3 . Vitamin D stimulates the re-absorption (re-adsorption) of phosphorus from the primary urine into the blood and thereby preserves P in the body.

Thus, vitamin D stimulates, increases the absorption of Ca and P salts, their deposition in the bones and regulates the Ca / P ratio in the blood.


Vitamins are vital for maintaining the normal functioning of the body and the growth of animals, they have a high biological activity, they act as catalysts in metabolic processes. The presence of vitamins in the diet contributes to improved utilization of nutrients.

All vitamins, without exception, are needed by the animal for normal metabolism. However, some of them, such as B vitamins (pyridoxine, pantothenic acid, biotin, folic acid), are synthesized in the body of ruminants by microorganisms. Therefore, in the practice of feeding dairy cattle, when compiling diets, it is necessary to control not all vitamins. When feeding dairy cattle, vitamins A, D, E, and sometimes vitamins of group B should be rationed. Vitamin C, supplied with feed, is destroyed in the rumen, but its synthesis is carried out in the liver.

The health and productivity of animals depend not only on feeding rations with sufficient amounts of protein, fat, carbohydrates and minerals, but also on the provision of animals with high-quality vitamin feeds. The value of vitamins for the animal organism is enormous. Complete vitamin nutrition of animals contributes to the growth of young animals, improving reproductive function and increasing milk production in lactating animals, reducing feed costs for the production of 1 kg of milk and weight gain, improving product quality, preventing animal diseases, etc.

The lack or absence of vitamins in feed causes hypovitaminosis, a significant deficiency of certain vitamins (avitaminosis) is currently rare. In animals, latent forms of vitamin deficiency are more common - hypovitaminosis, which occur in a mild form, without a noticeable manifestation of specific signs. In this case, the hypovitaminosis state manifests itself mainly in growth retardation, impaired reproduction functions, and reduced productivity. In addition, with a lack of vitamins in the feed, the vitamin value of milk, meat, eggs and other livestock products decreases. Therefore, hidden forms of vitamin deficiency cause great damage to livestock and poultry.


1. Khokhrin S.N. Animal feed and nutrition. St. Petersburg: "Lan", 2002. - 512p.

2. Alikaev V.A. Reference book on the control of feeding and keeping animals. M.: Kolos, 1982. - 436 p.

3. Venediktov A.M. and others Feeding farm animals. Moscow: Rosselkhozizdat, 1988. - 340 p.

4. Workshop on feeding farm animals / E.A. Petukhova, N.T. Emelin 3rd ed., revised and supplemented - M. Agropromizdat, 1990. 253p.

5. Baklanov V.N., Melkin V.K. Feeding farm animals - M.: Agropromizdat, 1989. - 511 p.

6. Devyatkin A.I. Cultivation and fattening of cattle in complexes. - M.: Rosselkhozizdat, 1978.

7. Fedorov V.I. Growth, development and productivity of animals. - M.: Kolos. 1973.

8. Beauty V.F. Breeding of farm animals. - M.: Agropromizdat, 1990.

9. Budkavicene A.A. Feeding highly productive cows. - L .: Kolos, 1973.

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Free-range grazing or the provision of a concentrated feed diet does not provide the animal with all the necessary elements, and therefore vitamins for cattle should remain mandatory elements of the diet at all times. Vitamins and minerals must be supplied to the body in addition, even with a balanced diet - this is important to ensure high productivity of livestock and its fertility. Absolutely all existing vitamins are not required by the body of cattle, many of them are produced in the process of digestion by the stomach and intestines of animals.

In the absence of vitamin supplements, phenomena such as:

  • Reduced reproductive ability of animals, low sex drive,
  • The loss of livestock, especially young animals,
  • Decreased immunity, susceptibility to a number of diseases.

Avitaminosis leads to an exacerbation of chronic diseases, the emergence of new diseases in the herd, and a decrease in growth rates. Animals are especially prone to such problems in winter, dry cows, highly reproductive animals, suffer. Problems arise in cows with high lactation, which quickly use up body reserves, pregnant cows, which account for increased loads. The lack of sunlight and fresh grass is quickly reflected in the state of their body. Signs of vitamin deficiency can be a deterioration in the condition of the eyes, their inflammation, problems with the coordination of animals. In cows, ovarian function decreases, in bulls, spermatogenesis is impaired or slowed down.

The solution to the problem is the acquisition of vitamins

In order not to face diseases, to get healthy and numerous offspring, high milk yields, it is necessary to use vitamin preparations intended for cattle - in the indicated dosages, using them in the necessary courses. It is worth remembering the need for precise compliance with doses, since an overdose of vitamins can be dangerous, and even fatal.

The most important for cattle are vitamins such as A, D, B12, E. Do not forget about mineral products, which are also required by each animal. The issue of selecting the necessary vitamins is solved by combined complexes, which include all the necessary elements in the right ratio. The choice of a high-quality complex and its use will help maintain the health of animals and eliminate the negative effects that are observed with beriberi.

It is worth remembering that young and adult animals have different needs, as well as special requirements for vitamin-mineral complexes may be in pregnant or high-yielding cows. Modern manufacturers take this factor into account, offering livestock breeders a wide range of various additives and products, among which there are specialized ones designed for a certain age or characteristics of the animal.

Vitamins and minerals for cattle in our company

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In agriculture, various chemicals are widely used to obtain high yields, to protect humans and animals from harmful insects, helminths and other pathogens, as well as used as feed additives in animal diets, etc.
The negative side is that in the process of constant use, chemicalization leads to environmental pollution and the accumulation of various chemicals in soil, water and feed. Particularly dangerous are drugs that can accumulate in the body. Uncontrolled or improper use of chemicals can cause significant damage to livestock.


Pesticides- substances of chemical and biological origin used for the destruction of weeds, insects, rodents, plant pathogens as defoliants (destruction of leaves), desiccants (dehydration of plants) and plant growth regulators. Currently, it is planned to use about 600 preparations based on 300 active substances belonging to various groups of chemical compounds.

By production purpose and action they are divided into the following groups:
. insecticides and insecticides- chemical agents for combating harmful insects and mites;
. arboricides- chemical agents for the destruction of unwanted trees and shrubs;
. herbicides- chemicals for weed control, harmful and poisonous plants;
. desiccants- chemicals for pre-harvest drying of plants;
. fungicides- chemical agents for the destruction of mycomycetes (fungi) affecting crops;
. zoocides (rodenticides)- chemicals for rodent control in the fields and indoors;
. repellents- chemicals used to repel insects;
. seed disinfectants- chemicals for pre-sowing treatment of seeds in order to combat diseases, the infectious beginning of which is spread by seeds or is in the soil.

By chemical composition pesticides are divided into groups:
. organophosphorus- chlorophos, dichlorvos, metaphos, dibrom, antio, phosphamide, bazudin, fozalon, etc.;
.organochlorine- hexachloran, DDT, hexachlorobenzene, polychlorcamphene, etc.;
. organomercury- granosa, merkuran, etc.;
. urea derivatives- diuron, dichloralurea, krysid, etc.
. carbamate pesticides (derivatives of carbamic acid)- sevin, cineb, TMTD, pyrimor, carbine, etc.;
. derivatives of phenoxyacetic, phenoxybutyric, phenoxypropionic acids: 2,4-D amine salt; 2,4-D butyl ether, etc.
. copper preparations- copper sulphate, copper oxychloride, Bordeaux liquid, AB preparation, etc.;
. alkaloids- nicotine sulfate, etc.;
. synthetic pyrethroids- fenvalerate (sumicidin, USA), permethrin (ambush, corsair), cypermethrin (cymbush, arrivo), alphamethrin (fastak), lambda-cygaletrin (karate), deltamethrin (decis), etc.

Currently, FOS (organophosphorus compounds, pesticides) and COS (organochlorine compounds, pesticides), previously widely used in veterinary medicine and agrochemistry, are practically not used due to high toxicity and selectivity of action.

The main advantage of the substances of this group is their high insecticidal and acaricidal activity with a pronounced selectivity of action, which is many times greater than the selectivity of FOS. Therefore, pyrethroids are used in very small quantities. These compounds are not stable, but when used in agriculture and veterinary medicine, they can enter the environment and cause poisoning of people and animals.

Symptoms of poisoning
The following clinical signs of acute poisoning of cattle with pyrethroids containing the CN group (deltamethrin) are noted: depression, refusal to feed, fever (41.5-42 ° C), tremor, clonic-tonic convulsions, salivation, stiffness of the muscles of the limbs and tail, pronounced icterus of visible mucous membranes, difficulty urinating with urine color from cherry to brown. Dairy cows had a sharp decrease in milk yield, the milk of sick cows acquired a nut-yellow color. When drugs are taken orally, excitation is first noted, and then depression, tremor, a decrease in skin and neuro-reflex excitability, and paralysis. At non-lethal doses, clinical symptoms disappear after 7-14 days.

General treatment
There are no specific antidotes. Justified is the use of parenteral sorbent. Symptomatic therapy is used. As a means of accelerating the metabolism of poison and stimulating liver function, it is possible to use preparations based on butafosfan (Butastim). To stimulate cardiac and respiratory activity, Tonocard is used. 5%, 40% glucose is administered intravenously, thiamine bromide (B1), pyridoxine (B6) or multivitamin preparations Eleovit, Tetravitam are also used. If the poison gets on the skin, it is washed with soap and water, if the poison gets inside, laxatives (salt laxatives) are prescribed.
To eliminate the hyperexcitability of the central nervous system, sedatives and anticonvulsants are used: magnesium sulfate, Kalfoton intravenously; Relanium, Rometar - intramuscularly and others.

The role of the drug

Since there are no specific antidotes for SP poisoning, the use of the drug is practically the only way to bind and excrete toxic substances in the urine, since sodium thiosulfate, which is part of the drug, exhibits antitoxic, anti-inflammatory and desensitizing effects when administered parenterally. Polyvinylpyrrolidone, which, having pronounced adsorption properties, forms complexes with various substances of protein origin, including toxins and toxic substances, neutralizing the latter. Due to the fact that diuresis increases, the excretion of toxic substances from the body is accelerated.


Modern intensive farming involves the use of a large amount of organic and mineral fertilizers, incl. nitrogen - ammonium nitrate - NH4NO3, potassium nitrate - KNO3, sodium nitrate - NaNO3, urea - (NH) 2CO, etc. in order to obtain sustainable crop yields.

Under normal conditions, under optimal agrometeorological conditions and optimal agricultural practices in the soil, organic fertilizers undergo mineralization to nitrates, mineral fertilizers undergo hydrolysis to nitrate forms of nitrogen.

Causes and signs of the disease
In animals, nitrites change the valency of iron in hemoglobin, resulting in the conversion of hemoglobin to methemoglobin. Methemoglobin in the lungs is unable to combine with oxygen and convert it to oxyhemoglobin. At the same time, the main function of hemoglobin is lost in the body of animals - to reversibly bind oxygen and deliver it to body tissues. As a result, hypoxia develops in the body of the poisoned animal and a sharp breakdown of all its functions, especially the nervous system, occurs. Nitrates and nitrites are antispasmodic poisons, act on the nervous system, dilate blood vessels. Irritation and inflammation of the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract occurs, osmotic pressure in the blood is disturbed. In this case, the severity of the clinical picture of poisoning depends on the amount of nitrites absorbed into the blood and the degree of conversion of hemoglobin into methemoglobin.

In addition, nitrites in the body interact with amino acids, other nitrogen-containing substances and form nitrosamines and hydroxylamines, which have immunosuppressive, carcinogenic, teratogenic and other biological effects. Nitrozoamines can also be formed in the silage in case of violation of the silo laying technology under the influence of nitrifying bacteria. Nitrites also have a vasodilating effect, cause a drop in blood pressure and weaken the heart.

In ruminants with an acute course of poisoning, the first signs of poisoning appear after 2-3 hours. The animal becomes restless, then general depression sets in, thirst appears, there is no appetite, the animal often urinates, abundant discharge from the oral cavity and nostrils. Visible mucous membranes are bluish-brown in color. The movement of the scar slows down or stops (hypotension and atony of the proventriculus). With the appearance of toxicosis in a poisoned animal, breathing quickens, the pulse is filiform, quickened to 100-150 per minute, and blood pressure decreases. After 6-8 hours, in attacks of clonic tonic convulsions from respiratory arrest and paralysis of the vascular center, the animal dies. In the presence of pregnancy, abortion is possible in animals.

General treatment
During treatment, lactic acid, diluted in half with water, is administered orally in a volume of 100-150 ml 1-2 times a day until recovery. Detoxifiers are used - rumenators, saline laxatives. Intravenously administered solution of glucose 40%, ascorbic acid. To stimulate cardiac and respiratory activity, Tonocard is used. Multivitamin preparations Eleovit, Tetravitam, Gabivit-Se are administered.

The role of the drug
In view of the fact that specific antidotes for poisoning with mineral substances are either not available during therapeutic measures, or do not exist, the use of a universal detoxicant is justified. The drug as part of complex therapy, being a universal detoxifier that has no analogues, in case of poisoning with nitrates and nitrites, can significantly increase the effectiveness of therapeutic measures.
This is possible due to the fact that sodium thiosulfate, which is part of it, exhibits antitoxic, anti-inflammatory and desensitizing effects when administered parenterally. The composition of the drug also includes polyvinylpyrrolidone, which, having pronounced adsorption properties, forms complexes with various substances of protein origin, including toxins and toxic substances, neutralizing the latter. By increasing diuresis, it helps to remove toxic substances from the body.


Selenium compounds have a pronounced biological activity and are widely used in industry and agriculture. Under natural conditions, acute selenium poisoning is not observed, since its content in feed rarely exceeds the permissible limits. Poisoning occurs as a result of its overdose in the treatment of animals and addition to feed as a prophylactic agent in case of their white muscle disease, toxic liver dystrophy in calves. Selenium compounds (sodium selenite, sodium selenate) are highly toxic substances. A dose of 0.001 g/kg of animal weight is toxic. The concentration of selenium in the feed exceeding 5 mg/kg can cause poisoning.

The mechanism of the toxic action of selenium is associated with a violation of sulfur metabolism in the body and the resulting functional anomalies. The substitution of sulfhydryl groups by selenhydryl groups in a number of enzymes leads to inhibition of cellular respiration and a decrease in dehydrogenase activity, as well as a violation of protein synthesis.

When selenites interact with the SH groups of cysteine ​​and coenzyme A, stable selenotrisulfide complexes are formed, causing the blocking of the Krebs cycle. Replacement of S-S bonds with selenotrisulfide complexes leads to changes in the tertiary structure of proteins and disrupts their function. As a result of primary disorders at the molecular level, dysfunctions of cells occur, and then organs and tissues, which include these cells.

In acute toxicosis in animals, depression, loss of appetite, sweating, labored and rapid breathing, cardiovascular insufficiency, and pulmonary edema are noted. Body temperature is usually below normal; in ruminants, general weakness, hypotonia of the proventriculus, absence of ruminant periods are noted, tympania, cyanosis of the mucous membranes, and shortness of breath are possible. Garlic smell of exhaled air and the same smell of skin.
In chronic toxicosis in animals, general weakness, drowsiness, emaciation, hypotension of the proventriculus, yellowness of the mucous membranes, growth retardation and development of young animals are observed.

General treatment
There are no specific antidotes. With oral intake of poison: saline laxatives, astringent and enveloping. Intravenously, it is recommended to administer parenteral detoxifiers -. To normalize liver function, preparations based on butafosfan (Butastim), vitamins: B1 and B6 are prescribed, a solution of 40% glucose is administered intravenously. Assign analgesics, antihistamines and vitamin E as an antioxidant (Tetravitam, tocopherol content 20 mg).

The role of the drug
Since there are no specific antidotes in case of poisoning with selenium-containing drugs, the use of the drug is practically the only way to bind and excrete toxic substances in the urine, since the parenteral administration of sodium thiosulfate exhibits antitoxic, anti-inflammatory and desensitizing effects. Polyvinylpyrrolidone, having pronounced adsorption properties, forms complexes with various toxic substances and neutralizes the latter. Due to the fact that it increases diuresis, the excretion of toxic substances from the body is accelerated.
When choosing agents for detoxification therapy for selenium poisoning, it is necessary to take into account the fact that selenium blocks the sulfhydryl groups (SH) of enzymes, suppressing tissue respiration. Part of the preparation, sodium thiosulfate, due to the presence of a sulfhydryl group (SH), can significantly increase the effectiveness of therapeutic measures.


The peculiarities of the physiology of digestion and metabolism in ruminants make it possible to replenish part of the missing protein in the diet with non-protein synthetic nitrogen compounds, one of which is urea.
Urea toxicity can be due to overfeeding to animals or lack of available carbohydrates in the diet, resulting in the formation of too much ammonia that cannot be fully utilized by the rumen microbiota for protein synthesis. In this case, excess ammonia in more or less significant amounts is absorbed into the blood, and this can lead to intoxication of the body.

Hypersensitivity to urea is characterized by emaciated, ill animals with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Especially sensitive to it are animals with violations of the functional state of the liver, for example, with fasciolosis, on the basis of previous poisoning with mineral poisons, and for other reasons. The fact is that even when animals are fed carbamide within the permissible limits, ammonia is partially absorbed into the blood. However, in the liver, ammonia is converted to urea, which is excreted from the body through the kidneys. But in violation of the functional state of the liver, the conversion of ammonia into urea does not occur, ammonia spreads through the systemic circulation in the body, and this leads to poisoning of the animal. The same is possible with a normal state of the liver, but with excessive carbamide dachas or with non-compliance with certain other conditions that are important when feeding animals with carbamide.

From the blood, ammonia penetrates into the cells of organs, where it causes a sharp inhibition of redox processes, blocking the cycle of tricarboxylic acids (Krebs), by abstracting alpha-ketaglutaric and oxaloacetic keto acids with the formation of glutamic and aspartic amino acids. This leads to a deficiency of macroergic compounds, to which the central nervous system is especially sensitive.

In a chronic course, oxidative processes are disrupted, gradually leading to the development of ketosis and acidosis, protein and fatty degeneration of parenchymal organs, hypomagnesemia and impaired reproductive function, and the birth of unviable young animals.

Clinical signs of poisoning appear after 10-15 minutes. Short-term general arousal is accompanied by loss of appetite, increased pain and tactile sensitivity, hearing exacerbation, increased intestinal motility and hypotonia of the fore-stomach, salivation, increased diuresis, increased respiration, slow heart rate, sweating. The act of defecation is repeated every 10-15 minutes for 2-3 hours with non-fatal poisoning, the act of urination - every 5-7 minutes. 40-60 minutes after the first symptoms, trembling of the muscles appears. Wool covered with droplets of sweat, deep breathing, arrhythmic. Clonic convulsions are replaced by strychnine-like tetanic ones, in one of the attacks of which breathing stops. Before the death of the animal, involuntary excretion of urine and feces is observed, and sometimes the contents of the scar, which has a sharp smell of ammonia, exit from the oral cavity. Death occurs 1-2.5 hours after the consumption of urea.

Chronic poisoning is accompanied by general depression, increased diuresis, scar paresis, anorexia, decreased sensitivity; with sufficient energy supply - obesity with a simultaneous decrease in milk production, impaired reproductive ability, low viability of newborn calves. There are cases of self-healing: after attacks of convulsions, the condition improves significantly and the animal rises. The prognosis is doubtful or favorable with timely assistance.

General treatment
Treatment should be complex and aimed at weakening the hydrolysis of urea in the pancreas, slowing down the absorption of ammonia into the blood. To do this, organic acids are injected inside: 0.5-1% solution of acetic acid at a dose of 2-4 liters, lactic (10-12 ml in 1-2 liters of water) acid, which change the reaction of the contents to the acid side, lowering the activity of urease and slowing down the absorption of ammonia into the blood. With acids, it is advisable to introduce 1-2 liters of a 20-30% sugar solution. A parenteral detoxifier is used. For weakening and relief of convulsions, the complex preparation Kalfoton is administered. Butafosfan-based drugs (Butastim) will be used to normalize liver function.
To eliminate dehydration, a solution of sodium chloride 0.9%, Ringer-Locke's solution is injected. The use of symptomatic therapy means - stimulating respiration and cardiac activity - Tonocard is shown. In the somatogenic stage of toxicosis (when the primary damage is aggravated by the accumulation of endogenous toxins in the body), antibiotics (Ultracef, Ceftiprim) and multivitamin preparations (Eleovit, Tetravitam, Gabivit-Se) are used.

The role of the drug
Polyvinylpyrrolidone, which is part of the drug, has pronounced adsorption properties. It forms complexes with various substances of protein origin, including toxins and toxic substances, as a result of which the latter are neutralized. Polyvinylpyrrolidone also normalizes the permeability of cell membranes, as a result of which the electrolyte composition is restored and the function of the liver and kidneys is restored, diuresis increases. Due to the increase in diuresis, the toxic products of urea metabolism from the body are enhanced.


In cows, drug poisoning can occur due to an overdose of drugs, individual intolerance and the influence of the human factor. Such drugs can be antibiotics (neurotoxic, ototoxic, nephrotoxic, hepatotoxic action), NSAIDs (gastroenterotoxic action), CNS stimulants, vitamin preparations, etc.

The clinical manifestations of poisoning (overdose symptoms) depend directly on the drug or the specific substance that was used. Some animals may develop allergic reactions due to hypersensitivity or individual intolerance.

General treatment

When treating drug poisoning, it is possible to use enterosorbents and saline laxatives in the first hours after poisoning. If the condition is corrected at a later date, then it is necessary to use a hemosorbent -. To normalize liver function, preparations based on butafosfan - Butastim are used. Apply antihistamine preparations. Symptomatic therapy and maintenance therapy are carried out. It is possible to use forced diuresis.

The role of the drug
The unique composition can significantly increase the effectiveness of the complex symptomatic and detoxification therapy for animal poisoning with drugs and vitamins.
Polyvinylpyrrolidone, which is part of, having pronounced adsorption properties, forms complexes with various substances of protein origin, including toxins and toxic substances, neutralizing the latter. normalizes the permeability of cell membranes, as a result of which the electrolyte composition is restored and the function of the liver and kidneys is restored, diuresis increases. Sodium thiosulfate, which is part of the drug when administered parenterally, exhibits antitoxic, anti-inflammatory and desensitizing effects.