How long does it last and when does shedding begin in dogs? A dog sheds a lot - the most common reasons for deviation. What to give a husky to drink to prevent hair from coming out

Shedding in dogs is, as a rule, a natural condition that cannot be fought, but must simply be accepted. However, increased hair loss is not always the norm. In some cases this is a signal poor condition health.

The physiological process of hair loss in animals is similar to hair loss in humans. Old hair dies off and new, healthy hair grows in its place. According to the norms, dogs should shed twice a year before the change of season. Usually this is autumn-spring and this period lasts 1-2 weeks.

To prevent the seasonal renewal of fur from becoming a disaster for the owner, you need to comb the animal as often as possible or take it to a dog groomer. And of course, cleaning the apartment will take a little more time.

There is such a thing as “age-related molting.” Puppies shed their baby undercoat and acquire adult hair. This period usually occurs up to six months. Along with the fur, the color of the animal may also change.

Severe hair loss, and especially focal hair loss, is a serious reason to consult a specialist and undergo an examination.

Factors influencing the molting process

If your dog has no problems with excessive hair loss, but suddenly you notice that he has started to shed a lot, then analyze what could have contributed to this. Unscheduled shedding can begin as a result of the following factors:

Take a closer look at your pet; perhaps the cause of severe hair loss lies on the surface, and you can quickly help cope with this situation.

My dog ​​sheds all season, what should I do?

When a dog sheds all year round, this makes its owner wonder if everything is as good as it seems at first glance. For example, in the summer the coat should not renew itself, but it does. The first thing you should do is measure the air temperature in the room. If it is more than 26 0 C, in this case molting is a protective reaction of the body from overheating. Review your animal's diet. In hot weather it should be more balanced. Absence fresh air in the apartment may cause skin diseases and as a result - hair loss.

What to do to prevent your dog from shedding during the off-season?

  1. Ventilate the room in which the animal is located more often.
  2. Spend more time with your dog outdoors.
  3. Diversify your dog's menu and include more useful microelements.
  4. Give anthelmintic drugs.
  5. Minimize stressful situations for your dog, buy calming potassium at the pharmacy.

If the situation does not change and the hair continues to fall, you need to consult a doctor. The veterinarian will examine the shedding animal, take tests and scrapings to determine the causes of shedding. After all the manipulations, you will be prescribed suitable medications.

In addition to summer molting, females can begin to “renew” during pregnancy or lactation. This phenomenon is not dangerous and will go away on its own as soon as the puppies start feeding on their own.

Veterinary pharmacies and pet stores sell many complex products for caring for dog hair and maintaining the body at the proper level.

Features of nutrition during molting

Perhaps the answer to the question “Why does a dog shed a lot?” lies precisely in its power supply system. To make the renewal process faster, adjust your pet’s diet. It is desirable that it be attended natural products, more protein, which is found in meat and offal. They can be given both raw and cooked.

The dog's diet should contain fats, including fish fat, cereals and vegetables, legumes, yeast, containing all the vitamins and minerals necessary during the molting period. Among dry foods, Hills, Royal Canin, Eukanuba, Belcando, etc. have proven themselves well.

Vitamins that an animal needs during the period of fur renewal:

  • biotin - synthesizes collagen fibers, regulates protein and fat metabolism;
  • calciferol - helps to better absorb calcium;
  • ascorbic acid - strengthens blood vessels, improving nutrition of follicles;
  • tocopherol - improves the condition of the epidermis;
  • Niacin - prevents dermatitis and prevents the skin from drying out.

Biotin - vitamins taken during molting

By supporting your dog's body with vitamins, you can achieve good condition coat, it will become soft and silky, and shedding will take place quickly and with the least emotional loss.

Prevention of excessive hair loss in dogs

During seasonal and interseasonal shedding, preventive measures will help prevent severe hair loss. When bathing, use conditioners designed specifically for shedding dogs. They will make subsequent brushing more comfortable for the dog. In addition to regular bathing and combing, use dry conditioners, which improve hair structure and strengthen follicles.

You need to take care of your pet's fur based on its type. Long-haired dogs are combed according to hair growth, penetrating the comb deeply to capture all the falling hairs. This process is long and requires patience on the part of the owner. But this way you will not only make the animal’s life easier, but also save yourself from subsequent cleaning of fur.

Short-haired dogs usually shed twice a year. During these periods, wipe their coat with a wet terry towel and use a comb with stiff natural bristles.

Breeds such as schnauzers and spaniels do not shed on their own, but this does not mean that they do not need to be brushed. Once every six months, such a dog undergoes a pinching (trimming) procedure. Using a special knife or manually remove dead hairs. This service is available in dog salons, but you can do it yourself.

Shedding is an inevitable period in the life of every dog ​​and you, as its loving owner, need to try to do everything possible to make it comfortable for everyone.

U different breeds and dogs living in different conditions, the molting process occurs differently. Dogs living in nature shed their fur “on a schedule”: before winter, in order to prepare for frost and build up a warm undercoat and long hair, and before summer, to replace the warm coat with thinner hair.

For dogs that live at home, where they are not afraid of any frost or heat, shedding can drag on for the entire season. This is why a dog can shed even in winter.

There are several types of shedding:

  • seasonal - the process of shedding hair occurs twice a year: in the spring shorter hair grows, and in the fall the hair becomes thicker and longer;
  • age-related - usually goes away at one month or six months of age, often with a change in coat, the color also changes;
  • permanent - usually occurs in dogs kept at home. Due to stable temperature, rooms are disturbed biological rhythms animal, and the dog sheds constantly.

What to do if your dog sheds a lot?

To make life easier for a dog that sheds, you need to brush it every day with a special brush. This will remove lost hair and new hair will begin to grow faster. In addition, brushing will have a beneficial effect on the blood circulation of the skin, which will strengthen the fresh coat. The more often you groom your dog, the less hair will remain on the carpets and sofa.

If your dog's hair falls out inappropriately natural reasons, you definitely need to reconsider her diet. Perhaps she lacks some vitamins and minerals, which is why hair follicles weakened, and the fur began to fall out.

A bad sign is when a dog's fur sheds in places, and ulcers or sores form in these places. In this case, you need to contact your veterinarian because these may be symptoms various diseases.

How long does it take for dogs to shed?

Seasonal shedding with proper care for the dog lasts 1-2 weeks. Shedding can be permanent all year round, but you can reduce its intensity. Brush your pet more often and make sure that everything is always present in its diet. essential vitamins and substances affecting wool quality.

Are there dogs that don't shed?

There are no dogs that do not shed at all, but some breeds shed much less than others, for example:

Almost all dogs shed periodically. Selected breeds, For example, german shepherds, can shed all year round, however, even dogs that are not so prone to shedding, such as poodles, also shed sometimes. Weather conditions and changing seasons have a big impact on how much a dog sheds, but the most important role the state of her health plays a role. A dog whose hair loss is noticeably greater than average rate for her breed, may have hidden health problems. Of course, you can't completely stop your pet's shedding, but with proper care of its health and good grooming, you can reduce it.


With proper nutrition

    Feed your dog high quality food. One of the best ways reduce excessive shedding in a dog - switch it to healthy eating. Cheap dog foods are mostly made up of fillers that dogs have a hard time digesting, such as corn and grains. Instead, turn your attention to those foods in which meat is the main ingredient. Quality foods cost more, but they are better for your pet for a variety of reasons. Nutrients from meat feed are better digested and absorbed, thereby promoting health, reducing problems with dry skin and excessive shedding. Remember that improving nutrition may reduce shedding, but will not eliminate it completely.

    Add olive or flaxseed oil to your dog's food. A good place to start is to give one teaspoon (5 ml) of oil for every 4.5 kg of the animal's weight. These oils contain omega-3 fatty acids that help calm inflamed skin, reduce dandruff and improve general condition wool

    Give your dog "human food" from time to time. Apple slices ( without seeds, which contain traces of cyanide that can accumulate in your dog's body), bananas, cucumbers and cooked lean meats (without bones) are all moisture-rich foods that will help your dog stay hydrated. In addition, such food contains beneficial nutrients that help make the coat smooth and shiny, and also reduce the amount of shedding. However, remember that only 5-10% of your dog's daily food intake should be treats of any kind; the rest should come from high-quality dog ​​food.

    Provide your dog permanent access to clean fresh water. Dehydration can lead to dry skin, which in turn can lead to excess shedding and even disease. Make sure your dog always has access to this amount of fresh and clean water what kind of drink she can drink.

    Through regular grooming

    1. Brush your pet's fur regularly. Grooming allows you to remove lost hair from the coat and distribute sebum throughout it, which helps strengthen the coat. Depending on your dog's coat type, you can use either a brush, a slicker brush, or a flat comb.

      • Brushes are best suited for short-haired and smooth-haired dog breeds, such as many terriers, pugs and greyhounds. Dog brushes look similar to the hair brushes that people use.
      • Slicker brushes are good for most coated dogs. medium length or with curly coats, including retrievers, cocker spaniels and St. Bernards. These combs are brushes with relatively dense metal bristles.
      • Flat brushes are best for dogs with long hair and a thick undercoat, such as collies, long-haired German Shepherds and Chow Chows. When purchasing a flat comb for your pet, make sure the teeth are roughly the same length as your dog's fur so that he can properly comb out any loose undercoat.
    2. For dogs that shed heavily, use special tools fight against shedding fur. Use these tools before the onset of spring, when the winter coat begins to thin, and in the fall, when it grows back. Dogs that spend most of their time indoors can shed year-round.

Old and damaged hair and the dog's fur sheds naturally. Shedding is a normal process in dogs, but the amount and frequency of hair loss depends on the health of the dog and its breed. In addition, shedding may depend on the season of the year, since many dogs have winter period thick wool grows, which then sheds in the spring. Dogs that live indoors experience shorter coat thickness fluctuations and tend to shed evenly throughout the year.

How can you minimize shedding in your dog?

While you can't stop healthy and normal shedding, you can reduce the amount of hair in your home through regular brushing. Your veterinarian or groomer should be able to advise you on the type of brush or comb that will suit your dog's coat type.

What to do if your dog is shedding heavily?

What seems very heavy shedding, May be normal occurrence for some dogs, but it can also be a result of stress, poor nutrition or medical problem. Your veterinarian will need to determine whether your dog's hair loss is part of the normal shedding process or a symptom of a medical condition. Excessive shedding can sometimes be prevented with the right diet.

Quality pet foods include required quantity everyone nutrients, so supplements are not necessary. But dogs with allergies or hypersensitivities may need to experiment with various brands feeds to determine which one is best. To do this, it is also recommended to consult a veterinarian, who will give advice on what food will be in the best possible way meet your dog's needs.

Severe hair loss in dogs may be due to the following reasons:

If you notice any of the the following signs, or if your dog's skin problem persists for more than a week, you should consult your veterinarian.

  • Skin irritation, including redness, swelling, bumps, and rashes
  • Open sores
  • Bald patches or thinning fur
  • Dry hair that falls out easily
  • Scratches
  • Constant licking or rubbing