Which pet is right for your family. Animals for children - how to choose the right pet for a child? The best pet

Pets are not only entertainment or a toy for a child, but also important element education. A kitten, puppy, hamster instills in a child a sense of responsibility, care, love, affection and many others. positive traits. The only thing parents need to consider when choosing a pet is the child’s preferences and readiness for a new “family member.” Do right choice Our tips will help.

What should you consider when choosing a pet?

When choosing a pet, you should pay attention to three points: the age and temperament of the child, as well as the age of the animal.

Child's age

Adults must be able to calculate their strength and understand that caring for a newborn and at the same time a puppy or kitten will require a lot of patience and time. Parents almost immediately become mothers and fathers for two “children.” If there is such readiness and desire, then the age of the baby does not matter.

It is recommended to choose small furry animals (for example, hamsters) and birds when choosing a pet when the child is under five years old. At this age, children will not yet be able to fully care for them, and everything will fall on the shoulders of adults.

Children over five years old can already bathe and feed animals, take them for a walk, clean their cages, etc.

Baby's temperament

For a calm and uncommunicative child, it is recommended to get a parrot, preferably a talking one. A kitten or fish would be more suitable for a hyperactive child. These animals will have a calming effect on the baby. But a dog is a universal animal that will suit a toddler with any temperament and character.

Pet age

Children, in a fit of feelings and emotions, usually grab a puppy or kitten tightly and hug it to themselves, sometimes kiss it, pull its paws, ears or tail. How will he react to such caresses? adult dog– unknown. Therefore, for safety reasons, it is necessary to purchase an animal for a child at the age of three to four months.

When choosing a pet, you first need to decide what you need it for.

Choosing a dog

A dog is an animal that will happily greet apartment residents returning from work or school. You can play with her, run around, cuddle her and pet her. A dog is not only a reliable guard, but also a loyal friend.

This Living being essentially the same child who requires a lot of attention. Among the numerous breeds, it is necessary to choose a non-aggressive and, in a sense, predictable dog. These include german shepherds, collies, labradors and simple mongrels. By the way, the latter are the most faithful, devoted and obedient.

When choosing a dog, you need to know:

  • It will take time or money to train her to keep the child safe.
  • Considerable things await you material costs to provide the pet with the necessary food, vaccinations and medical services.
  • You will have to walk your dog several times daily.
  • During walks, the dog will play with people and other animals.

Choosing a cat

This pet does not require as much attention as a dog. There is no need to walk her - you can train her to home toilet. Special food is also not necessary - you can accustom it to regular food. But such animals are not amenable to 100% training; they can scratch anyone, regardless of age and family ties. This is why you should not get a cat if the family has a child under three years old.

If we talk about choosing a breed, it is best to choose Persian cat or completely outbred. But you shouldn’t get a Siamese cat, she is very wayward and vindictive, she won’t tolerate insults even from a child.

All these rodents live in cages; they need to constantly change the bedding and take care of the timely replenishment of food and water. They easily come into contact with people. Children can play with them, stroke them, hold them in their hands. True, if handled roughly, the animals can release their claws and scratch painfully, and sometimes even bite.

One of the “disadvantages” of such animals is their short life. If a baby becomes attached to an animal, then one day he will have to endure the bitterness of loss.

Aquarium fish

These pets have their pros and cons for keeping them at home.

  • Easy care.
  • They are the decoration of the room.
  • They have a calming and calming effect.
  • The fish cannot be touched or played with, which is very important for kids.

Canaries or parrots

You need to choose a small bird (not a large breed of parrot) so that it cannot peck the child painfully. Caring for a feathered resident consists of daily feeding, replacement drinking water and cleaning the cage. Songbirds such as canaries will delight you with their songs, and parrots can become interesting “interlocutors.” The good thing is that birds have a long lifespan and the baby will not have to suffer due to separation from his pet.

domestic rabbit

The rabbit is an affectionate and harmless animal. Children love to play with it, pet it and take care of it. Rabbits require a lot of attention, and daily attention. The child will have to be taught:

  • Pour fresh and clean water several times a day.
  • Make sure there is always fresh greenery in the cage.
  • Take your rabbit out for walks during the warmer months.
  • Brush your animal's fur regularly.
  • Handle your pet carefully to avoid accidental injury.

Other pets

You can find a turtle at home. But this animal is unlikely to hold a child’s interest in itself for long, since most of the time turtles sleep and, moreover, do not speak. You can't run with a turtle; it doesn't have soft fur. Most children find this pet boring and too calm.

Achatina are huge snails that are kept in aquariums. Such a pet is fashionable, that’s all. They move almost imperceptibly, measuredly and calmly. Caring for them consists of washing the aquarium (once every two weeks) and feeding. Snails prefer to eat fresh vegetables and lettuce leaves.

The ferret is considered a very funny and trainable animal. How a pet he is restless and mischievous. The big drawback of this pet is unpleasant aroma which is rarely dealt with.

In some families you can find spiders, lizards and even snakes as pets. It is not recommended to keep such pets in a home with children. Children's reactions can be different and unpredictable. The child may get scared and even get nervous breakdown. In addition, among such representatives there are also poisonous specimens, and this is a real danger.

your child for a long time asks to buy a cat or dog - do not refuse him. Prepare your baby for such an acquisition, explain what will change in the baby’s usual daily routine with the arrival of a pet. When purchasing, consider not only the desire of the child, but also his character, age and temperament.

Choosing a pet for a child (video)

Educators and psychologists have long come to the general opinion that children living surrounded by pets very early begin to feel responsible for the actions they commit. It is unlikely that such a valuable human quality will develop in your child if he is only in the company of plush toys and a computer.

The role of animals in a child's life

In the course of numerous studies, scientists have come to the conclusion that a pet becomes a close friend for a child, to whom the child trusts his secrets, experiences and fears much more willingly than to his always busy parents.

90% of seven-year-olds surveyed ranked their pets as the most important part of their lives. In fairness, it must be said that mom is in the lead on this list, and dad is in second place. However, many children consider a cat or dog more important than other relatives and teachers!

It should be noted that children have an amazingly realistic assessment of the role of animals in their lives. Of course, none of the guys surveyed expect their four-legged, feathered or crawling friend to help in case of illness. But what especially struck the scientists was the choice of their favorite interlocutor. Imagine, it turned out to be a dog!

Some parents, motivating their reluctance to have a pet, say that the child will torture the unfortunate dog (rabbit, hamster, etc.). Firstly, it is not so easy to torture an animal. Even the most little kitty can take care of himself. In extreme cases, he will simply run away and hide. And secondly, this situation largely depends on the behavior of adults. If the parents are happy about the new family member, they look after him and caress him, then the child will copy their behavior. If a living creature that appears in the house is considered a piece of furniture for adults, then this pet will cease to exist as such for the child. And this is far from the worst option. It would be worse if he began to show cruelty towards his new friend.

Thirdly, parents must be aware that a child who has barely reached the age of three will not be able to independently care for their pet.

Pets and small children

The appearance of a pet in the house must be thought out and organized in the most careful manner. It is more advisable to get an animal or bird when the child is 5-6 years old. Please note that looking at pictures and photos of pets for children is a very exciting activity. At this age, they can already decide with whom they most want to communicate. Before getting a pet, you need to explain to your daughter or son that his future friend is not an ivy toy, but a living creature that needs his care and love. A six-year-old child is already able to independently feed a kitten or puppy, parrot or hamster, and go for a walk with it.

When your child turns 9 years old, you can absolutely safely buy him a guinea pig or a rabbit. The child will no longer strangle them in his arms.

By the age of 10, he will already be able to care for snails, turtles, and aquarium fish.

At the age of 14-15, you can purchase any animal - your son or daughter will already be able to independently care for even large dog or a long-haired cat.

If you can convince a child in words or by your personal example that an animal should be treated as if it were dear friend, then your pet will live in your home for a long time and happy life.

How to choose a pet

The best pet for a child is the one he chooses himself. Of course, you will need the help of your parents. It is necessary to gently and correctly explain that not all pets are suitable for children. Special literature can help you with this issue. Look through the encyclopedia together, look at photos of pets. It is very important for children that their parents take an active part in making their dreams come true.


According to statistics, people most often keep cats as pets. And this choice is easy to explain. The animal is clean and does not require large financial costs. He doesn't need regular walks fresh air. The purring of a cat is calming and can evoke positive emotions. Today there are about 256 breeds of these affectionate animals. The question immediately arises: “Which best cat for children?" Let's try to answer it.

The first contenders are Scottish Fold and Straight-eared cats. These are very peaceful and friendly creatures. They get along great with children; they will not bother them with excessive meowing, nor will they bite or scratch them. These are quite worthy companions.

Angora cat

This fluffy beauty is playful and cheerful, silent, and easily adapts to new conditions. Quickly establishes contact with children and other animals.

Siberian cat

This is a large and calm silent woman. Extremely affectionate and gentle. He loves to play with children even in adulthood. Despite the luxurious fur coat, it does not require special care for its coat.

Usually cats, dogs, birds, fish, and rodents live with people. In other words, traditional pets. The list for children is somewhat limited. For example, you shouldn't have dogs. large breeds, which are classified as aggressive. An animal can, in a fit of jealousy (oddly enough, dogs often experience this “human” feeling) offend the baby. In addition, if your child suffers from allergies, it is necessary to do all the necessary tests before bringing a pet into your home.

There is no four-legged friend better than a dog

And although all-knowing statistics claim that most people prefer to have cats, according to our observations, millions give the palm to dogs.

Psychologists in Germany, based on numerous studies and experiments, have come to the conclusion that a dog in the house influences the upbringing of a child and the development of his character. They convincingly proved that communication with this animal develops such valuable values ​​in a child. human qualities, How:

  • honesty;
  • generosity and the ability to forgive mistakes;
  • devotion;
  • tolerance for shortcomings;
  • compassion.

How to choose a dog for a child

It is a great blessing to have pets! For children, this is a permanent school of communication with four-legged friends. You will soon notice how quickly your child, who has received a treasured friend, will begin to change. He will begin to grow up before our eyes, prudence and balance will appear - after all, now he is responsible for his pet.

When choosing a dog breed, consider the age of your son or daughter. Even if your child is already a teenager, remember that the dog’s weight should not exceed the owner’s body weight, otherwise he simply will not be able to cope with the pet in a critical situation.

For many people, large animals are best dogs. For children, the selection criteria should be slightly different. Not every adult can handle a service dog. These animals have very strong character and recognize a leader only in a psychologically strong person. A child, while he has not yet formed as a personality, needs a companion dog - friendly and affectionate, who can play with him and be sad when necessary.

And one more piece of advice: a puppy that appears in the house must be brought up and taught the rules of behavior both in the apartment and on the street from the first days. To do this correctly, you need to study a lot of literature. This will allow you to find out the habits of the breed you have chosen, the advantages and disadvantages of the pet’s character, which you can get rid of with the help of daily and persistent training. So, we will present to you several dog breeds that are most suitable for a child.

Golden retriever

An energetic and at the same time very patient dog. She is smart, completely devoid of aggression, and loves to play with children. Recognized as the best companion for a child.

Labrador Retriever

A very popular family dog ​​breed. These pets seem to love the whole world - people, animals, birds... But they give special preference to their little owners, to whom they become attached with all their hearts and are ready to spend days and days with them. Plus, they are very cute dogs.


Often these dogs are purchased for children. They make real friends - they are kind and very patient. And one more important argument in favor of this breed: it is one of the safest for allergy sufferers, because poodles practically do not shed.

Irish Setter

This spectacular handsome guy is very playful. Moreover, he loves to frolic not only with children, but also with pets. The Irish Setter is ideal for living in a private home with a large yard.


Charming and kind little bear. He cares for children so reverently and tenderly that he received the affectionate nickname “babysitter” among the people. These dogs are smart, and even an angel would envy their patience. best friend You won’t find one for a 10-12 year old child.

Pets for children must match the character and temperament of their young owner. Active and active children are more suitable for playful and funny dogs, and more calm - phlegmatic. It is necessary to raise and train a puppy from the first days of its appearance in your home. Many parents mistakenly believe that this only applies to large breeds. This is a deep misconception. A small dog (for a child this is probably best option) no less large animal needs training. If you miss the moment, then instead of a nice companion you will get an uncontrollable “bully”.

Choosing a small breed dog for a child is not as simple as it seems. Quite often, these kids do not tolerate being treated rudely or simply carelessly. These are primarily Chihuahuas, Pekingese, Mini Pinscher and Spitz. In response to pranks, they can growl and even bite. In addition, small dogs (especially pocket breeds) are very fragile and can be harmed simply by carelessness.

Of the small dogs, girls most often choose Yorkshire Terrier. They love to comb his silky fur and tie bows. But before getting a dog, parents should learn as much as possible about the chosen breed. More suitable for a boy English bulldog- The dog is kind and very loving to children.

Parrot for a child

Before you go to the pet store, watch your child - this will help you understand what his soul is about. Watch movies with him that show the best pets. It is very important for children that their opinion is listened to, rather than a parental decision being imposed. Perhaps the cats and dogs that you love very much leave your baby indifferent. Give him the opportunity to make his choice.

If your son or daughter loves to watch birds, then you need to buy a parrot. But which one? The thought of wavy individuals immediately comes to mind. These small, undemanding birds have settled in many Russian homes. “Wavlies” are easy to learn, make contact with people, remember sounds well and short words. These cute birds live from 10 to 25 years.

Gray parrot Jaco

This is a fairly large bird. Its length (including tail) can reach 35 cm. It slowly gets used to a new place and conditions of detention. Jaco is amazingly read psychological condition his owner, therefore it is necessary that the owner is completely confident in his abilities, only in this case Jaco will obey and begin to fulfill your demands. As you understand, such a bird can become a pet for a teenager of 13-15 years old.

Karela (Nymph)

Unlike the wayward Jaco, this is a very friendly bird that is twice the size of budgerigars. They come in white, gray, light lemon color. Karela is unpretentious in food. With regular training, he quickly remembers a large number of words and even short sentences. If you are buying a parrot for a child, it is better to buy a very young bird - it will quickly get used to its young owner and will be easier to train.

Aquarium fish

For overly active children, you can purchase an aquarium. Bright fish will help calm your fidget for a while, and he, in turn, will be fascinated by life in the underwater world.


Many children are attracted to rodents. If adults often get ferrets, chinchillas, and jerboas, then children most often buy hamsters. These are evening pets. It is important for children to know that they become active in the evening, and in daytime they usually sleep. Therefore, they should not be disturbed in vain.

We told you about popular pets that are most often owned by families with children. We encourage you to accept your child's choices, even if they don't exactly match yours. Remember your childhood and your deepest desires. Then you may understand how important it is when the people closest to you understand you and help you realize your dream.

Unfortunately, adults only see problems in animals. It is clear that he needs to be looked after, cleaned, that sometimes he needs to be treated, given vaccinations, and bought expensive food and toys. But, dear parents, don't be selfish. Agree that we are so bogged down in our problems that we only think about them. We forgot what kind of children we ourselves were, how we loved to stroke street cats and feed stray dogs. We have forgotten what it means to be happy and carefree. And children want to be just children, they like to communicate with animals, care for them and educate them, albeit to the best of their ability. Let's help a child be a little happier by giving him a pet. Of course, based on means, capabilities, living conditions and our desires.

In fact, it is not so important for a child whether he has a huge dog, a sea turtle or a small hamster. All that matters to him is that he has a pet. After all, absolutely any animal, no matter what breed or size, has an extremely positive effect on the development of a child. Any pet instills in a child the most important qualities such as kindness, responsibility, patience and compassion. And many of the problems that adults love to talk about can be avoided if you approach the purchase of a pet responsibly. What role does it play in a child’s life? four-legged friend, how positively it affects its development, what problems it can provoke and which animal is better to take into the house - we’ll talk about this.

The role of a pet in a child's life.

Not a single most educational and interactive toy can ever replace a child with a pet. Even if your baby cannot yet fully care for his animal, he still understands that it is a living creature that requires care and attention. The skills acquired from communicating with a living being will definitely be useful to the child in the future. adult life. In this sense, a pet carries a pedagogical load - it teaches the child to be responsible, organized and, to some extent, disciplined. Of course, the degree of responsibility of a child in relation to his pet is determined by his age. So, if a 3-year-old child is only able to help - feed an animal or walk it with his parents, then at 7 years old he can already perform a number of functions independently without any problems, and at 14 he has the right to become its full-fledged owner and be fully responsible for his own actions. and your friend.

A pet for a child is great way develop his physical skills. Even if it's a hamster and you don't have to walk it, it still develops fine motor skills, attentiveness and manual dexterity. At the same time, the child’s intellectual abilities also develop. By communicating with the animal, caring for it and studying its habits, the child gets acquainted with the world around him. By stroking a cat or rabbit, he learns to distinguish and understand emotions - his own and the animal's. He learns to see cause-and-effect relationships and begins to understand the habits of animals: for example, even a 2-year-old child can easily understand that a dog wants to go outside or a cat wants to eat. A pet for a child is a source of various activities, during which he develops observation skills and develops curiosity.

An animal is a wonderful helper for social adaptation child in society. Remember the situation when one of the neighbor kids goes out for a walk with a puppy or brings out a turtle in a small box - all the attention of the children, and sometimes their parents, turns to the owner of this funny pet. And this, you see, is a great way to find new friends or communicate with old ones.

An animal also raises a child morally. The animal evokes positive feelings in him emotional experiences, which with age, he has less and less. Communicating with his friend, caring for him and loving him, he transfers these emotions throughout the world. He begins to treat nature and all living things more carefully, appreciate the natural and love the world as a whole. The child becomes more harmonious and calmer. Moreover, a child who has a pet grows up to be a more cheerful, friendly and self-confident person, unlike peers who have never had animals.

Possible problems with your pet.

Before following your child’s lead and getting him a pet, keep in mind that despite all the child’s assurances, you still have to care for the animal. In addition, remember that you will have to solve the problem of who to leave your beloved “beast” with when you go to another vacation. Any animal in the house is always extra headache. Keep in mind that a cat can shit anywhere, scratch furniture and peel off wallpaper; you need to walk the dog; the aquarium must be washed periodically; There's also quite a bit of dirt from birds; Yes, and rodents require a lot of care. Therefore, weigh everything and think carefully about whether you need new concerns, because an animal is a real family member who will need attention, care and money.

Remember that the animal can be potentially dangerous for the baby. And the point here is not only in aggression, coming, for example, from siamese cat and dogs of the fighting breed, and the possibility of developing allergies. If your baby is even slightly prone to allergic reactions, you should not get an animal, otherwise you will then have to treat the child for a long time and look for someone to give the animal a home. But in any case, even if there are no allergy sufferers in the house, show your pet veterinarian And vaccinations are a must! Even the most seemingly harmless parrots can be a source of dangerous microbes and infections. If you take into account all the nuances, choose the right animal and approach with a sense of responsibility to ensure its life activity and upbringing, everything possible problems and the dangers can be easily minimized.

Which animal should a child get?

Is your little one asking for a pet? Take this issue seriously. There is no need to deprive the baby of communication with a living being. Try to find an opportunity to bring a pet into the family that would suit both your baby and you. But you need to choose an animal not only taking into account your abilities and capabilities, but also taking into account the character of its future owner - that is, the baby.

Dog. The most beloved and most popular pet option among children among the whole variety of animals. A dog is a friend who will love you unconditionally. She quickly and permanently becomes attached to all family members and very easily finds contact with children. To communicate with the child the most the best option is a dog of a friendly breed, best of all - a mongrel. Fighting breeds carry danger, and the decorative dog is in itself a jealous and capricious child. The dog needs to be walked and fed several times a day. It requires attention, education and large quantity time. A large breed dog living in a 2-room Khrushchev building evokes sincere sympathy. If you have a small apartment and a serious job that takes everything free time, buy better fish, don’t torture the animal, please. From lack of care and attention, the dog will suffer and may become seriously ill. The dog gets used to one owner and has a very hard time being separated from him. Having a pet for a child in the form of a dog is a serious and responsible step!

Cat. A less demanding animal that takes up less space and does not require walking. But keep in mind that, as cats grow up, they become characteristic and maneuverable creatures with whom it is not always possible to play. At the same time, children, as a rule, lose all interest as soon as the kitten grows up and stops chasing a string with a bow. In addition, a cat can scratch and damage the interior, it needs a toilet and periodically they ask for meetings with the opposite sex.

Rodents. All hamsters, rats, Guinea pigs, mice and rabbits are, in principle, unpretentious. They are economical and undemanding to living conditions. The care and maintenance of them can be completely entrusted to a 7-8 year old child. The only thing is that their habitat must be constantly cleaned, as they can become carriers various diseases. You can't really squeeze the rodents; they can bite. At the same time, they usually lead night look life and not all household members agree to put up with their nocturnal activities. In addition, all animals of this order live very short lives, and when buying a rodent, you must understand that sooner or later you will have to explain to your child the reason for the loss of his pet.

Fishes. Big, clean, beautiful aquarium with lots of colorful fish it looks quite great in any apartment. Fishes don't call allergic reactions. They calm and pacify. But having fish as pets, as a rule, does not satisfy children. You can't play with them, you can't touch or stroke them. At the same time, you need to take care of the aquarium and periodically buy food and new fish.

Birds. Despite small size, I must say, very noisy pets. Not financially demanding, but ongoing care required. Sometimes they spill food, fly out of cages, and sometimes even out of windows, and their feathers and down may well cause allergic reactions. However, you can easily establish verbal contact with birds, which cannot be done with fish and rodents. You can play, communicate and talk with them perfectly.

Turtle. Despite all our grins and suspicions, it is quite a smart and very interesting animal. Absolutely not demanding in terms of living conditions and unpretentious. He eats little, moves slowly and sleeps a lot. Therefore, you can trust her care even yourself small child. But there is one problem - turtle diseases do not show themselves in any way and this pet can die without any seemingly obvious reason and thereby cause trauma to the child’s psyche. Although when proper care and care, turtles live up to 80 years, so consider whether you need such a long-liver.

Remember that a pet for a child is not a child’s prank at all, but a creature that is necessary for the full and comprehensive upbringing of a child in psychological, moral, aesthetic and physical terms. When choosing a pet, you need to focus not only on your preferences and financial capabilities, but, first of all, on the character, temperament and age of the child for whom you are purchasing the animal. So, a dog will do a strong, balanced and self-confident teenager, and a cat - emotional child preschool age. For a phlegmatic baby who needs sound and tactile communication, it is more useful to take a guinea pig or a mouse. Leave birds for active and cheerful people, and for those who like to collect, as well as easily excitable and restless children, it is better to install an aquarium. No matter which animal you choose, believe me that even melancholy fish will only make your child feel positive emotions. However, before you take this or that animal into your home, think carefully about everything again, because a pet is a big responsibility for a child. But at the same time, this is both great joy and happiness - not only for the baby, but for all family members!

Choosing a pet is a very important decision. First, you need to decide what you expect from your pet. What it should be like.

Do not forget that with the appearance of an animal in your home, the routine of your life and more will change.

Are you ready to be responsible for the animal you tame?
If the answer is yes, then here are some tips for selecting a pet for your family that will help you decide on the choice of animal.

Choosing a Pet

  • Any living creature requires attention and daily communication. One is more, the other is less. Decide for yourself how much time you can devote to your pet.
  • You need to spend a certain amount to maintain an animal. Less for a hamster or rat, more for a dog. How much can you allocate?
  • Study the habits of your future pet and the conditions of its maintenance. Will you be able to provide him with the necessary living conditions?
  • Decide which animal is right for you: quiet and calm or active and noisy. The animal you choose should ideally suit your character, temperament and lifestyle.
  • Read reviews on thematic forums. This will help you make your choice.

Remember, choosing and purchasing a pet must be taken very seriously.

They become members of our family. We bear great responsibility for those we tame.


If you have a constant lack of free time, then any rodent will suit you. They do not require special attention and care.

Chinchilla, rat, hamster, guinea pig and other small rodents will not take up much space in your home and their maintenance does not require large expenses.

They are very funny and interesting to watch.
And besides, unlike fish, you can hold them in your hands.


Small birds live in cages and, like rodents, do not demand special attention.

Most Popular - canaries and parrots. But not everyone is able to withstand their singing from early morning.

Yes, and you will have to partially forget about cleanliness. Even though the bird is in a cage, its feathers are scattered everywhere.

An aquarium is a good addition to your interior. Aquarium fish suitable for those who love peace and quiet.

The cost of maintaining it is low, and you will get great pleasure from watching the fish. And nothing threatens the cleanliness of the house.

It's interesting to know:

All you have to do is create the necessary conditions for their habitat.


A cat is an independent creature. She walks on her own. And therefore it does not require much attention to itself.

But be prepared for material costs. Buying food, toilet, toys.

And also dug up flowers or simply thrown off the windowsill, torn wallpaper.

They are very smart and you can try to educate them. And in return you will receive a warm, soft and very gentle living ball on your lap.

Watching a cat or kittens and playing with them is a great pleasure.


If you decide to have a devoted friend at home - a dog, then you need to think through everything carefully.

This is a very responsible choice. Reconsider your lifestyle and your financial capabilities.

It takes a lot of money to properly maintain a dog. This includes dog food, a dog show, and much more.

When choosing a pet, you must remember that, first of all, it will be a reliable friend and a full-fledged family member, for whose happy life you are responsible.

And the selection process is very difficult and requires making informed decisions.

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Many parents and psychologists believe that a child simply needs a pet. But which animal is better to have in an apartment? After all, having an animal in the house is an additional burden on parents.

Birds and fish as pets

Babies, while still lying in the cradle, are able to watch fish in an aquarium or listen to birds singing. Fish can be the first and most safe option introducing a child to living nature.

There are no allergies to fish, caring for them is quite simple. At the age of two years, a child is able to feed fish by daily pouring the amount of food prepared by the parents into the water.

You can start with the simplest fish. Guppies, swordtails, and Malaysians live well in small aquariums. It requires a cleaning pump, compressor and lighting. The water can be changed once a week by draining ¼ of the aquarium and adding new water directly from the tap.

Immediately after the baby is born, songbirds are just as good. Forest goldfinch, siskin and crossbill with their unobtrusive and native Russian chirping pacify not only the baby, but also all family members.

Budgerigars are very sociable, so they are suitable for an older child who can feed them and even teach them to speak.

Large parrots are birds with character and are not harmless to a baby. Their beaks are large and strong and they are capable of intentionally causing injury to a child.

Which animal is better to have in an apartment?

For children over two years old, it is better to have a pet in an apartment with which tactile contact is possible. Stroking and touching for children and animals means attention and affection.

A land turtle, for example, is a good choice if you don't need extra hassle. She can go for six months without food and hibernate, hiding in a cool place.

It is difficult to squeeze a turtle; it hides securely in its shell. Meanwhile, the turtle is not at all lethargic, you can communicate with it, talk and stroke it.

An animal that is not deprived of attention may even respond to a nickname. With its claws knocking, it runs up to its owner, eats from its hands and offers its head for affection.

Pets such as small rodents can also be kept in an apartment. Provided that the child does not have allergies. Mice are not very suitable for keeping in an apartment due to their unpleasant, ineradicable odor.

But animals such as hamsters, guinea pigs, chinchillas, and dwarf rabbits are more suitable animals for keeping in an apartment. They're nice. Pleasant to the touch and unpretentious in maintenance.

Many people keep rats as pets in their apartments. Some zoologists consider them smarter than even dogs. Rats in an apartment will require more attention, but not in terms of care - it is enough to regularly clean the cage and feed it.

The rat is active and smart and needs to be played with, picked up, and talked to. They even trained me. Without attention, she may suffer.

If you are not ready to devote all your free time to communicating with a rat, then you can make it a same-sex friend.

Then it’s better to buy two at once and put them in a cage at the same time, then there will be no bloody conflicts. Rodents of different sexes should not be kept in an apartment, unless you decide to start breeding them.

The most popular pets that are best kept in an apartment are, of course, dogs and cats. It is better to adopt a kitten or puppy for children over 3-4 years old. But remember that than fluffier cat or a dog, the more allergenic its fur is.

The most allergenic of cats is Persian breed. The least allergenic are Siamese, Sphynx, Russian Blue, Abyssinian.

The nature of pets living in the apartment

To shape the character of a pet in the right direction, you need to take the animal into an apartment when it is still a cub, just weaned from its mother. But some animals cannot be trained or educated.

Exotic animals are not suitable for an apartment, especially with a small child.

Firstly, many of them, for example, snakes, are carnivorous. That is, they will periodically consume live food in front of the child - baby mice and frogs.

Secondly, for example, monkeys are different inappropriate behavior, sometimes you need to take care of them even more than the child. And monitor lizards and crocodiles are capable of attacking.

The most child-tolerant dogs are St. Bernards, Newfoundlands, spaniels, German shepherds, Labradors, boxers, schnauzers, Airedales and mongrels.

Charming toy terriers, dachshunds, Italian greyhounds and greyhounds, bulldogs, bull terriers, and South Russian shepherd dogs get along well with children.

Among cats, experts consider Angora, Burmese, Himalayan, Manx, Korat, Burmese, Ragdoll, Burmilla, and Russian Blue to be the friendliest.

It’s up to you to decide which animal is best to have in your apartment, but remember some rules.

After two years, the baby is able to learn the rules of behavior with animals.

Prohibit your child from taking food from the animal, pulling its paws, ears and tail, and not lying on it.

Teach your child to follow the rules of hygiene: do not kiss the animal, especially on the nose where there is a lot of bacteria.

Wash your hands after every interaction.

Choose an animal to live in an apartment with your children. That's all - collar, leash. Try to buy a cage together with your child. This way the child will immediately feel responsible for the pet.