Prohibited dog breeds in the world. Prohibited dog breeds that can cause serious harm to others. Fighting breed dogs in Russia - potential killers or protectors

Interest in bull terriers is consistently high. Most of society calls this dog a monster, but there are also those who adore it and consider it a baby in dog clothes who you can't help but love.

Such a different bull terrier

Most people call all dogs with the characteristic pig-like muzzle Bull Terriers. Meanwhile, dog handlers usually use the term pit bull. This name covers dogs with similar physical characteristics and includes the American Staffordshire Terrier (Amstaff), Bull Terrier, American Bulldog, Dogo Argentino, Dogo Canario, Italian Cane Corso, or any mixture of these.

However, not only ordinary people, have little understanding of cynology, but lawyers in many countries do not bother with such nuances and equate any dog ​​with bull terriers if one of its parents belonged to the above-mentioned breeds. The fact is that the genetic similarity of these dogs visually makes it difficult to determine “who is who.” In other words, not only here, but also in other countries, dogs with a square head and a powerful body are called bull terriers.

Mixed Bull Terrier and Rottweiler

Since 1979, in the United States, where these animals became iconic, they began to keep terrible statistics on bull terrier attacks on people. It turned out that 43% of all fatal dog attacks were attributed to them. It turned out that bull terriers are extremely touchy and vindictive. Thus, 94% of attacks on children occurred because babies were screaming or crying loudly, while for other breeds this figure was 42%.

But the statistics turned out to be more scary deaths– three out of ten attacks ended in tragedy. However, the investigation of all these cases showed that in 84% of these incidents the owners were to blame for not taking action. necessary precautions. But the real monsters, who killed in seven cases out of ten, were half-breeds from a bull terrier and a Rottweiler.


Despite their menacing appearance, bull terriers get sick more often than other dogs. Among them is developed hereditary nephritis, caused by small and poorly developed kidneys. As a result, the level of protein in the urine increases sharply, leading to the death of animals within three years. However, modern medicine allows these dogs to live up to 6 or even 8 years. Another problem with white bull terriers is deafness in one or two ears. They also suffer from heart disease and suffer greatly skin allergies on detergents, dust and mold.

Jaw lock

There is a common myth among people that bull terriers have physiological mechanism"jaw lock" or " death grip". However, as numerous studies have shown, they have nothing special either in muscle or in bone structure No. And although they can bite a cat or small dog and do not unclench their teeth, despite the efforts of people, it is only a matter of natural strength. The easiest way to open the jaw is with a broken ampoule of ammonia, the smell of which these dogs cannot stand. “Don't try to manually release the tooth clutch when the bull terrier has grabbed the victim,” says dog trainer Mike Stevenson of Chicago, “a stupid idea. If there is no ammonia, use a stick as a lever.”

Allow cannot be prohibited

US legislation is considered the most effective. If accidents regularly occur due to the fault of bull terriers, they are simply banned. Such restrictions apply in many states and are a good warning for those regions where these dogs are allowed. Owners are automatically held legally liable for injuries caused by their animals. Owners are also required to buy expensive policies with liability up to $300,000, and insurance companies require special restrictive measures. It is interesting that in England, where weapons for personal use are prohibited, bull terriers began to be used for street attacks for the purpose of property gain. In this case, the owner is involved in criminal liability like a robber with a gun.


There are real heroes among bull terriers. For example, a dog named Vila saved 32 people, 29 dogs, 3 horses and even one cat during his service in the police. And the bull terrier Deboy defended his family from a bandit, receiving three bullets. He died, but never let go of the criminal’s stranglehold on his throat. They wrote in American newspapers about the dog Lilly, who carried her unconscious owner to people after he lost his leg as a result of an accident on railway. There are a great many such stories in the world.

Experts cannot say with certainty which of the listed breeds is truly dangerous, but in the case of some breeds, we can say for sure that a dog of this breed will cause more harm to its victim - if it decides to attack. It is on this principle that the following candidates were selected:

Tosa Inu

Tosa Inu is a massive dog. Originally bred as a fighting breed, it is considered dangerous and banned in some countries.


The term "pit bull" may imply american pit bull terrier, Staffordshire Pit Bull Terrier and American Bulldog. The breed was originally bred for baiting bulls and bears, but was also used in dog fighting. In America it is considered the most dangerous dog.

American Bandog

This is incredible strong dog- a cross between the American Pit Bull Terrier and the Neopolitan Mastiff. Despite its formidable appearance, it was not bred for fighting. Some, however, use dogs of this breed as fighting dogs.

Cane Corso

A very muscular dog. Believed to be a descendant of ancient Roman fighting dogs that were used as gladiator baiting dogs.

Bull Terrier

The dog is famous for its large egg-shaped head and incredible strength. The breed is not particularly aggressive, but it has a highly developed hunting instinct, which is why it is dangerous for animals smaller than it.

Rhodesian Ridgeback

South African breed. It is believed that it knows how to drive lions away from prey while the owner is hunting. Dogs of this breed are loyal and intelligent, but are not very kind to strangers. They require sensible, positive training and a lack of harsh handling to avoid developing the aggressive side of the breed.

Dogo Argentino

A large, white, muscular dog bred in Argentina for hunting, particularly wild boar and puma. When breeding, aggression towards people was not the goal. However, for example, in the UK it is prohibited to keep dogs of this breed.


A large mastiff bred in South Africa to guard a home or farm. Dogs of this breed are very loyal and are considered good guards.

Gul-dong, or Pakistani bulldog

A very strong dog, the breed was bred as a fighting dog. Aggressive and difficult to control.

Basenji, or African non-barking dog

A hound breed from Central Africa. It ranks second on the list of breeds that are difficult to train.

American Bulldog

Heavy muscular dog. Known for their friendly demeanor, they can be incredibly stubborn. It was bred as a farm guard breed.

Great Dane

Known for its incredible size. A dog of this breed holds a height record of 1.1 meters. It was bred in Germany to hunt wild boar and deer.

Fila Brasil also known as the Brazilian Mastiff

Aggressive and impulsive dog. Due to its size, temperament and potential aggressiveness, the breed is banned in many countries.

Dogo Canario

Large herding dog. Needs good training. In some situations, dogs of this breed can be aggressive towards other dogs and suspicious of strangers.


By nature, dogs of this breed are not very aggressive, but they were included in the list of the most dangerous breeds due to the number of unpleasant incidents involving them from 1982 to 2012. The breed was bred in Germany. They are considered very energetic and willful.

Wolfdog, wolf hybrid

Crossing result gray wolf and dogs, which explains the unpredictable behavior.


This breed is famous for its loyalty and intelligence. Considered the best guard dog- attacks only if it is provoked or the owner and his property are in danger. The breed was developed in Germany by Karl Friedrich Louis Dobermann. They can show aggression towards strangers and other dogs, but cases of aggression towards owners are extremely rare. Aggression coupled with size and strength make Dobermans potentially dangerous.

December 18, 2011, 6:39 pm

10. American Bulldog
Banned in Denmark, Singapore and several municipalities. The breed originated in the far south, where dogs were bred as farm dogs. The bulldog was trained to catch wild pigs, which weigh several hundred kilograms and have a pair of dangerous tusks. If cornered, hogs become dangerous opponents, which requires the dog to great strength and athleticism. Therefore, the bulldog has a high pain threshold. The dog weighs 35-60 kg, although it can be more. 9. Bandog
This term was used back in the Middle Ages to describe big dog, which was released from the chain at night to guard the territory. The modern Bandog is not purebred, there are several "recipes" for how to get a Bandog, including American Pit Bull Terriers and some Mastiffs. The goal is to create a dog with the size of a mastiff and the attack of an American Pit Bull Terrier. The breed became famous in the late 60s when veterinarian John Swinford began breeding them. Now bandogs are banned almost everywhere. 8. Neapolitan Mastiff
The Neapolitan Mastiff, or Neo, originated in Italy, where it competed in gladiator fights at the Colosseum. Such dogs were also used in war. Today they are the defenders of the home. Mastiffs are easy to distinguish by appearance. The largest specimens can weigh up to 100 kg. The Neapolitan Mastiff was used as Hagrid's dog in the Harry Potter films. You cannot have such a breed in Singapore, and in Romania you must be declared sane to do so. 7. Wolfhound
There are many famous breeds wolves and domestic dogs, including the Czechoslovakian wolfhound and Saarloos wolfdog. Probably the most famous wolfhound is the dog invented by Jack London. White Fang. These dogs are very unpredictable, reacting like a wolf in one case and like a dog in another, and are not considered good pets. There have been several attacks by wolfhounds on humans, usually on small children, who are perceived by the dog as prey. Banned in Norway. 6. Boerboel
Originates from South Africa and resembles an athletic mastiff in appearance. The name translates from Danish as farm dog. They were bred from local African dogs and guard dogs. In the late 1920s, the De Beers company brought mastiffs to South Africa to guard their mines, where these dogs made a great contribution to the modern breed. Excellent home defenders without unnecessary aggression, they also treat children well. Banned in Denmark. 5. Dogo Argentino
First appeared in Argentina in 1928. Dogues were developed by crossing the extinct Cordoba fighting dog with several other breeds, including the Great Dane, Dogue de Bordeaux and the Irish Wolfhound. Antonio Nores Martinez bred these dogs as mountain lion hunters. They were also used for fighting. Have white color and resemble a pit bull. The Dogo Argentino is banned in 10 countries, including Australia. New Zealand and Portugal. 4. Preso Canario
This is a massive fighting dog native to the Canary Islands. Weighs more than 50 kg. The dogs were originally bred for the fighting ring. The breed became infamous after dogs named Bane and Hera mauled a 33-year-old lacrosse coach. The dog's owner was sentenced to 15 years in prison. Preso Canario is banned in Australia and New Zealand. 3. Brazilian Fila
This is a large dog that was bred to hunt bears and jaguars and was even used to track down escaped slaves. The family members of these dogs include mastiffs, bulldogs and bloodhounds. Very aggressive breed. Fila doesn't like strangers, and dog show judges are asked not to touch the dog. Banned in the UK. 2. Japanese Tosa Inu
Tosa Inu can weigh 40-100 kg. They are a cross between native Japanese dogs and various Western breeds such as the mastiff and bull terrier. Tosa is also fighting dog, although the Japanese idea of ​​combat is different from others. Before dog fights there is a whole ceremony. The fights are reminiscent of sumo wrestling, with the winner receiving the title of Yokotsuna. Tosa displays unusual durability, fighting silently without growling. It is banned in Denmark, Norway and Malta, among other countries. 1. American Pit Bull Terrier
Pit bulls were bred by crossing bulldogs and terriers for dog fighting. In this matter, the pit bull has no equal. Prized for his strength and tenacity, the pit bull soon became the city's symbol of male crime. Due to poor breeding and training, dogs began to attack people, most often with fatal results. In the old days, pit bull owners washed their dogs before fighting to eliminate the risk of poisoning. Banned in Miami-Dade, Ontario and many countries.

Some of the bred breeds are now considered dangerous, and in most countries such dogs are banned or have certain restrictions on their keeping. These prohibitions are regulated by special laws. Their main goal is to prevent injuries and deaths from dog bites.

Let's try to understand which countries have introduced bans and restrictions on which dogs.

American Bulldog. These dogs are officially banned in Singapore, Denmark and some other countries. The breed has become famous since the end of the 19th century. It is one of the closest and most intact relatives of the English Bulldog. The breed originally appeared in the south of the country, where these bulldogs were used as watchdogs. They were especially trained to hunt wild pigs. But these creatures weigh several hundred pounds and are quite ferocious. That is why the trained dogs were large, strong and quite dangerous. When attacking its victim, the American bulldog would cling to its throat until its owner approached. The peculiarity of the breed is its high pain threshold. And American bulldogs weigh from 27 to 54 kilograms.

Bloodhound. Since the Middle Ages, the word “bandog” has been used to refer to big dogs, used as guards. Modern bloodhounds have lost their purebred nature; they are bred from breeds such as mastiffs and pit bull terriers. The size of such a dog is comparable to a Great Dane. Veterinarian John Swynford began breeding the breed in the late 1960s, and it soon became famous. The most famous representative, the Bantu dog, was extremely cruel and famous for its military exploits. Now this breed is banned almost everywhere. And these aggressive animals can weigh from 30 to 50 kg.

Neapolitan Mastiff. Another nickname for the breed is neo. She was born in Italy. This type of mastiff was immediately used as a military dog ​​by Roman legionnaires. She also acted as a kind of gladiator in bloody fights. Today, Neapolitan Mastiffs serve as guard dogs. The breed is large and has wrinkled skin, sagging cheeks and loose fur. It was the Neapolitan Mastiff that was taken as the basis for creating the image of the giant Hagrid from the Harry Potter epic. Dangerous dogs are prohibited by law in Singapore, and in Romania, the owner must undergo a preliminary interview with a psychologist before acquiring such a pet.

Czechoslovakian Wolfdog (Czechoslovakian Wolfdog). This breed was developed in 1955 in Czechoslovakia by crossing a German shepherd with a Carpathian wolf. The intertwined genetic structure gave the wolfdog an unpredictable character. It's difficult to say when she will behave like a wolf and when like an ordinary dog. Representatives of the breed have a clearly expressed prey drive. This is why sometimes a child is seen as a potential victim, resulting in cases of attacks on children. In general, the dog is considered a good pet, but in Norway its keeping is prohibited.

Boerboel. This dog became widespread in South Africa. Outwardly, she somewhat resembles a sporting bull. The name of the breed literally means “farm dog” in Dutch. Boerboels take their origins from African and guard dogs. In 1920, the breed appeared on the mainland from Europe, specifically for the protection of diamond copies in South Africa. Dogs are excellent guards, they love children and do not show outright aggression. Huge dogs reach a weight of 60 kg and are prohibited in Denmark. Boerboels are very strong and resilient, however, the owner is required to carry out constant grueling training.

Dogo Argentino. In 1928, the breed was created by Dr. Antonio Martinez. 10 people took part in the creation process various breeds. This and Great Dane, Dogue de Bordeaux, Irish Wolfhound, English Pointer. Each of them gave the new breed something of its own. Irish Wolfhound - speed, Great Pyrenees - endurance and white color, Great Dane - height. The breeder bred these dogs specifically for hunting mountain lions and pumas. In a pack of five dogs, at least two turn out to be suicide bombers, which requires courage from the dogs. They are a real pile of muscles, and weigh up to 65 kg. The Dogo Argentino looks like an enlarged pit bull. Breeding this breed is prohibited in 10 countries, including Portugal, Australia and New Zealand. True, despite scary looking, the dog has never been used as a fighting dog.

Presa Canario. The Dogo Canario comes from Spain. The breed was recognized relatively recently, in 2001. At the same time, a dog marked the first case of killing a person. The victim died right in the corridor of his house. The owners of that dog were found guilty of murder and sentenced to long prison terms. She guards well and senses her territory, loves tranquility. The appearance of an uninvited guest can lead to an outbreak of aggression. The dangerous animal is banned in New Zealand and Australia. The history of the development of Great Danes goes back several centuries. They were not bred artificially, this breed developed naturally in the Canary Islands.

Fila Brasileiro. The large Brazilian Mastiff was once used to hunt jaguars and wild boars. The ancestors of the breed are most likely mastiffs. Of all the prohibited dogs, this is the most disobedient. The Brazilian Mastiff is an excellent guard dog who does not trust strangers. Some fanciers even value this breed for its aggressiveness. Even at exhibitions, judges are not recommended to touch them. This breed is banned in the UK. Although the dog is loyal to its owner and his family, numerous guests can cause aggression.

Japanese Tosa Inu. This breed is also called the Japanese Mastiff. She was bred at one time in the Principality of Tosa just for dog fighting. Local Japanese dogs crossed with bulldogs, mastiffs, Great Danes and St. Bernards imported from Europe. The result is a breed that can fight silently and is distinguished by increased durability. She does not rush at the enemy and does not growl, but tries to pin him with her body. Although sales of Tosa Inu from Japan itself are extremely rare, this breed is banned in Malta, Norway, Denmark and other countries.

American Pit Bull Terrier. This dog is a real terror to man. Meanwhile, most fears are in vain. Pit bulls were bred from early bulldogs and terriers specifically to fight other dogs. In this they really have no equal. This is a strong breed, capable of fighting to the end and winning no matter what. Today, however, pit bulls are unfortunately the symbol of dog-related crime. But an attack on a person is connected only with poor care for the dog and its poor training. Initially, she was not bred to attack people, so she does not show aggression. Don't consider this good-natured pet as a deadly enemy. True, it was banned in Miami-Dade County, Florida, the Canadian province of Ontario and some countries.

Thus, if the country does not strictly prohibit the ownership of dangerous breeds of dogs, a person can keep such a pet, strictly observing the rules of restrictions on ownership, walk dogs correctly and be sure to muzzle them public places.

It was previously reported that in 100 years

A dog is not always a man's friend. Many people forget that this is a domesticated wild animal that cannot always be trained. In the late 80s, cases of dog attacks on people became more frequent. As a result, pit bulls and related breeds fell into disrepute. Many countries have officially banned the ownership of certain dangerous breeds of dogs. But even in those states where such breeds have been officially approved, it is quite difficult for owners to conclude an insurance contract. We will present to your attention a dozen breeds of prohibited dogs.

American Bulldog

This breed, developed from English bulldogs, appeared in late XIX centuries in the southern United States, where these bulldogs were used as farm guards. The bulldog was trained to catch wild pigs, which have huge, dangerous fangs and weigh several hundred kilograms. Hogs are quite ferocious and powerful, which requires a lot of strength and athleticism from the dog. When attacking its victim, the American bulldog grabs its throat with a death grip and does not let go until the owner approaches. An adult weighs 27-60 kg and is 53-70 cm tall. These dogs are officially banned in Germany, Denmark, Singapore and some other countries.

American Bandog

American breed guard dogs, bred by crossing an American Pit Bull Terrier and an American Staffordshire Terrier with a Neapolitan Mastiff. The name of the breed is translated from English as “chain dog”. Originally bred as a gladiator dog for dog fighting. The Bandog is a very strong, massive dog with a powerful skeleton and extraordinary muscles, terrifying and merciless when angry and extremely active. The most famous representative, the Bantu dog, was extremely cruel and famous for its military exploits. These aggressive animals can weigh from 30 to 70 kg and grow at least 50 cm at the withers. Now bandogs are banned almost everywhere.

The Neapolitan Mastiff, or Neo, originated in Italy, where it participated in gladiatorial combat and warfare. Currently, the animal is used for protection. It was the Neapolitan Mastiff that was taken as the basis for creating the image of the giant Hagrid from the Harry Potter epic. Mastiffs are easy to identify by their appearance. This is very large dogs with wrinkled skin, loose fur and saggy cheeks. The height of these mastinos is 60-75 cm and weighs 60-70 kg. This breed is prohibited in Singapore, and in Romania, before acquiring this mastiff, the owner must undergo a preliminary interview with a psychologist.

Czechoslovakian Wolfdog or Czechoslovakian Wolfdog

This is a mix of German Shepherd and Carpathian Wolf. The goal was to create a breed with the temperament, pack instinct and trainability of the German Shepherd, and the strength, structure and endurance of the Carpathian wolf. The breed was bred to participate in military special operations, but was subsequently used in search and rescue and protective guard service, for tracking and herding work, hunting, sports competitions in agility, obedience, and towing. Due to its varied genetic structure, the dog has an extremely unpredictable character, acting like a wolf in some situations and like a dog in others. This animal has a very developed prey instinct. Therefore, there were many cases of attacks on children. The height of an adult is 60-65 cm with a weight of 20-25 kg. The dog is generally considered a good pet, but is prohibited in Norway.


Originates from South Africa and resembles an athletic mastiff in appearance. The name translates to “farm dog.” It was bred from native African dogs and guard dogs (presumably European Molossians and baiting dogs). In 1920, De Beers brought Mastiffs to South Africa to guard their diamond mines, where these dogs made a major contribution to the modern breed. Boerboels are very strong and hardy dogs. Despite all its power, the Boerboel is very dexterous and flexible, it has an instant reaction and is able to assess the situation in a matter of seconds. An adult reaches 60-90 kg with a height of 59-70 cm. Banned in Russia and Denmark.

This breed first appeared in Argentina in 1928. Ten breeds of dogs participated in the process of creating the breed: the Cordoba fighting dog (derived from a mixture of Spanish mastiffs, bull terriers, old bulldogs and boxers); Great Dane (Harlequins), whose blood was infused to increase growth; Great Pyrenees dog for endurance and consolidation of the white color; Dogue de Bordeaux for added power; Irish Wolfhound to improve speed; English Pointer to improve sense of smell. Breeder Antonio Martinez Nores developed this dog breed to hunt mountain lions. This breed was also used in dog fighting. They are white in color and resemble a pit bull. The weight of an adult reaches 40-65 kg with a height of 60-68 cm. The Dogo Argentino is banned in 10 countries, including Australia, New Zealand and Portugal.

Presa Canario

This is a massive fighting dog native to the Canary Islands. The ancestors of the Perro de Pressa Canario are the Molossian Dogo and the local herding dogs Perro de Ganado Mahorero, from which the Dogo Canario inherited its energetic temperament and impulsive disposition. Later Dogo Canario was mixed with English bulldog and an English mastiff in order to enhance its working and fighting qualities. It was originally used for guarding estates and slaughtering livestock, as well as for hunting big game. Later it was used for dog fighting. The owners of one of the dogs were found guilty of murdering a man and are currently serving a prison sentence of 15 years to life. The weight of an adult reaches 40-57 kg with a height of 56-64 cm. Preso Canario is prohibited in Australia and New Zealand.

Brazilian Fila or Brazilian Mastiff

This is a large molossoid mastiff breed with large bones and a large number folds of skin. It was originally bred to hunt bears and jaguars and was even used to track down escaped slaves. The family members of these dogs include mastiffs, bulldogs and bloodhounds. is devoted to the owner, but does not tolerate strangers. This is the most wayward and disobedient dog from the entire list of prohibited dogs. A very aggressive breed, even dog show judges are asked not to touch the dog. The weight of an adult reaches 40-50 kg with a height of 60-75 cm. In the UK, Israel and Norway, ownership of Fila Brasileiro is prohibited without special solution court. In some Australian states, ownership of fila is prohibited or restricted, and import is prohibited. In New Zealand, filas are automatically classified as dangerous dogs, which implies a ban on the import and castration of male dogs. They are prohibited from being imported into the Republic of Cyprus.

Japanese Tosa Inu

They are a cross between native Japanese dogs, mastiffs, bull terriers and various Western breeds. Tosa Inu is a large, massively built dog with floppy ears, short hair, a strong, wide head and a strong mouth. She is an aggressive and stubborn fighting dog, although the Japanese idea of ​​fighting is different. A whole ceremony takes place before dog fights. The fights are reminiscent of sumo wrestling, with the winner receiving the title of Yokotsuna. Tosa Inu demonstrates unusual tenacity, fighting silently without growling or whining. He does not tear his opponent, but presses him with his body.
An adult reaches a minimum of 55 cm with a weight of 40 kg and above. Banned in Denmark, Malta, Norway and other countries.

Pit bulls are divided into two main types - terriers and bulldog types, and these two are also found mixed type. This breed was bred from early bulldogs and terriers for dog fighting, in which the American pit bull has no equal. Valued for his strength and perseverance, he is able to fight and win, no matter what the cost of victory. The pit bull has become a symbol of male criminality. Due to poor breeding and training, dogs began to attack people, most often with fatal results. Pit bull terriers are in service in the American and in the Russian police. They have an excellent sense of smell and specialize in finding drugs and explosives. Weight does not have strict restrictions and can vary - from 12 to 26 kg, but usually 14-20 kg. This breed is banned in Russia, Canada, Miami-Dade County, Florida, Ontario and some other countries.

Here are a few more varieties of the American Pit Bull Terrier:

Prohibited dog breeds and breeds restricted for breeding:

In many countries around the world there are special laws restricting breeding certain breeds dogs to prevent mortality and injury from their bites:

1 . Radical ban some breeds - no ownership - mandatory sterilization, microchip implantation and liability insurance for dogs owned before the law was passed and criminal punishment for owning a dog after the law was passed. 2 . Ownership limitation a dog with strictly regulated conditions: restrictions on ownership based on the age of the owner, a ban on walking dogs in public places, mandatory wearing of a muzzle, etc.
3 . General legal liability animal owner.

Russia. Federal law“On the Responsible Treatment of Animals” the following dog breeds are recognized as potentially dangerous:
American Pit Bull Terrier, South African Boerboel, Karelian bear dog, Anatolian Karabash, American Staffordshire Terrier, Caucasian Shepherd Dog, Alabai and mixed breeds of these breeds.

Ukraine. Restrictions on ownership of dangerous breeds. The list includes more than 80 breeds:
Aidi (Atlas Shepherd Dog), Ainu (Ainu Dog, Hokkaido), Akbash, Akita Inu, American Akita (Large Japanese Dog), Bergamasco (Bergamos Shepherd Dog), German Boxer, Briard (French Long-haired Shepherd Dog), Danish Broholmer, Bouvier Ardennes, Bouvier Flaneur, purebred Alapaha Bulldog (Otto), American Bulldog, Malorsky Bulldog (Ca-de-Beau, Pero de Preso Malborkin), Bullmastiff, English Bull Terrier, English Staffordshire Bull Terrier, South African Boerboel, Welsh Terrier, Kart Shepherd (Cart Sheepdog), Shepherd Dog American-Canadian white, Belgian Shepherd (Groenendael, Laekenois, Molinois, Tarvuren), Bernese Shepherd (Bernese Mountain Dog), Greater Swiss Shepherd (Greater Swiss Mountain Dog), Dutch Shepherd, Greek Shepherd, Estrela Shepherd (Portuguese Mountain), Shepherd Caucasian (Caucasian wolfhound), German Shepherd Dog, South Russian Shepherd Dog (Tauride), Picardy Shepherd Dog (Picard), Polish Podgalian Shepherd Dog, Polish Tatra Shepherd Dog, Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Alabai, Central Asian Wolfhound), East European Shepherd Dog, Irish Wolfhound, Doberman Pinscher, Dogo Argentino (Argentine Mastiff), Dogue de Bordeaux (French Mastiff, Dogue de Bordeaux), Great Dane, Dalmatian, Drathaar, Airedale Terrier, Kangal, Cane Corso, Cao de Castro Laboreiro, Cao de Sera de Astrela (Portuguese Cattle Dog), Anatolian Karabash, Commander (Hungarian Shepherd), Hungarian Kuvasz, Labrador Retriever, Landseer (Newfoundland black and white), Laika, Leonberger, Alaskan Malamute, Marema (Marem-Abruzzese Sheepdog), English Mastiff, Belgian Mastiff, Spanish Mastiff, Pyrenean Mastiff, Tibetan Mastiff , Mastino (Mastiff Neapolitan, Mastino Neapolitano), Mittelshnauzer, Moscow Watchtte, Newfoundland, Feather de Presa Canario (Canar Dog), American Puruhaar, Rafeyra Duindicheus (Dog Portugal Statzha), Ridzhbek Rodezian Eye, Rizenshnauzer ( Great Schnauzer), Rottweiler, St. Bernard, Italian Wolfdog, Wolfhound, Wolfhound, Great Pyrenees, Black Russian Terrier, Tosa Inu (Japanese Fighting Dog), Fila Brasileiro (Brazilian Mastiff) , fox terrier, Siberian husky, Hovawart, Slovakian Chuvach, Jagdterrier, mixed breeds of all designated breeds.

Mandatory microchipping, civil liability insurance, walking short leash and a muzzle. The law allows authorities local government introduce additional restrictions into local legislation. Thus, in Kyiv, in order to own some breeds, sterilization and a high licensing fee are required. These include: Akbash, APBT, Pressa Canario, Kangal, Vladek Roshin's Doberman, Superdog, Daufman Shepherd, Greek Shepherd, Turkish Shepherd, Kangaroo Dog, Catahoula Leopard Hound, Mountain Hound, Languedoc Cattle Dog.