Sterilizing a dog: is it worth doing, the main pros and cons of the operation. We understand the main issues of dog castration Sterilization of dogs minimum age

Sterilization of dogs is a surgical procedure after which the pet loses the ability to reproduce. This procedure can only be performed by a qualified veterinarian, since an unprofessional operation can lead to very disastrous consequences. Laparoscopic sterilization of dogs and endoscopic sterilization of dogs have both supporters and opponents. Dog owners are divided into these 2 camps based on their attitude towards sterilization.

Is it necessary to sterilize a dog?

The issue of sterilization is more of a purely practical nature than a moral one, so every dog ​​owner should think about it early.

Stray dogs are sterilized to control their numbers. Homemade - primarily for the prevention of such dangerous diseases as transmissible sarcoma, pyometra, breast cancer and other types of cancer. The opinion of some owners that a dog needs to give birth to at least 1 litter to be healthy has been established and proven wrong. There's really no need for this.

Late sterilization reduces the risk of breast cancer by 4 times, early sterilization to an even greater extent. However, it makes sense to sterilize even older dogs. This will serve effective prevention pyometra and other diseases.

It is also a misconception that sterilized dogs have a shorter lifespan and become fat and lethargic. In fact, such an operation significantly prolongs life, and only those dogs that get fat are fed too much and given little physical exercise.

Also, sterilized dogs do not experience stress, their appetite increases, but overfeeding them is unacceptable. Nowadays, laparoscopic sterilization of a dog can be performed both in the clinic and at home. It is no longer complex abdominal surgery. However, during postoperative period The dog needs careful care.

Pros and cons

Arguments in favor of sterilizing dogs:

  • Life expectancy increases by an average of 1.5-2 years.
  • The dog becomes calmer, aggression disappears. The dog becomes more obedient and tries less to dominate its owner.
  • The dog marks the owner's house and the houses of his neighbors less.
  • Hormonal problems are eliminated, in particular the risk of hormone-dependent breast cancer.
  • The risk of pyometra, transmissible sarcoma, cysts and cancer of the ovaries, testes and uterus, as well as prostatitis, is greatly reduced.

A dog needs sexual intercourse solely for reproduction; it does not affect the pet’s health in any way. In this case, the dog will not feel remorse and will not try to reproduce again and again, since a conscious desire to have children is not typical for dogs. This procedure is indicated for dogs of all ages. However, there are some negative consequences associated with sterilizing older dogs. The sooner it is completed this procedure, the easier it will be tolerated by the animal.

Arguments against sterilizing dogs:

Neutering dogs, although generally a fairly predictable procedure, can sometimes still go against the plan. This is mainly due to the clinic itself and the qualifications of the veterinary surgeon. Inexperienced new veterinarians can make serious mistakes that dogs later pay for.

  1. Complications are likely, in particular, infections, bleeding, hernias, suture rupture, inflammation.
  2. After the operation the animal gains overweight due to changes in metabolism in the body.
  3. During the period 3-7 years after sterilization, urinary incontinence may occur. This, in turn, can lead to chronic and acute diseases urinary tract.
  4. To sterilize a dog, anesthesia is required, which can negatively affect the pet’s body.

Before deciding whether his dog needs sterilization, the owner should consider that deaths from this procedure are extremely rare, while deaths from sarcoma and other oncological diseases very common.

Disadvantages of the procedure

The disadvantages of sterilizing a dog include the fact that this operation is actually performed under general anesthesia, which in any case poses a certain health risk, especially when it comes to a puppy. The possible complications of the operation are also quite dangerous, therefore it is necessary to be extremely careful when choosing a veterinary surgeon. Before the operation, the dog must be healthy, then it will definitely tolerate sterilization normally.

Some people have a moral aversion to the idea of ​​sterilization, attributing human feelings to animals. However, in reality, a dog does not dream of children - it is only an instinct. She will not be ashamed in front of her friends because she remains an “old maid.” Therefore, dog breeders should think not about their own feelings, but about the comfort and health of their dogs.

At what age are dogs sterilized?

Veterinarians advise sterilizing pets at the age of 5-6 months. In that case negative consequences for the health of the pet will be kept to a minimum.

Consequences of sterilization

Like every operation, dog sterilization has certain consequences. Sterilization can lead to obesity and urinary incontinence. To avoid this problem, veterinarians often advise removing both ovaries along with the uterus.

Before and after sterilization

Although this operation is quite simple, it is safer to perform it in a clinic. If the animal’s health condition causes any concern, it is better to postpone the operation. General anesthesia is used for this. The dog is not fed anything for 12 hours before the operation.

Dogs usually tolerate sterilization easily, so there is no need to keep them in a hospital. Males feel good on the 2nd day after castration. Standard castration does not require the removal of stitches.

The bitch can be given water 1 or 2 hours after sterilization. Feeding during the first 2 days is necessary in fractional, small portions. During the first 24 hours after surgery, you can take your dog for walks. It is unacceptable to lick and dirty the seams, so they are covered with a blanket. During the first 3 days after surgery, you must carefully monitor your pet's condition. In case of lethargy, bleeding, fever or suppuration of the sutures, you should immediately contact a veterinarian. Sutures are removed 7-10 days after surgery.

Why is sterilization necessary?

There are 2 serious reasons, which can force the dog owner to perform this operation. The first is the absence of offspring from the animal after the operation. After all, the reproductive instinct is one of the most powerful. A dog that desires lovemaking can be quite difficult to contain, and regular dog weddings can be very annoying. Owners of bitches constantly experience problems with the placement of puppies. WITH purebred puppies special difficulties It may not happen, but with ordinary mongrels they are guaranteed. I don't want to kill them either.

The second reason is that sterilization serves as a reliable shield against various diseases. Dogs also get sick, and their various ailments can be transmitted through sexual contact. Sterilization can protect a dog for life from pyometra, mammary cancer, and transmissible sarcoma.

How the operation is performed

It is performed by a qualified veterinarian under general anesthesia. The operation takes 1-1.5 hours. The method of performing it is determined by the gender of the pet. The testes of male dogs are removed by any method that is convenient for the surgeon. In bitches, everything is much more complicated, since it is necessary to perform abdominal surgery, which opens access to the abdominal cavity. In this case, either only the ovaries, or both the ovaries and the uterus, are removed.

When to carry out

In male dogs, this procedure is not recommended until they reach the age of 6 months, as otherwise growth and development may be delayed. In females, this operation is most indicated before the first estrus in life, that is, at 4-5 months, since in this case the likelihood of genital cancer drops almost 200 times. The later this procedure is performed, the higher the risk of cancer.

How to care for your pet after surgery

Immediately after sterilization, dogs should be laid on a flat floor with bedding. After your pet recovers from anesthesia (this can happen within 24 hours), it is necessary to moisten its tongue and nose with water. Don't give too much liquid. You can feed only on the 2nd day and only with soft food (minced meat or pate). The seams should be treated with antiseptics for 10 days and protected from getting wet. Sometimes it happens that the animal licks the stitches. To avoid this situation, you should use a protective blanket or collar. Caring for your pet after sterilization involves antibiotic therapy. The duration of their use is determined by the veterinarian.

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IN lately There is more and more talk about the need for sterilization and castration of animals. Certainly, positive points much more, but is everything so smooth? Many people fundamentally do not want to sterilize their pets, arguing that this is interference with natural processes. It is worth listing the existing advantages and disadvantages, determining the benefits or harms of this operation.

Sterilization is a procedure to remove the ovaries and uterus. Even though this simple operation, it still requires a lot of effort and tension. Blood vessels, going to the female genitals, can be very large and fragile. Many clients ask why we can't remove the uterus but leave the ovaries, or even why we can't just have our tubes tied. Reply to this
the question is simple: if you leave the ovaries, the animal will still go into heat every six months or so. The dog will not be able to whelp, but it will show all the signs of pregnancy (dilation of the vulva (female external genitalia) and bleeding), and will be followed by male dogs who will try to mate with it.

Let's start with benefits:
- castrated animals do not wander in search of their other “half”;

- get into fights much less often;
- metabolism changes, resulting in less feed required;
- reducing the risk of infection from street animals;
- elimination of stress that the animal experiences when “walking”, which means peace of mind for the owners;
- By spaying or neutering your pets, you protect them from many dangerous health problems, such as pyometra (accumulation of pus in the uterine cavity) and prostate cancer.
Now let's talk about shortcomings:
- castration is a surgical intervention that can be accompanied by complications. To reduce the risk, a qualified doctor is needed to perform necessary tests before surgery;
- the risk of developing urolithiasis increases, but these are individual cases rather than the rule;
- anesthesia is a risk for the animal’s body, which is why surgery is not recommended for pets over five years old. Exceptions may be extreme cases;
- deterioration of conditioned reflexes, as a result of which training can become significantly more complicated or be completely ineffective;
- castration of male dogs increases the risk of developing prostate cancer;
For some, it becomes a disadvantage that such an animal will not produce offspring.

So, after analyzing the advantages and disadvantages, we can draw the following conclusion: castration does not significantly affect the health of the animal if it is carried out at a young age by a qualified veterinarian. Any animal is susceptible to various diseases, and it is impossible to give a 100% guarantee of eliminating infection - it all depends on the predisposition to the development of any diseases and the quality of the pet’s care.

Dogs should be spayed or neutered as soon as they are eight weeks old, but it is generally accepted ideal age The age for castration or sterilization is six months.
Every dog ​​owner experiences some anxiety when taking their pet to the veterinarian for the day. This is just as traumatic for the dog. psychological point vision, as for a child who was brought to a nursery for the first time. Your pet is usually not very eager to stay in the clinic either. Some animals are forcibly left at the clinic, separated from their owners and condemned to being in an unfamiliar environment.
Of course, the castration or sterilization procedure itself cannot but worry you... Imagine what nursery workers say to parents when you give them your excited child. Usually the child crosses the threshold and quickly settles in a new place, he is happy to join what is happening. Almost the same thing happens with our dogs. They are usually reluctant to set foot in a veterinary clinic, but once they get there, most adapt quickly.
Many owners feel much more at ease if they can see the environment in which their pet will be placed and if they are aware of the upcoming procedures.
Below is given brief description what happens to a dog when it is admitted to a spay or neuter clinic.
The day before surgery, you will be asked not to give your dog any food. She can drink water, but after nine or ten o'clock in the evening she cannot eat. Fasting will help reduce the risk of your dog vomiting and inhaling it while he is under anesthesia.
People are accepted for surgery early in the morning (usually before 9 am). Before you bring your pet into the clinic for surgery, take him for a short walk to allow him to go to the toilet.
During the intake procedure, the nurse will weigh your pet and ask you several questions: did you feed the animal the day before, how long has your dog been sick with anything, and whether you would like your dog to have a blood test done before the anesthesia. Later I will explain to you what kind of analysis there's blood coming out speech, but to avoid any misunderstanding, I would recommend that you do it if you can afford it. This blood test has saved many lives at our veterinary clinic.
Once you sign the admission papers (paperwork that gives the veterinarian permission to perform the surgery), your pet is taken to the clinic. At your request, they will be happy to show you where your pet will be; in any case, it is always better to ask in advance where the operation will take place.
Animals are placed in safe cages that are suitable for their size. They are no different from the kennel they have at home; If the animal has a kennel at home, then at the clinic it usually happily enters the cage. There will definitely be soft bedding.
After some time, the nurse and veterinarian conduct a thorough examination, which includes: listening to the heart, measuring temperature and pulse, palpating the abdominal region and a general examination of the animal. During the pre-surgery examination, blood will be taken for testing if the dog's owner so desires. The nurse and veterinarian also calculate the dose medicines and the dose of the injected anesthetic (anesthetic) and record them in the dog’s anesthetic record.
Approximately half an hour before surgery, the dog is given sedatives. They are usually given as injections under the skin or into a vein and are done for several reasons:
there is immediate pain relief, maintained normal operation heart and normal blood pressure during surgery, a smoother recovery from anesthesia is ensured and the amount of anesthesia that must be used is reduced. Very often, animals are given intravenous fluid during surgery, which also maintains normal blood pressure and circulation.
Once the premedication begins to take effect, the dog will feel drowsy, but will not fall asleep. Now the dog is injected anesthetic(anesthetic). Sometimes this is a drug that is administered intravenously, and sometimes a mask that is placed on the dog's face, and it inhales a special gas.
Once your dog is asleep, your veterinarian will attach an endotracheal tube to his throat. This tube is connected to an anesthetic machine, which provides a constant flow of oxygen and a flow of anesthetic gas (fluorinated ether is most often used). The dog is then taken to the surgery (a sterile room where the surgery itself will take place).

Once your pet arrives home, you will need to keep him warm and comfortable conditions, providing it with soft and clean bedding, a quiet and draft-free place with a temperature of approximately 20 to 22 ° C. If your doctor has not given you any special instructions, make sure your pet has access to fresh water. After a few hours you can give him a small amount of food, e.g. white fish, boiled or fried chicken. Let your pet spend the whole night (or, if necessary, longer) in the house; put a dog toilet for him. You should not allow your dog to jump or engage in any activity as this may cause the stitches to become overstretched, especially in the first few days after surgery.
Is it normal for a dog to seem very lethargic?
Before surgery, your dog was given general anesthesia and/or sedative medication. The action of these funds is designed to be sufficiently for a long time This is why some dogs appear very lethargic during the day. In a day or two your dog will come to normal condition, however, if you are seriously concerned about her behavior, do not hesitate to contact your veterinary clinic. In the first week after surgery, most dogs sleep even more than usual.
It is in the front paws that anesthetics or sedatives are injected. Therefore, small staples can be attached to them. However, they can be removed the next day if no other advice has been given.
After the operation the dog began slight cough. Is this a cause for concern?
An endotracheal tube may have been inserted into your dog's windpipe (trachea) during anesthesia. In some cases, this may cause the dog to experience mild irritation and a slight cough. If this is the case, the irritation and cough will subside over the next few days. However, if this does not happen, contact your veterinarian.
It's natural for your dog to try to clean his wounds, but if he does this with too much effort, there is a risk that the stitches may tear or the wound may become infected. If the clinic gave you an Elizabethan collar to prevent your dog from biting its stitches, then put it on her; if they did not give you one, please contact the clinic and ask for this collar. It is not surprising that at first many dogs find the Elizabethan collar strange and try to get rid of it. However, after some time, most animals get used to it. Once the animal gets used to the collar, it will be better to use it constantly rather than occasionally. Remember, it only takes a few seconds for the dog to tear the stitches. If your dog manages to tear any of the stitches, contact the clinic for help as soon as possible.
What should a wound look like, AND IN WHAT CASES SHOULD I BE CONCERNED?
In general, the wound should be clean with the edges pulled together and the skin a normal light red-pink color. In white dogs, there may be some "bruising" around the wound that may appear several days after surgery, and in some cases may appear large in relation to the size of the incision. This occurs due to blood seeping along the edges of the skin. In some cases, minor signs may periodically protrude from a fresh wound during the day. bleeding, especially if the animal is very active. Contact the clinic if you notice the following on your wound:
. Constant slight or heavy bleeding.
. Periodic release blood, lasting more than a day.
. Swelling, severe redness skin or any discharge.
When should stitches be removed?
Most sutures are removed 7-14 days after surgery, depending on the complexity of the procedure. You will be told when is the best time to do this.
When will the dog be able to behave normally again? active image life?
It all depends on the nature of the operation performed. If it's not complex operation with a minor skin incision, then restriction of activity should be present for several days after removal of the sutures. However, if this is a complex operation with a large skin incision, then a longer rehabilitation period is required, which may take several weeks.
If you have been prescribed any medications, please READ THE INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE CAREFULLY and ensure that you take all medications as prescribed. If you have difficulty dosing, contact the clinic and ask for advice.
Pre-anesthesia blood test
Most veterinary clinics offer a pre-anesthesia blood test, which involves testing samples of your pet's blood and urine. Even in a healthy animal that shows no signs of disease when clinical examination, there may be problems that appear only after a blood test to identify pathologies.
There are countless possible pathological processes that influence the choice of general anesthesia and sedation and are manifested after blood tests are performed. Some diseases do not affect the effectiveness of anesthesia, but they can threaten the dog's life (and a blood test is an excellent way to detect them as early as possible). When your pet is placed under anesthesia, a pre-anesthesia blood test is often an “additional insurance option.” This is why many people refuse to do it if they think their pet is healthy. I recommend doing a pre-anesthesia blood test if you have the opportunity.
There are many situations where a blood test performed before anesthesia was administered saved the dog’s life. One apparent healthy dog led to scaling and polishing, but only the results of a blood test showed cancer abdominal cavity. An ultrasound showed that this dog did indeed have a small tumor, but fortunately it was detected in time and after surgery the dog was completely cured.
Here are some common examples of diseases detected by pre-anesthesia blood tests:
. Kidney disease/chronic renal failure.
. Diabetes and others hormonal diseases, such as Itsenko-Cushing's disease (hyperadrenocorticism) and Addison's disease ( chronic failure adrenal cortex).
. Anemia.
. Viral or bacterial infections.
. Tumors.

First of all, if you take a purebred breeding dog that has every chance of winning in the show rings. Such individuals are very expensive, and, of course, it makes sense to use them for breeding in order to obtain purebred offspring. If you need a friend, then it is not so important whether he has a pedigree and what titles his relatives had. Therefore, long before you get a pet, think about what plans you have with it, so that there are fewer disappointments later.

What the future owner needs to know

Try to seek advice only from competent dog handlers or veterinarians. By asking your fellow walkers for advice, you run the risk of hearing various speculations that are not true. In particular, the opinion is very often conveyed among dog lovers that a bitch, for her health, must give birth at least once in her life. In fact, this is a completely baseless statement. Moreover, if the owner of an adult dog that is more than six years old heard it, and, frightened, decided not to hesitate any longer, such complications are fraught with much more serious complications than sterilization of dogs. Only a competent doctor should tell the pros and cons of this procedure, so do not trust your pet’s health to non-professionals.

The second common myth is familiar to owners of male dogs. You will definitely be strongly advised to untie the male dog as early as possible, so that he acquires a heavier backbone and begins to guard the house more strictly, that is, from a cheerful puppy he turns into a formidable and stern guard. In fact, mating will not help here; males usually mature after two years, and the bone structure depends solely on genetic characteristics. But you will definitely have more problems. An untied male will search for a female all his life, tiring his owner by pursuing any female. Therefore, if such individuals are not breeding animals from which it is important to obtain offspring, then sterilization of dogs would be a good solution for you. We will consider the pros and cons in detail so that you have a good idea of ​​the consequences of your decision.

The main advantages of sterilization for the owner of a bitch

Of course, every loving owner worries about his pet and wants to collect all the information about the upcoming operation. This is the right approach, because we alone are responsible for those we have tamed.

So, sterilization surgery. Of course, first of all, the decision should be made by the attending physician based on an examination of the animal and a conclusion about its state of health. What advantages can be identified if a decision is made in favor of surgery?

First of all, problems associated with the dog’s pregnancy and subsequent births disappear. And, what is especially important, the owner will not have to think about what to do with unwanted offspring (in modern realities it is difficult to say what would be more humane - to destroy or “distribute among kind hands”, dooming many to a homeless life). The financial aspect is also important. The operation is not free, but it saves the owner from caring for a pregnant and pregnant bitch and puppies, which is much more expensive.

Animal behavior

Walking outside becomes much calmer; male dogs lose interest in the sterilized female, as she stops being in heat. The risk of developing breast tumors is reduced several times. This is not the only health problem that this operation can solve. In some cases, this reduces to almost zero the risk of various diseases genital organs, including malignant neoplasms. in Moscow they perform this operation on the highest level, eliminating the likelihood of complications. It will be especially effective if carried out before the first heat.

An additional advantage is always noted by city residents. Breeding puppies in a cramped apartment is a very difficult task, and therefore many easily agree that it is much better to avoid similar experience, and most in an efficient way is the sterilization of dogs. The price of this operation is not so high, everyone can afford it. In addition, this measure immediately solves the problem of cleaning up after the bitch during heat.

The main advantages of sterilization for the owner of a male dog

In fact, the term “operation” can only be applied to bitches. Sterilization of dogs may not be cavitary if we're talking about about male dogs. In this case, the whole procedure comes down to removing the testes. After the rehabilitation process is completed, the animal becomes less susceptible to attacks of aggression, which means that it will be less likely to fight with its relatives and be injured. You can no longer be afraid of venereal sarcoma, which is sexually transmitted and leads to the formation of tumor growths.

A sterilized male will not run away from home, driven by instincts, and the owner will not have to look for him. There is no need to quarrel with neighbors, the dog becomes calm after sterilization, it does not howl and rush around in search of a partner, and does not urinate in in the wrong places, practically does not react to relatives approaching during a walk.

A common plus for dogs of both sexes: sterilization increases your pet's life expectancy by almost 20%. Moreover, in some cases it is noted that the dog remains playful and active almost until death. If you do not want to engage in professional breeding, give your pet 3-4 additional years of life, because they only have so much time.

Sterilization as a social necessity

Today the problem of abandoned people is especially acute. Shelters organized with donations from citizens cannot accommodate all four-legged animals that need help. Therefore, animal defenders carry out regional actions, sterilizing and treating them, and then releasing them back. Booths are set up in some courtyards, and local residents work together to feed their inhabitants. Is it humane to sterilize dogs in this case? The pros and cons are obvious. Of course, this does not solve the problem, the animal remains on the street, but it will not produce puppies twice a year, which means that the population of stray animals will become smaller, not larger.

Contraindications to sterilization

Despite the apparent ease, this procedure is a surgical intervention that leads to irreversible consequences. Veterinary clinics in Moscow offer you a full range of services, from initial diagnosis and examination to... postoperative rehabilitation. If you turn to professionals, the recovery process after the intervention will go quite quickly, but the doctor will definitely warn you about a number of contraindications.

Due to their body structure, there are breeds for which this operation can result in serious complications. Typically these include pugs and bulldogs. Carefully choose an experienced surgeon, he will be able to tell you in detail about dogs. The price in this case is not a guarantee that you will be able to avoid complications. The doctor will need to evaluate medical contraindications, take into account cardiovascular failure and impaired renal function, so animals over 5 years of age are primarily at risk.

The main disadvantages that a loving owner should know about

Like everyone else surgical interventions, has its drawbacks and sterilization of dogs. Reviews from many owners indicate that the most unpleasant consequence is urinary incontinence. Indeed, this happens quite often, and this complication develops some time after the operation, so that, at first glance, it is not related to it. In fact, everything is easy to explain if we turn to physiology. The uterus and ovaries are removed from the abdominal cavity, creating a cavity into which the bladder. As a result, illnesses develop urinary system varying degrees gravity. In addition, it contributes to the development this complication and hormonal changes. But for the most part this is true for dogs. large breeds, weighing more than 30 kg. Hormonal changes, in turn, lead to the development of obesity, so now you will need to especially carefully monitor your pet’s diet.

The operation itself is a risk factor. After sterilization, a dog’s suture may fester or rupture, there is a risk of bleeding and infection, inflammatory processes, as well as hernia formation. We must not forget that sterilization is carried out under general anesthesia, which puts a strain on the pet’s body. The heart is especially at risk. Finally, there is evidence from dog handlers that conditioned reflexes Sterilized dogs develop slightly worse, which means you need to think about when to sterilize your dog.

Surgical sterilization of female dogs most often has minimal health risks and does not carry additional complications. But for a male dog, this operation always leads to problems in the dog’s health, regardless of the age at which the operation was performed.

Optimal age

By medical indications this operation can be done throughout the pet's life. However, if we talk about the prevention of diseases and pregnancy, as well as behavior correction, it becomes clear that it is better to subject young dogs to it. But here opinions differ. They veterinarians believe that it is optimal to do it to puppies at 2 months of age. Others argue that in this case the development of the pet slows down, growth retardation is possible, as well as difficulties with learning. Therefore, it is believed that it is best to prepare an animal for surgery when it is 12 months old. It is at this age that dogs are best sterilized. The age of one year is usually marked by the first heat, just after its end you can go to the veterinarian.

After surgery

We have already touched on the topic of the cost of the operation. In Moscow clinics you will pay from 1000 to 2000 rubles for it, which is not so expensive if you take into account all the advantages that sterilization of dogs gives. Caring for a pet after surgery is quite troublesome, you will have to be patient. You have to do bandages every day and monitor the condition of the animal. If you notice suppuration or bad smell under a bandage, this is a reason to immediately go to the doctor. The animal may be lethargic for the first days, but if the pet completely refuses to eat, this is also an alarming sign.

As the dog's condition returns to normal, it is time to return life to normal. This means that you need to walk a lot again and be sure to eat right. It is best to make rice, white meat and fish the basis of nutrition after surgery. Sutures are usually removed 10-12 days after surgery. By this time, minor physical activity. Then life smoothly returns to normal.

What to pay attention to

Even professional doctor cannot always provide for all the nuances, so it is quite rare, but complications do occur. What should you be wary of after dogs have been sterilized? Estrus is nonsense for a sterile bitch, but such phenomena do occur. This suggests that the operation was carried out with some violations. An ultrasound of the abdominal cavity is necessary so that conclusions can be drawn about the pet’s condition and the necessary further treatment. Sometimes another phenomenon occurs: a sterile bitch continues to breed. This also indicates the unprofessionalism of the doctor who performed the operation. Therefore, before entrusting the life and health of your pet to doctors, collect reviews about doctors and clinics, weigh the pros and cons, and only then draw conclusions.

Sterilization is one of the most common surgical interventions in dogs. This operation ensures reliable elimination of the animal’s sexual function.

A little about the physiology of dog maturation

The onset of sexual maturity is characterized by the appearance of the first estrus. During this period, achieving a body weight that is normal for an adult dog is crucial. Bitches small breeds They mature by the age of 6 months, and their first estrus usually occurs at six months of age. Large breed dogs only reach adult weight after a year of life, and puberty it comes later for them. In growing bitches with insufficient weight gain (due to poor maintenance or illness), the first heat may be delayed.

According to the instructions of breeding unions, practically a female should be bred no earlier than her second heat. Good ability fertilization remains until 4 years of age.

The interval between estrus is 6-7 months, however, there are some breed and individual deviations.

Sterilizing a dog: when to plan the operation

Currently, there is a lot of debate about at what age it is better to sterilize a dog. There are some nuances here.

Dogs kept as pets and not of breeding value should, if possible, be sterilized before the onset of their first heat. This is believed to reduce the risk of developing breast tumors from 26% to 0.5%. In addition, the risk of urinary incontinence, the most common and unpleasant side effect sterilization, with early sterilization is two times lower than with late sterilization. There are no disadvantages to early sterilization.

Sterilization of dogs that will be used as guide dogs for the blind or service dogs, can only be carried out after the first heat. The playfulness characteristic of puppies, which persists in early neutered bitches, negatively affects concentration during training.

Sterilization options

First, you need to determine the difference between castration and sterilization.

  • Sterilization in surgery involves bandaging fallopian tubes. At the same time, the ovaries continue to produce sex hormones, and the dog maintains estrus and sexual behavior.
  • Castration is complete removal ovaries and uterus. During the operation, two options for castration are distinguished:
    • when only the ovaries are removed (oophorectomy). In the absence of ovarian hormones, the uterus often atrophies;
    • when the uterus and ovaries are removed (ovariohysterectomy). In older dogs, or if there are signs of inflammation, the uterus is also removed.

Traditional surgery is performed under general anesthesia. An incision is made along the linea alba of the abdomen, the uterus and ovaries are removed, and the planned measures are carried out (complete removal, ligation). Then a suture is applied (the type of skin suture is at the discretion of the surgeon).

Some clinics now sterilize dogs. laparoscopic method. In animals, for many reasons, this operation is also performed under anesthesia. For laparoscopy, as for any other operation, there are a number of contraindications (obesity, diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, peritonitis, etc.).

Postoperative period


  • Immediately after surgery, the dog is placed in a warm, low place and is deprived of food for 24 hours. The next day, the pet begins to be fed in small portions 3-4 times.
  • Seam processing. The seams are processed every day, removing all crusts and discharge. Suture removal is usually prescribed on the 10-14th day after surgery.
  • After the operation, the doctor prescribes a course of antibiotics in the form of injections. Injections should never be missed to avoid complications.

What you need to know about sterilization

Sterilization of a dog is a abdominal operation, performed under deep anesthesia and has its pros and cons.

The main advantages are:

  • Simplification of content. During estrus, bitches begin to bleed, which causes some inconvenience for owners who keep dogs in apartments. Currently, there are special pants for dogs, but in general, if breeding is not planned, this does not solve the problem.
  • Disease Prevention. With age, unsterilized dogs often develop pathologies of the reproductive system such as cysts, hyperplasia (enlargement of the uterus or ovaries), tumors, and inflammation.
  • Prevention of pregnancy. For owners of non-breeding dogs, the onset of heat can be a stressful time when the female needs doubly careful attention. It is not uncommon for a dog kept in an enclosure to run away in search of a male/female.
  • Veterinary indications. With already started pathological processes or in case of pathology of pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Behavior problems. This is especially true for guard workers and hunting dogs, since during estrus they can completely “fall out” of the work schedule.

Some cons:

  • Urinary incontinence is quite common and unpleasant consequence sterilization. In most cases, it appears only in dreams and only periodically. U large dogs the risk is especially high (with body weight more than 20 kg). A breed predisposition has been noted in boxers.
  • Weight gain – after sterilization, some females are prone to obesity due to an improvement in appetite. Obesity can be avoided by increasing physical activity and feeding restrictions.
  • Coat changes– in long-haired bitches with shiny coat(especially in spaniels, long-haired dachshunds and Irish setters) undercoat growth increases after sterilization.

Prices for sterilization

Prices for planned sterilization depend on the size of the dog and range from 4 to 11 thousand rubles. Most likely, they will not tell you in advance how much it will cost to sterilize a dog, since various emergency situations may arise during the operation. In addition, the cost of the operation may vary if there are any diseases of the reproductive system, if the dog is pregnant or in heat.

As a rule, this total amount includes the following manipulations:

  • Initial examination of the dog and premedication - the so-called “preparation” for anesthesia. Sedatives can cause allergic reactions in the body (up to anaphylactic shock And fatal outcome). Premedication reduces the risk of developing this condition.
  • The anesthesia itself, the suture material, the medications that are administered to the dog during and after the operation, the postoperative blanket (it is better to immediately purchase a second blanket for a change, since during the first days there may be bleeding from the suture).
  • In some veterinary clinics This price includes the first day of hospital stay, where immediately after the operation the dog will be under the constant supervision of a specialist.

Temporary suppression of estrus

Currently, pet stores sell a lot of different hormonal drugs to suppress estrus in dogs. Doctors do not recommend using these substances, since after long-term use of them complications such as breast tumors, pathological conditions uterus (pyometra) purulent inflammation, cysts), diabetes mellitus. In breeding bitches, any hormonal influences on the cycle should be avoided as a matter of principle due to the risk of unwanted side effects.

Based on their effect on a dog’s cycle, drugs are divided into the following groups:


Drugs aimed at suppressing estrus: complete suppression of sexual function over several months and years through repeated administration of synthetic hormones that inhibit follicular growth, ovulation and formation yellow bodies. Regular administration of such drugs leads to long-term suppression of estrus and is a common alternative to castration. The interval between injections is 3-6 months depending on the drug; injections should be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

A drug such as Covinan is often used. A 20 ml bottle costs 2000 rubles.

Sex barrier, Counter sex, Sex Control

Shift-oriented estrus: a short-term shift in estrus for several days or weeks. It is used in cases where estrus should not coincide with certain events (exhibitions, field trials, hunting, etc.). Used orally. If possible, they should be started at least 10 days before the expected estrus.

These can be drugs in the form of drops or tablets, such as Sex Barrier, Countersex, SexControl. Prices vary from 70 to 200 rubles.

Ex 5

Interruption of estrus: stopping an estrus that has already occurred. Injection (Covinan) and oral drugs can be used here (Ex 5T - price 75 rubles, Pillkan-5 - package costs 600 rubles).

Although the operation still has many opponents, bough is used throughout the world for population control. Even the most caring and attentive owner cannot be one hundred percent sure that his pet will not break off the leash and go to get to know some male dogs better.

Giving away a litter of mixed breeds is not an easy task, and killing helpless newborn puppies is not humane. It is much better to prevent them from appearing.

The heat itself is also a sad time for the owner. Twice a year, he is forced to buy special underwear for the dog so that it does not dirty the apartment, while the animal regularly strives to get rid of unnecessary clothes and take care of itself. hygiene procedures.

Some owners of bitches prefer not to sterilize their animals, but to use hormonal drugs to prevent estrus. However, such drugs have many side effects. For example, they contribute to the appearance of cysts on the ovaries and inflammation of the uterus, after which sterilization becomes urgently necessary.

When to spay a dog

Doctors have different opinions about at what age it is best to sterilize a dog. Some veterinarians offer such services as early as five to six months of age, while others recommend scheduling surgery after the dog's first heat, which is eight to ten months. Sterilization too early (before five months) is not advisable. Puppies' organs are actively growing, and removing some of them can lead to deformation of the remaining ones. You can also sterilize adult dog, however, the operation is not recommended for older bitches.

As a rule, sterilization is carried out under general anesthesia, and such stress can cause irreparable harm cardiovascular system an elderly animal.

When planning to register your dog for sterilization, focus not only on the age, but also on the health status of the animal. Your dog must be absolutely healthy. When working with young bitches, the veterinarian, as a rule, is limited to a visual examination, temperature measurement, and auscultation. heart rate. For animals over five years old, blood and urine tests are taken and an ECG is performed. If you are determined to sterilize your dog, do not delay the operation. The sooner you do it, the faster your pet will recover and live a full life again.