How many years did someone live with a cat of the Persian breed? Persian cats: character, care, life expectancy

The material in this article provides basic information about what the age limit for cats and male cats can be and who is the longest-lived of the known representatives of the cat family.

How long do castrated cats live on average?

The life expectancy of castrated cats is significantly higher than that of their “dignified” cats. A fairly significant factor in this phenomenon is the cat’s lack of desire to fight for the cat, to run away long distances from home, and the inability to get sexually transmitted infections.

True, it is worth mentioning that such cats have impaired hormonal background, which is fraught with obesity. Such animals need special balanced diet nutrition. They may also develop urological diseases due to salt stagnation.

With proper care and showing love, attention and care, castrated and sterilized cats can please their owner for 18 years or more.

How long do British cats of the British breed live at home?

How many years do domestic Persian and Persian cats live?

On average, Persian cats can live for about 15 years. But their life expectancy is directly affected by their variety: classic peaches can delight with their company for about 20 years, while “extreme” peaches stay with their owner for about 15 years.

How long do Scottish cats live: Scottish Fold, Straight-eared and Siamese?

The average lifespan of cats of this breed is about 10-15 years. If the pets have a good pedigree, and their owners do everything to improve their quality of life, then they are able to live up to the age of 20-22 years.

How many years do Don and Sphynx cats live and how do they die?

Under proper conditions of detention, enough attention and affection, hairless cats can live a fairly long life, lasting 15-18 years. Ungroomed relatives barely live to be 7-8 years old.

By the age of about 12 years, aged Sphynx cats begin to lose teeth, have problems with urination, and may experience diarrhea or constipation. Hearing and visual acuity are gradually lost. TO old age the animal stops moving and is unable to eat food on its own. During this period of life, the cat owner has to make a choice: watch the painful death of his pet or decide to end it painlessly through euthanasia.

How long can cats live without food and water if fed with dry and liquid food?

Scientists say that cats can live 7-10 days without food. The cat may refuse food or more long term, but this condition of hers can lead to irreversible disorders in her body.

As for liquids, everything is much more serious. Even if dry food is available, the animal will not last more than two days without receiving liquid.

If the cat has food from which it can get about 250 ml of liquid per day, then the animal should not have problems.

How long do Siberian cats and kittens live and at what age do they give birth?

Siberian cats are long-living breeds. Their average life expectancy is 18-20 years. Their good and good health and proper care and diet.

A Siberian cat can give birth at the age of 15-17 years, but the risk of mortality in such kittens is quite high. The most optimal reproductive age cats of this breed are from 1 to 7 years old.

How many years do cats live on insulin, on dry food, or in the wild on the street?

If a cat is diagnosed with diabetes, this is not a reason to give up. At proper care, competent selection of treatment, and especially the dose of insulin, a properly formulated diet and the necessary exercise, an insulin-dependent animal can live more than 5 years.

Veterinarians say that if a cat is kept on dry food, then it should be exclusively good quality, premium or super-premium class. Also, the cat’s diet should not contain any other products other than food. It is worth remembering the fact that cats that eat dry food have a life expectancy that is 30 percent shorter than that of their cats that eat natural foods.

At home, cats can live about 12-14 years. Cats forced to live outside, without proper care and without correct mode unable to live long on food. Their maximum duration life is 3-5 years.

How long do Maine Coons, exotics, Thai breeds live?

Representatives of the Maine Coon cat breed, as well as Thais, can live about 20 years if they receive proper care and care. Under the same conditions, exotic shorthair cats live for about 15 years.

How long do sterilized cats live?

Sterilized cats, just like neutered cats, are able to live several years longer than their walking relatives. They do not need to be tormented by the torment of love and the search for a partner, and the risk of infection is significantly reduced infectious diseases from a member of the opposite sex during close physical contact.

Life expectancy of a cat after removal of a mammary tumor

If it so happens that your pet has been diagnosed with a mammary tumor, then you should not delay a visit to a veterinary clinic where an oncologist is present. Only a well-developed treatment plan, surgery and postoperative rehabilitation can prolong the life of an animal and improve its quality.

How long does it take on average for cats and regular breed yard cats, Persian chinchillas?

Regular outbred cats can live quite a long life if they receive proper care and attention from their owners. At good condition nutrition, proper physical activity and the presence of warmth and affection, cats of ordinary breeds delight people with their presence for 15-18 years.

Stray cats living in yards cannot boast such a long life expectancy. Due to the lack of proper care and nutrition, as well as other factors in yard life, their middle age– 1-5 years.

The average age of a Persian chinchilla is 10-12 years, but with enough care and a friendly atmosphere, Persian beauties can live longer with their owners.

How many years do cats with urolithiasis, epilepsy, kidney failure, chronic renal failure, infected with rabies, with cancer live?

For animals suffering urolithiasis The main thing is to contact a veterinarian in a timely manner, who can objectively assess the situation and accordingly prescribe the correct course of treatment and diet. By adhering to the recommendations received, the owner can significantly make life easier for his animal, and sometimes even cure it completely.

With proper care and a favorable environment, animals with epilepsy can live for about 10 years.

Unfortunately, with renal failure cats are not capable of living a long, carefree life. But a person can significantly improve its quality and duration if he promptly seeks help from veterinarians and unquestioningly follows all their prescriptions and recommendations.

Animals infected with the rabies virus live from 2 to 11 days, after which they inevitably die. Unfortunately. Predict the life expectancy of a cat with cancerous tumor impossible. It all depends on the aggressiveness of the disease and the quality of care for the sick pet. A cat can live with cancer for several months or several years.

How many years do cats live and long-lived cats maximum and record

The Guinness Book of Records records a record-breaking cat who lived for 38 years. A cat was also spotted. Lived a life of 36 years. Regular cats at home they can live up to 20 years or longer if they receive proper care, nutrition and exercise.

How long do Russian Blue, Rex Devon and Cornish cats live?

The average life expectancy of Russian Blue cats is 14-16 years. But if the cat is provided with care, it receives balanced diet, proper care, regular visits veterinary clinics, then she can please her owner for more than 20 years.

Many people wonder how long cats live. But this is not at all accidental, because cats can be considered the very first candidates for the place of pets. Every owner wants their pet to go with him long haul, because even in a short period of coexistence, a person gets used to the animal, associating it with a family member. It has been proven that various breeds susceptible to certain diseases or endowed with immunity to them, which, of course, affects life expectancy.

Also important factors that can prolong the stay of a furry or hairless pet in the earthly world are reproductive functions: carried out by him during his life or artificially suppressed by a person. Today we want to clarify the question of how long cats live and understand which factors shorten the lifespan of pets and which, on the contrary, increase it.

Multifaceted aspect

It is worth understanding that the number of years lived depends on many factors. Let us note the main ones:

  1. Genetics. Many dangerous diseases, leading to death, arise due to genetic predisposition. Of course, in good conditions residence they may begin later or not appear at all. But under unfavorable conditions, they arise literally in a matter of days to destroy the body. pet. Therefore, the question of how long cats live is determined by genetic predisposition and largely depends on it.
  2. Living conditions. Many scientists argue what comes first: the genetic factor or living conditions. Note that the latter means not only proper and balanced nutrition, but also a share of communication with your pet: caring for him reproductive functions and natural instincts, implying castration, sterilization, or the periodic presence of an animal of the opposite sex to procreate the pet. If the living factors are favorable, then genetic predisposition to diseases, if any, will not come first.

Breed versus street dweller

These facts (breed and mongrel) influence to varying degrees how long domestic cats live. Artificially bred mustachioed beauties that have flattened faces, such as exotics, always live less than a year or even two than their ordinary counterparts. Explained this factor the fact that in breeds with a depressed nose, breathing is difficult, and therefore anatomical changes occur in the nasal canal. Therefore, professional breeders and veterinarians recommend monitoring the level of air humidity: the room should be fresh, but not cold.

It would seem that street cats without clan and tribe they often cannot boast long life, but this is far from the case. The most dangerous thing for a homeless resident can be an attack by a dog or a person, but otherwise the indicators immune system will be even better than those of pets. A phenomenon that surprises many occurs and cannot be explained in any way.

Interesting facts about spaying and castration

When asked about how long castrated cats live, there is an opinion that medical procedure, aimed at depriving the animal of physiological instincts, carried out before the first sexual contact, significantly increases the life of the pet. It is noteworthy that some sources indicate a specific figure - 3 years, as minimum indicator the time by which the cat’s lifespan will increase after the procedure.

However, it is worth noting that opinions regarding the age of castration and sterilization of animals vary significantly. Some veterinarians say that the procedure should be performed at 6-9 months, while others say only with the onset of puberty.

So far it has not been possible to agree on a specific age, and science knows of cases where in both the first and second options there were disruptions in the behavior of pets. For example, territory “marks”, which in theory should stop after castration, did not disappear, just like aggressive behavior.

Consequences of suppressing the natural instincts of an animal

We should not forget that such procedures (castration and sterilization) are not only beneficial, but can also cause harm. It is known that after surgical intervention aimed at suppressing physiological needs representative of the cat family, animals can gain extra pounds. Therefore, the diet of such a pet will need to be monitored for the rest of its life, in order to avoid serious problems with health: obesity, shortness of breath, heart failure.

In this case, the answer to the question of how long castrated cats live at home will depend entirely on the person who competently builds proper diet for pets with minimal protein and fat content.

Life expectancy due to breed

Among expensive cats With proper breeding, representatives of several breeds are long-lived. And one of them is the Siamese cat. Here is a list that will help satisfy your interest in how many years do domestic cats live depending on the specific species:

  1. The currently popular hairless cats of the Canadian or Don Sphynx breeds are capable of living a long life. happy life at 12-15 years old.
  2. Exotics are 10-12 years old, but often such pets leave the world several years earlier due to health problems, which often cannot be properly treated.
  3. Maine Coons are able to happily coexist with humans for 15 years.
  4. The Persian cat is considered a long-liver and can please a person for about 17 years.
  5. Bengal cats How long do most of the breeds brought to Russia live - 12-15 years.
  6. The Abyssinian cat is also an average cat with a maximum lifespan of 15 years.
  7. Scottish Fold cats, called Scottish Folds, can compete with Siamese cats life expectancy. In both species it is about 20 years or more.

Long-lived domestic cats

The record holder for life expectancy is a cat named Lucy, who lives in the UK. According to official data, she is 43 years old. Translating to our human age, it turns out that the cat is almost 175 years old. In second place is the cute cat Cream Puff, originally from the USA, who lived a happy life at the age of 38, leaving this world in 2005.

Well, in third place among long-livers among mustachioed fluffy pets is a cat who once lived in Devon (England). He lived happily until his 36th birthday, after which he calmly passed away. By the way, the mentioned animals are Guinness Book record holders in the section of long-livers among domestic cats.

How long do British cats live at home?

Due to the fact that in lately breed british cats is the most popular and purchased, we decided to devote more time to it close attention. Note that there are only two main varieties: fold and regular. Moreover, the kitten belongs to a certain type does not affect his life expectancy in any way.

The British are quite capricious and stubborn, so for those who want complete unquestioning obedience from their pet, such a cat is not suitable. Replying to main question today's material about how long cats (British in this case) live, it is worth saying that the officially confirmed figure is 12-15 years. To maximize their lifespan, it is recommended to protect your pet from stress and drafts.

The age-old question regarding feeding

The lifespan of any living creature, not just a cat, is influenced by a proper diet, which ideally should be complete in all respects. Veterinarians recommend feeding your pets dry food to the exclusion of all other additives. The main rule is that the food must be premium or super-premium. According to professionals, this is exactly the diet that an animal can give for many years happy life.

Ordinary people: experienced breeders or those who bring a cat into their home for the first time are of the opinion that it is not better to find “live” food. Sometimes they even combine “drying” with cereals, meat or something else, considering this approach to be correct. WITH scientific point from such feeding, the animal is slowly destroyed, not receiving the necessary nutrients and acquiring many ailments. The reason is that dry food produces certain enzymes in the pet’s stomach that are unable to digest “live” food and vice versa. Therefore, for those who wish to bring into the house little kitten, the issue of competent feeding should be studied thoughtfully and in detail.

Summing up

We hope that the article helped those who are looking for answers to the question: how long do cats live? However, we should not forget that there are cases that completely break stereotypes and go beyond generally accepted norms. Pets surrounded by boundless love, living in the right conditions, are able to please their owners many times more than those whom they do not want to take care of. The data recorded in the Guinness Book of Records is the best confirmation.

Who knows, maybe there is a pet next to you right now that can surpass the figure of 43 years, becoming the first in the list of long-lived cats.

Today we will talk about animals, or more precisely, about cats and their life expectancy under various circumstances. Every owner strives to ensure that his beloved pet lives as long and as well as possible. Today, the life expectancy of cats has almost doubled compared to previous decades. How long do domestic cats live? What measures should be taken to make your pet a long-liver? Let's take it in order!

What factors influence the lifespan of domestic cats?

Some owners cannot be happier that their pet lives a long and happy life. For others, pets do not live to a ripe old age. What is the reason for this difference? A number of factors can greatly undermine the health of your beloved pet. It is important for the owner to know about them in order to prevent their occurrence.

  1. Genetic predisposition. Every cat breed is susceptible to some disease to one degree or another. For example, Persian cats are susceptible to kidney disease, which sooner or later leads to kidney failure. Therefore, Persian cats live on average about 10 years.
  2. Habitat. It's no secret that indoor cats have a better life than outdoor cats. Pets are surrounded by care and love, protected from viral and bacterial attacks, infections and other misfortunes that await a pet on the street.
  3. Nutritional Features. How long British cats and other breeds live depends on their diet and balance. A lack of vitamins and minerals can cause damage to health, sometimes irreparable. You should consult your veterinarian when choosing food. However, there are doctors who may recommend dry and wet industrial feed; There are experts who are categorically against such a diet. They stand for natural food.
  4. Sterilization. Few people know how long unsterilized pets and cats live after sterilization. Again the camp was divided into two fronts. The first doctors believe that sterilization prolongs the life of the animal due to the fact that the pet will not be susceptible to diseases of the genital area. Sterilized cats live several years longer than their counterparts. On average, sterilized individuals live about 15-20 years. Cats that give birth regularly shorten their lives. Other doctors believe that sterilization leads to lethargy and inactivity of the animal. This, in turn, leads to diabetes, obesity and shortened life.
  5. Predisposition to chronic diseases. If the pet has chronic disease or an inherited disease, he is unlikely to live to a ripe old age. Yes, with diabetes mellitus The cat lives only 4 years. An animal with urolithiasis can live only 5 years.
  6. Stress. Do you know how many years do pet cats live in a family where an optimal psychological climate is maintained? Add a couple of years to the average. Such pets are real long-livers.

Average life expectancy table for cats

Animals for whom the street is father's house, will live at most 5-6 years. How long do they live? street cats, affects survival without water and food. The body of such a cat literally fights for every opportunity to survive.

But how long domestic cats of common breeds live is shown in the table. The average lifespan of anyone domestic cat is approximately 12-17 years. But there are cases when representatives of the cat family crossed the threshold of 20 years.


Average life expectancy

Some aspects

Russian blue cats

Scottish fold cats

Few people knew how long the beloved Scottish Fold cats live. It turns out that this breed is a real long-livers. They have enviable immunity, which is why Scottish cats live so long.

However, such pets have problems with the spine and ears, so it is important to regularly examine your pet. These diseases are not fatal, but can slightly shorten the pet’s lifespan. Balanced diet and healthy image Life is determined by how long Scottish Fold cats live.

Bengal cats

Bengal cats live so long due to their lack of heart disease. Representatives of this breed are considered one of the strongest and hardiest. With proper care and balanced nutrition

Bengal cats live beyond the specified period and make the life of their owners fun and joyful.

Abyssinian breed

With high-quality content and optimal psychological climate live abyssinian cats up to 20 years. Although pets have a predisposition to diseases of the kidneys, retina, and blood. In order for your pet to live longer than the specified period, you need to monitor the health of its teeth (Abyssins often suffer from gingivitis).

British breed

Representatives of this breed have well-developed muscles, strong immunity and behave active image life, so it is reliably known how many years “British” cats live.

Individuals of this breed practically do not suffer from oncological diseases. There are some British pets who have reached the age of 20.


It turns out that Persian cats with short noses live longer than their extreme counterparts. Thus, short-nosed Persians can reach 20 years of age, while Persian cats (extreme and classic Persians) live only 15 years.


live Siamese cats often over 20 years. It is necessary to take into account the fact that purebred individuals are more susceptible various diseases than mestizos. Siamese suffer from glaucoma, strabismus, chronic renal failure, and difficulty breathing. Of course, with decent care and a balanced diet, the cat Siamese breed will live a very long time.

Siberian breed

There are cases where Siberian cats live and cross the 25-year mark of their lives. This breed is considered the healthiest. The main thing is to take a competent approach to keeping your pet.


Not everyone knows how long sphinxes live: hairless cats can delight their owners for 20 years. There is a single case known when a sphinx lived for 31 years. But this is more an exception than a generally accepted fact. Pets of this breed can boast of excellent immunity even in advanced years.

How long do cats live on average without food?

Every creature on Earth needs food and water. These are the fundamental factors of life on the planet. Lack or lack of food and water can cause irreparable harm to the body. If a cat goes without food for several days, how long will it live? Therefore, it is vital for every owner to know daily norm water and food for your pet.

How long can a cat live with water but no food? If we consider this situation, then about 10 days. If the pet has to do without food and liquid, then its life expectancy is reduced to 5-6 days. It all depends on the age, gender, and breed of the pet.

If a pet is undergoing treatment and refuses food, then a hunger strike of 5 days is considered the norm. Then the cat’s body will begin to waste energy on normal work all systems. A hunger strike for more than 5 days can lead to dire consequences.

How long does a cat live on average without water?

The health and life of a pet in absence depend on several factors:

  • The colder it is outside, the more likely your pet is to survive until moisture appears. If an animal is left without water in a hot summer, its body will be dried out literally within a day.
  • Diet. If a cat eats only dry food, then its moisture reserves must be replenished regularly. If there is a lack of water with such a diet, the body will not last long. If the animal eats wet food, then the water should last him a long time. However, if the owner is leaving for a long time, he should ask friends to come to the pet and feed and water it at least once a day.
  • It is believed that British Fold cats do not drink water due to the nature of the breed. However, some British owners note that their pets drink water, like other animals.
  • The older the pet, the more water he needs it every day. A cat can drink about 250 ml of water per day. How long will cats last at home in the absence of moisture? Without serious consequences for health - about 2 days. Then comes severe exhaustion and disruption in all body systems. In total, the animal can live without fluid for about 5 days. Sometimes death comes earlier.

Kidney failure in cats and life expectancy

How long a pet will live is influenced by its predisposition to various diseases. Every owner strives to do everything to ensure that his pet lives as long as possible. However, at an advanced age, felines can develop diseases that were not so common before. Such ailments include chronic renal failure.

Today, approximately 30% of cats suffer from kidney failure. About 20 years ago, this disease occurred only in a few, but now it affects more and more pets. Chronic renal failure is a disease that doctors cannot yet cope with. Veterinarians are not yet able to restore health to a pet and make its life fulfilling.

If before cats died at the age of 10-13 years, then in modern world On average, domestic cats live about 18-23 years. Such pets are considered long-livers in the animal world. However, longevity also has a flip side to the coin. An increase in the number of pets developing kidney failure is associated with an improvement in the quality of life and its duration.

How long cats can live at home with kidney failure depends on how badly the kidneys are damaged. The larger the affected area, the more difficult it is to cure the disease. If the owner did not notice a deterioration in health in time, and the pet went to the veterinarian with advanced disease, then most likely the pet will die a month after the disease is detected.

Timely identification of symptoms and compliance with doctor’s instructions can prolong the life of a cat with renal failure (in chronic form) to average life expectancy: 10-13 years.

Turns out, this disease more common in cats a certain breed, for example, British or Persian. This is due to their predisposition to congenital anomaly- polycystic kidney disease. This, in turn, leads to kidney failure.

As a preventive measure, doctors recommend periodically showing your pets to veterinarians, doing clinical and biochemical tests blood: for creatinine, urea, protein, potassium, phosphorus. Without general analysis urine is also indispensable. Thanks to the laboratory research The veterinarian will be able to monitor the failure of the cat’s kidneys and prescribe supportive therapy.

When you come to a breeder to buy a small funny animal, the question arises: “How many years do chinchillas live?” Sometimes they don’t ask about this out loud, but such a thought always arises in your head. So how long do Persian chinchillas live in captivity? Usually no more than fifteen years, but it happens that some live up to twenty.

What should you do to keep your animal healthy and live long?

How long a chinchilla will live depends entirely on how much you care for it. For normal development Your pet needs proper balanced nutrition. It is impossible not only to overfeed an animal, but also to give it human food. The diet and maintenance of the Persian cat must be followed.

A dosed presence in the food is necessary; you can feed it with additives that a specialist will recommend. Do not give nuts, salty, smoked or sweet foods under any circumstances.

They require special care, although, like all cats, chinchillas require various types of vaccinations. Therefore, you need to feed your chinchilla exactly the food that the breeder recommends. Changing food may affect stool.

In addition to nutrition, you need to think about temperature conditions. In summer, the chinchilla should not be hot, because this can lead to heatstroke at the animal. Moreover, there should be no drafts in the house, and do not allow direct sun rays get on the chinchilla.

Breed Features

By the way, for some reason many people think that the Persian chinchilla is a fur-bearing animal. But that's not true. It’s just that the cat’s color is unusual, so it got its name from the South American animal. And the chinchilla breed is not an independent breed, but a variety of Persian cats.

In order for chinchillas to live long, you will have to follow all the recommendations we give. Especially, monitor the condition of the animal’s fur, which is quite thick, long and quickly tangled. The cat should be washed and combed regularly with a wide-tooth comb.

At the same time, chinchillas have a flattened nose. And this prevents them from breathing normally, they often snore and sniffle. Often clogged tear ducts. Therefore, you will have to constantly monitor the condition of the animal’s eyes, the discharge from which discolors the fur around it.

But the chinchilla itself is a sweet and charming cat that can become an excellent loyal friend for you, even a family member who will give you all his devotion and warmth.

Chinchilla on the street

A type of Persian breed, the Persian chinchilla, cannot live alone. Trying to bring out new look cats, breeders have created a special breed that is not adapted to the conditions of the outside world. Firstly, due to the structure of the skull, problems with the eyes, and long hair. By the way, don’t forget to keep an eye on it in the area of ​​the paws between the toes.

The second reason is deafness in blue-eyed white Persians, which may appear in your chinchilla's offspring. They should not be allowed out of the house at all. They have poor contact with their fellow creatures, they can easily get hit by a car - in general, there are quite a lot of dangers. Even in an apartment, it is better for the cat to be on a hard surface to feel the vibration of footsteps. And try not to cross a deaf cat with a hearing one; you may end up with very weak offspring. But if a white deaf kitten has a dark spot, there is a chance that with age he will be able to hear.

As for molting in chinchillas, it is very strong, especially in the summer. While licking itself, the Persian chinchilla can swallow own wool, and this leads to blockage intestinal tract. You can't do this without human help.