Drotaverine for dogs: instructions for use and dosage. Is No-Spa suitable for treating dogs? Details about the drug

Girls, an off-topic question, is it possible to give a dog a noshpa? Maybe someone gave it? We have a problem with our stomach, the dog weighs 3.5, maybe someone can tell us the dosage, I gave him smecta, it doesn’t help, apparently, because he’s not himself...

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You'd better go to the clinic, now there are so many dog ​​hunters divorced ((

Half or quarter even. Noshpa is possible, we gave it to ours, but our dog is 6 kg. Give it for relief, but then be sure to go to the clinic and let them treat you.

Lactofiltrum can be given

If you have stomach pain and gas, then you need an injection of papaverine, noshpa and smecta. You need to go to the clinic. Our dog has this kind of crap, if he eats a thread in the garden, injections help. He cannot fart normally if his entire intestines are filled with gas.

- @alenka_shtepo, thank you))) but we have problems with the entire gastrointestinal tract, so it’s useless, sometimes his stomach hurts

- @malyshkina, thank you, but we have a chronic disease throughout the gastrointestinal tract, so on the street we always make sure that, God forbid, he doesn’t pick anything up, he rarely puts anything in his mouth, because I don’t take my eyes off it, and if he takes it, he’ll spit it out))

- @mariiaus, thank you)))

- @vikki_kivvi, there is no gas, smecta always saves the day, but now apparently it didn’t help, now I’ve given noshpa, I think it will be easier)) we often have trouble with our stomach (((

- @masha2122, I have a Yorkie girl, we are struggling with her tummy. In winter, she treated severe gas pollution and gastritis. They put him on the Khils diet. And a course of pills and antibiotics. We did it)

- @masha2122, poor guy, let him get better

- @masha2122, buy noshpa in injections. 1 ml into the posterior leg, muscle. They are not absorbed in tablets.

- @viktor_petrovich, we gave injections a couple of years ago, apparently they hit a nerve, so sometimes he lifts his back leg, they said it will resolve, but sometimes it rarely happens anyway he walks for 3 (10-15 seconds) so I don’t risk giving him any more injections ( ((

- @burbuzenok1, and we actually treated the stomach for 1.5 years ((((every two months we were at the veterinarian more than once, we also feed him special food, now only sometimes his stomach hurts, I give him smecta and everything is fine)

- @vikki_kivvi, thank you, everything is fine already 😊😊😊

- @vikki_kivvi, when it hurts, the whole body shakes and sits and never lies down))

- @masha2122, I give 1/4 festal, a teaspoon of espumizan

Doctors prescribed us Pancreatin 1/3 tablet per 2 kg of dog weight. I always give it if suddenly something happens to my stomach

- @julias453, I also thought about giving pancreatin, but I didn’t know it would help, no, now I’ll know, thanks, it’s already better now)))

It’s better for animals to use papaverine instead of noshpa, that’s what the vet advised me to do.

- @aris87, where should they put it?

Intramuscularly usually, but it seems possible at the withers

My Yorkie has constant stomach problems, I give Smecta - I dilute it thickly and pancreatin during meals, 0.5 tablets, we weigh 2.5 kg, if blood also appears, then a quarter of Kvamatel 2 times a day before meals... and we have special gastro food

- @london333, thank you, I hope I won’t need this, although we also have special food, and we only save ourselves with smecta in such cases)

Why are you listening to everyone? Everyone has different diagnoses, some have pancreatitis, some have gastritis, etc. and, accordingly, the drugs are different for everyone... go to the veterinary clinic and diagnose what’s wrong with the dog. Few people feel better from self-medication! !! (I'm a veterinarian.)

- @pro_kate, everything that was advised to us is possible and we drank it, but they mainly recommended noshpa pancreatin and smecta, I always gave smecta, pancreatin too, noshpa also injected)

06/13/2017 by Eugene

Many people think that four-legged animals can be given any means. This is far from true. Compliance with the dosage is necessary when taking any drug. This applies to both animals and people.

No-shpa is widely used in veterinary medicine. This drug dilates blood vessels and relieves smooth muscle spasms. Veterinarians often prescribe this remedy for dogs with glaucoma, prostate hypertrophy, cystitis and other diseases. No-shpa is often given to relieve pain. Note that the medicine does not affect the nervous system in any way, but only helps to help the animal for 30 minutes. As a rule, this drug is given to relieve the dog of:

  • constipation;
  • spastic colitis;
  • proctitis, etc.

No-shpa is also often given after surgery and to reduce the tone of the uterus in pregnant females.

In order for the medicine to help and not harm the dog, the dosage must be observed. Very few cases of overdosage have been reported. But you still need to know how much to give so that the dog feels better quickly. The traditional dose is: 1 tablet of 40 mg or 1 ml of solution per 10 kg of dog weight. Injections are administered intramuscularly if it is impossible to give tablets to the dog. By the way, if you do not know how to give injections correctly, urgently take the animal to a veterinary clinic, where experienced specialists will help him.

Like any other remedy, No-spa has its side effects that you need to know. If the drug is administered intravenously, the animal's blood pressure may increase. It is rare, but it even happens that collapse develops. Arrhythmia and depression of the respiratory center are also possible. If you know that your dog is sensitive to the components that make up No-shpa, then under no circumstances give him this medicine. It should be given very carefully to pregnant dogs and those feeding milk.

  • the dog is less than 6 years old;
  • he has galactose intolerance and lactase deficiency;
  • the animal has severe renal disease or arterial hypotension.

Many people are concerned about the question: how to notice an overdose? If you have given the drug in the wrong quantity, you will need to monitor your pet's condition very closely. The main symptom is irregular heart rhythm. In this case, you cannot do without qualified help from a specialist. It is rare, but it happens that an overdose leads to complete cardiac arrest. That is why it is very important to strictly adhere to the dosage.

In the treatment of animals, especially domestic ones, in most cases medications created for humans are used. These include Drotaverine (No-shpu). This drug is an effective antispasmodic, taken either alone or in combination with other medications. It helps perfectly with colic and spasms, causing virtually no adverse reactions except in rare cases. This medicine is prescribed to animals of all breeds and ages.

Indications for use

The main action of No-shpa sent to a moderate dilation of blood vessels and a decrease in the tone of the smooth muscles of internal organs. The drug is recommended for use if there are contraindications to the use of medications from the group of anticholinergic drugs (for example, if there is glaucoma or prostate hypertrophy). Using No-shpa allows you to remove spasm smooth muscles for cystitis, urolithiasis, intestinal colic and other ailments found in cats and dogs.

In veterinary medicine, Drotaverine and its analogs are prescribed for the treatment of pain syndromes caused by spasms in the gastrointestinal tract during peptic ulcer disease, in the genitourinary system when cholelithiasis or cholecystitis develops. The drug has no effect on the autonomic or central nervous system and does not accumulate in the kidneys and liver. Intravenous administration of the drug allows you to achieve a therapeutic effect after just two minutes with the maximum effect achieved after half an hour.

Diseases for which the use of No-shpa is indicated:

  • colitis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • increased uterine tone in pregnant females;
  • cystitis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • tenesmus;
  • constipation;
  • renal colic;
  • postoperative complications;
  • cholecystitis;
  • proctitis;
  • spastic colitis;
  • pyelitis;
  • nephrolithiasis.

The drug is also use before conducting various instrumental research methods to avoid possible spasm of smooth muscles.

According to the annotation of the drug No-shpa, the active ingredient of the drug is drotaverine hydrochloride. It is excreted from the body with bile and urine 72 hours after administration. The medication has two forms of release: in the form of film-coated tablets and ampoules for injection. Yellow tablets are packaged in plastic blisters of twenty pieces. The solution for injections is contained in dark glass ampoules with a volume of 2 ml.

The shelf life of the drug is 5 years. Store it away from sunlight at an air temperature of 15 to 25 degrees and out of the reach of children.

Instructions for use for dogs

As already mentioned, No-shpa in injections and tablets can be prescribed not only to people, but also to animals, in particular dogs. The choice of the prescribed form of the drug depends on the individual tolerability of the drug, as well as on the general health of the patient.

The dose of Drotaverine is calculated based on the dog’s body weight. For individuals heavier than 10 kg, tablets are usually prescribed. To determine exactly how much medication to give, you must first weigh pet. For every 10 kg of his weight, 40 mg of drotaverine is prescribed, that is, one tablet. Small animals are offered intramuscular injections at a ratio of 1 ml of solution per 10 kg. These procedures, when used skillfully, are not painful.

A more precise dosage is prescribed by the veterinarian, who also takes into account:

  • disease;
  • symptoms that need to be relieved;
  • medications from the general therapeutic regimen.

In order for the dog to swallow the tablet, it is placed on the root of the tongue or mixed with a small amount of food. Injections are carried out with a prepared solution using a special insulin syringe equipped with a thin needle. According to the instructions, No-shpa injections are given if emergency therapy is necessary intramuscularly in the upper thigh. Intravenous injections are performed extremely rarely, since they often lead to side effects and all sorts of complications.

The drug belongs to the group of medications with a low hazard class and is prescribed to any breed of dog. It can be used to treat elderly and weakened animals. Therapy with Drotaverine in females during pregnancy and lactation should be carried out under the strict supervision of a physician. This medication is also prescribed to puppies with caution.

Dogs tolerate intramuscular injections and tablets better. Intravenous injections can cause a number of adverse reactions, which may include:

  • a sharp decrease in pressure;
  • depression of the respiratory center;
  • cardiac arrhythmia.

In some cases, collapses even occur. Because of this, in the practice of modern veterinary medicine it is advised to inject medicine into a vein only in extreme cases.

Although the drug is not highly toxic, however, an overdose of No-shpa can have very unpleasant consequences. For example, there is a possibility of vomiting and nausea, loss of appetite. Meet cases short-term convulsions and depressed state of the animal. These symptoms do not require special treatment and disappear within two days. However, you will have to wait a little while taking the drug.

To mitigate the effect of No-shpa, the veterinarian can prescribe medications from a number of anticholinergics aimed at treating duodenal and gastric ulcers.

In some cases, an allergic reaction to the components of the drug may occur. This is an indication to stop giving the medicine to the animal or replace it with another antispasmodic.

If any adverse reactions occur, it is imperative to consult with a specialist and not self-medicate so as not to harm your pet.

Many have heard the name of the powerful drug No-shpa more than once. The well-known drug is used both for humans and is widely used by veterinarians for animals of all breeds and ages, with the exception of rare cases.

This medication is not sold in animal pharmacies, but specialists in veterinary clinics use it in their practice for dogs.

The drug is an antispasmodic of smooth muscles. This is a pain reliever that helps with colic and spasms.

Reduces muscle tone of the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system, biliary tract, dilates blood vessels, normalizes blood flow. Effectively relieves pain in diseases:

  • colitis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • renal colic;
  • cholecystitis;
  • cystitis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • constipation;
  • postoperative complications;
  • increased uterine tone in pregnant women.

Important! The drug helps within 30 minutes.

Reference. Adverse reactions occur in rare cases.


The drug is prescribed in the form of tablets (yellow tablets of 20 pieces in plastic blisters) and in the form of injections (solution in dark glass ampoules of 2 ml).

The tablets can be placed on the root of the tongue or given with a small portion of food.


If it is impossible to give the dog a tablet, then you can inject the solution intramuscularly, preferably into the upper third of the thigh. Injections are more effective, but pet owners do them less often, so it’s best to trust your veterinarian.

Important! Injections must be administered very slowly and deeply intramuscularly so that there are no consequences.

The correct dosage of the drug is necessary so as not to harm the pet. Doses of tablets and solutions are calculated based on body weight.

Reference. The dose in tablets for pets is 1-3 mg per 1 kg of animal weight. In ampoules for injections - 1-3 mg per 1 kg of animal weight, intramuscularly.

For puppies

The drug can be given to dogs at any age. Puppies are advised to use the drug under the supervision of a veterinarian.

Pregnant women during childbirth and breastfeeding

Use is recommended only after careful weighing of the benefit-risk ratio. Doctors prescribe the drug during pregnancy with increased uterine tone. The medicine relieves pain caused by muscle spasms of internal organs.

During lactation, doctors do not recommend taking any medications. However, in some cases, veterinarians prescribe the use of these tablets or injections and recommend careful monitoring of the dog’s well-being and behavior.


Contraindications to this treatment method have not been identified to a large extent. The drug has a low degree of danger and is suitable for all breeds of dogs.

Side effects

There may be cases where animals eat the tablets without permission. In rare cases, there may be nausea, vomiting, depression, loss of appetite and short-term convulsions.

The condition depends on personal tolerance. Under such circumstances, it is better not to hesitate and contact the nearest veterinary clinic.

Owner reviews

Owner 1: “At home, there is always No-shpa in your personal first aid kit. When the veterinarian prescribed the drug to a Yorkshire terrier for colic, she learned that it is harmful to give it only in rare cases.

She refused injections; it was scary to give injections to a dog. Although the tablets are very bitter, I tried to put them on the root of my tongue. It started helping after the first pill.”

Owner 2: “We encountered a problem when our Labrador was vomiting. First with food, after a while with saliva and water.

The veterinarian prescribed No-Spa injections 2 times a day for 3 days and advised to switch to dry food, because... I had food poisoning. The next day it felt better."

Veterinarian's opinion

No-spa is an antispasmodic for both people and dogs. To calculate the dose of use, you need to know the weight and age of the pet, as well as recognize the symptoms for which this medication should be used.

More calls for urolithiasis, kidney disease, elimination of bladder spasms due to cystitis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcers, gastritis, intestinal obstruction), prostate cancer.

When injected, the drug is more effective in action than tablets. Any drug is better in injections and the result is more pronounced. Injections are given intramuscularly.

Puppies can be given medication, but with caution.

Pregnant and lactating women are also not prohibited from using the medicine. During childbirth, it is necessary to use the drug under the strict supervision of a doctor.

Medicines are prescribed regardless of dog breed. The drug itself belongs to the group of low-hazard class medications. With the exception of individual intolerance, like any drug.

In cases where the dog has eaten a lot of tablets on its own, treatment depends on the amount of tablets consumed. It is necessary to rinse, but it is better to contact the nearest veterinary clinic and trust the specialists.

You can replace No-shpa with the main drugs: Papaverine, Drotaverine, and from veterinary drugs - Meloxivet.

In general, the drug has been used for a long time and is effective.

What to replace it with?

In rare cases, an allergic reaction to the components of the drug may occur. This is an indication to stop giving the medicine to the animal, or replace it with another antispasmodic.

Analogues of No-shpa are No-shpa forte, Drotaverine, Papaverine, Meloxyvet, Motilium, Spasmol, Spasmonet, Spasmolysin. They have the same effect, but the dosage may differ. It is better not to try to personally select other analogues of the drug, but to consult a veterinarian.


If any reactions occur in dogs, it is imperative to consult with a specialist for an accurate diagnosis and necessary treatment. You should not self-medicate, otherwise you can do harm. This is a serious and responsible process. Value the health of your dogs!

Health to you and your pets!

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It’s worth saying right away that only a veterinarian will be able to give precise instructions on how to treat a dog and puppy in any situation in which there is a health problem, and he will also give accurate advice on how to give injections so as not to harm the animal.

The article is for informational purposes only and describes only the basic methods that veterinarians in specialized clinics can use in their practice.

How to properly inject a dog in the withers, subcutaneously in the area of ​​the shoulder blade

A subcutaneous injection is placed at the withers, in the area of ​​the shoulder blade. With your hand free from the syringe, feel the place, pull it back and take the fold in your hand. Do not pull, but use a gentle “crushing” motion. With a sharp movement, the needle is inserted along the fold, parallel to the spine. Remove the needle quickly. If the skin is thin, use a needle from an insulin syringe.

Intramuscular injection in the dog's thigh

The muscle should be relaxed; there is no need to treat it with alcohol. Guide the needle at an angle of 90 degrees and push out the piston. Pull out the needle with a quick movement of your hand.

Inject a dog into a muscle, thigh, hind leg, heart, joint, neck, under the shoulder blade, behind the ear

The muscle is placed at an angle of 90 degrees. Intramuscular injections are given in the thigh and hind leg.

The injection into the heart is performed exclusively by a doctor. Used for euthanasia (euthanization).

For joint diseases, medicine is administered. Only done by a veterinarian. Inserted into the interarticular space.

Where to inject a dog for transportation, in case of poisoning, for rabies, after a tick bite

Etaminal sodium sleeping pill is suitable for transporting dogs.

In case of poisoning, injecting Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) can help.

Giskan 5 serum is not a vaccine. Used for the prevention and treatment of plague, enteritis and adenoviral infections.

After a tick bite, antipyroplasmid drugs (veriben, berenil) are administered.

An injection for a dog so that it does not wander, does not go into heat, against ticks, pregnancy, worms, allergies

Prevent unwanted pregnancy - Mesalin.

To avoid estrus Krntrasex, Stop sex, Kovinan, Pilkan.

For ticks Neozidin.

Drops or tablets are used for worms; they are effective and do not require stress for the dog in the form of an injection.

For allergies Suprastin, Tavegil.

Where to give a dog an antibiotic injection, analgin with diphenhydramine, ceftriaxone with novocaine, step-by-step instructions

Analgin with diphenhydramine is given intramuscularly, ceftriaxone with novocaine is given intramuscularly and subcutaneously.

Dilute the medicine, draw it into a syringe, prepare the dog, inject it into the chosen place, slowly insert it and quickly pull out the needle.

How to give a no-shpa injection to a dog, dosage and why

No-spa antispasmodic is used in the prevention and treatment of pain caused by spasm of smooth muscles. Dosage 1 ml per 10 kg of weight. Placed intramuscularly and intravenously.

After the injection the dog became ill, what should I do?

Most likely the dog has an allergic reaction, the worst thing is anaphylactic shock. Emergency assistance from a specialist is required.

How to give an injection to a dog if it resists and bites

Put on a muzzle, tie the paws, ask for help to hold it.

Injection of a dog with gentamicin, bicillin, dicinone, diclofenac

Gentamicin is a bactericidal drug.

Bicillin is a penicillin antibiotic. The peculiarity is rapid crystallization; after dilution, immediately dilute.

Dicinone is used for bleeding.

Diclofenac is often used in the treatment of joint diseases. It has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, antirheumatic, analgesic, antiaggregation effects.