Top beautiful places in the world. Ten most beautiful places in the world. Maldives: complete relaxation

Our world is beautiful and amazing, it is full of mysteries and picturesque places that are worth seeing at least once in your life.

In today’s article we offer a selection of twenty of the most beautiful places on the planet that will not leave anyone indifferent.

Sea of ​​Stars (Maldives)

On the island of Vaathu, after sunset, an amazing sight appears - the surface of the sea turns into hundreds of glowing stars. This effect is called bioluminescence. Energy is released from animal organisms in the form of luminous points.

Great Water Hole (Blue Hole) (Belize)

The Great Blue Hole attracts not only tourists and divers from all over the world, but also researchers. It became popular thanks to Jacques-Yves Cousteau. It was created by nature and has the shape of a funnel (305x150 meters).

This beautiful and amazing place awaits visitors in Central America in the country of Belize.

Mountain stream cave (Vietnam)

A beautiful cave located in Quang Binh province. Its length is 6 kilometers (the longest in the world). One of its sections reaches a height of 200 meters and a width of 150 meters. Some of its zones are so spacious that a small settlement could easily fit in them.

Colorful rocks of Zhangye Danxia (China)

In the small Chinese province of Gansu there are rocks formed around the Mesozoic era (145 - 66 million years ago). The majestic and picturesque cliffs consist of sedimentary rocks (conglomerates) and red sandstones.

Their peculiarity is that they are multi-colored. They combine red, orange, yellow, purple, blue, gray and other colors. From a distance they look like colorful Asian spices. This unique natural creation is included in the World Heritage List.

Hitachi Seaside Park (Japan)

The luxurious park is located in the city of Hitachinaka. It was opened in the early 90s on the site of an inactive American military base. Today the park area is 120 hectares.

While in Hitachi you can see the expanses of the Pacific Ocean, but this is not its main highlight. The park is fragrant with daffodils, sakura, tulips, poppies and lilies.

Swing “End of the World” (Ecuador)

The "End of the World" swing is considered one of the most extreme swings in the world. They are located in the mountains in the city of Banos. The extreme thing is that they are located above a considerable abyss at an altitude of 2,660 meters. While riding them, you can admire the majestic and picturesque views of the Andes.

Ice cave under a glacier (USA)

In Alaska, there is an ice cave in a 12 km long glacier. Its peculiarity is that every year it changes its appearance. The ice in the cave is gradually melting, resulting in springs appearing.

Mount Roraima (Guyana, Brazil, Venezuela)

This unique mountain is located in South America at the intersection of three states.

The highest point of the mountain is at an altitude of 2,723 meters, and the flat surface of one of the peaks occupies about 34 square kilometers. The local population believes that this is a sacred place, and the Indians called it the “Navel of the Earth.”

Victoria Falls (Zambia and Zimbabwe)

The uniqueness of the waterfall is not only in its beauty. It is one of the highest and widest waterfalls in the world (height is 1000 meters and width is more than 1 kilometer). Tourists are allowed to walk along its edge.

Victoria Falls is one of the main attractions in South Africa.

Fingal's Cave (Scotland)

The clear shape of the cave leads many to believe that it was created by people. But in fact, it was formed by nature during the Paleocene era during lava flows.

The surf in a duet with the cave creates musical sounds reminiscent of an organ melody.

Troll Tongue (Norway)

The Troll's tongue refers to a ledge in the Skjeggedal rock. “The Tongue” is located 350 meters above the picturesque lake Ringedalsvatn. The ledge is regularly visited by extreme sports enthusiasts and curious tourists. Getting there is not an easy task, as the ascent will take 5 hours.

Cappadocia (Türkiye)

According to scientists, volcanic formations with picturesque canyons, caves and dungeons were formed back in the 5th millennium BC. Cappadocia is considered one of the most famous and popular tourist centers.

Hot air balloon rides are very popular in this place. Tourists from all over the world come here to take to the skies at dawn in a hot air balloon and see the beautiful landscapes from a bird's eye view.

Snow-white beaches of the Holy Trinity (Australia)

There are snow-white beaches in the Holy Trinity archipelago. Scientists suggest that they were formed over millions of years when sea sand hit the shore.

Grand Canyon (USA)

The canyon is located in the state of Arizona (USA) within the National Park. It is included in the UNESCO list and is considered one of the wonders of nature. Its terracotta hills attract not only tourists, but also world-famous directors for filming films.

Tulip fields (Netherlands)

From the second half of April until May 10, tulip fields are fragrant in the Netherlands. From a bird's eye view, flowers create an incredible kaleidoscope of colors. White, yellow, red, purple and even blue tulips attract tourists from all over the world. The largest fields are located near the shore of the North Sea and near Amsterdam on the site of a dry lake.

Marble caves (Chile, Argentina)

The marble caves appeared under the influence of natural phenomena and were polished by the waves of the sea. The process of their formation began 6,000 years ago. You can admire this natural beauty at Lake Buenos Aires.

Tunnel of Love (Ukraine)

In the Rivne region, in the small village of Klevan, there is a tunnel of love fragrant with greenery. It was formed as a result of the interweaving of tree branches and bushes in the shape of a tunnel and has become a favorite place for couples and wedding photo shoots.

Enchanted Well (Brazil)

In Bahia (Brazil state in the northeast) there is a unique well in the National Park. Its depth is 36 meters and at the same time small stones are visible at its bottom.

When the sun begins to shine into the well, it turns a deep blue color. Tourists are advised to watch the spectacle in June and July around noon.

Antelope Canyon (USA)

The canyon is located near the town of Page, Arizona. It became known as Antelope Canyon because its colors resemble the skin of this animal. It was formed over hundreds of years under the influence of wind and water.

Salar de Uyuni (Bolivia)

Uyuni is a dry lake near the desert in Bolivia. It is located at an altitude of 3,650 meters. When it rains, the surface of the salt marsh becomes mirror-like and even allows you to tune satellites.

Uyuni became the last refuge for retired steam locomotives, which have been resting there for about 60 years.

Our blue planet is unique. Nature has created truly unique things, and atmospheric phenomena and elements (winds, water flows) have created amazing sights. There are all kinds of lists and ratings that list the most beautiful places in the world. Watch, read and enjoy our top list of the most amazing miracles!

Arizona wave

A striking formation of Navajo sandstone in the form of a mountain is located in the United States, on the border of two states - Arizona and Utah. The unique creation is approximately 190 years old. Wavy lines were born over centuries by overlapping separate layers. Wind and other atmospheric phenomena completed the incredible landscape.

Getting into the Wave is not that easy. The owner limits the number of visits to 20 per day, because sandstone is a very fragile material and crowds of tourists will trample it in a day.

To become one of the lucky ones who will be able to see it in person, you need to take part in the lottery. The first ten visitors are drawn 4 months before the excursion, the second ten - the day before the visit. By the way, Australia has its own “wave” - a similar creation, but consisting of granite.

Beach with caves near Algarve (Portugal)

The sea grottoes on Praia da Rocha near the Portuguese city were born naturally. The wind and raging waves have sharpened the rocks, creating grandiose sculptures, grottoes, caves and figured pillars.

Rice fields in Guangxi Province, China, look like masterpieces of landscape design or painted batik. In fact, these lines and colors carry deep Eastern wisdom. They began to be built during the Yuan Dynasty in the 13th century. They explore the rice terraces from special observation platforms, a ticket for which costs approximately 250 rubles. with Russian money (50 yuan).
The terraces are planned wisely and taking into account weather conditions. Each step is irrigated in the required quantities and illuminated by the sun in such doses as necessary. This complex ecosystem provides for itself: in the spring, spring water, saturated with microelements, flows from the mountains, qualitatively irrigating the terraces. This gives the earth strength throughout the summer. At this time, the areas flooded with water under the rays of the sun become like sparkling writhing ribbons.

A charming, slender forest is located in the west of the Japanese city of Kyoto. Tens of thousands of slender mast bamboos sway slightly in the wind, their smooth trunks touching and ringing subtly. This place is located next to the famous Zen Buddhist temple Tenryu-Ji.
Visitors say that the melodious chime of bamboo trunks has a calming effect on a person and promotes spiritual enlightenment. The Japanese government has introduced the sounds of thin stems into the main attractions of their country.

Island of Happiness - Socotra

This is exactly how the name of one of the most amazing islands of the Indian Ocean is translated. Socotra lies in the northwestern part of the ocean in the territory of the state of Yemen. Thanks to its isolation, rare representatives of flora and fauna, not found anywhere else, have been preserved and live on it. In a small area - 143 km long and 40 km wide - amazing things fit. Peaked stone ridges are adjacent to snow-white beaches, and desert plains are adjacent to oases of generous and lush greenery. Here, flowers of an unprecedented riot of colors paint the futuristic landscape, and thick baobab trees stand like silent guards.
90% of reptiles, as well as mollusks and a third of plants, are endemic, that is, species that are found only on this island. Socotra is home to 800 species of different plants. Scientists are inclined to believe that most of them trace their ancestry to the ancient flora, which disappeared forever in ancient centuries. These include:

  • Cucumber tree;
  • The dragon tree, in which, according to legend, the blood of ancient dragons flows;
  • Dorsthenia gigantea;
  • Desert Rose (looks like a swollen elephant's foot with a delicate flower on the top).

Chocolate Hills of Bohol Island (Philippines)

People go there to marvel at the natural formations - round, almost identical hills, of which there are 1,268 on an area of ​​50 km². How these hills arose is not known for certain; the most plausible version is that these coral colonies bulged outward due to some geological processes under the island.

When the grass withers in autumn, the hills take on an extremely pleasant appearance of truffle candies, and in the summer they turn bright green under the Philippine sun.

Only on this island live the smallest monkeys in the world - tarsiers, as cute as toys (below in the photo). Their height is less than the palm of a person.

Wulingyuan: Pandora's Floating Mountains

Fans of the famous blockbuster will immediately understand what is going on. These unusual “fingers” are called “Avatar Mountains”. Huge columns of quartz sandstone, covered on top with dense tropical forest, are located in Hunan Province (China). In fact, this is a vast nature reserve, a national park founded in 1982. The entire area is well protected from destruction.
It is strictly prohibited to light any kind of fire within the park, including a ban on smoking. All hiking trails are paved with a special coating that protects the soil from erosion.

Presumably, director James Cameron was inspired by the Wulingyuan Mountains when creating the film Avatar.

Salar de Uyuni (Bolivia)

We have already written about this fascinating place in an article about, however, the famous salt desert deserves a place in our arbitrary TOP-20 ranking. This salt marsh, the largest in area, is covered with neat cones. The entire landscape has an alien appearance.
During the rainy season, the surface of the dry lake is covered with a thin layer of water, which turns into a huge mirror. It reflects the endless sky with clouds and mountains in the background, and then the landscape becomes completely unreal.

Hamilton Basin (USA)

A curious ecosystem is located in the state of Texas near the city of Austin - a lake under the dome of a cave grotto. In ancient times, it was an underground river flowing through a karst cave, but nature made its own adjustments. At some point, the vaults collapsed in one place, and the underground river saw the sun and sky for the first time.
The resulting intimate bay with a beach under the roof is a very cozy place. The water in the lake is a rich blue color. The “ceiling” of the grotto is covered with centuries-old layers of soil and rocks; moss, limestone stalactites and climbing plants hang from the edges. Swallows have built nests inside the dome. A waterfall rustles to the side.

Grand Canyon (USA)

One of the deepest and largest canyons in the world is located in Arizona. In the depths the river of the same name flows among high walls made of layers of shale, limestone and sandstone. The canyon extends 446 km in length and up to 1800 m in depth.
65 million years ago, the Colorado flowed across the plain, but then the plateau gradually began to rise. The angle of the river changed, the flow accelerated, and the water began to erode the soil in its path. The canyon has been in the form in which we see it now for 6 million years, and to this day soil erosion continues and the failure deepens. The Grand Canyon is the most famous in the world, immortalized in dozens of American films.

Canaima National Park (Venezuela)

Located in the state of Bolivar on the east coast of the country. The entire area is strictly protected as the reserve is included in the World Heritage List. An interesting fact is that it is here that you can see the highest waterfall on the planet -. The Kerepakupai River falls from an altitude of almost a kilometer and falls into the jungle.

Angel falls from a unique table mountain (979 m) and is called Devil's Mountain.

Tepuis are shaped like a table with a flat top and straight walls.

Valley of Flowers (India)

Incredibly beautiful meadows can be seen in the upper part of the Ganges River in the Western Himalayas. The vast majority are endemic, growing only here. Alpine meadows with a length of 88 km² are under the close attention of scientists. Beautiful flower meadows are surrounded by forests, mountains and waterfalls. Locals are sure that fairies lived in the valley.

Danakil Desert and Dallol Volcano (Ethiopia)

One of the most incredible, beautiful and mysterious places. Photos of these bright and abstract landscapes evoke thoughts of extraterrestrial worlds. Locals believe that here, on the plain, is the gate to Hell through the mouth of Dallol. The Tribes tribe does not allow scientists to explore their volcano, so as not to disturb the demons inside it.

"Pulpit" (Norway)

We have already mentioned the most famous Norwegian rock in the article about. This work of nature with a top as flat as a table also earns a place in our top 20. Photos of the “Cathedra...” are circulating on the Internet in huge quantities; “the folk trail will not overgrow” it, since the view of the fjords is stunning.
The cliff hangs 604 m above the Lysefjord. The width of the upper platform is 25x25 m. To get there, you will have to walk 6 km along rocky paths. On average, the climb takes 2 hours, but the most breathtaking sight in the world awaits you as a reward! Huge, inaccessible cliffs rise in all directions, and somewhere far below the mirror of the Lysefjord looms black.

Crystal River (Columbia)

“River born of a rainbow”, “River that escaped from paradise”... Colombians gave many names to their pride - Kanye Cristales, which flows in the north of the country.
As you can see from the photo, its waters are painted in the brightest colors that exist in the world. And this is not chemical waste being poured into the reservoir, it is the most natural algae that blooms so wildly. This splendor can be seen in the autumn months, when numerous marine organisms begin to bloom, each in their own color.

Pamukkale (Türkiye)

Pamukkale means “cotton castle” in Turkish. The locals gave this name to an unusual plateau located in the very center of the country. Essentially, these are terraces made of travertine, a polycrystalline rock. Over the centuries, thermal springs were created by streams of mineralized water, which, flowing down the slopes, did not have time to reach the bottom of the mountain and evaporated under the hot rays.
Now the resort is in high demand, because here you can not only be treated with mineral baths, but also wander through the azure pools, beautiful snow-white terraces, admiring the design and imagination of Mother Nature.

Dengxia Colored Mountains (China)

Another bright “explosion” took place in the Chinese province of Gansu. The endlessly beautiful red-orange mountains with blue and green stripes attract many tourists here. Danxia got its killer color from a variety of sedimentary rocks and thanks to a large inclusion of red sandstone and centuries-old soil erosion.

Scientists believe that the mountains got their color back in the Mesozoic era, and inside the rock you can find the remains of extinct lizards.

Li River (China)

In general, this Asian country is full of all kinds of beauty, which is why it appears in several positions in our top 20. This time we want to show the Chinese Lijiang River, the muse of poets and artists, full of romanticism and softness.

Lijiang is one of the most beautiful, clean and scenic rivers in Gualin Province.

Director John Curran filmed The Painted Veil here.

Multnomah Falls (USA)

This is one of the most popular hiking trails in Oregon. It plunges into the Columbia River Canyon. Multnomah Falls is one of the five largest waterfalls in North America, but it has the first place in height among those that never freeze - 189 meters. To get to the place, you need to drive just 30 minutes from the city of Portland.

Machu Picchu: An Unsolved Mystery (Peru)

The remains of the ancient Inca civilization are on the list of the New Seven Wonders. It translates as “old mountain.” And the lost city lies on a flat area at an altitude of 2057 m. Until the beginning of the 20th century, no one suspected the existence of evidence of an ancient civilization in Peru.
Why did the Incas need to build their city so high in the mountains? We will never know this, all that remains is to wander around the old mossy stones and make guesses.

One way or another, the lost and mysterious city of Machu Picchu closes the ranking of “The most beautiful places on earth” - the best twenty.

We invite you to watch the video, which also shows places not included in the list. Is it possible to list all the unique corners of the planet? After all, she is absolutely beautiful!

There are many places in the world that captivate with their beauty. We suggest you take a look 10 most beautiful places in the world, which, in our opinion, can be classified as outstanding and interesting places on the planet, where you should definitely visit at least once.

10 most beautiful places in the world #10: Meteora Monasteries

Meteora is located in Greece, in the mountains of Thessaly. On high cliffs, which are millions of years old, there are 6 active Orthodox monasteries. They seem to float in the air.

Once upon a time, hermits lived in small caves, or even just in rock crevices. From time to time they went down into the valley to visit the nearby church. But during numerous wars, churches were destroyed and people died. In the 14th century, monk Athanasius and his assistants began building the first monastery on a rock whose height exceeded 600 m.

During its heyday dating back to the 16th century, there were 24 monasteries here. For a long time, it was possible to inspect the amazing buildings only by climbing the hanging stairs. The monks also lifted the guests in a special basket.
During the Second World War, the monasteries were significantly damaged, but were subsequently restored and today are again a popular tourist attraction.

10 Most Beautiful Places in the World #9: Sequoia National Park

Sequoia Park is located in the USA, in the state of California. It was founded in 1890. Nowadays its area exceeds 1600 square meters. km. Truly huge trees grow here. Including the largest tree on the planet in terms of wood volume - “General Sherman”. Its age is estimated at 2000 years, and the volume of wood is approximately 1500 cubic meters. The giant is protected from tourists by a special fence.

It is impossible to take a photo with a giant tree so that it completely falls into the lens.
Overall, the park makes an indelible impression, reminding people that they are just a blade of grass in the kingdom of nature.
The wood of each sequoia is silky and pleasant to the touch.

These trees do not burn in fire. Fallen giants are not removed, but signs are placed nearby indicating when the tree collapsed.
In addition, in the park you can meet various animals: deer, badgers and even bears.

10 most beautiful places in the world No. 8: Danxia Park in China

Zhangye Danxia National Park is located in China. Its area is over 500 square meters. km. The attention of tourists is attracted by the rocks, cast in all the colors of the rainbow.

The rocks themselves are sharp and smooth, their height is several hundred meters. Their unusual shapes are the result of natural processes. Strong winds and rains gave some rocks a resemblance to medieval castles, others - to pagodas.
To make it more convenient for tourists to explore this natural attraction, special roads equipped with observation platforms have been laid throughout the park.

10 most beautiful places in the world #7: Waitomo Glowing Caves

To visit here, you need to go to New Zealand. But the goal is worth it. Waitomo Caves are one of the most amazing places on Earth. Here, under the stone arches, a huge number of fireflies live. At first glance, the uninitiated may think that he sees a sky strewn with stars above his head.

The caves were discovered at the end of the 19th century by the ruler of the Maori Indians, Tan Tinoro, and his companion, the English scientist Mace. They got here by water. The bizarre vaults, decorated with countless blue lights, made a stunning impression on the discoverers. A little later, another – land – entrance to the dungeon was opened.
Nowadays the caves are a place of real pilgrimage for tourists.

10 most beautiful places in the world #6: Santorini Island

Santorini is an archipelago belonging to Greece and includes 5 islands, one of which is called Fira (Santorini). This is a place of amazing beauty: a sea as clear as a tear, beaches with sand of different colors and amazing towns that grew up on the shores by the will of man. Over 13 thousand people live on the islands.

Tourists admire the sand lying on the local shores. On some beaches it is a delicate milky white, on others it is red, on others it is black. There are ancient Orthodox churches on Santorini. Many houses and entire streets here also date back to a bygone era.

10 most beautiful places in the world #5: Geysers of Iceland

The Valley of Geysers, located in Iceland, is known throughout the world. Nevertheless, it is quite young if one is guided by geological standards. At the end of the 13th century, an earthquake occurred in this area, and another 4 centuries later, thousands of geysers burst simultaneously.

The road leading to the valley is constantly shrouded in fog, consisting of tiny sprays of water. Geysers have different shapes, forming cones, domes, bowls. Hot water gushing from the depths smells of hydrogen sulfide. Many thermal springs have a healing effect. But most often tourists come here simply to admire the unforgettable spectacle.

10 most beautiful places in the world #4: Machu Picchu (Peru)

Machu Picchu is an ancient city located on the territory of the modern state of Peru. To explore it, you will have to climb to an altitude of about 2500 m above sea level. Scientists date the birth of the city to the 15th century and suggest that its creators were the Incas. There were about 200 stone buildings in Machu Picchu, and over 1000 people lived in it. The city was the imperial residence, a real sanctuary.

After the Spanish conquistadors conquered the indigenous lands of the Incas, Machu Picchu was abandoned for many years. Only peasants lived here who wanted to avoid extortion from officials. In the early years of the 20th century, Machu Picchu was “discovered” again by American explorers.

Since then, tourists have been admiring the ancient altar for making sacrifices, the semicircular tower, and the narrow streets of the ancient town.

10 Most Beautiful Places in the World #3: Antelope Canyon

Antelope Canyon is located in the United States on lands owned by the Navajo Indians. The tribe gave it its name - according to ancient legend, the canyon was discovered by an Indian girl. The motley walls, predominantly red and tan, reminded the Indians of the skin of an antelope.

The canyon is a narrow chasm. Wind and rainwater, which have been affecting the rocks for centuries, have created real labyrinths here, which are illuminated by the rays of the sun breaking through from above. Actually, there are two canyons – Upper and Lower. The length of each is tens of meters. Periodically, during heavy rains, the canyons are flooded.

10 Most Beautiful Places in the World #2: Bryce Canyon

Bryce Canon is a national park in the United States, in the state of Utah. Nature itself has created an open-air museum here. From the ancient rocks that were once located here, there are picturesque remains of different colors. These geological columns are called hoodoos, their fantastic shapes amaze the imagination.

Chemical elements as a result of oxidation give over 60 color shades. Among them are white and yellow, red and purple. Every year, being exposed to erosion, the rocks look more and more bizarre. In general, they resemble an ancient amphitheater.
The park was named after Ebenezer Bryce, who did a lot for its development at the end of the 19th century. In particular, he paved the road here.

10 most beautiful places in the world No. 1: Salar de Uyuni Salt Lake

The dry lake Salar de Uyuni is located in South America, in Bolivia. This is the largest salt marsh on Earth. Its area is over 10,500 square meters. km, and the layer of salt reaches 8 m. Once upon a time, a huge lake splashed in this place. Over the course of tens of thousands of years, it gradually dried up, and as a result left behind 2 salt marshes. And even they now make a stunning impression.

From the outside, it may seem to tourists that they are on another planet and that a white ocean stretches ahead, glistening slightly under the rays of the sun. Flamingos have long chosen this place. Huge flocks of birds with pink plumage made the Salar de Uyuni salt lake even more beautiful.

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Descriptions and photographs of unusual, mysterious and amazing places on our planet.

Semuc Champey (the name from the Mayan language translates as “where the river is hidden under the stones”) is the most beautiful natural attraction in Guatemala, formed by the Caabon River, passing through a 300-meter limestone bridge (of natural origin) and forming several natural pools with a depth of 1 to 3 meters. You can swim in these pools, and if you sit on a stone and put your feet in the water, then in just a few seconds you will begin to receive free massage and peeling from the small fish that live in these reservoirs. This is an extremely pleasant feeling, I liked it even more than directly swimming in a pond.

Semuc Champey is located in the deep jungle and remained unknown for a long time until it was accidentally discovered in the mid-50s of the last century. In 1999, the President of Guatemala declared Semuc Champey a natural monument.

Semuk Champey. View from the observation deck

Mount Kailash is located in the highland valley of Tibet in southwest China. This sacred land is full of mysteries and mysticism. It is here that pilgrims come from all over the world to perform the kora - a ritual circumambulation around Kailash.

Prohodna is the highest cave in Bulgaria. It is located 2 km from the village of Karlukovo in the valley of the Iskar River and is part of the Iskar-Panega geopark. This amazing karst cave is a natural rock bridge 262 meters long and 15 to 25 meters wide. It has two entrances, Big and Small, between which there is a path.
The height of the arch of the large entrance is 45 meters: this is a favorite place for fans of extreme jumps. In addition, the cave is very popular among rock climbers. In the surrounding area of ​​Prohodna there are sports routes that are considered one of the most difficult in Bulgaria.
The main feature of Prohodna is two through holes in the rock shaped like human eyes. Locals call them "God's Eyes" and sometimes "Devil's Eyes." These “windows” provide natural light in the cave and captivate tourists with their amazing symmetry. But the “Eyes of God” make a special impression in rainy weather, when real tears seem to flow from them.

Bryce Canyon National Park is located in the state of Utah (USA). This amazing natural site is known throughout the world for its beauty and unique marine geology. It is a gigantic amphitheater of rocky peaks varied in structure.

New Zealand is a beautiful country proud of its picturesque landscapes. However, its main attractions are not only on the surface - it is just as beautiful underground. Proof of this is the famous Waitomo region, which lies on one of the largest islands of the state. It is famous for its impressive limestone caves, which are amazing in themselves, but what makes them even more special are the numerous fireflies that choose these underground labyrinths as their home. Thousands of tiny insects emit phosphorescent light, creating surreal light installations.

The picturesque island quarter of Burano in the northern lagoon of the Italian city of Venice can rightfully be called one of the most colorful places on planet Earth. In addition to its skilled lace-makers, it is famous for its bright, colorful buildings. Interestingly, each building is assigned a specific color, for which homeowners receive permission from local authorities. The condition of cartoon houses and the saturation of the shade are carefully monitored, if necessary, refreshing the lost brightness of their appearance. According to legend, it was the bright colors of the facades that from ancient times showed Buran fishermen the way home.

The small village, located on one of the 400 Shengxi Islands located east of the Chinese province of Zhejiang, has been abandoned by people for decades, but every year it increasingly attracts the attention of tourists. After the town, famous for its fishing, was abandoned by people who found more convenient ways to make money on the mainland, it began to disappear under the onslaught of local vegetation, turning into a kingdom of greenery. Plants are slowly consuming dilapidated stone buildings, demonstrating the power of nature and creating a truly fantastic spectacle. The quiet, picturesque area on China's east coast has not become a comfortable place for humans to live, but it has quickly become a cozy home for local flora and fauna. The transformation of the city is especially impressive considering the fact that residents only left it in the early 90s, and empty houses and broken windows are already completely merging with thriving greenery. Thus, the abandoned settlement gradually turns from ruins into a green jungle, which has already become a famous local landmark.

In cold Iceland, a land of snow, ice and unique natural attractions, there is always something to see and admire. Its main assets are represented by powerful fjords, volcanoes, waterfalls and, of course, glaciers, striking in their scale and beauty. In their depths, as if in the castle of the Snow Queen, something even more magnificent lurks - ice caves. The most amazing of them are concentrated in the southern part of the giant Vatnajokull glacier, which has the status of the largest in Europe and the third largest in the entire globe after the glaciers of Antarctica and Greenland. Its area is 8133 km², which is 8% of the entire territory of the island. The ice thickness is on average 400 meters, and the maximum reaches 1000 meters. Vatnajökull is part of the largest national park in Europe of the same name.

Yosemite National Park in California has an impressive natural feature called Horsetail Fall. Behind this unusual name lies an ordinary seasonal waterfall, falling from the eastern side of the El Capitan mountain range in winter and early spring. The most interesting things begin to happen in these parts at the end of February. Just a few days a year, visitors to the park have the opportunity to see a rare phenomenon - the transformation of an ordinary water stream into a fiery waterfall, reminiscent of lava erupting from a volcano. In fact, this natural phenomenon is a visual illusion, the secret of which is hidden in the reflection of the rays of the setting sun at a certain angle and under favorable weather conditions. The luminary, blazing with fiery reflections in the water flowing from the mountain, creates truly apocalyptic landscapes. The unusual effect lasts only a few minutes, but travelers and hunters for unique footage regularly gather near Mount El Capitan in order to see and capture the stunning illusion.

Blue Fields is an unusual photo project, similar to a beautiful fantasy of an artist, authored by Scottish photographer Simon Butterworth. The water bodies in western Australia captured by aerial photography look very surreal, as if these are not photographs at all, but watercolor paintings depicting abstract patterns. In fact, the pictures show ordinary artificial ponds from which a concentrated salt solution evaporates, leaving a harvest of salt. The salt fields reflecting the blue sky were captured by a photographer from an airplane at an altitude of about 1,500 meters near the abandoned town of Useless Loop, in Shark Bay, the westernmost point of mainland Australia.

Goats are known for their acrobatic skills and ability to maintain balance on sheer cliffs. However, their amazing abilities do not end there - in the kingdom of Morocco you can see an even more unusual sight: dozens of horned animals nestle comfortably in the trees, like a flock of birds. They climb to the highest branches, like skilled tightrope walkers, where they engage in measured eating of green leaves and fruits.

As night falls, the beaches of some islands in the Maldives archipelago erupt with millions of glowing neon dots, as if the starry sky is falling on the shores of the Indian Ocean. The surreal picture does not appear through magic, but as a result of the life activity of microscopic organisms called bioluminescent phytoplankton. Blue glow is most common in the Maldives from around July to February, especially during the new moon, when the darkness of the sky helps microorganisms glow as brightly as possible. The amazing effect of bioluminescence can be seen in any of the atolls of the state, but the most enchanting “star” surf occurs on the island of Vaadhoo.