Catchphrase in the father's house. Quotes about home


Quotes about home, family, children.

Family starts with children.

A. I. Herzen

All happy families are similar to each other, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.

L. N. Tolstoy

The key to family happiness is kindness, frankness, responsiveness...

E. Zola

IN family life the most important screw is love.

A. P. Chekhov

A strong family is when all its members live amicably with each other.

T. Kleiman

Family is one of nature's masterpieces.

D. Santayana

The family is the primary environment where a person must learn to do good.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

The family is the crystal of society.

V. Hugo

Mother and father, dad and mom - these are the first two authorities on which the world is based for a child, faith in life, in man, in everything honest, good and holy.

G. Medynsky

Only the family, only it alone, can educate children in the most essential aspects of culture, instill its most spiritual particles.

V. V. Rozanov

If your own heart, your own habits, your own life cannot serve as a model for your children, then everything will be wasted effort and wasted effort.

I. Kampe

A benevolent family is a ship that is held together during a storm by two anchors: faith and morality.


Your son, when he is 5 years old, is your master; when he is 10 - your slave; when he is 15 - your double; but then it’s one of two things: either a friend or an enemy, depending on your upbringing.

A. Hasdaim

Children make up the most beautiful, loudest and most joyful part of society.
A. Makarenko

Don’t part with your childhood, don’t part with it as long as possible, and the world will never fade in your soul.

P. P. Bazhov

The child learns from what he sees in his home.

I. Brandt

Happy is he who is happy at home.

L. Tolstoy

Children never obeyed adults, but they always imitated them correctly.

D. Baldwin

We do not make laws for our children, all we can do for them is to give them a valuable example.

T. Macaulay

Home should not be a place to stay, but a place to which we always return.

A. Monterlant

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A home is not only a place where a person lives, but also his personal living space. It is in our own apartment that we can truly relax and recover after nervous tension received at work. Only at home do we really rest and recuperate. That is why there is such a wise saying - “My home is my fortress.” This is actually true.

Quotes about home help to appreciate the importance and significance of the comfort with which a person surrounds himself. When you read such statements, a feeling of warmth is created and an opportunity arises to look differently at your usual way of life in order to appreciate everything that you have. The quotes below about home demonstrate an attitude of humility and peace.

“Home is not a place, but a state of mind” (S. Ahern)

Since a person spends a significant part of his life in an apartment, it is there that he feels most comfortable. In the evening, people return from work and find an atmosphere of comfort and peace. Relaxation and harmony reign there, so there is an opportunity to spend time well and with benefit for the whole body. If a person did not have such a personal corner, he probably would not be able to fully exist. Quotes about home fully correspond to people’s ideas about life and how it should be arranged.

We ourselves emit energy that envelops the space of the apartment, creating a unique atmosphere in it. You will not find two identical houses in the whole wide world; they will definitely differ from each other in some way. The state of mind is how we feel in a particular space.

“He who does not have a home can be anywhere” (E. M. Remarque)

As a rule, such individuals cannot find consolation anywhere. They look for reassurance and comfort everywhere, but something constantly prevents them from feeling happy. The thing is that they do not have a specific place where they could lay their heads, fully relax, and reflect on the events taking place. Quotes from writers about home demonstrate family and personal values. Creative people As a rule, they more scrupulously seek answers to questions about the meaning of life and are actively engaged in self-knowledge.

“There is a home where we are loved and waited for” (Byron)

Quotes from the greats about home would be incomplete without this wonderful saying. It is customary to call a hearth not so much a place of physical habitat, but rather a spatial dimension where a person is met by relatives and loved ones. Where you are happy to see you, where you go to heal your spiritual wounds, is your true home. In such a place you can remove social masks, allow yourself to be weak, and achieve a state of calm and comfort.

Relaxation is achieved due to the fact that it becomes possible to express your emotions fully, and not hush them up for fear of disapproval from your superiors. It is for this reason that conflicts that arise at work are easily “treated” with warmth and comfort.

“Home is where your heart is” (P. Strashiy)

When a person talks about himself, in most cases he understands by his own well-being the presence of great and friendly family. Home is a place where close people gather, deeply loving friend friend. Willingness to give care, warmth, and understanding indicates that several individuals feel good together.

Thus, quotes about home allow each of us to find our own individual values, look at close environment with recognition and gratitude. A person cannot be happy alone, no matter how hard he tries to prove the opposite to himself or those around him. Each of us needs to understand and recognize our own uniqueness.

Your home where they think about you.

It’s good when the same person is in your head, at home and in bed...

The main person in the house is the one who pays for the Internet...

Every person should have a place where he can return with confidence that he is loved and welcomed there.

With the birth of children, order, money, peace and serenity disappear in the house... and happiness appears.

Home, work, home, work, home, work... It's hard to live a double life.

The road home begins the very moment we leave...

I love the gentle look of my mother and her sweet oval face. Is there anyone on earth better than the one who gave you life?

Nothing in the house is stored more carefully than unnecessary trash called “what if it comes in handy.”

Family is not where everything is perfect, but it is a place where they forgive each other!

Happiness is when there is someone to wish Good morning, Good night... And just know that they are waiting for you and you have somewhere to rush.

Parents' house is a little paradise: you sleep well there, it smells like delicious food, and the mirrors make you look slim!

Happiness is when you wake up to someone pulling your hair, shouting in your ear: “Maaaam.” They hug you, laying their whole body on your face, cutting off oxygen, and then kiss you many, many times!

They are so arrogant about housework, not only do they come without asking and in a big group, but they also don’t leave, they hide in corners, in closets and multiply, multiply.

But this is so important so that you want to return home in the evening...

One day my daughter, hugging me, said: “Mommy, you smell so delicious,” when asked: “What?”, she answered: “MOM”...

If you want to be a king at home, make your wife a queen.

Children are happiness! Children are joy! Children are a breeze in life! You can't earn them, it's not a reward. God gives them to adults by grace!!!

The secret of family life lies in just 3 words: “You’re right, my love!”

I don’t scold my wife, I will never leave her, it’s because she became bad with me, but I took her to be good.

Away is good, but at home... INTERNET!!!

Happiness is when you really want to go to work in the morning, and in the evening you really want to go home.

Work-home, home-work, work-home... However! It's hard to lead such a double life!

Happiness comes more willingly into a home where a good mood always reigns.

Happiness comes to a house where there is laughter.

For some, home is a fortress, and for others, it is a prison. Therefore, some live with comrades, while others live with cellmates.

Am I the only one who has frying pans in the oven at home?)))

Home is where our junk is kept while we are away from home to get more junk.

Repair is a natural disaster committed by a group of persons, by prior conspiracy, on a particularly large scale.

The best way to clean your home is to lose your SIM card in it. Verified.

To say about a housewife: “She sits at home, she is UNEMPLOYED” is simply blasphemous!

Happiness is when you go to your home and understand that they are waiting for you there.

It's strange, but cleaning the house helps to get rid of bad thoughts, the dirt of the past, the dust of the old is erased, bringing freshness. And the world already looks new. Cleaner.

Housework is something you notice when your wife stops doing it.

The most interesting finds are found under the pulled back sofa.

It turns out interesting... When we are home alone, everything suits us. And as guests, they immediately say: “THE MESS! WE NEED TO CLEAN UP!!!"

Nothing brings a family closer together than the absence of light in an apartment!

You sit at work and think: now I’ll come to my home, eat, do my homework and go to bed.

At work I take a break from home, and at home I take a break from work)))))))))

I will soon be kicked out of my home... for not attending...

When the husband comes home early, he thinks: “What should I read?”, and when it’s late: “What should I write?”

In my home, all responsibilities are clearly distributed: my wife does everything, and I do everything else.

If your child does not feel that your home belongs to him too, he will make the street his home.

Observation: I clean the house fastest and most effectively when I am very angry.)

Don’t be afraid to be late home, where people love you and know how to wait!

Women, like cats, often love not their owner, but their home.

They say that a person's home is where his cell phone charger is)))

A person has two joys in the world: one is to leave home in youth, the other is to return home in old age.

Not the home where a person was born, but the one that he himself created, the one where every thing was bought or made by his hands, the one where there is always a place for him.

Statuses about home

Home comfort is, of course, good. But, girls, without fanaticism! - It will suck!

My family is my abode. My home, my castle, my peace. Protect Her, Lord Savior, from evil spirits. Protect us from temptations, and save us from storms and troubles. Save from envy and the evil eye. And, if necessary, give advice.

The concept of comfort is the most abstract concept.

The house was noisy and cheerful, restless children grew up in it, a large family felt comfortable in it, but children fly away from their native nest...

But at the moment of creation home comfort there is no need to overdo it and remember that a bunch of pleasant little things will not create comfort.

Comfort in the house for me personally is, first of all, the atmosphere in the family, with those people with whom you live... even if the house has new furniture, European renovation, but scandals, quarrels, and other nonsense will reign - I don’t think anyone is comfortable it won't..

Cats like doors to be left open in case they change their mind about being indoors.

You just pray for your happiness, for it to come to your home...

Life is good when you have five things in your home, said the science expert. - Health, peace, tranquility, plenty of food, a pleasant companion, a faithful friend!

A woman should do homework with pleasure, otherwise... she will still do it, but without pleasure.

Seals, without a doubt, should be considered units of measurement of comfort and are designated 1 Ktk.

How nice it is to look at snow-covered houses, trees, passersby scurrying and hurrying back and forth, cars passing by... from a warm and cozy apartment with a glass of hot tea))))))

A cozy home is a home in which mutual understanding, light, and cleanliness prevail)

Each person has his own concept of home and home comfort, but the most important thing is probably the house itself, which should always be clean and well-groomed.

Four walls. He and She. And like borders and poverty. But they feel so comfortable together in silence. And all because they breathe together. It is more important to be together, the two of us forever, than to live without each other, not breathing at all.

Who cares... but I love the smell of borscht at home...)))... it immediately becomes so warm and cozy like a family...

My father's house - you are my stronghold. You are my fortress and the anchor of my whole life... My childhood still lives here. And you can still hear children’s laughter!…

And I love it when the house smells like home, so familiar from childhood, warm and forcing you to return and plunge headlong into your familiar world...

Home is not a place, but a state of mind...

I dreamed about my parents’ house again... Mom, dad, me, little, flying up into the sky on a swing... The sun is shining. The cherries are ripe... And... I woke up. All. Dad is gone, mom is far away. it's winter outside...

Today I was torn between washing, cleaning and cooking. I chose to sleep.

Oh, what a pity that when moving to a new place, you can’t take with you the view from the window, the landscape that was the background of my life, spied on us at night and rejoiced, shimmering with many lights, at our happiness.

Where they love, they don’t leave... Where they love, they strive to get...

There should be comfort in the house!

My room is my universe: there is a mess, an unmade bed, trash on the computer desk, clothes on the chair... But all this creates an incredible feeling of comfort...

Every place you love is the whole world to you.

Pets, a faithful dog, cat, fish or parrot will help make your home more comfortable.

There are winter books. Not the ones about winter, but the ones that make the snowstorm outside the window cozy.

Coziness is created by the smile of the hostess; it is only finished with her hands.

The husband said - the husband did! The wife is silent - the wife has already changed everything!

You and I are growing up in a family circle. The basis of the foundation is the parental home. All your roots are in the family circle, And you enter life from the family. In the family circle we create life, the basis of the foundation is the parental home.

Home is not a place. Home is the people who are always nearby.

My house, of course, is not a luxurious palace, But our life is complex and hectic. There is no sweeter place in the world for me, warmer, more comfortable, closer and brighter!

Cleaning, cleaning - go to Egorka, washing - to Irka, and cooking to Vovka!!!

In such gloomy, rainy weather, the house should smell like pies. Statuses about comfort in the home and home comfort

Home comfort can also be created where incompatible things are combined.

For example, I really love it when it rains on Sunday. Somehow you feel more comfortable.

- How to constantly maintain cleanliness and order in the house?
- My grandmother told me that in the house there is no need to swear and talk badly about your husband, then the brownie will maintain comfort!

What does comfort in your home mean to you?

Comfort is when looking at the furnishings of an apartment you want to purr!

How little... for happiness we need... If only... there was comfort in our souls... And carelessness... like in childhood... And the confidence that... that they are waiting for us... And it doesn’t matter at all... who... and where... If they are waiting... that means you... are still needed... Let everyone have... in their destiny... That pier... that will save and shelter... from the cold...

When you feel uncomfortable in your body, there is nowhere to go.

I'll buy myself a dog. I'll call her Good. You come home, and it’s always good there. And another kitten, whose name is love!

Many people who are thinking of starting a home find that they have simply opened a tavern for their friends.

If you want to see what the world looks like at four in the morning, have a child...

I always do household chores on a whim, there are a lot of them, but for some reason I feel endlessly lonely with them)))

All we need is a small cozy house, a cup good tea and the one who is always there

When I see people enjoying the smell of fresh baked goods, rushing home for dinner, frying potatoes or making dumplings together, I am convinced that the world rests on simple happiness.

Home and family rest on 4 pillars - trust, support, understanding and kindness!!! And the roof of a strong friendly family is the care, tenderness and comfort that two people create!!!

It's comfortable when you're nearby.

First of all, you need to remember that important things for home comfort are paintings, various compositions, gift plates, vases, collections of figurines or masks.

My main treasure in life is my little mischief makers who turn the house upside down and shout “catch up mommy”

The heart doesn’t need coffee or a coffee shop, the heart needs comfort, coffee is just an excuse...

Whatever you give a girl, she will give you more. You give yourself to her - she will give you a baby. You build her a house - she will give you comfort in it. You provide her with food and she will give you a delicious dinner. You give her care - she will give you her heart.

Close your eyes. Imagine comfort, imagine a place where people will always understand.

Comfort is not a material concept, but a spiritual and emotional one. Creating comfort in an apartment does not at all mean a European-quality renovation that costs exorbitant amounts of money, or an interior designed by an expensive designer working on style and comfort.

What do you need to make you feel cozy and comfortable?

You can’t go through all the money, and you can’t change all the cars, and you can’t caress all the women, but you’ll only waste time! Don’t waste yourself in vain, because life is one and so beautiful! Dedicate it to your family - your beloved wife, children! And you will understand that happiness is a Home where you are warmly awaited!

Without a woman, the house is empty, there is no comfort, warmth and ringing laughter in it...

How nice it is to be with you in the apartment, how nice it is for me to be with you. There is nothing more beautiful in the world than coming home!

A home is something that warms you from a distance...

Let there be everything in your home: Love, peace, comfort, wealth, let it always be warm so that you want to come back!!!

When a woman appears in a man's house, both the woman, the man, and the house benefit.

Oh, how you need it - a cozy routine.

Previously, in the cold, the coziness in the house was created by the crackling of wood in the fireplace, but now the crackling of the keyboard!

It’s not the men who make the house comfortable)))

All we need is a small cozy house, a cup of good tea and someone who is always there.

Home is not somewhere... Home is someone...

A smart housewife is like a good boss: in her absence, home order does not suffer.

In a family where advice and love - and the table is set, and children are a joy, and guests are welcome, and the house will always be - the cup is full.

Why is the day when I wash, wash, iron, cook... called a WEEKEND?

A cat in the house behaves like a heat-seeking missile...

There are people who are as comfortable as home. You hug them and understand: I’m home.

Now I have dripped valerian into the aroma lamp so that there is harmony, comfort and complete relaxation, well, at the same time I’ll tell my parents that I was expelled...

Let's hide from the cold under silk!!! I will be the red riding hood, you will be the wolf!!!

Sooner or later... Everyone meets that person: with whom it will be just good... Cozy and calm... And then it doesn’t matter: what eye color... height... what matters is something completely different: what place you occupy in this person’s life.

Home comfort is the atmosphere of warmth in your apartment, the desire to return there after have a hard day, a special, native smell unique to your home.

Statuses about comfort in the home and home comfort

The collection includes phrases and quotes about home, comfort and hearth:
  • I love to travel and find my home in different places.
  • Most homebodies are among those who do not have their own corner. Leszek Kumor
  • It was a lovely house, with all the modern inconveniences. Mark Twain
  • Only kings, wenches and thieves can be everywhere at home. Honore Balzac
  • The longer you live in one place, the more things and people become unruly, decay and begin to stink especially for you. Louis Ferdinand Celine.
  • In an old house, feelings and emotions are preserved - the pain of loss or separation, the fear of separation. It's like a record with a scratch that the needle keeps hitting. And the same words are constantly heard. Schreiber Joe.
  • A person without an address is suspicious, a person with two addresses even more so. D B Shaw
  • It's never too late to return home.
  • Learn to be a good leader in your own home. Chilon
  • Where they love us is the only place where we are born. George Noel Gordon Byron
  • You've never really been anywhere until you return home. Terry Pratchett.
  • A house is a building built to house people, various mice, crickets, flies, all kinds of insects, rodents and microbes. A. Beers.
  • He who lives everywhere lives nowhere. Martial
  • A home is a place where a woman works in the absence of a man, and a man rests in the presence of a woman.
  • The temperature in the room, no matter what it is, is always room temperature. Stephen Wright
  • Home is a place where we take a break from trying to be polite to others.
  • Your home is your wife's castle. Alexander Chase
  • Home is a place where if you have to return there, they will have to accept you. Robert Frost
  • The table is decorated by the guests, and the house by the children.
  • A house may be too small for one family, but it will never be spacious enough for two families.
  • Repairs cannot be completed, they can only be stopped.
  • A house without books is like a body without a soul. Cicero Marcus Tullius
  • Shame on you, Watson. Will Mrs. Hudson leave Baker Street? England will soon fall! Sherlock
  • The houses are new, but the prejudices are old. A. Griboyedov
  • One person - one adult - cannot fill a house. Robert Frost
  • Warm home hearth true friend, makes a person invulnerable. Martin AndersenNexø
  • It takes a hundred men to make a camp, but one woman is enough to make a house. Robert Ingersoll
  • If there is no owner in the house and the servant is in charge of everything, then will not demonism and darkness reign in it? Hong Zichen
  • There are only two kinds of houses: those that are not suitable for us, and those that are beyond our means.
  • There is no place sweeter than home. Cicero Marcus Tullius
  • The ideal size of the house: so that children can be heard, but not too clearly. Minion McLaughlin
  • It is not according to the house that the owner should be respected, but the house according to its owner. Cicero Marcus Tullius
  • Every father of a family should be the master of his own home, and not of his neighbor's house. Voltaire
  • There are three types of furniture: antique, modern and comfortable.
  • What a mess this house is!
  • Apartment: a room in which, after turning off the TV, you are convinced that you were listening to your neighbor’s TV. Leonard Louis Levinson
  • When the time comes for changes in life, when the old has already gone and the new has not yet appeared, the best refuge is the father’s house. And it doesn't matter how old you are. — Sophie Kinsella. The girl and the ghost.
  • As is the master, so is the servant. Petronius Arbiter Gaius
  • You can be a poet and pay rent. Jules Renard
  • Every husband needs his own closet for the clothes that his wife does not fit in her closet.
  • Don't judge a house by its owner, but judge the owner by the condition of the house. Cicero Marcus Tullius.
  • Women's quarrels burn out the whole house. Menander
  • There's nothing better at home, if you don't have money to go somewhere else.
  • If you're tired of being the boss of your home, get a cat. Valentin Domil
  • Nothing divides people more than shared housing. Zbigniew Cholodiuk
  • Housework is something you notice when your wife stops doing it. E. Esar
  • One move equals three fires. Benjamin Franklin
  • The home is a prison for a girl and a workhouse for a woman. B. Shaw