Why do aquarium fish become covered with a white coating? Why does a white coating appear on fish and how to treat it? The fish becomes covered with a white coating

the fish are covered with a white coating

  • it's called semolina. need to buy medicine: Malachite green and as soon as possible
  • when this happened to me, they all died ((some kind of fungus
  • Without understanding the reasons for the white coating on fish, you cannot immediately pour any chemicals into the aquarium. This can only harm the fish. Malachite green is not tolerated by all fish and not all bacterial infections treats. Furacilin is not at all useful for fish. Anti-steam is dangerous in case of overdose and when treating it, you need to remove the filter for the period of treatment. But it does not treat tetrachymena and ichthyobodo.

    There may be several reasons for the white plaque. The diagnosis may depend on the nature of the coating and on changes in the behavior of fish when white coating occurs.

    When overfeeding fish or insufficient cleaning of the aquarium, in addition to increasing carbon dioxide in the aquarium, the acid-base balance(increased acidity or acidic water) in the aquarium. In this case, the fish may begin to develop acidosis.

    Acidosis (from Latin acidus - sour), change acid-base balance the body as a result of insufficient excretion and oxidation of organic acids.
    In fish, the skin (scales) is covered with mucus, has a cloudy milky tint, and later ulcers, thick cloudy layers on the eyes, and brownish layers on the gills may appear.
    It is necessary to ensure sufficient carbonate hardness to stabilize the pH value with Sera kh-plus, then add Sera aqutan.

  • Ichthyophthyriosis, most likely. I treat this in three ways.
    1. salt baths (1 tablespoon per liter of water) in a separate container, temperature 28 C, keep the fish there for 5-7 minutes, repeat the procedures every other day 7-8 times
    2. adding malachite green, you can directly into the aquarium
    3. helps very well Russian drug"Antibac" 1 tablet per 50 liters of water general aquarium. Advantage this drug The fact is that in addition to eliminating the sore itself, it increases the immunity of fish. However, the downside is that you destroy the entire microflora of the aquarium! 3 days after applying the drug, it is worth replacing a third of the water with fresh water, and after 3 days another third. And apply liquid fertilizers to plants, since the drug has a depressing effect on them
  • White coating on fish is a sign various diseases, therefore, before starting treatment, you need to try to accurately establish the diagnosis. Let's consider the most common diseases, a characteristic sign of which is the appearance of a white coating on the body of the fish, as well as methods of treating them.

    Symptoms of the disease: white coating on fish in the form of fluff or moss.

    Such symptoms are caused by fungi from the genera Achlya (lat. Achlya) and saprolegnia (lat. Saprolegnia). Usually these fungi settle on dead and damaged tissues aquatic organisms - on open wounds, injured fins and unfertilized eggs. The danger of fungi is that they intensively transfer from dead tissues to living ones, and in certain moment The hyphae (threads of the fungus) penetrate so deeply into the body of the fish that it is no longer possible to save them. Therefore, it is important to notice the development of fungus in time and begin treatment.

    To stop the development of fungus on fish, along with the use of special drugs it is necessary to optimize the conditions of detention - make regular changes, monitor temperature conditions, ensure complete and varied diet, avoid overpopulation and keeping fish incompatible with each other.


    The drug can be used for treatment Tetra Medica FungiStop. The drug contains colloidal silver, which may not be safe for shrimp and other invertebrates, so it is better to separate them while using the drug, or use the medicine in a separate container. The drug cannot be used in combination with other medications; during use, turn off filtration through the UV sterilizer and remove activated carbon. The product may stain silicone. Use strictly according to the manufacturer's instructions.

    Symptoms of the disease: a white coating on the fish in the form of large flakes hanging over the entire body.

    This picture may indicate ammonium and nitrite poisoning in aquariums without a properly functioning biofilter. On the surfaces of fish irritated by toxic ammonium and nitrite, whitish mucus is actively secreted, which collects in lumps.

    To prevent such incidents, we recommend that you properly organize the start-up of the aquarium, use water tests for ammonium and nitrite, and biostarter preparations, such as Tetra SafeStart, and after treating the aquarium or thoroughly washing the biofilter Tetra FilterActive.


    If a mistake has already been made and the fish in the aquarium are covered with a white lumpy coating, you need to immediately begin intensive water changes - 15-20% of the aquarium volume in the morning and evening, stop feeding, purchase a preparation with live bacteria and tests as soon as possible for ammonium and nitrite. If adult, healthy fish have been poisoned, and corrective measures toxic substances received in a timely manner, there are big chance save the fish. It will take several weeks for the mucous membranes of affected fish to recover; during this period it is recommended to use vitamin preparations Tetra Vital, fully and variedly feed the fish with high-quality food.

    Symptoms: a barely noticeable white-gray-blue coating over the entire body or large areas of it, causing fading of the color.


    We recommend using Tetra Medica ContraIck, a drug containing the above compounds. The drug cannot be used in combination with other medications (except Tetra Medica General Tonic); during use, turn off the filtration through the UV sterilizer and remove the activated carbon. The product may stain silicone. Use strictly according to the manufacturer's instructions. Does not affect biofiltration; if used in an aquarium with invertebrates, it is necessary to use half the dose, but it is better to place them in another container for the duration of treatment.

    This article will be useful to aquarists, information seekers for the following queries:

    the fish in the aquarium are covered with a white coating, the fish in the aquarium are covered with a white coating, white coating treatment on fish in an aquarium, white coating on fish in an aquarium.

    A white coating on the body of a fish most often signals a malfunction of the body. If white plaque is a symptom of a disease, then the fish must be treated immediately. Under no circumstances should you confuse a white coating on the body with clouding of the fish’s body. Cloudiness can be a signal that the fish is in poor quality water, it is not necessarily a sign of infection.

    With alkalosis skin become dull, the fish rush around the tank, and mucus forms on the fish. Appears in pets who are accustomed to bodies of water with acidic environment. The disease is eliminated by bringing the pH level to the required level. You can buy a pH buffer at the pet store, which will give the readings.

    Also, body color may fade due to inflammation. gastrointestinal tract. Appears in feces large number mucus, with bloody discharge, the fish loses its appetite. The fish are not fed for one week; later they are switched to varied feeding.


    White coating on fish is a symptom of the following diseases:

    1. Saprolengiosis.
    2. Gyrodactylosis.
    3. Trichodinosis.
    4. Ichthyobodosis.


    The causative agent of the disease is a fungus that grows on the skin, eyes, fins, gills, and eggs. The micromycete is widespread, but primarily affects fish that live in cold and dirty water, among the remains of rotting plants and food. Factors contributing to the disease are trauma to fish (fish), stress, underfeeding and overfeeding. The initial sign is a visible coating resembling cotton wool. These are hyphae of a sprouted fungus.

    Further development of the inflammatory process leads to hyperemia, redness of the skin, and copious mucus secretion. For treatment, experienced aquarists can use salt, Methylene blue, and Malachite green. For beginner ichthyologists best option– use of the universal drug Antipar containing the previously mentioned components. They are used in the treatment of most various diseases decorative fish.

    It is better to carry out sanitation in a jigging tank so as not to damage vegetation and hydrobionts. If you have to treat the disease in a common aquarium, fractional mixing is used. Initially, the concentrate is diluted with a small amount (200–300 cm3) of water. Then it is evenly distributed in the liquid, which replaces 1/3 of the volume of the general aquarium.

    Prevention consists of proper care– regular cleaning of the tank, timely renewal of water, maintaining optimal temperature values, as well as the ph of the living environment. The standard course of treatment is limited to a decade.


    1. The fish is covered with whitish mucus.
    2. Movements lose grace.
    3. The fins bleed, then turn white and collapse.

    The aerator is turned on full power. If the fish become worried, replace 1/3 of the water. A day later, the treatment is duplicated. It is better to treat fish in a quarantine aquarium, since the anthelmintic kills invertebrate aquatic organisms.

    If accurate diagnosis It was not possible to confirm whether they are being treated with Antipar or a similar drug.


    Trichodins primarily infect young animals, causing mass death. Well-fed adults do not get sick, being a reservoir of the pathogen. However, if the aquarium is overcrowded, the water is dirty or cold, or the fish are injured, then they too will get sick. The pathogen enters with live food or vegetation from open water bodies or infected tanks, as well as with new fish that have not undergone quarantine.

    Since the disease is accompanied by the addition of secondary microflora, treatment is carried out with the means described above - salt, the drug Antipar or substances that are included in its composition. The most effective way to treat fish is in a quarantine tank. The water in the general aquarium is heated to 34 °C and kept for 2 days. Trichodins die.


    White coating on fish in an aquarium, how to treat it,

    My two-year experience in administering the aquarium forum allows me at this stage to draw certain conclusions about the treatment process aquarium fish.In this article, I would like to discuss all the aspects and nuances of treating a sick pet. The purpose of the article is to give basic fundamentals for beginners, and for many already experienced aquarists - WHAT TO DO IF THE FISH GETS SICK.

    This article will not be a revelation or a panacea, I will, in principle, talk about simple and understandable things, but still, in my opinion, they are the key to the health of both the fish and the aquarium as a whole.

    First, let's figure out why and why fish get sick. Fish are living creatures just like you and me. Any living creature will feel good and not get sick when it is in comfortable conditions. People go to fitness clubs, go to sanatoriums, try to live in comfort, eat the right and healthy food, breathe fresh, clean air and this is the key to their health and longevity.

    The same applies to fish, they will always be healthy and you will not have to treat them if they live in comfort, i.e. in a healthy, complete, the right aquarium. With 120% confidence, I can say that in a healthy aquarium, with a adjusted biobalance, not a single aquarium fish will get sick!!!

    - this is both overpopulation and incorrect selection of fish;

    - these are inappropriate parameters aquarium water for a particular type of fish (t, pH, dH, kH, etc.);

    - this can be expressed in improper decoration of the aquarium;

    — in inadequate or poor-quality lighting;

    - in the end, in improper care of the aquarium: feeding, water changes, etc.;

    If we summarize all these negative factors, we can simply say: there is no

    - when there is overpopulation or the wrong selection of fish, they begin to fight, stress or a depressed state appears;

    - at elevated temperatures or lack of oxygen, fish begin to swim near the surface, puff up their gills, and greedily swallow air. Again, stress, lethargy, “fainting.”

    — in the presence of poisons in the water, the fish also trigger defensive mechanisms of addiction.

    How do these protective mechanisms work? The answer is also simple - due to immunity. Which, as you understand, is not rubber. And when it ends, the fish’s body stops resisting everything pathogenic organisms and/or negative factors. The illness phase begins.

    Columnaria and ichthyophthyriosis

    Columnaria. The cause is the bacterium Flexibacter columnaris. Symptoms: Grayish-white coating or spots on the fish's body or around its mouth. Sometimes these spots are microscopic, thread-like, especially in the immediate vicinity of the mouth. This disease is often confused with oral fungus. The condition of the guppy's fins may deteriorate, the gills will also suffer, and ulcers may appear on the body over time.

    Treatment: antibacterial drugs, if columnaria is detected in the early stages. On late stages need to be treated with antibiotics. Water changes need to be done. Levomycetin and kanamycin are effective against this infection. Levomycetin is taken 500 mg per 20 liters of water and diluted in water. After 3-4 applications with 25% water changes, there will be a positive result.

    See what a guppy infected with Columnaria looks like.

    Method of treatment: adding table salt (5 teaspoons per 4 liters of water), the salt must be diluted in water and introduced into the aquarium gradually. You can use special salt baths where you can dip the fish for 7-10 minutes. It is also possible to cure the disease with the drugs Tripaflavin and Biomycin in the proportions of 50,000 units of biomycin and 5 mg of Tripaflavin.

    Watch a video telling how to cure ichthyophthyriosis.

    Fin rot and tetrachymenosis

    Fin rot. Male guppy fish are more likely to suffer from this disease; their fins are longer and more sensitive than those of females. Symptoms of the disease: the rays of the fins become opaque, streaks with blood form in them. Erosion of the fins may continue until it reaches the base of the fins. A fish can die from a disease caused by the Pseudomonas bacterium.

    Treatment: introduction of the drug Levomycetin into the water in the proportions of 1 tablet per 20 liters of water. The tablet must be diluted in water and the solution added to the general aquarium. Every three days you should do 30% water changes. The medicine Bicillin-5, which is sold in bottles, copes with this harmful disease. The medicine will last for 6 days.

    The contents of the bottle are divided into 6 equal portions, which are dissolved every day in 10 liters of water in a specially prepared bath. The duration of the bath is 3 minutes. Also, fin rot can be cured with Tetra General Tonic and Sera Baktopur. Doses of the medicine - according to the instructions for use.

    Treatment of the disease: FMS drug (dose 1 ml per 100 liters of water), furazolidone (1 gram per 100 liters of water), Biseptol (dose 2 tablets per 100 liters of water). The drugs are dissolved in water and introduced into the aquarium one by one. The duration of treatment is 7-10 days. It is better to treat the fish in a prepared aquarium so that furazolidone does not destroy the plants. In the quarantine tank, 40-50% of the water should be replaced every day, adding a new portion of medicines.

    An aquarium with bright fish is a picturesque decoration of many interiors, but do not forget that the inhabitants of the reservoir are living beings, and they require care and attention. A sudden white coating on the fish is a signal of a disruption in the functioning of the body. Timely treatment will help save your pet from death, the main thing is to correctly recognize the symptoms of the disease.

    A white coating on fish in an aquarium is a symptom of a disease and requires treatment. medical care. The main thing is to correctly identify the disease itself, and only then begin treatment. Only with correct diagnosis can you count on successful recovery from the disease.

    Beginners in the field of aquarium keeping often confuse white coating with clouding of the fish’s color, which leads to fatal mistakes. Cloudy bodies are usually a sign of poor water quality and do not require serious treatment. For example, the color scheme of a fish sometimes fades due to inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract - in this case, the sick individual is not given food for a week, and then is switched to a varied diet.

    A white coating on a fish in an aquarium can be a symptom of various diseases that can be encountered by both professionals and novice aquarists.
    It should be understood that most diseases are contagious, regardless of the type of sick individual. For example, the appearance of a white coating on a goldfish does not guarantee that other species of fish will not suffer from the same disease.


    • the pet stops swimming, or moves jerkily, while pressing its fins to its body;
    • the fish begins to rub against the walls and decorations;
    • the fins are divided into rays;
    • Sores appear on the pet's body.

    If treatment is not started in time, sick fish die due to oxygen depletion.

    Copper sulfate is used to get rid of gyrodactylosis. First, the infected fish is placed in a separate tank, and a solution (15 g) is added there. copper sulfate per 10 l). The course of treatment lasts one week. To prevent gyrodactylosis from spreading to other inhabitants of the reservoir, the aquarium should be treated with salt.


    Trichodinosis is another disease, the classic sign of which is a white coating on the fins and body. The causative agent of the disease is the ciliate ciliate. Trichodinosis is usually caused by dirty water, decorative components and bad food. On initial stages Trichodinosis is difficult to notice; the only sign of an incipient disease is unusual behavior: infected fish gather near aerators.

    The subsequent stage of trichodinosis is accompanied by the appearance of white growths, which over time come off like flakes. Mucus appears on the gills of infected fish, and breathing becomes intermittent.

    You can cure sick pets using a quarantine aquarium. The water temperature should be 30C, and the reservoir is also equipped with powerful aerators. Injected into the reservoir table salt(15 g per 10 l) to completely destroy the disease.


    Ichthyophthyriosis is a common disease of aquarium fish caused by ciliates. Popularly also often referred to as “semolina” or “spot disease”. Characteristic signs: fish become covered with tubercles or dots white, trembling, losing appetite.

    Ichthyophthiriasis affects internal organs, scales, and gills. The disease is not considered dangerous, but if no treatment is taken, the fish may die.

    Interesting fact: individuals who have recovered from semolina gain immunity and never suffer from ichthyophthyriosis again.

    To treat spot disease, bicillin-5, malachite green and antipar are used. You should also refresh the water regularly (every four days) and increase the water temperature by 5 degrees.


    Columnaria is a disease caused by bacteria. The second name of the disease is oral fungus. The main reasons for the development of columnar blight are considered to be overpopulation of the reservoir, lack of oxygen and pollution of the aquarium.

    Columnaria develops slowly and is accompanied by a white coating. First, growths appear in the mouth, then move to the head, abdomen and fins. There have been cases when white film appeared before the eyes of pets.

    To prevent the risk of developing the above diseases, you should carefully monitor the condition of the inhabitants in the aquarium and follow the rules of care. If the fish is covered with a white coating, this is a clear sign deterioration of her health. In this case, correct identification of the disease and timely treatment are guaranteed to save the pet’s life.

    Video about diseases of aquarium fish

    A white coating on the body of a fish most often signals a malfunction of the body. If white plaque is a symptom of a disease, then the fish must be treated immediately. Under no circumstances should you confuse a white coating on the body with clouding of the fish’s body. Cloudiness can be a signal that the fish is in poor quality water, it is not necessarily a sign of infection.

    With alkalosis, the skin becomes dull, the fish rush around the tank, and mucus forms on the fish. Appears in pets who are accustomed to bodies of water with an acidic environment. The disease is eliminated by bringing the pH level to the required level. You can buy a pH buffer at the pet store, which will give the readings.

    Also, body color may fade due to inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. A large amount of mucus appears in the stool, with bloody discharge, and the fish loses its appetite. The fish are not fed for one week; later they are switched to varied feeding.

    Diseases: saprolegniosis and gyrodactylosis

    Dermatomycosis, or saprolegniosis, is a fish disease that appears as a result long stay V cold water. Other contributing factors such as improper feeding, injury, stress, high performance acidity of the environment, increased concentration Organics in water can cause fungi of the genus Saprolegnia and Achlia. Other infectious diseases often appear as concomitants with saprolegniosis. The disease spreads quickly throughout the aquarium, passing from sick fish to healthy ones.

    The initial stage of the disease - a coating in the form of moss forms on the fish, as well as white threads, the so-called “fungal hyphae”. Hyphae may appear when an injury, cut, or ulcer is localized. When they grow, they intertwine with each other and form a lump resembling white cotton wool. Lumps are distributed throughout the body, also on the fins. Later, the internal organs of the fish become sick.

    See how to treat dermatomycosis and other diseases of aquarium fish.

    The fish should be treated in a fish tank. To destroy the fungus, the drug bicillin-5 is used. A dose of the drug is added to the aquarium: 500,000 units per 100 liters of water. Before adding to water, the medicine should be diluted in water. The duration of treatment with bicillin-5 is 6 days. During treatment, the temperature is increased to 25-26 o C. Please note, not all aquarium fish can tolerate the set temperature. It is necessary to remove plants and decorations from the general aquarium and treat them with the same preparation. The drug only works in the dark.

    Trichodinosis and costiosis

    Trichodinosis is an invasive disease caused by ciliates. On early stage There are no obvious changes in the pet’s appearance. Only she itches on stones and decorations, and is often located near aeration bubbles. As the disease develops, the body becomes covered with a white coating; over time, it will begin to fall off in flakes. The gills are covered with mucus, the fish has no appetite, and breathing is rapid. Infection can be introduced into an aquarium through dirty water, decorations, plants, food, soil, and sick fish. If there are no fish in the general aquarium, the ciliates without a host will die in a few days.

    See what a mollies infected with trichodinosis looks like.

    Treatment takes place in a quarantine tank, where the water temperature is raised to 30 degrees Celsius. You need to turn on strong aeration. You need to add table salt to the water in proportions of 20 grams per 10 liters of water. In the initial stages, the disease can be treated.