Is it possible to consume fish oil? What are the benefits of fish oil? Beneficial properties of fish oil, possible harm and contraindications

Despite all its beneficial properties, this product also has a number of contraindications, which are stated in the instructions for use:

  1. Individual intolerance to fish oil or its components.
  2. The period of pregnancy and lactation.
  3. Pathologies thyroid gland.
  4. Diseases of the urinary system and gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Open form of tuberculosis.
  6. Increased calcium levels in the blood.

Instructions for use for adults

Many patients are interested in how to take it correctly fish oil. It depends on the reason why this product is introduced into the diet. The dosage and duration of use should be prescribed exclusively by the attending physician. Let's look at how to take fish oil in capsules and liquid form to adult patients according to the instructions for use.

How to drink correctly?

Before taking the capsules, you must study the instructions for use in detail. There are several mandatory criteria for this:

  1. It is necessary to establish where the fat was obtained from. Previously, it was extracted only from cod liver. Today this product can be obtained from fish muscles.
  2. Release form. May be in capsules or liquid form. In the latter case, the product has a specific aroma that many patients cannot tolerate. Therefore, it is more advisable to choose encapsulated fat. When purchasing a capsule form, it is very important to study the composition, which is indicated in the instructions for use, since today there are a lot of counterfeit dietary supplements.

Let's look at how to take fish oil for adults. In the case of using capsules, the instructions for use indicate that the patient is prescribed 1-2 pieces 3 times a day. The best time for treatment is considered to be from September to May. It is imperative to follow the recommended dose, which is indicated in the instructions for use, otherwise side effects may occur.

This supplement cannot be combined with acetylsalicylic acid or anticoagulants. This may lead to bleeding. Interaction with barbiturates or anticonvulsants reduces the activity of vitamin D.

Before or after food?

Many supporters of the dietary supplement in question are interested in what time it should be taken - before or after meals. Doctors answer unequivocally: exclusively during meals. To be absorbed, fats and vitamins must enter the digestive system with food.

Your doctor and instructions for use will tell you how to drink fish oil correctly. It all depends on the purpose for which the dietary supplement is prescribed.

Daily norm and doses

There is a norm of fish oil per day established by doctors. The daily dose of a food supplement is calculated based on the amount fatty acids in 1 capsule. According to the instructions, fish oil is contained in 1 capsule at a concentration of 500 mg. The patient is allowed up to 6 capsules per day.

How to properly take fish oil capsules can be found in the instructions for use of this dietary supplement. It should be swallowed immediately with a sufficient amount of water at room temperature. It is strictly forbidden to drink mineral waters or juices.

Your doctor will help you find out how to drink liquid fish oil. The dosage and duration of the course of treatment is also calculated exclusively by a specialist based on clinical picture patient. If the recommended dose is exceeded, the patient may experience intestinal dysfunction (diarrhea, nausea, vomiting) or exacerbation chronic diseases Gastrointestinal tract.

Very often this product is used for excess weight. The dosage, according to the instructions for use, depends on the amount of “unnecessary” kilograms and is in the range of 2-6 grams per day. However, you will not be able to lose weight with fish oil alone. To do this, it is necessary to perform a complex special exercises and follow a strict diet.

How long to take?

The optimal course is 1 month. After this, be sure to take a pause, then, if necessary, repeat the appointment. The number of courses per year should not be more than 3-4. If the patient needs a constant supply of fatty acids in the body, then the dietary supplement is taken every day, 2-3 capsules without breaks. How much fish oil to take depends on the reason why the doctor prescribed this dietary supplement.

Best before date

Like any biological active additive capsules has certain time suitability. The shelf life of fish oil capsules is 24 months. It is strictly forbidden to use it after this time.

Shelf life of the drug in liquid form should not exceed 12 months. It is necessary to take into account that after opening the bottle, this period is reduced by 2-3 months.

How to store?

It is very important to comply with storage conditions: how to store fish oil in capsules is indicated in the individual instructions for the supplement. It is necessary to choose a place protected from direct sun rays and moisture. Optimal temperature conditions considered up to +250 C.

The instructions for use indicate that the soluble form of the additive must be kept in the refrigerator after opening the package; over time, the product may thicken slightly.

Useful video

A person needs a certain balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates every day. Fish oil has beneficial effect on the body as a whole. It can be taken for prevention colds and with increasing physical activity:


  1. Fish oil - natural food additive, which is used when there is a lack of polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamins in the body.
  2. You need to drink it according to the instructions prescribed by your doctor. Only in this case can you get the maximum effect and avoid side symptoms.
  3. If there is a deficiency of Omega-3 in the body, the product discussed will help fill the deficiency.
  4. According to the instructions for the drug, the use of fish oil helps improve metabolic processes in the body.

Probably every person, having heard about fish oil, remembers how in childhood he tried to evade his parents who tried to give him this healthy, but so disgusting liquid.

Who would have thought that an adult, who is also actively involved in bodybuilding, would drink fish oil, and without coercion, although it has not become tastier over the years. Let's try to figure out why this fish oil is so good and why it is useful to drink not only for children, but also for those who are engaged in creating their own beautiful muscles.

If previously fish oil (oil secreted from the fatty tissue of fish) different breeds), was sold only in pharmacies in liquid form, but today it is formed into capsules in a gelatin shell, which do not taste disgusting at all. At the same time, various herbs and vitamins are also added to the composition of the drug. Children's fish oil continues to be sold in pharmacies, but it is still for children.

What are the benefits of fish oil?

The main substance that fish oil contains and which makes it so valuable is omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), which the human body does not produce itself, but which are necessary for it. These acids are also found in vegetable oil, although somewhat different. Interestingly, the fish themselves do not produce these substances, but obtain them from the plankton they feed on. In cold water bodies, the acid content in plankton is higher.

In principle, omega-3 fatty acids can also be obtained from regular products. There are a lot of them, of course, in seafood and fish, in vegetable oil and nuts, a little less in legumes and grains, and very little in vegetables and fruits.

For bodybuilders and athletes with their active lifestyle, fish oil is a useful supplement, the use of which has a number of benefits.

How to take fish oil correctly

You can buy fish oil at the pharmacy, in the form of capsules, and take it in the following dosages:

  • leading active image life and those who want to maintain health, it is enough to take one and a half to two grams in 2-3 doses. Capsules come in different sizes, so you need to look at their contents;
  • for those involved in bodybuilding - 2 - 2.5 grams per day in 2-3 doses;
  • for those who want to lose weight - 3-4 grams in 2-3 doses.

It is better to take with food, putting capsules in salad or meat. Keep in mind that more than 80 percent of all people are deficient in omega-3 fatty acids, so no one will benefit from fish oil.

Questions and answers

Is fish oil safe?
- Completely safe: it is not a medicine, but a dietary supplement. With normal dosage and use in accordance with your physical activity Fish oil will not cause any harm.

Is it possible to take fish oil on a regular basis?
- It is better to take breaks of 1-2 months after each package.

Can fish oil make you fat?
- No, fat mass will not increase, on the contrary, excess weight will go away.

Is it safe to take fish oil before bed?
- Even if you take omega-3 acids before bed, your size will not increase, but best time to consume fish oil - with food.

Should I use fish oil during a cutting diet?
- Necessarily. Ligaments are at risk of injury, and energy reserves are reduced because carbohydrates are reduced. Fish oil will help get rid of possible problems.

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Fish oil is very healthy, but its taste and smell disgust many people. Modern pharmacological companies produce fish oil in capsules, which allows you to remove unpleasant aroma and taste. And if you're determined to improve your family's health, you should definitely know how to take fish oil, reports

Fish oil is incredibly beneficial for the body. It contains vitamin A and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Also, during the production process, fish oil is enriched with vitamin D, which is necessary for the absorption of calcium. Fish oil also contains other useful substances: iodine, phosphorus, bromine. But there are so few of them that they do not show any therapeutic effects on the body.

Fish oil is prescribed for various diseases, as a means of strengthening the immune system. Fish oil is very useful for pulmonary tuberculosis, diseases of the bones, glands, rickets, and anemia. Also, taking fish oil can improve vision when night blindness. Doctors prescribe taking fish oil when cardiovascular diseases. The fact is that the ingredients contained in the drug polyunsaturated acids omega-3 have vasodilating effect, they convert “bad” cholesterol into “good” cholesterol, and also reduce the risk of blood clots.

Consumption of fish oil is quite common preventive purposes to support immunity. Indeed, children who take fish oil get sick much less often. Moreover, consuming fish oil helps improve the condition of your skin and hair. To the dim and brittle hair natural shine and strength returns.

Today, fish oil is sold in any pharmacy, and it comes in two forms: capsules and liquid. The use of a gelatin shell eliminates the unpleasant odor and taste that many people experience gag reflex. Moreover, thanks to the gelatin shell, fish oil does not oxidize, so the product is stored better. But still, doctors recommend using liquid fish oil, as it is more natural. Regardless of which form of the drug you choose, fish oil should be taken correctly.

Manufacturers of capsules must indicate in the instructions for the drug suitable dosage for an adult. Depending on the size of the capsules, they can contain up to 500 mg of fish oil. On average, an adult needs to drink 1000 mg of fish oil at one time. Take capsules 2-3 times a day.

Please note that fish oil capsules should not be taken by children under 6 years of age!

Liquid fish oil, unlike the drug in capsules, can be taken by children from a very young age. True, the dosage must be prescribed by the attending physician. Be sure to consult your doctor if you want to introduce liquid fish oil into your baby's diet. As a rule, children under one year old are given fish oil in the amount of 3-5 drops 2 times a day. Children after one year can be given a teaspoon of fish oil per day. Preschoolers take 2-3 teaspoons of fish oil per day, and from the age of 7 they drink 1 tablespoon twice a day.

Liquid fish oil is never drunk before or after meals, but only during. Taking liquid fish oil on an empty stomach greatly irritates the mucous membrane and increases the flow of bile.

It is very important when taking fish oil to strictly follow the dosage prescribed by your doctor. Also store fish oil correctly so that it does not lose its beneficial properties. The drug in capsules can be stored at room temperature in a dry and dark place. Liquid fish oil should only be stored in the refrigerator.

For fish oil to be beneficial to the body, it cannot be taken continuously. Doctors recommend taking capsules or liquid fish oil for a month three times a year. The course of treatment is extended or stopped depending on your well-being.

Fish oil, like any other drug, has a number of contraindications. It should not be used by pregnant women and women during lactation. Fish oil is also contraindicated for individual intolerance drug and in the presence of kidney stones or gallbladder. Fish oil is not prescribed for thyroid dysfunction.

However, he is "famous" unpleasant smell and the same taste characteristics. Progress does not stand still, and nowadays you can buy fish oil in capsules, thanks to which taking the drug has ceased to be a real hard labor. At the same time, you shouldn’t trust every nutritional supplement manufacturer.

Fish oil capsules: what are the benefits?

Everyone knows that this substance is a storehouse of vitamins and beneficial microelements. First of all, I would like to note great content in fish oil there are Omega-3, that is, fatty acids that the body does not produce on its own, and therefore receives only from the outside. It also contains such necessary for a person vitamins A and D. Thanks to vitamin A, it is preserved good eyesight, skin color and hair structure improve, nails become stronger, and even the process of tooth enamel growth accelerates. Vitamin D, in turn, promotes the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, which strengthens bones. And a sufficient amount of Omega-3 in the body helps to normalize blood pressure, activate the fat burning process, and under the influence of this acid, work is stabilized cardiovascular system, even much less stress hormones are produced. Scientists have proven that if you regularly take Norwegian fish oil capsules, serotonin is released into the blood. And serotonin is the so-called happiness hormone, therefore great mood will accompany you in any situation.

Fish oil capsules: indications for use

For women, probably the biggest incentive to purchase this tool is an opportunity to get rid of excess weight without any problems. Indeed, the process of burning fat tissue is accelerated, which means that incoming calories do not have time to be deposited in problem areas. Of course, if you want to achieve amazing results, you must simultaneously monitor your diet, carefully select foods and drink two liters of filtered water per day. In addition, the treasured tablets can be safely taken when prolonged depression, lethargy, lethargy, bad memory, general weakness of the body. Omega-3 acids are an active assistant in the fight against psoriasis, vitamin deficiency, arthritis and even cancerous tumor. At the University of Sydney, specialists spent a long time studying the body's reaction to the drug and found that children who regularly take children's fish oil capsules are much less likely to suffer from asthma. That is, the risk of developing such unpleasant disease is significantly reduced if you consume 3.3 grams of the substance per day.

Fish oil capsules: contraindications

It is worth noting that this drug is not a panacea for all ills. Moreover, there are contraindications to its use. For example, people with increased level Calcium and vitamin D in the body should not be compromised. The category of people for whom fish oil is prohibited also includes people suffering from urolithiasis, dysfunction of the thyroid gland, renal failure and tuberculosis. And, of course, the individual sensitivity of the body to certain components is a contraindication to the use of capsules with fish oil.

IN lately Few supplements deserve the same attention and recommendations as fish oil.

The benefits of fish oil (or the omega-3 fatty acids it contains) are amazing and almost limitless. However, fish oil does not have any side effects.

For this reason, almost every doctor, nutritionist, trainer and anyone who monitors nutrition recommends a fish oil supplement.

When any supplement becomes popular, many questions immediately arise and some confusion arises. For example:

  • What is this?
  • Are the benefits real? Is this scientifically proven?
  • Is it really safe? Are there any side effects at all?
  • How much fish oil should you take per day?
  • What total amount of Omega-3 or EPA and DHA should I take daily?
  • How many capsules should I take for the optimal daily dosage?
  • When and how should you take fish oil?
  • Which brand is the best?
  • Is it worth taking this supplement?

Let's dot the dots right now...

What is fish oil?

If A little exaggerate, then we can say that these are pills that work wonders.

This is literally the only supplement that most experts I recommend it to everyone...regardless of your goals (weight loss, growth muscle mass and so on).

Hell, it doesn't even matter if you exercise, watch your diet, or take care of yourself. appearance of your body. You just need to take fish oil. And here's why...

In general, fish oil is simply an oil found in fatty types fish (like salmon).

As I said before, fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids, in particular eicosapentaenoic acid ( EPK) and docosahexaenoic acid ( DHA), which are essential fatty acids, which are usually not enough in any diet.

You probably know that there are so-called " good fats" and "bad fats"?

Thus, EPA and DHA, which are contained in omega-3, are “ great fats».

It just so happens that fish oil is their most common and convenient source.

What does fish oil do? What are its advantages?

Briefly? Fish oil improves your body's ability to do everything!

More details? I don't even know where to start.

Okay, let's first understand the benefits that allow us to build muscle, lose weight and change appearance your body.

Effect on muscle gain and weight loss

Overall, the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil play a direct or indirect role in almost every process that occurs in your body when you are trying to gain muscle mass, lose weight, maintain muscle shape, recover from a workout, and so on. .

Does fish oil help you gain muscle or lose weight independently? Not at all. But he's definitely playing important role in these processes and helps your body accomplish these tasks.

For example, I studied two individual studies, they both led to the same conclusion: people lose more weight when they combine proper nutrition, exercise and consume fish oil than those who eat right and exercise without fish oil.

Those omega-3 fatty acids promote fat oxidation, improve insulin sensitivity And provide "calorie sharing".

As I said earlier, "calorie breakdown" refers to how your body uses calories. I mean…

  • When you create a caloric surplus (which is necessary for muscle growth), will they be used to build muscle mass or will they go to fat?
  • When you create a calorie deficit (which is necessary for weight loss), will your body burn fat for energy or will it burn muscle tissue instead?

This is the division of calories, and fish oil helps direct it into the right direction (less fat, more muscle mass).

In addition, I would like to note that fish oil can also increase thermogenesis(which means you will burn more calories per day), has anti-catabolic impact (prevents muscle injuries), has anti-lipogenic effect (reduces fat accumulation), and also serves as an anti-inflammatory agent.

If you're impressed by the benefits above, hang in there. This is just the beginning...

General health and function

In terms of overall health and functioning human body, the list of benefits of fish oil is even longer. Much more.

Namely, omega-3 fatty acids contribute to:

  • Reducing the risk of heart attack
  • Reducing the risk of stroke
  • More low level triglycerides in the blood
  • Reduce the risk of dangerous heart rhythms
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Relieving inflammation
  • Joint mobility
  • Reducing cholesterol levels
  • Slowing down the formation of atherosclerotic plaques
  • And much more.

In addition, fish oil prevents the development of the following diseases:

  • Alzheimer's disease and dementia
  • Depression
  • Heart disease
  • Arthritis
  • Diabetes
  • Hyperactivity
  • And much more...

Still want more benefits? No problem.

Fish oil improves mental activity, develops concentration and memory.

Some people also note good mood And general condition joy.

Another effect that is often talked about is good skin and hair.

If you dig even deeper, you will find people who will tell you how fish oil has helped reduce back pain, improve vision, get rid of rashes and have positive influence on many other aspects.

As I said, no additives are required. However, fish oil is the very additive that is required for use. I think you have already clearly understood this.

Does it really work?


There is a huge amount of scientific/medical research on the subject of fish oil, and most of it is legal and proven.

Plus benefits that have not yet been proven, but look very promising. oil works even better than other supplements out there.

Is it safe? Are there any side effects?

Fish oil is quite safe supplement.

You need to understand that this is just the oil found in the fish. And this is not some crazy fat burner or muscle growth product.

Yes, the benefits are impressive. But it's more of a product than a supplement. It is unlikely that you were interested in the side effects of salmon before eating it.

So for the average person fish oil is a 100% safe product, provided that you keep daily dosage(I’ll tell you more about this a little later).

In fact, the only one side effect, which I've heard of can be called "fishy taste" or "fishy burp". But if you use a high quality product, then you won't have this problem.

It is also worth noting that if you are pregnant or have an allergy to fish or iodine, or have any other health problems, you should consult your doctor before taking fish oil.

The funny thing is, your doctor may even be the first one to recommend this supplement to you.

For example, most pregnant women already take fish oil prescribed by their doctors (it's good for baby's brain development), as do many people at risk of heart disease.

When and how should you take fish oil?

Fish oil should be taken with meals, not on an empty stomach.

If you are taking more than 1 capsule per day (which may be necessary for optimal fish oil intake), you will need to consume them throughout the day.

For example, one capsule in the morning, another in the afternoon and a third in the evening.

How much fish oil should you consume per day? How many capsules?

To answer this question, you need to know the optimal amount of fish oil to obtain all of the above benefits.

You can then determine how many capsules you need to take per day to reach your optimal level.

Based on the research I've looked at, the best thing to do is...

Optimal dosage of fish oil: 1-3 grams of combined EPA and DHA daily.

Note that we're not talking about grams of "total fat." We're talking about a combination of EPA and DHA (you'll understand when you read the information on the back of the jar).

Omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA are the very ingredients that provide all the benefits.

For this reason, optimal dosage fish oil should be based on them, not on total number fish oil or omega-3 contained in one serving.

Example of daily dosage

Let me give you a brand as an example: .

This brand contains 650 mg EPA and 450 mg DHA per serving. One serving of this brand is 2 capsules.

So in combination, 650 mg + 450 mg = 1.1 g in a combination of EPA and DHA.

This means:

  • 2 capsules this brand is given 1.1 grams EPA and DHA. This is the minimum amount of fish oil that can be effective.
  • 3 capsules this brand gives about 1.6 grams EPA and DHA.
  • 4 capsules this brand is given 2.2 grams EPA and DHA. This, one might say, is the golden mean of optimal daily dose(I personally take this number of capsules per day).
  • 5 capsules this brand gives approx. 2.8 grams EPA and DHA. This maximum quantity, which you can take.

As I said, I take 4 capsules per day, which provides my body with 2.2 grams of EPA and DHA.

I think this is the optimal amount for most people.

But, again, as long as you stay within 1-3 grams of EPA and DHA daily, you'll be fine. (And, of course, if your doctor recommends more or less fish oil, it's worth listening to him.)

Also keep in mind that the amount of fish oil will apply to each specific brand. Other brands contain different amounts of EPA and DHA (usually less), which will require you to take a different number of capsules.

This is one of the reasons why I take this particular brand of fish oil. I only need 4 capsules per day to consume the optimal amount. Most brands suggest taking 6-10 capsules.

If we talk about the best brand...

Which brand is better?

When choosing the best fish oil, there are a number of general factors to consider:

  • Quality. For me, quality comes first. It is especially important when choosing fish oil. Not only do I want to avoid the unnecessary fishy taste, but I also want to see high level cleaning (removes contaminants that are often found in fish). Also important best results independent laboratory tests.
  • Convenience. As I said before, some brands contain more or less omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. The less acid they contain, the more servings you need to take daily. Personally, I would prefer to take 4 capsules per day rather than 8.
  • Price. Of course, most brands are cheaper than luxury brands, however, as I wrote, I would rather spend a little more money to get the quality and convenience that I talked about.
  • Fish oil: Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega
    I have spent a lot of time researching fish oil over the years. I have seen various recommendations from doctors/experts and have seen the results of two independent laboratory tests that tested dozens of fish oil brands for purity, quality, and content of the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA.

Based on all this, I can honestly say that Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega is one of the best brands!

The choice is yours, the main thing is to pay attention to the EPA and DHA content. Expensive fish oil low content of these fatty acids is a bad choice!

Where to buy?

You can find fish oil in pharmacies in your city, sports nutrition stores, online stores, etc.

I personally order sports nutrition and other supplements at! Before the fall of the ruble, it was incredibly profitable than buying with a markup in a Russian store, where, in addition to the high price, you can easily run into fakes!

What's next?

Now that you know everything you need to know about fish oil, it's time to move on to the next supplement that may be beneficial for you... multivitamins.
