Who wrote the story is an upstart. Literary reading lesson “Works about nature by Prishvin. M.M. Prishvin “Upstart. Beginning of literary activity

Lesson literary reading in 3rd grade.

MM. Prishvin "Upstart".

Lesson objectives: - expanding students’ knowledge about the life and work of M.M. Prishvin

Acquaintance with the story “Upstart”, development of the ability to analyze the actions and character of the characters;

Developing fluent expressive reading skills, expanding students' horizons, developing memory, speech and thinking.

Progress of the lesson.

I. Org. Moment. (psychological attitude)

Guys, guests came to our literary reading lesson today. If you are attentive, hardworking, organized, then you will definitely succeed.

^II. Introduction to new topic. Acquaintance with the biography of the writer.

Today in class we will get acquainted with a new work by this writer. Who is this? (Prishvin)

Let's remember which works of Prishvin you read? “Overlooked mushrooms”, “Trees in the forest”, “ old mushroom", "Golden Meadow", "Forest Drops".

Read the title of the work we will read today. (Slide No. 1)

Please listen to the biography of Prishvin (Slide No. 2)

Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin (1873-1954) - writer (prose writer, publicist). M. M. Prishvin was born on February 4, 1873 in the village of Khrushchev, Oryol province. Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin lived a long, eventful life. Working as an agronomist, for several years he was a rural teacher and librarian.

The stories have a humanistic content. His stories contain heroes who love, help and understand nature. In the stories, not only people, but also animals engage in dialogue.

Prishvin was in love with his Motherland, with its beauty, with forests and fields, rivers and lakes, with its birds and animals. All the writer’s works are imbued with a great love for nature.

^III. Conversation about the title of the story.

What or who is it about?

Who is Upstart? Who do they call that? (This is the one who constantly shouts out answers to questions without waiting for the neighbors to turn, attracts attention).

Let's turn to explanatory dictionary Ozhegova (slide 3)

An upstart is a person who intervenes first before others in something in order to earn approval, to curry favor with someone. A person who has not rightfully occupied some position or social position.

V.I. Dal: “An upstart is a person who, putting himself forward, strives to curry favor or take some undeserved behavior in society.

(child informant who prepared at home speaks, message)

Who will the story be about? And now?

Attention to the monitor.

Now we will solve the riddles and find out who the heroes of the story are? (Slide No. 4)

1. The ears are sensitive and stick up,

The tail is tousled with a hook.

I won’t let a stranger into a stranger’s house,

I'm sad without my owner. (Dog)

2. This bird is fidgety,

Same color as birch. (Magpie)

Message about the dog. The husky has a strong body build. The West Siberian Laika does not have a strictly defined color and can come in a variety of colors. They often hunt large animals. They have a very subtle sense of smell; huskies are able to detect the most insignificant odors. All huskies are strong, can go hungry for a long time, sleep in the snow and still work perfectly. Laika is an excellent watchman, affectionate and devoted friend.

Student message (Slide No. 5):

This bird cannot be confused with any other. And her voice is easy to remember - a sharp chirping sound. She has a keen eye - she won’t miss anyone. (For this she was nicknamed the forest siren).

From a distance it seems that her wings are black, but in fact they are greenish-blue. The tail is long, stepped, and also seems to be black, but it dark green, with a reddish metallic tint.

The abdomen, chest and shoulder stripe are white. He runs forty small steps, waddling, and sometimes jumps funny.

She settles in light forests. The nest is made high up in a tree of large branches. Birds feed on mice, harmful insects, worms, and also eat carrion, being a kind of orderlies. Seeds of various weeds, grains of cultivated cereals, and sunflowers are also eaten.

This bird is cautious, but always in sight. He loves shiny objects very much, takes them away and hides them in a nest or somewhere else.

^ IV. Introduction to the story. Primary perception of the text.

Read carefully, thoughtfully, follow your friend’s reading.

Students read in a chain.

^ V. Fizminutka.

Did you like the story?

^VI. Discussion of what you read. Vocabulary and lexical work.

Explanation of word meanings:

Brood - birds living with their mother.

Stupidly - stupidly, stupidly.

A log is a piece of sawn wood.

Shame - synonyms: shame, disgrace.

Rainbow - multi-colored.

Alert - very attentive.

Conversation on the content of the work:

Name the heroes of this work? (dog, magpie)

And who main character? Why? (if I had nothing to talk about: because events are developing around her)

How do you understand the meaning of this proverb: “There’s a black sheep in a family” (Not everyone in the family is alike, not everyone is the same, one of the family members may differ sharply from relatives in character traits or appearance, often in a bad way ).

Read the description of the View “Happy Dog”

Where did Vyushka come from? Why was she called that?

(Working with text) Laika came from the banks of the Siberian River Biya. That's what they called her. Biya - Byushka – Vyushka).

Look at the screen. (Slide No. 6) Here is the Biya river. Look at what picturesque place it is located. From the confluence of the Biya and Katun rivers a river was formed, on the banks of which the city of Surgut stands.

Read the episode when a magpie went stealing.

Do you think your relatives liked it? (they were unhappy, indignant, they were annoyed).

Read how the magpies warned her. What did they tell her?

Try to convey this mood when reading.

And how did the magpie answer them? In what mood should you read the magpie's answer? (cocky, boastful).

Find verbs, words and expressions that tell how the magpie stole the bone. (The words are written on the board: received, grabbed, managed to turn, managed to hit, raised dust).

How much time was not enough for the magpie. What does it mean? (If she had not been alone, she would have stolen the bone.)

How did her wrong behavior end? Read it.

Look at the illustration in the textbook on page 123.

Who is shown in this illustration? What episode of the story did the artist depict? Find a passage in the text and read it.

What feeling did the upstart feel at the end of the story: pride or shame? Why? (Even the magpies laughed at her!)

1. Creative work(Test tasks)

Take the test cards and work in pairs.

1. What breed was the dog Vyushka? (Laika, Shepherd)

2. What was Vyushka’s job? (Guarded the hunters)

3. How many bones did Vyushka have? (one, two).

4. What did the magpies want to take possession of? (bone, piece of meat).

5. Did Vyushka’s tail stick out from his mouth in his teeth? ( sharp knife, sharp dagger)

2. And now a game for attention and memory. (Slide No. 8)

Vyushka’s teeth are white, like (garlic).

At what time of year do the events described in the work of M. M. Prishvin take place (late autumn).

What does a magpie without a tail look like? (motley ball with a head)

How many were forty in total? (7)

What does this work teach us? (Be together, hold on to each other, help, and not be an upstart!)

There are proverbs on the board: “If you hurry, you will make people laugh,” “Wealth cannot buy intelligence,” “The city takes courage,” “A well-fed person is not a friend to the hungry.” - read them carefully and choose the one that suits our story.

Does this happen in people's lives?

What does this work teach us? (Be together, hold on to each other, and not be an upstart).

What was educational in the work? (Revealed dog habits, bird tactics).

Did you want to continue reading M. Prishvin's stories?


So I suggest you take other works by M. Prishvin from the library. I hope that Prishvin’s books will teach you a lot and can explain a lot.

D/s: prepare a retelling on behalf of Vyushka or on behalf of Upstart’s friends.

Grading and reasoning.

Thanks for the lesson. I wish you to look at nature as a writer looks through the eyes of a kind person.

Our hunting dog, the Laika, came to us from the banks of the Biya, and in honor of this Siberian river we named it Biya. But soon this Biya for some reason turned into Byushka, everyone began to call Byushka Vyushka.

We didn't hunt much with her, but she served us well as a watchman. You go hunting, and be sure: Vyushka will not let anyone else in.

Everyone likes this cheerful dog Vyushka: ears like horns, a tail like a ring, teeth as white as garlic. She got two bones from lunch. Receiving the gift, Vyushka unwrapped the ring of her tail and lowered it down like a log. For her, this meant anxiety and the beginning of vigilance necessary for protection - it is known that in nature there are many hunters for bones. With her tail lowered, Vyushka went out onto the ant-grass and took care of one bone, placing the other next to her.

Then, out of nowhere, the magpies: hop, hop! – and to the dog’s very nose. When Vyushka turned her head towards one - grab it! another magpie on the other hand to grab! - and took away the bone.

It was late autumn, and the magpies hatched this summer were fully grown. They stayed here as a brood of seven, and from their parents they learned all the secrets of theft. Very quickly they pecked at the stolen bone and, without thinking twice, decided to take the second one from the dog.

They say that every family has its black sheep, and the same turned out to be true in the magpie family. Out of seven, forty-one came out not so much as completely stupid, but somehow with a streak and with pollen in their heads. Now it was the same: all six forty launched the correct attack, in a large semicircle, looking at each other, and only one Upstart galloped like a fool.

- Tra-ta-ta-ta-ta! - all the magpies chirped.

This meant to them:

- Jump back, gallop as you should, as the whole magpie society should!

- Tra-la-la-la-la! – answered the Upstart.

This meant to her:

– Download as you need, and I – as I want.

So, at her own peril and risk, the Upstart galloped up to Vyushka herself in the expectation that Vyushka, stupid, would rush at her, throw away the bone, but she would contrive and take the bone away.

View, however, understood the Upstart's plan well and not only did not rush at her, but, noticing the Upstart with a sidelong eye, freed the bone and looked in the opposite direction, where in a regular semicircle, as if reluctantly - hop! and they will think - six smart magpies were advancing.

It was this moment, when View turned her head away, that Upstart seized for her attack. She grabbed the bone and even managed to turn in the other direction, managed to hit the ground with her wings, and raise dust from under the grass.

And just one more moment to rise into the air, just one more moment! Just as the magpie was about to rise, Vyushka grabbed the tail and the bone fell out.

The upstart escaped, but the entire rainbow-colored long magpie tail remained in Vyushka’s teeth and stuck out of her mouth like a long, sharp dagger.

Has anyone seen a magpie without a tail? It’s hard to even imagine what this brilliant, motley and agile egg thief turns into if its tail is cut off. It happens that mischievous village boys catch a horsefly, stick a straw in and let this large, strong fly fly with such long tail, - terrible muck! Well, so, this is a fly with a tail, and here is a magpie without a tail; whoever was surprised by a fly with a tail will be even more surprised by a magpie without a tail. Nothing magpie-like then remains in this bird, and you will never recognize it not only as a magpie, but also as any bird: it is just a motley ball with a head.

The tailless Upstart sat down on the nearest tree, and all the other six magpies flew to her. And it was clear from all the magpie’s chirping, from all the bustle, that there is no greater shame in a magpie’s life than to lose a magpie’s tail.

The main characters of Mikhail Prishvin's story “Upstart” are a dog named Vyushka and a stupid magpie. Vyushka was from Siberia. She knew how to hunt and guard the yard. Vyushka performed her duties well; not even a fly flew past her unnoticed.

But one day Vyushka was outwitted by thieving magpies. Vyushka got two bones from lunch. She took them outside and began gnawing on one bone, placing the other next to it. At this moment to her with different sides two magpies flew up. While Vyushka was distracted by one of them, the other grabbed a bone lying next to the dog and took it away.

Magpies lived nearby and already had adult chicks. When the stolen bone was finished, the magpies decided to steal the second bone from Vyushka, which the dog was still gnawing on.

The winged thieves began to approach Vyushka in a semicircle, but one of them, the stupidest and most impatient, jumped forward and rushed towards the dog. The other magpies tried to call her away with loud chirping, but the Upstart did not listen to them.

She jumped right up to Vyushka’s nose and tried to take possession of the bone by deception. But the dog guessed her plans and when the magpie grabbed the bone, it grabbed its tail. Having dropped her prey, the Upstart rushed away, and her tail remained in the dog’s teeth. Left without a tail, the stupid magpie flew up a tree. The upstart now completely ceases to resemble a magpie without a long tail.

That's how it is summary story.

The main idea of ​​Prishvin's story "Upstart" is that stupidity and intemperance often lead to trouble. The upstart magpie decided to single-handedly take the bone from the dog, and paid for his excessive self-confidence.

The story teaches us not to stick our neck out without reason, but to act competently as part of a team. If the upstart magpie had not rushed, but acted like the other magpies, it would not have suffered.

In the story, I liked the dog Vyushka, who outwitted the impudent magpie and left the thief without a tail.

What proverbs fit Prishvin’s story “Upstart”?

The stupid head flies in the wind.
Don't go ahead of your dad into the hell.
Be smart and take care of your tail.

Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin


Our hunting dog, Laika, came to us from the banks of the Biya, and in honor of this Siberian river we named it Biya. But soon this Biya for some reason turned into Byushka, everyone began to call Byushka Vyushka.

We didn't hunt much with her, but she served us well as a watchman. You go hunting, and be sure: Vyushka will not let anyone else in.

Everyone likes this cheerful dog Vyushka: ears like horns, a tail like a ring, teeth as white as garlic. She got two bones from lunch. Receiving the gift, Vyushka unwrapped the ring of her tail and lowered it down like a log. For her, this meant anxiety and the beginning of vigilance necessary for protection - it is known that in nature there are many hunters for bones. With her tail lowered, Vyushka went out onto the ant-grass and took care of one bone, placing the other next to her.

Then, out of nowhere, the magpies: hop, hop! – and to the dog’s very nose. When Vyushka turned her head towards one - grab it! another magpie on the other hand to grab! - and took away the bone.

It was late autumn, and the magpies hatched this summer were fully grown. They stayed here as a brood of seven, and from their parents they learned all the secrets of theft. Very quickly they pecked at the stolen bone and, without thinking twice, decided to take the second one from the dog.

They say that every family has its black sheep, and the same turned out to be true in the magpie family. Out of seven, forty-one came out not so much as completely stupid, but somehow with a streak and with pollen in their heads. Now it was the same: all six forty launched the correct attack, in a large semicircle, looking at each other, and only one Upstart galloped like a fool.

- Tra-ta-ta-ta-ta! - all the magpies chirped.

This meant to them:

- Jump back, gallop as you should, as the whole magpie society should!

- Tra-la-la-la-la! – answered the Upstart.

This meant to her:

– Download as you need, and I – as I want.

So, at her own peril and risk, the Upstart galloped up to Vyushka herself in the expectation that Vyushka, stupid, would rush at her, throw away the bone, but she would contrive and take the bone away.

View, however, understood the Upstart's plan well and not only did not rush at her, but, noticing the Upstart with a sidelong eye, freed the bone and looked in the opposite direction, where in a regular semicircle, as if reluctantly - hop! and they will think - six smart magpies were advancing.

It was this moment, when View turned her head away, that Upstart seized for her attack. She grabbed the bone and even managed to turn in the other direction, managed to hit the ground with her wings, and raise dust from under the grass.

And just one more moment to rise into the air, just one more moment! Just as the magpie was about to rise, Vyushka grabbed the tail and the bone fell out.

The upstart escaped, but the entire rainbow-colored long magpie tail remained in Vyushka’s teeth and stuck out of her mouth like a long, sharp dagger.

Has anyone seen a magpie without a tail? It’s hard to even imagine what this brilliant, motley and agile egg thief turns into if its tail is cut off. It happens that mischievous village boys catch a horsefly, stick a straw in and let this large, strong fly fly with such a long tail - terrible disgusting! Well, so, this is a fly with a tail, and here is a magpie without a tail; whoever was surprised by a fly with a tail will be even more surprised by a magpie without a tail. Nothing magpie-like then remains in this bird, and you will never recognize it not only as a magpie, but also as any bird: it is just a motley ball with a head.

The tailless Upstart sat down on the nearest tree, and all the other six magpies flew to her. And it was clear from all the magpie’s chirping, from all the bustle, that there is no greater shame in a magpie’s life than to lose a magpie’s tail.