What are the symptoms of rabies in dogs? Rabies in dogs - symptoms that everyone should know Clear signs of rabies in dogs

Rabies in dogs is incurable. The disease inevitably leads to death. To ensure prevention dangerous pathology, you need to take care of your pet's vaccination. The rabies virus is dangerous not only for animals, but also for humans. You need to be extremely careful when walking your dog. Don't let her go too far. The pet should not walk near wild animals: fox, wild boar, raccoon. Deadly for prevention dangerous disease An anti-rabies vaccine is used; there are no other methods that would protect against the disease.

What happens in the body when a virus enters?

The respiratory organs and nervous system are most affected. There are cases when dogs become infected from cats. The latter behave normally. If your cat comes into contact with other animals, you need to carefully monitor it. Cats with the rabies virus begin to hide, then attack people. Pay attention to this sign! If you notice strange behavior in your cat, take it to the vet.

Carrier dangerous virus maybe a fox. It can infect a dog through saliva. Initially, the virus enters the mucous membranes. Rabies in animals has incubation period. Signs of a rabid dog may not be noticeable at first. Depending on the nature and characteristics of the pet’s body, the disease manifests itself after 3 to 12 months. Average duration incubation period - 45 days. After this time, the disease develops. Not to be confused with pseudorabies.

Symptoms of rabies in animals

Pathology is divided into several stages; it proceeds in stages, moving from one stage to another. Each period has its own duration. Important role The location of the bite plays a role, as does the intensity of bleeding. Signs of rabies in a puppy appear earlier if it has been bitten in the neck or head. In this case, the virus attacks quickly. When biting a limb, the incubation period is prolonged. If the bite is accompanied by bleeding, some of the virus is washed out.

The first signs of rabies in dogs are sometimes impossible to recognize. The initial stage of the disease is called prodromal and lasts about sixteen days. The owner notices that the pet is becoming lethargic. As the disease progresses, the temperature rises and chills may occur. It is important to pay attention to the dog's jaw.

A characteristic symptom of rabies is spastic movements of the jaw. As the pathology progresses, the central nervous system. The disease progresses to active phase. Symptoms manifest in different ways. Some dogs continuously look at one point (while their pupils are dilated), others rush at those around them and begin to chew objects and clothes.

The violent stage of rabies

If your pet chews hard objects, its teeth break. As the disease progresses to the violent stage, spasms of the swallowing muscles are observed, salivary glands begin to function poorly. The second name for rabies is hydrophobia. If the virus enters the body, the dog is afraid to drink water. Saliva flows profusely. When the animal gains freedom, it begins to quickly run forward. In the third stage, the hind limbs become paralyzed. Defeat respiratory center leads to death.

There is an atypical form of rabies. In this case, the disease is difficult to recognize. Despite the fact that the pathology has erased signs, the animal still remains a carrier of the virus. The atypical form of the disease has symptoms similar to those of gastritis and enteritis. The dog may experience bloody diarrhea. Abortion is a rare phenomenon. In this case, the disease moves to the second stage and the animal recovers.

What to do if rabies is detected in dogs?

If you suspect it, you need to take the animal to a veterinary hospital. The doctor will conduct tests to help identify the virus. Infection occurs even if the virus has not yet penetrated salivary glands. A sign of rabies in dogs is unbearable itching at the site of the bite. The animal may behave fussily, the mobility of the lower jaw will be developed.

It is important to remember that the saliva of an infected pet contains the virus. If he is not very aggressive, the virus can spread through licking. If a person has open wounds on their hand and a dog licks it, there is a high risk of infection.

As we have already said, the only preventative measure- vaccination. It is impossible to cure a dog for rabies. Vaccination helps prevent a deadly disease. Vaccination is carried out in a hospital setting. The veterinarian records the vaccine data. If necessary, vaccinations are given against rabies and infectious pathologies, which are also dangerous for animals and humans. The vaccination is inexpensive and lasts for about a year.

Symptoms of rabies in humans

The virus of this disease is extremely dangerous, in most cases it is fatal. With rabies, the nervous system suffers. If you are bitten by a suspicious animal, you need to go to the hospital. Treatment of rabies in humans is symptomatic. The goal of therapy is to reduce the severity of pain and spasms. If the virus gets to open wounds, after some time, chills with fever occur, the temperature rises to subfebrile levels.

In people, the disease manifests itself as insomnia and irritability. The person reacts sharply to light and cannot perceive noise. Water calls strong fear. If a person tries to drink water, the muscles of the pharynx undergo spasms, and there is a fear of choking. The disease in humans, like rabies in dogs, leads to paralysis, tetanus, coma and death. About all the diseases that are transmitted from dogs to humans.

Properties of a deadly virus

It is not resistant to conditions environment. If a dog with rabies gets into conditions where the air temperature is + 55 degrees, it dies immediately. Within two minutes, this virus dies in boiling water. It exhibits sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation and ethanol. The rabies virus develops in normal and low temperature conditions. IN given time Medicine does not have a universal cure for this pathology.

Products containing phenol are ineffective. When the virus enters the body, it begins to infect nerve cells. As a result, peculiar bodies are formed that disrupt the functioning of the entire central nervous system. Meningoencephalitis occurs when pathogens enter the brain and spinal cord. In the nervous system, inflammatory reactions occur, as well as degenerative-dystrophic processes.

Progression of the disease leads to asphyxia and cardiac arrest, resulting in death. In the fifth century, scientists described the rabies virus in dogs. At that time, the names “Hydrophobia” and “Fear of Hydrophobia” appeared. These terms were used to characterize the rabies virus in humans.

It is worth noting that humans often became infected from dogs. The ancient Greek scientist Cornelius Celsus advised cauterizing wounds to destroy the virus. A vaccine against a dangerous disease was developed in 1885, today it is used with anti-rabies serum. Injections are made into the areas where the wound is located. Active substances must penetrate into nearby tissues.

Cases have been recorded where a person managed to recover from a deadly disease. If signs of pathology are detected, you should consult a doctor. The doctor will give an injection that will help relieve the symptoms of the disease. If you get an urgent vaccination after a bite, you can prevent the development of symptoms and be cured!

Treatment at the onset of symptoms is complex. In 2005, the first case of treatment for a deadly disease was recorded. 15-year-old American Gina had signs of rabies, but since she sought help in a timely manner, she was treated and her life was saved. Recovery cases were reported in 2008 and 2012.

Disease spread area

There are many animals on earth that are carriers of the rabies virus. In the USA these are skunk, fox, raccoon. In Australia, the virus is carried by bats. Some species of these animals live and spread the virus in Europe, Asia, and America. In Sri Lanka, the virus is spread by martens.

Scientists have identified 2 types of rabies. The so-called " Natural type"is distributed by wild animals, "Urban" is distributed by domestic animals (cats, dogs). There are many cases when a pet becomes infected from wild animals. In this regard, you need to constantly monitor it. In India, the virus is spread by bats. Small rodents do not spread deadly pathology.

Rabies can be transmitted from person to person through mucous membranes, but this type of infection is unlikely. The disease is widespread throughout the world, only in Antarctica there is no deadly virus. In Japan, Cyprus and Malta, as well as in New Zealand, the disease is not reported and does not receive much attention.

IN South America pathology of unknown origin is common. It leads to paralysis, convulsions, and fear of water. Experts suggest that this pathology is a type of rabies transmitted bats. More than 50,000 people die from rabies every year. At risk in countries of Asia and Africa.

The incubation period in humans lasts from ten days to several months. There have been documented cases where symptoms appeared a year after infection. If a person has developed immunity, the incubation period lasts up to 70 days. In medicine, there are cases where the incubation period is 5 years.

During this time, the person had no signs of pathology. Rabies developed under the influence of certain factors. For example, if a person fell from a tree or suffered a blow electric shock. It is worth noting that the disease progresses differently for everyone.

The clinical picture depends on what species the animal belongs to and also on the amount of virus in the body. The state of the immune system is important. If an animal bites the head, arms or genitals, the virus will progress rapidly. These places are concentrated large number nerve endings.

Stages of rabies in humans

Let's look at the stages. Early lasts 3 days. The body temperature rises to 37 degrees, the person feels apathy, sleep is disturbed, anxiety arises, and pain is felt at the site of the bite, even if the wound is healing.

The duration of the peak stage is 3 days. The person exhibits hypersensitivity to bright light and periodically experiences convulsions. At the height of the stage, fear of water manifests itself, and disorders of consciousness arise (delusions, hallucinations). The person becomes aggressive, salivation increases.

The stage of paralysis is called "Rabies" and is characterized by paralysis of the jaw. Appetite increases sharply, a person tries to eat something that is inedible. Personality is completely lost. Paralysis of the respiratory muscles is fatal.

The illness lasts 7 days. There are times when diagnosis is difficult. The atypical form is not bright severe symptoms. The final diagnosis can be made after death. Rabies develops when the saliva or blood of an infected animal comes into contact with skin with an open wound.

Hydrophobia is manifested by spasm of the pharyngeal muscles. A person is afraid of water and food. Aerophobia manifests itself muscle cramps, they arise when exposed to wind. The disease is characterized profuse salivation. To avoid infection, the animal and its owner must be vaccinated.

Questions about vaccinations

Is it possible to drink alcoholic drinks during the vaccination period? In this case, alcohol is strictly prohibited. The fact is that alcoholic drinks destroy immune system and weaken the impact of the vaccine. Moreover, you should not overload the body. It is important to follow the rules of nutrition and avoid lifting heavy objects;

How long is alcohol prohibited? Alcohol should be limited for six months after vaccination;

Is it possible to shower after vaccination? There are no prohibitions in this regard. However, you cannot swim in rivers, lakes, or reservoirs. Until the wound has completely healed, you should stop visiting the pool;

Is it possible to go outside immediately after vaccination? There are no restrictions, but the body should not be overheated or hypothermic. It is not recommended to sunbathe or walk in the cold;

Is quarantine required? There are no strict prohibitions in this regard; you must visit a doctor within 2 weeks. Isolation of the patient from people is not required;

If a dog that has been vaccinated is bitten, does the bitten person need to be vaccinated? Vaccinations are recommended but not required. If the animal is healthy, and diagnostics have confirmed this, the decision to vaccinate is made by the patient;

What to do if vaccination was missed? It is not recommended to interrupt the course, otherwise the prevention method will be ineffective. If possible, the course should be restored;

If a dog bites a child, does he need to be vaccinated? Vaccination is necessary unless it has been proven that the animal is healthy. This way, you will be on the safe side and will not risk the health and life of the puppies;

How long does it take to get vaccinated after a bite? It is recommended to consult a doctor immediately. If you start treatment immediately, your chances will increase. You should consult a doctor within five days after the bite;

Is vaccination necessary if bitten by a cat? Much depends on whether she has been in contact with other animals. Vaccination in this case is reinsurance;

In conclusion, we note once again that humans and animals have a chance for treatment. It is necessary to identify the first signs of rabies in a dog and consult a doctor. Rabies in dogs is not common, such as in foxes, raccoons, and some breeds of bats. It's important to pay attention to behavior pet.

Excessive isolation should also be a cause for concern. The dog should not be released into the field where it may encounter wild animals. To protect your pet from rabies, you need to carefully monitor it and undergo a course of preventive vaccinations.

Rabies is a fatal disease of warm-blooded animals.

A dog can become infected with the virus from its stray relatives, who in turn become sources of infection after contact with wild animals.

The virus is transmitted mainly at the time of the bite, but it also happens that contact with saliva on open wounds leads to the development of a dangerous disease.

Incubation period for rabies in dogs

The causative agent of the disease is a neurotropic virus that affects the brain. The incubation period for the development of the virus reaches three months.

In an apparently healthy but already infected dog the virus in saliva is detected 5-10 days before the first appearance clinical signs . This is why it is necessary to protect your pet from contact with all stray dogs.

Symptoms, signs of rabies

In dogs it is observed violent, quiet, returnable And abortifacient form of rabies.

Violent form of the disease

The violent form of the disease continues from 5 to 11 days and is divided into three stages:


The prodromal stage continues up to three days.

  • The animal is characterized by apathy, the dog may hide in secluded places, does not respond, or, on the contrary, tries to cuddle and lick hands.
  • Grasping movements of the mouth are noticeable, sometimes there is deterioration in swallowing and drooling.
  • During this period, the dog secretes a large number of viruses.


The manic stage also lasts up to three days.

  • Apathy gives way to aggression, the animal can attack its owner, furiously grabs objects surrounding him with his mouth.
  • Grasping movements are different enormous power, which often leads to jaw fractures.
  • Once loose from a leash, a dog can run a considerable distance, biting and infecting other animals along the way. It is characteristic that a dog with rabies attacks silently, without prior barking.
  • Possible signs of laryngeal paralysis - the animal makes sounds more like a howl.
  • Noticeably strong, frothy drooling.
  • Bouts of violence are replaced by apathy, but any external irritation can again lead to sharp aggression.


The paralytic stage continues up to 7 days.

  • Typical for dogs severe difficulty swallowing, paralysis develops hind limbs.
  • Dog falls into a coma and dies within a few days.


The silent form refers to an atypical variant of the development of rabies.

  • The dog is not aggressive, appetite is preserved, difficulty swallowing may be observed, similar to the condition when animals choke on a bone.
  • Arises paralysis of the pharynx, lower jaw, hind limbs.
  • A sick dog may experience unsteadiness of gait, sometimes with an atypical form the animal eats completely inedible objects, and drooling develops.


The recurrent form of rabies is characterized by full recovery, which after two to three weeks is again replaced by all the symptoms of the disease.


The abortive form of rabies ends with the animal’s recovery at the second stage of the disease. This form of rabies is very rare and many researchers are still studying it.


Atypical rabies can also manifest itself as signs of gastroenteritis - bloody diarrhea and vomiting. This form The disease most often goes unattended and a sick dog can infect humans.

How to identify rabies

The manifestation of rabies in dogs can be determined by the fact that it looks thinner, it has drooling from the mouth, a protruding tongue is noticeable, strabismus and clouding of the cornea develop.

As the disease progresses, it develops paralysis of the hind limbs, and then the heart and respiratory muscles, which is why the animal dies.

It is necessary to differentiate rabies from encephalitis and Aujeszky's disease. Canine distemper also manifests itself as paralysis and epileptic seizures, but with its development paralysis of the muscles of the lower jaw never occurs. And with rabies there is no conjunctivitis and rhinitis.

Aujeszky's disease or pseudorabies is characterized by the presence of severe itching and scratching; death occurs in a short period - within 2-3 days. With Aujeszky's disease, dogs have aggression towards objects and oncoming animals, but there is no aggression directed towards people.

Is there a cure for rabies?

It is important to remember that there is no cure for rabies in dogs. If you suspect that your pet has developed a disease, it must be shown to a veterinarian and placed in quarantine. The dog must be in an enclosure where contact with other animals is excluded.

The quarantine lasts for ten days, during which time all signs of rabies usually develop or do not develop. The veterinarian can also take tests that can help identify a virus or other pathogen.


The only measure to prevent rabies is considered to be carried out every year.

Lasting immunity is developed after about the third vaccination., until this time, a bite from a rabid animal can lead to the development of the disease even in a vaccinated person.

Unvaccinated animals are not allowed to be transported by planes or trains; they are prohibited from participating in exhibitions or performing security duties. The owners do not have the right to take them out hunting.

What to do if your dog is bitten?

Main no need to panic, correct actions will save your pet’s life and prevent you from becoming infected.

If you see that your pet has been bitten by a stray dog, then we need to act as follows :

  1. You need to bring your dog home, and you cannot inspect the wound without using protective equipment.
  2. Needed at home wear protective gloves, and the dog is wearing a muzzle.
  3. The fur around the wound is trimmed, and the wound site is washed a large number soapy water. It is advisable to do this under pressure, that is, a thick solution of laundry soap must be placed in a syringe and all wounds should be washed under pressure.
  4. After pre-treatment you need to call a veterinarian at home.
  5. If the dog is not vaccinated, then it is necessary Immediately administer rabies vaccine. Revaccination is repeated two weeks after the first vaccination.
  6. It is necessary to take care of the animal observe carefully for at least 10 days.

It must be remembered that if a dog is bitten by several stray animals at once, then signs of rabies may develop in it even after two to three days. If the dog is only scratched during a fight, there is a high probability of symptoms of rabies appearing after two or more weeks. Very in rare cases The virus can live in an animal’s body for up to six months and only after that begins to manifest itself.

Having been vaccinated after possible infection, you will protect both yourself and your pet.

What to do if a dog bites a person?

Rabies, which has developed in humans, is also a fatal disease.

A person can recover after infection only if he can undergo a course of preventive vaccination before the first signs of the disease appear.

If you have been bitten by an unknown dog, a fox, a hedgehog or another wild animal, you need to take several steps:

  1. Rinse the wound or site of infection generously with thick soap solution. Then treat the skin with peroxide and apply a bandage.
  2. A must visit a doctor, who will prescribe a course of rabies vaccine.
  3. All treatment must be completed. Several decades ago, up to 40 injections were given per abdominal wall, up to 7 vaccines are now used, and the shoulder area is used for their administration.

Rabies prevention measures include walking only on a leash in a strictly defined place, where there are no flocks of stray animals. If dogs without owners are visible on the street, then it is advisable to leave this place.

Once signs of rabies appear, there is no cure for it, so dogs are only euthanized. A sick animal must not be allowed to infect its relatives and nearby people.

So deadly viral disease, like rabies in dogs, it does not show symptoms at first. And from the moment of detection initial signs there is no longer any hope of healing the animal. By protecting a pet from such a formidable disease with the help of vaccinations, the owner protects himself and his entire environment, because the disease is not safe for humans either.

How can a dog become infected with rabies?

When asked where rabies comes from in animals, scientists give a clear answer: infection occurs through biological fluids - saliva, blood. The virus is often transmitted from a sick animal to a healthy one through a bite. The risk group includes pets living near steppes, forests, and far from the central zones. Stray individuals become infected from each other, cats, foxes, raccoons, and other warm-blooded animals.

Even in a house, a pet that does not go outside can suffer from a rat that can run into the home. And if the dogs are old acquaintances and did not bite each other, but simply licked their lips, the virus will penetrate into the body through saliva and the slightest crack. healthy body. It can also go to a person if it is damaged will get on your skin biological fluid infected dog (bite).

Stages of rabies in dogs

In the vast majority of cases, rabies in animals lasts 6-11 days in a violent form with clear symptoms and division into stages:

  1. Prodromal. A very attentive breeder who knows that his dog has crossed paths with a suspicious animal can spot something wrong at the first stage. Over the course of a day (sometimes two or three), the pet looks too depressed - does not want to play, sleeps a lot, does not show interest in others. He hides from people in a dark place and does not respond to calls. Some dogs, on the contrary, cling to their owner, want tenderness and lick their palms. The animal begins to yawn, salivate, and “swallow” air. This period is the most dangerous, because the symptoms are not yet obvious, and the fluids already contain the virus.
  2. Manic. Consistently, the dog’s condition and symptoms of the disease regress - it either hides in the dark, then caresses, or growls hoarsely and bares its teeth for no reason. The animal is excited - it tries to break free from its leash, chews the floors, swallows objects indiscriminately. The dog attacks everything, including its owner. A street dog is capable of running a huge distance, biting people and animals along the way. Saliva flows profusely and a hoarse bark appears. In the calm phase, the sufferer falls on his side, breathes heavily, swallows air and suffers from convulsions. The manic stage lasts 3-5 days.
  3. Paralytic. The dog lies down and dies, symptoms: deep apathy, severe convulsions, complete refusal to eat and drink. She does not react to people, her throat is paralyzed, saliva flows profusely down her chest. Paralysis of her hind legs sets in, the animal tries to crawl into a dark place, falls into a coma and dies from respiratory arrest. Duration last stage illness – up to 7 days.

There are also silent, recurrent, abortive and atypical forms of the disease. In the first case, in the absence of aggressiveness, paralysis of the limbs and pharynx develops. In the recurrent form, recovery is observed and after 3-4 weeks the typical signs reappear; in the abortive form (rare and little studied), complete healing occurs in the second stage. Atypically, the disease lasts a long time, up to 5 months, without dividing into stages.

Incubation period for rabies in dogs

The end point of the virus is the spinal cord and brain. The closer the bite is to them, the sooner it will affect these organs, and signs of rabies will appear in animals. The length of the incubation period is determined by the amount of virus that has entered the body. Susceptibility to the disease is determined by age - young dogs get sick more often and sooner than older dogs. The incubation stage is hidden, it lasts 3-6 weeks. It often lasts a long time; in some individuals the disease does not manifest itself until one year. The virus is concentrated in saliva after 8-10 days, the dog is already dangerous.

Signs of rabies in dogs

The main thing is to know how rabies manifests itself in dogs in order to isolate the infected animal in time. Serious illness the dog can be identified by the fact that it looks exhausted, the pet has salivation from the mouth, a protruding tongue is noticeable, clouding of the cornea and strabismus develops. Rabies in dogs - symptoms:

  • the animal tries to escape from the owner, behaves aggressively, attacks without warning;
  • one of the main signs is the fear of water, the animal is afraid to even drink it;
  • the dog begins to bite surrounding objects, and with such force that it breaks its teeth;
  • the animal is afraid of irritating factors - blinding light, loud noises;
  • saliva is produced profusely;
  • barking becomes hoarse and muffled.

The first sign of rabies in dogs

Rabies in animals is insidious; the first symptoms in pets can appear through different times. If they are observed after interacting with a suspicious animal, better than a dog show to the doctor. As a rule, young individuals get sick faster than older ones, because the latter have a more stable nervous system. Rabies in dogs - first symptoms:

  • frequent yawning;
  • open mouth, the pet seems to forget to close its mouth;
  • jaw spasms, the dog seems to “swallow” air;
  • weakness;
  • hallucinations;
  • changeable mood.

How to test a dog for rabies?

If a dog owner sees symptoms of a pet being infected with a terrible disease, the following measures need to be taken:

  1. Isolate the animal from other relatives and people.
  2. Take him to the clinic. Unfortunately, not for living beings precise methods- How to determine rabies in a dog. The doctor places the animal in quarantine for 10 days and observes its behavior. No tests are performed on living dogs for this disease, since the four-legged dog poses a threat to clinic workers. If during the quarantine period rabies symptoms in dogs show obvious symptoms, the animal is euthanized so as not to prolong its suffering. No treatment is provided, even to alleviate the condition. Accurate diagnosis placed posthumously.

Testing for rabies in dogs

There is no exact answer to the question of how to understand that a dog has rabies. In addition to the violent form with obvious symptoms, a pet can also suffer from a silent version of the disease and be a virus carrier. It is important to monitor your pet and changes in its behavior, especially if there is an episode of communication with a suspicious mammal. A rabies test is taken from a dead animal if it has bitten someone. To do this, you need to deliver his corpse or head to the laboratory. The diagnosis is confirmed by brain examinations for the presence of Babes-Negri bodies in the microscope field.

Is there a cure for rabies in dogs?

Unfortunately, there is no cure for rabies in dogs. Sick and suspicious animals are euthanized so that they do not suffer. An unambiguous and sure way out is the annual replacement of pets. If the breeder has not given the animal a rabies injection in advance, the dog may die from any virus that affects its behavior. The doctor can play it safe and quarantine the dog that caught the disease, or the four-legged dog will die without treatment. And the dog could have lived if the owner had vaccinated him in time against this terrible disease.

How long does a dog with rabies live?

During the incubation period, the symptoms of the disease are invisible, although a dog with rabies is already contagious. After this period, the pet begins to show symptoms, the main ones being hydrophobia, inability to drink and aggression. The lifespan of an animal after the appearance of initial signs of the disease varies from 2-4 to 11 days, regardless of the type of illness. Then the sufferer dies.

How is rabies transmitted from dogs to humans?

People can become infected with the virus through the bite of a rabid animal. A person also develops the following symptoms: spasms of the respiratory and muscle muscles, then paralysis begins, hydrophobia, spasms of the larynx, and death occurs. If a person is bitten by a dog, the first signs of rabies appear within a week to one year (after the incubation period), depending on the location of the lesion. Once symptoms are detected, death is inevitable. Therefore, after a bite, it is better to immediately go to the doctor and get a series of injections that will help avoid fatal consequences.

Vaccination of dogs against rabies

Vaccinating animals against rabies every year will help to maximally insure your pet against infection. From a legal point of view, any owner must have their pet vaccinated. Without it, it is forbidden to take your pet abroad, take it to exhibitions, or bring it into public transport. The vaccination is inexpensive (can be carried out free of charge in government institutions) and is absolutely safe and does not cause allergies.

A puppy in the house means a lot of troubles, sometimes pleasant, but sometimes quite difficult. Walks, games - all this looks very easy from the outside. And when the animal starts to get sick, the owner is tormented by the question: how to help the family pet? Some diseases arise due to poor nutrition, others due to poor or insufficient care, and there is a category of diseases that occur due to unforeseen circumstances. Rabies in dogs is a clear example of such a problem.

Rabies is caused in warm-blooded animals special virus, which enters the body when a sick animal bites a healthy one. The virus is found in the dog's saliva. There are cases of infection with this virus not only through a bite, but also through normal contact if there are microcracks in the skin. In this case, saliva can enter the body of a healthy animal or person through them.

Do not carelessly think that drooling in an animal is caused by any other factors. When working with such a dog, safety precautions should be observed. After all, the virus is in the salivary fluid, and it can be everywhere: on the fur, on the limbs, on the claws, and even on the floor, next to the pet’s place.

If any deviations are noticed in the animal’s behavior, the animal looks too aggressive or, on the contrary, apathetic, you should show it to a veterinarian. After all, not only dogs and cats die from rabies; human and child deaths are quite possible.

No matter how attached a family is to a pet, if it is found to have the rabies virus, then it will have to be taken away. Therefore, it is so important to follow the recommendations of veterinarians and get preventive vaccinations.

Rabies in dogs initial stage has hidden symptoms. The incubation period can be short (several days), but it can also be quite long - several months. Average duration violent form - from 5 days to 2 weeks.

There are several types of the disease, each of which is distinguished by its own characteristics.

The most common type of rabies is violent, but the following forms also exist:

  • depressed;
  • atypical;
  • remitting;
  • abortive.

The violent form of the disease is conventionally divided into 3 stages; let’s look at their characteristic signs:

  • Prodromal stage. In the first stages after infection, the symptoms remain subtle to the owner. It seems that the dog is tired or offended: it stops running, most often lies down, and does not try to communicate with people. The previously obedient dog stops following commands and responding to the sounds and voice of the owner. On the other hand, the picture of the onset of the disease may be completely opposite: an unsociable animal suddenly begins to demand increased attention, licks the owner's hands, in general, behaves differently than usual. That's why abrupt change behavior should come first alarm signal to which you should react. After the 2nd, maximum on the 3rd day, pronounced signs of rabies appear in the dog, which experienced dog breeder won't be able to miss. This increased salivation, breathing problems. pet He constantly yawns, there is a feeling that he does not have enough oxygen, and he frantically tries to take in air with his mouth.
  • Manic stage. Signs of rabies are clearly visible: the dog becomes aggressive and may suddenly attack a person, although healthy condition the animal was always extremely affectionate and friendly. This stage is dangerous because the pet loses control over its emotions. Can unexpectedly bite any family member or child. The animal has a craving for inedible objects; it can be found gnawing on pieces of furniture, clothing, and walls. In addition, the pet certain moments can hide in dark places. At this stage, partial paralysis of the muscles of the larynx and lower jaw occurs, the dog’s voice becomes unrecognizable and hoarse. Sometimes you can observe convulsive seizures, accompanied by rolling of the eyes or squinting. At this point the dog is no longer violent. A calm phase begins - the animal lies apathetically, breathing is heavy, signs of lack of air appear. The stage lasts a maximum of 5 days, but already on the third day you can notice the transition to the next stage.
  • Stage of complete paralysis, which, first of all, is accompanied by a fear of water and complete paralysis of the swallowing apparatus. Aggression is practically not noticeable at this stage. In addition to paralysis of the larynx, the muscles of the limbs are also affected. The dog may limp or completely drag hind legs. Due to the inability to swallow saliva, constant drooling occurs. On the third day, paralysis sets in internal organs pet, most often the animal falls into coma and never leaves it again until his death.

Other forms of rabies also have certain manifestations. These include the following:

  • A long course of the disease (from 3 months to six months), lack of aggression are characteristic of atypical shape diseases. The dog is suffering from, which appears leads the pet to a deplorable state. The family's favorite is weakening and wasting away before our eyes, looking extremely emaciated.
  • The depressive form, which occurs rather quickly (about 5 days), is characterized by: rapid deterioration of the condition, the dog coughs, and its salivation increases. Death occurs on the 3rd or 5th day, the cause being paralysis of the internal organs.
  • The recurrent form is characterized by a paroxysmal course of the disease. Seizures appear and disappear to occur with redoubled force. The animal dies. This only takes a few days. However, in some cases, there is a fairly long interval of several weeks between attacks of the disease.
  • The abortive form is poorly studied. An animal showing obvious signs of rabies suddenly makes a full recovery. This happens so rarely that you can’t hope for a miracle.

Is treatment possible?

If rabies is suspected, especially when the animal had contact with an unknown (stray) animal or was bitten by it, the pet is isolated and contacted to the veterinary service. The pet is placed in quarantine. People and animals who have been in contact with the infected person are vaccinated.

Don’t get your hopes up; an animal that shows obvious signs of rabies can no longer be treated. A virus that enters the body carries destructive power. It multiplies quickly and damages healthy cells. Having reached the brain cells, the virus causes inflammation in it, and this leads to paralysis and death.

You can keep your dog safe if you listen to the requirements of veterinarians and immunize the animal.

Preventive measures

The disease is incurable, so it is important to try to protect your beloved dog from contracting rabies. Here are some tips to avoid rabies:

  • should be carried out in a timely manner. This is especially true large dogs, which their owners let off their leash to frolic on the lawn in a park or forest. Wild animals and their bites can be fatal to your pet.
  • If a bite from an unknown animal occurs in front of the dog owner, the wound should be washed immediately warm water with a thick solution of laundry soap. Then treat the edges of the wound. To do this, it is best to use a solution of brilliant green (brilliant green). Next, contact your veterinarian immediately. He will perform all the necessary manipulations with the wound, check the vaccination mark, and tell you how to proceed. An unvaccinated dog will be isolated.

Rabies is very dangerous disease with fatal outcome. All dog owners should remember this and promptly immunize their pet. Not only his life, but also the lives of all family members depends on this!

The disease ends fatal, despite any efforts. This is why rabid dogs pose a huge threat to society. This is especially true for stray dogs. Owners are required to vaccinate their pets, but there is no one to vaccinate. When one carrier of the virus appears on the street in the first fight between stray dogs, there will be several of them. A couple of dozen sick animals are already a threat to everyone around them. For this reason, the accumulation stray dogs They are tracked and shot. Despite the extreme inhumaneness of such actions, it must be admitted that rabid dogs are not the kind of neighbors you can put up with.

What kind of disease is this

It has many names - hydrophobia and hydrophobia. But the fact remains: rabid dogs are incurable and highly contagious, which means they are deadly to others. This is an acute viral disease that occurs in an animal or person after being bitten by a sick dog. His symptoms are completely unique. First of all, damage to the central nervous system is observed, the sick person or animal becomes excitable, and in parallel, a fear of water develops, as well as paralysis of the respiratory muscles and limbs. Mad dogs, like people affected by the disease, are incurable, but until their death they remain a source of infection for others.

Prevalence of the disease

Many people think that due to the availability of vaccines, the incidence rate today is quite low. In fact, this is not the case; it’s not for nothing that rabid dogs (you’ve probably seen the photo in the newspapers) are still considered threat No. 1. Today, outbreaks of this terrible disease are observed everywhere. IN wildlife There are no vaccinations, which means that rabid foxes and wolves periodically emerge from the forests, where they can meet stray animals. Therefore, this problem cannot be solved only by catching stray dogs. The very bad thing is that the disease has a long incubation period, during which the animal is already potentially dangerous. Most often this is 3-6 weeks, but often this time extends to one year. Throughout this period, the animal’s saliva is deadly.

Violent form of the disease

This is exactly what we think of mad dogs as. A photo of a dog frantically tearing at its chain with foam at its grinning mouth immediately evokes a strong association with this disease. In reality, everything is not so simple. At the very beginning of the development of the disease, the animal avoids people, becomes lethargic and reluctantly performs the most simple commands, often hides in dark places and eats poorly. Already at this stage you should suspect that there is a mad dog in front of you. Symptoms will develop day by day: apathy will be replaced by anxiety, irritability and fearfulness. The dog barks, looks around, rushes about, reacts extremely painfully to turning on the light or shouting. Begins to show aggression, the slightest noise provokes an attack of rage.

A feature of this disease is complete refusal of food. But at the same time, the dog greedily swallows inedible foods. The sick animal is furiously gnawing at the bite site, and you can observe a spasm of the pharyngeal muscles: the pet cannot swallow water. In the next stages of the disease, the animal salivates profusely, the barking becomes hoarse, often turning into a howl. And the riot is replaced by a state of oppression and powerlessness, but any noise again provokes rage.

The last stage of the violent form

So, it is already clear to you - God forbid, of course - that you have a mad dog living with you. What to do? The most humane thing to do would be to euthanize the animal, thus ending its suffering. There is no healing. Very soon the pet will lose its voice and become exhausted. The lower jaw droops, and paralysis is now obvious. Saliva flows profusely, the tongue falls out, the corneas become cloudy. Further paralysis will begin to cover the entire body, limbs, and internal organs. This torment lasts from 3 to 11 days. The bite of a rabid dog, like just saliva, is fatal, so if you suspect that your animal is sick or a dog with similar symptoms, you should immediately call a special veterinary service. IN different cities These may be different departments, but most often they work at a city veterinary clinic.

Another form of rabies

This is a silent paralytic form, which, however, can be no less dangerous. The dog does not bite, does not rush at its owners, on the contrary, it becomes very affectionate. As if sensing imminent death, she does not move far, constantly licking the owner’s face and hands. As you already know, the rabies virus is found in saliva and is very dangerous for humans and other animals. This form develops much faster: usually paralysis begins on days 1-2, and death occurs on days 2-4. Many people are so attached to their pets that they do not part with sick animals, constantly stroking and caressing them, trying to soften their last minutes. You need to know that in the case of rabies, this can be very expensive.

Third, atypical form

The most difficult form to diagnose. In this case, the very first to appear are typical signs enteritis. This high temperature, bloody diarrhea and vomiting. Put correct diagnosis Only an experienced veterinarian can do this. If there is the slightest suspicion, you must immediately isolate the dog (if necessary, after tying it up) and report it to the nearest veterinary center. Observation should last at least 10 days, and the dog should also be examined by a local veterinarian. If signs of rabies do not appear, then the animal is not dangerous. He will be treated in the future only for the specific identified disease. Upon confirmation terrible diagnosis The dog must be euthanized immediately.

How does the disease develop in humans?

Now you have an idea about this disease. What should you do if you or someone you love is bitten by a rabid dog? The symptoms of rabies in humans should also be known to everyone. The course of the disease is also divided into three stages. Appears first general weakness, malaise, headache, fever and sore throat. Appetite decreases, and symptoms appear at the site of the bite. discomfort. Often it is at this stage that it occurs inexplicable fear, anxiety, depression and insomnia.

People often associate these symptoms with overexertion, a cold or other minor illness, although if you have recently been bitten by a dog, it is important to clearly understand the cause and effect. After about three days, the symptoms intensify, agitation and characteristic attacks fear of water. The person cannot drink; muscle spasms occur when swallowing. Breathing is also accompanied by cramps and pain.

However, further the symptoms begin to subside and the condition improves. The person calms down, fears disappear, and hydrophobia recedes. Very often the patient decides that the worst is over, the body has been able to overcome the disease. Actually it's not like that, it's coming very soon final stage- paralysis, impaired consciousness and death. There is no salvation from this disease; if signs of the first stage of the disease appear, then the person is doomed. However terrible disease can be prevented.

What to do if you are bitten by a dog

You can already imagine what rabid dogs look and behave like. Signs of the disease most often appear very clearly, so if a suspiciously aggressive, inadequate animal rushes at you, try to drive it away in any way you can. Upon returning home, you must remove and wash your clothes, and also wash thoroughly. laundry soap. After this, examine yourself for bites. If there is even minor damage to the skin, it must be treated with a soap solution, applying it to the wound for 10 minutes, and then immediately seek help from a doctor. There is still time to save your life. As prescribed by the doctor, you will be given a series of injections - this is a late vaccination, so the person receives the necessary antibodies. The last one is done 90 days after the bite. We must remember that antibodies appear only 12-14 days after vaccination, and the development of the disease goes with that faster, the closer the bite is to the head. If the skin on the neck or face is damaged, antibaric globulin is prescribed. At the same time, we must remember that it is too early to calm down a week after the bite: if a leg or arm is injured, then the incubation period can drag on for a year.

Ways of contracting rabies

As already mentioned, the very first route of transmission of the disease is the bite of a sick dog. It would seem that you live in big city, you don’t have pets, which means there’s nothing to worry about. However, everything is not so simple. Mad dogs in Moscow are not at all uncommon, and there are no fewer of them here than in the remote outback. And, of course, people are to blame for this: animals are thrown out on the street every day, they do not receive proper vaccinations, they wander around the neighborhood and gather in groups. Infection occurs quickly, in the struggle for food or a female, and now a pack of rabid dogs is walking in the city. Large cluster large and hungry animals don’t turn out well anyway, but unmotivated aggression sick individuals is completely dangerous. If you notice that a large group of stray dogs is gathering near your home, you must report this to a special stray animal control service. Do not forget that they will attack first of all children or the elderly.

Prevention of rabies in dogs

The most important thing is that every dog ​​has an owner who will do it in a timely manner. preventive vaccination. Every owner must understand the importance of this problem. The consequences of the disease are too severe to neglect similar measures. The very first vaccination is given to very young puppies. Then you need to repeat it every other year. Do not forget that you will be visiting exhibitions with your pet, as well as special walking areas where rabid dogs can also visit. Where to go if your pet is attacked by a sick animal? First of all, wash the victim’s wound with soap and water, and then call to the house veterinarian or take your pet to the clinic. Required condition The animal will be placed in quarantine. The dog will be under observation for approximately 10 days, and if the danger has passed, you will soon take your pet home. Treatment is symptomatic: the animal will be given immunoglobulin injections and serum.

Rabies vaccine

As already noted, it is important for the victim to consult a doctor in a timely manner. Effective methods There is no cure for rabies once symptoms develop, but the disease can be avoided if started emergency prevention illness.

There is an anti-rabies vaccine and anti-rabies immunoglobulin. The first drug contains particles of inactivated (killed) virus. It is used in case of human contact with the saliva of a sick (or suspicious) animal. The rabies vaccine is administered several times: on the day of application for medical care(very good if this date coincides with the day of the bite), then on days 3, 7, 14, 28 and 90 after the first vaccination.

Rabies immunoglobulin is an antibody to the rabies virus. They help fight the pathogen until the body produces its antibodies as a result of vaccination.

Rabies immunoglobulin is administered as follows: part of the medicine is administered around the lesion site (wound puncture), and part is administered intramuscularly.

The administration of immunoglobulin makes sense only in the first 3 days after an animal bite, since if the injection is given later, it will not have an effect.

Let's sum it up

Rabies is one of the most terrible diseases our century, until 2005 it was considered absolutely fatal to humans. It is necessary to remember that the danger of infection always exists: at any time a sick animal can run into your yard, attack a child or your pet walking carefree. In this case, you shouldn't panic. Provide available help the victim and immediately take him to hospital or veterinary clinic. Speed ​​is the best protection, as it gives a chance of salvation. If you wait until the first symptoms appear, you can consider that the battle has already been lost. Be attentive to yourself and the health of your loved ones.