The dog has been walking around for 3 days. Your dog is constipated - what to do?

Complete or partial stool retention is always an alarming sign, which can lead to intestinal rupture, intoxication, serious damage to internal organs and even the death of your pet! Of course, not all cases are so scary. But the owner must know why it arose, what to do in such a situation and how to avoid problems with bowel movements in the future.

To spot problems early, notice how often your pet goes to the toilet. Puppies have bowel movements up to five times a day, because... their metabolism is accelerated. Aging pets poop less often because... metabolism is slow - once every 2-3 days. Adult dogs defecate once a day, giant breeds - once every two days. The stool should resemble a sausage, smooth and shiny, of the same consistency and evenly colored.

1. In order for feces to move through the intestines, sufficient peristalsis (wave-like contractions that push the contents) is necessary. The intestines can “stand up” for various reasons - diseases of the internal organs and neurological disorders, infections, obesity or exhaustion, low activity, diabetes. In such cases, signs of constipation in dogs are expressed by constipation - the pet pushes often and for a long time, but the output volume is clearly less than usual, the feces come out in rounds or flakes, the pet whines.

Anesthesia almost always leads to a decrease in peristalsis due to the relaxing effect of the drug on the muscles. To avoid problems, veterinarians recommend a postoperative diet (light food in small portions in the form of slimy porridges, soups) and mild laxatives. It is important to follow all instructions, since constipation after surgery can cause sutures to come apart and cause severe pain. Difficulties with defecation are possible due to the formation of adhesions during abdominal surgery.

Read also: Hemolysis in dogs: features of the disease, causes and treatment methods

2. For normal bowel movements, sufficient volume and certain moisture content of the stool is necessary. If there is too much feces, they simply will not be able to pass through the intestines and will accumulate inside. The same thing happens if the stool is very dry. For example, after bones occurs for precisely these reasons - dry bones literally clog the intestines.

To avoid problems, your pet needs to be fed properly and monitor the amount of fluid consumed. A semi-liquid menu is recommended for light-drinking dogs. Dry food, contrary to popular belief, does not cause constipation in dogs, because... in a healthy stomach, granules quickly turn into mush. But with gastrointestinal diseases, dry food can cause constipation.

3. With obstruction (from “obstruction”), the symptoms of constipation in a dog are quite severe - weakness, painful and hard stomach, thirst and poor appetite. The pet is pushing hard, but there is no stool. Sometimes vomiting develops and the mucous membranes turn pale. If the condition lasts longer than 3 days, intoxication increases (feces poison the body).

The cause of obstruction can be feces (prolonged constipation leads to drying out of the contents and the formation of stones), a foreign body (toy, bone), tumor, or a large number of worms. In such a situation, treating constipation with improvised means threatens the life of the pet! Enemas, laxatives and other drugs increase peristalsis and increase the volume of masses, but the intestinal lumen is closed - feces press on the intestinal walls, which leads to damage to the mucous membranes and, ultimately, to rupture.

Read also: Heart failure in dogs: types, causes and treatment

First aid

When thinking about how to help a dog with constipation, owners often rely on laxatives from a human medicine cabinet. As mentioned above, in some cases this can seriously aggravate the problem, so any pills and medicines should only be taken after a visit to the veterinarian.

If you can’t see a doctor right away, you can try to solve the problem yourself:

1. We exclude from the menu muscle meat, meat broths, rice and corn, cheese, eggs, yesterday’s sour milk. We feed in small portions, the food is warm and semi-liquid (well-boiled buckwheat in milk or water, stewed vegetable stews from cabbage, carrots and zucchini). You can have some boiled sea fish, preferably white. We treat the dog with fresh kefir or yogurt (without additives, dyes), raw beets. If there is no allergy, you can give a couple of plums. You can temporarily switch to canned food for puppies or chronically ill dogs (an easily digestible diet).

2. From what can be given to a dog for constipation without fear of complications, you should choose one thing (either/or, and not shove everything in a row). Curdled milk, cabbage juice (can cause flatulence), a weak decoction of buckthorn, an infusion of pumpkin seeds (a spoonful of seeds and half a glass of boiling water, warm for 30 minutes) help. You can grind flaxseed and mix it with vegetable oil or buy flaxseed oil. Large dogs 2 tablespoons per day, small dogs 1 teaspoon. Curdled milk instead of breakfast.

3. In many cases, a Vaseline enema helps a dog. For constipation, lukewarm oil is introduced into the rectum slowly, without effort. If the oil does not flow, you cannot continue (there may be an obstruction, and in this case any pressure is dangerous). For hygiene reasons, your pet should be placed in a bathtub or basin. The volumes are gentle (a glass for a very large dog, half a glass for a pet weighing 20 kg, a couple of spoons for a miniature toy). Without experience, we strongly recommend that you entrust this procedure to a specialist.

Every dog ​​owner at least once in his life has encountered such a problem with his pet as the absence or difficulty of defecation. Older animals are most often susceptible to this phenomenon. What is constipation in a dog, and what to do at home to help the animal in this situation?


A healthy dog ​​goes to the toilet “in a big way” at least 1-2 times a day. The owner should be alerted to a decrease in the number of bowel movements or their absence - not even once in 3 days. However, there is no need to sound the alarm ahead of time. The number of bowel movements largely depends on the age, physiological characteristics, and size of the animal.

If your four-legged pet is alert, playful and cheerful, eats well, and its feces have a uniform consistency, then there is no reason to worry. It’s a completely different matter if, on a walk, you notice how the dog tries, but cannot go to the toilet, strains and at the same time whines and squeals. This means he is constipated.

Other symptoms of constipation:

  • the consistency of stool is hard and dry;
  • feces are irregular in shape and their quantity is very small;
  • there are hairballs in the stool;
  • the abdomen is hard, swollen (due to the accumulation of gases), painful on palpation;
  • lack of appetite due to intestinal obstruction;
  • increased thirst;
  • vomit;
  • feverish condition;
  • malaise, apathy, decreased activity.

In advanced cases, the feces contain blood, undigested food, and an unpleasant putrid odor is felt.


Stagnation in the intestines can occur for many reasons, including due to dangerous pathologies that have developed in the body. Constipation as one of the obvious symptoms can be caused by the following diseases:

  • liver or kidney dysfunction;
  • inflammation of the pancreas;
  • orthopedic problems;
  • neurological diseases;
  • oncology or neoplasms in the intestines, anus;
  • prostate enlargement, prostatitis, practitis;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, flatulence, chemostasis, coprostasis).

Constipation in a dog can occur not only due to health problems, but also due to external factors:

  • poor nutrition (lack of fiber in food, predominance of dry food in the diet, consumption of fatty foods and hard tubular bones);
  • foreign objects entering the stomach;
  • overeating or undereating;
  • lack of water in the bowl;
  • long-term use of medications.

Whatever the reason for the difficult passage of feces, this problem requires immediate resolution so that the pet does not experience serious health complications - intoxication of the body, critical internal injuries to the intestines (up to rupture), stress on the heart. If a dog does not go to the toilet “in a big way” for more than a week, there is a high probability of death.

How to treat

The cause of difficult fecal passage is determined by the doctor based on an examination of the animal, an x-ray of the peritoneum, a general blood test, and an ultrasound. The age of the dog, its lifestyle, feeding regimen and diet must be taken into account. After making a diagnosis and excluding other possible causes of constipation, treatment for the underlying disease is prescribed.

If a dog becomes constipated after eating bones and the intestines are clogged with fragments, surgery is performed under general anesthesia. Surgical intervention is also necessary for chymostasis, suspected volvulus, since conservative treatment does not produce results.

For constipation, accompanied by excessive vomiting and lack of appetite, droppers are recommended, with the help of which the body receives protection from dehydration.

It is recommended to take medications containing lactulose (Lactusan, Livolak, Duphalac), which help soften stool.

In severe cases caused by constipation, amputation of part of the large intestine along with the masses of feces filling it is carried out.

First aid

How to help your dog with constipation at home? If constipation is not associated with pathology, the pet feels satisfactory, the feces are partially passed out - the pet can be cured on its own.

Vaseline oil, which is given orally, has proven itself to be effective for intestinal problems. To do this, Vaseline oil is warmed to room temperature and injected into the dog’s cheeks with a syringe without a needle. For puppies, half a teaspoon is enough, for representatives of miniature breeds - 1 tsp, for medium-sized dogs - 1 tbsp. l., large dogs - 2-3 tablespoons. It is recommended to give twice a day until the animal goes to the toilet normally.

Vaseline oil leaves the body naturally, so even if you accidentally overdosed, there is no need to worry. Instead of Vaseline oil, you can give your dog flaxseed oil.

An excellent way to help a dog defecate is an enema, which ensures effective removal of feces (up to 100%). This should be done if the dog has not gone to the toilet for more than 2 days. A contraindication to this procedure is the presence of a serious illness or pathological neoplasms in the intestines. In such cases, an enema will do more harm than good.

To perform an enema, you will need warm water, a saline solution, or a decoction of medicinal herbs, such as chamomile. For the best effect, add warm Vaseline oil to the enema.

It is advisable to ask someone to help you, especially if the dog is very large: one person holds the animal, the second inserts the bulb into the rectum. This should be done carefully and slowly. After administering the solution, the anus is pinched with your fingers for two minutes to soften the feces. If the solution immediately flows out and does not go away, it is not advisable to continue the procedure - this may indicate intestinal obstruction.

For hygiene purposes, the procedure is carried out with rubber gloves; the most suitable place for this is the bath.

To treat poor bowel movements, dietary adjustments are necessary. The diet should not contain:

  • rice, beans, corn;
  • rich broths;
  • cheeses;
  • muscle meat;
  • dry food;
  • bones;
  • fatty food;
  • whole milk;
  • fresh bakery.

Food is given in small portions in warm and liquid form. Overfeeding the dog is unacceptable. Olive (or other vegetable) oil added 1-2 drops to food will help improve intestinal motility.

Improves bowel function:

  • porridge with water or milk:
  • fresh or stewed vegetables (carrots, beets, pumpkin);
  • boiled sea fish fillet;
  • fermented milk products without additives;
  • cabbage juice;
  • fresh plums or prunes (no more than 2 pieces).

If you are constipated after surgery

Disturbances in bowel movements after surgery in dogs are not uncommon. If your pet develops symptoms of constipation during the postoperative period, you should consult your doctor, otherwise your pet may undergo another surgical procedure.

The causes of such constipation are usually antibiotics and other medications that are used to treat the dog for a speedy recovery.

In the first days after surgery, the animal must go on a diet. He needs to be fed with liquid broths, fermented milk products, kefir with added bran, porridge, minced meat, and light foods should be gradually introduced into the menu. Dry food is excluded.

Hello, friends. very important in the first days of life. Let's look at the main points of caring for newborn puppies. Now you have puppies. Their bunch is growing in size right before our eyes. The puppies have become active, crawling around the box and actively suckling their mother. Their fur has become shiny, they have become stronger and are growing quickly. But inexperienced owners may have many questions and worries along the way. Today I will try to cover the main points of caring for newborn puppies.

(The puppy in the photo is 5 days old. compare with the photo in the article about childbirth and pregnancy. how he changed)

In the last article we talked about dog pregnancy and how to take it. Let's be consistent and today we'll talk about what care should be like for newborn puppies and their mother.
We will consider the main points using the example of Yorkshire Terrier puppies. Since I deal with this particular breed, it will be much easier to explain what’s what with this particular breed.
In the first week, your gain is growing literally by leaps and bounds and before your eyes. In the first 7 days of life, a puppy gains approximately 100 grams of weight. In general, normal daily weight gain should be 15 grams on average. To do this, you need to weigh each puppy immediately after birth, and then weigh each puppy once a day every day. This is needed for control - if the puppy gains less than 10 grams per day, you need to pay special attention to it. Perhaps this puppy is weaker and less quick than his brothers and sisters, and he simply does not have enough milk. Such a puppy needs to be separately hung on the chest several times a day and ensure that other puppies do not push him away from the chest. If all the puppies are not gaining weight well, the problem may lie in the mother’s lack of milk. Strengthen the bitch's nutrition, add calories to her diet. For the first 10 days after giving birth, I do not recommend giving the bitch meat in order to avoid postpartum complications. The best choice is well-soaked dry food, which the bitch ate during pregnancy. You can also add buckwheat porridge with milk, a little low-fat cottage cheese or a boiled egg to your diet. I do not recommend giving rice porridge - the puppies may get stomach ache and have problems with defecation.

- be careful!

When your puppies squeak in the first days, this is normal. However, you need to feel the difference between a child's squeak and a squeak from pain. If puppies (and especially one of them) squeak for a long time and persistently, this is a signal that something is wrong with him. This usually happens at night. The puppy squeaks, crawls around the box, does not cling to the tit and is very worried. It means something hurts him. Usually at such an early age it is due to the fact that he cannot go to the toilet. Puppies at this age cannot yet pee or poop on their own; the bitch must lick the puppy’s tummy and under its tail for the reflex to work and defecation to occur. However, the dog sometimes forgets or simply does not want to lick the puppy in the right place. Then we need to help her. You can spread a little butter under the puppy's tail. Then the dog will begin to lick the puppy and he will poop. Or take a wet cotton swab yourself and massage the puppy’s tummy and under the tail. If this does not help, the puppy needs to be given an enema. To do this, take an ordinary 2-cc syringe, fill it with warm boiled water, lubricate the nose with baby cream and carefully insert the syringe into the puppy’s anus. After such an enema in 2 ml of warm water, the puppy will definitely poop and should calm down after a while.

In all my practice, I have not encountered any other problems in puppies of one week of age. It was just bad weight gain and a sore stomach and constipation. Which mostly happened after the bitch ate rice porridge. Therefore, I recommend not experimenting with dog food while feeding puppies.

Further. Puppies are 5 days old. According to the breed standard, a Yorkie should have 4 toes on its hind legs. But many Yorkie puppies are born with so-called dewclaws. This is the 5th toe on the inside of the paw. Sometimes they are even double. They need to be removed. In the article, of course, it is impossible to show how to do this correctly. But the point is this: you need to take sharp scissors, preferably stationery ones, slightly stretch the skin on the paw in the opposite direction and quickly cut off the puppy’s toe. After which the wound must be cauterized with potassium permanganate to stop the bleeding. I usually do this procedure in 5 days. Puppies at this age do not yet feel pain as much, and if this procedure is performed correctly, many of them will not even make a peep.
Your dog needs to eat properly and well while nursing newborn puppies. Add calcium to her diet. I recommend giving your dog a 2 ml subcutaneous injection of calcium glucanate every day at night for the first 5 days. Again, if you get used to it, the dog doesn’t even feel this injection. It's all about technique and practice.
So today we talked about the main points caring for newborn puppies. Let's repeat the main points.
1. Don't experiment with the dog's food during the feeding period. Give her her usual food. I do not recommend giving rice porridge. Give your dog milk.
2. Listen to the squeak puppies. A prolonged, strained squeak indicates a problem. Help him go to the toilet, give him an enema if necessary.
3. Monitor your weight gain each puppy daily for the first 7 days. For puppies that are not gaining weight well, attach them separately to the chest.
4. At the age of 5 days, dewclaws must be removed in puppies. For the first time, it is better to invite an experienced person to do this.
5. To avoid complications after childbirth- eclampsia, do not give the bitch meat for the first 10 days after giving birth, and give an injection of calcium gluconate for several days in a row.

In the following articles I will gradually cover issues related to the growth and development of puppies. If anyone has any questions about today's topic, ask them through the feedback form or in the comments to the article. I will definitely answer you.
Health to you and your pets.

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Owners of Yorkshire terriers, like no one else, know what a playful and perky character their pet has. Fidgety Yorkies are sociable and friendly animals that will happily play with you and your children or pose for the camera. They love their owner and follow him everywhere like a tail, trying not to lag behind even a step.

Despite the fact that these are not guard dogs, they are highly trainable and will happily follow any commands as long as they please their owner and earn his attention.

Although the Yorkie puppy has a wonderful appearance, for which he is often called a “plush” or “doll” dog, he is relatively easy to care for. Its long fur, which falls in even strands on the sides and is more like human hair, is a special asset, and since it has no undercoat, it does not smell at all and practically does not cause allergies.

Pets have bangs that must be kept out of the eyes so that the baby can see. There are many variations of hairstyles and different ways to style this “mane”, so you can show your imagination and creativity.
While caring for and raising your four-legged household member, you may encounter such troubles as problems with bowel movements.

The first and most important advice is - if you don’t know what to do, don’t experiment on an animal. Such an important and delicate issue should not be postponed or neglected under any circumstances.

The baby, since he has a fast and good metabolism, should poop 3-5 times a day, older individuals up to 2 times. The feces should come out in a so-called “sausage”, the same color and smooth, without jagged edges or other foreign bodies.

If the stool becomes loose and bowel movements become more frequent, then it is quite possible that you are faced with a problem such as diarrhea in your Yorkie.

  • Or, on the contrary, if you notice that your puppy cannot go to the toilet normally during the day, then you should pay attention to this. Without treatment and without taking any action to eliminate constipation, you risk facing unpleasant consequences, such as:
  • rupture of the walls of the colon;
  • damage to nearby organs;
  • general poisoning of the body with stagnant feces;

Possible death.

Causes and prevention Before you begin treatment or take any action, it is worth trying to determine the reason why your puppy is not pooping. Initially, you should consult the animal’s veterinary card, since constipation in a Yorkie can be a consequence of gastrointestinal diseases, obesity or diabetes, if your pet does not have such ailments, then these options can be discarded as a cause, starting the search for the causes with a simpler one.
One of the root causes is improper nutrition, often due to the owner’s ignorance.

Of course, we are talking about the nutrition of babies after 2 weeks, since before this period small Yorkie puppies eat their mother’s milk or milk substitutes.

And only after 14 days do they begin to switch to adult food. One product will be gradually introduced to your pet each day.

For starters, dairy and fermented milk products are great, but not solid ones: warm goat's milk, sheep's milk, cottage cheese and kefir. You need to give a little at a time, a teaspoon, if the animal’s body accepts the new food normally, then you can increase complementary feeding up to 2-3 times a day.
In the period of about six months, the question arises about choosing the subsequent food for the dog, having introduced your pet to a variety of foods, you should think about whether you will switch to food or prefer natural food.

Self-prepared food, of course, is healthier and better digestible, but it requires quite a lot of time and careful selection of products, as well as an additional selection of vitamins and supplements.

  • bones;
  • If you eat improperly, you can cause diarrhea in your Yorkie. You should know that food from the table is not allowed, and also the following should not be present in the diet:
  • sweets;
  • spices;
  • flour;
  • fat meat;
  • unprocessed fish;
  • grapes (in any form);
  • alcohol;

seeds and the like.

Dry food is already balanced and contains all the necessary microelements, but you should choose the right and high-quality food based on the weight and characteristics of your pet.

Now, as for the immediate reasons that provoke diarrhea in a Yorkie puppy or constipation, it is a simple failure to comply with the above rules.

It often happens that although dry food seems to be suitable for a four-legged animal, in reality the food may be poorly digestible or be too dry. To prevent possible consequences, it is recommended to give your pet more fluid. Excessive consumption of cartilage can also cause constipation.


You can help your pet at home. One of the best options when you do no harm and can alleviate the situation is to give Vaseline oil with a syringe without a tip.

Since this oil is not edible, unlike sunflower oil, it is not absorbed into the intestinal walls, but it lubricates them well and promotes the passage of feces.

Pay attention to your four-legged friend, spend time with him and take care of his health and development. A puppy is the same child who becomes attached to you and completely trusts himself and his life. Love and appreciate your little furry friend.

As a result of such unpleasant difficulties, an accumulation of feces occurs in the colon and subsequent hardening. The presence of sharp objects, for example, bone fragments, is possible in the waste masses. When defecating, objects cause damage to the intestinal walls. What to do is a question that worries the owner who watches the suffering of the animal. Let's consider what remedies will benefit the poor man and alleviate his painful condition.

Constipation is common in dogs

The dog is deprived of speech functions; the dog is unable to describe its condition. Based on external signs, an observant owner will guess that the four-legged pet is experiencing pain and discomfort during bowel movements. The prerogative of monitoring the dog's health remains with the dog's owner. It is better to show a sick animal to a veterinarian.

The fact is that constipation in a dog can be caused by various factors. A common one is improper diet of a pet.

The unwritten rules of dog ownership should begin with care and feeding. It is unacceptable to feed the dog with treats and sweets, or throw food from the table. Owners are often mistaken in believing that natural dog food consists of bones of various sizes, tubular and boiled.

The course of constipation in dogs is influenced by the age of the animal. The disease is typical for older individuals who lead a sedentary, sofa-like lifestyle. Severe constipation in a dog is caused by a number of reasons:

  • Feeding bones;
  • Feeding with steep broth;
  • Overfeeding;
  • Improper feeding of dry food.

The most dangerous manifestations of constipation, as a consequence of the development of diseases:

  1. Prostate (males suffer);
  2. Paraanal glands;
  3. Internal organs (gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, pancreas);
  4. Anus, perineal area and intestines;
  5. Neurological pathologies;
  6. Orthopedic diseases.

Elimination of the causes can be achieved through a review of the diet and proper structure. For example, if a dog is constipated after eating bones, the cure for the disease consists of fully monitoring the animal’s feeding and urination processes.

Diseases can be diagnosed by an experienced veterinarian during the initial examination; there is no need to delay. It is important to consult a veterinarian at the slightest sign of difficulty with defecation. Only a full examination will help identify the cause, and the doctor will make an accurate diagnosis and indicate how to treat the dog for constipation.

Constipation caused by improperly organized feeding can be treated at home. Vegetable oil is simply added to the four-legged pet's food in small quantities. Make sure your animal always has fresh water. Giving a dog an enema for constipation will help, but the procedure is highly undesirable. Firstly, experience and knowledge are required (for example, calculating the volume of water depending on the weight of the dog), and secondly, the body should be given a chance to cope without medications and enemas.


A healthy dog ​​with a healthy intestine and stomach will have bowel movements twice a day. If the procedure occurs once a day or does not occur at all, you should worry about the health of the pet; what is happening symbolizes constipation.

The manifestation of constipation is characterized by the dog making significant efforts to empty the intestines, unsuccessful attempts and pain as a result of these actions. The dog may try to go to the toilet several times during the day without success. The condition can last for several days.

Poorly organized feeding is the main factor causing constipation in a dog. Symptoms of the disease are characterized by:

  1. Multiple attempts by the animal to defecate and the inability to do so, the process of defecation is delayed.
  2. The animal experiences pain during bowel movements.
  3. The dog is vomiting (an extremely dangerous symptom that indicates the presence of another disease).


To avoid annoying canine ailments, feed:

  1. Dog food must be balanced. Special feeds are preferred.
  2. The dog should not receive handouts from the table.
  3. Boiled tubular bones should not be present in a dog’s diet (there are often cases when undigested bone fragments accumulate in the animal’s intestines; only surgical intervention helps).

In the most severe cases, part of the dog's intestines clogged with hardened feces is simply removed.

The following mistakes in dog nutrition often include:

  1. Feeding the dog steep broth,
  2. The presence in the diet of foods overloaded with fiber (foods are difficult to digest) or foods poor in fiber,
  3. Overfeeding or underfeeding the animal.
  4. Lack of fluid in the dog's body.

Water enemas are just a way to help your dog with constipation. The purpose of the enema is to clear the overcrowded intestines of hardened feces. Although the procedure alleviates the condition of the sick animal, it does not mean the end of suffering if the diet is not adjusted in the right direction. Fresh drinking water, a varied diet, meat with the addition of vegetables, raw and cooked (pumpkin, celery), unprocessed bran, beets and fresh carrot juice will improve intestinal motility.

You should remain aware of the peculiarities of your four-legged friend's digestive system in order to avoid annoying mistakes in feeding and caring for your pet. Preventative measures taken in advance by far-sighted owners prevent constipation in dogs:

  • Balanced food containing essential vitamins and minerals.
  • “Fruiting” portions of food with a small amount of vegetable oil once or twice a week.
  • Availability of water in sufficient quantities.
  • Walks, outdoor games, physical exercises to keep your four-legged pet in shape.

Particular attention should be paid to adequate physical activity. The dog is created for hunting, running, active games and fun playing with a ball and rubber ducks. Get ready for an active life, full of not only worries, but also the joy that the selfless friendship of a four-legged creature gives.


Improper feeding of your pet leads to the development of the disease coprostasis. It occurs as a result of the dog feeding on bones or eating large portions. It is worth noting that constipation from bones occurs extremely often in dogs. The disease also affects male dogs suffering from prostate enlargement. The latter factor is directly related to the formation of constipation; as a result of the increase, the intestines are compressed, and feces cannot come out.

An additional reason for difficulty in passing feces is the presence of damage to the pelvic region, a factor that greatly affects the condition of the intestines. In such cases, pets need to take laxatives. Dogs suffering from coprostasis are easy to identify; the dogs are always restless and periodically run around to defecate to no avail. The belly of such dogs is somewhat swollen.

Dogs suspected of having a disease are sent to a hospital for an X-ray examination with contrast of the intestinal area. Mild conditions can be cured in the simplest ways, for example, with the help of antispasmodics.

Another effective medicine is considered to be a combination of petroleum jelly (20) and castor oils (1). Severe cases require surgery. An enema for a dog with constipation is carried out under general anesthesia, and the procedure is supplemented by removing feces using obstetric forceps. To avoid complications of the situation, feeding the dog with a full intestine is not allowed.