Treatment of severe oily dandruff. Oily dandruff: causes, treatment methods, remedies, prevention and reviews. Types of oily dandruff

Moreover, dandruff is one of the main clinical manifestations of seborrheic dermatitis.

Along with dandruff, dermatitis of the scalp occurs such as increased activity of the sebaceous glands in the face, back skin, appearance of acne on the face,.

By the external condition of the hair, you can determine the type of disease, which means choosing an adequate one, since therapeutic methods differ depending on the form of seborrheic dermatitis.

Signs of dry dandruff

For dry seborrhea there is a large amount of dandruff, in contrast to its liquid form of manifestation, which is due to a violation of keratinization of the epidermis. This form of the disease occurs more often in men.

Dandruff is very fine and can be seen on a person's shoulders, especially on dark-colored clothing. If you tilt your head slightly down and comb your hair in this position, you will see a large number of small white dust particles falling, reminiscent of snowfall.

The scalp is very flaky there is a characteristic periodic itching, intensifying as the hair gets dirty. After washing your hair, the itching becomes less noticeable.

The hair looks dull, gradually becomes thinner, as a result of which it breaks off, splits at the ends, and begins to fall out rapidly.

There is also a risk of developing dry seborrhea susceptible to women who frequently expose their scalp to aggressive chemical treatments: bleaching and perm.

Important! The periodic appearance of dandruff (about once a month) for 1-2 days is a physiological phenomenon associated with the renewal of the scalp, which is not a cause for concern.

What dry dandruff looks like is shown in the photo below:

Signs of oily dandruff

Oily seborrhea more often diagnosed in the female half of the population, as it is caused by diseases of the endocrine system and hormonal disorders. Also, clinical manifestations are observed in adolescents during puberty, but are the norm.

For oily seborrheic dermatitis a little dandruff on the head, if it is observed, then looks like large yellowish flakes. The main signs that allow you to differentiate oily seborrhea from dry seborrhea is the condition of the hair.

Hair quickly becomes oily within a day, as a result of which they look gray, shiny and slightly moisturized. They stick together and look massive and weighted.

People with oily seborrhea often experience facial skin irritation and rashes in the form of rosacea. Excessive sweating may occur along with a strong unpleasant odor from the sweat.

The photo shows the manifestations of oily dandruff:

Mixed seborrhea

Mixed seborrhea includes signs of both dry dandruff and oily dandruff. However, only one form of dermatitis appears on the scalp - hair becomes too dry with a lot of dandruff, as a result of increased peeling of the skin, or too oily.

Mixed seborrhea characterized by the manifestation of an oily type of dermatitis on the head, and a dry type in the back and chest, or vice versa.

A complication of oily and dry types of seborrheic dermatitis is baldness (alopecia), which begins with increased hair loss.

Moreover cases of focal baldness are common, that is, loss of a large mass of hair in certain areas of the head, which can be characterized as bald spots.

Useful video

Consultation with a practicing dermatovenerologist about different types of seborrhea and its treatment:

Let's sum it up

Treatment of seborrhea is primarily aimed at eliminating the visible manifestations of the disease.

Consists of topical application of antifungal shampoos (“ Nizoral», « Keto Plus», « Sebazon"), medicinal ointments (" Advantan», « Celestoderm»).

However, with persistent seborrheic dermatitis, the cause of the disease should be sought within the body, most often endocrine and neurological disorders.

So, we answered the main question: how to determine dry or oily dandruff? They described their symptoms and methods of treatment.

Oily dandruff often appears when the scalp is oily. The main culprit of dandruff is the increased work of the sebaceous glands. After all, oily skin is constantly covered with a film that closes the pores, prevents the skin from breathing, irritates the nerve endings, and causes itching. The dead skin particles stick to each other, and when peeled off, we see dandruff in the form of large flakes soaked in fat.

Causes of oily dandruff

The main reason for the appearance of oily dandruff is a pathogenic fungus, for which sebaceous skin is an ideal breeding ground. In this case, dandruff needs to be treated urgently.

Your first task is to take better care of your hair. Oily hair must be washed frequently to prevent the growth of fungus and to cleanse the skin of film and dead particles.

In folk medicine, there are effective medicinal masks that regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands and quickly eliminate dandruff.

Folk remedies for oily dandruff:

Lemon is an excellent remedy for combating oily dandruff. Dilute lemon juice halfway with water and rub into scalp. Leave the mixture on your hair for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water and shampoo. To obtain lasting results, this procedure must be repeated 1-2 times a week for a month.

Calendula tincture alcohol perfectly regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and also suppresses the proliferation of pathogenic fungus that causes dandruff. Rub the tincture into your scalp every half hour before washing your hair. Warm your head to improve the effect. When treating your hair with calendula, you will not only get rid of dandruff, but also strengthen the roots.

When treating oily dandruff, calendula tincture can be mixed with castor or burdock oil (in the proportion of 1 tsp oil per 10 tsp tincture). Rub the mixture into the scalp 2 hours before washing.

Onion juice effectively cures dandruff. Mix onion juice with vodka in equal proportions. Rub the mixture into your skin 30 minutes before washing your hair. The course of treatment is until dandruff disappears completely. The product will also help stop hair loss.

Onion peel tincture from oily dandruff. Brew 50 g of onion peels in a liter of boiling water. Cool and strain. Rinse your hair every time after washing. The product eliminates dandruff, strengthens hair, and adds shine. However, blonde hair can take on a golden hue.

Mask against oily dandruff: ingredients: honey, mayonnaise, aloe juice, lemon juice, castor oil, 1-2 grated cloves of garlic. Mix all ingredients in equal parts and rub into hair roots. Leave the mask for 30-45 minutes under a warm hood. Then wash your hair with shampoo. The mask will help get rid of dandruff and improve hair growth.

Aloe juice effectively heals the scalp, moisturizes it, regulates sebum secretion, eliminates oily dandruff, strengthens hair. Rub freshly squeezed aloe juice into your scalp 2 times a week. You don't have to wash it off.

Nettle tincture against oily dandruff. Brew 100 g of crushed leaves in a liter of boiling water. Cool and strain. Rinse your hair every time after washing, do not rinse.

Decoction of medicinal herbs against dandruff: if you have medicinal herbs in your medicine cabinet, they can be used to treat oily dandruff. The following have a good effect: nettle, calendula, chamomile, oak bark, birch buds, hop cones, coltsfoot, calamus rhizomes, burdock, St. John's wort, tansy, stone fruit. Brew a mixture of any of the herbs listed and rinse your hair after washing. This will strengthen your hair, make it shiny and healthy.

Burdock oil against dandruff. Rub burdock oil into your scalp 1-4 times a week. The head must also be covered with film and insulated for 2 hours. Burdock oil has an amazing effect on the scalp and hair roots, cures dandruff, prevents hair loss, and regulates sebum secretion.

Natural hair dyes have an excellent effect against oily dandruff: henna, basma, walnut shells, onion peels, chamomile decoction.

Fresh vegetable masks and fruits for oily dandruff. Some vegetables have a strong healing effect in treating scalp problems - pumpkin, cucumber, zucchini, apple peel, strawberries, currants. Grate the vegetables on a fine grater or make a paste in a blender (or simply squeeze out the juice) and apply to the scalp for 30 minutes 1-2 times a week. Your hair will become less oily and dandruff will disappear.

Go to section: Hair care: haircuts, styling, coloring, restoration, hair masks

Fashionable hair colors and shades

Surely many have noticed that they wash their hair more than three times a week, and during this time their hair becomes dull, greasy and ugly. Why is this happening? This is due to the fact that the sebaceous glands, which are located on the head, produce excess sebum, which is why the hair very quickly becomes dirty and unkempt, dust particles instantly stick to it, and greasy dandruff appears. Oily hair type requires almost daily care.

In this publication we will talk about dandruff. It mainly appears in winter due to the large temperature difference, as a result of which we observe dry ends and oily roots. As a rule, the ends become brittle and split, and at the roots they have a sleek appearance and are difficult to give a certain shape.

What is dry, mixed and oily dandruff?

Before talking about the disease and methods of its treatment, it is worth understanding what it actually is? Dandruff is associated with overactive sebaceous glands; these are keratinized skin particles. As a result, the fungus begins to multiply, which subsequently causes an itching sensation and the skin begins to peel off.

Dandruff is divided into three main types: oily, dry and mixed.

Dry dandruff is more common in the male population

It is small in size, but nevertheless clearly visible on dark clothes. It combs out perfectly if you lower your head down and comb it with a fine-toothed comb. Moreover, if you do this, you can see a snowfall of small dust particles, in the literal sense of the word. The surface of the head is usually subject to profuse flaking. After short periods of time, itching occurs, which becomes stronger when dirty. If you wash your hair, the unpleasant itching sensation goes away. When hair is not taken care of, it becomes unsightly, thinner and prone to breakage. Eventually they will start to fall out.

This problem occurs less frequently in women. Often among those who bleach their hair more often than they should and who expose it to chemicals.
It is worth noting that the appearance of dry dandruff for one or several days is considered normal. Since the dermis of the head must be renewed at least once a month. In this case, there is no need to sound the alarm.

Now let's talk about the signs of oily dandruff

Unlike the first option, it often occurs in the female half of the population. Occurs due to endocrine diseases and disturbances at hormonal levels. It also manifests itself in adolescents when they are maturing, in which case this disease is considered normal.

When seborrhea is oily, there are few flakes on the head. And they are yellow, large scales. To determine the type of such a disease, you need to focus on the condition of the hair. They quickly become dirty (within a day), become wet and shiny, become oily at the roots, stick together and become heavier.

People with this disease usually have frequent irritations of the dermis of the head, as well as acne. Sometimes excessive sweating occurs, and the smell of sweat becomes pungent.

Latest type: mixed dandruff

It has signs of both the first and second options, but only dry dermatitis can be observed on the scalp. In this case, the curls become either dry or greasy.

Usually this species is characterized as oily on the head and dry on the chest and back, sometimes the opposite is true. There are also complications in the form of baldness, which begins with normal hair loss. There are often cases where focal baldness occurs, resulting in the formation of bald spots.

Causes and symptoms

The causes of oily dandruff have not been fully identified. But still, some of them are known, let’s talk about them.

The very first and simplest one is a violation of sebum production in the scalp area. In this case, the dermal cells do not receive oxygen, due to the fact that fat clogs the pores and does not allow them to breathe. Moreover, keratinized skin flakes tend to stick to each other, and then they fall off. They look like yellowish particles. The hair looks unimportant at this time. After some time, the hairs become brittle. The medical term for this disease is oily seborrhea.

The main cause of dandruff formation is an opportunistic fungus. Every person has it, if the body is healthy, then it does not manifest itself in any way. When the immune system fails, it is activated. Because of this, increased renewal of skin surface cells occurs, and dead particles stick together.

You need to be treated with special antifungal medications prescribed by your doctor. You will have to treat the pillow, towel and any other objects that the fungus may have come into contact with to avoid re-infection.

There are several causes of oily dandruff

How to avoid?

Almost everyone faces the issue of treating dandruff. First of all, it is necessary to identify the cause of its formation. If you cannot do this on your own, then you should seek help from a doctor. He will send you for all the necessary examinations and tests, as well as prescribe the appropriate treatment. If there are any chronic diseases, he will refer you to a specialist to eliminate the underlying cause.
It is possible to cure oily curls and restore the dermis of the hairline only with an integrated approach. That is, use both medications and proper nutrition. We should not forget about an active lifestyle, because our health directly depends on it.

How to cure oily dandruff?

Oily dandruff can be treated with medications and folk remedies. Let's talk about each of them.
If you choose shampoo to get rid of unpleasant flakes, you should know what types they come in:

  • Products containing zinc pyrithione . It has a versatile effect: anti-inflammatory and antifungal.
  • Antifungal drugs, the most common is ketoconazole. It removes the fungal membrane. It is used once a week as treatment and prevention.
  • A drug whose main active ingredient is ciclopiroxolamine. Removes itching and excessive peeling. It has the following actions: antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, reduces the rate of cell division.

The latest remedies can be used by pregnant women and nursing mothers.

There are situations when shampoo is not an effective enough remedy. Then you can use special ointments.

  • Sulfur ointment (ten percent), with its help the scales will peel off and be easily washed off with regular shampoo.
  • Sulsen paste helps a lot, it is considered a wonderful antiseptic and protects against germs.
  • As an option, experts recommend rubbing sulfur-salicylic paste with a concentration of five percent three hours before using shampoo.

The second method of treatment is traditional methods. As a rule, they prepare a variety of masks for oily dandruff or use the juice of some plant or fruit. For example, the following masks are known: based on eggs and kefir or vodka and onion juice. It is useful to use decoctions for rinsing hair made from nettle, calendula or chamomile.


Dandruff is characterized by an increased rate of shedding of epidermal particles. White scales appear on the hair and scalp in combination with itching. In fact, this disease is not dangerous to human life and the general condition of the body. Rather, dandruff is an unpleasant phenomenon that prevents you from looking aesthetically attractive.

It is difficult to completely cure dandruff, but it is quite possible to control it. Television advertisements are full of products that supposedly get rid of dandruff. In reality, they only slow down its development. To combat dandruff, it is more advisable to use specific health-improving shampoos.

Besides itching, white-yellow flakes of dandruff are accompanied by ringlets. Dandruff can indicate a number of diseases, as well as a lack of specific vitamins. Dandruff indicates psychological stress and excess. You need to know about the types and features of dandruff treatment, as it can provoke.

Dry dandruff: causes

About 35% of people on the planet suffer from dry dandruff. Its formation does not depend on hair type.

With dry dandruff, the dead upper layer of the epidermis of the scalp flakes off more intensely than usual. This is a consequence of the fact that the hair follicles do not receive enough oil, since the sebaceous glands do not work correctly. This phenomenon is called in medicine.

Some consider the presence of small scales to be a sign of upcoming dry dandruff. However, it is too early to sound the alarm. Everyone has a small amount of scales on their scalp. You need to take action if the skin scales begin to change color from transparent to white or yellowish. This is a sure sign of the onset of dandruff.

Dry dandruff is often accompanied by the fact that keratinized particles of the epidermis fall from the head onto the clothes. It doesn't look attractive and causes psychological discomfort. However, this is often observed, because... Its occurrence does not depend on age or gender. Even a person's hair type doesn't matter. Dry dandruff occurs both in people with normal hair type and in people with oily hair.

The skin of a healthy person is renewed once a month. When dandruff occurs, this process accelerates, which is why exfoliated particles of the upper layer of the epidermis are so noticeable. Dandruff gives an untidy appearance, and in advanced cases it is fraught with the appearance of spots and hair depletion.

The exact causes of dry dandruff have not yet been identified, but prerequisites include:

  • depletion of the body during the period of vitamin deficiency;
  • regular stressful situations;
  • lack of diet or improper diet;
  • physical inactivity;
  • reduced immunity as a result of infectious diseases;
  • presence of chronic diseases;
  • problems related to the endocrine system;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • overwork;
  • change in climatic conditions;
  • pharmacological drugs that have an enhanced effect on the body;
  • unfavorable ecology in the place of permanent residence;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • incorrect .

The dominant role in the occurrence of dry dandruff is played by the fungus Pityrosporum ovale. It is found in the epidermis of all people without exception, but at the moment dandruff forms, the fungus begins to multiply hyperactively. Thus, it disrupts the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Little fat is produced, and the skin becomes excessively dry.

To begin treating dry dandruff, you need to find out the cause of its occurrence. Only a doctor can determine exactly what affected the disruption of the sebaceous glands.

Perhaps there are no abnormalities in the body, and dandruff arose as a result of improper care. This happens with frequent use of an iron, hair dryer and other devices. Common causes are the wrong shampoo or frequent coloring of hair.

Oily dandruff: causes

A common cause of oily dandruff is alcohol and tobacco abuse.

If with dry dandruff the glands stop producing the required amount of fat, then with dandruff oily production occurs in excess. The epidermis is covered with a dense layer of subcutaneous fat, which clogs pores, interferes with cell respiration and causes oily dandruff. It is accompanied by itching, redness of certain areas, as well as an unhealthy shine of curls.

The keratinized particles of the upper layer of the epidermis of the head stick to each other and become clearly visible on the hair and on clothes. , shine unpleasantly, look dirty. Over time, dandruff develops and the hair becomes thin and falls out. The medical name for such dandruff is oily seborrhea.

The prerequisite for the occurrence of oily dandruff is the weakening of the body's defense mechanisms, this can occur as a result of:

  • genetic reasons;
  • previous infectious disease;
  • exacerbation of a chronic disease;
  • taking pharmacological drugs with enhanced action;
  • frequent occurrence of stressful situations;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • poor diet;
  • lack of mobility;
  • improper care of hair and skin.

By and large, oily dandruff is a fungal infection. It is necessary to identify the cause of oily dandruff, because otherwise it is impossible to eliminate it.

If a cluster of keratinized epidermal cells appears on your hair or clothes, you should immediately consult a dermatologist or professional trichologist. The doctor will determine the cause of dandruff through a thorough examination and lifestyle analysis.

Oily dandruff can be completely cured through an integrated approach to the healing process. Pharmacological agents prescribed by a doctor must be combined with proper care of the scalp and hair, as well as with a proper diet and lifestyle changes.

When dealing with oily dandruff, special attention is paid to giving up bad habits. Constant consumption of alcoholic beverages and dependence on nicotine do not help in the fight for beautiful hair. These habits make your hair look dull and lifeless.

Treatment of dry and oily dandruff

Determining the presence of dandruff is not difficult. The difficulty arises in determining the cause of its occurrence.

Getting rid of dry or oily dandruff is complicated by the fact that identifying the cause is not easy. Complete recovery of the scalp takes a long period of time.

A mild form of dandruff (when it is not associated with a physiological or psychological disease) is treated by changing care products, increasing the amount and correcting the usual lifestyle.

The last point begins with changing the daily food menu. Hair does not like greasy, salty, fried, spicy and smoked foods. These foods are excluded from the diet. Foods harmful to hair beauty are replaced with foods rich in fiber. First of all, these are vegetables. Curls will also say “thank you” for consuming B vitamins. They are found in fermented milk products, cereals, nuts, liver and eggs.

The cause of dandruff often lies in water balance imbalances. To eliminate this, you need to increase the amount of fluid consumed daily. Natural juices, tea, pure mineral water are suitable. This reason is relevant for dry dandruff, when the upper layer of the epidermis flakes off and the scalp is extremely dry.

During the treatment of dandruff, external negative effects on the hair and scalp are excluded. It is necessary to use an iron, curling iron and other hairdressing procedures. Trichologists recommend using combs and hair accessories made from natural materials. Such combs are changed more often than artificial ones due to their absorption of sebum and impurities. However, with their help, dandruff treatment will occur faster.

After visiting a doctor with the problem of dandruff, he will recommend medications for treatment. These medications attack the fungus and eradicate the process of dandruff from the inside.

Choosing an anti-dandruff shampoo

There is a classification of anti-dandruff shampoos. Choosing a shampoo is often delayed, because it is not known what will suit a particular person. Shampoo is:

  • with zinc content. Zinc pyrithione contained in this shampoo has an antifungal effect. It comes into contact with the fungus that causes dandruff, reducing its number and activity;
  • containing tar. Coal tar in shampoo reduces the rate of epidermal cell renewal and flaking. even seborrheic dermatitis is treated;
  • containing salicylic acid. The product is used to treat oily dandruff, since after exposure to acid, the scalp dries out. This shampoo is used with a conditioner that compensates for excessive dryness of the epidermis after contact with salicylic acid;
  • containing selenium sulfide. The product reduces the activity of cell renewal in the upper layer of the epidermis of the head, affects the fungus, reducing its number. Shampoos with selenium sulfide are used in strict accordance with the instructions for use.

Be careful! Selenium sulfide bleaches hair! After use, it should be rinsed thoroughly.

  • containing ketoconazole. A product that gives guaranteed results. The hyperactive antifungal component eliminates hated dandruff for a long time.

If changing hair and scalp care products does not bring the desired result, the doctor may suggest using physical therapy.

Physiotherapy in the fight against dandruff

In the treatment of dry and oily dandruff, two methods of physiotherapy are used:

  1. Cryomassage. This method of combating dandruff is characterized by improving microcirculation and nutrition of the follicles. Cryomassage occurs by influencing the circulatory system of the scalp. Cryomassage also increases the resistance of the immune system of the epidermis of the head. This blocks the effects of the fungus and the dandruff disappears. After cryomassage, medications are absorbed by the scalp more intensely, and accordingly, the process of getting rid of dandruff occurs faster.
  2. Darsonvalization. Another method of combating oily and dry dandruff. The process of darsonvalization occurs by applying pressure to the scalp using a vacuum electrode. Irritation of reflexes has a beneficial effect on vascular tone, which improves metabolic processes. Darsonvalization has an anti-inflammatory effect. After the procedure, itching disappears, which eliminates scratches from intense scratching.

Masks for treating dandruff at home

To prevent the occurrence of dry and oily dandruff, it is recommended to regularly make healing masks. They will not eliminate the causes of dandruff, but they can reduce its amount. Common recipes for masks at home:

  • . If you have oily dandruff, add lemon and sour cream to honey. If the dandruff is dry, add castor oil. Lavender oil is mixed in for both the first and second masks. The mixture is rubbed into the scalp. The mask stays on the hair for 50 minutes. After this, you need to wash it off with shampoo.
  • Apple cider vinegar or hydrogen peroxide will help get rid of oily dandruff. Neither product is used in its pure form. It is diluted either in plain water or in a decoction of medicinal herbs. The composition is rubbed into the epidermis of the head three times a day. If this does not cause discomfort, you don’t have to wash your hair.
  • Vegetable oils help with dry dandruff. Olive, castor, burdock, etc. are rubbed into the scalp. Leave on for 45 minutes, then rinse with shampoo.

The creation of a “greenhouse effect” helps to enhance the results of using masks. To do this, the head with the applied mask is wrapped in a plastic bag and cloth.

15 April 2014, 16:14

According to statistics, a third of the world's population has suffered from dandruff and oily scalp at least once in their life. Moreover, most of these people suffer from the disease constantly. Oily hair and dandruff are conditions that lead to psycho-emotional instability. A person feels unattractive, and constant itching and burning significantly worsens the quality of life. If alarming signs occur, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Self-medication in this case can only worsen the situation. The specialist will conduct diagnostic measures and draw up the most effective treatment regimen. As a rule, it includes the use of topical remedies, the use of traditional methods and diet.


Dandruff and oily scalp are conditions that arise from each other. They can appear under the influence of various provoking factors.

The main reasons for their occurrence:

  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Liver diseases.
  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  • Unbalanced diet.
  • Insufficient compliance or disregard for hygiene rules.
  • Seborrheic dermatitis (active fungal activity).
  • Prolonged stay in a state of stress.
  • Metabolic disorder.
  • Deficiency of vitamins A and group B in the body.
  • Regular exposure of hair and scalp to heat (blow-drying) and harmful chemical compounds (use of gels, varnishes, paints).
  • Overactivity of the sebaceous glands.

Dandruff and oily scalp require treatment in any case. This is due to the fact that ignoring the problem leads to various kinds of complications, including alopecia.


If the first alarming signs occur, you should contact a dermatologist or trichologist. The doctor will take a medical history and conduct an examination. The specialist will be able to make a preliminary diagnosis based on the patient’s complaints.

Oily dandruff has specific symptoms:

  • Burning and itching of the scalp.
  • The presence of yellowish or grayish scales at the roots of the hair.
  • Red spots on the scalp.

In addition, people suffering from dandruff are characterized by irritability.

In order to confirm his suspicions, the doctor issues a referral for a comprehensive diagnosis, including:

  • Clinical and biochemical blood tests.
  • Examination of liquid connective tissue for thyroid hormones.
  • Analysis of hair collected from the back of the head using the spectral method.
  • Phototrichogram.
  • Trichoscopy.

Often, dandruff and oily scalp are the result of dysfunction of internal organs. In this case, consultation with other specialized specialists is required.

Based on the diagnostic results, the doctor draws up a treatment plan. The main goal of therapy is to get rid of the root cause of oily dandruff. For symptomatic treatment, the medications described below are prescribed.

Pasta "Sulsena"

This is a therapeutic and prophylactic agent, the active components of which are selenium and sulfur. According to reviews, oily hair and dandruff will no longer bother you if you use this paste regularly.

The product helps normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands. Thanks to this, the scalp ceases to be oily, but does not dry out. In addition, the active components destroy fungus, which often causes dandruff. As a “side effect,” patients experience accelerated hair growth even in areas of baldness.

Algorithm for using paste against dandruff and oily scalp:

  • Rinse your hair with your usual shampoo under warm water.
  • Comb wet hair with a wooden comb.
  • Rub a small amount of paste into the scalp with massaging movements.
  • Wait 15-30 minutes.
  • Rinse off the product with cool water.

The paste is available in concentrations of 1% and 2%. The first is intended for prevention, the second for treatment.

According to reviews, this is one of the best anti-dandruff shampoos for oily scalps. Doctors explain this by saying that the active ingredients of the drug are zinc pyrithione and ketoconazole. By interacting, these components provide a powerful healing effect. After the first use, most patients experience the disappearance of itching, burning and unpleasant scales.

Keto-plus shampoo is prescribed not only for dandruff, but also for seborrheic dermatitis and pityriasis versicolor. After washing your hair and head, you do not need to rinse off the product immediately. You need to wait 3-5 minutes.

The manufacturer notes that in persons with gray or severely damaged hair, the color of the curls may change slightly (the shampoo has a pink tint).


This is a remedy that also helps get rid of oily dandruff in a short time. As practice shows, it helps relieve unpleasant symptoms after the first use.

Nizoral has several forms of release: tablets, cream and shampoo. The active component of the drug is ketoconazole.

Indications for reception/external use of Nizoral:

  • Fungal infections of a systemic nature.
  • Histoplasmosis.
  • Paracoccidioidosis.
  • Blastomycosis.
  • Coccidioidosis.
  • Systemic mycosis.

The dosage regimen for tablets and the duration of use of external agents is determined exclusively by a dermatologist or trichologist based on diagnostic results.

The active component of the drug is zinc pyrithione. It has the following properties:

  • Antifungal.
  • Antibacterial.
  • Antiproliferative.
  • Anti-inflammatory.

According to reviews from doctors, the aerosol destroys most pathogenic microorganisms, the active activity of which can provoke the occurrence of oily dandruff.

“Skin-cap” is also prescribed by doctors for seborrheic dermatitis, eczema, neurodermatitis, and psoriasis. The aerosol should be sprayed onto the scalp 2-3 times a day.


It is also an anti-dandruff remedy for oily hair. Available in the form of shampoo. Its active component is ketoconazole, which has pronounced antifungal properties.

To treat dandruff, it is enough to wash your hair and head with shampoo twice a week. In this case, it is necessary to give time for the active component to penetrate the skin. To do this, leave the shampoo on your head for about 5 minutes and then rinse it off with warm running water.

Folk remedies

It is important to remember that their use does not eliminate the need to seek qualified medical help. Only a doctor can tell you what to do with oily hair and dandruff. Indeed, often these conditions are accompanied by pronounced disturbances in the functioning of any internal organ or several at once.

It is advisable to use folk remedies before visiting a doctor and in order to enhance the effectiveness of the main treatment. The most effective are the following recipes:

  • Take a few nettle leaves. Rinse them thoroughly and chop them. Take 1 tbsp. raw materials and pour 200 ml of boiling water over it. Let it brew for half an hour. Add 10 ml of apple cider vinegar to the resulting infusion. Mix thoroughly. Treat the scalp with the resulting liquid, cover with cling film and a towel on top. After 3 hours, rinse off the liquid with warm running water without shampoo.
  • A mask for oily hair made from beetroot juice and garlic is effective against dandruff. The latter must be crushed using a press. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and apply them to the scalp. Rinse off with cool water after half an hour. You can add lemon juice to it to neutralize the smell of garlic. This mask is not recommended for blondes, as beets give the hair a pink tint.
  • Take a few burdock roots and hop cones. Grind the raw materials. Mix roots and cones in a ratio of 4:3. Pour 1 liter of boiling water over the raw material. Place the container on the fire. Simmer for 15 minutes. Cool and rinse hair and scalp. The product does not need to be washed off. According to reviews, oily dandruff and its manifestations disappear completely within 1 month.
  • Take a few raspberries, currants and strawberries. Grind them in a blender. Apply the resulting mass to the scalp. Wash off after an hour. According to reviews, after the first application the hair looks shiny and healthy. Dandruff disappears after 3-4 weeks.

It is important to remember that any folk remedy is a potential allergen. If signs of an adverse reaction occur, treatment using alternative methods must be completed.

In order for the fight against the disease to be effective, it is necessary to make adjustments to the diet. The diet must be followed until the clinical manifestations of oily dandruff completely disappear.

The following products must be included in the diet:

The following should be excluded from the menu:

  • Confectionery.
  • Salo.
  • Pork.
  • Pickles.
  • Canned food.
  • Sausage.
  • Salted and smoked fish, especially fatty varieties.
  • Coffee.
  • Alcohol-containing drinks.

You need to eat 4-5 times a day. In this case, the size of one serving should not exceed 200 g. In addition, it is important to remember about the drinking regime. The norm is 2 liters of clean still water per day.


To prevent the recurrence of oily dandruff, you must follow these rules:

  • Get rid of addiction to tobacco.
  • Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages.
  • Follow the principles of proper nutrition. There is no need to follow strict diets, just give up confectionery and flour products, as well as spicy, fatty and canned foods.
  • Take multivitamin complexes.
  • Take regular walks in the fresh air.

In addition, it is important to protect the nervous system. To do this, you need to avoid getting into stressful situations and get enough sleep (night rest should last 7-8 hours).

In conclusion

Oily dandruff and unkempt curls are a problem, the presence of which significantly worsens the quality of life of any person. If the first alarming signs occur, you should contact a trichologist or dermatologist. A specialist will examine your scalp and tell you what to do. Dandruff and oily hair are often a sign of dysfunction of internal organs. In order to identify the cause, the doctor may refer you to specialists for a consultation. Treatment is prescribed based on diagnostic results.