Burdock oil - will help damaged hair - with propolis. Hair masks: burdock oil with propolis, chamomile, string and other components. Eyelashes burdock oil with propolis.

Although burdock root contains enough active ingredients to improve the condition of your hair and scalp, there are many options to enhance its effectiveness. It only takes a little time and effort to prepare a mask that contains natural additives in addition to burdock oil. Such a composition applied to the hair will speed up its recovery and healing, and the result will last longer.

Below are the most effective hair masks made from burdock oil with the addition of various active ingredients.

Burdock oil with propolis for hair

This composition perfectly strengthens hair, eliminates hair loss, and combats dry scalp.

The main stages of preparing the product:

  • cool the propolis in the refrigerator for 24 hours;
  • grind into powder and pour 1 liter of boiling water;
  • After about 2 hours, the poured propolis will separate; to add it to the mask, use only the lower part;
  • combine burdock oil and propolis in a ratio of 6:1;
  • heat to a temperature of 75 degrees and stir continuously for an hour;
  • cool - and the mask is ready.

Apply to the scalp and hair carefully, gently massaging with your hands. Exposure time is 20 minutes, then the remaining product is washed off with water and neutral soap. The course of therapy is 10 sessions, no more than 2 procedures per week.

If you are predisposed to allergic reactions, the use of any bee products is contraindicated.

Burdock hair oil with chamomile

Thanks to its antiseptic and soothing properties, this composition is perfect for dry, irritated skin, especially if there are pustular formations on the scalp.

The main stages of preparing a mask:

  • mix dried chamomile flowers with boiling water in a ratio of 1:20;
  • make a decoction for 60 minutes;
  • cool and strain;
  • combine chamomile decoction with burdock oil in a ratio of 1:7;
  • mix thoroughly and heat slightly to a temperature of 37 degrees.

The mask must be applied with intense massaging movements for 25 minutes, then rinsed off. Chamomile is absolutely non-allergenic, so the composition is useful for most people with scalp and hair problems.

Burdock oil with nettle extract

One of the common scalp problems is dandruff. It brings not only aesthetic discomfort, but also itching and flaking. We have already talked about use in more detail. However, to enhance the effectiveness of burdock oil, nettle extract is added, which has powerful anti-dandruff activity.

Preparing the extract at home is difficult, so it is better to use a ready-made pharmacy version. It is easy to use and low cost.

Nettle extract is combined with burdock oil in a ratio of 1:9, plus it is advisable to add 4 drops of lemon oil to it. The composition of burdock oil with nettle should be applied daily in the evenings, rubbing into the scalp with little effort. Application time is at least 20 minutes. The mask is then easily washed off with running warm water and soap. After the procedure, hair should be combed using a fine-tooth comb.

The course of therapy is at least 10 days, the effect of using burdock oil with nettle is observed after the third procedure.

Burdock oil with string

One of the problems with hair is hair loss. The effect of pure burdock oil alone is not enough in such a situation. A series is used to intensively strengthen and nourish hair, saturate it with vitamins and prevent hair loss.

The main stages of preparing a mask of burdock oil with a string for hair:

  • dry plant materials are mixed with water in a ratio of 1:3;
  • prepare a thick and rich decoction for 2 hours;
  • the broth is cooled and filtered;
  • then mixed with burdock oil, based on proportions 1:2;
  • the resulting composition is used warm, heated to a temperature of 37 degrees.

This vitamin mask with burdock oil is applied with light massaging movements strictly in the direction of hair growth. When using burdock oil with a string, special attention must be paid to uniform distribution of the product over the entire scalp.

The duration of the application is 30 minutes. The course of treatment is 10 sessions daily in a row. If necessary, you can repeat the application of the mask after 1 month.

Castor oil plus burdock

Castor oil and burdock oil perfectly enhance each other's effect. This composition achieves the following results:

The mask is very easy to make. Two types of oils are produced industrially. You can mix castor and burdock oil in a 1:1 ratio. Then apply to the scalp in the evening before bed for 15 minutes with a slight massage.

The course of hair treatment with burdock and castor oil is 10 sessions, which should preferably be done every other day.

Burdock oil with lemon essential oil

Lemon essential oil mixes just as easily with burdock. The purpose of this composition is to enhance the absorption of active ingredients into the deep layers of the skin. In addition to the intense hydration that is inherent in both oils, there is an antiseptic effect due to lemon phytoextracts.

The composition is suitable for people with painful scalp with excoriations or small pustules, as well as in cases of lifeless and brittle hair.

Prepared in a ratio of 1:9 with a predominance of burdock oil. Large amounts of lemon can be irritating, so proper dosage should be given special attention. Apply in the morning or evening, preferably at the same hours for 30 minutes.

The course of treatment with burdock oil with lemon extract is 2 weeks, applications are carried out every other day.

Coconut and burdock oil

Coconut oil has an excellent softening effect on the scalp. carried out industrially.

In addition to the well-known benefits, its combination with burdock oil perfectly heals hair, making it strong, shiny, and without split ends. In addition, this composition has a beneficial effect on the scalp, cleansing the pores of accumulations of scales.

Making a mask is quite simple. It is necessary to mix coconut and burdock oils in a 1:2 combination with burdock predominant. Apply to hair along the entire length and rub lightly into the scalp. The exposure is at least 25 minutes. Then the composition is washed off with running water and neutral soap.

Duration of treatment – ​​2 weeks. It is recommended to repeat the procedure every other day.

Burdock oil with calendula for hair

If you need to enhance the reparative capabilities of burdock oil, then it is difficult to find a herbal remedy better than calendula. Possessing antiseptic and wound-healing properties, the plant has a complex beneficial effect on the hair and scalp.

You can prepare the mask yourself or buy ready-made plant extract. At home, you need to prepare the composition as follows:

  • Pour boiling water over calendula flowers and let steep for 6 hours;
  • the ratio of water and plant materials for preparing the infusion is 10:1;
  • Strain the finished herbal remedy and heat to a temperature of 37 degrees;
  • combine with burdock oil in a combination of 1:7;
  • Use only fresh.

Apply to hair once a day in the evenings for 20 minutes. The course of treatment consists of daily procedures for 7-10 days. If necessary, sessions can be repeated every 3 months.

Thus, masks with burdock oil have an excellent combined effect on the hair and scalp. The initial procedure should be reduced in time by a third in order to assess the tolerability of the mask components. If there is no desired effect after the third application, it is advisable to consult a specialist.

Burdock oil is a centuries-old hair care product.

Burdock oil contains tannins, vitamin C, protein, natural inulin, palmitic and stearic acids. Regular burdock oil masks promote hair growth, eliminate oily seborrhea, prevent hair loss, have a general healing effect on the scalp and restore hair structure.

Propolis, rich in vitamins and minerals, actively nourishes the cells of the scalp, which helps restore hair growth. Thanks to its bactericidal properties, it cleanses and disinfects the skin well. Propolis in combination with burdock oil is effective for seborrhea, strengthens hair from the roots, giving it natural elasticity. Promotes overall health of the scalp and hair.


Burdock oil extract in vegetable oil, propolis extract.

Directions for use:

Before use, the oil must be warmed to a temperature slightly above body temperature (about 40 C). Then rub the oil into the scalp with gentle massage movements. Put on a shower cap and wrap a towel on top. Keep the oil mask on for at least 1-2 hours. Rinse burdock oil from hair with shampoo.

Best before date:

24 months.

This product is not a medicine.

The chemical composition of burdock oil with propolis - is it really good for the scalp?

Burdock oil is a mild natural cleanser, as it contains a natural adsorbent - inulin. Therefore, it is ideal for gentle, non-aggressive cleansing of the scalp. And since burdock oil also contains useful biologically active substances that nourish the cells of the scalp (vitamins, minerals, bioflavonoids) and restore the normal condition of the hair shafts (fatty acids), it cannot but have a positive effect on the condition of the hair.

Today in the pharmacy you can buy burdock oil with various additives that enhance its effect. Thus, burdock oil with propolis is produced, designed specifically for damaged, dry and brittle hair.

Propolis is a sticky resinous substance, which is also called bee glue. It is produced by honey bees for their “technical” needs: sealing cracks in the hives. The origin of propolis has not yet been fully elucidated; it is believed that it may be a resinous residue obtained when bees digest pollen, or bees may collect propolis from the resinous buds of trees (poplar, birch, alder).

Propolis is a viscous syrupy substance of yellow-green color, bitter in taste with a characteristic resinous odor. It contains resins (or mixtures of organic acids), balms, tannins, essential oils of various plants, wax, bioflavonoids, vitamins (E, C, group B), organic acids (caffeic, benzoic) and some other biologically active substances.

How does burdock oil with propolis work on the scalp?

The composition of burdock oil with propolis allows this therapeutic and prophylactic product to restore the normal condition of hair and protect it from any external influences.

When applying burdock oil with propolis to the scalp, it is first cleansed of toxic substances and dead cells accumulated on the surface. Inulin, which is part of burdock oil, deposits all unnecessary substances on its surface and removes them.

Cleansed skin begins to actively absorb beneficial biologically active substances contained in burdock oil and propolis, which are necessary for skin cells for normal metabolism. .

At the same time, the fatty acids contained in burdock oil and propolis glue all damage to the hair shafts, and the resins and wax of propolis cover the hair shafts with a protective film that protects them from any external (including sun, wind and dust) influences. Burdock oil with propolis also has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, promotes the healing of microtraumas caused by scratching.

Indications and contraindications for use

Burdock oil with propolis is recommended for the care of dry, brittle, damaged hair. It can also be used for preventive purposes to improve the appearance of hair, prevent its fragility and the tendency to split hair ends.

Like any beekeeping product, burdock oil with propolis is contraindicated for people who are allergic to bee stings. An allergic reaction to bee products can occur in the form of urticaria, swelling Quincke, allergic dermatitis and even in the form of anaphylactic shock Anaphylactic shock: from a cannon to sparrows

Propolis for hair growth You can infuse it in burdock oil. You can infuse propolis in a simple cold way. We freeze the propolis, grind it (20 grams is enough) and this time fill it with oil (burdock or burdock-castor). We insist for 7 days if the temperature outside is +30 o C and above, or 14 days if the temperature in your room is 18-25 o C.

At high temperatures, nutrients turn into oil faster!

, Apiary Keeper

Propolis V burdock oil the best remedy for hair growth. Propolis dries out the skin a little, but burdock oil neutralizes this effect. Propolis V burdock oil helps:

  • for hair loss(read reviews about action of this bee product on the Internet);
  • to awaken dormant bulbs;
  • to prevent hair delamination.

If you have oily skin, make an oil infusion of propolis in a mixture of burdock oil and jojoba oil. The latter is close to sebum in composition and helps cleanse pores of old sebum.

Propolis in oiljojoba helps andfor hair growthand for the fightwith dandruff! Bee resin (propolis) contains vitamins and minerals, antibacterial and antifungal compounds (flavonoids and polyphenols), anti-inflammatory and antipruritic components.

, Apiary Keeper

Good for both dry and oily skin hair. Once a month for oily hair and once every 2 weeks for dry hair propolis oil extract Should be applied at night under a warm cap. If you do not make oil, but simply apply oil to your hair for 1-2 hours and then wash it off, the course of treatment is 3 months, then we take a break.

To maintain hair quality, bee products can be used not only externally. great addition to outdoor using propolis tincture for hair.

Not sure whether to cook? propolis tincture for hair growth, come in to the forum, dedicated to this topic. And you will see how many women are already using the recipes with propolis extract for hair growth, hair loss and maintaining color hair.