When does the lunar day begin in March? The magic of numbers

The lunar calendar will help you correctly and effectively plan your affairs for the month ahead. In turn, this will allow you to rationally distribute your time and energy.

By analyzing the energy of the moon phases, astrologers determine when the likelihood of success in a particular area will be maximum for you. will help you unlock your potential and understand what to do in difficult situations.

March 1: on the very first day of spring, Aries will rule the roost. On the waxing Moon, this Zodiac Sign gains its strength, showing the whole world what real dynamics are. Be careful in all areas of your life - don't give in to your emotions and don't do anything you might regret in the future.

March 2, 3, 4: Taurus, who will replace Aries, will make this world a little more beautiful. These three days will be extremely favorable, especially for those who want to spend some money on their loved ones. Invest in your appearance, change yourself. The Moon's energy will be strong and stable, so don't be afraid to take action.

March 5, 6: on Sunday, March 5, Gemini will sharply gain strength, but then fade away. It is better to spend the ninth lunar day in spiritual matters. Build relationships with those who deserve it, and don’t be afraid to tell the truth to your loved one. On Monday, be on your guard, as your mood may drop sharply, which will negatively affect your luck.

March 7, 8: The moon continues to grow, so it's not time to relax just yet. The constellation Cancer, influencing the Moon these two days, will show you the right path in love. These will be two great days for those who are looking for a soulmate. Spend evenings with friends and attend interesting events more often.

March 9, 10: The Moon in Leo will try to put a spoke in your wheels. It is better to postpone new beginnings until a more favorable time arrives. Be careful when making important decisions. Remember the power of positive thinking.

March 11, 12: the waxing Moon usually does not go well with Virgo, but not on the 11th. This day is perfect for financial transactions and education. On March 12th there will be a Full Moon. This day is extremely negative and dangerous, but Virgo will slightly change it for the better. Think about the good more often.

March 13, 14 and 15: Libra will pick up the baton immediately after Virgo. The first day after the Full Moon will not yet be entirely favorable, but the second will already be able to give you a good mood and a desire to move forward. March 15 will be the peak of positive interaction between the waning Moon and Libra. Dedicate this day to internal problems.

March 16, 17: These two days will be surprisingly stable thanks to Scorpio, who will try to help you correct the mistakes of the past. The waning moon is a good time for such an alliance.

March 18, 19 and 20: Sagittarius most often does not get along well with the waning Moon. However, these three days are quite good. Energetically, they will be very powerful, but not always stable. It is worth devoting this period to work, business, career and study.

March 21, 22: the energy of the earth element and the waning moon will join forces to make these two days favorable in all areas of life. Things related to spiritual quests will have a particularly good effect on your mood. Perhaps you will be able to solve some big problem.

March 23, 24, 25: Aquarius will help those involved in creative activities find inspiration. All his energy will be directed precisely towards this. In difficult situations, allow yourself to think outside the box to get away with it. March 24 will be a difficult day, so limit your spending and get plenty of rest if you get the chance.

March 26, 27: The waning Moon in Pisces will make the 28th and 29th lunar days ambiguous. They are good for spiritual quests, but for other matters they may be unfavorable. Based on what your mood will be. Your wishes come first.

March 28, 29: On the 28th there will be a New Moon - the energy minimum of the entire month. Aries will fill energy gaps where necessary, so don’t be afraid to finish and start what you see fit. On March 29, it is better to suspend vigorous activity in the love and financial spheres.

March 30, 31: the last two days of the first month of spring will pass under the auspices of Taurus and the waxing Moon. It is on these two days that you will be able to feel the full power of spring and its positive waves. This is a great time for internal changes, introspection, and new acquaintances.

This month as a whole will be very favorable, but not only because spring will replace winter, making you enjoy life. The moon will be on your side. Use a lot of positive days correctly. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

24.02.2017 06:37

The conclusion of a marriage union is best timed to coincide with the most energetically favorable days. With the help of the lunar...

The phases of the moon affect all people. During the period of its growth, active actions will help to achieve success, but there are also things that are unsuccessful at this time. Astrologers will tell you how to attract goodness into life.

The beginning of the first spring month will be marked by the growth of the Moon, but Aries, in whose constellation it is located, negatively affects mood and emotions. At this time, you should avoid conflicts and quarrels. To get March off to a good start, use positive attitudes. They will help you get into a fighting mood and feel unprecedented confidence in yourself and your abilities.

Love and relationships

The growth of the Moon will last from March 1 to the 11th. At this time, increased strength favors active courtship, as well as the search for a partner. According to astrologers, the period from March 2 to 4 is the most successful for winning the heart of the person you like. Emotional outbursts and spring mood help release sexual energy.

The influence of the Moon during the period of growth is very strong, which somewhat destabilizes the emotional state. To avoid quarrels and conflicts, know how to control yourself and listen to the words of your other half. Mutual understanding is important for a harmonious relationship, which is within your power to achieve. Organize field trips. It has a beneficial effect on mood and gives vitality, bringing balance to thoughts and feelings.

Those who are unlucky in love can be helped by simple, but very Attracting love > Love spells "> effective conspiracies. The successful placement of the waxing Moon in the zodiac Leo from March 9 to 10 will allow you to use your full potential to attract the attention of the opposite sex.

The ardor of love should be moderated before the Full Moon on March 12th. During this time, energy is unstable, which leads to misunderstandings. Try to actively relax, but not to sort things out. Otherwise, you risk going on the warpath.

Finance and career

This month, during the period of growth of the Moon, there are also days of strength. March 2, 3, 4 is a time for active action in the business sphere. The constellation Taurus, the Sign of material well-being and stability, as well as the energy of the growing Moon allow self-confident and purposeful people to achieve unprecedented heights. An active position and desire to increase your wealth will be the key to success.

During this period, all kinds of financial transactions will be successful. Finding business partners, drawing up estimates, business plans, as well as cooperation are achieved with extraordinary ease. You should be wary of ill-wishers and envious people. Amulets that bring good luck will help protect you from their negativity. Saturday March 4th is ideal for gaining new knowledge and applying it in practice. This will contribute to career growth. Also, your zeal will not hide from your superiors, who will appreciate your aspirations.

During the waxing period of the Moon, you should beware of unreasonable and unplanned expenses. Adventurous offers and dubious financial transactions require careful analysis. Also, you should not lend large amounts, so as not to be left without funds at the most inopportune moment. During the period from March 29, investments in large projects, as well as the purchase or sale of real estate, will be a good choice.

Health and emotions

The moon's waxing peaks during the moon's growth. In the period before the Full Moon, the accumulated energy will require a release. These days, from March 9 to 11, astrologers recommend increasing physical activity, as well as actively playing sports to strengthen the body. In terms of emotions, a restraining factor is sometimes necessary, so use meditation to harmonize your inner world.

A good choice during the waxing of the Moon would be procedures that support immunity. These include herbal infusions, active walks in the fresh air, and swimming. To prevent overwork from confusing your plans, take baths with essential oils in the evening. They will restore energy and restore mental clarity.

Surgeries and any other interventions should also be planned during the period of growth of the lunar disk. However, before the Full Moon, it is better to refrain from taking strong medications so as not to harm the excited nervous system. Taking care of your health during the period from March 2 to March 5 is worthwhile for those who experience an exacerbation of chronic diseases in the spring. This period is also favorable in that it accelerates recovery and increases resistance to bacteria and viruses.

The energy of the waxing Moon can enhance emotions, so overly sensitive people would do well to listen to the voice of reason, so as not to make mistakes under the influence of an impulse. This favorable and at the same time dangerous time will be successful for strong-willed people who clearly plan their actions without succumbing to doubts and fears. We wish you success in all your endeavors, and do not forget to press the buttons and

Our lunar calendar will tell you the phase and position of the Moon, the time of its rising and setting, as well as its transit through a particular sign of the Zodiac. In addition, we offer you short recommendations for each day.

Please keep in mind that the calendar shows Moscow time, so if you live in a different time zone, make an adjustment based on the time difference.

Date Lunar day Beginning of the lunar day Moonset time Moon in sign and time of entry Moon phases Recommendations for the day
March 1 4 8:38 21:48 Moon in Aries Phase I, waxing moon A good day for things that require responsibility for other people
March 2 5 9:02 23:09 Moon in Taurus, 10:18 Phase I, waxing moon You should not transfer your savings to another bank, betray your principles, or radically change something in your home environment.
March 3 6 9:29 - Moon in Taurus Phase I, waxing moon Use your gut instinct in all business transactions and purchases.
March 4 7 10:00 0:29 Moon in Gemini, 12:27 Phase I, waxing moon Don't gossip, brag, talk a lot and with clothes
March 5 8 10:38 1:46 Moon in Gemini 1st quarter, 14:32 In any conversations, carefully so as not to harm yourself and others
March 6 9 11:24 2:56 Moon in Cancer, 15:02 II phase, waxing moon Before 15:02, beware of gossipers, after - those who are too intrusively looking for your friendship
March 7 10 12:20 3:59 Moon in Cancer II phase, waxing moon Until 12:20, refrain from investments and any purchases. After that, it’s a great time to visit the bank and select the most profitable deposit.
March 8 11 13:24 4:51 Moon in Leo, 18:57 II phase, waxing moon In the morning and afternoon, observe your colleagues - their behavior may give you interesting thoughts. In the evening - a great time for
9 Martha 12 14:35 5:33 Moon in Leo II phase, waxing moon Use a creative approach to solve any problem. It is worth showing generosity towards others
10 Martha 13 15:48 6:07 Moon in Leo II phase, waxing moon There will be a chance to implement some
11 Martha 14 17:03 6:35 Moon in Virgo, 1:05 II phase, waxing moon Until 17:03, in any business, be guided by past experience and take into account old mistakes. Afterwards it’s worth doing
12 Martha 15 18:17 6:59 Moon in Virgo Full Moon, 17:54 Beware of those who are always dissatisfied with everything. Avoid hanging out with hypocrites
13 Martha 16 19:29 7:20 Moon in Libra, 8:44 III phase, waning moon Before 19:29, you should not start new collaborations or make promises; and save your nerves. Afterwards, do some relaxation: do breathing exercises,
14 Martha 17 20:39 7:40 Moon in Libra III phase, waning moon It is worth striving for harmony, maintaining peace of mind
15 Martha 18 21:48 8:01 Moon in Scorpio, 17:11 III phase, waning moon Until 17:11 there will be a chance to earn income through friendly relations. Afterwards, you can complete a risky commercial transaction
16 Martha 19 22:56 8:22 Moon in Scorpio III phase, waning moon Those around you will demonstrate their true attitude towards you; draw conclusions
17 Martha 20 - 8:45 Moon in Scorpio III phase, waning moon and antisocial individuals. Try not to get into the crowd
18 Martha 20 0:01 9:12 Moon in Sagittarius, 5:59 III phase, waning moon A great day for any trips and the start of a long journey
19 Martha 21 1:03 9:43 Moon in Sagittarius III phase, waning moon It’s worth talking with friends, among them there may be like-minded people with whom you can then form a successful business alliance
20 Martha 22 2:02 10:21 Moon in Capricorn, 18:32 4th quarter, 18:58 Until 18:32 it will be good. Afterwards, you should take care of your knees and refrain from communicating with dogmatic individuals
21 Martha 23 2:55 11:07 Moon in Capricorn IV phase, waning moon Don’t argue with your boss, ignore your job responsibilities, or start conversations with your boss about a promotion.
22 Martha 24 3:41 12:00 Moon in Capricorn IV phase, waning moon An excellent day for career achievements and for starting long-term projects that require perseverance and a clear, structured plan.
23 Martha 25 4:21 13:02 Moon in Aquarius, 5:01 IV phase, waning moon Find it or at least go to the evening promenade
24 Martha 26 4:56 14:10 Moon in Aquarius IV phase, waning moon During the day you should not show maximalism. In the evening, you can chat with friends, but don’t brag about anything to them and don’t force your opinion on them.
25 Martha 27 5:25 15:23 Moon in Pisces, 14:25 IV phase, waning moon A good day for those things that you enjoy
26 Martha 28 5:52 16:41 Moon in Pisces IV phase, waning moon A day of passive rest and contemplation. Watch a good movie, look through albums with reproductions
27 Martha 29 6:16 18:02 Moon in Aries, 18:36 IV phase, waning moon You should not start anything new or make any plans. Beware of Energy Vampires
28 Martha 1/2 5:59/6:39 19:24 Moon in Aries New Moon, 5:59 The generosity shown today will come back to you a hundredfold.
29 Martha 3 7:03 20:48 Moon in Taurus, 20:08 Phase I, waxing moon A great day to start short-term projects. It is worth putting your documents and papers in order
30 Martha 4 7:30 22:12 Moon in Taurus Phase I, waxing moon Chat with relatives
  • From March 6 to March 11, 2017 – the Moon is waxing.
  • From March 13 to March 19, 2017 – the moon is waning.
  • From March 21 to March 27, 2017 - the moon is waning.
  • From March 29 to March 31, 2017 – the Moon is waxing.
  • Unfavorable days in March 2017

    When the Moon enters its next phase, you should not start new things, be in a crowd, negotiate anything with others, or conflict. In addition, these days chronic diseases worsen, and the risk of mistakes, injuries and nervous breakdowns increases. Take care of yourself.

    • March 5, 2017 – 1st quarter.
    • March 12, 2017 – Full Moon.
    • March 20, 2017 – 4th quarter.
    • March 28, 2017 – New Moon.

    March is a special month that symbolizes liberation from the shackles of winter. The strength of this month is emphasized by the waning Moon. The lunar calendar will tell you what will bring good luck during the period of waning of the lunar disk.

    Astrologers highlight the 7 most important things that need to be done on the waning moon, but in March any clichés and rules are broken by the energy of spring. Adding fuel to the fire is the fact that the patron of 2017 is the Fire Rooster. This means that the energy of any strong period increases significantly.

    Finance, career and affairs on the waning moon

    In March, the Moon will decrease from the 13th to the 27th. For the financial sphere of life, it would be better if the decreasing period occurred at the beginning of the month, but do not forget that spring is also just beginning. During this period, you can begin to search for new sources of income and continue to develop vigorous activity. The moon will be in harmony with the stars for almost the entire period from March 13 to March 27. It is extremely rare when the lunar calendar has as many as 7 favorable days in a row. From March 14 to March 20 there will be no even mildly expressed dissonance, so do not try to hide from your responsibilities and work. Meet difficulties halfway - you will successfully overcome them.

    The financial sphere of life during the waning of the Moon will require maximum concentration from you. Don't be distracted by trifles - concentrate on the most important matters, the most pressing problems.

    Love and relationships from March 13 to 27

    In love, despite the waning of the lunar disk, you will experience a general increase in sexual energy. Thanks to the harmony of the Moon and stars, relationships that are just beginning to emerge will have great support. You may not even determine the path of development for yourself in this area of ​​life - everything will happen by itself.

    Be confident that you are on the right path in love to get rid of negative thoughts. Long-term relationships can be tested, but don't be afraid of difficult situations. Believe your heart and come to the aid of your soulmate.

    As for relationships with people in general, problems may arise for those who close themselves off from the world. During this period, every person will have a chance to find a friend, a soul mate, or simply someone who will listen and provide psychological support. Be open and willing to forgive people.

    Health and mood in mid-March

    This period can be incredibly positive. The flourishing of nature, supported by a good lunar mood, is just what the doctor ordered. The mood on the waning Moon sometimes goes into the negative, but this time the depression will be short-lived. Everything will strive for renewal, goodness and light.

    If you decide to radically change your life, then here too you will not encounter much resistance from the Moon and stars. The lunar calendar for March is favorable, so you just need to decide on your desires and be active.

    Positive thinking will allow you to learn how to materialize your thoughts. Try not to go into negativity, so that only goodness and good luck surround you in everything. The waning period of the Moon in March 2017 will help you find the shortest path to success. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

    28.02.2017 15:46

    Our life is inextricably linked with lunar cycles. So that the difficult period of the waning moon goes smoothly and...

    Astrologers say: The New Moon, lasting from March 28 to March 31, 2017, can become a special period in your life - it promises a real breakthrough, the fulfillment of what you have long and persistently dreamed of. Or didn’t even dream...

    In 2017, there are a kind of Entry Points into a new destiny and one of them is the new moon, starting on March 28th. So, how to lure money, love and happiness on this day?

    What is special about the New Moon 2017?

    The uniqueness of this period is that the New Moon will occur in the sign of Aries, while in this sign there are 6 more planets in the sign of Fire. Such a powerful planetary configuration is characterized by an incredibly powerful flow of energy. Let's use it!

    Make a wish

    On the March New Moon of 2017, the Moon is located between the Earth and the Sun, with its dark side facing the Earth, so it is not visible in the sky. The day after tomorrow, a thin crescent of a young moon will appear - and all that time, especially today, it is important not just to make a wish, but to visualize, draw in your mind what you want to receive as a result. During this period, you are presented with extraordinary opportunities - it is important not to miss them, and then a generous reward awaits you.

    Desires need to be written down (either on a piece of paper or in an app on your phone).

    There can be an unlimited number of wish items: write down everything - from little things to cherished desires.

    Write down your desires clearly and with the wording “I have...”. Do not write the particle NOT (“I don’t want to be in debt” - “I paid off the debt”), do not write in the future tense - indicate the desire as if it had already come true.

    It is important to feel joy, delight, pleasure from a fulfilled desire, as if it had come true.

    If the next day at least one of your wishes comes true, make a new one.

    Important rituals for the March New Moon 2017

    Be sure to buy yourself something red on this day - small change, an accessory, a food product in red packaging.

    Add a few sprigs of thyme to your tea - this is a masculine spice, and it will give you courage to make important decisions.

    Call and tell people important news if you were holding it back for another, more appropriate time.

    IMPORTANT.Be careful today and in the coming days on the road and while driving.

    Important words for the March New Moon 2017

    During this period, it is important to openly declare your desires regarding material things, but also important things that you want to learn - this is the willingness to accept the flow of energy in order to become Different - better, wiser, more insightful.

    Let this period become as a whole the Period of Decision to act. And to do this, you should admit important things to yourself and prepare the ground for renewal. Make up your mind and be happy!